Vrfr 'Mil IIMDU, OCIOIII i (,22 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON " " - "l V - " A STRIKEOUT RARE RUTH'S FIRST CONTRIBUTION TO WORLD'S SERIFS -4 -,Jv,2 ' ' - '.Z5- - 'ni'-kSiS. ftaWaUaiTfc-J& , " " - 3Zj -Jfctf5? .. . - T. ' '-MwV 'fegl., : ' . il- '' "".lri: -.2lJ MA HE RUTH KAN'S!- A rtrikenul was Rnbc Ruth's first contnhutioii to 1 1)22 world wries histoiy. On his first trip to the plntt' in the opening game, the i)lr IltimeRun Kinjf took three lusty swings at Pitcher's Nthf's fiift three offering, without even gelling a foul tip. This pielure shows Ruth'w thiid fniitloss swing, with the ball wifely in the mitt of Frank Snyder, Giant catcher. Umpire K'lem in shown behind Snyder. M.rr !: Hull 'ml ililn t, I . . . a . aa I AVOWOd Wot UulUllCiaiO I.. l r imh't- tn iimliiUlr I Hi li i ; li i i itor.al riiiiti , itilfi MiijMIi CriNiHhvrl of Vm!i Iti ,-. MfilM . hi llii II ti. ' li'Kf" i. lon nnil nilo I, llrrrltie of -H,.- nl ,lr; ........ K. town ,NM M..in.n r..WMI nnrt .Ic,,, !r) Iowa I !. Rut One . wui .n.i..rr .YOKOHAMA HOME OF tl. fifth a t t lIVil'UKIUU MAlbKlAL IS LESS IN COST I wli.T. pruliibltlon ii.i In foru Ik ton Hi. '.r, ol lh. Vulnlaait nrl, mi" or illinlnuHft nruorllnn in I In-' ttnwm i.'llrl .niMimUfi. .mly n'nxlk l'li.fanrjan tl any ltf9 ul kf ttt lo lrtt cd. j , M Houugrrttih. Cnrrln's Itu-J complrlcU n rMlJenm ou h of Vo ttaitv lr inn rirrrn roHin'ii(Hiai . iff una, Z irati Ik-. IU openly ilwtornd itmnt-j - - mIni lii nur r brr anil lliini ! Tb tC K. U. Hioro I'. ticJ-iurtcm wtan amrnilmal. rcnrdlnn to a utr-, ' 0ma 13-11 toy Ju! romplelpd by ik lwn Anil-1 Hitloon IrSBHP Tlll)fln nr" finiillilatr Vrv I I ll.ix "iiih Wmirl. I v u In ihi' tlilri! liu! t . I ..in! I nl V I i ' III il li .1 I i I in Iii.m rit- . huh i i t II) r ii Ontbam ('irtt.-rini fur now nlon high mliiml k ' mill mi) Inlil. v.'j... i. - ii ii.-ii iiiinKtn mill it i ni . in ii TOKIO. O.l is J..:ni. in. r. limit. ImiK ri-l.li nt iiI.-k.hI wln.ru lin l.arn.'il hi pnjny th. m torln uf Am i If mi lumn-liolil ion toiiIbbcii ami ut.iialln. Im iimt hud in mm m EEBIIGE B BT HE FEH95T EB .. n iil ti In ur u lfi n . ol . .ml. ' I inlt I in l Silt- ! i l l.i li I i I't II. , IS aaaaaaagzjTZ.aiJJr.nTUCx.7..,. r7,j-,.-.ir-a-ji cnBBcaaiiTsxsJi j H Z ' S - R Mt'l" v ,,.i 'IMcivOtlimlhirl W ITH the' " b.ircfoot " case of perfect fit, you can be 'sure ,of satisfaction in QUEEN QUALITY shoes, whatever your requirements. Into ever)' one tof. .the smart new styles the makers have put the best of their 30 years' skill and experience that have made tthc.famc of QUEEN QUALITY shoes for women. H (Zanzibar Brown Calf Oxford Eidi dainty line adds beauty to the fit and comfort of tin's martrnew oxford style. A loeiuiuui, uurauic suoc, nuuc fl-rtwith welt jolc and mbber liccl. KG. ;in.Kiqicu u(it.wiuYVH.taii.j vi;.- Sold Exclusively By THE BOOTERY CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 Main Street aouaioa orory hick ami IIIUiib ur Which wa lttiiortnl from Am-n. . tl roat him. o III JiIIIm h i. j,i balf nmcli a It nonl, h . ttti bad It bean built of J.;.., timber and malorlala. ami ' . . j bla family il rlar the ramfn Till i i citio of ihi'. romtpn r... t inrrvaiiiiK Impurtatloiu ..f . ,, from Hip IMilfle tuuat l is n m -i.i A not In r raaann U i .1 J.itnti i.wlnn to thn clltuili.-, ,i, li' ' 11 1 1 Situ rln In not rwltln .Ik mull luinlirr ti liiTntof.iri (10111 Itu- 1 J . ,'ann . lunilioriuo 1 Imv. Mi .1 in iinliiv tlu euvcitimi.it in inn. 1 . 1 ii.. iu-,tiitin duly mi Inn r 1.1 Oils ijn. .ul.lnrt han r -fin. .1 1 1 .in .. . thn Impur'at l.iii l,..ii ili.wn ilu jirln-H uf I ho iiroiiti-l fr.iin in In. il fun tin ami nlnuil ihr in 1 nf urn ,tru tlun l i IiIkIi Hiii iiivit'nii will not I111II1I limim .f Mil. li Hi. r Is u prtMl M,iori;ii:r 'ii ' '"il in I'm 1 I1.1 alilpimil l. 1 1' 11 1 f r ail) iniuli." I10u.11 lilt 1 Ihi f.ir I!.",. Inn uol bt'ptt a n ' .' 111 .till fin tlii'cp. Tin ni.iili'rii .luimni'mi wauls 11 u'iiii-ri'r i,;n lit hi . in wfp nnil iliuir.l it., inillk. tlii mvii who liiiw n.u-i'i.l iii.rii.nl. Iiumi not 11 in-1 in .iiiM 1 ..itu 1 Mo coinforta r criiir.il lii'iiiiiiK. titled luitbi mi I iiimli'iii hinitir- filings. Thoy wini at li'.ist "Kin ,1. iti. up m rooms, .itii.i- 11II .1 roi.in for their lei cor . 1 111i.il wlii.li 10 .1 Juiunpno clrl la .. iuiMrt.iiit iM 11 Kr.iiliintluii to tin. ur iii;i Aiii.Mlriti Klrl. .Many uf In iiu 11 inn lllii. ucrrwluidilly In un.'ii in t' 'uuiiforts" ut lliclr ihilil'1.1 l Wlui ih .ohi if l.ilioi, rpiiiont, Ii. it I 1-. lllllllllM .Hill lltlicr IH'CIM nil I.',: III.' ri'illlivil iho IlllpllltntluilS of luiiili.'r "III In. fin Hut lnrro.ia id M iiiMii( II11. t-K Ulo I iiiL't-li.inrg lii'ii n i- lw riiiiii.ii.illuly IiIkIi ii;i . lint tlii prliiillhn IiiiiIh Hicy it. .ii'iiiii llni'i from uci-iiiupllhll-Ihk m'.irly I In- iiiiuiiiiit of hdi'k ilu lj will, li tlu Aim rh .in ilmw wiili his iip-tii-il.iiii (ontilviiiii-ea. Tl'o .Iiimiix Ii.ivo mil )it .il'l'to ouiic'ii HiIh. vSJkrKrVsrlL 4 'dlv f', 'zH V MU iWal r ftVL Y -J fm a 1 1 -tfBap vHHBBbE-J afl yt 1:1 iv 1.1.1 ni"i 11 iii Mt. t.i on.; 01 (.1:1 i.( 1: Sli M'. Ki-rilu. THK.s. OH. i: ir-ht. it Il ,t 'I Is in C I ' As a ii.ii.'ii i 1 .nt us, lion over ! spemml to Hi rmi It nui'iv dliipiH iitininM and i!an8 bla 1 I. .tt-iM.kH. (.orB. Iiils- of Mpartoi wn h. utlu-r .: Into tro H1I0 mi.l iltKwt .m of tbu f'.rmi'r King " w" f"r"-'' ,u "'"l'1-'. i'-orRo Ciiiiauntfiif. I at lnut on tha tbroao. 1 nll Ibo call. And bM Ruing to atay ibm- No bon bo nntl U!s wlfo nro ,,:", "I'otll the reoub ay rn-y antjW uii uo mori' " ho declarca. j Kill h ImppH that day will iuviti Koacnitch. No mt.ipo No Miurak; com... for I..' Ilkoa bla now j. brtt.-ri m- jui pur., imisl.al tono ,,..,,,,, Tliota what a Uriiii-wl-k I'lumoBrii h llmo niiythlnR c.Uo In the worhl llo ,,, citrrlu Sas Bo. JS bail bnen after 11 for n lonjs tlmo j Vtiro b,. in lino rr it. Yoscmitc Pari: I Ins pomim inn ri.-ri'u aim ui-urjif uuu u Ink', u badi so .it. rolloal.11; involution iry troublm In : 01T In.t'i ho an1 hi faili.-r had to ilm. i: rgo nt ti. Ituiuaata. Ilia jimiiji-r limtligr AloxumUr t-amo Into power. Whrn A!i ruler died lu I ''20 from Urn oiioru of a innnKuy bile tlio ro- ft coaa nero forced to ronuutti'o all Lurgcst Attendance l.iwl-. I'lilini Kiiltu III nil Tall j u-li;liU nnil fiilnliH. K, K. K. Store l'J-ll 1 Tim MVPtilest day of tlio jour. Can ih Da) uut Hatuiila. I'm 1 hi K.imi So. 1 -' ". Diu-liiiss 'rioiiKoiH -1 0f n button, ?l u 1 In. K. K. K. HtoiD. 12-H VOSKMITK. Cal . Oct. i Yoie mlto ba wmi nculii. nrcordinc lo lo-1 i-.il aii'horlili'n in tin. annual race I botnrou tlio uailoii.il pirka fur llto Kroajtwil tittcndjitco. This car Vm imitii .Mi'pit.ilnpit inorn than ilultas lo tbu tbrouo. Hut two 100.OOO Mtorn, wbllo ollowstoiio mirittis later tlioro va another up-! j,.rk reported n total of flS.OUO. hoaval In i.waio and Oeorgo and some day YhmmiiUo liopca to on-' foiwtaiitliio woro naltod to rvruru tu j tor.utn 200,000. possibly UOO.OOO, 1 their lounti) I peopla oaih enr. Till will bo wben IV'l.ll.. Ili.itrf.ii una In lll.tiiifil.l n .. . . .... ' ,..,.. .,...... .- - (lll anjUr moioi- nitinuay 11110 1110 iiijiii miuiii " iu.iuk. "'-. U,, 8 couiplct-d 1111:1 ami riMiccus i.iiiaiiuiii. The) weiu imi'ilcil at lliii'liufput on 1'eli L'J. last. TJ10 brlilo was 27; the Inlili'KiiiDiu :'. 1. Dm li.inl luo't Htlll iiuriiieil tin. 11 In.-., A few ilina later he was laid I The llett best thlllK If OU liavpn't ,,, : ,1, , . ,'a imi vswii'K is imi'.NswiiJK m:- up with the mumps which h. lauRht ro1)S , j10nB,,,h ou i,nvo, fiom his lnliU' Cutilu Says So. 13 Wear Duxliak lliuitliu; cUitlies when ou no lifter tlio Ducks K K K. Stoio 12-14 wxa DON'T CUSS The Weather WuiHirr ii'iiIii-(h lime wild thill p Mill burp our vi i-U-. nf niln nnil the only ii,tKP!loii wo inn nffi 1 in tu main- jiiiir homo iiiurp uttr.iclliu wllli 11 S nun n i- liliohi j nil n few new records. I'liiple me limine lli.-ni now mill 111III111! them "tliu ( liili.timiH (iift fur nil the fundi)." NrM Ours ?ai lo P'JTft tmided li)ltirH. Earl Shepherd Co. One nindni'M-MusIr SOT Jtnlii Sliect I'lionc aa-J iaBBBBBHlnBBBBBE?aVHBBBBBBBBBBH K?k ', fiM. ' P K flUaH, nH v3l ? v. -IjH AiJI Am ''WaHiVVLy TfaSaaSaaaHH nw? 9TlL vt i'm pljl H PtJH At jiuir 'critic, Mibjert to the npprtniil of the Mcctlcii for Jt.i)or, Nov. T, lirjs. Why Should I Withdraw? It has been hinted that IuhouId with draw so as not to oppose Arthur Wihon, the League Candidate. Why not Mr. Wilson withdraw so as not to oppose me? I was in the field first. If this is not satisfactory, why not both of us withdraw so as not to oppose Mr. Lylc? It has further been hinted by those not favorable to my election, that as a doctor, I have not the time to be mayor. Numbers of people in this city know Dr. Straw, or his brothers that live here. Dr. Straw is a busy doctor of Marshfield, an eye, car, and nose specialist. Recently he has been the good mayor of the little city of Marshfield. Many also Know Dr. Best that lived here at one time. He was a busy man but he has recent ly been the mayor of Pendleton. No one has to sacrifice their business to be mayor, no matter what is th,cir trade, profession or bus iness. I have ample time to be mayor as well as these other doctors have done in Marsh field and Pendleton. I have also been told that I am not pub licly well-known, to make a good race for mayor. A number of the people of this county have known me since I was a little boy. Many know me as their physician. Many know me as volunteering and being commissioned an officer in our last war. Many lnow me as coroner of this county for two yearn. Others of you know me as your health officer for tvo years during our trying ordeals with death from the flu. And I assure you that I will try and get acquainted with you nil before this campaign is over. DR. A. A. SOULfi (l'uiil .IdierUseinciit.) ESQ Don't fail to rend the Herald ChutlM Adt. $? .vWl .