The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 20, 1922, Image 1

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' i-V.
In? Ibuenmg Herald
'lOMlillT AmThA'Ti'IHIAV l-'Allt,
Member of the Associated Press
MHieitlli ttt Nil. (M.ll
rmcB nvB orktb
Citizens of Vnlley Ur(jc
Enforcement of Knil
UnmerKcr Decree
E 1
MAI.IN. l)ro . Orl Jil Cl.ilinltni
that I In' inn, null niie if Irilg.itPil
luinl. ntid IiiihU In Mm prm-ps if
' teiliiinntlnli. Ill IIik Miilln district,
flint o beau nettled mill rnrliilmi'il mi
IIik pii.inlie nf lid' Hiiullieili Pacific
("llwny. iiMiti I- Ji.irn ago. In lull I " I
' hi.. Miuliii' Northern rnlltt-ny, which
prmnlsn ronttiliin unfilled, rltl-
ten Hireling limp Iiii nli'.lil !-
m.l h iiiliilliuin iloi.irliut In fu-
nr uf a pruniiit ami fttlr ptforn'-
tiii-ni 1 f tlin ritllwny iuiiiiir'.Ki '
Too of llix I'tilled Mates auprritm
eourl. Ill order Dial tln Miilln sec-
linn max detelnp nm'l llm "hupes
nml Idml i f II rltlri'tm be rrntlr-
l'.'ilii..n In riitiit.iiiiiii
A peiltlnn In line with rem lotion
tad Is 1 1 rlrrtilnllmi hero ll una
BlniiKil unanimously by those lit Irnit
tllRlit'n in on tin R. who numbered tii'.ir
ir Joo.
Two iota of resolution worn juim
hJ. Oim rrltlrUo tho Hniltherti I 'a
ririr (or ll fnllur.. In Lrei Its pledge.
dorlarr ttiol (do local hnmher of
ramraorro Is mil repreitenintlip nf
I (in sentiment o( Hn nrrltilurulr lr
rllory f Mnliu. nml urge cnforcp
mcnl of tlin miproinv court derl
ton, to tin' i ii.l I tint compellllre
tronspiirotli'ii m.iy bp secured
Ih I. Inn riiiil
'( Thn other seta fnrtti llm furl
o( thr n.url decision, nml
oasert furtlirr
It Is Hi the lutrri'Uti of till-
ommilDlljf Dial Hip antim tin nerv
oil liy lint I) railroads operating In
Joint ami ronunon no; 'mn!y
rbsmtirr of commerce In endors
ing, without rencrvallnilN, tlin
roMtnuiiil rxfiualio ronlrol of
present transportation fiiriutlu
uf Klnmath count) .
Now llierefi re he II tPolved
that Hip iltUrii of .M.illn nml
Vlrltiltv In Klamiilh count), Ore-
(Sim, In mints umetiiig imsi'iniili'ii
nro luTnliy imiiiullleil to tin en
forcement nml mirylng out of the
derision of llu' supreme court of
I ho I'nliPil State uti-murgliig tlio
Central I'mKli from llm lliiiitlirn
I'arlfli', nml Unit tlin (Viitml I'.i
I'lllr or I In- pun liiiHi-r of tlin n.itnn
Im ri'itlllri'il to riiniplrtn llm loll
atriictlnn of tho KP III Ha linn lio
luonii O.ikrlilKo nml Kirk iiml to
lliiliitilliili'ly rnnntnii't tlin Moiloc
NorilK'rit to a nninrtloii nl W'i'h
win).!. .lotu .sinllli Cn-Hlilnl
Jollli W. I.. Hinllli prt'xlili'il nl llm
ini'ultni;. Krnnk J. (Itintiinii act imI iik
Coplps of tin I'PHotutloiiH worn for-
wnnliil to llm proiililrnl of Hip
I'iiIIimI Mtali'H, Hip nttornny ci'tmrnl
nml tlin i-Iinlriumi of llm Intnrxtnlo
I'oiiinimro 1'oiiiiiiIhhIiiii.
AnoHmr nmnlliiK fT iIIkciiiirIoii nf
llm iiiinmrr.i'i' nil Ion will lip ImM
nl Ml. I.alil elm roll Saturday pon
i tit;.
rliovcn llMillPil lliilrr lit -'It I'linc
' pliril 'I'pim of IIiiiup .Milxoii
"'' l'nrry H. wiih cIiosiiii nxitll
imI iiilur, of llm Infill 1 : 1 U h IiiiIkp U
iilchL, In fill Hip iimivplrpil tnrm
rroalml hy llm rPNlKiiutloii of Hiiikh
Mniion, who Iiiih lunvpil In SIhsiiii,
I'lillfnrnla, i
n i:.m:ti i uit.w iii:s
Konimlh C'lyilo llrny, iikpiI IIiuhi
ynitru, hoii of Mr, nml MrM. Win. A
limy of limy, Oiillfnniln. ilh'il In u
Im al lioHpllal ypstiinlny nnnn aflnr
an IIIiiium of nun iluy' ilitrullmi. Tho
linily will ho Hhlppi-il Halm day to
Vruliu for huilal.
vi:.rin:it riKiu.MHi.iTiiis
Tlin I'yclo-rllnnuamapli at I'mlnr-
winnl'H I'liiilinary
li'i'iililoil iillto a
iImi In Inirciiiuitili'
puiHHiiip' ilurliiK
tlm IiihI 21 lioui
liorlml, ImllcatliiK
n conllnuam'P of
ricmr wiiiillinr wlllt
frimt tnnlitlil
Kiiiiiruai for noxt
ti I liniiib
Fair; loiitlniu'il
ciidI. with vnrlahlo
v: J.--.1 Wlllllll.
Tlm Ticos imMirilliiK ilicnnonuilnr
niRlutni'iiil iniixlniiiin nml minimum
lumirTriituri'H tnilny, iih MIIewh:
II lull
KlllltllS 'Ml I ,OHI I HUM -i
in a o'i' li h'ii iti.
All nloii'ii In Hip illy will li"
i loni'il fli'lil 'I In .'I n'i Im li rial
unlay iilli'Mionu m ,i lnki'ii
imiiipiI ii i.l iIipiii for IIiti I;
Witliiii", uIiokp funi'ial in r
4 ipi "III lip lii'hl uiiilnr Hi'
4 miHin n of IIip I. llm nl tlin Clint 4
li'inpli- nl " o'rlinli, ll iid nn
4 ii ml im t-1 tmlii) l' I'lnii I Itoli- 4
4 i iln, pipiililiiil uf tip. inir- 4
4 i In tilt Inn t mi 4
Mm Alp 'I'ii l i n to t'Hj Limits In
I'nliol Wiiumi nml Hut nml
'Colli In Itl't'p (iiilliu
I'tlltTI.ANIl. 11.1 '.'it .SUtPPii
tni'ti iii'iii iilniol l'i ii patrol watimi
nml n Mli:lttni'i.'liiK lint imlay am!
lurliil for Hip illy 1 1 tit It uhurg llm
IiiiIIip mimiiiiiri'il Hip t ii-ti wonhl lip
niili'ri'it to liaip rorllnml ln'rauip
of tlmlr ulli'KPil riuilii'i Him xlth tin
liiilimtriiil Work its of Worhl In Hip
li)iiK"liorpiiipn' Kirlko Airnwil Hint
fllli'il Dip Mri'M In fr tit of pollrp
lii'itiln uarttrn miw llm ilpp.irltirr
Thin Hint IiitiiIiIi'iI an Hip iniim
of llm iiipii roiinilml tii Vi iIiip inlay
nlKht ami ji'itl.Til.iy Of ovpr 200
arri'itPl. IIK wrrn ilUrhnrKcil h
I'ollrp JiiiIkm i:iialil A ilniiii for
plKlipm iirp IipIiI for liiM'lU:atliiii hy
ImlKrnlliiii offlrlnl Tin- rt-nt Ht-rp
rllllir Inrni'il lonup tit imlln or hnrr
not i't hcpti nrtaiKiiul
Until t.'imip Willi Athlmiil Salnnl.i)
Aftriiioon Is l!MMti'il
l-il prnrtliv hpforn tcnionon's
foothiill itanm "Itli Mpilfnnl will ho
IipIiI hy thp total nrlillron Miiinil In
nlKlit. AIiIioiirIi hiimlluiircil hy
hitit of t'li.irlr.i (irovr, hnlf-hiick,
mnl prolinlily I'riuil; I'pjlon, rapl.iln
ami iimi trrli.trk. tlm lint" urn ip
tcrmliml to "In. ami Mpilfnnl Is
liroinUi'tl llm hnnlpst lialtlo of Hip
I'l.irtlro haa lippii IipIiI pViry nUlil
thin tppk nml tlm Ipatit lit ki'IUiik
Into hh.ipn fast. !ipprnl nlilf im hnvo
Iippii luailii In Hip llm-iip. i'i iii
1 1 1 It til In ki'i'ti for Piety iKmltlon
A hlr.ll Hrhool rally will l Imhl
loiilcht ptiillni; III a hmi-flrp at tlm
lilKli kcIiooI 'IIip nt ntlttita will ion
KrPKiilP at Hip court Iiiiidip ami par
iiiIp Hip hintliipiiii uprtlnii.
Tlm Kami) it III ittart m .'I o'clock.
It uiih aiiitoiinrpil (oilii), Inntpail of S
nYloik, as pruvloimly minoiincpil.
Ti'Mis Ciimllilalp Ih llli'di'il .Siillnn
at ('iiiiimaiiih'r at Cniiwiitlon
NKW Oltl. MAN'S. Oct. 20. Al
vln W Ouitlpy, of Tphiih. tinlny nan
I'lcilPil natli'ii.'il rnmiiiiimlpr of tlm
AiniTli-an l.pi;lon.
Aflor IipIiik carrlpil to Hip plat
form on tlm sIiiiuIiIitk of tho Tpxiih
iIpIpruHpii, Ownlpy iIpIciiipiI, "TIip
four Kreal prliiilplct mi thlch wp
rout or Itnspliiillztiilmi, ri'liulilllllnn,
niljiialml romppiinntloii nml Aiui'rl
rnnltatlon." NI'.W ()ltl.i:.Ntt, Oct. 20. LpkIoii
vkii cmnman.lprri pIpi-IuiI worn IM
wanl J. Harrnlt,, Win.;
Kohprt H. Illnml, C'oncnnl, N. II.;
CIiIIph I1. I'I inner, CaHper, Wyn.i
l.'arlii Cookp, Macon, (la.; nml Wat
hoii 11, Miller, WaahliiKlmi. 1. C.
Itepiilillcini I'ar OtitnumlH'r
Othcrx In Kliiinntli Courtly
ICl.inuitli county Iiiih u total rog
1st rut Inn of r.,7.S0 persoiiH, neemd
Ing In a Hliiletnenl compiled hy the,
county cli'ik IIiIh wook. Of this
number It.SOO me reptihlleniiH, lei IS
democratH, 20 prnlilliltlonlsts, K0 nn
cIiiIIhU and 3T.lI mlHcellatientiH, Tho
Inliil main reglutriitlon Ih 3.80S nml
tho t (it 11 1 female. 1,1172.
I'ltn'Ain: toi iie.Miui:
A mooting of tho froiihman cititm
waa hold nflnr sclionl IiihI night to
miiko final plana for tlin freshman
bnn-flrli tnmoriow night. All tho
frPHhuiun claim tlm bonflro will ho
holler than nny other chiuu linn ovur
: ','"
: rupiurc pdbcu
Fok Causes Collision on
LodffiriK Road; Mexicans
Bndly Crushed
Thrrp Mplrnna. Arlim, llilhln ntil
.inloviilll, wpro i.i-rlo ami porlinpn
Intiilly liijiinil wlmii to Itirmnn
tivpn, oiip pimhltit; n inrloiiil of tin,
cianlli'il inni'lliiT nn tlm I'l'llcflll Hav
l.inulipr iiinii.anj'K Inci'.HiB mail imnr
Klrl. onrly ptiiilay. Ttm piikI
in'pr nml flri'iiicii osr.ipi-il unhurt
Airnnlliii: to ri'potta. n Imomotlvp
rntuniliiK I" lh ininp nfK-r hnvlnt;
lomli-il a rnr v,lth ll" nl Klrb A
Im.ivy fi r. trpvpiiti'il tlm i'ni:.riwr
from HPnlnK tlm iipproarh. of atio,liir
Inroinotlvp from Ihn nitnii until ton
Into to pri-vrnt n collUInn Tlin
li'xl(iin. win) UPt" ('ii tlm lo.'iil of
lip, f.illpil In Jiinii mnl wrp ritiiKlH
liPtMpi-n Hip tun lonininlH'K whi'tl
tin')' rnntliPil toKPlhiT. All llirpp
unrp hmly rriulmil, oim mmlallilUK
.1 hroki'ii rlh ami mm a urnki'ii nrm
Tlipy upfp hroiiKht to tlm Klamath
Horn-mi lioHpllal In-rp
Tho liijuri'il iiipii wnrp piniloyp
of tlm IVIIrun liny I.iiiiiIht rompniiy
ltp. A. I.. Illii" Chip-oii tliiilrninii nl
Mnl I n U of (iiiirmitoitt
Tlm ll v A t. Illrn .m Clinton
chairman of tint KllUoiiU'liltp witt
ier lyrpiim ronr'P at n iiiPPtlnK of
tlin Riuriintorii at tlm rhumhrr nf
romniPtco lomim Int priilitK. 0rar
ilhltp wit ilui'cn at tieumirer nml
T. A. Strtrtifon at Hecri'lnry.
Tlm filllnulnt; rotnmltlcoit wrro
M'tcrlPil: Tlikpt. i: M. Chllcuto.
Kohcrt Cooti, llerl C. Tluiiiian. W.
A. Wlet, l.aivrciicn 1'IioIim ami W.
T. I.pp; pnlillclty. V. It. SoiiIp, Oncar
I'p) ton, M. I'. Kvatm ami J. I:.
Charlen llntvrta and l.iv-llo Kokit
were atillmrlieil to Hecttro n place
for Hip flmt performance. It u'.ih
hnppil to Ki'l tho I'ltlo Ttee theatre
'IIip npcnliir. litlinher of thp winter
xerloii Ih a miulral performance hy
thp Thnrloiv I.luuranru Trio. Men
rmicp Ih a compiler of conitilorahlo
mile, mIiohp CHpeclal einleavor Ih ti
Iminortallto In mtulc tlm houks.
Htorhvi ami IvkiuiiIh of tho American
Indian. I.Mtui Wonlej l.letiratice In
a hoprano of ilUtlnctlmi. ami Oeorm'
II. Turk, llto thlril artlat of tlm trio,
Ik a HperlalUl In flulp mclnillPH.
Wlinlp iiiiiiiiutilM Slim kril nml Sml.
lll'lll'll ly lll'lllll of Ono nf
Mn-I lli'luii il rill1'iu
All Klnninth I'alla was ahoki
Hi I ..iihli iipiI hy iic'.vh of thp 'I'mIIi j
lute Klerilny nf our of llu iiiom h- i
lon'il (Itirpim, llerl H. Wllhrow, who I
paiiii'il nwny nt n local hotpltnl nt '
0 V. ollir na lllnemi of a llltle . r !
mm day Death ivas duo to couipli
rntlon nrlnliiu from liladilpr trout. ii ,
nl mivrrnl year ntnnilltit;. I
Wltlirnw wan horn In Kim.'. 'n
TnllM, Junu I. I RSI, nml wa,
jrrtira of okii II- t aurvlvdu hy bu i
vthloiv, a (Iniiclitnr, Vnln, iik-iI !".,
hit fullier nml unit her, Mr. nml Mr
Chartoa II Wltltproiv, Smith Ittvir
ahlp nieiitie, nml n Muter. Mm. J (' '
Kloithorn, .South Itlvnntlilo tivcimii
Up won I'lliicnt'd In tlm schnnU of I
thla city ami of I'ortlnml, l.itrr on-1
tarliiK into llm ahitrart hiinlnetn and
bccutitlni: limvlly tntcrrtr. In tlm
Imr lamia.
A KkllHil tt-oodmn.iti anil nn ar
dcnl npnruintni, Wlllirow uprnt
much of dig Hmo In the forenu of
Klmnath county, tin hail Jtmt r
turned from a hunting (rip with liln
ctiMcat frli'tnl. W. (i. Hntlaton, wlteti
hit Httdilen illni'BH rerinlred hit hc
litK luken to n liuspltal. An opera
tion followoil. from which Im never
completely rallied.
Wlthrow uaa Iciotl hy iop who
know him well, nml na ndtttlrcl by
all. ritiiHtumliiK. courleoitH to nil, n
friend to he relied upon nml n lunl
n en attoci.ito tot he trusted at nil
times Wlthtow' nttalnid h IiIkIi
plarc In tho heart. of hla fellow
towiuiii tl. 1IU paitnltiK In felt to ho
an ItiimwutirnMu lnn to the com
tuiiiilty. Tlm hoil will lie In ataUt-t the
Klki temple fiom 11 until 2 o'clock
Haturday. Kuueril itenlcVa will ho
held at 2 o'clock, the. ltev. I'. I..
Moore of tliu Oract- Methodist
(linrrh o.'flcl.itlim'.
ll MkIiIh Si litilitliil fur
ciiiImt 10, 17 and IH
Three wild and wooly Western
NlKlit are ychcdtileil by the local
i:ik for N'oieiulur 1C, IT and 1$.
Derlslnn nn these dates wns reach
ed at tho meeting of tho Indgo Ins:
('. II. t'nderwnod, who directed
last (.ir'a WYstoru N'lKhtH, wnn
iikiiIu chosen Koneral chairman nml
will select committee In a few days.
The lllka Wi'Htorn NIkIUh Is nn an
nual feature, tlm money raised ko
Iiik for the rhnrltablo work of tlio
!" I
Thp llliicmip. Ki2l International champion, haa been picked to ropre
sent Canada In the 1922 International flahlnc achooner race al Oloucettor,
Muriachusetta, tomorrow. The schooner hails from I-unenherj;, N. 8.
(SI.OI'CKSTKIl. Mass . O t. 20.- Friday Is fish day the world over and
CloureatiT. with liotton. constitutes thp country' greateit flah center;
I ttt tho men of Ulnuruser wore Interested today and tonlshl not In fish
ing but In snllltifc. This wa the "nlKht before the boat race" and, Ilkp
the Ilitmnl of colli'Kcs on the ee of n roinR classic, the hardy fisher
men of this pou. of other Nt-v llnKlutnl porta and a Canada's Atlantic
itp.-iboard had put aside cnnilder.ttl on of their vocations to turn thought
and talk Into tho channels of sport.
There waa no hawking nf "win
nlnKPoIors,". lp..jntul)aniU. jxm
iianta or balloon. Mich as tho co'ilefee
crowds find nvnllrblo to satisfy n
show nf tholr partisan ship. There
were no while flannel, no hlrenm of
ot;husI'u tnctor cars. Uji the spirit
was much the same. Tlm fishermen
made hillduy
Sloughlni; off their
work-a-dn) slickers, sou'wester and
rubbtr boots and. In their Sunday-go-
I D-inecllCK best, nt the informal
dubs that congregate nn the cor
ners nf Oloticoster'a nnrrow water
front i-treets. dlscttcfed the merits cf
tho schooners which tomorrow will
begin tlm third series for the Inter
national fishermen's ihamplonshlp
tup In tho master mariners' club
and at Hip hoard of trade rooms
the fcklppors nf the fleets of Clou
cpKtir. ttnstin. Halifax and I.utlen
berg, got together to talk out the
rares that have gone before, and to
speculate on those at hand.
1'oremost In the reminiscences'
(Continued on I age 2)
Mitii) t)ttnrr nf I).ilry-'oua Hl)tn I'p
for I'eilcnil Intpoclloti
Canvass of the Klamath Falls,
Merrill, Matin, Poo Valley and Bo
nanza districts to determine tho
number of farmers Interested In hav
ing their dairy cattle tested for tu
berculosis under federal supervision
has Just been completed with ex
cellest results, according to C. A.
Henderson, county agtnt. Of the
20 1 dairymen visited, he said, 200
wcro In favor of the tests while four
wero opposed, and 2(37 cattlo were
signed for tests.
A Hat of the signatures obtained
has been sent to Dr. S. li. Foster, In
spector In charge of the V. S. 11 ur
ea n of Animal Husbandry, with the j
request that tho work be started
this fall If possible.
"In making this canvass," said
Henderson, "there doubtless wero a
number of dairymen who wero not
given an opportunity to sign tho pe
tition. If those who desire to have
the tests will write to the county
agent's office, stating tho number
of rattle to he tested, their cattlo
will he Included when tho tests arc
"This work was started several
eari ago hy tho federal government
In order to eradicate tuberculosis, a
dlt.easo that I readily carried In
milk and rati bo transmitted to milk
ii Horn. Tho tests should bo of vital
Interest to both producer and con
K. !:. Hodgeman to ltullit Section nf
Tho UiilleK-l'ulifnnilii Highway
MEDI'Ortn. Oct. 20. K. K.
Hodgman, who recently resigned as
district highway engineer, has been
awarded a contract for construction
of a 91s mile, section of Tho Dalles-California
highway. botwecn
I .am ma mill and Fort Klamath, and
will start work at otico. Tho work
Is for g null tig and macadam and will
he pushed all that Is possible before
tho weather intorfcrs.
Six of 41 riciul Uiiltly; WnnantM
Out for 3 Others
COUNClLi IH.UFF, Iowa. Oct. .20.
Six of tho 41 postal clerks sus
pended horo yesterday for alleged
pilfering ot tho malls, uppoarcd bo
fero Unltud Stutcs Commlsslonr
llyers today and pleaded guilty. They
woro bound over to the fcderul grand
Jury. Warrants aro out for 43 oth
ers. Twenty-five clerks wero said
to hnvo confessed.
Seventy eight Prominent
Business Men of Bay
City Forms Party
: mm
Hcvcnty-clght of 8nn Francisco's
leading huslnes men compote thn
flan Francisco chamber of commerce,
trade extension excursion party
scheduled to nrrlvn here hy special
I rain nt 4: HO Saturday, according
to advance Information. In addi
tion th"ro will he special corre
spondent from flan Francisco news
papers. A committee from tho chamber of
commerco will meet the special
train at Dorr! or Macdoel and ex
tend greeting on behalf of tho city
and the chamber of commerce. Ar
riving here, tho visitor will be en
tertained according to the following
Automobile ride around thn city
Immediately after arrival.
Dinner nt 0:15
Dinner will bo served In the
chamber ot commerce, banquet room
at 6:15 by tho ladles ot tho Chris
tian church.
At 7:00 o'clock tho meeting will
adjourn In order that membera of
the caravan may visit the local
stores betoro closing time.
At 9:1C an Informal smoker will
bo held In the dining room of the
White Pelican hotel, where mem
bera of the caravan will be liven an
opportunity to apeak. W. O. Smith
belnaMhe official 'spokesman tor the
locafrhmbr. -v .
Sirtnlay momlu'r at fc:15 an atifo ''
caravan will leave the White Pel
ican hotel, conducting tho visitors
over the Tula Lake section and ar
riving at Dalton'ij ranch In time for
a basket lunch.
t.'ariJ Arc Drafted
W. T. Lee, who Is In charge of the
auto caravan, announced thls'morn
Ing that his committee will draft
tho cars of the following ewners:
Imperial Garage, K. I). Hall, C. I.
Roberts, W. C. Van Kmon, J. H.
DrUcoll, California Oregon Power
Co. (2 cars). W. A. Wleat. It. E.
Doweese, First National bank (2
cars), llyron Hardcnbrook, H. N.
Moe. Oscar Shlve, K. C. Oroeabeci.
Louis Iloldlschar, Luke Walker, A.
K. Whitman. Oscar Peyton, It. E.
Smith, K. 13. Drew, J. E. Swanson,
C. II. Underwood. K. K. K. Store,
Fred Oarich, J. H. Martin, J, T.
Perkins. Den Lewis, Ed Dunham,
Fred Schallock. C. J. Martin, W. O.
Smith. Fred Oaylor, Will W. Wood.
It. J. Sheets, Mills & Son. O. A.
Ilellman, W. M. Montellus, Warren
Hunt hospital, Frank Ward. W. M.
Duncan, O, A. Krause, Pelican Day
Lumber Co., J. J. Miller, M. P.
Evans, Ilay Anderson, W. E. Lamm,
Jess neckley, H. C. Merryman, Wtl
lard Service Station.
Every man Is expected to havo his
car at tho White Pelican hotel nt
9: IS Sunday, and to have lunch pre
pared for as many as ho expects to
take In tho car.
The party will roturn to Klamath
Falls In time for the special train
to depart for San Francisco at 6
Women are expected to accom
pany tho men on the Sunday excur
sion, and a special effort wilt be
made, to have a number ot them
present to assist with the basket'
yluncb Sunday noon.
Spike llelleml Pulled Krum 1111
on Wabash Ititllrond
WILLIAMSON, Ind., Oct. 20.
Tho bollof waa expressed today by
train crew and passengers that the
loosening ot spikes from a rail caus
ed tho wreck of tho Wabash east
bound passenger truln near here last
night, causing the death of three
persons, the injury of seven others
and tho burning ot seven coaches.
Someone familiar with the signals
loosened tho spikes, for tho wiring
was not disturbed, said Conductor
PORTLAND, Oct. 20. Llraatock
steady, eggs firm, butter weak,