The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 06, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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J "V
,Mt vr w"
fif Two
i'hidav, ocrnni.'it o. maa.
t P 1
The Evening Herald
P. R. BOCUB. .K Jit or nntl Publisher
n. n; car Editor
P. C. NICKLI2 Advertising Manager
Publlihtd dally except Similar, nt
Tho Ilor'ald Publishing Company of '
Klamath Falls, nt 119 Klghth street, i
Entered nt tho postofflco nt Klam
ath falls. Ore., for transmission
through tho malls as sccond-clnss;
. Tho Associated Press Is exclusive-:
Ir entitled to tho uro for publlca-1
tlon of nil nows dispatches credited '
to It. or not otlierwlso credited lu i
this paper, nnd nleo tho local nowa
published herein.
str . s9i. or- main r.T.
i yt '. i .,- i
v l
'? -- -. ,-. -. n
1 he Drug btore ot Service, Quality and Low r rices
For school, college, rltib. shopping and business wear
Stylos for tin' Robbed Hair
iitin.w, octoiikr n, iiwa.
By Heck.
nHIIE Oregon Journal Is keeping
M everlasting nt the Job of trying I The editor said tome. Mr. Hock. joslurdny out nt tliu f.ilr and ho'
tn mnko Portland business men real- 8-,Jr "e' w" " nly eleven subscrlb- said he'd Just had n cream scparntor j
Izo the opportunities of Klamath. Out " because of your story about your and a whole dairy outfit shipped In to ,
of all this railway discussion Klam- arrival, -so wo can sinnu niiomcr; uuwii in rnncu nir ins now nerii ' ( r
nth Palls Is getting a vast amount of I c,lnPtcr. Ko' ' kll,w thing or two ( cows. Said several of his neighbors ,
good'puhllclty. Ry giving more ntten- nm' ' ,,0't nlways believe evuu good were planning some'.'ulug of the i 5
iinn m ihia inniior rn ! eviiemtinir editors na I know he added :i bunch ' same. Another farmer told me how J
ffatf ifi-feffl
-tit? "
Home Mndo Specials
(Jowl oli! r.ixlilnueil mid ilmle
solo ( Itoi'iihito Ctneieil IIiiiii'j
iiitnlxil Molnhi Tuff). ViiiiIHii
oiignl eojilcit w If li nuts mill
tlioioliite. . MolasstN l'lninvil
I'uffeil Ulie Tuff). Nut I'niU, mill
fudge I '(i I (li's. , I'motiiel iinds
Hilled ilieiis, Ci'miiij i lieu hut
lumps Willi rneumtiil I'lhp mil
Infills. (), fu'liliintMl liuller
sroleli. 'I his Is liiM ii few fit Hie
ilellrloiis blN Jim will fl it. 1 In
linns' Home Mtule MH-eint I'iiii
i lies.
7 mini i' ln It.le
t I inline Imi ll.'e
Hot Water Bottles
Cold Weather Comforts Tlml Witlmlnnd
Hard Usano
MiivIiiiimii Hoi Wilier lliillle
Pure iiililier, chm'nliihi 111 ow 11 enliir. I'llll -
enpiii'lly. tliiiiiiiuleed iino jour ..
AIiixIiiiiimi riiiiililiiallnii lint Wiilt'i' llnllle
ii ml riiuiilnlii K.Mlnr.e. il.iino ling ns gilinn
lug. 3 lini'il rulibei tipn mnl nhulnlf.
(iiinimilei'd iiiie )nnr
iliiiitt n
Nt!.(MI V
I'ltilllgn Iii.IikI,' lull
lumllirU Wiiler llnllle
It enni Innk bernn'o II Is miiilo In mm ptoco. I'lill 3 uunrt enpnrlty.
iimirtiiiieiMi iu givo iwn years asrvic ,.
3-Hiimt sUo
lllnii) llni Witter llnitlo
A kiioiI bnitlo ul n ery low pilco.
HUn two
lion to this matter. cnJ expending
somo money, Klamath could obtain
still moro publicity. Here's the lat
est Journal editerial:
A region half the sUe of Maryland,
hut nearly as detached from Oregon
ns though It were Maryland. Such,
briefly, Is Klamath county.
Its county sent. Klamath Palls, Is
thn largest shipping point In Oregon,
outside Portland. Snn Francisco gets
tho greater part ot tho business.
Its livestock shipments are heavy,
to California.
It fontnlns some 1
Tough, the star newsboy
sales went up.
Hut this being UoJeo week 1 ula't
been able to see much but red shirts
nnd big hats, but I still say this town
Is got It on the rest. Of course I
grabbe'd me some rodeo vs nnd
now I swagger around like a real
horse In my life except when a kid I
1 of subs on the strength of that epistle he dug hts potatoes with a "regular"
(If that's the word?) anyway dlger an J where he got It and what
says his J tho freight was o It. nnd I' thinks.
' and I thinks It out Imid and tho
fanner agreed with me. thai some
day somo one will open up nnd grab
that business right hero In K. P. nnd
then the mail order houses will know
something has happened.
Well. I. went to the theatre, or the
"cowboy, but. say, I never was on a, mole or what ever you call It and!
I sat rlgnt neiiinu n feller and ms
feet of timber. Its lumber milling In-! i m.i . i ., h,.,,,....,,,,! , best ctrl and I don't know which had !
SnT: I c-- " - --' -1 ,1,u wosi k,rk ? ' ,!,ii:lf!,,.ro n "": t
Jl.000,000 a month, but the lumber , ways classify him rightly. Alnt I - sr"p" VT l"v i"k "'l "i'pe:ieti
business Ih chiefly relatd to San right .Mr. Editor?
Adapted naturally to dairying, thoi 'n,-t u was al-0- Tuesday after
products of Klamath dairying are In-1 noon that I dropped lu to that Con
cluded In tho trade or California, nolly place across from the P. O and
Tho yield of dairy products from ,, ,,, ,,. ,. , ,,.., ,..,. ', ,,
Klamath's 357.000 ncres of fnrm J lct l?0,,e"1u ' 4 " l K"0U 8aa,,,C!'
lands Is only about a tenth In value i much, but I II hand It to that guy for
right It f-nnt uf me I'll tell jo ',
nbout that next time tho editor lets
me in his paper.
bavin good ones even at that. Say,
there's a saddlo thero which ,hc says
telU for $'175. I wonder If he was
of tho yield from Tillamook's 91.S00
acrrs, partly because the frolght rate
from Klamath to Snn Francisco Is
M.rtrn llitin ,tv'Ir lllnl Mnrifti" fnr tlift t
longer dlstaaco from Tillamook to . kWdla me. Hut he ought to know
San Francisco. i about saddles. Says he's been makln
Klamath county contains almost ,-lcm for VPr 200 )cars. and bo's a
4, 000.000 ncrcs. Only fcur other i ,. ,..., , . . ,
Oregon counties aro larger None Is ! ,0,,MC lo"kIn ''u ,0"- ' -UIV,S ''0
potentially richer. Its 1200 Indian ' meant tho Connollys, granddad and
nlotio own somo J50.000.000 worth of great grandad had been doing that,
timber, not to mention thousands of , BU0SS Connollys U headquarters for
fat acres of farm land In the r pos-,,h ni. i .... ...i .
session. Its farm area could bo ex- thc n,lo, ljunc" whal rcnll' ril'"
panded to exceed a million produc-1 anyway, and that means they know
live ncres. Its grnxlng and forestry the Connolly saddle.
-proscnt oxceptionai oppor'unity.
Wlllir I'tt mnnt nnlnt iSa r-rtMrl ' t,i"il? O 1 I. "il .,-- i .. .!..
T1.a,.I. fl.A. -..-- . ' MV ,. . .- t,w .i. I'liw
tho . .To" of deWoVmenrrepreserrtit'''r.ns in K. V at this end of Main , ."" ' J, &. ')
oven now millions of dollars In bus!-, street I guess I'd better tell what M 3 jiorHR Ore c"j
ncsa annually, which San Francisco I think of this town.'a posofflce nnd ' J. ' 1
pnncipniiy enjoys, uiey nro noi greni-, nostmaster
loss Is heard.
Klamath ceuntr 'contains tho
greatest slngln scenic asset In Amer
ica Crater Lake. It contains the
startling formations of Anna and
Sand creek canyons,
This Is tho only town LOST Ilrown leather cartridge
I've seen for a long time whero the I-0,t Thursday night. I.envo at
P.-O. folks luro any Idea that tho! ltc offre'
LOST 2 nutomotillo tires btween
Klamath Falls and MncDoel. Fln-j
der please return to Herald office.
c-to 1
FOR SALE Ford tuurlug. good con- I J
dltloli, cheap. Phone 33.S.M. G-'J'
FOR SALE Oasollno drag s.iv. fall
lug saw. wedge and splitting ham
mer, cheap. EJ Stougb, north of
Conger Ave. C-9
O. should be serving tho poplo. t-nr, sAi.i.iqi., Mr..ii .
Why, by Cosh, euro as my name's 1 ner. with starter, factorv limlv. tun
1 ,.-.. .. ........ . ..1 .... . v. ... ...... 1 ... '
It contains un- '"CK- "') reany oistriuuto mo mall aim wiiiusnieiii. iiurgain ii
llnr ntul Inn'rr Klnmnth lnki II Wlietl It crmes III- nlrllti or i!nv nr A1SO
contains WSIIInmsou river, wheru
trout that weigh up to 17 pounds
lako tho fly. It contal
marsh, which. It drained,
Mln,,. 1A tni n.FA. In.
CCntBlUS broad valleys millcil liyl has honn anil InniU in IniilnoM n
spectacular mountains. It Is fully as ., .. . .. .. . i FOR ;
attractive to tho tourist as to the sot-' . ".' .l "". KU,,U ". '"'.' mro ' Chauney Florey. Me.lfor.l. Ore.
tier, inaun 1 ougnter mcntincu It. ... O-IU
Yet Klamath county Is a laggard 1 Oolng bark along Main street I '
In development. Its actual Produc-' j-ot 03 of thoio poisnJ boxeti of rhoco-1 'OR KALI:-Sixty m-rns flno river
llvlty Is probably 1 per cent of Its) ,,,. a, Curr:ns ...,. ,.. nPO nl, bottom, fruit, nlfalfa. icgetahle
potential capacity, ror its conui-i ..,,.. ., , , .,l'aiiil; unilcr Irrlg.n
tlon thero Is a reason. ,,n mIlIn l3K? nJIy fifty (0) , Anderson. Mrs. J
when It crmes liv nlghy or day orl J,U ,
,. d,,.,,,,,.. ., '., .. .I'OR SALE 1118 Klcar. T passcn
men .Siiiida). .Most postofflces they .... wlr ,.,,. r r,v ..' ,,Ir,
III 11 IlUllIltlS 1 i. . . . .. v - --- -..- .-.
alns Klamath ! :,"" ,un,0,n "c"cl,,"c, an" "on l 'Baltlo,, sta
i, vroaUl alone tIlc,r bands on common hitters after aalo 1250.
or farming. It (closing time. An the I'. M. actually j Co- "- Ma
starter, good order.
Klamath Falls
lain St.
;atlnii. ono mill) to
Mnrsarut llr.-ilinm.
Tho reason Is lack of comraunlca- cents for It. I says Is that right and 1 Anderson. California. Hlnntu Cn.
tlon. A single branch line railroad ; he say. It Is, Currlus says so. All of
serves the county. Freight Is haul- wh,ch ro.nnd ,,.,... FOl'NI) A bicycle. Call 001 Lin
ed long distances by truck or wagon , lc" r, , nab,m0 V ,1,,s tottn '" 1 coin after 5 o'clock. 0-7
boforo It can be put abenrd cars. four mighty nice drug stores. 1
Lacking competitive transportation, After Currlns you como to tho ' WANTL'O (llrl or woman tn clerk
.ra "".' "i I'ruiiimincu iiibii. ; ign 0f the arrow which locates the in storo und koen hooks. Mast lie
To artve money is to enrn it. Yon nre
sure to need one or more of these itcma
during thc month.
These prices arc good only during
October Sales
Cnrn Nome Talcum
The emblem of purity, U laden with an allurlm:
eiiticlm:. .un! hewrehinn French odor.
I'arn Nome Tali 11m 1 lu a ola with the high' st
priced tin 1 orled parknges, hanilsoiuidy fro'teil glass
Jar with .ilghly polishei) cap. .
During October 69c
Rcxall Dyspcpsin Tablets
Vi 11 cjn t nUiy oar food nnd eat what )ou Ilk lte
all d: ' l'a '' itiloiH will Itmure you from h' imacli
1! rfiomfm' We guarantee they will help you or wo
will r C 1 1 ii it uur money 5 Or .tie.
During October 39c
Puretect Cascara Aromatic .
A spier, lid. pli 1 Mint tasting, non-alcobulle lonlr-lax-nllV"
r.'iii'llv rffiTtlve ullh chtMren or ndulti.
S5c sire.
.During October 19c
Ponlex Writing Paper
TlK '"diiuble 2f" box. is h"tl t)f paper and ts en
veloPf. Gmxl iiialliy. wlute fabric finished Wallon-.ery.-tUfti,lar
'During October 39c
Monogram Fountain Syringe
A !llJ find . r. t rillititr rngu. .Motllleil la line
pleci. I'm f'ic) I ngtli of tubing, ttireo trrow
pipes and t'oi f Ui-iMla' ce St ?j
During October $1.19
Lemon Cream
A piM'foct cream for whitening
the skin. Has liio bleauhing
effect equal to pure lemon
juice. Will not harm the skin
or grow hair.
Toilet Articles
Armani! Pare Powder BOe
Angelas Lemon Pi eum . . $1.00
Am.iml Hlinmpon lOo
Artmtiih I'omplxxlon C10.1111 . ... ROc
Cocoa lluttir Cola Cream 50c
A'UttM Pucn powder $1.00
liaidolluti 20c
t.'aromb 7Go
ltlrd Itouge SSo
Itegum Tooth Pasto 20o
.Mhv' Urllllnntlup S0c
Coiy Faro Powder .... $1.30
' DJerl.lng Creams CJo
Dorln Rang TOO
l. & R. Cold Cream 880
Klwn Cream J8c
Priwillla . 3Ce'
Pi.rhan's Touth Pnto 88c
Uinl's Honey & Almoitd Cre.iBJ 00c
ltd Penihcr Rougo 50o
M.ib!Ilno 76o
OdiTono 35c
iit'-ntal f'liMin 76c
( iiVuie' Mlrone Cream 60c
Colgate h Pine Powder
ill Meul llox ... .$1.00
Tnkalon I'ream3 75c
Tilt n Plower Faro Powdor 7Go
La IllnnrhO Powder ..- - - " C
Mulxiflcd Coriinmit Oil 5oc
.Us a Hire J'oyritpr ,w..,.....t.-..,..0c
'P-'nili.'- Khampno . . ..' B'lc
! 'illmahV FrerU CrtNilil ... 5"r
liowar I h llullerit,-k Cream . . 75''
Krani 1. 11111111 Crnilil .$100
l.ikiT 1 lolet 1'eriito fiOe
I. ;i-ililr'jl Tiki Ii l'asli Tille
ivhd-r. Tiiul'i l'atti fill"
legiii Tm'li P.Mtf . 25e
H'tU'li 1 I'ul I In nil fi'ir
IMl-lo N il V 1 'i .T.
Home Remedies
Aiitilei's Ihuulsloii .. car
Asihmndor. largo $1 211 J
llnumo Atialgosle, Preach . 75c
Hoof. Iron Willi. Pint $ J
liiontji Oulitlno 3oc
liromn Poluiir '. 300
ll.i) ers Aspirin 35u
Cuidwiiiv Hrrup Pepsin aoc
Casearettrt 25e
Caitorla (loniiliii. nic
D.inilerlne J5p
llowlll'n Kidney PIIU 60e J
Dlaiiep'ln. I'-ipes 1 or
linan's Klilnoy Pills r.ijc J
lily's Cream Halm ... . . ROr
Catarrh Cream, Rexall US'
Frultoln $1 50 J
Colo llalr ll'storer .m $1 50
Freeiotin Corn Ohio 4ti J
Onrflehl Tea . .. JBr ,
llaarlem 1)11 CipstllCa ... 3Se
lodox Oliittiiont Oil.- J
Jail Halts ni
Illnktes Cascini Pllla, 100b .. , 3lir
Kilmer's Kivatnp Root ......... GOe 4
LIslorliiB , . 30.
Malideen llnlr Toalo $100 J
Milk's Rmiilitoii $1.20
MentholBiiim ,21c J
MiiKtiirolo .ir
Mam tltnmnch Ituincily ... . $1 55
Milk of Magutiln, pint . ... 5r ?
MIIm Nr-rvliiu $t on
Nu'ol. lari sUo $l.:;o
Mineral Oil. Iluulan Typo $1 00
Taular .. $1.10
Wllllam'i Pink Pills fiOr
Srtip llrpiiphophlti,
fall Pint ;i on J
I ngllenlllie. 1'llln'l Utii'
Meiitlni Hnlphur Rue
Red Pepper Hull , CO J
Extra Special'
Saturday Only :
Palmoiive Soap J
7 Cakes 50c
LI .fill 1 1 7 inliCH III 1 IKlnincr 4
Ms-s--niitf-mMMs s-mms-hi 4
?Qflga Store
5th and Main Sts.
",c"u", W"?."1 ""i ?.?; Sqnaro Deal nail after readlnn his ad willing to stay .with tho job. Those
-.01u in -, iiiii.' irum lianiuiis "
Falls and Portland Is 527 miles, San ,n ":o PaPr Tuosdajr. I was so tlek-
hranclsco has first call upon the bus- led I went In and bought something.
Iiiesu rf tho Immense district.
I won't tell you .what. Yon read his 1
wanting work for only a fnw months
med not apply. Call at 102C Main
St.. after fivo o'clock. ti-7
Klamath's !Vtop.nt pPoblom and n" " " w"rI: "
Portland's problem of truilo relation.
ship with Klamath. It lies In the
construction of the Natron cut-off,
which will shorten tin distance be
tween Portland nnd Klamath nearly
200 milts, and which shctild entitle
Klamath Falls to tho i;nmo rates to
Portland us Medford.
rho present rullroad situation
places uncummun pressu
movement to build tho
off. A little energy mf-lit
. ..!. . ... ... ... .. (
nun- raurouu iiuk will iv amatli. . ni..r.. ,,.1.1., 1.....1 .,
The other two drug stores hao
been haIng n ono cent sale, whuro
for a little or nothing you can get
something and for another rent you
can double your order. Uon't crowd
pleato tho thing's ov;r at both placos
WANTLO -Itoomera and boarifors
by week or month, iilC Plnu St.
FOR HALi: Partly furnished mod
irn houso In dun Ira lilo locution und
In first clasH condition, four rooms,
bath, closets, wood basement and
small garai'u. I'rlco $3000. Will ac-
copt $ij00 down und balance In
iro u ion thr 1 ,Ut ,t8 l'n;lor"'ot,a'B next after the monthly Inhtallinonts oxlendlni; over
Natron cut- Squaro IJeal and two blocks furthor J!"1'"1 U',W "''iniro Room 3.
Ight win the along . tho Star and both tl.. i 8,w,"",on """'""'
Lelters from (he People
i)i:pi:.i)S jit.nkv .mi:
iJoar Kdlter:
Nolo the artlcio In
Wedceilay ,
1 GREEKS ARE RAIDED ;'iH' " furnished by Jumso Turn-1 on a lliiuor iharge nnd was shiimi
I er. PelUiiii City pool hull proprietor, . for a Justice court hwitrlng this af-
' I (ifilfll t II U 11 lit. Ilflllr. I.i 1. a. .111 1 Wtl Ml
Pnllii. Uny Kimugli llilp. Pom ". "" ..-"-. ,. t.uA'im
... . ... . ,. , Louis Ahersii and h s w fe lauded ..
htnit a .Mnnle C.11I11 . , ""
I la Jail Woiliu'Sdiiy night when tho po-' ,, , ,, . .....
11,.. h.,,,,,1 .,.. v .., , ..,.1 ll'iudon-Cmilrnct let for su.niin
' .,., , mii h' " .iiiiii.r-.l.. I.I..I. ..l I
H. P. Co., und Oregon Klectrlc In
ri'dueit fares 20 per cent.
Cottage, (Irmo may gut armory.
Knoiigh chips and v-.frds In start . amir on their lireiiitium mi Oik l.n.
,u Jlonto :'nr!o" wenJfnuml lu n hoiui, I Uewii Hlxth ami Hevouth. Alvorns
1 at Fuillth rlld Willow, oecillileil In ' w.u rel'irnn-l i. lull v..l..r,l,.v ul....
night's jnper III which tho fair rani.;,r,b , r;il, . ., t ,,r.l.x hy lb- he fulled to pay the $.'.'iu fine fixed
liri-nplllig to Chief Wilson l.v Jllill. llughngeu Ills wife was
might bring tho trado of the Khun
nth country to Portland and might
mako tho peoplo of Klumuth feed
themselves 11 part of Oregon rather
than of California.
What are Portland business men
doing to bring about tho building of
tho Natron cut-off?
Mil.oiiglillii liijuii:d When llorMi
Falls 1111 illppeiy Pavement
you can understand but I guess It's
because they hav0 everythlri except
ing houvy hardwaro, that anybody
could want.
Speaking of hardware, uooms to
inu a hardv.aro storo ought to do well
In this town. Talkln .with u farmer
Responsible) party wants to loan up
to 32500.00 at onco on property In
Klamath Falls valued ai $4000.00.
Herald A. II. C7
WANTRU Someono to dig an aero
potatoes on shuroa. O. K. Rae,
Trlanglo "Ciifn. C-7
Herald classified ads pay you.
Officer McLoughlln essayed to per
f 1 0111 his duties yo3lcrduy mouiited on
Dill Leu's horse. Tho hnrso fell on
tho Bllppery pnveinent, howovor, and
McLoughlln landed lu tho Klamath
Ooueritl hospital. It was said his in-!
Juries wero not burhnis.
NB' VORK, Oct. 0, Stockhold
ers of tho Standard Oil company ot
Now York today declared u stock
dividend of 200 per cent, Increasing
tho capital from $75,000 to $225,000
nnd reducing tho pur vuluo of tho
The Liberty Tiieaire
A clever story of (lie wt stalling KraiiUljn
Fuiniiiii. Tho luteot Palhe Itevleu, mnl Aimiji'n
Publes uro fiuo uildllloiih to I lie pinurain nlilih Is
ruiiipletcil by Clia'iler Tliicu of
'In the Days of Buffalo Bill'
SATURDAY Mary Slllcs Mlnter III "SOUTH
OP SUVA." A vivid ili-itnm of tho South Hens.
111 It I ou charge that the Jltliuy drivers ,.i(
.. ... ..... ,.,
ir:wi 111 .air Eruniiiiii aro iMiirimaui j The u wer- -impeeted of g.imlilnK released
unit miiiiik of profiteering. ' Liu pn-tested they were plalng for I J. .1 .lolumm.
Ill UOIense of tllo Jlllley llriver l( ri)). T,y ,,, , CHriN
wish to say that the statu of Oregon ,, ' mjj :
taxes tno pour Jitney drlvor 20 per. " "?lffirfrtign ?rW7'
month mid tho fair committee also
asked for 11 donation which was
cheerfully subscribed anil now thuy
ask tho Jitney driver to operate I1I1
r-ir duriuK 1I10 fair nt a loss for fear
that a legitimate 5"e fnio might lool.
like proriK .rim; mid that many 1
would ho deprived of tho plenMiio (f
seeln. tho fair bucauso thny would
not bu ablo to afford tho prlco uf
tho Jitney rre.
With the heavy operating expense
that the Jltuoy drUer has, It l biird.
oven by working from 12 to l.i Iioiiik '
per day, to mal'.B 11 ood living.
With the tru'u facts luiforo ynu It la
plainly evident that tliu fair commit '
toes' iitnuil la entirely uuv.-arraiitoil
and unfair to Dm taxi ilrlveru of'
Klamath Falls. Thoi'o Is 110 sot of
men In Klttinath Falls that aro 113
deeply Interested In tho Hilcccsi of tho
fair us an. 1I10 taxi drheis ln't they
aro not flimnclally ablo to uperatii
their cars a a loss
prrprietor nf tho.
and 'Cozy Lunch, was arnaied yn-lunlnr ' i,,,',;;,,"?.,',.!."::; Y"T """'
Cnzailuru Portland Ry., Lt. & Pr.
Co., to build now $0,000,000 hydro-'
electric projoct.
MurHhflold buya $75,000 alto for,
now municipal building. j
Alhlna gola $120,000 Investment In
That you have seen Klamath's best
Fruits and Vegetables
at the Fair, you know what we handle at the
126 N. Sixth St.
Tlio Farmers sell from their booths on Satur
day. The Public Market sella direct from pro
ducers to consumers the other days of the week.
Home made cakeo, doughnuts, bread, raisin
bread, buns and cookies. Dreooed chickens and
rabbits; Merrill honey. Home made Cider. If
it's from the farm we have it. Our prices are
ii,. ,
Hioric irom f iwu to 20.- 1
r .i, 1 I . 11 1 I
I four luduitrlnl plants.