The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 07, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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ati'iid.vv c,rro---i : l,,lW'
The EvenngHerald
R. It. BOCI.R. .Kdltor nut. 1'iiMInTior
H. K. HIM. .-. Clly Kdllor
V. O. NICKI.U Mnunjter
tlio trndoj fV( tlrm whtcjt has, tiled
lots of simco In the Nrv.slt.lo
within thn hud fow yoars, niul vh
luminous In RroultiK In thin county
liy loans mill hounds, writes this
i imiir uiiiiit a soptoiunor unto Jin"
I'uhtlahod dnllr excopl Sunday, nt s follews:
The Hc.rnld lublialiliiR Company of "snssmndlc mlvortMnc Is a rod.
Klamath Kails, at 11!) Klctith street.' , hPM'""r "'"'""""j , n ri(,
ICCS wtlltn- Ol imon, nhi'ii-.!- t mi
tltiunus ndvortlslni, wcok In and
week out. In one of (he ltal Mr
tors In luillillm; a permanent, iur
rrssful huslness. The dealer never
known how much hiislno&i lie InsiM
liy llwluxt advorllaliiK. Hu -loon
Know, or mixhl to know, that noar
lv everybody rendu the nowsiu'M-s
Entered at the poatotflco at Klam
ath Palli, Ore., for transmission
through the walls as second-class
memdeii op Tin: Associated
The Aoclatfd l'rcss is excWMvo
ly entitled to the use for publica
tion of all now dispatches credited
10 ii, or nor. ouicrnieu creiuieu in , . . .. hnll ,r , , ,.iu. to eel
thin paper, aridialso tlio ducal tioWaj rR'f 'ID,, , " " "'"' l" K
published norcin.
Well Organicd Band of In
ternational Crooks Under
Mysterious Chief
sm'ttn.w ocroiir.K t, ma.
MOST of this analysis of Mie
' value lit npwapjper advortki j
Inc wan written In Itosoaurj:. The ,
writer waved nit a lot of lai-or for i
It might as well have heon wrlH.n
In Klamath Kails. Huslness condl- '
linns In ltn.oliurK are npirolinuto
to huslnos condl'loux In K'niuaili
Palls. The methods that help Hid
luislness man In nno phico :iclp
hi 'rnlleaKito In tlin other.
Wo holleve In newspaper nilver
tlslnc. rightly written and rlRutly
placed. In the past nix muir.hs v.
liao een local firms who nr. ju
dicious advertisers weather tip
huslneu storm, and even prosper
under adverse conditions. We iu,
seen non-advertisers, one ifier :li-other,.-htr
tho rcoks of bankruptcy:
Wo know of two new local enter
prise, In widely varyinc line, that
havo been firmly rutablishul In s
fow Kecks becausu they reallm iho
valuo of advertising; and rii after
business with apprallnc advertise
nirnts. The Hosebun; Nows-Hovltnv ham
tmira home some- more salient
truths about the, values of aider
Using In thu following fashien:
Krery successful business cnler
prlso has been built up' by Ju'dleWi
advcrtlslnc of reliable and' ilepend
ublo roods that tlio lnorrhunt wnit.
od hU natron In bnnv :.).,,! Tl.,.r..1 AtlRoltM Traftlc
LONDON, Oct. T. The pollen nro
"vVkltiK In thh rlty the head of hat
In said to bp a rwuaikahle. jtronji tit
iuternatlotuil crlmtnab. A verlthhllj
"Napolern of Crinie" I belleed tti established Ills liivntoiuirt t-rn
here. Ilt' it: nlleKed t cenilimilil a
well orKaulied li.nnl of liitern.t'tloiml
rrool.i. eweiy one of whom Is a past
uinstcr of every form of nefarlout
craftsmanship known In the tinder
world. Thev Include men of edurn
tli it. sctenttfle attainments, and io
Inl charm. I'nder the leadership of
their mst'rloiH chief thev are ered
ItiM with eiindiutlui: burttlarlea.
read their dally newspapers, and . ..--.ii,,- H.flM .i nuiiuiUtlne costly
If they need any particular thltiK j j,,w,. rohhirlos thai baffle detection,
turn to the advertisers to learn , n(- are declared to work In accord
snmethlnR more about It. The nat- ' j,.,ri, um, ohms of cumiulmi tirepar
ural bend of human nature Is to J 0, ,y t,o master mind with all the
then ko directly to the merchant I k;uil of a great military strater.lst.
who has advertised the merchandise Several papers print this story
wanted and buy It. We are living! with arvlns deRreiw of sensational
In nn era when evry line I spc- Ikiii. Of late there haa been an In
inllzcd. and busy men and women cre.islni: number of Jewel robberies
hsve no time to trot un and down 1 A.s n an liiMirnnco company
tlm streets huntlnc for soinetnniK
results from his advertlslm he mus
advtrtlse roKUlnrly."
Tills hhslnes man ha stated the
whole thing: "Nearly everybody,
reads the' newspaper." That I the i
secret of advertiser's success. 1'eo
pi do read ails. Many people read I
them to exclusion of news matter. I
and Oiose Individuals Insist that
they Ret a lot of real Information I
from the ads. Every day. winter
and summer, thousand of persons
they want and a place where thrv
may "happen" to find It. They r.o
to the man who Is wide awake en
ouVh to tell through his newspaper
where sood. dependable merchandNo
can be found. -The empty store.
the store where ImsInoM Is slack.
which never has any ma
growth. Is the concern which never
which Insure a i;eod deal of valuable
Jewelry has Increased Its premiums
charr.ed on this rlas of risks by -.'.'
per rent. i
J. W. Hell, one of Loudon' leading
assissora. lays that many recent big
robberies haw been so well planned
and cvrutcil that the police i.ui do
terlal ! Httlei more than suspoct I lie authors.
i "The people who engineer these
crime nn- not the common, nrdln
wiry I) pe ol ihlef", Hell say. "There
In more than one real Raffle In ex
I Istence today. They haunt society
(TRtherlliRl. and In the hotels they
are popular gucits.
' I know one man who tins a town
laddnss, a country hnuro near Hour-
m Mouth, cud two fine motor-cars.
I Jlshed
ANOELES. Oct 7- The Loi who Is more thnn rnsperted of com-
commission, estali- i pl.'clty iu some of these great robber-
rlekt moaths ago to make les, but up to the present time there
merits of those linen. More, If be
Is wldo?f ttjoandhftejliicroa'stj J(
business, "he" 'will not'' Tall to call
In his printer nnd ask cooperation
In preparing copy for some pithy
advertising. Most dally nowspapors
these days maintain an advertis
ing department to meet the demand I niiall bo planned with a view of street
of business men In this very thing,
and that Is Just why there Is mi
' much attractive advertising that
' recommendations to relieve the situ- , has m ier been tho slightest chance
aro no exceptions to thta rule! If n
ucaier nas no connaencn in liis. . . .. . .. . . I . .,. ..
.... . -in . i.. .i i.( atlon in n congested imstness uisinct oi coiir.ecuiig nun who iiiiyoi uiem.
U h? ntn . , "; " of Mrfthan a sauaro mile l area. "Ho Is of good appearance, always
Is handling lines that will bear re j . . . . , ,hil Wi, ,,.,,, ,,.. wollll, ,n ... .,,..
peat orders, he Is glad to boos thol '.. ,. T , . i.i.i. i...... ..i. I rv -,v i, .rr,.t.i..,i n. n (... -a,
sVlty 1 BtlfllH IJ niui.H ii- - "" "" - ! - rs-- - ---
ruidy ..mbodlid Into urdlnatictis . tho bounce of wealthy penptu.
Wndlnr.tii'iiiljrlcat'. tho rush hour i "I knowiw Instanco In which a;
fjnv. Idlrictor of thieves Is teputed to be
Ucstricllon of parking on the bull worth flun.Ouii. Another succiMs
ness streets, removal of sharp curli 'fill director Is u woman who has a
corners and agreements by property (university education, and Is a cultiir
owners that all future, building work led un drharmlng personality.
"The victims, both In hotels and
widening oni the principal achieve-i at prlale bouses are often watched
monts of tho commission. Commit- t and shadowed ffr days before a suit
tees nro at work on ' various other able opportunity hoforo tho robbery
proposals, one of which Ik that cer-' otcum It may easily cost $1,000 or
' t ilit of the streets miming east and J1..'0 to meet the eX i rises of a sue-
wust shall he designate I as one way , cessful haul, aad tin- big thieve re
thoroughfare, for Initli autoniolilles i quite frriiitu ndiberli- o maintain
and atri-et railway traffic. The ' theinsclve. "
makes such Interesting reading for
pretty nearly every member of the
household who Is old enough to ap
preciate the Information to bo
gleaned from tho ad columns of
the average publication .of tnj.iy.
Take ltoseburg as un example nfi-hlrd thi
what advertising will do for a
business concern. Those, firms who j
tmvo built up a fine trudo In tho
city nnd country am tho fellows
who have liberally used printer
Ink. There arc some concerns In
this city which started Ip a .small
way, and today aro doing an Im
mense volume or business. They
are consistent and continuous ad
vertisers In tho dally press. Theru
are some business liousos lr re
which have changed hands within
a year or two, becaugu tho for
mrr manager were not doing any
business worth speaking about, and
ono man could take euro of all
tho customers that happened to
coino hi way. Today, under thu
new management, and aided by ag
gressive use of newspaper space.
thono firms havo quadrupled tn"!r-j
dally rocelpls, and four ami flw
people are required to tnlco euro of
Glasses and
Sentiment N not S;hho
You may ray, "I hate, to
wear glasues," thinking por
haps your apper.imei will hi
marred; Nontensi..' '
Glassos today nro nn evi
dence of Btron,. Intollo". -a
determination to presri'vo
your nut niul mental aad phy
sical strength.
Glasses fitted properly nio
Wo fit your eyus aflur rate
ful examination, grind thu
louses hero and supply tin)
latest style and most becom
ing frames and mounting.!.
Dr. Goble
Phene: Oft. 13.1-W, He. ilUJ
700 Mula
hl'xks.nut and west are about one
length of thoM) running
north aad nouth, a condition whlcl'
aeiord'ug to traffic ii-iunilioners,
la ros.'-oiiBlbln for u largo percen
tage of tho truffle "Jams."
Another committee Ii considering
the advisability of a subway or elev
ated structure to carry street ear
traffic. The inn street railway com
patties of tho city rarry approximate'
I LONDON. Oct. 7. l.nglMh writers'
' nr still speculating on tlm amount
I J n ti'.ler David LId Ocorgo hi likely
. t. rr.rillv mi lilt nrfitni'feil lilifiW flf
lv inil.fliiO nisneiiuer ilnlly. tr.e ears '
aildlng In tho congestion on streets
none of which h more than I'm tent
fn width. Tin re are eighteen lllter
feLtions of street car Hill's Pi the
riiignstul district, practically all of
thiini being at polntH whore the auto-,
mobile traffic Is rorrupoiidlrigly
Ordinance enforcemnnt, op'-nlnc
and widening of strtetH, mifet'y. edu
catli nal and statistical work, are be
ing cared for by other committees.,
The ptobleiil lli'fon the cominitteex
Is regarded by them us the inoiU serl-
kind In thu United States
becausi) of thu small hIzo of tho busl-
ni.'SH district uh compared to the pop.
illation. Individual traffic through
tho congested district dully l.s estl-i
mated at more than u million. Theru
nro about 211,000 automobiles regis-'
tered as owned by Los Angeles county
lesldentK, and tho uvmiigo number
passing through tho downtown
street every Ml hours U I fi3, (JUG.
redestrinu truffle at Fifth unit
Hiodvay, In the heart of tho busl.
n cms district Is, according to tho traf-,
flc commission, heavier than at, any
other ntreet Intersection In the I'ult
ed Statin, and tho vehicular truffle at
Ho veil tli mid Hroadway Is exceeded
only by that nt Fifth Avnnuo and
Fotty-bocoud street, Now York.
memoirs. There Is still considerable
myatery sh to what financial arrange
r.ien'tM the publlAliers have maila with
the Htltlsh prlmn minister for the
hook and right tit honiu and
abroad. Ono LoniliM p ilillshlng
firm (ifvoK the following figures.
Atniirlian xerlnl rlghta. jioO.OOU;
American hook right, fioo.noo;
I'.igllsh hook rights, $7.",00i; L'ng
llsli wrlal rights. 7.0(10. Other pay
lilCtltM, Jl'l.'l.OOO.
A digger Into historical record say
the kum offered l.lo)d Oeorgo loimtl-loti-i
n record. Ho finds that Milton
received $76 for "I'aradlao",
aad Ooldamltli $300 for "Tho Vicar
of Wiikoflel'il." Ramuel Johnson
1 mado ubout $600 out of "Husseins,"
whit It lio wroto In order to obtain
enough money to gho decent burial
to his mother and pay off her few
Jane Atifsten Mild tho manuscript
of "Hensn und Senalhllity" for S'fio,
ivhlch uho deccrlbed at the time nn
"a prodlgioun rricrmrense."
Personal Mention
Lakevlew I anxloua to havo somo
body estaldish a flour and feed mill'
In that city.
Maupln Contract let for now $2,
000 loncrotu high school building i
hero. I
Myrtle Point hna this year spent '
about 15,000 In Improvement of 20
(I. (!, Johnson loft yesleiday for
I'.oclty I'nliit to bring liack Mm. John
noil and children, who liavo passed
thu minimi r there.
Tho ladles' club of the li. I'. I).
I.', havo potitpniKtd their next moot
ing to Tuesday, October 17.
Mr. and Mm, (J. F, Klinphurd, who
huwi been vlKltlng their noil, l.'.ul
rihepherd, ami wife, loft thlu muni
irvm.TtxwimiKziizi a wiu.insut
f' ' --! , Hit-
tkt Li
I ' v 7
The history of The California Oregon Power Company
shows a substantial growth In facilities and earnings mull
ing from the laige sums of money Invested In its piopeilles
and from the development o( the terrltoty iu which it
Steiuly Growth in Customers Scnctl
The territory now served liy The California Oregon Power
Company includes (urt of Jackson, Josephine. Klamath
and Douglas Counties In Oregon, und Siskiyou County and
parts of Shasta and Trinity Counties to California. Tills Is
an area ciliul to the combined areas of the -.tales of Massa
chusetts, Khode Island and Connecticut.
During the period between 1112 and 1921, the number of
consumers has grown from 0,5ol to 11,900, an Increase of
Increase in Facilities
The Company owns .mil operates seven hydro-electric
plants iu Southern Oregon and Northern California. It lias
never resorted to generation of electricity ny steam puwer.
In building these hydro-electric plants, a natural resource is
being developed which will be productive forever.
In 1912. the generating capacity was 11,800 II. P. and at
the end of 1922, it will amount to SJ.SrtO II. I'.
The Company's high tension lines at the end of 1922 will
be over six hundred miles in length.
The aggregate Isngt'i of the distribution lines will he over
eight hundred nnd ten miles.
The Investment needed for the construction of these fa
cilities has increased from $4.IH;.J25.70 In 1912 to 59.507.
U0.60 on June 30, 1922.
Par value $100 per share.
Dividends have heen paid on The California Oreon
Power Company Preferred Capital Stock since Issuance
(April IS, 1921) at the rate ol $7 per share per annum.
Checks are nulled every three months at rate of $1.75 per
Proceeds of all securities sold are devoted exclusively to
additions to and betterments of Company's properties.
It is not assessable by the Company for any purpose
It Is non-callable, nnd if purchased at the present price
yields u permanent return of 7.6' on the Investment.
It Is exempt from Federal Normal Individual Income
It takes precedence as to assets and dividends' over com
mon Mack amounting to $4,441,100 par value. The equity
hack of the preferred stock now outstanding amounts to a
total of $0,296,COS 50 which equals $2MJ 60 per share or over
three times the ptetent cost ol $92 per share.
Purchase may be made In any amount from one share up
The stock may be purchased for cash or on our special
savings plan, namely, $5 00 per shire as lint payment, and
$5 00 per share per month.
Interest Is paid liy the Company on all partial payments
under the savings plan at the rate of b' per annum. Inter
est checks are mailed to subscribers under the savings plan
every three months,
The stock Is listed on the San Francisco Stock and Ilond
Opciailng ft Kanm(i without Kllowill
Vlue Phrilol Gists Mtmiinino l)Juconj Intfirit 1 1 out
YI'AR I'ropttuei !tnnus l.iptmt or llfiiclilon (Ithtuict
1912 $4,189,325.70 $307,040.29 $137,603.49 $169,376.80 21.492,374
1913.. 4.787.624.35 347,261.70 143,746 67 203,515 03 2b.4H5.359
1914.... 5 054.3I2.0H 3h5.33l.23 163.20921 222,122.02 33.245J66
1915 S265H39 8'i JOS.J49 83 ' 171.458 26 226.891.57 3M.I3J.tH4
1910 . 5985.095 29 426.10664 213.67991 212,426.71 4I.9J6.HS5
1917 &.40S.J7S.7I 487.9IG.44 226.509 67 261.406 77 47,755.628
1918 7.JI1.JI0.7J 502.219.05 245,15037 257,11868 46.210.299
1919 7.416.522.45 726.079.30 295.743.74 430,335 56 108,238.745
1920 . 7.692,88151 948.277.07 398,041.48 550,235-59 142.404.975
1921. ...... . 8.407.581.82 1,001,272.07 449.082.18 552,189.89 129,368,808
1922(,) 9,567,430.C0 1,029,409.12 444,410.46 584,998 60 131,170,857
I &
, . ' Our partial payment plan of 3 per share per month cnablrs you
to take tmmeili.ite ;Klv;int.tgc ol the cxccctliMly nttr.utivc price nt
which this high grade security is now In-ing offered 92 per hare
to yield 7,6 per annum.
You may place your order or get full information at any of. our
offices, of from any member of our organization.
Price subject lo Increase at any time.
jJ3tfBtRBKto3K17!?HtK'?i?tflfTT Blsaaf IsstJMCssssBMsP
A Lapful ot Wildncss
i ,vv M .- Atom
I. O. Hot. .'Ill
llniiio Of flu- Kliiiiintli li 1 1 , tlirKon. I'lioui' Mt.
UV lint, nilii'ilNi-, und iliuilnlf nil lillllni uiallrt- piTlnlnlnu
In jour urfriluir, IiIkIiIj iw nihil tor IiWIit irmitls, Vi coinliirl
Sides nt I'nlillf Ant lion or I'lltnli' wilf. Iii-n niul itri) nhrli, on
fcliliily u loiiiiiil-slmi hiislM.r I'nr lint' lutm million, triinx und Sulo
iIhIin riliul'l'ril on iipplli'iilliin,
Viimin for rffli Irnt miiIii
Snlcs Manager
It you'm tlicd of conventionalists, (ry nomo llttlo wlldcatir liko tlwao.
iiv inlrlL from tlm AmM'jii I.ihI'.i. I.oirulno Iirox. IJuW Yurlt l-lll. cavil
' nno 'cm.
The Liberty Theatre
.Mni.V Allltn Mint it In n iiii'iiI story of tin1
Houtli Si'us
HiiiiiIiij' llio how U coiiliniioiix, Wo hhiiw
1 1 1 1 1 v Oui'y In IiIh IiiK'mI niul ii'iitrht ilny
A (iiisliliiK I'liinjiiiH of c)oiiii- ilrnmii ultli
lilt't'sl anil most Noiil-Hlliilii,, illniuv iir tlun
lllllll llio hl'll'l'll. 'IIiIn VtOlllll'l-l('tlll'0 llllH JlINt
loiiipli'ti'd ii lontt i un ill llio ('upllol Tlienlre, New
Vnrk, llio viol IiI'm liiiKfht tlii'iilio,
lilli. tot A? Wan d. ,
'I '"Ml, i.ii I
iuw W i'ifkCimf
mimwmji ri
JHu. - .tt.
':&&? "'
i i
hWCM-ot attct