m4tJtimfiim mm NAM llll, o llilll.tt, II, IDJU. THE EVENING HfcRALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Pag Frf) LllUt CL1 TEK UP FRIENDUN Miss II.AIU Ni:- YOItK, llrt 12 A llltli' i nlilo mil nil iilniii. nn ii park Imiirh mill Willi Iiml tlm ynllltK pi'Oph Kl rot llni. hx. Out hy tlm nirh a hanilmmi" tlm. iiiiBliii- hail ilrnwn up Innliln tln mi IoiiiuIiIIk a mnattly iltfiMiiil yomiK uoni.m ii;nrlml tlm llltli whlov mI fully AltT n whlln nIik Iranril mil ami upoki' "Voii IniiU liiiu'Mimi'," xhii n.ihl. ".mil I'm liiiimninn, inn. Won't "" ii'ini' ninl rlilo with mi'?" Thlt wua nun of tin' iiilvanitiri'i In Ioiii iiomi'ni'im ri'i'imiiti'il nt n iiictitlnr. of tin' I niii'iHiiiiti (Huh orr.aniii'il hy MImi I'l.irn K.ili'iii, mi atliirnny. Thn , i.itlhi rlni;H arc hi'hl In n ihiirch In ro. I "Wrlii'M mill iri'.irhi'r." mi) Minn Hrfli'in. "nri nlliH "tullliiK inotliiT hiiml llni if mi iitiinari li'il uiiinan ""mU r,il" " '" "' "'" ,,"1 i,r" , him ii ii.i. in ho ii will- mnl iiioiliiT If , h" i nl) hail thn rli.iiitn hIii.'m IoiiU-i 'I iIohii upon an Im'Iiik ilnvuirlKlit luitnoii"il 'Iiml iuMteil hoth limn ntnl n mill ami Iin tiieaiit ihe) nIioiiIiI iinno elnle with pile utmlhiT I'nr tin litl'ti ii'iil nniiii'ii wliiuii (Irruiuxtmiii'H have ili uli'il the orllu.ir) iiM'Iiui'k ir iinhoi mill ii I hiii iirK.uiUx'l in) l.oni'komi CI ih I I'Xpiit it loMWiep all ntiT Ihe I'nlli'il HI. llni " ESS: MAKES BIG HIT sl.l M Mi-ii Inn. taken to .MIih H.ili'in'il lili-a inoro quickly llian hoiih'II "At tin' flml ini'i'lliiK." kiin lhi loiitnliir. "thrrit Mxrn '.' in I'll mnl ithiTliin '''hi two vrntiii'li. At tlm licit tial ,1 i....i.... u ,.M li.M .....i .. 'in ....... tlm tiliiiihiT hun Inrii'm..'.! to .in nmii iinn i o wntni'ii .miioiik ilii'in Hiniii,,.r tlm pri.Uilon of Urn ait of niliiif ihirliirH. I.iuitrri. m lii.iil ii.ni Ii. .Inn.. 3. 1KTK. nttil nrf nuii'liilatory. - - , itn mnl Mti'iniuriiphtTN i our niiipiim pniri'u on. i-ni in it iii'lchhorliiu ri'Ntaurant for illiiimr nml thi'ti out fur u Iiiin rhlc. Tlm lull wim alri'iiily fulflllliiK (In piiit' " lllir Otm IIukIui'Hii .Miinlr Karl Shi'p-13-14 hi ril. i Uniii'iifioii'N Mlioli'Niiln anil Chli ken TatnalfN. retail. 1 1 13 .Main Kt l.llf lli,)H III Out Naiutan Hlim Th.-y ,.,ir 4,ni nr watiTproof K. K. K .Stun- 12-14 .... . . , ... PI M"T. IteKlmer Wine huyiTN niitiirnlly know tlmt () h.-.m.is n i 1 i.i s.2f. I) 2.11 Victor ItecoriN are kiikiiiIIht, ile.irnr.L- L J.T 11 ! ' JL " , ' In time. hae l.iri;nt .irlel. heM ( t t,.,,ute.l that 73 percent of all artUtH mnl most ci.rn.ct musical nr- lM r,.ror,u M,lil limt ear In tlm MiiKemi nt. Karl Shepheril. I.xclu ( ,r H A w,.r victor IteconU Why rh. .MiiHlc Htore 13-14 M.rnii nt Karl Shepherd Kxrlu- OUTcoatH from K K Store. 11: .0 to ton 1)0. 12-14 1 Advertising pay. Try It and see. This May Interest You On .In 110 :iOih ilieie ism' nIxIi'i-ii cities In Oreuun ului1.!' I'oiuliliieil Hunk DeposIlN cie iiheuil of Kluiii 11111II1 I'nlN. On Selileiiihee l.tlh we Iiml pui'.ril four nf II 1 111, imn kMiik us llililii'iilli plme. ynlle 1111 Im lieoM'ineul In mi nlj-fle iIiijn. Hill we nf the, Vlrl .NiiIIiiiiiiI nin not hiiI Isfliil the money Is liert unit no Connl) In Onvon luis innrr ntnl Im-Kvi- opportunities "for Inti siini'iil llian Kl.imuth. We mini In 11 i )ou llnil we ktunil lemly nt nil times In help In eteiy wn pussllile In iilltiince 011r nml Ihe iouimiiult)'N IntcreMN hi Ioiik iis II Is VlmsUti nt wild u'miiI II.iiiI.Iiik. The First National Bank The Home of Over 4400 Depositors Member Federal Reserve 'Bank SUMMONS ! Nil. 1IHU lenity ' IV TIIF, CIRCI'IT !OIMtT OK Till:' STATU OK WUKION IN AND I'Olt Tin: cou.vrv ok klamath W I., JlllllIlN, I'lllllltlff, I vs. Kuiilui M Jnnii'H, niifcriiliuit To Kiiftlt'n .M, Jiiimi'h, llin above rinin cil ilufiuiiluiit. in tiii: nami: ok tiii: ktati: OK OHKOON, you urn hereby rci'iulr i'i In appear mill iMiNwir thn mm plaint Mint iKtuliiHt yuii In tlm ntiiivii untitled Hllll, DM or hl'ftiril III" ICIli ilny (if November, 1122, Mini IhiIiik l tlm Iiiki ilny within wlilrh yuii tiro ieiilrcil In iiiimwit, hi llxi'd hy tlm junior nf publication of tlilit nil riirnoiin. , If you full In appear unit answer, it I.. If ...III 1.. i l... ,...!.. IHI1 JHIIJllll Will Il)fll7 (If HI'J lU"li for I Iim relief ilimiuiideil In Hulil com plaint Kulil Htilt In hruuRht to i inn illHHiilnlliin of Din IiiiiiiIh of I iiiiiirltuiiny oxlnt IriK between yourself 1 ami plaintiff, milt In Iiuni-iI upon irmil i iiinl Inhuman Iri'iitmi'iil of I liu plain , till liy yourm-lf, find on tlm Krotindii . of adultery. I TIiIn miiuiiiiiiih In published In tlm, Kvcnltii', Herald, n dully newspaper of I'.i'iiiTiil I r (.'ii In 1 1 on In Klmnnlli Conn ly, Oii-kiiii, prliilml, pulilMmil, unit I ilrciilnlnl ut Klamath I'nllii In rtald t Cniiiily mill Main, liy order nf tlm linn A I.. I.euvllt, .fudi;i of tlm nlil ( ourt, mill iliidil tlm 27lli ilny of Kcpleinlier, J')22, tlm .first puIiIIikI-, Hon to In iiiiiiln on September 30, l!i22, iiml tin' lam piiiiiiuitlon ilicri'- of on tin' 1 1 Hi ny ot November, I!i22. lli:NNi:it, MANNINO k OANONO. A tliininyH for Plaintiff, renldcnt mill i Pout Offlm aililrrHH, Anicrlran .S'litlininl Hani. Ilnllilliiir. Klmiiiitli KiiIIh, Ori'Kiin. I H :ill O I.H.21.2S N 4,11 wool An I'IhIIi'kn , xlilrtn at K. K lUHorimi'iit K. Htorn 4f 12-H Nirill'H I'Olt ITIII.IC.VIIOV (PiihlMirr) iici'Aiti mi:t or tiii: ivrntmit. I' H I.A.S'll Ol'I'K'K at Laki'Vliiw. Orii;iiii. Hi'Pli'iiilinr 30, ll2'.' NOTMT, In hi'ri'hy ftlvi-n that llli'iin O ParkiT. vshiiim pimt-oiriii' uililrcH In OIhiii. OrrKini, ilhl, on tin 27lh ilny of J mm, 1022, filu In thlN offlto Hwom Hinti'ini'tit anil Appllca-, tloti, .No UMiiiU, to piiruiutm iin H'4 HW. Hcctlon K. Townnhlp 3!- ill. !.,., IIHII,,,,, r"ni" ! -rs .., itvii-', Mr,n,in ,, , lnl)(.r thiTion. I - . - ... -, --"-- . ... kiiimii iin tim "tiiiiikt iiiiu mmii'i 1 l.uw." ut Kuril yiiIuo hn nilRht h" ,i,,,,i liy niiiinilimmi'iit. nml that, rtur-l niinnl to nikIi uppllratldti, tiii lam! anil tlnihiT thurron Iiiim hi'i'ti np- I ..-..I-...! 1.. .. II I....I I'lflt. ll..ll..u in1!!" "I '' MII'll 'l I "I'lltlll., tlm tliulmr I'ltlmatcil I7R.M houril , fiet at II Oil per M-. mnl the l.iml (i'iUO, that Nalil uppllcunt lll of fer flunl proof In Hiippnrt of lilt np i pllcitlon ntnl HHiirn Ntnteinent on tin- I Nth ilny of Derenilier, I'U'J. In- fore Pert C Tlllllillll. t'lilleil Stntei 'oiuinUluiHir, at Kliitnnth I'uIIh. OreKiill (... ..n.. I., ... III....I. ... (t.l...l .IHJ ..IP. in 41. .iii.i. .,.. -.. i tlilx pun liumi heforn entry, or lultl- ate ii cntiti nl at any line hefnro patent i Imjiicn, hy filing a cnrrohnrateil nffl iiluvlt In iIiIn office, nlh'KlnK furtN itkhlch unulil defeat the entry , Hive .MiinIc Sinn'. 13-14 I.iiwIh I'lilnn nnllN lit nil Kail welKhtH and fahrlcs. K. K. K Store 12-14 ." .lVWWW,tVVAMtfViAVVVWWVWWWWV d EVENING WA NT I'Olt HU.IC White Miiimcii l fjnlrk MimI win I kIovc "lllipi"l Willi hut wii'ii coIIh T'IiIm In n In renin Cull 231 nfli-r . o'clock. 13-H I'Olt SAI.I- 12 kuiikii 12'.' Vl 'I Hllll HI. pump Kim, ri-n I'Olt HA MS --Twit wood he iters, o.i I'li'ilili lii'.'ilfr lli'lr. '12'. Rime. 13-H" I'Olt HALT; I I'nrdrtnii inn tor ntnl piillity, oiiii alfalfa tin .i I machine. I hIP) rilli-r or hay niltlni: innehlnc Imiulrc at Harry llootli rmi'li. Mer rill mail l.'l-l'i I'Olt HAM:- I WnittlNKlimixo Klee- 'trie niiiff I I.Voriomy KIiik frcini ni'paintor 1 H.'j ii Ir Ti Kuril Una I Iioiiki- I ::-1 0 I'oitccii ham: i o-ikiiuii ipkhi ii h iii w f.iinlW t.ir, A-t Hiup Ki'i' Hid., 'Jin liroul in i:i-ll roit km. i: oit i:xi:iian'i.i' owr liitnl ". p.is . K''il "lui"' I'rln 1 1 2i mi Ti-iiii. Hci- Itlll f'onkllii, Ori -I'allf llfclinay i;.ir:i"i I'l-H ' WAS'TCII Haliin:iti mill rollnrtor for HlnKiri iKcuInK Maililii" Co.. In Klamath I rounlv Uooil epi'tilm: for rlrtlit tnmi ! Msirrh'il man pn-fi-rri'il no iiri-vloui i'Xu rh'lin imrcniiar. Hc. II. .1 Ji'Hi-ll, 2HK .Main St., Klamath KiiIIh, Oio. 1.1-1 1 WAN'TIMi '"arrlrr hoy fur Hi'ralili reiiii: nub wllllni: irumworthy ho) oii 12 yi-arn will In- ronnIilirfil 12-1. I'Olt HAM: ll-ronm ItoiKi' nnr lot, (hiMP for i anil. 2'HG Wantlaml Aw, .MIIIn AiMltlon. 12-14 ('ONVItllTi: HIIWKIt TIM: .Mlirh mroiiniT anil Ih-iht than any oiIhtI t)pi or llli -ninili In Klatnnlli Kalln. Kiuiiiiith I'.iIIn PliimhliiK it llcutlnK ' ,.. in p It .... t. ,1 in i iiiiiiiT in hi. . in r iiurin nun Pine I2-1S I.II.T "Imnfri.iir'ii tinni.it lnnlifp. . " . ... . . " " numinT :nas. kiiiuit i1i-hm ri'iiim to K II. Hi llhriinncr, Ii34 Coiikit Ao. 12-14 I KTKAVKII If yon have luit our cow all r. .P,.M. 12-14' I.OST-lllack hnme. welul.t 1200., i Imr NhoeN In front; Tumliler liriitnl on left Nhoulder Iteward fori return to Concrete Pipe Co, Sixth mnl .Market, Plump 22kJ 12tf KOIl SAI.i: 1 DodKe tniirliiK car I nntr ditch; 10 acres hill pasture. AliiHt sell at ome. luiperlnl K.ir-." ' Mw land. Onod C room nso. j2-n'hnuo with frnt-proof collar. Ire , hoitso, Ntuoko linurc, woodshed, par- WANTKD Carrier hoy for Herald "Ifp, Krnnary. chicken JiotiFes. I.arso mum; only wllllnc trustworthy arn. All fenced. 2 wells, excel hoy over 12 yearn will ho cimHldereil lent water. A. U. Wilkinson, Dot r,3. 12-1.1 j Honania, Ore. 2-2S I'Oll SAM-: Chenp. u 150 hahy huK. Ry iim'iI less than n year Phone 430. 12-14 I'Olt KK.N'T Onn 2-rnom apt , com pletely furnished. 5S Main St. 12-14 WANTKD- Camp cook, for 20 to 2G men In urn ill tin camp. Phone 12 12-11 I'Oll HKNT- ntmrtnient. 3I2W. -Two-room furnished 419 Tenth. Phonu 12tf WANTCD A loan on strictly flrst- iI.isn properl One to three ear s per cent. Kor further Information address lli.v GSli, rare Hernld. 12-14 WANTKD Carrier hoy rniile: onlr vvlllltii ... j hoy over 12 yenis will Im considered 12-16 . . " t WANTKD llellnhle woman to care' for children afiernooiiH. I'linnol 2Cr.. 11-13 KOIt SAI.i: We have nn hand tho follow Iiik Roods which we havo heen forced to repossess nml which we will sell ut u harRiiln: One 14-li Superior Rrnlu drill, one IiIrIi 'lift K.iiiK plow, two 3 section draR har rows, one MeCorinlck hay rake, one 1 horse cultivator Also one S-lii luleriintluiial Huh Ir.irlor. This mach inery Is nil In Reed condition nml will he sold worth thn money ns we must real Ire on It. J S. Mills & Sou 11-13 KOR SAM.: A two hurnor three heat electric plate, excellent ion illtlon, Western Transfer office. 1 Itf Four lots In First Xtldltlnu to (ratio for propmly In Kugoiio. They I nro eleitr of till eitcumbrnnce. Will II." Steel. C 3, llnrtto Court, KtiRene, OreRon. ll-ll KOIUJKI) SAI.i: Autos, few left. HnrRalUH. Must Ret away. Sen Dick, 240 llroml St. 10-14 FOR RKNT 3S0 Dlh St. Rooms and RiiraRo. 10-M WANTKD Roomer end vboartlor hy week or month i!H' I'lno St. 10lf XOTICK To tho voters nf Klamath ceunty: I am n camUdato upon uu Independ ent ticket for tho offlco of JiiiIro of the Cli cult Court. That. If I am elected to such offlco 1 will see to It, that Justli'u will Im fairly administer ed to nil persons hnvliiR business In Rilcli limit; mid I respectfully solicit thn suppoit of tho voters at the elec tion to he held tin tho 7th day of Novomher 1923. CIIARI.KS M. ONKIM;. O 11-N ,...! Wear DtiNhak lliiutlni; when you no after tlm K, K, K, Stgia, Iothea Ducks 12-14 HERAL ADS Awcuni I 'licit. 104 Oak fit., U irmly in pllo wood, ili'ii'i your yard. Mint ilo oilil Join 10-1G WANTIII) TO I.KAHN N'UltfllNO Hillary of Jfln jut month anil ox pwispn v.lilln Icnmlnc prii'tlcnl nurs liti; In n Ipspltnl near Klamath Palls I'nr piirilrulciti. iiililr6H l!nx It, II. rare Kvunllit; Herald. - I'Olt HKNT fllnnll li(iilM!v -ll! l'llli !ltt Ilawi yon wnnti'il n PciIoiit.il l.av ntorj? Yon can ',t n bli; wlilti- peil oHlnl Invntory ni tlm Liin-nr. Hlinp- -Jttit n fow Inft for J2i! 2r. iar. No ilh Bt. I'liutiu SICW. 9-11 I'Olt KAMI -fS2 Iti-mlncton nntomat- le A-l rotiilltlon. folinolly Urot . Ilarni'nn Simp. !i-l t I'Olt HAMC- Kxtr.i cnoil .Innnlliaii , apphi ili'lUnrnt p.irnl piwt any i P O in Klamath Co. (I R pi r hox. O A Maniilm:, Tilrnt On-Kon. 9-1 'l ( WANTKIl- Contrarl Iiniillm: nrnln or liimliur with trm AiMn'hi IIox K. V , lli-ralil offlrc. a-l ! , '""" HAI.C ft) KTOPK.MAN 1000 iirrr panlnri'. Hfii im1 tit Hprlnc l.aki- rnnrh near nprlni; l.nke ni hool liouro. P. C Cnrlion. 0-H . MAC IHtV IJA'IT r.HV HciinlrcH no wati-r mhl ntti-ntloii. Throf Vi-ari Ouaranton 1 Nn lliiulil 2 Nn fri'i'zlnr;, :i Nn wnlrr 4 No rorrniilnn. No ("akliii: JaM i Will not illirhnrno If Idlo. Kuril Mxo 12H.00 Coum In. Ift iin fell jnn nhout It Kor Halo at W. II. ItOHS, iiOC Main St. Ttf .Mil WH.MA.M MOUOAN of San KranrUro, piano tunor. In inaklnt; his lmailtiunrtiTx fnr a few dayN with tho Karl SlicphiTil Co. T-tf , I'Olt Illftn Tlirro loi-elnc truckN Cliauncy Klnrcy, Mcilforil, Oro. .. .-lC YoIIow trntinilchcrrtoN, 3fie a Bal lon, pontpald NeMon Nye, Prospect. ore. r..ic IUtli:it V.OV AV.XTI.I TruNtworthy hoy. over 12. to carrt "craM Itouto In Mill addition. 4tf , ICO ACItn TIANCII KOR SALK One ,1 miio pail nt unnanrn: bo acres WANTKI) Men and women for hox factory work. Apply office of Illc ' Lakes IIox Co. 24ttf FOR SAM: Ford Coupe. Owner i leavlnc town. Inquire Herald of I flee. Stf QUII'.T ROOMS Ilath nnd 840 Walnut, corner th. phone 13tf KOR SAI.K RurrouKhs Klectrlc hookkeeplnt; nnd adilliiK machlno Cost $900. Our prlco 300. Char ley's Placo. cor. Gth Klamath. 31-tf Make your feet. Rlnil, with a pair ot Nettleton Shoes. K. K. K. Store. 12.14 Our Itechril Service In Nest be- pmlHn Ui e.nrrv Ihnnii.tnila nf lli.i ntil nir iii-r.uu i Ktaiulnril .Nunrher for jour couvenl trustworthy , once This Hervlco cotn us real inon- :. - v " ::--' - - '- ,.y lint makes our place tho eholc.i for particular people. Karl Shep- herd Kxeluslvu Music Store. 13-t I - - ixu. . .- The K. K K. Store Is headiiuarteia for Ovei coats, 12-1 I BIG EATERS GET KIDNEY TBDUSLE Tal; S.iIh ut I'll st i nr lllaildei liillutlon in ItaiK in he. The American men nnil, women must Kit.inl constant) nRalusf klduey tt.r.lihl.1 ti.ti- i ili... vi.. hi I iirinll Inn .....nl. .ml ...n i. n.i.t ..II ...I,. f.l..l Id ' .' ikiivii ii'ti iiiv.ii iiiiii .it. ..... .....ii in licit. Our hlood Is filled with uric' acid which the Kidneys stilve to fll-. tor eut: they weaken from overwoik. I hecomu sIurrIsIi, the ellmluatlvu tls-, sues cIor nnd the result Is Kidney tumble, hhuldur weakness and a Ron era I decline In health. When your Kldnejs feel llko lumps of lead: our hack hurts or the urine Is cloudy, full of sediment, or you are obllKcd to seek relief two or three times iltuinR tho nlRht; If you .surfer Villi sick, headache, ur dkzy. neivnus spells, acid htomach, nr If ou havo iheumntlsm when tho weather Is bad. Ret from your pilar ma.ist ahout four otitues of Jud Sails; take a tnblepoonfut In a Rlass of water hufore hieakfast for n few days and your kidneys may then act ( Inc. This famous salts H ma do i ...'... .i i., . i i iiuiii me iii'id in Ki'il'tB nml i'-iiiimi juice, combined with llthla, mid has been used for Reiterations to flush and stimulate cIorroiI kldncs; to tioiitriillo thn ucUIh. In the urine so It no loiiRcr is u bimuo of Irritation, thus oftep emlliiR bladder ilsotdors, .Tad Salts Is Inexpensive; cannot Injure, makes a dollRhtful effuives lout llthla water boveniRo and ho Ion Ah In every Itf me, because nolioih ran miiKo a mUlako by having u neodi Llduoy (luahlnc uny tlino. Adv, 101 I!L ,v rODAK WORK Leave Your Films Before 9 O'clocK-Your A.M- Picturas am IK EMi.tnmmebm7 ra a imin w KLAMATH FA1.LS OREGON 7 WHERC PARTICULAR PCOF'LE CeuhSlZ r DPL J. G. GOBLE OITOMII'limr OITI(.TA. T"H Jli.ln hi. I'linnr ISULW V fa und xrlnd Klaiiim, Dnpll ebtn tirnkcK Ihdhx. mpalr frrai. - S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vfli-rlnnr) Kiirtscnn lli'liiliy Ntiilr VclMfnarl.iii 2. S. lilh ,!. Phone DIK-.J DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. K. Iliilliiing PHO.VU 81 FRED WESTERFELD Dentist rtionn 4.'U-W X-llAV Ii.tllUKiT(milM Iioomla Itlilft. Klnmnlh I'otlt CHIROPRACTORS mis. M.M.i.i.TT M.u.r.irrr Office oti'r UnilorvsiHMl'N 7li 4. Main Phone B30-J NEW CITY LAUNRYl KliiMic.l Work Tint Work Kough Dry "Put Xoar Duds In Oar Hu3 I'HONK 11 CoimfT Mala and Conner Kodak Finishing Films received before 9 A. M. Ready the same day at 5 P. M. ' Mall outers filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. Sill. & Main Six. i DR. H. J. WINTERS Graduate and Slnto Reghterl OPTICIAN Nluotefn years cere In suilnets We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate broken Glasses Prompt Service llent Eiulppeil Optical Htore In Bouiticru Orcsno 714 Main Street Richter's Boarding House inif)-1021 Main Street. Formerly Known as tho Slater house. DIiiIuk room Is reopen oil under ucvr nimiiiRemcnt. tiood i lenn rooms and honnl, S!),30 n week. Single inenls noe. -Chicken illuuer every Kuiiday. Table Hoard Home CooklnK Chas. Richtcr, Manager r- Van's Cleaning Service House, stoic nml off he (lean I in; by the mouth. Chimney. Mow nml window ile.iuliiK n pecialty. PIIONi: .117-J A NU BONE CORSETS Made In Your Mciimiio (iiainnteeil Mrs. Rose Randall .Mil .leffeison St. Phone Ii77-W DR. H. J. WINTERS Oruduiito mid Stale Itt'xlMrit'il OPTICIAN Nlueteeii jenis heiti In lnislni.s Piompi Seivho 714 Main Street .l The Oregon Fire Re lief Association ANNOUNCES That G. D. Grizzle has been appointed as agent for Klamath County. T ready at 6 p.r raaw frrt 1 LJUY THEIR DRUGS E2SKK2J DR. F. R. GODDARD OSTItPfMTIIIO I'llVMICIAK and Htmoi:o.v Off tip nnrl I. o. It-lilmrr I'li'Mir . i'. tiisu'ia: hi Klnninth Falls Plumbing Ar HeatJiti? Co. J. H. l,.U;i'.SO.V, Prop. nil . Pine St. Piiinoun nm-it V lf J. C. CLEGHORN civil i:ncinkkr AM) HUllVCVOK I'hi.nr IIIU-J 1.111 N. Rlrml Charlotte Huntley I'l.inn mnl i:prroslnrf. Noilliurstcrii and .NVJiriiNkn riiln'i-vllliw. Hit Kriwoni (lli l.yrrnin mnl Chnutiiiiiiin. Km oil UOIt Wiutrrs ApV I. O. O. F. I'roMK-rlty UtIm-IciiIi, 104 j niMta I'lrnt ii ml llilnl Tlmrxlny Kwauna Kncnnipmrnt 4A, tnceu each Tucwlajr Klamath lAxlce 137; meet eaefc Friday "V "" When You Have Dirty Clothes It you will call the Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. Thane G73-W Ther will wash, darn, Iron and return to you. Klamath Fulls, Ore. FURNACE HEAT Do you know that tho ex-' cessivcly dry nlr ot onllnury hcatlnt; plants 1$ tho main cnuao nt winter colds ami catarrh? Do you knov that a modern warm nlr heater provides nm plo molsturo or humidity In tho nlr ot tho house? Do you know tlmt It also produce n complete rhaiiRo if nlr In the homo nt least four times nn hour? Do )ou know that fresh warm moist nlr Ir. thu hnme means health? Do you Know Hint you ran havo ono of these modem warm air heaters Installed In your homo at a very moder ate prico? L. N. HAINES 1023 Main St I s Cold Weather Coming Call us for (llnsH Replacements. ....Add another room to your In tisn by em losing lial. Hcrii.ii put ill wllli misIi. Cull us for prices. Ufiiiliiiinriem for'ull kimU of rIiism in all nixes. Sash Doors, Cabinet Work ajid', Show Cils.es. T ' E. C. Stucky "Tin. GIiik House" nib mid Pine Phono 477-W W. E. & J. E. Patteraoa CONTRACTING PAlNTKHJi Paiiila, Oils wd VaraJa nail 8. Sixth St., KUaeath prtti a mat iMivttuciuB-nmm Vhooi Bip-3 frotWi s, mi t I 1