tiaHa . ) f. "V I i iiip.w, o("ioiti:it (i, jiiim, A V Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V T Y T Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y v t Y Y Y Y v t Y Y t Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y X $x; I ' ?! A u'u-r THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Mj Mum It tllrfoiint llt'Niiiftd l It .1, T, IVi'ilux Mine. .Mv Milt UK- till ft t CM I lllfll, 'HlilI'M til) Mil) lir lltlllljt tll.ll'fl, Hi'" llioui In 'I lie lit nilil .Miiiiilttn, WiiIimmIii'n iimiI I'iIiIiijh, Jllxl M licit" il'ls line In, Money and Markets MY DOG BUSTER ic not thin him) of a dog. i'r7ijft r-",'79Z W 7 - BEDS and BEDDING 1'nlil Mi nihil will mxiii tx Ih'M', I'.Mi jIhuIj l' I'll) III): new IhiIiIIii:', Irf I mic xtiKKrKl n few I liinif. fin" )iii. Cotton Felted Mattresses ir potiMiti, iii -il I tin iliiit'M, Mini In l)i m, nmil.t mi' il'-r ilill mh it If it r iiiiiilitlnn In i-tiifilljtnii. t till l)-"'iiu uinl Ciiliriiiiilii ilillil IhIhii- Iiuin. 'I lie licsi mi) in a nmltii.N oohKi lit offer, $12.50 'I III" lll.lHO llllllt 1 1'". U ll'lllli-. III IMHll) llll S.1111,1 iMtllll-r IIM iiir Kin iiiiiIIiok mill illrfir. mil) In hunt liuf itiltiiu flii-. I li.ivi. rti'ii i Iiim i mull i rM' inn ilirj Mill urn hii n.ii-Itfiitliir). Fifteen-Year Guaranteed Spring 'lilt') lllll'l IllllUe 'cm Im ((.'! 1.11,1 r )(.l ulll limU (III Ml nut vio'll Hum )im till), roll hii In u- iIiiiiIiIk ilctl ultli iiii-miI Iie1lr.il mIii. iiml uii)rtl In (In .ruler, the .immit.i) coo't. ut mil) urn I li.tik nf l lull lilt' fm lilt) !. Ii.uh uf It, Tho prl.e ! $17.50 Vi luiir lilplier illiiil i urn lull I lull' In mi mere miIiio In tin in, I Ii'iim r miii tun, Y Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ? Y f Y Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y V f f I. J I. Ni:W VOUK, (id fj. -A choice, or twu i unison niiw Hoj before American liimliH'uii tiinu In seeking ii ictiini of ironiiTll' to tlm Ihiltt'il KlaK.B, im tloniil Inuilt iluli'i:nli'n In llin forty uIkIiIi hiiiiiiiiI "iiivciitlun of tlio Ahht I run iKiiiknm mmiirliillon At llio llolol Coiiiiiioilor" wiirn (old loiluy liy Jattifn II. AlcxntitlHi-, ni'Hlili!iil of lln Nntlon ii I I In nk of CoiiiiiiTd) In Now York Itilylm: on lint imliHliititliil Im iriii'iiiiiit wlilrli Iiiih I a I: en plnco In iloiiiniitlc fliiiiiKK uinl Initimtry, limy iiiny iniiflu'' lln'lr ouilook 'In ilii'ir iiv.ii loiintiy uinl iiriiipi iiinJi'itt irof Itn wllliln a ri'itlrliliil nmtlixl, plny liur n roLillvnly ntniillur toln t Im n tin for" llio wur. (Jm IIik mliiir liainl, Urn opportunity In nlfiTiil tin in in i.ilic full nilv.iiiliic' of TVtiiiirlia'n now pro niiiliiillcii In wnrlil riiiiiiiro mill pro illlrllon, uinl nttlilll illil lllilo Amnrl run pro;;riMM nml iirotpi'rlty. "ir wo (oiiimil oiimclTt.1 v.l I It a iiioili'Kt rcioii'ry," lio mliltil, " kliall liilin ii pimlllim a lilili kIiiiII ton Nlltnli) n nIciiiiI ri'lri'.ii from lint nplr It of I'lilrrprlut ( lint linn milinntnl thin (oiintry lliroitcliout n lininlrcil yuirx; nml lliat linn uimln of AmiTlr.i a creat prnRriiuiUi" niitlon. Wo Aini'ilriiMH, up to tin lam fnu tnoullin llll0 III'MT Im'CII Mtlnfll'll Ullll IIII'lllD- rro riMilti. Wo liavn Ih-i-ii wlllln-; to tnlio i;rtat rlnkti; nml, If iiorinntaryi to HUffiT cront Iiiijib; lull n liao Ih'oii iloli'iinliii'il to enter upon Kri'iit nniliTtnlilnjiK ntnl to hopH for sreat iircoinpllfilinu'iitii." Alcxnmlur pxpn oii lilri liulkf tliat non, for tlm first limu hlmn tlio war, tln-ro In HiibM.iiillal lumln for com IiIitIiik liat will lio iliu normal trt'iiil of buhlnoit In tlm futuro. lln polntftl out that tlio financial ultna. tton lum clonri'il atul thoro In rcanon to hullrto that tttinlfUT t-ouml tiual- ntn may iletolop In tlio future can ho properly flnatircil; cxtromn price ills- loratlnmi hint" tllriappcarril to an Pn neii: I ..i ir, lil'ni ir uf niKH in inntu p.itliTtit nml Plioi nrtlu'tt t'uliiy mnl tull ho on illnpUt lomoiruu Unlit fait to look thrill out Perkins Furniture House 'I'firt.int nstrnt, voluuio of bunlnoM ;nas crauuaii inrriMuc.i until mi pro- X u. I. ,...1. lit ........... I...U lT c'iii it in hip; v t mm iii'iun iiur' 4 t j id pr llml of a imp uKo, llio I.irRe I A iIH It m uin iw J"i uinl irln HIM'! , I uinl; -Mtli i-t-rinln uinrkcil ocptn,,,, ',""" X "?.t0 ,,MI ,tl msrlrulturnl pofiiiio.i has Improv- 'PWa.,u1 l" ,r" In rortnln Knrfipean Lounlric-,1 that prent'iilu iloflnllo ohiilmtcn to liny think like llio full ruio very of worl'l truilc. In vluw of thono two HctH of (ontlltloiiH, what may ho nalil to ho tlio outlook for Arierlcnn hiulnoiR? "I Imllrvn that thoro aro open to Aini'rlcnii IiiimIiioma men tv.o (onren, lly lolylnr; upon linllcatlonri of Im proouieit mich (in we nlreaily liavo hail, hy ili'Veloplii'; f onflilenio ami faith III the future, nml hy lirlnclni; iihoiit terlaln mlilltlonal reailjnat nieiilH (of a Komo-Ahat illlfhult hut ponnlblit rhnrart'irl, I Ix-lh V" that w,. liuiy, within ourneh nml hy the help of what fori'li'ii trnih unut (omo to im In liny ilrcuiiiBtan" n, alvnno liiiHlnimH iliitolopini-nltlii Dili ct untry ami iitlalii n iiuiiler.itii prinpi rliy '"Iho Horoinl roiiiHu which I ho llovt" to ho open to Aim-rl'mi html noiw In a foliirn to Komethln;: np- luuaPhliiK tlio oh! opportiinltle'i, tlio old rato of piiii-roM ami a iijI prim Parity. No or hVforo lian ihero hoon a time in tlio lilxtory or Atiiorlct wlit'ti ntin occupied audi a preilomln ant position In world finance, novcr heforo lian thcro hocii a (lino when other countrlw no urgently needed our product!!. "Hut In order to fsraup tho oppnr tuiilllcN heforo in tlio rent of tlm world mint bo rtartod upon a normal cotirno. If wo Amerrca'nii ato to take ndvantato nf our now poiltfon In world nffalr"atul If we aro to Jtn comlltloiu In which w caa mako tlm. mint of our now International capital poiltlon, It Ib I'gnenllal that wo play our part In tlm readjustment of world condition). "I helMo that tho outlook for American limine!, therefore, do pendn largely upon whether Ameri can hindm-im men nro Koine to ho contentetl In pla)lnc a relatively Vitaller rolo than heforo tlio war, to restrict their International economic relatlonn and to accept wlhln a re stricted market modcFt profit, or whether they are Kolnic to broaden their lewi to the new vlrilnn that l tent nroblemn nntl Oliortlinllleil. nlul In inumn lln.lr imiiiv i;xthii:s oi:T.Ni;.MHi:it M.h I'AHT HIIOWINH (Continued from Vane 1) 127 So, Sixth St. Klamath Fulls, Ore. .4-tg.Tlio Furnithcr of Hnppy Homes" Y Y Y lmt.i In lt. -... ...l. , W. liickrt or certain n'"l Hint recently " "', K""1 ' "r" " ",auJ" enured .taRi.allon In the ninrl.u"'Mit lliat U otto ha .lone " have beep lnrK"ly tllsrlbuted or con- YOUR WINTER'S WOOD First Students At U. Of Idaho Arc Sought should have your attention. ' l' a!,,;,r,i,iHllr,!,!lr ,-, . . , " , , i ary at tin. Lnhorrilty i Cool wwither unci storms ilU)lliir. .n,P,r ,,,. force prices up Mo.""OVV, tdiihii, o,t. i: -earcli i Iii Ini: made fu,- tlio fmt "' tttii" deliit to I'liroll at lhi I'nlvernlly of lilrho. 30 yearn ui:o, in i-Miniftlim that nnniMT- of Idaho hero re at tht coin. liratloi" of tlml etont Oclnber 'i In Our fuel Is the best, our!r,"SL loll, ,,,,,. .,.,. prices aro right on blub,,...! on the m..vi .f ti, ..m a.immiv Blocks, Body and Tama- tratinn iiihmi--; that firt nionutiK OacK". iwhllti I'ronl.tfiu rratiklln II. C.uill , , . ' iililicl.11,1 tho door. Illx fiimlturo XOUr bUSineSS IS solicited. 1w.11 thou mined In liiiroronctii.il iet:- i lutratleii Hturtod. 0. Peyton & Co. 4IU MAIN. fllONH 5M Let 9er Buck sumed; and tho dlnproportloiuto tie M'lopment in the country's capital eiiulpment In heliiR tleadlly correct" d. "In short, wo h.ne Hindu much real prnRrohi In recent monthi," ho iIiicI.udiI, "and In many va)i 0 are In n poltlon to handle, a much larg er olume of hiixliumii. To roco;nlie that fundamental condlllnnH nro rlKht for ii foiiild.irahlii further re coery. and to wiy that w are well on ilio way to tioiiiutlilni approarhlnc .t normal miIiiiii,, or ImilnoiU not unite tlm turno ai .i)lni; that un aro aHur.nl of a xpecdy return to one of our prewar period of prosperity. It It Ih In ttecoml iiCHtlon, I talio It, that In of mint lutercwt to nil of un. "Cenjleiiieii, tho time han paiuod wlnn mi) .mo lool.lnt; to the future of tho huHliionn of America can Is- uoro Iho runt of tlio world. Tor many yearn before tho war tho wholo trend of American hunliiosn had been nway from tho dtnolopinent of a olf htirfiilent Mlato. Tho iHivelopmeiita of tho war mid tho (ImuKod economic . nntl financial status of other ureal Ore iron has expended G7 million Industrial nml capitalistic nation.), dollars on stnto hlKliwayn .lurliiK ro-jlmvo added tromendous Impetus to a cent jearn; fcOO miles of road paod; mooment thai lias extended our I SOU mllea of macadam have been Hues of etononilc uctlvlty farther and 1'iillt. farther Into other countries. To my ' 'mind this movement has now been wmtrntrnxsmmmaammmmmammmm I carried o far us to umo tho im Iportnnco of tlio world-wide economic I policy no lonccr a debatable inieatloti. I "As an outcrowth of tho war wo ihnvo been lifted into a domlnatliiK position In the world's capital rela tlonn, This thani'o, In Itself, Is AFTER A DAY AT THE RODEO, STANDING IN THE CHILL AIR, YOU NEED A FINE STEAK WELL COOKED OR A FRIED CHICKEN, A FINE CUP OF COFFEE AND TRIMMINGS. Come and Get It AT,, TIN HING GUEY BEST COOKING BEST SERVICE 619 Main St. Up-Shurs Tel. 140 tiii: i.!iu:ktv filx thousand feet of film, each foot a erllable mountain of Interest, each scoiio crammed with rvcMoil, each ihapl.ir a clltn.u nml a shower of .-. that almost tells iho story of "Ho This In Arizona" which plays at Tho Liberty theatre today. 1 1 tolls of tho adventures of Nor man Itussoll, lato sergeant of Infan lr A. I.'. , who escape! all (orti of dancers '"over thero", hut comes homo Just In time to run smack Into a sorlei of escapades that nearly "hauls him wont." The principal character Is played hy KranKbn I'.irnutn, nldo.l by a cast of stellar da)ers Includlns TrancM I'oril, "ahorty" Hamilton and AI Hart, tionuvlovo Hcrto essays tho rolo of tho heioluo, ami gives tlio character a ilellKhtful rendition. Prancln Kurd of Universal fame .11- reeled tlio picture. THKSTIt.l.M) "Tho I. uio of (iold" which Is tho feature plcturo at Tho Strand to night In tho best that Noul Hart has )otportra)ed and lio Is supported by a cast embodying 30:110 of thu world's reutest riders, bulldoeucrs and rop er that over M'tieeied leather, aud for thoso who hanker for bensatloual Stunts "Tho 1. 11 ni nf t'nlil" mint li-ei ooiiiin 10 urniK a corresponding litem. chant.) In many of tho trade currents Tla.ro wlll b(1 n gO0l, comody aIso that follow capital movements. Tho 1 tonight, ami tho vaudovlllo will bo chatiKO has thrown upon us a respon-l Bhcn ,, nu clUlro cUn ot slblllty that wo cannot ovado wheth er wo wish to or not. Moreover, th Ki...iii p,.n. gram from anything jet glveu In change muni powerfully roact tip,i our domestic, buslnesa conditions aud upon our Important economic poll cles. Vhorover wo turn In our exam ination of tho elements that make for business stability or Instability in our own domestic uffnlrn, whether It ho that of the capital supply, tho gold or currency questions, tho futuro ot pilco levels or tlm futuro of trade restriction at homo or in other coun tries, wo find now economic condi tions that compel us tn consider tho hearing of movements abroad. "In looking to basic conditions that n f foot tho futuio of American business, thoioforo, wo tiro confront ed with two bets of facts. On tho 0110 hand wo find nu abundance of evidence that very substantial Im provement over tho worst period of tho depression has taken place at homo. In addition to this wo find to a snmowhiit less degree, but still to 11 dcgieo that offers much basis for onrouiagumcut, a i.mdjustmont in commercial nml financial conditions In uuy other countries. On tho other htiml, wo (lud u condition ot affairs Tho Strand Is being filled to capa city ovory evening wholly on tho murlt ot tho show given which Is jour money's worth to overyoiio at every show. Success of Leprosy Treatment Is Proven VANCOUVER, II. C.7 Oct. 0. Thu sucioss ot tho chaulmoogra oil treat ment for leprosy lias boon proved, according to doctors In tho general hojpltnl hcio. Soven inoutlis ago .1 ChlucMi woman suffering from lop-' tosy was removod from a steamship from tho Orient, Sua was Isolated In tho general hospital and tho chaul nioogru oil tieatment was commenc ed. Recently It was claimed Unit tho patlont was so fur rocovorcd that sho was In 11 condition to bo loleasetl. Wheeler llrlgliton Mills Co., lina bought 125,000,000 foot timber and sturts logging, I'wo ovor 1 jr, Hammond Fon, 1st. Itnin under 1 yr. I'wo. under 1 jr., Hammond & Son, 1st. ' Shropshire Itnni ovor 1 yr., Wm. Tlniiny, 1st. Kwii ovtr 1 yr, Ilurr'Wcstbrook, j Ram under I yr., Ilurr Wosthrook, 1st. I Kvvo under 1 yr., IJurr Wcstbrook, 1 11. I Con loili.lt. j Ram ovor I yr., 1.'. II Thomai, 1st J Cwn over I yr., H. II. Thomas, 1 nt j Ram under 1 yr., K. II. Thomas, ' 1st. IjA'o under 1 yr., Ii. If. Thomai, 1st. (miImwiiIiI Ram over I yr., Fred MoKondrre, 11. I'wo ovor 1 yr, Halo West, 1st. Ram under 1 yr., Dale Went, 1st. i:o under 1 yr., I'retl .McKendrto, 1st. Hroedlng Dock flno wool, Ham mond & Son, 1st. Dreedlng Kloclc modliim wool, IJurr Wosthrook, Shropshire, lit. llrcedlnB Flock medium wool, K. II. Thomai, Corrlcdnle, lit. I'en of fnt market Iambs any brted, Ilurr Wosthrook, lit. Pnlnntl Oiliui Hoar over 1 yr., Richard Robustell. King Royal, 1st. Hoar under 1 yr., Waller Dow no, Klamath I'cto, 1st. Hoard under C rnos. Harold Dchlln wr, 1st. Bow over 1 yr., Wllbcrt Zctiman, I'ansy, 1st. Sow under 1 yr., I.llo Hickman, 1st. Sow under G moil, Carl KIger, Klani Mabel, 1st. Duroc Jersey Hoar under 0 mos., Cllno Parker, Romeo, 1st. Sow over 1 jt , Ralph Hrown, 1st. Sow under 1 yr., Charles Mack, lit. Sow under C mos., Lsllo Stowart, Orange Ilcauty, 1st. Sow with litter any breed, Dryant Williams, May, lit. Punt TfirM G-M-r-rl How That Hurts! f vT - . ; - I All drntlsts eouroccou enough to rdlovo thl London coo ttereit suffering from toothache, plo&so step forward Hlcht now nho'i chewlas a mutton bono, vi'.-.b tcct.:i tbo gumi. Clio's a ctft of tho Trine .cf Wal. oil Leases sought to prospect for at Christmas lake. Ashland raising fund to dovclop granite Industry. Canyon City 25 mllo logging road planned to Scnoca timber. Ilandon to get modern theater. wB ..m. Announcing Raise Was RXfl.-i.00 Now $398.00 Anil n Iioforn thU Community fo ilol Cullirmin-n I'lnjrr piano H tho Htt Value In Amcrlni I inlay In a tellable Hun;iiltnr Slo I'lajvr. . Ix-tn talk I'lajcr-riano Earl Shepherd Co. Ojio ltu.liici-Mu.lc Kinmntli Fait, Orr. 'ittazim Our Quality Is First SANTFORD & COMPANY 426 Main St Klamath Falls, Oregon Our Price Is Less The, questions asked and conditions required by buyers of groceries in Klamath County '-Vu 4'V J Vftft 0. tut s i V if f . Tvy"r jrY ;sf ii i t ' Vi 'Are answered by the service rendered and prices given at our store. Come and sec for yourself. ivJ v1 ( i if h'v? m: i m v! i y mi; M Si' I T A, iv 1 i . 151 M a la. a:xw i .-,-Ll l U-! WF" J '