The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 06, 1922, Image 1

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    1 if
Klamath County Fair and Southern Oregon Rodeo, October 6, 7; LefVCfo!
Hi''lilli fill . N. (Mil
a I J
y pa
p -ftuenm
jp 5 rr i
Member of the Associated Prexs
KLAMATH I'AM.H, OIll'HO.V, I'ltlllAV, OtOHI'.K II, 11)2
ro Sr rnv H v ?1 NTm. M H Mil I if v R I
Show Cues Over Great; Five
Qualify In. Bucking; Red
Parker Is High Man
FA III UltOl'NDH, On 0.. t .1' M They're rowing III drnvuH Yoa
Itrdar' crowd, es'liunti-l liy llio III) liodoo tiMiclatluu ut 3,000, pram
Isoa t l. ixcrmlcd today by 30 per cent.
Htnndlng room only will In- thu ordrr of tho day hefniD Knottier
linlMmur )im imMKil. Ciu urn iiirkfil behind iho cratiUntnnd In lone
ttnva r:nehiiig from the liljjuwny fnr Into llio Held 10 llio noilb.
Tlio (tin I bramliiK down from ulmio llirniitlt to tnnko Amends
from lt lcm of, Wtdnowlay, Kvorybody'B spirits nro itiRrliis. TlifU
voadetful Immt linn Juil tinned tit perform nnd folks tiro snylntt.1 "Hi)',
that" fOmo band, ir you ink uti'!" .
Tliai' ill. 71. show j on. Wow, cowboy! Lot Vr liUClcS
"Hid", 'cr cowboy, ride "or!"
And rlda 'ur they did. Humid didn't rldr long. unt mil with loss
dignity ttno t'ltiurs. and i'iup pullod luntlni. When llio nmol.o or batlto
bad rh&red wuy It was found tlinl Just lliu out of IS rid m In tlio biick
ln conlo' hud qualified, 'lliey went lied Parker, Muntann lied Talo, W.
W. IWyiniiMl, Petty Unry ml Harry Drown.
11' il Parker nu (lobby IMrklim vnn ywtordny ili'iin-r. t IB- MonUuia
tUd Talr M-itn ii-rond, wlnnliitf A7. IliHinond mi l'nclilo rttnn tlilrd nlld
wno fid. Tl'r Judging l bnjird on iiorrtMit iko. li origin iiumtivr ct
poltl tioln lU'diirtnd for piiy iTtor. Thi flr rldrrn nr In on llio
grand rrtmiiiilonnblti. wlilrli will t iIi-oMim t:.itiirdty. Todny another set
pt Hlr w ntti-nipt to ijiull'y. Tbo djlly prlroy aiv puld front Uia mi'
Irnrtce for
Tl.o furl, that only five Mil of IR rtdni nunllflod wuh nld nl rodeo
hvadiionrtrr today ti- lip tuuninl. Thin l nilrllmtoii to i)ii hnrN-s, must
of wiil'it ti time to Hm Illy Ilodro niupUliun. mid not to Did rldm, it list
l.r no'lll of wlilrli wag nuvrr awn tof.olh'r lit thl mi-tliin of the vrnsl.
RUm o fnllnl lo qualify yiuttirlny - llimrro I'uruiur on
Pnrvw ImII, IM. llrllllvny no Uh'rPOnd. Cvr.l' lllitKn on JUt. Hay Hell
nil Tim..rkl'. Krunl; Hnllll on l.linlcr Jim. Ohm lltmvn on .McAdao, J';
ro,iVti on Jack Deaip.-y, Slim I'n 'dry oo flliimi", riirU'y l.iiuU on IJIncH
firmoii and JoJui Jijito.t on oiioii IMIy. Unddy HK rllnt: on l-lle-f.tii.
nnd J ".it unit JA'k Ciwlm. who (filed to nmiml.
Kd. McOlhrnv on Wt'lrlwlnil. Ilnfl llroisn on MrAdoo nnd Curlsy
I .'nl au litrtrk 1 Kin hi mn hurkml off TliU hu not lo tholr discredit,
)!. 4 nil UtHT ilK-w lind holi"1'. No rlilT. HerordliiK In Mirvln
OtouL W rr iiumilHd on llliirk Demon durliu tlm four Mirit Hill,
MniU)Vi.Wi iWnJ W the n TwwiMflWw. wtilrtwitni' wnrrhdlt
llio JcidRni ut 100 pr (rut imd UrAdoo nl f.'l tier r nl.
'iltli') l.uilli wh liiuinr.ully kltork d out, hut Icd.iy v :it huid
qtmrur rtMdy In try II ncalii.
I n her llolUionl. In a jirctly rxlillilllcn ouidltnurid I! !. Thump'
jn'i t'i4 in tho 4wo-mllo nl.iy This nnd llio $!00 irl i;o to Ihts
I'rluir HiKklHg th bwt time In ihrco iuyi.
llu-. Hid I i.ou firm nlaii' In thn calf-roidiiK nlth n roeord ot 37 (a
reiidi Uino tllMU'n ImidMl liU nilf In fi.l r..ndH. TIiivh- W"ri' tho onlp
ones lo qualify. l(i.ier Dill lloiiiiiHK imd imd lurk wnn inn ropo. iiiiuny
B'l-rllut: Iho trfiiur. Iliw I'lrkoit drww h nmn-rdw c.ilf who ohjrird i.o
tretiUouily to l lie ludli;iilty of Imlnr; tl'd thnt l'lfkill iult In dhuust.
I.uitur llolhrook ou IJctby won tho liMlf-mllo' UmIi, with' rinirli-y
SUoll!llKi mt Hint w -and.
lit the cohIm))- imv relic n John on Jim took first. Win. Vow on
llonr.konil t irroiid.
Kr.-iuk HiHltli won Hid biilldoRlnK ronlunl, tlm 21 gcrondi.
Sir.llb h nrroiul, tliiin 3Ti Kfrnndi.
iipil.i' !4plkMi:iu in finny roplni; did evcrjllilnj; hut wrlto IiIh ii hii'j
llli hi rinu'. 1 1 In iixhildilon wan n ruw-iihtllon to thiMo who thaiiKht
, rupii iirrrlv iniilliliiK uii'il to tit a tin me.
Ktovc I'uliih tit on ii wild luimo ourid ovpc tho fenro mid w'ltR Icm.
papirlly liicd out. Thu othir rhlu'H on wild lmrtiii Iiirnlnlii'd'
thrllU, hut nil iuniiiiK'd lo ttlik lo tlulr nioiiuU.
Tho thri'O-elr.hlM mile dmli wuh rnlli'd off nlirn hoiiio of tho Iiomiih
IhIIcI In nturt. An tho h!iow l.mlcd until nculy (i o'clock, llio rh.irlot r.ici
wiu nlmi rvilltid off.
Illinois mii: Msnoit.'i o
!iior. in tin1 illy who liovo
f.illrd to find rooiiiH ri mlvliod
hy John KoIIit t inillf) him ut
Iho i-immUr if lomi.icrri',
phiinn o'l, natl roouiH will ho 4
AilSii mill Aiitlioi-s I 'nun KjisI uro
,.. ....... . i i..
i iiiiiii-ik itir iimiihi i s'lors i uti:
I'OHAM', Out., Oct. 0. -Iluny
tain lnJiiy lrluully iiucnrlivd tlm
foroni llru tilioul thin illy whluh
took iojhlldy no liu'H (tod di'HtrnjiMl
lliilh)luiu nnd Kcvcrul Hiniillnr rid
Homi'iiU. v
.WdllTK l'l,AIN:l. X. V., Oct. .
tlupriuio ('out I .liiHlli'o .Mrrrlinnior
todny I'onflrmod Iho rnfurro'.s ropoita
id tho llllllniaii dUorco c:isn mid nl
lower .Mrn. Ami U. Hllllumti, who
wuh ilnfondmit In tlio milt wilnst lior
haitkor luuhaud, tho tuats In tho
'V!-:T!li;it I'HOIl.MllllilKS
'Iho li.iromotrlc iirrnauro
Ci .j jyiiMH niowiy out ninau
'Tjfi Wm ily nfler 'i p. in.
yot.lnrday, ehanlnr,'
Iho Mm-m from our
vlclnliy. Tho I'y
rlo HtornuiKniph nl
t'udnmwiiid'H I'liur
mnry niKlntcrt'd
:i0,:i'J ut noon lo
day, piomltilui;
clour Bkli'H Iihihii'
row. KurrruNt for unxt
- S'l heurs:
Kolrs prohuhly eool, with varluldo
Thn TycoB locordlni; thoi'iuometor
rcKlHlertMl maximum mid lnlnlmuiii
trmpoi'iitiirou today tin IoIIowh;
I Huh ,. .., r.l
IM:N'I)I.I:tON. Ore., Oct. c
I'uruwidl Hjicerlii'i from tho roar
nd of tlulr ohsorvittlou fealur
t'd iho d par! urn of tho arilnts nnd
iiiithoiri who iilluuded tlio I!I2
I'l'iidliiton riiund-iip. eemlui: all thu
way from Now Votk city by tpcclal
car lo ho pic.ii'iit at tlis joar'a
"wild west" eolidiratlou.
"I'cudloinn lit tho only plum In
III i I'liltod Staled tluowliiK
thu hull Ih ii real art. Count on
mo nox'i your,1' Paid Wiiltor Tniiii'
hull, eiiliiiiiiilut fur thu Now York
"We'll como hark In Iho laud
whom tho vcMtH hniln," added
Charivi Hanson Towno.
"You'll iilwayH hold a pl.tro for
Johnny 111 Id," Hcroamed that nillat
mid llluntrator.
"Hale, Halo, thn Riiiin'it nil hero!"
.nun; (ienri;o I'.ilmcr I'utiiam, who
wan IryliiB to j;ot Hull Hale, New
Ytnk fratuio writer, lo break uwny
from hur Pendleton frloudK and got
ou Iho (rain.
"llully for you all foIkH, you
tmatcil in llko princes, If only nil
ouHturnurri worn llko you," mild
Kiedoilck O'llrleu, author.
All of tho other luemliom of Iho
paity of eastern wrllern mid nr
llhln we m oiiunlly oiilluiiilatillo oVcr
tlio Utli auiiual round-up and Pio
mlootl to como mjiiln, And when
Thu I.ottorliooli Hpcrlal iullud out
for Now York, tho)" woro nil uuth
Pied on observation rar platform
for oiio Iwtt. look, ,
niv (iK.vis uiv(i) ;
Ot. th 'in la a lo-vii railed Klamllli tnlU
Wlmro Miy lit il it Itodco-n,
V''ieri' tho hionrii are wild
And Iho (.term not mild
And iho rry I "l.ol'or ko-o,
Tho rry la l.ct'er ko, thu cry Is "'er" ftjh'
Oh thA hrnutH uro wild " ' .,
And Hm Rtcofs not mild r
And the cry Is l.ct'er i;o-o.
Oil tlm heit of rldi rn nil are there
And Htpy Mine run rlSn noino gwolM
tin we'll all tbko off our hniH and howl
Thte rleetH for Dal Morrell-I
Thre clieotn for Dot Morrcll-I
Thte cheem for Dot Mnrrcll-I
Ho wn II nil tnkn off our hatn nnd huwl
Thrrn cheort for Dot Morrell-I.
Miners Write Own Epitaph
v ,
Oil th'. v,eiilliri'B rouriti nnd thu ti V. y g lilath
lltll IIioko tiilnrti wo forc'.'-ct
l'or v. e'vn i;oui hu wdld
And haven't eiiK" onntiRlt
To iniuo In out of tho wo-et
To romo In out ot Iho wo-et
To nutio In out nl llio we-et
Pur vrn'te Kona lio- wild
And hftvuii'i nens" enough
To romo In out of tho wo-ct.
Oh wi'll till i:o down to m.nnntli town
Tor a rimhI tlmo you cm lie-et
Po we'll drink rcl pup nnd Icittonailo"
Or anyllilni: wo ran r.rel
Or nnyllilnj; wo can Krt
Or nnylhlnr. v;o can Kfet
8o wi'll drink r'J pop and tonioti.irijfr
Or bi.ylhluK wo ran i;'i-et.
Uti vi 'II all RoMown lo tlm Itodeo r.rouml
And Mill the v.lldhronrs, and lhc' ).iipV-It
Oh we'll H'and (ho Kltor
Ou hi l.-li ear.
On IiIh left tat.
If tho liiiir around wn'll throw It " ?
If iho IiiiU'ii iiroiiudiwe'll throw It
If tho Itull'n tirnund we'll throw II
Oh we'll Band tho uticr ,.,,,
Oil hid lull ear.
If tlu tmll'ii around wo'll throw It.
Oh we'll have n tlmo wo. won't foruct
Alld live II Mire put on Meno nhow'-o
Oh w 'II whoop and yell
And ralito a lol dlHtitrhanco
At Iho tClmniMli llodeo-o
At the Klamath Uoileo-n
At lite Klam.illi Hodeo-o
Oh w-'ll whoop and jell
And ralHH a hint -dlMtiirhanco
At tho Klatualh Kodeu-u.
INi the tune of
.Mar- had a little tamh
Hh fleflte wai wlill,, iik rnnw-n
And oery whete th'it .Mnry went
The la mil wan rure lo K"-o
Tho lumli wuh mire to ro-ii
Tile lamb m.ih mire to i;n-o
And every where that .Maty went
Thu lamli wuh hiiro (o r.o-o.
(Ivue Klnr;, Is dolus- n nlilhlly miiik art tit Tho Ktritul, decllr.l
tho only UiIiik larkliiK In ho Klamath llodco wna a noun, m ho com
ion8d tho follow Iiik. Ho will tench tho tune to his audienro toi'.lRht, thou
uvnybotly can Mr.r: It. It wn adopted today by tho Fair Committee as
tho official xiinc.
A few mnrkn burned on a wall of stono by a minors torch toll tho
tragedy of tho 47 tnlnorx whom bodies wcro found entombed In the Arso
rmui mlno at Jackson. Cal. Wbllo ihclr fellow wcro working feverishly
to dlir throtiKli tho rocltH llicne men tried to keep a report of their nuf
ferlnit. Tlienu marks will iitiind bh their monumtnt. Tho body of Win.
Fennel, who ut Hit-t was thoURht lo have vrtltcn tho mciuagc. has not
been found.
.veth'i: to si'iist itnti:its
II' raid carrlern will rail upon
aubacrlbrr tomorrow to collect.
i llafu yt ur C5 rents ready when
tho hoy romcj nnd mako the
, yoaitgatnr happy. Tho boys do
O not llko to triulxe Iohk dUtaiircs
to mako repeated rails. Hoys
hi tlio carrier's aco hava many
- matters requlrini; uttentlon.
Help iho boy. the -Herald nnd
yourfelf by liavliiB tho money
ready. --.
4- All Herald nuliscrlptlor.i arc
paj-ablo strictly In advance. It
Is our practice to stop nil pap
C ers promptly when the pfrlnd
paid for cxplren. From tho
" first of Iho mouih (o the tenth
C w',1 check over tho subscription
lists, and a'l who aro In arrears
will be dropped.
.Most peoplo Immediately ro-
new. Sot.o are Indignant, but
wo havo no means of knowlnr;
when payment falls wTiether It
Ih mero or notlco to
Mop. It tsakes .work nnd In-
cnnvonlenro to stop tho pjpers
only to start tuem "uRiln In a
few days.
C i'o j'lenuo meet tho rarrlcrV
4- calls with prompt payment. It
will help matters all around.
Oi;i .Slimmer (.TatRCil Willi Sclllnj;
MoontiInn on llrnmntlon
('l.i)ton Kirk Wltnevi
MI'DFOUD. Oct. C Or.i Sum
mors, an Indian rcsldont of tho
I KJjrnath Indian, rosorvaton, was
convicted In federal court on charges
ot bavins Intoxicating liquor In his
possession en an Indian reservation
nnd ot seltf.ix Intoxicating liquor to
nn Indian, after about twenty ruin
."tci deliberation by tho Jury.
Clayton Kirk, purchaser of the li
quor was thu first witness for tho
state and testified that ho had pur
chased inoonnhlnij from Summers at
Chlloqulu, Ore., on or abcut tho last
of October, 1?21. whea on an auto
trip from Klamath Falls to Klamath
Agency accompanied by Martin
Laches and Ira Isaacs, also Indians.
It developed' In the testimony that
tho party hail procured liquor In
Klamath Falls at tho start ot tho
trip and at I'ellcan City, en routo.
Isaacs was called to tho stand nnd
testified that he had keen Kirk buy
a bottlo of liquor from Summers near
a pool halt at Chlloqulu. Iloth Kirk
and Isaacs testified that tho liquor
appeared to bo moonshine nnd that It
had nn Intoxicating effect.
On cross examination It developed
that both Isaacs and Kirk wcro nt
least slightly Intoxicated upon arriv
ing at Chiloquin.
Martin l.nchos'was called to tho
stand by tho stnto nnd testified that
llio "liquor tasted like grapos" nnd
later that It "tasted like moonshine"
nnd Unit ho had felt no effect from
drinking II.
Warren Kurt wns called by iho de
fenso and testified that when Kirk
entered a restaurant in Chlloquln ou
tho 21st of October that ho was in
toxicated. Thl.s point was heavily
emphutdzod hy William .Marx, attor
ney for tho tlofunso who undenvored
to l'olut nut In bin closini; iirgument
that tho wlinexsrs went mi heavily In
(olrated at Chlloquln that thoy woro
unahlu to determine jun character of
tho liquor purchased from Summers
If such liquor was purchased, and
that thoro was no proof of Its Intoxi
cating quality, ttnnq of tho liquor
liuvlug been obtained by tho btuto as
Atorney Mcliulro for tho stato,
howoer, polntc'd out tho familiarity
of tho avorago Indian with mooushino
and declared that tho witnesses were
sure of themsoHcs whun they testi
fied that Iho liquor was mooushino.
Iwist Oppmtunlly Saturday;
Open this KwiiIiii;
Inasmuch as tho tlmo for regis
tration ends Saturday afternoon at
S o'clock, County Clerk DoLup an
nounced todny that hl3 offlco would
bo open from 7:30 to 9 tonight to
permit regletrntlon,
New Record Is Set at Klam
ath County Fair; Other
Exhibit Excellent
As tho results of tho county fair
nro compiled, and results becomo
known, It Is shown that this year
saw the largest number of dairy en
tries over exhibited hero, according
to County Agent Hcnclorson.
There wero 75 dairy entries, 30
shorthorn, SO sheep, and 65 hogs.
Tho cabbaga and caullflovrqr en
tries were said by K. II. Jacksoty
farm crop specialist of O, A. C, to
equal tho finest ho has seen at
any other cxlhlblt In tho stato. This
was a particular source of satisfac
tion to all. Inasmuch as those two
vegetables are not supposed to do
well In this county.
Tho boys' and girls' club entries
iwcro n featuro ot tho program and
attracted much attention.
The list of prlzo-wlnncrs had not
been completely compiled today, bnt
tho following waa tho list of winners
ot first prises for "livesteck:
Folowlng arc tho classes, exhibitor,
entries and awards:
Aged bull, Jlammcai. Son, (lot
den Still. Ist. . -- "
Two yr. bull, McCornack, Mont
crest Sultan, 1st. 8r. k. Grand cham
pion. Jr. Yearling bull, lllll Bros., Brig
ham Young. 1st.
Jr. bull cair, Wm. Tlnglcy, 1st. Jr.
Aged cow, Hammond & Son, Don
na, 1st. champion.
Two yr. holfor. Dale West, Mound.
llaroncss 2nd., 1st. Sr. ft (irand
Sr. yearling heifer, West ft Thom
as. Owcadalln I-ass, 1st.
Jr. yearling heifer, West ft Tiom
as, Itono Emorald, 1st.
Sr. Heifer calf, McCornack, Blos
som 3rd, 1st.
Jr. Heifer calf, Dale West, 1st. Jr.
Herd group. Hammond ft Son, lat.
Aged bull, S. J. Tucker, Prince So
gls Joo 1st.
Two yr. bull. W. P. Jlnnctto, Mata
dor Walker Segls, 1st. Jr. champion.
Kr. yearling bull, J. E. Knman,
Kltig Trltomla Do Kol, 1st. Jr. &
Grand champion.
Sr. bull calf, Hzcll Dros., Lucy's
Frldo, 1st.
Hull Jr. cair, Glftln ft Dradicy. 1st.
Agod cows. Ktell tiros. Wlldas
Iloselcln 2nd. 1st. Sr. ft Grand
Heifer sr. yearling, Ezcll Ilros.,
Wlldas Iloselcln 3rd, 1st.
Holfor Jr. yoarllng, Glffln ft Urad
ley, Holland Johanna Segla Da Kol,
Heifer Sr. calf, Glftln ft tlradloy,
Imperial I'ontlac Iluby I'ct, 1st. Jr.
Agod bull, D. A. McCoinb. lion
Noble, 1st. Sr. champion.
Jr. Yearling bul, C. C. Lewis,
Juno's Hindu Lad of Kwuuna, 1st. Jf
ft Grand champion.
Agod cow, E. E. McClay, Mary Daf
fodils Doll, 1st, Sr, cbtmplon.
Jr. Yearling bolters, C. C. Lewis,
Wild Cbcrry'u Beatrice 1st. Jr. ft
Grand champion.
Grudo Cattle, Holklrlna
Agod cows, S. J, Tuckor, 1st.
Sr. calves, C. Y. Lewis, 1st,
Jr. calves, W. F. Jlnnctto, 1st,
Cot ot Slro, 8. J. Tuckor. 1st,
(iru'Jo Jersey h
Aged cows, H, E, McCluy, 1st,
Two yr. holfor, K. E. McCluy, 1st.
Kr. culvctf, Murjorlo Iteodor, 1st.
Got ot Slro, D. A. McComb, 1st.
(irndo CiueraHcys.
Sr. calfEugono Walton, 1st.
Sheep, Kaaletto
Ram over 1 yr, HtMaoad A tea.
(cobubui if iiAityP ,
.,.- .
. ??
v .(Hi