VtMrt,7iwi - t IV. u VI Pi Six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON rum w, nrmni u o. mac. ' Y i By Our Country Editors BLY Mr. nnd Mm. Kit Cntirbccr Jr. mo oil to tho IM Oaseboor, Rr roncli Monday. Tlmy Intend to run n dairy there, for n whllo fit least, Knrn (llvnn moiol from the Smith Obnnchnln Itottnc Monday Into Dip Jiotiso formorly occupied by tho post" office. olio accident whllo cratihliiR a rnr the rnrly part f tho week. Ho bad lilt nrm thrown out of plaro, but In Rot ting oor the accident quite rapidly. (!, W. Morgan was n business visi tor In Illy Friday. Jack Walls ai a business visitor In Illy I'rlday, 'Mrs, Dallas tllvnn wns helping at Din lllv Mi.riMiillln foiiiiiaiiv Din l.i t- Mr. and Mm. IM Cnioboer moved , ,. . . -., ,,,, ,..,,., ,,, .. 10 ....III.. M.nP. IlltlllV In Mjl.lt,.. tlrtf.trM Into Illy Mondiiy and export to llu there' for sonto time. putting evor tiling In shape before IrolUnc re.iilv to eo In thn rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Ilauiaker and i Jnmp, ,)lxut, ,,, n ,r, , Klnm. Mm. Arthur Hamaker visited at thalh raJ1, anij back yth3y homo of Mr. and Mrs. IJcorgo Hoyd Mr- anil Mra Jnn,r3 uncoil came Mom,ft out frutn Klamath rails Friday and Mm, Hl Casrbeer Jr.. was helping I v,,ltPl, nl tM0 ,,omp p( Mrfj i)rI,eoir, Mrs. J. C. Kdsall do some papering . parrt,, Mr an, Mn. j, A. iari;pr tbo first of tho week. Mr. and Mrs. O. W Howard weut, Into Likerlew Tuesday. I A gaino warden from Tt. Klamath was helping put In Dili screens In the different Irrigation ditches In tho Illy section tho first of the week. Mr. Mild Mrs. S. C. Ilamakrr, Mrs. W. T. Garrett and Mrs Arthur llama ker visited at the home of J. S. Watts on Tuesday. " E. W. WJiotstGnn and John Hen derson were business visitors In Illy on Wednesday. James (1ivan and Arthur Hamaker ranta out from Klamath ?-T.s 'on Wednesday. Olvan and Hamaker ha been In on business connected with the rodeo. James Hell was n business visitor In Illy Tuesday. fl. W. Warren returned from Klamath Falls Tuesday, whero he had been attending to business mat ters. He also took his son Kdwin In and ho Is leaving for school at Kugcne. Mr. and .Mrs. S. C. Hamaker and Mrs. Arthur Hamaker spent WVdnes clay visiting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Karrott. C. W. Wnrren and Marx In CroM wore visiting at tho homo of I. A. Klchardson Wednesday. Uttlo John Thomas Watts has been suffering from a gathering In his head. The little fellow has been very III for about month. Mrs. James 01 van and Mrs. Dallas (Ivan returned from Klamath Falls Wednesday. They came by way of Ft. Klamath. Mrs. James Udsalt went Into Klam ath Falls Thumday to Hhop and visit until after tho ndro. Mm. S. C. and Mrs. Arthur llama kor lsltcd Mrs. Kmma Keady nml Miss Ucrnlco Howard at tho hotel Thursday. Mm. Frank Obcnchaln was In Illy Friday getting her house and yard cleaned up preparatory to moving In for tho whiter. Mrs. Jack Watts was very 111 the middle and latter part of tho wcok with tonsllltls. Friends of Miss Jauntta Howard will be glad to learn that alio had a very successful operation for appen dicitis Wednesday and Is getting along very nicely. t.lltlo Harry Obcnchaln had a i,crl- ever tho week-end. Mr. nnd Mrs. Albert Itlchnrdsou went Into Klamath Falls Sunday Mrs. Klchardson remained to nttend Institute and tho fair and rodeo. Mr. and "Sirs. James Glvnn nnd Mrs. Kara Gtvan and her mother, Mrs, .lowers, w-ent Into Klamath Fnlls Saturday to reamln until after the rodeo. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wnllls visited at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Kd Wa. lis the latter part of tho week, on their way to Klamath Falls where, they expect to make their future heme. K. W. Whntstnno nnd son PorrV. I accompanied John Henderson to Medford Sunday whero he was called on n federal charge. Tom Kds.ill and Mlko Wallls went along as witnesses. Otto Ilo)o also went to Medford Sun day on a federal charge to bo tried on October 3. , "Hugs" Osbor.-was a familiar fig ure? In Illy Ihe latter part of the week. Dentin Zollmnn was quite 111 the latter part of the week and went Into Klamath Falls to consult a physi cian. The Ilcv. and Mrs. Uellnap of Ilcat ty were In Illy Sunday and held Sun day services In the afternoon, which was well attended. This was tho first service since they returned from conference. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ijimbrrt were buslucss visitors In Illy ou Sunday. MERRILL Miss Mildred Hill left Thursday morning for Kugcno where she will enter the U. of O. Her sister. Miss Anna Hill will enter for her senior year. Mrs. J. W. Taylor spent Thursday In Klamath Falls on business Mist Flevnor w.cnt to Klamath Falls Saturday and will remain tho week attending Instltuto. Mrs. Ull lard, Fred I'otcrson, Miss Nichols, Miss Ileitis. Mrs. Mcrrltt and Miss Clutter went up on Monday morn lag. Mrs. n. C. Anderson went to Klam ath Falls Tuesday to remain tho rest of the week for tho fair. Sho Is tho guest of hor daughter, Mr:i. Dan Col well. Mr. and Mm. Arthur Frnsler wero ' I in li 1 1 i i '. Making Record-Keeping Easy For Farmers Farming is different from most other forms of business in that a whole year is re quired to produce a finished product. The many different operations in-, volved necessitate always an accurate record of income and expense as well as of supplies. Our Checking Account Department is helping many farmers of Klamath Falls and vicinity to keep a careful record of their finances. Your checking account is cordially invited. The American National Bank Member Federal Reserve Bank In Klamath Pnlh Ihursday from Merrill. Win, Turner spout Iho week-end In Motrlll from the old Tumor mill .Mr. and Mrs. S. Slukel wore Klaiu nth Fulls visitors Thursday. Mrs. IM llurvuioil received n let ter from Mrs. ('tins. Stottmatt last wuok In which sho said the loporl of tho ileal It of her son Glen was n mis take. Ho was on the train In which sovernl wero killed but escaped In jury. The social given by tho l.adlos Aid Friday wns not very well attended hut n good time ;n had by those there. Mrs. II. C. Groesbeck and children spent several dit)s lit Merrill last week with her sister, Mrs. llurr Westbrook. Rev. Helllt of Ashland wns In Mer rill the tnt of the week mid filled the pulpit In tho First Pro-l torlntt church Sunday evening. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. C. at the fair Wdoncsday. MUs Kfflo Hayes was n fair visi tor Thursday A meeting was held of the Merrill community group of Klamath coun ty health nssocl.ttluti, at the homo of Mrs. Geo. J. Walton. Miss Frlcke. county health nurse, nnd Mrs. Illake ly, state aihlsory nttrso, gao Inter esting talks. Tho Merrill group for the past rnr was composed of Mo dames (I. II. Carlotuu. R. II. and R. C. Anderson, Albert Myers and Kd Harwood. This Is tho last meeting far the present term. W. F. 'Jlnnetlc was a fair visitor Wednesday. A meeting was hold In Merrill hall Tuesday to dlsctus tho (-durational bill to couto before tho totoM In tho .'oombor election. A speak er from 1'ortl.ind wj present. Among thnn from Merrill sending exhibits to tho fair wero Hill llnx., W. F JInnctto. Ilurr Wcstbrook. II. C. Tarker and ethers. Frank Grnyboal delivered lambs to Midland this week. These were sold to tho Golden West market. Tho rain hns done little damage and much good. Most of tho liay.ln this vicinity belnn up. It has delay ed threshing to some extent. I N. P. S. TAKES IN SOUTHERN OREGON RODEO NO LONGER CRAVES TO BE CHAMPION RIDER i Dear IM: homo to get It ttud whcimcr Hill win Well IM If ou hao neor kco tt Iho (iilf was nut. SHASTA VIEW Tho 'teachers from Shasta View nnd Malta arc attending teachers' Instltuto at Klamath Falls this we;k. From all we hear, wo Judge that this little valley will he well repre sented at the county fair this wool;: Trot. Smith of thn high school was bustling Satnrdny to gather lit farm products to bo dlsplacd at the fair. We believe tho Malln section wilt can make qulto a dis play. Rev. Unlet of Ashland was a guert or tho homo of W. A. Layman from Friday until Sunday even ing. Ho held services In tho high school hulldlns at Malln Sunday morning. Rev. Unlet was tho or ganler of u community Sunday school at Malln about a month ago and it was most gratifying to him to kco nn attendance Sunday of 75. Tho directors of tho Shasta Vluw Irrigatlon district held their reg ular monthly meeting Tuesday oven ing at 0. K. Hunt's. It was also a tax equalization meeting of the dis trict. Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Wilson and Mrs. C. M. Klrkpatrlck wero In Klamath Falls Tuesday to decor uto tho Malln booth at the fair grounds. Woldlng Hells nml llin pllon Another pleasant gathering at tho homo of G. W. Myers and wlfo Sunday owning was attended by about GO relatives and frlcndti when Mr. and Mm. Myers gave n rccop Hon for their duughter, Kin, who was married Saturday to Otto Wil son. Tho brido received a var iety of dainty and useful gifts. Re freshments were served early In tho evening nnd ubotit 10:30 thn guest, aflcr wishing tho nowlyweds n happy and proipurom llfo voy age, departed for their homes, hav ing spont a very enjoyable evening. Mr. and Mr. Wilson will reside on tho J. I. Hartrr ranch this winter. honrso do combat thou I will toll jou they call It n rodayo and ll.i whero gents liiuglo with ItoamoH, which l.t whore tho nniiio lm.irto do rouib.il ronto from. Likewise they tangle with ethos nnd rows but I tinier hero of a cow do combat. Well, IM, had plttnuiii to go Into this i ulii o under a tton do piuito, but utter looking on the uhow for tibout one (1) second ) cat entity I de rided that iwlicn I got ready to kick off It will bo by menus of it tegular M. 1) doctor nt K'OU (the htiudrodl and prot'crlptloim, nnd not by means of no hoarsei hools, nor with n row Parker were ! tusks protruding between my sluts. 1 do not believe no hoarse I naw j there yesterday would read to sugar like I planned to give It nml the only kind of kindness they understand In to be excused after being signed up for some cow puncher to Tldu. So t lint deal of mine Is nil off toroior and aw- men. As :i matter of fact 1 would not even ride around that track In a tamo tllwer with olio lung for fear It would catch tho Imikliig lile.tr mil pull a stinfMi or some thing and then como back and nit on my face. Howsoever, IM, nil seriousness aside Do k iiothlug wrong with a rodayo If ycu are on tho right nldo of the fence. Kleu sitting oil tho fonro Is not K.lfi us I see u hoarse soar over one jesterday like a politi cian going after ii Job mill ho took the rider with bin whether or no. what 1 mean. Hut I was on the top pent of the grand stand where I tin not bellolo oioii one of those Illy bronks rould reach out an t nlap mo. It wns pretty good IM whero thev tied nots In n (alfs tale. The bird that ties his not first v. Ins tho li. I and tho calf wins If ho etui make his getaway. TIiojh a bird named Ray Hell who tied his not In hardly no time at all. started out Where Turk Crisis May Bo Solved 'llien tuko this wild hoarse riding, HI, All I would nity In this, Hint nit) tiinii who bus got iiiubltloii enough In ildo u wild hnarso t mild bo pronldc-al 111 easy mi nothing, nml utiy mini who ran rldo n wild limine could in pie (lieu higher, -l h.'vlm oven urn fim or ioiiipioy. They was it bird n lined Spll, ( which wits piotty good with some thing which looked like n nipii only 1 know It imiis not no lope becitttio,! biivo tried It lit homo and no rope will stay In n rliclo In the nlr like his did unless It In mndo of licorice or rometlilng. Well, IM, there going to give an other and bigger show next Julv 4 I (four) Hllil as I lime ghe up the rid ing Utenr I inn going to apply for tho Job of iniringor nnd tnko the money as tho peoptit como lit to seo the hoarsei do (-ombiitlug. And I am going to have tho eittrnuce to tho I grand stand nt tho top nml bark. Not I that I inn afraid tor my own nMn, but It would bo ton bad If n hoarse come along and slapped some poor I old lady with ii lot of kids to support ( Another thing, IM, I urn tolling my . missus what a great thing It Is to bo n hoarse woman rider nnd mnybo she will take a shut at tho wild hoirses herself next time Then I will not bo horded itiotiud m home corral no more, whnt I mean. Kh.'lM? Try It ' on .Minr ti'wi ittlrsiin, IM. Yrs Hoarsely, Phil Spain, Iho Safety First Kid. ,... ... .. II I II !. .. II H..I .ll.l I fni conference hall nt Venice Italy vhrm TurkMi Nitlonnluts iinfl rllU'U may adjust dlffiienees Left U --1 Mn'-i'in( l.potal Prtn. Murk lilt Nntloiiallst U-mlcr. in us Hum mm Hism imn I'mnlilm L'ouiUon I'cm h diplcmat who'll Im e'nei "I'uhi i mil r r Diu nllitf I. W. W. TRIAL IS SET Cilitillinl SjiiilliiilNin ('hnrge-i In In Anlivil Nnietuber t.l STR TONIGHT AT THE J atarisj AP a ji ii 1 II Trlil of tl.o seven I W W held III Jail here ntl rlnrgos of rrlmlll.il Hut when Muiiklto Hill i .yiiili allsin Ins boon siif for Novoin afler his r.ilf that calf j Iter t. IMg.u II Hmllli of Contrail i takes onn livik at him anil tin re was llr.il liei'ii. ii liiillrr around Its nerk but thiit (ilf bail forget something and w.ii no calf left where II onri Musklti) tried to toss ntinruo) for the I. W, W, has bioir hor. nrr.iiik-lug for tho trial Trial of Walklni ll.ivls, ihargrd ..III. L. Ill, i fill,, r l.,fr..rB..M ulll I " " - " I going iio hnlil ntmiit Ocloher 2.1 l THIS IS ALL WESTERN NIGHT Vaudeville Vrutdcvillc Vaudeville Three bitf clrtssy vnutlcvillc nets in (hu lirtt these wonderful artists hnve :'ivcn ihia wnclt nnd thnt means thnt it xnutt be cxtrrt eockI. Then thers'a America's pal NEAL HART IN "The Lure of Gold" Sec Neal Hart bulldou u mud steer. See the best Rodeo celebrities. Spanish dancers and fights that arc fiftlitj. Also Good Comedy. Show :tart.i at elorc of Rodeo Continuous until 1 1 o'clock. isnraBrfcus xjrj.-J7anj MMNWWWAMMVHNSMWA . f00rrnr-t iJtirr,,,i"ii,ii,ri'i r .-..jjjjj -,- j. - s it,, -r"!!1" l"v-rnr'nJJlJn't.-J'cJJUJ''J SMASH AIR RECORDS Tun lleiilenailts Itciiialu nloft -l llourN mid lour Minute SAN DIKCJ0. Oct. C All cnilur. once records wero hinashed by I.lou tenants MacRcady and Knlloy,,who at eight o'clock this morning had re muTnud aloft 2C hours and four min utes. When they started yustorduy morning to fly to Now York they turned back because of fog, but In stead of landing cuntluucd circling above "Ran IMego for unendurunco test. MAHKKT ItKI'ORT PORTLAND, Oct. C Cattle, weak. Hogs weak. Sheep steady, Uggs, firm, lluiter steady. Does a Woman Pay Enough Attention To Her Appearance if-tf ill the answer is perhaps she docs and per haps she doesn't. Could the minds of the various people be registered point blank well perhaps the majority of women would give the purchase of their garments much more thought. The thing uppermost in apperance on all oc casions is style. Where does it come from or who is it created by. Can better style be created or offer ed for your approval than that which bears the dis tinction of Paris and New York. Can better ."-election be had than the choice of purchase for over 1000 .'tores which can only be made possible than an organiation like the It. C. U. of which we arc a member. More Coats, Suits and Urcssou are coming in every week. Not great quantities of one kind but the choice as it is placed on the market for distribu tion in the east by the many importers and domestic manufacturers. The Wool Hose are Here For severarwecks we have been waiting for these hose and now they arc here. Fully a half dozen num bers and styles to choose from. Some are all wool some silk and wool. You will be pleased with the color combination making the differ ent heather as well as the reasonable price. Children's Wool Dresses Such beautiful wool dresses for the Misses are seldom seen or had. Wouldn't the high school Miss like a change from the regular uniform. Not only arc they attractive but serviceable and warm as well. Sug gest the Misses to see these while our stock is complete. J)) Iv mm HOW DID IT HAPPEN YOU CHOSE A MODART THIS TIME? It Ik ii natural roiuoiiuuiiiii that If mho woman bus inmlu her fluui'e more bciti llful by wearing n M'lilart-l'rtmt I.uco Cufiiiit 'titil iinother woman kuuiva nbuiit It sho will tiy ii Moilurl. And thn beauty of 11 Is thu Improve nn nt brought by u Mudart Corset Isn't ( (indued to nun typo of flgllie, for Mu dart Front I.uco mailers litivo mot nv try flguru hum! uffuUlvuly, fciiiltilnuly nnd artistically. Mb MI&T ( , J rani. ftOlRSJBT Store Open 8 to 8 P. M. Friday Open all day Saturday We are going to the Rodeo. .lrtft0rVVrrVVrtrVrvVVWWWWVVWrV IN Standard Designer October Are now Patterns in 7 slock. TRUTH ADVERTISING- r a T ftt&mmppsw "y'Xi-Yor' I i JlMTigCTg -MM ( flf