rstv&irw w ' h'i ' " s M .r ; Pnjrb Six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 6fi8P5!fi .v-H . JiN' k .mEi' " IK 1- 111 -w ara. h iiw m o t "- mW mS A r mmmfMAmmmmmmmm IvH v. Iliilfr 'Srtiay (r dk vS' "HP8 y A M.v....:vxV v MJR,Z.JE,JJe 1 JS. Jl HX WJi W LV rf VA uM Fl A W R JM U R J( N- NO PROFIT tnf f.ti, ;-(' jiji;:. S 1" Sensation of the Year t :" .? 3 - i object this year to give the greatest bargains in the history of this store. Every single article in the store 202s at this great sale at a great reduction. Read every word, scan everv line, but the .. -...- . . . . - ..'.-. " ' It's a sale thai never will be forgotten by the people of Klamath Valley. Hundreds of persons have attended this great bargain event and al! went awav with real sen sational bargains. It's the usual Sugarman policy of giving bargains and it is out bargains in the store best tell their own story of what a sensational bargain event this really is. Fleeced Union Suits We will sell men's standard No. 1 fleeced lined union suits at the sensational t1 AE No Profit Price X esuaai Leather Vests Men's leather vests, full leath er lined and leather sleeves, a sensation at this t C OC No Profit Sale at....000 Flannel Work Shirts Men's flannel work shirts will be sold at the No Profit Sale while they last at the sensational &0 9C price of ifriJJ Boy's Suits A heavy lot of boys' wool mixed suits, sizes G to 14, to be $4.85 Specials For Friday and Saturday Suits and Overcoats We have a wonderful selec tion of men's Hart Schaffncr and Marx "suits to go at the Suits and Overcoats n Men's Monroe Brand suits and I overcoats, the very ' latest u styles and celccticns, to go at 'H the No Profit Sale for I No Profit Sale at '$9Q.8.5 $99.80- LO dJ Slip-On Sweaters A special lot of men's slip-on sweaters in assorted colors. A remarkable No ' (fc 1 7 Ct Profit BnrBain at i,'J SYZQi-rsffannxHMK Cotton Blankets A special lot of about 50 cot ton blankets, size 60x60, and of very good weight. They arc to be sold at this No Profit fc 1 AC Sale at 4A.O Cotton Knit Sox Mm' cotton Unit ov In tuo color will In Mild at this No l'roflt Sali- nt tuo pairs for .......... ........ Canvas Gloves ICiillirr fnci'tt cjwiva. Kliici Mill lio sold (It iliit t;r''"t 'rly OC,, l 9 Orin. s VK. VMJH T ' I o rnflt Snlf t -v s w miiuiT VJI ammmtxsKaMXMVKzmmmmmammmmmmsmtmmmJuriM Men's Button Shoes A special lot of men's button shoes, about 250 pairs in the lot including some Florsheim, values to $15.00, to go at the No Profit Sale jQ Qg 1 Heavy Work Shoes Special lot of men's heavy work shoes in tan only, on a Munson last, to go at this No Profit Sale $3 35 I iXKEI Men's Shoes Special lot of men's lace shoes in black and browns, some Florsheims in the lot and al most every size; values to $15.00, on sale 1? I QC v JU at THANKS TO THE WORKINGMEN TM WITH YOU FROM START TO FINISH The support we have received from the workingmen at this sale and in the past is greatly appreciated. I feel that there is nothing too good for the man that toils and the men that make it possible for us to continue in the up-building of Klamath Falls. Without them we could not exist. I am at all times ready to go to the bat for the workingmen. for they have shown their apprecia tion in standing by me in the past as well as at the present time and I trust that I will have their good will and patronage in the future. This sale will continue until October 21st, and as the time is getting short ' we advise you to attend this sale at once. . k'$ Mb 1 1 W' ' i m i mk I WJ M AN vmm in 1 1 ii JJ v V t v s :.., . m at ,vN m;imY,:xwM?mK s u m n 1 a- ML g pi J " "mi .j m wmw ' BM b .1 m yvflf 'o JlsSP? s I -w. ol.B. iU IBkii 7IH !llBr -.. F?KSH SI -., ,.. , ,, (n Men's Mackinaws A special assortment of men's wool mixed mackinaws will Co at No Profit &A Qfj Sale at 3.OD Steamer Trunks (Six only) Stcnmcr Trunks, reinforced and made by the best trunk makers. Kcgular $15.00 values, to go at the No l'rofit Sale at . Riding Boots A lot of about 24 pairs of men's riding boots, included in the lot arc Royal Chinooks and Rodeo brands; values as high as $16.00, on ) Q OC l iJA tiu'iimii.w, ocroin n i", mas. SfflH. w . ' it iv.v i -m.m . . ,i . ' r in i i in . k.aa t-m "Vw"!v.""-,"?"1'lM ,. Bargaii krrC IS rf-M'r.' i ..Hk . , ; K 4ij'ai t:y i?" ri I ill i I I II I y ill nSjfti w4 M hi i y if wmm wssmm Ala kTa r 'fC mva ma? a m 1 II $7.95 K IP $(