The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 14, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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t mwn'wv'
TEreninf Herald
V. o.
r4,.ttter tuid rblHke
....k...t . .UU MKUT
Advertislnc Manager
l'aMIafcaA daily aaeept Sunday, at
Tha fUrkld Publishing Company of
Klawitk ralli, at 119 Eighth street.
Entared at tha postotflca at Klam
ath Fana; Ore.. 'for tranaslaaloB
through lbs alalia aa aecooU-claaa
Tha Associated Ijrcts la cxcIiiiIto
j entitled to tbe uto tor publica
tion of all Bwa dispatches credited
to ft, raot otherwise credited In
thla paaar. and also tber local nowe
publishes" herela.
HATtmtMV, tXTOHKM, 14, XWii.
other would hhvo ? sam Jkonrral
qitallfldatton nt tho ntiit t and In tiiu
rnitrsn of two oarn could dovonn
to tin' point that tho presiml mlmluls
trntlon has nlrcndy ronclipd
I I'm not Reed Iiiiitiiiohs Pur thill
reason, mill vn consider It it Htiffl
clctit reason the llotnld fools com
pelled to lift Its voire In favor of
the. re-olertlon of Mnyor Wiley.
FOH tho pant two voars tho city
of Klamath Falls has enjoyed a
clean, ef Mi lent and proRresslve nd
mlnlitratlon of Ito chic and business
affairs. 'Th badly muddled finances
of the city hae been stralKhtened
out, tbe MIIU -addition sewer unit baa
born oempleted, the, fire, liatnrd and
Insurance rate reduced by the In
stallation of a more adequate vater
system, drainage and street problems
met and conquered, mid mora tiling
of tenirel far-renchlnR Importance
nrcnmpllabed than the nverano 1 1 1
sen realties.
The average cltlrcn would realise
corely tbe lack of efficiency, and
would appreciate the financial situa
tion wire'condltlon's reversed and the
city plusHjla'dPr Into difficulties
Instead of feeing fairly on the road to
em'erilnr from them. We-nre all too
quick to CTltlclte and blame; too slow
to-gWe deserved praise.
Tbe adnjlnlstratlbn has boon hand
(capped by flnanclil obstacles and by
minority dlaeenslon from within, but
despite tkta It has made good.
There Is only one standard by
which men In public office should be
measured ibat Is the ability ft lib
which they discharge tbe duties of
their offlcV lly this standard we
Judge Mayor Wiley. He has made
Dut a certain minority durlnn the
past two years have opposed tbe ad
ministration. Hecause they could not
control Mayor Wiley, they bare
sought to discredit tiltu.
Now, with a city election ap
proaching; thla underground attack of
abuse and .Tllllflcatloa.'ls again In
We deplore these raud-sllnglng tac
tics. Tkay jure no place lrt,cyjj
ma'nity otitic. ,In spite orllbb eon
tlnnal talk of corruption In office,
there has never been a single In
' stance officially authenticated, not
even the raguest Insinuation that
haa, so .-far aa we know, the slight
est foundation 1n fact.
Such tactics prove nothing against
their target In thu -minds of broad
minded clUens. They 'merely em
phasize the weakness of the position
of the disgruntled minority.
Aa far as the Herald knows, the
'candidates who are opposing Maor
Wjley have no band In the mud
slinging campaign. They are hon
orable gentlemen; certainly entitled
to aspire for tbe office and doubt
less possessing merit.
"But why change a satisfactory ser
vant, at thla time when be haa just
become wfeg acquainted with the
complicated problems of city gov
ernment? Now that bis requisite
technical 'knowledge for the situation
haa been 'acquired, and we are blessed
with an executive with dignity, tact
and efficiency, why spend time and
rabney uselessly In breaking In an
other offlrlal 'Jlmlttlng that' 'the
Strayed to the O. K. barn, one
brown sare, white hind feet, star on
forehead, roached main, weight ubout
1300 lb. Owner may havo same by
paying for ad and feed, H-1T
20 new styles of Leather Vests at
K, K. K. Store. 12-H
tgM - I
'Poorly fitted glmMru;
SlasBsw rht u ran Just get
V with are Ilk
to your e. They undermine
yoair ajesitml health tliroutfli
tho aervoua arateat tliu tin
'plraaB your JVnrrI efftcleu
icjr, Wo fit Uie gdaaseN to correct
'Use sloferta of each eye ep
MtMetjr, then grind the Ioiim-h
rosjaired, time irlriojr ou iiuiilc
kad efficient service at u iiumI
'rat rliarge.
Dr. Gdbk
You r.m't Ket on jour feet iigiilu
by Klttlnr nroiiud
"(instou SotiKht" beadllio' After
mi. mv dear (latum
Chicago bam! Its robbed n poker
game and the wlnnort toil bejllv.
A lloston undertaker bus been eon-
lctid of idling poWon booze :ind we
can prote It
TIiUirh are getting brighter Kven
the leaves are turning.
A lark Is the only song bird that
sings as It files. Others, and hu
mans, slug and then tly.
Pershing will write bis hook on
Hiixzurds Hay Island, but we like him
and refuse to comment.
Rome towns ore liuky. Two St
Louis liisur.inrn men are IuIssIiik
You never can uudrslaiid women.
One has had a man ui rested tor
cruelly to a rat
Campaign against needless acci
dents has been started. Hate you
ever seen a needed accident?
In spite of Parisian longer skirts
lots of flappers ot III get thetr style
from Scotland.
Hankers know wheie mnney Is
They held a convention In New York
during the world uerles.
Due to the coal shortage, one pop
ular winter reitort will ! two stilts
of underwear.
When a girl who takes dl tatlon
marries hr boss she becomes boss
and lie takes dictation
JuRKling of Calendar Cauac
Of Confusion Through
out Centuries
to their respective 'governments to
Insert their national holidays (hero
in nud togothei make It 1'iw fin t licit
lespecllvo nations "
I Interested In the movement, nr
(ordlng to the league, me Interim
I tloiuil chambers of commune, Inlet
national confeieticoM of European
calendar advocates, the International
ANtionomlo uulo't, International Ito
I man t'lttlinllo churches (thiongh the
"Vatican ) Tim government of Can
' tul:i, tbe Ho) a I Society of Canada,
Robs Field, Arcadia,
Will Soon Be Memory
I'allcixin vs. Duhb, et nl t .
''Sufi wan filed In the circuit court
today by John G. Patterson vermis K
M. Uubb, iidmtnlstrator or tho estate
of Charles J. 1-Vrgti.son, deceased,
Charlton L'urrln, (leorgo J. Walton
and WJI1 Wood for tbe collection of
rent alleged due from the Southern
Oregon Drug company. Those appear
ing aa dulendans are signers or n
bond promising payment of rnt
for the building now occupied
drug company
I'atteituin n. Southern Oregon Drug;
Attorneys for John G. Patterson
(ileJ stilt thla morning agalnut the
Southern Oregon Drug company,
asking that an order if ejection
bij Issued against the defendant for
failure to pay rent.
Ore Aitayinsr $2,200 Per
W.U'IIINHTOV. Oct. 11. Julius
Caesar, hv bis unscientific Juggling
of the cnlendni, bun caused uuuetcs
s.iry confusion for centuries, srty
members of the International Plxed
Viili' league, whit udvoi.tte the
adoption of it in-montb ear vvmi
each month containing tweut) -eight
daM mid an Interunlleual holiday
added each ) to make up the Itl'.T.
da8 of the solar rnleiutnr
There Is really no reason vvh) the
cab ndnr Hhould bo so broken up,
league members say In tbe dav of
tbe uncliitt l.Vyptl.tni". who orlgluat-
d the ralendar, working with the
thadnw-H of pyramids nud obelisks,
the ralendar was arranged with thir
teen months of equal length, with a
five da)s lit the end of the
ear to square things up with tbe
sun. The lensiiu for the i)rnuilds
and otnllsks was their use In nsiron
urn) and calendar making, It Is said
In 40 II Julius Cieiur. dissat
isfied v.ith the moon-rbuHlug uil.-n-dar
or his day .nloptid the Kg) pilau
s)stui with mollifications The
Itoin.ins were superstitious about odd
numbers so Julius starlid to do with
the talendar as he had done with
the world and when he was through
the filial length mouths were all
broken up. tin- five-day festival was
elliulnuted, and the months were ar
ranged nlternalel) with 30 and dl
So pleasetl was the lloman senate
with Cii'ar's work. It Immediately
named tho tevt nth month in his cal
endar In his honor, and the stem Is
known as the Julian calendar
That worked for a while until oue
of Caesar's successors, Augustus by
name, changed bis forebear's work.
In 11 C 28, and when his heavy
hand was through, tbe Ljlcndar re
sulted In Its present state; tho odd
mid even numbered months were
changed around and arbitrarily fix
ed, February was given a little more
liberty than tho other months, and
the half-years Vere se't on unequal
bases tho first half getting only
1S1 days and thu sr-.'ond IS I. The
Unman senate retaliated by chang
ing tho name of thu eighth month to
honor Augustus, as tdiat was his
birth month as July was Julius's.
"Constnntln the Oreat". says n
leaguo publication, "conferred thu
ever-welcome Sabbath rest i ach 7lh
day on Kuropeans; but the unequal
lengths of SM und 31 day months Im
posed by Julius and Augimtus have
zlnro foned tho Constunllun weeks
yearly to Mil e months Into different
week, and at month-ends almost split
weeks Into parti. Incessantly 'but
m-odlcKSly Vo'iialiiK weeks and
In IS. 12 unothi r (linugu was made,
when Pope I rr gory XI 11 found Jul
ius had been wrong In bis arithme
tic mid made nn error In computing
leap )ears, and that as a result ten
extra das bad piled up from some-
AIU'ADIA. fal. Oct II Itoss
Kli'lil, one one of the country h
gieat liatnon schools and air flight
i enters, will soon lie a memory He
(cut ilopaittiie of the l'-2, th,t flint
Kteat arm) dlilglhlp to make a
transcontinental flight, and or all
lillf I 'J mm, 1tnu l..f Mi..
i .... I . i -.....- .1 - ' " " '-
,iiiu urn Murrain in mil run i-rim e o , . , . , ,,,.
it .. i l!.. . ,. . , . ,llK tdatlon sealed nth empty Tito
Pulled States and Caniid an Cnleiidttri . .,,,., .
, ., , ,, , , t!l rnllHted lieu will .so vo as caie
tissiirl.itlons bitve al unnit motisl) oil- , , . ...
, ,., , , t.ikeia until I in r en Hutment e
doised the "Intetuatloiinl M'lxed ( nl- , . ., ,,, .
.,,. ...... . , P res, wh'it even I hey will leave Plan' . us tho hest tliua far de-1 ... .. . , ....
., , . ... , U scout nuance of the fed as nit
vised to remedv the defects In exist-. . . , , . "
lug calendars ",r "l'UI"M 1,IIB "nl l"'"" "'''
Practically. It Is Said, the ...Vised!'''" nM 'K"-'"'!''"""" " l""
calendar would aid In agriculture In ',I,,MM,, " '" '", ",,",, ""
preventing crop talluies b) iliiiiliiRl In M,"u',X U"u' "" ,,""u wl 1'"
at Incorrect tlm.s be.atise the cal-1 mx' '" ,nngriis reconvenes to
endnr calls for It It would be of I"1'1" '" "I'proprlatlon to reopen
value to labor and capital alike. It Is ""' fl''1'1
lalmcd, and would aid Industry gen
erallv It would eqtiallio dating sys
tems throughout the world, mid, flu
ally, tho US day month would free
about 9 per rent or monthly iitotir)
now- held for 30 und 31 days
v. . iiox nin
Home Olflio Klamalli 1'iilk (Hilton. Phone (Ml.
We tUt, niUeill-e, mill t Initiate all hilling mailer pertaining
to voiii offeilng, lilglil) essential fin hitler lesiiltn. ttc ioimImc!
Sales nt Piiblle Am I Ion or Pilviile sale line nud everyvvlieirv nil
sltlill it loiiiiiiKslnii IiikIs, I'm Hiii liifoi mill Ion, terms nml Had
ilali- fin nl-lii'il oh npplliiitlon,
touts foe efllileul servlio
Snles Mnnnger
S1Wl . . I'll
Nt pnunTMi.i:
Siigarman's ' No Profit Male"
vvhli b started Ibis morning at ' 30
In came an enlalillHheil Htli'iess with
the opi it lint of the doors CrowdH
were waiting to lie adliiltlid and
the rlrieeu eleiks were not enough to
tako c.iro of I he IiiisIiioms
Tho first twelit)-llve who pun has
ixlllary iV theied mcrihniidlHo to the vnltto of till
will glvo a has- or more were etch given n 'i giien-
The woman nuxl
Presbyterian church will kIvi
aar and dinner In the church parlors, h.nk when tho snleH slip was present-
Friday Doc. Mth, I93S. H I ed to the e.isbler Tho mimes of those
; m I tweiit)-ltvo persons will lie puiillsli
! Patrick Mncklnaws tor Dad and "-"I'" "''da)'s Herald
I the Hoys at K. K K. Store li-H 'I his om Mppttr sale Is on annual
I fealtiro with .Sugarmaii. this being
....... tlie sevetitei lltli one The flint
"""" , aw.i) li.ii I. In 1'iiifi and h )eir has
. i ien the event grow In ! I his
"Who", 0iked Itlii' professor f ' u r promles to lie the ln-st ever
the student, "is Homer?" i Put on.
Tl,,. ..... 11,1,.. ii.,il. ti...rl....l iiiliiiireus in nriicien are mi iiini-ii
" "- J ..wW
out," was the reply, I
I llier liuudlse on display h neires.ary
Duchess Trousers- I0 a button, Collie lu tonight while Hie stork Is
$1 a rip. K. K K. Store. 12 14 .Mill cnmnlele Adv H
I.. .1. . - .1 1 ... ............I..., tl... ....!
(Ill inn 1..1M nun in n'.i -. nin- iim- i-ti,
values offend an Inspection of Hie
Today At The Liberty
'I tint tLiMihm itiittt: MiiMi, llitik .Inn In
Ivpluil Wcsli-in phtuie Itinl flli llmk
like ii glove.
HI'SIIWi "lt,i leli'liinleil olagr lnr, t.'i'orge
,tilU, (nines lu us In
ll i iui. nf I he ileviiesl limn illos Mr, .trllss
i-vei iipieiiieil in, If vuo nppici lale 11 pliliire vvllli
ml i lass he sine In see this one, 'the pint Mill
Iik riitillniiiiiis mi hiiiiibi), slnrllnu nl I oVImk
In the nfli iniMiii.
Iteseivril si nti. on siil Hiiiuliiv for
Don't fail to read the Herald Classified Ada.
- "-" TlBHHBPasjasBBBiBBSBajajPi
Ton Found in MotherLode
VISAI.IA. Cal.. Oct. U (lold as
saying J 2,200 a ton has been uncov
ered In the Mother I.ode country,
seven miles from Mariposa, accord
ing to Orlando Moore of VIsjIIj,
who subrulttud a leport from Han
Francisco assay era to verify hLs
claim to one of the richest gold
strikes on record In California. The
report of tho assayers gave tho gol I
value of the specimens us $2,102 07
per ton, silver $6.51.
The ntrlko was made late In Sep
tember but the report from tho as
ua)en wjn only recently received
Tho owners. Mi. and Mrs. Moore
and P. P. and J. P. Ilelknap of
Orange Cove, novo ten claims ag
gregating 15,000 feet ulonK the
The essuy contest whlih Is bulng
couduiled by tho Catholic Civic
Hlghts association of Klamath coun
ty Is drawing to u close No essuy
will be received and lonldered If the
envelope containing II bears a date
later than October 20.
This contest Is open to iiool
children of this county und offers
135 in prices for essays on "Why thu
mU-nained compulsory udlcullonul
bill should bu defeated."
Kssuys are not to bo over r. 0(1
words lu length und must bo written
In ink and ou one side of tho pupcr.
Tho subject matter, construction,
spelling, punctuation, grammar and
ueutness will bo wbut determines tho
Tho first prizo Is $20, with u 110
ad $0 us second and third, Addrnss
fffaMMl Ofc. 1M-W, Am. MM
and tho earth, uc ordlng to that time
table, w-ere not travelling on the
same schedule Sr (iregor) did wh.t
many othitr titoplo have often wlnned
they could do, he dug out ten days
from one month -Oiiobcr of that
year- a'nd threw them Into Ihe ills
lard, In order to readjust the 21st
or .March to tho equliK x and the
rest of the Calendar to the seasons.
.Since then we have been travelling
under tbe firegnrluti calendar In
couseqiienre, the league (omplalus,
fingni) movul tho Christian )eir'n
eiii) (whl( )i ever since the establish-
mi nt of the iCbrlstlau era had been
rdebrateil at Chrihtinas- from
Clirlstmafl.lo laniiury 1st one week
farther away rrom "nature's year's
mil, December 22nd." Itussla nnd
(Sreero alone did not comply with
that edict, und continue as of old.
After severul national and Inter
nntlniiiil'roiiforonccH during 11122, of
those liten-sted In the new move
ment, a final International confer
ence was planned to ho held hoiiid
time during tho i inning year. It
will he held here, at tho president's
rail Many representatives or world
'nations will attend, to discuss u pro
gram which Includes
Location of tho "Year Day," re
moval of "leap day" to bo a midsum
mer's holiday, tho best arrangement
to fit tho present S2 ) early weeks
Into permanent mouths, u inline for
tbo proposed mouth "Hoi", the hest
permanent dale Mr Kuster, tho Ikm
duto ou which to begin tho "yoaial"
or f-qtiul until year (tentatively set
at 1U28), and to "draft reiommendu
tloim concerning thu nbovo Into leg
islative, form for adoption by all na-
LWsW I i
The history of The California Oregon Power Company
shows a substantial growth in facilities and earnings result
ing from the large sums of money Invested in its properties
and from the development of the territory in which 11
Steady Growth in Customers Served
The territory now served by The California Oregon I'owei
Company includes parts ol Jackson, Josephine, Klamalli
and Douglas Counties in Oregon, and bitkiyou County and
parts of Simla and Trinity Counties in California. 1 his is
an area equal to the combined areas of the states of Massa
chusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut.
During the period between 1912 and 1921, the number of
consumers has grown from 0,561 to 11.V00, an Increase of
Increase in Facilities
The Company owns and operates seven hydro-electric
plants In Southern Oregon and Northern California. It ha
never resorted to generation of electricity by stcarn power.
In building these hydro-clectric plants, a natural resource is
being developed which will be productive forever.
In 1912, the generating capacity was 11,800 II. P. and at
the end of 1922, it will amount to 52,580 II. P.
Tbe Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 will
be over six hundred miles In length.
The aggregate length of the distribution lines will be over
eight hundred and ten miles.
The investment needed for the construction of these fa
cilities has increased from $4,189,325.76 in 1912 to 19.S67,
430 60 on June 30, 1922.
Par value JIOO per share.
Dividends have been paid on Tbe California Oregon
Power Company Ptefcried Capital Stock since inuanct
(April IS, 1921) at ihe rale of J7 rcr share per annum.
Checks are mailed every three months at rale ol f I 75 per
Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusively to
additions to and betterments ol Company's properties.
Il is not assessable by the Company lor any purpose
It is non-callable, and If tiurcliaved at the present price
yields a permanent return of 7 0'. on the Investment.
It Is exempt from 1'edcral Normal Individual Income
It takes precedence as to assets and dividends over com
mon stock amounting to $M4I,I00 par value. Tbe equity
back ol the preferred slock now outstanding amounts to a
total of $6,290,605 50 which equals $2HJ 60 per share or over
three times the present tost nl $92 per share
Purchsse may be made in any amount from one share up
ward. The stock may be purchased for cash or on our special
savings plan, namely, JS 00 per share as first payment, and
$5 00 per share per month
Interest Is paid by the Company on all partial payments
under tbe savings plun at the rale ol 6'i per annum. Inter
est checks are mailed to subsiiibeis under ihe savings plan
every three months.
The stock Is listed on the San Prancisco Slock and Uond
Oiiiutlnc Iff Kttnliiri will out Kllawstt
Vtluc Phyilctl Oion MimtiHiiit iMdutiliiK Inuicil Hums
YEAH 1'iopfiiifi Knui( Cipcnif ur lriMijtiii Umiiiitil
1912 $4,189,325.76 $307.010 29 $137,663.49 $169.376 80 21,492,374
1913 . . 4,787,624.3$ 347.261.70 143,746 67 203,515 03 26,485,359
1914 . . 5,054,312 08 385,331.23 163,209 21 222,122 02 33.245,36b
19)5 5.265,839 86 398,349 8 171,458 26 226,831.57 38,133.884
1916 5.985,095 29 426,106 64 213,679 91 212,426 73 41.936,855
1917 6.498,375 71 487.916 44 226,509 67 261.406 77 47.755,628
1918 7,311,310.73 102,269 05 245,15037 257,11868 46.216,299
1919. . 7.416,52245 726,07930 295,74374 430.335 56 108.238,745
1920 7.692.884 51 948,277.07 398.041.48 550,23549 142,404,975
1921 8.407.58182 1,001,272 07 449.082.18 552,189 89 129,368,808
1922(il.noil,..r1JiniJun,-w) 9,567,430 60 1,029.409 12 444,41046 584.99866 131,170,857
Our partial payment plan of 3 per share per monlli enables you
to take immediate advantage of the exceedingly altraelive price at
which this high grade security is now luring offered J2per shaic
to yield 7.6 per annum. V
You may place your order or get full information at any of our
offices, or from dny member of our organization.
I'rice subject to Increase at any time.
,f - mwMm6mpw$Mk