'4 lir- t".. . 1... " t ,11'" r -.f--.- U m ft J. lt Six Vv '1 4 0. - THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Till It'illW, Ol'l'i Ml II i, li!i Httt 4 , tol Y,V ?t jP4; o I1VK IMMCTKD liv n.xn juhv (Continued from 1'sro 1) urncil Mint tho nlii-iirf nml ehlot nf'SINNOTT HOME 'AGAIN pollro nml oilier officers diligently I cnforrn llio law In tills restart, nml Hi pir.M iilntho Mum Hoeoml 1I llirfl of h mil of clutlilw; nml two shirts, Jul bit. Mm. oiliu Mowers Ik cIiiitkuO with tho murder lit Tom Montoya, .Mcxlrnn hVrp holder Sepiomlier 1. Mon toya's Imrty nmlnlnhiK two hullet holes wm uut mnr her ro.nl liottsn, tilio .was held o:i evidence piirportluir In show that her tracks worn fouilil lonitlnR In tho place wliero the iiriirdcr ocrurod. Not t'riKv'liJllR wero returned In tlin eaten tit ) low mil SchlldRren, rhnrRed with InrrVny of n Ford car from tho Comet Ulcclrlc company, nml Pnt O'Neal, clin'rgK with rrlmlii.nl syn dicalism,; " Tlio nrnlul jury cltled Hint tho prevent county J.ill which Is also the city Jnll, In '"wholly Inadequate Itj respect to Kit slo nnil iirranKemcnts of quarter, ami unfit from n sanl tiny ttiimlrmlnt." nml that In tlin pant nml nl present "persons of nil apes, Including Inys umler 20 arc hold mi ller nil tlpro-rji of crimen, regardless of menial innr.il or criminal develop menl." It also cliej that the samo conditions liehl true In tho soman's quartern or the jnll, nml Dial the jnll was Jiiperuro as was shewn by tho number of prisoners that hail es. taped, "omo of which are still at lanfe." It was urged that steps he taken to provide n county jnll sullablo nml safe, (iml Hint temporary quarters he secured fur hoys nmt women If It wero not piiMlhln Immediately to punltle n county Jail. In tho recommendation ft r strict supervision of danco halls, tho nrami jury rnld that In Investlgatlnc tho condition It has heon found, "In sumo Instances at least, the condi tions prevailing nt, nml especially near by such dance, halls, ore disor derly and ilrtrltnlnt.nl to society, es pecially to our younR people, ni well as In violation of tho law." It was II 111 Vlvlllo,; UN Hhtilit thnt tho district attorney dlllfumtly proserulo nil violations. in,, meiiioers oi mo rjr.iui Jr.v .rln: i)Ali.:s, Uel 5. .Nlrliutnit were! )'. II. Cefor, foreman, Mnrtlm . . .... 15. Couloy, Philip Ode.., Charles Axel. I J' 8ll,BoU' rosenK.me In ro.,Krea., It. P. Tutlle, A. II. Now ton nml lt.r "" -oct"' coiwresslonnl district. J. Tucker. ;nrnul home Sundny night nml wan Momlny creetliiK old friends IS NAMED MISSIONARY lto. Krfgnr Krntlall SueereO-t It. CiMiklnfttinm on ltoenntlon 'Tho llov, Kendall, formerly tor of it Methodist church (Irani Pats, has been busy hero. During Hie time lie will bo In Oregon, ttlnuott will Unit the terri tory embraced lv his district Con sidering the fact lliat this dlslllct l.t larner than any of the stales east of pas- .tlin Mississippi nml some of Its roun- J near ,!,,i' l,r" larger than Eastern Mates. appointed '"' w, ,,;,vo ',M '!U,,H "'" '" "V t iicm u'w lxei'1. i'iii.i i"i- iiivviiu- Klamalh rservntion missionary, In.t to Slunott, li expecting to be succeeding It. T. Cooklnglinm, re-fned Into special session In Noveiu signed. It U understood Cooking- iter In order that It may get n flying turn lin.i been given a position In .itart on business nml gel tho npprop- They Are Sure Classy Those New Brocaded Satin ' PUMPS California, ment. but not with tho govern- rlatlon measurei for the fiscal )c.ir out of the way. Ai ranking member of tin home Slher Uike Contract let for cop- commltteo on Irrigation, Sinnott hits structlou of Drews valley nectlon oflert the fight for the devetonmeMt of western hlKhwny. i tho western tamls. Tho J 100.000 Milwaukee; New business block to 'appropriation for tho Haker Irrlga- rise. itlon project has added 00.000 acres t tn tint tlll.itil.i lillil nf lint tltn WfrTlli:il l'liOII.ltll.lTU:K j Dtirltn; the pnsulni; ear tho fol- j lowing iifri'eriaiii in hiii hit tun-.Mi- , Darometrlc conditions riiangeil nut t,rMj. jtoo.oAo for tho Itaker pro-: 1 fc " "" t t ilttrltitf Mist .! ti A I...V u. i i,n..r. Jt- completion of the MeKey dam, the Cycln-Storma-; '" l,c I'matlll.i project and $700,000 j graph nt I'ndcr-! for tho Klamnlh project, opening of woujs riinrmneyjjho jiulhcur national forest umler recording nn un-. ,, tiial a rallron.f shall bo broken lino for ... .. , . ,, over t2 hours A ' '"'I'1 'ri"11 I ratio Into Hear vnlley 0 Might rlso occur rod this morning but the movement was not Ioiik sus tained. Indleatlons aro that weatheV r(im1ltln!1rt fnr iTlii tiAtl ru'rtv-n luittn will bo similar to those that liavo ' provalleil for tho lact two las. Forecast for next 21 hour. Unsettled, with occasional showers. through Hums. Slnnott will Ic.ivo Wednesday evcnlni: for Hend. Oregon (Iro lois In fho years, JUUOO.CUO. Crows clearing Kugene-l-'lorcnre lilghwuy under Engineer I'urccll. Portland lias new co-operatlw market for 73 farmers. Those New Suede and Patent OXFORDS Tho Tycos recording thermometrr (I realm in votes $30,000 to extend registered maximum and nilnlmum',vaicr -,..., temperatures today, as follows. I , ... . . , . fl M-h . ,--, I Hcsoburg pushing state highway to Low ..."." .' '" .".'..II I Hcedsport and t.oon lako. . I '' We invite you to make our store your head quarters during the Fair and Rodeo. Houston & Jester 515 Main Street wjmw.rtMzmttoxmvKsawm&xaxmvmatuzaini TONIGHT AT THE STRAND VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE ENTIRE CHANGE OF PROGRAM THREE CLASSY VAUDEVILLE ACTS In new sonj;s and new music. New comedy that's t teal treat and ANOTHER BIG WESTERN PICTURE Mitchell Lewis In "FOOL'S GOLD" A cyclone of action and tlirilln and fiijlilo and ridinc that can't be beat. ALSO VAUDEVILLE MOVIES This' show has no rttpcrior hero or elsewhere. SHOW STARTS TONIGHT AT CLOSE OF RO DEOSMS AMD IS CONTINUOUS UNTIL 11 P. M. tsraasrcscnsxctmr.ttm u :rx3srrsi Vi7 -M I &T " ' HCiTIlP Dress Up Let's Go TO THE RODEO You'll want to Dress Up for the Big Fair and Rodeo. Dozens of New Suits and Overcoats Just in Fabrics and models to suit every taste, priced from $18.50 to $60. Rodeo Hats, Mufflers, Shirts, Boots, in styles the prize-winners wear. Store closed Thursday and Friday afternoons open evenings. Attend the Fair and Rodeo Help make this big show a success. H33 msssssssmsmasmss 9 SA U All AAA K. K. K. Store Leading Clothiers :."!' IS21 . Offers Wonderful Values IN BLANKETS, COMFORTS, UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, OUTING FLANNELS, SWEATERS, COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, WOOLEN GOODS, SILKS. Special Lot of New Dresses Just received from New York Special Lot of New Coats Removal Sale Prices The Sale is Nearing the End Don't wait too late for your winter needs. Now it the time to buy. You can Save 20 to 30 n during this Sale BitB nr fflaBBtPHirvvi I t t r V T7"T - - --w- --Tw- ...