hmt- MOMI.W, fl( J Fit Two THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON !wuv, ' tv -vrtinsmfrwr HU fin X r f I The Evening Herald "V. B.;-OCTJB. .Wdlto'r tf feblteke H. R.iJULIi. 4 . . .City Kdttor V. C. MCKLfi Advertising Manager Published dally except Bunday, at The Herald Publishing Company of Klamath Falli, at 119 Rlihth ttrcet. Enttrod at the postoftlce at Klam ath Fall, Ore., tor transmission through the malli aa sccond-claM matter. MRMBBR Or THK ASSOCIATED PHEBS The Associated Presa la exclustre ly' entitled to the ute for publica tion of all saws dispatcher credltod to It, or not otherwise credited la this payer, and alto the local newa poMlikod herein. MONDAY, OCTOIlKIt HI, I pi I FOR FAIR PLAY . tm UK only place whcro readers of, A The Herald will find any ex predion of tin) 0dltorl.1l policy or attitude of thtt pa per Is in tho ed itorial column. And .my Interested person may accept till statement a mean log exactly whst the words Nay We are prompted to ay them be cause of certain statement that The Herald Is allied with tint chamber of commerce In a campaign of propa ganda to advance tho intertill of the Southern Pacific In the railway dispute. Such criticism I unwarranted 'and doubly unfair. It l unfair to this paper and unfair to the cham ber of commerce. The contents of the news columns of any paper and it Is so of this paper cornea from many source. We endeavor, as far as humanly possible, to print the facts. State ments made by Individuals or organ isations, through their representa tives, are credited to the authors of the statements. In the news columns we endeavor In every Instance exactly to Identify tho source of overy statement on controverts! topics, so that the In telligent reader may gaugo the mo tives behind It and weigh it accord ingly. We know of no fairer way to open up matters of public concern to public discussion. It both parties to the dispute arc honest In their convictions, they will avail them selves of tho opportunity to lay their arguments before the public. If one, or both, should misstate mat ter that are or common knowledge, the Intelligence of the readers will quickly nail the falsehood. Should one party fall to challenge a reason able argument of the other, his failure b entitled 1 be considered a reflection of fear that ho cannot successfully controvert the truthful assertion of his adversary. In carrying out this policy wo open our news columns, without price and without condition except that the sourco of ? all statements which we do not know of our own knowledge to bo true be clearly Identified, to a great deal or matter .raafla not pertinent, and possibly for that reason misleading. nut It Is the reader's privilege, and bis responsibility, to estimate the truth and pertinency of all states meats. In other words we can fur nish our critics material upon which to exercise their reasoning powers, but we 'cannot control the degree of reasoning that they individually ap ply. We arc uitlto willing to share our opinion of the railway dispute with any one who Is Interested, as fur at .that opinion la formulntd. We do not Relieve that It Is to ihu best Interests of Klamath coun ty to take any side In fbls matter. The Issues are. so Involved, the ef fects will be so far-reaching, that It would puttie the wisest to decide ut this minute the course that will beat serve our future destiny. This opinion Is opposed to the findings of the chamber of com merce cemmittee: but we know them as honest men, and believe them to be honest In tbelr conclu sions. If they are In error, or If they do not represent tho sentiment of the majority, time will rectify rbe mistake. The Klamath community, by vir tue of the traffic It can furnish, Is entitled to transportation service. It seems to us that Instead of re lying upon any carrier to fulfil tho obligations Imposed upon them aJ corporations operating In the pub lic 6ervlce that we should luslst, upon that serlce as a matter of right, It it Is our right to have It. The Interstate commerce commis sion Is representative of all the peo ,ple, certainly empowered, and pre sumably competent, to decldu tho question as to which sjstom cuu lwat. most expeditiously and most economically, give us tho service we require, and tho manner In wblch It should be given. And -we 1 not believe that ap peal to toe Interstate commerce commission on any other than such cqultnblo ground ni this will In fluence ,thom one oU. , This U the, opinion of Tho Herald nnd tho editor of Tho Herald. In or rordanre with this opinion. has malnlnlniil nnd will contlnuo lo maintain n neutral attitude u long as the question Is In a controversial stngc. !lut ho holds It of equal llRht that other.s may have differing opinions, and every column In TI10 Herald e rept tho editorial column Is open to their free expression. As upards tho advertising col umns, spurn Is a commodity we sell. There Is no restriction on what thn adverser may do with the. spare after Its purchase, or what he may put In It. providing it does not 111.1K0 Ihls paper 11 parly to the violation of existing laws CUBES Letters from (he Peopl 1 1 i v a tasr . Hprcnnal fflpminn a viwvii" . V : J Mr. and Mrs. James II Hockley nre In town today from their ranch nt Fort Klamath. Alfred Collier of Swan 1-iUe was In town this morning unending lu business matters. L, Haiel Williams, of Portland, arrived hero last night and Is reg istered tit the White Pcllian hotel Andrew Collier. It. K. deary, and J. V lloeller were out after quail yeiterday and report fair suites V. O. Kortman, an Insurance agent, is In town today attending lo business affairs from his headquart ers lu Portland. h I .Montgomery was a county seat visiter over the week-end from Klrkford, where he Ij Interested In, the lumber business. Win .McNcaly and T. A. Stevenson spent Sunday hunting deer near Keno. They saw several tracks but no deer. , CSeoree Illehn arrived Saturday from Portland and will be In Klam ath Falls for the next few days at tending to business uffalrs Hen Porden of Portland, a timber cruiser, was here today en route to I.akovlew where he will spend several da looking over certain swamp lands. Pred D Klctcher locked his law office this mornln and started out on, a two-weeks' huntln trip. Ho expects to bo back In town about November I.. I). V. KuvkonJall. Sam Walker and Claude Daggett left today for the eastern part of tho county on their annual hunt, expecting to be av.-ay a week of 10 days. Another wedding Saturday which create! a great deal of was that of Mrs. Marguerite McCrath Armmand to Henry A. Ilumli. of Algoma. W. II. Denno, who for the past nlno months has been driving Jitney for the Houston-Kropp Jitney com pany, has accept si a poslllno with thn Mecca pool hall. Prank IlurnR left this morulas for Sacramento, where ho will spend sev eral days ultendlug to affairs con nected with lil-s lumbi r Intervalx In that section Traffic Officer J. J. McLoiikIiIIii. who was Injured during fair week. Is still confined to (ho hospital with an injured leg and, nciordliig In re ports today, would not ho fit for duty for ubnut tuu weeks. The wcddlnK of MIm Mildred Thrasher and Paul Hilton furnished a surprise to the many friends of. the roupln Saturday night liy tint unexpectedness of tho event. Hot li are well known members of thn city's younger set, and havo spent the greater part of their lives heiu. The marrluge was performed ut the Christian church parsonage early Saturday evening and after the cere mony, which was read In the pres ence of relatives and friends, a wed ding supper was served at the home of the brlde'a parents, Sir. and Mrs. Qeorge Thrasher. EOF HS Three-Fourth of Annual Toll of 15,000 Lives Preventable 1 CHICAOO, Oct. 16 CarilessniMS Is the cause of three-fourUlK ofylhe annual fire toll of lfi.oiio llveiMnnit property worth half a million dol lars, according to (loorgq'fjl Mul ilaui. general agent of tjii under wrltuni' laboratories, In tin nildre's hto.idc.tst simultaneously from 'in rndlit Mtutliiiw iiu n.irt df 1I1. 1 . I ' I " ' jiuice of fire prevention du. the an niversary of the Chicago fire In IS71 "The time to put out a fire Is be- jforo It starts," he said. "No amount of fire extinguishing apparatus can cope with universal e.ireleisiiefot. Ily the education of the public, Indus trial orgauliiitlons and s hool child ren to avoid rarolessiies. Indiffer ence mid selfishness, III,, vleslred re sult can he brought about What do oil know about the. flro hazard existing In your own house' When did ou last go over the house with a vdw of seeing If any danger exists? Where Is lln nearest fire alarm box? tin you knn haw to operate It? What do )mi know about thn condition of your children's school? Is It fireproof Are they plenty of exists? Has It fire escapes? Do they have flro drills? Are tho motion picture thea tres to which you ami your family aro In rhP habit of going properly protected "A clean house is u safe house Safety from flro Is largely a matter of good housekeeping An annual house cleaning Is us slovenly as a weekly bath. The house should kept clean at all limes, not period ically. "Place flro extinguishers where they may b0 readily got nt and train yourself In their use. Pro vide yourself with homo Inspection blanks and see that they urn filled out at regular Intervals ami thn Information thus obtained placed In the hands of tho proper elty authorities." sS It.Mli ATTITI Ml SIIOI'M) IIK i:i TIIAIi ffl TSmims jxyy Thu airmen saying they staved up 3.1 hours havo nothing on prices which havo been up for years Hoses aro red and violets are blue and so are w whn the foal lamps are few. Many n dull man acts smart." Ilurlesquo shows report business much better nn account .f thu long er skirts on the streets. When people marry for money that Is all they git. Monkey gland operations succeed hecausu thu glands am transferred from monkey to monkey. Th man worth while Is tho man who ran sinllo hefnru breakfast. A politician on a speaking tour jual.e.3 man) speaking detours. Only reliable thing ulioiit some people is their lllirellahllily. Many .1 man whiiworked up from holoiu has a sou who Is working down from tho top Honor Law gaj llrltaln tannot po llen thn world alone. Will, Ireland Is roll' lug Ainerli.i. lu Itus3la, r tall trailing in done with wholuralo money. I.owi mists hatch plots. l.augell Valley, Oct, 1(1. Kdltor Kvenlng lleiald: Note In Into edition of jour paper that the eonimltteo of ehaiuber of couimerie have gone, on record um fa il ., , 1 1 vorlng Southern I'.teirie tontrol o( Central lcjfle imipiiVjiles, 'giving tie v mil ik.i'soiis fni Ho'ltolng Imt not n't niiilng to tuko Into' nctoiiitl tho tossllillt)('tif operating' tho pioper ties li Joint uwnenhli) ami muni tion Piisldent Huron lo of Hut Southern i'uelfle miinetlnie ugo came mil with a stiiteiuenl Hint' Jolnth op eratid linen would he a ileti Inient lo Hie country served, requiring dupli cation if shops ete I helleve that this statement inailo before n hod) of r.tllio.ul men would he met wild ridicule as there are at the present time many tulles of Jolntl) owoed and operated lines that aro serving the public with Hill per tent Her vice At the present lime we have two large H)stemn neel,lng to gain iont,rnl of Oregon and ' California traffic Whv go 011 record as favor lug am particular sjsteni1 We nnisl admit that the service and latex I have liei 11 he) olid comparison ami I have had a strangling often tin our, routil) Lot ail) one H.xtttetu gain1 loulrol and we will suffer as before from I a el, of eompetltlon In the central west iimv one has let 11 he. come known that lliey contemplate 11 trip of any disunite they will have repreientntlles of all thu systems visit them, glvliig nil the data need ed as to tho trip ami the beauties of their routes Could not hut nolo thel difference here, whin one has to pn , sent oneself at a certain time, stand In line ami lecelve the most meager Information This Is not the fuult of our lo. al officii ns they havo 110 time to go Into details, and cannot possibly l.eep posted up,' hut the laek of eompetltlon, whlih allows Hie rallrond people to rut their local force to the minimum. And as long us they havo 110 competition they will continue to so operate, being as they urn a sunless corporation, a body of men who are employtil to see that every dollar spent br'ags a certain return. If -J( Is not forthcoming presto, ihauge, another man takes his place. So If the dear public think that tho large sums being spent to Influence public opinion on the lllllilt rgcr question is for their bene fit ami to protect tbelr Interests would suggest that they take an other nap. Possibly they would havo better dreams It would seem that Klamath county Is In a splendid pos ition with two large systems fighting lo gain rontrtl This old proverb still holds good, "when rogues full out. honest men get their due " And, believe this Is thn time for us lo set on thn fence anil sle them on Wn tannot possibly suffer worse servile, nnd wn Htand to win I can not forget thn mouths of haggling In prevliuis years to get a reduction of freight rates, and tin, recent ef fort to get rt'iliirlon on rate on po tatoes, which shows that now that things of vital Interest lo thu railroad aro at stake they enly need presen tation lo thu proper official ami a question of n few hours turns the trick. Competition surely Iiiih had Hh effect, or rather fear of competi tion. Au long as things am coming our way, let them fight II. J. T'l'KNOK. ARMY. AIRPLANES SPOT 400 FOREST FIRES DURING 1922 Kl'OI'.NT, Ore.. Oct II 1'iom July in, IU33, when thn Culled HiatcH iinuv iilipliiiiu patrol of Oie gau finest began, until October 1, I'I22, when It reused, thu uliplane ulmervoiH spoileil iippiDxImntoh font hundred fires lu different paiU of llm western section of the state, ac ini Hint: to 11 leport made by Colonel Lowell ttmltli, eonimandant of thn !lsl aero Kiuai!rim, stationed time during thiil period DurliiK thai period, Hie iiiiuhluiis spent "' bonis Hi actual rlvlug time mill traveled over about five million sqiiaio miles of llinbei, iliionllng to I Hie report No member of thn squadron lost I his life dining the summer's woiki and mil) two planes worn wrecked mi lauding fields outside of Kugene 'I'liej local municipal uvlallou field has 1 been leaned b llm government as lyj pet mam nt hmo for the airplane foi I est fire patrol To Poultrymen We me making n lailoatl of Poulliv I'mK 0,1. M lo those who plion Hull onlci wllli Hie null vv make (,e i lug pi In 1 l'gi Mah. pee Hi 1 11I1I1 I'eed. Pie "' -( Meat Hemp, ln ' ,V Meal Hi tap, pel i". Ilimiuil llniie, ht ml (ill, pee vl. Ovter HI11 lis, pel Kit, ( hmtonl, per (" it.lU 110,1 x I.7.T 1 no 1 HO iui Murphy Seed StorJ ryi hoi 111 si ru hi. I'HII.XRl . , j - j' 1 1 Don't fail to read the Herald ClaMified Ad $1000,000 li Given for College Improvement SAN JOSK, Calif. Oct. 1C Ap propriations amounting to more than $1,000,000 for constructing a gym-j iiuslum, swimming pool, tennis Lourta and 11 nassumbly hall ut thtv Han Joku Tunthers' College uro to Thn right to grant degrees also will he asked of thu next legislature, bn requested. Would Widen Channel Of S. F. Harbor Bar san rrtANcisco, oa. h. a project for widening and deeping the main channel across the bar to San Francisco harbor ha.s been favorably received by many members of congress and thu possibility of apeedly action Is very encouraging, according to Charles F, Curry, con gressman from the third Callfornlu district w'bo hag Just returned here. "The necessities of commorco lu wotsern waters amply justify the ex penses ot the barbor entrance," uald Mr. Curry. Today At The Liberty TI10 Feature " "The Hands of Nara" Waning Clura Kimball Voting ' The Comedy "ONE WEEK" Hlairlng lliisier'Keaton mill vve admit It Is M)MH toiiihliiallnii! There Is 11 Millie uiii! a tea 1 anil Just eimugli of holli. Tnil) 1111 r(Joable evenlnu. M'eiln'suhiy anil Tlmrsilay, II. W. Oilffltli'M "ORPHANS OF THE STORM" ' lienor veil Heats lire now on wile nt the bov nffltn rf?WiVM'Sii1W,,W't ' r .4 " A fo A 1 v j v Jl It TiW'W 71' WWStailff! "?'W!'l!ll! October 20 Is the Last Day To Submit Your Essay Subject:- "Whv the Mis-Named Compulsory Kiltication al Bill should be defeated." The following are the rules of the contest. 1. Etiaya mutt be limited to 500 words. 2. Mutt be written in ink and on one tide of paper only. 3. Mail all Ettayt to Ettay Contest, Box 427 Klamath Falls. (Letters will be delivered unopened to the Board of Judges) 4. No Essays bearing a post mark later than Oct. 20th will be ac cepted. 5. Essays will be judged on subject matter and construction, spelling, punctuation, grammar and neatness of the work submitted. Judges of contest will be: F. R. SOULE, Herald Editor CHAS. F. STONE, Attorney REV. H. T. MEYER. Lutheran Minister For the best essay on the above subject a ciwh prize of $20.00 will be given. For tho second best essay $10.00 cash. For the third best essay $5.00 cash The above contest is being conducted by the Catholic Civic Nights Association of Klamath County. D. H. CRUMP, Sec'y. Manager. ;i c hb -sHre? ' ????? ?????? ?????? ??????! r- C-t C-. t-Cm ? ? Everybody Watch ? This Space ? V ' It ? 7 7 7 7? ??? 77? 777777 77777? s' DON'T FAIL TO READ THE HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS