The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 13, 1922, Image 1

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T ;'-s3
' !
' 'in
I. II. Mi' ill III I HOST
Member of the Associated Pros
MMiilllli 1 rlt
Nil, nno
KI.AMlTll IMI.I.H, OltlXJO.V, I IC1I. , ()( IOIII It I.I, HISS!
riticH fivm cknm
H W ffi ff ft M m
0 i
'. IU.K o.i n Tin- Mil In
.Six Linea Made Defendants initio, .t hi iiu M.nnt Mat August Klamath and
III Action Before Public
Service Commission
BAI.I.M. Oil 1.1 A K.iiiiliilnt III
trmlm.'il In fun. Mil imtillr i.ertlte
cominlsalnn Tuoaihi) l,y '1101 mi H)rft -or
II. II Corey lor prd. min
dly to Us Mine with I lie Interstate
commerce rnmmlssion. provides for
tlio completion of the Nit iron fit
off, cMcualoii f tin. Ilciii h 11 11.11 mil
rouil (10111 I Ik i limn 11 1 tertnlnut al
Hi-mi In Oilnll, .itensliiii of t tiff On-tnrln-Ctany
brairtt of I tin Oregon
Hlinit I, I iip in int. M, ntul rallroitd
I ulinecHona liitAiMoi lakptiew and
t lit ouinlili v. or lil either liy wiiy of
Itlnnialli rail or tin- Or-ron niiort
I. Inc.
If 1 ho OrRn i-iiiiimlasli.n nipr..v.-
Hi" move, Hit. complaint will In flltift
with tlir Intemtntf. comment, com
iiiImIhii fur consideration the
provision of 1 h InlPrstal.. roinmerc.
art. which authorise-. tli riirumttuiliin
I" order itonliOK of tall llm.11 nlo-ii
II showing of rono'nliinri- and neces
II J' Is lllilili. tu Justify nui-h i.l.i
alou Miilcj .Miroil) Made
' Thla la no wild nl drmm The
survey u fur all nf )!-. proposed
projects ttrri- mndn -ar iiro. ahow
ItiB that riinatmriion or Hn linea
ol mllroiil tiavft benti given coiialder
atloi by railroad Uulldrnr." Cony,
let lured. In ilnfonxr. of bin lotnpl.tiiM.
which tin aald la deal tied for tin- tl
t.lopmeut of the ar.-a of Cen
tral and Mouihurn Oypjon mix un
luucbml by rati lluna
U tlio complaint It filid illi th
'"UWiito iwmthutfi! cvjtiiilsiMoii It
will nemo n dVfendnnA tlio (Vnirnl
I'ntiflr, Boultii.rn I'nclllc, ()-Ur. It A
N , OmKon HhArt l.llio. Un-Kti Trunk
and tlio tfoMdiutna Itallroml i-omnan-Ixa.
t'oroiilrtlon of itio Not nm mt-ofr
Lulnecn lUrtt and OabrldRo. will n
qulro aiiproxlmatnly 70 uillna pf ion-
Btrorttnu. Itfnlon of ihr line
from llrnd to Odill will rxquln- ".
itiltra nf ronatruitlon. and ri.ti'lun
nf tho Cratir liranrli to O.d II will
Inrnlro npproxlmnU'1)' H-' iulln of.
rutistrticlloa, an-nrdliis ,to Cort-)
W'uilM 1'np Ijhki' A 1 '-a
tuitslnii'tlon of tlio ptnpiwd lllii-a,
I'oroy'a conipliilnl pulnta mil. would
mntoiinlly nntiirn mil illslnnrns ho
lwi.i Hoiittturti and l!uttrn t)risoti
pulnlB iiml l'ortlnml. in muiir raim
uinrii limn half Hip pr-aunl rail dl
tnmo hi-liig rjlmlnnli'il. Cor.-y nald
Al llm ptuannt tlnm tlu-rn la n
nillroud fi iiillng unalnnrd from
tlio vwwtxrii part of tlio alato noutli o'
I'ortlund to liny point In l'itrii (In
lion or to Il1.1t pottlon of Honiii.ii
Oii'i-.iin I'lvm of tin' Cnscnili. 11101111
tiilns, I'oroy's riiiitplultit pointa out,
HliowliiK Hint In this ns J'i't iiikIcvW
npml ii-kIoii ilimo aro lillllon of fi
of Ht.ilidlliK llltilirr, nt dipoll of
soda mill niliii'rnU anil riciI nn:ir. of Innil, nil awallliiK nilc
ij milo IraiiHpiirliitlini fuillltluti fur di
Mdiipinunt. Iii-tlnriilloii W'liifrld ofUrlnlit or I'ortlaud to
d.iy n-Iiifijil to iiiaKo 11 pulillr ilci'l.ira.
Ion of their iittllmlo toutinl llu coin
plaint drafted Tilcmlny li II II. Cor
ny, pnlillii norlro lOiniillHuloiU'r. do-'
niniiilliti; tall uxtrimloiiH for i)ri";n
I Hum.
TIih lull (Uiirutlvim nald llu'y iri'
foiii'il to nwall iiioro ilitflnili' I. lion
tod uo of II10 pI.iiih of t'ori-y Thf
cIiiiiiiIjit of I'oimiii'rio tool; a mIiiiII.ii
attltinlii oi tlio inallor anil 1 1 0- oiih
Iiml) inaMiii; a iIim-IiiimIIoii win Hi'
Miilu 1 liiiiulmr nf iimii mi-l '. ulilHi
11c nl n li'lrnr.nn o tlio loininlHiiloni'r
offoiiiiK wlinli'lii'iuli'il Hilpport to tlnr
duiiiaiid for rail iixUiiihIdiiii In tlio
Ccnlial Oiiipin (oiintry.
SIIOOilMi I'lIOlli; li.MI.S
VACOMA. Oil. III.- Tho redt'iMl
nraiid Jury luveHilg.iilni; tho ehoot
lug of Miijnr Ali'Miinlff Ci'onKpli nl'
(,'anii I.owIh In 1UIK loday loluiiii'd
two Kiuiot Inilhiimml.s mid wns ills
chiirgeil by Foileral .luilgo CiiHhmau.
i'ho illstiiii iiHoruey infused to In
dlculo whather tho liidli'tliienU have
to do with tho t'roiiltplt cane llo
Hlilil tlio liliuillly of tho piil'mmi) 111
illiinil would nut bo known for hivoi
nl ilnvs,
l.i'l Asl.lni' Sopitim Colin to l)i'
III Ottneikl lp of 1:0,000
i l's I i llpcciiihei-
li H'-niitor Kiiiiiui'l M. Hlinrlililgp,
In l.ii.. tin. supreme court ilrrlilf 1
upon H. niierhlp of nppruxlmnlo
j ly in run of mtiimp liunl mir
lound'iiR 1,' Kliimatl) In In- In
! Ml' Itlyotl county. I (.kinrt.i to inmn
'11,. for ntllon nl the l)iTwno..f ",,.-, Kal, ,., j Krunk Adamx fori
! M,.n. a-rnrdlni: 10 n prnaa ill.pMHi dt)g Manki. .11.1r1.l1 landn ImrdcrliiR
irom taiiiuiKion .iioimny.
HlmrirlilRo nay. Iii lm uMiifanPra
th..' will lo kIvoii o favnr-
atili fppnrt l-y K.'rrt.tnry of Interior
fall, and Im atntna I10 aluo la aaauruti
Ihr Mil will tie report d nut with a
rt.rommi'ndatlon fnr pntwicp by Iho
w-nato Jiidlrlnry c-nmmltti-P.
It.. Hi Inlio illlo
Title In the laud la rliiliii.,
by the Roti-rnniPiu and Ity u ntimtier
of liidlvldiial In ('allforlil'i. the lat
ter having anrn-yed and appllnj fur
The roTornmpnt rlalin owneraltlp
by virtue of an art of tbn California
leniniature in 1S0K, onthoiii'nK tlio
Culled fltnti' to lower the water
IpviI nf a number of lakea. Inrludlni
the lo'T KUmalb It nm i el
fled In the art Hint Hip coveinment
rnuld lle the beiU of the like fnr
witter ftlorage In eonoeellnn with Ir
rigation and rei Inmnllim projrcti
I'l.lllll tllll) ItollOOl I'lllCll
iim I... )...! it r'nllffirnlrt U'hf.Ma
" " "- ,
I ulolaiure nan nntuorupu Aiiornay
Urni-ral Wehli to Inntltulo pioreul
intfat asalnat llm eorrnitiiDtit. It l
rlalmod the only laud reded to lb" i I he iHittom of tltc
luk.-. mid not Hi.. 3' lino a rea pur
rotindlne lb 1...v.t Klmnnth
Wbtle rllmrtr dp,o a Snrretory
of Interior I'all will approM) tlio bill,
aomo of llie rrrtuttiKllun r-uolre.
flrlnln nm Known ti 10 oppu'i'd to
I lii-iil ti- M.iii I'noillil.ili' for M) ol t
HoiIiii-i'iI It) Tlitibi'i"ib'i
Ted White's bat fli.pi d In'o tlio
politlrul rlni; today when Ao nil
nount'vil blmsidf .atidlduto for may
or will' Hie ptidornpiticut of tin'
Tlniberworber's union
"Sly platform l redme laxt-j pml
Hive ovorybody n a'ltiare,"
sold Whlto. "I am oppowl to tin
duo rcfctrlctlou of personal liberty.
I nm iu;aliit boolti'KKlni; and If
ult'otctl tbltf evil will ho glampml
out, mtm If complete eli.niKo In
the pollro forrp 1.1 necessary to It.l
Vhllo said bo bad tigit'Cil lo
run tu tho tMrntt ttolleiiatloii of a
roinmlilup from tho TlmhcnvorlCM
and h bollnvoa ho will poll u lai'Ko
p.ut of tho labor oto. Ho J.ild Hint
khoulil two oilmr eniidldiiiiM wlib-
tlruw. iniitiliii; I bo r.n b'tween
.Mayor Wiley niul oin- other c.indl-'
ditto. Iiu would nl" withdraw, but i
that olberw'lso ho would bowl, ov-'
ory effoit toward hl eleitloti.
Whl'o Is owner of tlio Strand
thciilio and Iiiih lived hero 10 or
I'.' yi'tiis, llo In roclMori'il aa a
While's catiilldacy brlnr.H the
mini Iter '.- the imooralu race up
to fle The others aro Hr A. A
Soiib Atlbiir Wilson. J l.ylo
and lb,. Iiiruiubi'iii. M.ior W. S
limb-don of Words "In of Our
l.'iiil" Vil'atcs Kiii'iiiiiiiit
siMtiNtiFii'ii.n. in. Oct n -
iiiiilnslim of t In' wordH, "lit Hie oar
of our Lord," from the draft of pro
pusoil new mI.iIo coiiHtltutlon to be
voted on Dm'oiutuT 12th Is deacrlh
iil iih tin eiror vitiating tlu worth
of tho enl Ire document, in n com
luuuh'atluo slgut'il today by so
fdntc and local ol'lclaU, offkiiils of
Miifoulr (ii'i;:inl.,itl(ma, ptomlueut
(iergynien mid Iho district mipcrln
lenili'iil of Iho aiitl-miloon le-iguu.
rueumoiil.i ilaliui'il ns Kit victim
tho flve-duy-old hou of Mr. mid Mr.s.
J. T. Iliuiinuan In u hospital hero
this illuming Funoriil hoi'vlces will
bo hold In tho Whltlock clitiiml at
IP n. m , Saturday llmial will Iiu
ivt l.lukvlllo coiuolory. .
Tide Lake
(Questions Aired in Open
Meet ill C. of C. !
A li inn 1.1 1I1 '"rni'm- tin- u tli.n
of tin iiovi oiiit.-.ii on tin matter uf
ICIamulh Ink.-, i.nj lo dlacoaa Jin-
) onm,, u, j.m, 1(Jllj ,,,, f
J additional arttn of Tnln Ink Inn .Ik I
j was n rcilon all Oat In too chaii' .
I Iict of tomnicrri- rnnnm. 1
Tbu hoorlna was eoodoctcd by Hi" 1
th.i pirlnl I ojrd r rovlow roitpt. -.l '
Uf , , iHtvin. !:rocir of tlio Inlt '
..d tltu lli-ilanmtlnn Brrp.: lili-n
P.irkt-r of Inrtima, diatrlrt encln
(r i.r th" l'nlt-n Btal 1 OeoJ dl
aurvey, and II. I lead ley of the'
ncrlciilturr.l department, aaperlutiti ,
dent uf the fmleral etpirlmunl farm
nl Gallon, Ni vodo
1 1 wai attetldPcl
bM5 nr J'l f;reey nr Indirectly In
Icri-xtud In both queatlnni. I
Trvifmniiy I lent (I
AmoliR llioiu who teatlfled thi
luonilnc uere .1. frank Adorns. Kd ,
and llobert tienry and John Hol
Their tentlmony embraced po. is ifi
Irrlnatlon and reclamation. Adamx,
bo ajkH for rsi.ouo
If the land la tMken o.-r by the u v
eminent and opened to entry, it. I.
af'prnoon subiulllod ort flKurea.
l-'rod Weitprfplil and J II. f.'arna
ban repmsentpil Iho AmerIean(loc1ou.
which adtoratei I tie onnolnR la set
tlemeilt of ttntb the Adams and Iho
Tula Inko lands
Upon completion of lte bearlitii
tho sporlal board will submit It
mlndlugs to St-rrvtary Fall for his
CatiarBtsmsn Slmiott left tojay for
l.uKovirw atid was not irent at tlio
HUitiss li:itln Vnlle)
Following iho morning wmlon lite
boanl met with tlio iiotary club nnd
lltB rhnmbsr of rommorro boanl of
directors lo discuss tbo Shasta ratio)-
Irrigation project, whi-li m-
I i iSkSB I It ft at llat.illi lutfA aa an n I
un it
.-... .... ..-. ... .,.-...-... .. u. ., yjr on iB.laf (f Amprcun private-
lorago roai-rtnlr to the d. trlnu-ot , ...,,, ,.. , , ,
. ,..... . . , , , . ly owned hl '. Ibalrmiiii lTsl:or an
of li.n.iintj at-reit of liiud bordering ! , ,.
the lake wblilt would b- ri mb red
A telegram waived frwit Percy A.
t'uppir, statp onElneer. wbtcb was
road bpforo the tnectlne, slated that
while the Khasta Valley projon hail
inndo application for water rights r,
joar ago. mine had bet n granted.
Surret.iry Stovensnii said various
chic bodies would be ashed to fmiiiQ
ti pint form to d of ait the plan lo use
Klaiunib lako ns n reserrolr
rtrjtvji-vt-t.-T -.r'rr . iii.,7.. ..;ivti. i-i J. .. J -7 .T" .iw?.c!''oSR?iaiamaBfaaatBsa
m. T rfaSSfr' LsSBSBSFLlV"SjferSMalSBSBBSBsV v y -naf5sL "-anaV - I
U. S. Ships on
'- ""' '--- z.i -c m, '?
?.43C.'Nl.J,'3 AV'9.
tmv-. is.i
i$Q8& iMP!r -
i 10 of lii- 1 eve s the l"n
0 prc.t ..t . 1. it 1 ti-.ere. An
Ccarlci X. '. - , . ; :..i ...? c!
1 rtjling BREWS STORM
I .
I'mliilillloil or
Mil.i lii I'. i
l.iiprir on lit It Kh
U liter-. .MtiuUnl
LONDON. O I. J 3 rules on In
junction Is granted; Cnnard tlno, tlio
Ilrltlsh Kovontineiu v. til protft fof
raully tltroiiKh l- fortUn office
against Hip ruling prohibiting lli(iior
on foreign ships lit .American waters.
It was stdtexl In oCflrtel qtiartors to
day, (IfflrjJBIavJjfii'o, howovor. ex.
tiri'ssi'il tho oplnlony that tlio Injunc
lion will bo granted' in iho American
WASiriNOTo:.'. on. 13. snip-
plug board teste's will remain dry
regardless of Iho outenmu of Uto In
junction proceedings brought In Now
Aims iM.oi' is iui:i!
SI.ATTI.K. Oct. 13. -Details of
an alleged plot to ship arms and
ammunition tu revolutionist; In
China was revealed Iicm 'oday
with the urret of l.oo I'oyo rionii,
Chlnece mer. hunt of Iloston. tnd
tho eeltme of four ches'j of (.or
man make ainmunltlou.
Way to Levant
mJ - 'r- ' -- J
i ffflZWifjtM!& '
5 fti J
trj Catei h stndlnr; to Constantinople
ir. 12 aro of this type. Inaet, Captain
i .u hlps.
vsiiis-r:TO':. n. v . Oct
13 The interstate commcrco
f commission today annuunccd
thai It would res utiie November
17, consideration of plans for
J conr.vlidat!n of railroads, tak-
tng up flrM the proposal for
-mnhinatlon of transcon'Jticn-
tal lines through the northcut.
l!et. Johii'Hn (.'iiIIktIii
At tliiUtl.ui
'After Supper" was tho themo
that Kvangellit Johnson spoko on
ist pienlng at the Christian church.
Up pictured the lonesoui'iiess of
, man. who walks from tho Savior. '"To
I tho man." ho said, "who refuses to
listen to tho call of Christ all Is
night and darkness."
Tonight KvangelW Johnson will
hnvo as his text. For 1 nm not ash
amed of the gospel for li Is tho pow
er ,f Hod unto salvation. Ser
vie. s cloo at S.r.O to permit thiwo
pivsctit to sou "Allco In Hunger
land" at tho Presbyterian church.
1 Jf?- A
1 'm, raAai 1.
Z lam Lt'xWgfaafMiiaal
ar- i ,iiY'raii.v,i,jt
Wi i
I t ' L-
if I
? . ..'JiKu'wVaVcnBBSBsSaVsB I
fllltli Krhixil I In j 1 Itctttecn I I unit
'-'I lo Its Admitted; l,od'( I
llaitiiM'iil DoiintPd 1
Organization or tlio Junior i:ik:,
computed of IiIrIi kcIiuoI boys In;
Iwern Ihr. okcs of H to 21, It well
underway and will I10 completed
with ndoptlnn of cnnntlttitlnn ntul by
laws mibiiilttcd by n Junior com-niltt-n
cnmpoxLil of Albert Mora-
I land, Itolln Cantrcll ami Moyd
I Ilunnell.
I When It was decided by tlio Klk
, to form the. Junior Klk a Com
munity Wclfaro committee was ap
pointed consisting of J. J. Miller,
chairman, Fred Maker and Dr. II.
I) I.. Stewart. The committee met
' u.lfl. II.A'. nnMmlllnn . f 1.ll.
... . , . . ,
school boys who were asked to sub-
mlt the constitution and by-tawt
Ilnirtnrnt Donnte.1
The purposo of tho Junior Klks
organization Is to promoto nnd en
courage tho physical 'welfare of the
young members. To this end th
Klks lodge has donated the use of
tho basement of the club building
for tho boys use for physical rccro-
..!.. HH.I ...III .InH.I. l... t...(mn
, .111111. ..IIU lll I1U..IIIU IMC ..JWhU
I room once each month for n dance.
Tho dances will bo under tho mu
I pices of the Junior Klk.s nnd tho
direct supervision of Mrs. A. 0.
i Mclssner, and tho first will bf held
October 31 on tho occasion of the
Klnmnth-Ashland football game.
Membership In tho Junior Elks
reiulrcs tho recommendation of
a lllg llrother Kl'.t and the Junior
rommitteo on membership. Officers
will be elected along the sanio plan
as that of tho Elks lodge.
Initiation-, lit lie Feature
A feature of tho organization will
bo the Initiation which. J. J. Mill
er said, "may bo mIM and may be
furious, entertaining but not injur
ious." I Tea baetftnenr nf.tho- club Is
equipped with shower baths
other attractive features.
(.real lllvalry KxMa In Sale of
Student llody Ticket).
In order to sell as many student
body tickets ns possible, a contest
was inaugurated yesterday between
tho various high school classes. Tho
contest closes November 1.
Tho first class to win a 100 per
cent score, through every member of
tho class purchasing a ticket, can
hang Its pennant In tho assembly. If
nono of tho classes reach 100 per
cent the class with the highest per
centage wins.
In addition tho following prizes
liavo -been effered:
First prize. $3; Second prlxc. ?-;
Third prize, J I.
Through ticket sales (90 has been
realized to date, lllvalry Is high
and It Is exrected that all classes
will hatu 100 per cent before tlio
contest closes.
Tho tickets cost "-'CO and admit
tho btudont to all student body activi
ties except dances, besides paying
student body dues which aro SO
rents n year.
(ioislou Smith Surtvi.fii Caudiil.ile
For Vice I'tcldent
lly a plurality of l'J votes ocr
his opponent, Thomas Watt, Cordon
Smith was chosnu vlco president of
C'o fctudeiit body at an election held
yitterday noon In tho lower hall
nf t Iiu high school. Only C4 otud,
th' small number being duo to un
paid student body dues. Mombor
voting nro required to bo In good
Major Hubert A, Oibbs of l.os All'
gelt to Address Mcctlug- Hern
A s'.'iics of talks on tho proposed
I compulsory school bill will bo glv
I en here, by Major llobert A. Gibus
I of l.os Angnles, who will nrrlvu hero
tonight, lie will speak at tho
Strand thentro at 8 o'clock Satuiilay
ovenlng nnd ut 3 o'clock Sumliiy
Major Ulbbs will address bis re
marks In particular to thoso who
may be in favor of the bill und will
answer all questions, pro and con,
relating tho bill,
Oil ON S
Fraudulent Loans to Rel
atives and Aisociatet
Alleged By IngalU
How Senator Wnlter M, I'lorco,
Democracy's Kiiliornntorlnl cantll
dnto, fraudulently secured loans nc
sreRatlnR thousands nf dollars from
tlio stntn school fund by using rela
tives anil business associates ns dum
my applicants Is mado public by
Claude K. InRnlls, secretary nf tlio
republican stntn central commlttcn
1 In an article n the Portland Telc-
. , ..
gram of October 11.
Three relatives two brothers nnd
a sister, and two business associates
wero usod by tho senator In so
curing tho loans.
In I'lene's Ifiioilwrltloa
Accompanying tho Tolcgram nrtl
cle Is a photographic Copy of tho ap
plication of 'Charles M. Fierce, broth
er of tho senator, and nlso of that
given to tho land board of flcorgo
W, Tape, business associate of tho
senator, nml.tlie acknowledgement
With the exception of Mif. signa
tures themselves, tho applications
aro In tho handwriting of tlio sena
tor, and somn of tho acknowledge
ments wera mado before him.
Hrlefly, hero Is tho story of how
tho senator used hlu relatives nnd
business associates to fraudulently
obtain tun loans.
Oregon has what Is known as tho
Irreducible school fund from which
loans aro mado on farm lands as not
to exceed one-third tho value of tho
property, and at an Interest rnto' oft
6 per cenL
Hut undv tho law no loan In ox;
cis. otJt&OOO can bo maris to nny
single Individual, "nnd It was to
evade tbttj provision of tlio law that
Senator Fierce, who owned thou
sands of acres of land, used his rel
atives and business associates as
dummy applicants.
Heeds In Dummies
Deeding his lands to his three rel
atives and two business associates ha
had them secure Hie loans and then
In turn rcconvcy the land lo him
self. Most of tho deeds reconvening
tho lands to tho senator wcro exe
cuted within a fow days after tho
land board had mado Iho loans,
Tho data gathered from tho re
cords by Secrotary Ingalls show that
on November Id, 1903, tho senator
deeded a tract or his land to his
brother, Charles M. Plcrco, for a
consdcratlon of flS.COO; that on No
vember 23 of the samo year Charted
M. Plcrco executed a nmrtgagn to tho
laud board for a loan of $.'.000, nnd
Hint on Novombor 30 of tho samo
year Charles M. Plorco roconvoyed
tho land back to tho senator for tho
samo consideration as set out In tho
deed from tho senator to his brother.
Deed in Shlrr
Further tho data shews:
That on November 10, 1903, thu
samo datu as tho deed oxocuted lo
tho brother Charles, the senator oxo
cuted a deed for a tract of land to
his sister Mlnnlo B. PJerco for a con
sideration of (10,600; that on No
vombor 23, 1903, Mlnnlo II. Plorco
socured loin of (5000 from tho
school fund and that on December
12, 1903, Mlnnlo II. Plorco rocott
vpyctl tho to tho senator.
That on Novombor 10, 1903'. tho
senator deeded to his brother, (loo.
A. PJerce, a tract of land for a con
sideration of (16,000: that on No
vombor 23 of tho samo jcar tlio
brother secured it loan of (5000
(Continued on Page 3)
All Trnnrferrcsi snfely from Hunt
ing lily of Honolulu
sengers of tho City of Honolulu,
which burned at so.i yesterday, woru
transferred to tho nrmy Iratwport,
Thomas, from tho reseuo ship West
Farnlon at dawn today said un of
ficial messaga. Tho Thomas It)
duo at San Francisco tomorrow, but
she Is expected to bo at least cms
day lato. The City of Honolulu la
reported burned freyod repair asj4
no vessel ex.Mete-1 to b sM to3
reach her until (ate o4a..siMt'
o? tho fnuaee hftvt. . ' ' t, , 1
1 V