The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 14, 1922, Image 1

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i . t'fc
4 'K
lEuetimn Mrraift
I.HJIIT '10 lli:.V I'ltOST
Member of the Aur.ocintcd Press
him iii fin .Sd, mm
"V-S i
ti MRfliTii nrrn I
VA Head of Reciblerc:! I lore-
fordn Form Nucleus for
JJrceclini; Fiuin
- - '
Tri.n- four head i.f rnffhioiiMli
Ili.r.ifnr.l .mil... bended by II.m.i
I'lou.liui.l. 1Mb. fraud champion of
tin. Iiiteriintlmi I.lvonln It lilo w id
I'wthiuil. nr,. tin nurloim nionml i ''"" '""inner i,. inoiiwrrH or i
wlilrli rtv.le plana in i-iinbllili ' Klamulli pom of lli. Ami.rlPiiii I
Iiim'iIIiih (aim fir piiru-tai'il llnm-l "' u"l'ii-l"K tin. .liars.) ..-xm.n v. In Klatunih .toiitiiy ,(""' ,l,!" " w' nrviii many
'I lin nwnrri nf III., mill... I' it i Btlt in. n from flllnj: on Hi
M.tilnnii mill llncti .MrNi'inxv. hnvn! ""'
Illom itasKiroil fin lli.i iirineiil lifar! Thn "lulu rnll.'ito.l In-rn l.y 'li
lljn lllr.ilinni rrrnsliiK. ninilli i r lnun. ' lin.inl will Im usr.l ;. Washing... i
luil irii.nrilly iiiruiiK.'l fit ! Ill .Inleriiilnliii: Ii.IIht .1 I'rvik
Wlnlnr ijnnrlir.i ujlli (ondllii; uiinlii Atlanta uluill In. -oiiiHiiitnt mI f,..
mnl ulieller
I'oiiiliii iril I'mumi'i I'm in
M..'i'ini''u fnlli.'r fur ian run
illiri.itl Din VVnliini Hill fit nil In Iha.i
mill Hi" .iKllty or li Ktink is know i
nil liter thn riiillill) It lull I llrn
iil out (trim iiiridi-M at tin. t'lilnniA
niiil IOiiiwv I'lty lii)4 frr .1itiiiir
Tin. -IiIT Mer!inu in tlriui; lr.nn
b8n litnl wiitii nf llu h.mi itnl.
wn liirniil ntcr to hU mn uml n
aoclnlr. Tin')' hitvo liiul n fnmi In '
llm Ull.TniHt. ulluy Miiiro IMIti. j
hut rmmitly v.nri nttrmtt'il in llii'i
Klniuuli (oiiniry hn, nro horn lot
Inento tiorninimntly
llf.i.1 lllanrlmril. 8tli. I.on.l of thui
or.l. ...KIi 230.1 pminiU u , ,
flfih. r. iiiinnlir of nn anlmnl, wnrlh '
h. n iiioimlfr of nn anlmnl. uiirth ' '" """'-"" .'' ...' .
.Hilt., hli. ttoieht In Klli'er bin ul M,M A""u ,"lllli"r "f nrl'lMi.
r i.i. f i..,f a f..nlfl- ' "'crolnry of Hi- ronrKanlt.-.l
lint 'iiiltii hlii uiiieht In Hh'er tint u
ury alutl.lf hit of , full
hruth wta imrchM..I by I'ailer ami i
.. nf VII. Nera.lo. u rouple of
year ni:o for (in.uoo
An oIkIiI m.ilith old bull. Drum
ihiI lln:irhur'l, nn kero'id In hlr
rltim at the UnT.un tnlo fulr thin
jt'f.r. i
-i r.imlli Winner-. i
Tin. Imlnmi, nf the Iiit.1 iiIi. rum
mill hflMM. ii Munihcr or which hine
tii'iMi .nhgHit all mer lliu ucalrrn
rlrcult nnil unuull) ure In the nrlc,
moupy uurreter riiunn
Maltnii und MrNeurupy ar aUo
lir.'f.lrra nr fill" llflnhiii horaoa, ,iu
have hfio u reKlaterod atalllmi, Kir
Cellntil. by the uolfil Impurt
oil HelKlmi. (Ifllnril I) Or I (It dam
won .M.iiHiiloiif. t-'eteral II.IkIiiii
mid t'l)Mcnl.ilc innr.Mi ure nn pis
lllin heri),
hi llilliif In Stnj
"We bolli'Vf thin I tho rnnnlry
ndap'tfil lo the hrccillui: or flue
aliKk," Knhl Mr.N'c riiey. "and we i-x-pfcl
to Irani u phue fnr a term nf
ie.iiA and embark In business In
(iun.i liif Mis, llnililifl lfcnls
Allfinpl In Hit lplllf
NI'.W OIIMCAXH. Oct. I!. An at thff nf IIH If Hers N.ild In
Iuimi li,'in written hy Ann (!. ('.uiillcr.
Mr., In .Mn. Aliflniii Of lloiii'hfhi.
fioni thn nfflif or lliuolil Mi.lse, iih
rincl.ilfil ciiumhi'I for Mrs. He llfiii
thf In, nan mifalfd Inilny l her lit
Docs Advertising Pay?
Aalc Perkins, Sucnrman
Ynit don't B't n vory nppreclalho
miilli'iire i.iin-.a-iliiH when you t
In t 11 ahnut ndvcrtUliiK not net
llni: iosiiIIh hut If thorn ,iru :ip"
ilnuhlnrH luft lit Klamath Kallx tiny
idioii I.I havo I'uen around In front
of the Purklnifi furnttiiru Hloro Jtitit
bnfnro npnulnif ' tllllil today,
Tho Nlilownllc wan blackod and
thn womon worn '.'jimtueil In agalniil
tho door IMio tho prnvoihlal nur
dliioij In a ran. At 9. .10 thu crowd
wuii lot In und tho buying f lull
ed. No ouo In tho nlnro has yet
had t Into to Htop wuik to toll how
well thn tiling Is really k"!hk.
Over at Huitiinuatt'a much lho
Hiiitio provallrd but tho
'walling crowd was niutlo up nf
tiieii. Tho exit a tlorka aro siiffl
rioiit to mi. ui than ilnuhlo Sugar
inan'H forro but thuy nro kept busy
WIlltlllK 'U HlO,lH01llO. ,
Vum, Mr, l)0)ibtor,,lt(pn,y,M I.piIt
voi two. , u . ....JI
j... Jt.s'iJ
r.liili.iii; ( Iihij;;' nil Tnle l,nli'
Ij.IhN lliiill.'tlil t ( Ti I Mei-IIng;
MIO Hf Imiil 'Cxi lllyli
fter mi nil itnjr ti nrltn; In lli
ci'mi.inr of niinmp.eo rnum yei
lunliiv llif apnnlnl n u of r"vl
liiviMitli'ntiiiK Tm 1 1) I a lie mi I Il.tiiU
, innrsli I. mil uisiltorn ended Hh ttork
niiil today In limiting nvrtr tin Itml
In iili'Nllmi
A,i,mtt "'" 'Hiwlloiu If. ioiii If
fnr" "l" l,,,llr' '" """ ,,f "" ,'"'
'"''l"' "" '' r""' "Kiil'iM Hi-
Tlllc llllle llltllls III III. llpl'lll'd
i . . . . .. . -
iil)Ulni: ilin Hunk's ninrHli luml. fer:
which he ntlgliiully was In huvf r
..'h.'il it mi )i',ir I.-in., fr.iiii thf if. -fliuiifiit
mnl uhflhfr II In i 'v
nhlf in np ti fur rnirv :m 1 1 llltfti
nl i.'fii of 'I'u If Inkf I.i rut t
I'li-st (mi I'lii it Iii Ciiiiipilun lii
CIIHAOO, Ort. I I -To fire the
,lm ;un '" ,1"' ll,v"",,"r vrU" "'
a romiMlrn "to iupo. away all form
" Mfir party, han heft.
rK'l"iK " n riel of til.'
party. Preparntlrua will he muln
for of llllnoli. un h
ah all other xtatea, at u national on- J
frenrn to he held nl Washington, J
N'ihi.'IiiImt ll-l'.', lo friime .i I.kIIj- i
Mvr MKu
lllllinla a m l.Tteil iih the nlij.r-j
"" !,r ll"' "r',, ni'l"n "V national j
lieail'iuiirt. m. Iierauiip "It wm. In-1
Hmt IlllnoU un In u ixiiltlnit
to .iffii'l the entire ul and mid-;
'"t," uirurilliiK -MIk Pnllltscr,
Cnuslltutlmiul amelidmel.tH which,
tho orRi.uliatlnn Is aeeklng to havo
passed hy all states to i:mrantfi' ,
riiii.l, ihll and Icr.iI rlghta
dr .onifU In each rasp "111 .nntaln I
this rhiiiFi', ii'-iiinllm; to Miss I'nlllt-!
it "This ait will net .iffe.l I.iwh'
rfKuhitliiK Ihf affnlrs nf unmet. In In- '
Justly." 'I his rlaue was pnlntfd
out he .lUKf tho effect of the lfj;lta
Hmi prnpiihtd hy the part) upnu leg
Ihlatlnu ilfslgned to s.ifegu.,ri un
men In InilUHliy has houii tiestloneil. j
MIns Pollltter aald Him thn su- '
preme court of the Pulled Stnlex has j
lepfutedly niiKtulueil welfare
leKlslaltnu for women even when It '
was arr.iie.l xtir leitlklailnu wan
In direct Vlnlallnn of the fnurleftith '
miiendi'.ienl i. thn I'ulleil Slates ci.n-
The leital "dlicrli.tluatlnn" which
Ihe p.itly 1 1 iiisnlllti); has Its innts In
the nhl i (milium law under whlth n'
man led nmau was n'lMHleil as a
"fi'lilllln (nilVflln" nr "mxered wn
liian". uliimi' iIkIiIii were esleil In
her Illinium! while lie lived, Ml is Pot
litter alaleil. 'IIidukIi thn efect t.r
thla h'i;iil linillllmj from feudal I lines
has been miiillfleil In Mime Htal-'i. hv
i. Hire mudent li'Khilallmi, It KUrxUes
to a vnr Iiik ilfi:ren, nIi.i added. !
"In Kiimn .'tales u man ran illspusf .
nf hlii wirnV liiherlled propel ty,' N.ild
Miss Pullltrer. "I.iiwh nflea give a
vvniiiau'a earnings to her husband,
allow him to cnllccl damugo. for her
Injuries, mnl glvn li tin tho earnings,
control and custody of their child,
Thn wnman's pally l. organizing to
fight lhn condition by changing ape
clfic laWH and by changing tradi
tion," Tho party Ji!U nrgunlxo.l twenty-
fVt1 profcHslnaal councllu, lueluilltiK a
liiiuo-iiiil;.)-u' council. Mrs, Mlnnlo
Maddern Klako mid Mitts Mary Shaw
head thu theatrical round!;. Miss
Zena (Inlo of I'mlago, Wis., tho nove
list, homlH tho vm Iters' counrll; Dr.
Mary O'Malloy, clinical dlioclur of
St. Kll.ahith'a huaplta!, Washington
lho pliysli Inns' council, mid MIns Km
ma (llllotl, doan nf tho WiiHhlngtnn
Collcgu of Law, Washington, lho law
yers.' council. Knurteon women law
yorH nro cumplllng all Ktuto lawn In
tho lutoiest of tho wnmun'ri patty,
(Mhs I'ollltxor ituld, In iiHCiittalu thn
llllfal rliiUi.u of jvomfi i n (ho
fu'Wi - -.ii l,r i.i. i M
lr .. '. T.VT'AT154BWFrfc.rffiS?AVrf-- " .. ; ." CAairLtfTW-TXrVMIHHfliHiBUHnn
UancroU o the Olanti scoring t)io tlrrt nml wlnnlnc run of tli.i htrd cane o! the world Rri en Frltch's ttcrlflco fly. lirch
Tallinn third from wluro he nccrcJ later on V. Slcmd' rlsslc. l'rlich ihc.n arrhlns at flm Loss.
liihiumuf I'mlrr Vitfimit'
Alii llrtnic Ali'iiinl'-rslnnilliti;
. "' '.""".:"""" "'.",
insurant rrmurrnipni in roniippuna
wiin inutHtodiaiar lunns nns KtbHM" " ,..,. . ...i-
piI thn rOJiimtniton to !hup a xtafO'
en inn rumriinvon lo inno a maio -
m.uii siitnlnluir thai hl!i tt wtnt-
r"iiilr Hut iitiifftty ffretl n nr-
mrlty fpr luno lml b ln.n'.l for, FIGHTING IN FIUME
the full laauMMn vaji..'. In li.fcl..tict.'ii '
whfcrt. Iniuranr. In tl.n rrrA.iiiun.i niiil '.iiiiIIit. I'mn-H I!p
Hid hat innnot i.i u'ltniiiPil lliu (irt-' pint.. I lo Ui'.w Hint ln-li
erty fchall ho Ir.r.ired to thn full In-' .
ui a htn v.iImc.
"I'lro" mlp all ponrnrneil," th.
rruiimlstlnn nuvlteil thn IqiviI lu-sr.l
. . . a .1
,.. .. .- .-.., ... ..
... i .... . i i.
..,., .,..,, , ,,. ,,
linn an i llif iiiiiiiriiBBiiin in liiiiii uti am
ni npiirnrtcra.- mnt in eaaes wuern nHn,0. tayn a Uomn mnfeagt. An
the full nnumnt of Insurance afoM- C3aa m,j,aRM ,tate that Italian do-
rtik"v. .":.::::;..:.-":"".'" ",,,,4""f m ,WB,"mM
in.uie uy n uuiy autnorired roprcai-n-
liitlvii if tli' lr. ;irre 'oiipany will
he iitrepto,'' h Ho romiitlbihiii. In
other word., whero lh romtntMlou
flieu the in mint of th lr.sur,.nre tin
words 'or fall insurable aluo" are,
added no that In taso lite n.aot lit ;
spuclflcd catui'.t Lo obtained, a pul-1
Icy for the full Insurable, value tan To1" ''I'lus. charged with ahool
h.) written. In thla .,vat. a atato-J1'"-' L'l'lneso pheaaantr. will have a
niciit from nn aKent of thn Insurance- hcarlns In thn Justice court at
company to tho effect that such pnl-' " o"dock. lie was .irrmtrd on tao
Icy does iorr.'mt the full InNdrahlp'1'0'" ,lxol ranc!l )KliT.lay by
lun of the pmprty In iuptlon , 5',"' Warden names,
would be requl1! and CHptrd ' "
In rnaw wher Hio iiunlltj or con-; AI.HIX OWMMl-MIP DKCIslox
ntriu llun nn.l .!uIrii of imprmemrnt ,-
on projNirty preclude tho imsalMllty OI.PMPIA, Wash. Oct II.- Tho
of any Insutanco whatever, a state- supremo court today divided that
meat' from the a re tit of the Insut-Jthe land hold under il-cl.iratlon of
ani'o rnmpiin to lhl:i effort will nl.'u . trust for an alien is In violation
he ucu'ptcd. Tin oiiiiiilsnliin has u. of tho statu nutl-atlcn liud law. re
doslro or Intuntio.i to rciiuire the Im- orslug Judt;s Oilllam of Jvlnc ,
pusslhlo .county.
WUijLU -iii- i ' ' i ii i ' ' ' tf
I . I
PPaHtl "XiaPCSsw kVl" -J Y S aaai
w5f &A r p I
BtT I JTlr KKOCKOUT jh -T . 1 I
Man 'ZriaV l fkaala iaf li IjaT
K , y;;ajfc.Lg. M l ' l,,'aaaaBattanaTMaBPsala1l
Run That Won the
u wii: iNcm:Asi; . it a ni i:i i:i.kk iAa: wcii.vcmt.iv
flllfAfiO. Oct. Il.--T'i. r.illrnn.l
iair in.iril iniiny I tn rpnm
uii hour liicr.Kin. to 461.111 mrm- ihn opinlnc of Ihf winter nodal pa
tlinr i.r no I'nltpj llrnilmthooil of wm for ilia II. P. O i: Klalmrato '
, .Malnialnenrn of Way pbipUdpok anil , prrparationi. nro li'lnj; nia.Iu nnil n '
railroad hIio;. worKfr Tha In-
,fi, f,,r . , ,i.
llflPil In
urev lima ui . .f.
, .
fo,lv ' '"'y l
I.0S'I)0N. oil. M f.Khtlnp haa
brofcen out hcUeon I Aniiuazln If.;""1 KU",y " a J"nco co" W'
' itlunalrca und the K.ttla fnr ei In."0"1-"' "or nn today
vj;ii iiii'a . aiuii- iimi hji nn iii
' .
.. a. aA ... , a..a . .
.'..',':".. " ",', ?..':. .
i fr0m lira for K'.umc
. , , .t,
I uiimxcd'' tc ADDrcTcn
, UiN I tK jbAKKIlb 1 tO
Tom Pnpp.K Clinnsril Willi SIkuIIiic
( liln.'M' I'lir.nmitK
Third World SerieVGame
" '
A dani" to hn rIv n l.y Hip Klk WVilim, ,iy evrnlnK will mark
Porn-ipnnilliiKly roo.I limp Ih nntlcl-
'riinis.N AtMlnst lrk Wlllliniu nml
I Mlkp lly Tall
Chared by Fred niifcp. taxi op -
orator, with atautt nn.l battery.
n""k " an'' r et
TOatimony at the trial thla morn,
!n. broucht out that William and
---. - ,
ii-i.. i..i ... i. .
iijiv iijii r.iirir i nun nn nrniiiFiii
' u-i.h nv . m. ii hu ,.!.' b measure would do. Ha
."". .:::" .r?. r."
day evening. Words led to blowa
and a ginerul nwlce folloued,
which tho pollco stopped. Ouko
later filed chaises against tfic
wi:atiii:h piioiiaiiii.itiks
The llarometrlc rcssure as regis
tered hy the Cyclo-
tnrtfl!lcrllllh nl
-'-- o-
l-iulcrwood' I'bar-
i liar) has fchown al
gradual rise fur J
Ihn tfis! luiinfv
four hours
lag a period of l
clear 'ttcaUior.
Indications for
next :M hours.
Hear and cool with
variable winds.
Tfio "registering Tic in Thermome
ter given luii'lmiir.i and minimum
teturernturcH as follews:
High . . c:
Low 3T
! 3k
Mnlm- r:ii.i. v
,'Iui HrPik TnnlRtit,
l (twiifr iif'sP.-tgr Arntlrmy
f ""'" l !" hpail of thn
larcit tirlvntn
In America.
nn Institution with an nttondanco
of ninro thnn 200 hon of ernm
mar achool agin. Major Hobcrt A.
(Jl'bbe. ownrr of thn P.iro Military
.academy at I.on Annclcs, who will
apeak tonight and tomorrow after-
,noon nl lho S,ran'1 ,n,'at'0 aualnat
,nl C0P"y ouucaiionai urn. la
rated as an authority,
Major fllbbs Is In Oregon on his
I own volition and at his own ex
lnene 1iiriiirn lia Ii1Iava ttm ..a
. P',,B ot ,lat Iack ar-
. -
'standing or the bars, the aauaaa
. -
thmka that if ther uAd.ta h.
thcy understand the
matter In Its.truo light, apart from
rcllgloua prejudices, they 'will' Vote'
down the bill overwhelmingly. Ills
argument Is along non-sectarian
lines entirely and free from pre
judice and abuse.
Ono speech w'll be delivered at
S o'clock this evening, another at
3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon. From
here hP will go to Lakertew and
...... ,1. ...( .u W IMHCIICn
tnenee t0,nend and Portland
SM I'nr mid l:l Against Iteport of
lt.illi-ond Commlttro
Votes returned to tho chamber of
commerce In the railroad unmerger
referendum this morning totaled 28
for and 13 against the report of the
railroad committeo favoring tho re
tention of tho Central Pacific by tho
Southern Pacific.
Ballots were mailed to 202 mem
bers. About an equal number have
not paid their dues for three months
or over, and nro therefore not con
sidered ellgiblo to vote. Secretary
Rto onsen bald any who cared to pay
up hark dues to within three months
of the present time would be permit
ted to vote.
"As this Is n chamber of commerco
referendum," ho explained, "It does
not seem right fnr thoso who have
Inst Interest In the chamber to havo
thn s.inio privileges na thoso who aro
active. And that Is why vo adopt
ed tho plan used In this referendum."
Defective Chimney Cause of Mills
Addition l'lro
Plro rnused hy a defective chim
ney at 11:30 last night totally lie
alloyed tho residence of nob Kuton,
White avenue. Mills addition, with a
loss estimated at 12,500, Insurance
of $1,700 waa carried on house and
Duo to the muddy condition of tho
strcoU in Mills addition lho tiro de
partment was ttnablo to reach tho
(hecks Await Winner At Klamath
Couuty Fulr
Checks In payment for county fair
premiums havo. been made out and
will bo paid at tho county agent's
office on Sovorith street, Clyde Ilrad
ley of tho fulr board said today. All
who havo claims against tha fair
boa id in connection with the county
fair Bbould call at once, bo Bald.
Mftnv Hiva Nawavm 1?BBiaA
I ......j iT.iiM;ilnlna
From Death In Early
Morning CoMUtai
POIITLAND, Oct. 14. Threa man
lout their IItph whfin tho dredx.
, Portland, of the Port of Portland
rnmmUalon, waa aunk tarly today
by tho atcamor Santa Clara, a tm
al of 10,000 tons. Tha (iaail:
Hon (1. Johnaon, (4, oiler.
lion Welllnp:. Sft, ollar.
Thomna Cnnipbell, 4X, fuel paw
er. 40 Men oa Drrtlp,,
Thcru wore 40 men on th drodia. '
which rank within two ralnutM. All
except thn three, escaped by get
tine aboard n fuel barga Hail to
tho dredsc. Many of the man wera.
In their nltcbt elothca. and sent)
wern flirown Into the watar and
forced to awlm to tha bare.-
Thn rauuft of tho collUlon baa
not been announced.
Port officials eatimatad tha dam
arc at 1100,000 and aald a II Wat
of that amount would b (lied
airalnst the Santa Clara, which pro
ceeded on her way to 8eatt!e.
lIlotiastfA Men Arrested la Coaae.
Hom With Store Robbery
Another arrest waa made Jaat
night by Constable Fred Motley la
connection with tfte Boaaaaa rob
bery when he took late ematady
Jonah Sparks, eld time raetdtat
and farmer ot taat dletrkt.
The Sparrctwnr etarr afBaartea
was robbed last Sunday night ef a
large quantity ot merchaadla. Tha
following day Lawreae Maxwell
waa arreated by 'Morley and lodged
tn Jail here. A quanUty of gooda
found at Maswell'a home waa alleg
ed to belong to the atore and farm-
era ot that dlatrict. Maxwell waa
nnable to give ball of 100 fixed
by Justice Gaghageo. He la al
ready under bonds ot $1,750 on
other charges.
Sparks, whose plato was searched
for. stolen gooda yesterady. la In Jail
In lieu ot $1000 ball. Very little
aside from a two-foot square was
found at the Sparks place. Some
ot the tools, belonging to B. 3.
Ayres, and found at tha Maxwell
place, were stolen In May. tluga
belonging to A. E. Brown were
also found there.
Agrceiurnta lU-ached With New
Shopmen's Orgaalaatloa
CHICAGO. Oct. 14. Sixteen rail
mails havo completed agreements
with new organlratlotia of their shop
men by which, In effect, the men
walvo tholr right to strike and the
companies pledge themselves not to
lltlgato, both parties agreeing lo
abldo by tho decisions of, the railroad
labor hoard. Notlrn of completion ot
tho agreements haa been tiled with
tho labor board.
Ether Body May Travol
But Doctors Think Not
noCIIKSTKR. Minn., Oct. 14. -A
thoory that whllo the physical body
sleeps, un "ether body" wanders tha
world over, accumulating the stuff
that dreams are made of, met with
disfavor beforo the MlaaUalpatuVsl
ley Medical association's convention
here yesterday.
Dr. W. Stuart Leech pf,RoeaH.
Minnesota, talking on "Tha Plaeal
gland, and the condition ot Ego la
Sleep," advanced, tha theory, "that
there aro two distinct bodlwi la eW7
human being one physical a'ad tha
other known as the "ether aady."
While the physical body ataefM, tho '
speaker aald, the ether body tMae
away for a nocturnal prowl that stay
oven carry It to foralga leads, always i
to return, however, befort'the phl-
cat body awakcua.
Proteata marked it he soSHhlslM if j
hla talk and .the convent! "MSI- ,
moualy ordered hla'addriee stHWSaU !
y ordered hla'addriea stlfllajiVr V . ''
t,hc records. llt.v.V.f? ?fy
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