The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 05, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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im'mAV, orroiint n, maa
The Evening Herald
V. n, 80UIiE..KIUor ud Publisher
H. . HJIiTi air Kdltor
l-'.O. NICKI.K Advertising Manager
Hitch cosimnsllilllttrs no lightly
not I'd nod child Irnlnm-s.
Tho children that lined to lio read
ing umlor Ilia evening lamp, tiro now
nl the moilcs or chasing around )n
.country on potting parties. Parents
Published dally except Similar, at j nro rather apt to "pass tho buck"
Tho Herald Publishing Companr of over to other agencies. Tho clill
Klamnth Falli, nt 110 Clehth street.! t,.c1 uro wll tm menn, lllMruc,lon
Letters from (lie People
with itiii'
Entered nt tho poitofflco nt Klam
nth , Falls, Ore., try .transmission
throuRh tho mails ns second-class
KliKToril. Oct. 1, 193'..
Your advice to voter to think
to the public school, nnd for religious js timely, (Jcorgo Creel say! "Tho
nnd moral precepts to the Sunday J voters who Ik not doing bin own
Vchools. mul tunny parent feel Hint i thlukliiK tod.iy I more r.ullly thim
till! otxohm them from roSPonsltill- u, .Miller win, tried In nmlln lli.
MEMBblt OF Till: ASSOCIATED ' Tho children g.t misconceptions' ,ri,ft law,- t nm independent In
iininii '-. . .. - I
'. , .".' . ,.. i ! " ,r,nl 1,,an IM""r,,!'' """ """ my political view, an ndvocnto ot
The Associated Press is OXClUstvo- iirv net on tho.n niLronrntilliin tho " .....
u on iiititin-
1011 Upholding
ntitfn f.lrtl farm
una imiier, iiim uuu mu iuiui iiuwn inline scnoo s enn uun nut lime . ....... ... .....
niihll.ilwl linpnln Ml lliril 11180 CIlllUrsr.1 UIO liniMIIK
published heroin m (attention lo tho Individual child. I .,,-
iiiMtift.iiuM. . ;iiii itiv
'. ,."." , . , I "' "" ,r"m n,a" l",r,,!' "'"' " my political view, an
l,'m:detotthoPo forM,mbl!c.v!,),rV Cl m ,,,,"n '" "!od prngrev hare,,
tlon of nil nowa dispatches credited '"'"Iforr-nt parent grlevo and won- j mental ,irjnc,,nl4. Yo
to It, or not otherwise credited In dcr why their children wcit wrong. ,,, Ucpuhllcan atati
TiiviLHiMV, oirrenKi: , mp-j.
1 The Sunday school have- tho chtl
I drvn hut a fow brief moment ntul
often the youngsters are so uproar-1
trine norwcMTinv I " ,hal "0,,lln can uo ,,0,u? wl,li
FIRE PREVENTION nhrm. The young people must get!
thrse ei.iceptlnng of haste tnoraltl f
ANY startllne facts are nlienl from their fnlhem and mothers.
Tom Sims
A man can do witho'it any trouble.
Slde-steppliiR only pels you furlh'
er from where you nro KolnR.
by (Jovornor Olcbtt in hls-of-i SocIol' ha cca,,,,l ",0 "'"Ututlon of
, , , .. , urn iiomo ns tno instrument ny wiucr
Tlclnl proclamation de gnat tig lhrif, , . ,. , , , ,. ,
. ... . , .... ,., the race hands on Its Ideals, t nless
period from October T to 14 as PlrC ,.,..., ,
;, .. ... .... , I parents take their duties seriously
Prevention Week. According to thoi ., . ...,. . .. .
, , . , , , .. , . ' the homes will fall to perform their
document I....C.I. th national 'U-, fllMClIon !1ul comiminlt. ,fo w1, b(!.
structlon o life and property baj romo ,,,,,
urun iiiuuiiiiiiB year uy year, until
tho enormous sum ot 5,4 M. 000, 000 Is I
tost annually. In ndJItlon to the
destruction or -t S lives dally, this Is a,
wiping out of needed resources to
tho extent of fl. 370.000 every 21
Losses from fire lit Oregon during .
the flro year period ending withl
1930 totaled $10,3P5.2S0. In nildl-'but he can't do much.
tlon to these figures thcro have oc
curred a startling number ot fires
throughout the state this past sea
son. S! towns liavo suffered
from devastating conflagrations. As
toria, n short time ago, yvas the ttrenc
of a blaze that destroyed a sawmill
at an estimated Icjs of one million
of dollars.
la order that future occurences
such as these may not bo visited up
on tho state, nnd in accordance to a
national policy, tho governor has is
sucii the follewing:
"I, Urn V. Olcott, governor of tho
state of Oregon, by tho authority la
mo vested, do designate ntul proclaim
tho period from October 7 to 14,
1922, as Pirn Prevention Week, and
I earnestly request that tho proper
city departments co-opcratlon with
chambers oS commerce and other
civic organizations, shall arrange In
teresting and educational exercises.
that ..will Impress the importance of;
the occasion upon tho public mind. I
hope that every resident or the state
will Actively tako part In tho obser
vance nnd that thoy will roinovo rub
bish and i titter nnd other hazards
nboul their homes and places of
business; that thoy will inaugurate
tho personal habit of carefulness. I
nsk that our churches by means of
cermonn and eddrcsses, and the new,
papers, by editorial mention, shall
help to spread tho doctrlno of care
fulness; that our cchooM sb-ill adopt
systematic instruction In flro preven
tion- you nro to credit this ndmln-
J titration for raising Liberty bond
prices from $SG.OO to par? Vns
that not Wall street manipulation
from start to finish? Your Kvub
llcan party In power tu 10 IS.
History don't Uo and shown that
everything was done to stay pro
gress. And reconstruction. That
tho administration could bo
blamed for It. you arc holding up
i :o tii" people tno economy nr uio
' present administration In compari
son to tho past, which financed and
'urcefu!1' carried through a war
and crisis t'int was foreod upon
us. Tho reduction In the national
debt was from sale of war mater
ial. That your party la boasting
about Kvervthlng within the pow
er of the administration to break
organized labor has been done, and
M:VlSTO.V, Idaho. Oct. fi. As.
orlntod 1'rctej dispatches fiom
WtmhliiRttiM. 1) O . n few days ago
told of 'tho dlarontlnunneo of Iho
pnstofflco nt Mount Idaho. Idaho.
licciitiiHi tho Kuvcmiurnt found It
self tumble lo Induce any person
to iittnliry for tho poslllr-ti of post
master. Tho mull hereafter will
ho distributed through iho OraiiRe
vllle, Idaho, posloftlco.
Moui't Idaho has Sllffrrn.l Ihn
I IrOIll nf filtlV II n ur. nt ....
time the county twit of Idnhu coun
ty, nn honor now held by UrangiS
vlltu and was thought dostlttod for
fuluro greatness. Today however
i no town is tint a rawnory of the
Importance It nnco occupied tu tho
history of Idaho.
Mount Idaho was oatnbltahod na
a station In 1S6I. lloo Mlluer
was tho real rattier of tho town.
for tie built Its first dwelling, a
log cabin. This log cabin, with nn
addition or two, Mrv-d tho town
for many year aa u hotel. Itc
caitso of Its favorable location, tho
little hamlet hec.imu on Important
nnd popular resting ptneo for thos
traveling to and from tho mine
and for many year Its population
was numerous and floating.
Tho nos'otflep at Mount Idaho
was among tho first oatnbtlsbPd
'':'ri: v-n mi S.''m
The proof ct the pudding Is In the
Anticipation Is about all there Is
to kissing.
Wouldn't It he great If radio Jta
lions could broadcast coal?
Ho who hesitates gets stepped on.
Tho silver lining to all domestic
clouds is payday.
Hotuu Is tfton merely
where you get your mall.
a place
ossfed, a protective measure that In the state. Its ' establishment
will tako nround $15.00 out of i took placo earlv In tho history of
every man. woman and child In
United States rer yoar. Mtn to
Mr. Fml M. WnriiT of Farming
ton. Mich., member of Republican
national committee, who says "I
can no longer" stomach tho N'ow
berry scandal." Uo also take sharp
tsiiio with Secretary Hugh In '-
,.....!.. Xn...l.Aat. ,.t L.M Mill
leuilllIK iirnucni, mm ...d ,j
administration that unless a dlf-
ferent position Is taken somo other
rarty will clean-up tho Augeanstabloa
Your state platform rndorsM !t.
thoiiRh. I believe In Woodrow Wil
ton saying' and that Is. "If every
man elected to office would Justly
In Louisville, Ky.. a pickpocket ' fulfn ,h0 nfC0 oiccted to. there
robbed u girl In the sheriff a office. WDUl, ,, n0 ra,iipaU." and can
Thirty deputies present occaiied
the town. Tho first postmaster
at Mount Idaho, a man name)
lirown. was also the vjll.igo blnck
imlth and tho prletor ot a RCnnnl
morchnndlso store.
In 1STC, ns a result of the n I
dltlon of tho lilk City region and
Camas prarle to Idaho county Mount
Idnho becnnie the county sat. At
this time It had a papulation of
about 100.
Mount Idaho occupies a promi
nent position in tho history of tho
Noi I'erco Indian war. It was to
this placo that tho terrlflod set
tlors flocked on June II. 1ST7.
and remained until Chtef JostpVa
without loss.
tlon to tho oad that our state may
be mado n safer find better place Ir
which to llvo.
"Only by arousing tho public to
tho appalling situation created iby
our excesslvo fire waste can tho oil
bo corrected."
The only safe world's series bet Is
that New York will win.. '
Most of the things an unsophisti
cated person doesn't 'know are not
worth learning. .
When somcono elM In the house
has the same size head your hat Is
not a nac-; top.
In nnglnnd "If u long way to
Tlpporary" Iim bean luplnrel by
"Tho Komu! are CotuInK."
"Ituslnn PIoc.k to Turks" head
line, liirds of a feather.
tttM'Mn warriors had left tho state.
w,- .--
my tho only person -no can i.-1 u w.a a, jj0Unt Idalw also that
port that pbitform Is tho one who 1(, g0ttJor, j,U, tl0 famous stco
ibw no thinking. 1 will vole He- forl ,vjtll lhe W3ug 0f xvltlrli they
P'iblleon when thero are any
fpln'a hhowlng HP-
i;i)WAn w. nnnnRTi
AMEIUCAN homo life Is a stato
of chnoa, nceordlng to tho re
port ot tho national council -of tho
I'rotcsti'nt Kpixcopal church. It
complains of divorces, brokoa homos,
disregard of religion, neglect of par
ental responslhlliy, luck 6t obedience
by children. Many other authorities
feel that American hnmu life is nut
training the children right.
WMilhi conditions nnho wholo may
nut bo worso than formerly yet cer
tain evils nro obvious, says tho Hose
burg N'ows-Hcilew, It Is wrong that
so many young people murry In such
u trifling way. "If no don't llko
each other w can cot divorced" Is a
common feeling. People who tako
Glasses and
Hciitlmetit Is not Kviim
You may ray, "I hate lo
wear Klimifos," thlnkluj; per
haps your rpjiorniifoj will by
marred; Noiuoiistt' '
ClutAcj today uro i,u ivl-ilom-o
of airon,. Intellect a
dotormlnutlou to proaervo
your natural mental and phy
sical streiiBtti.
ainases fitted propHrly are
Wo fit your eyes nflor care
ful examination, grind the
lensos horo and supply the
luti'Bt stylo and uiost becoin
lug frames and mountings.
Dr. Goble
llieae: Ofc. las-W, lt'. aai-j
Sumo day a ccuftdonee man Is go
ing tu organize n company for con-
inlng cundensod water.
Many going to work don't do l:
after thoy got thera.
Durbank hay a now white poach
You can't say that man's effort hate
be-on fruitless.
Personality consists of hnvlji; a
roc J opinion of yourself and Uc p ng
It hidden.
Thirty -torn Southern Pacific vet-'-ant.
one of whom. Frank Kngt"
brlg'it. master car repairer, has
been with the company R2 years and
10 mouths, wero "(rraduateir to tin
pslslon rolls nf the company n
eenll", making 1.900 r tired e Hie
pension list since 1303.
Kngli bright helped to try out and
l-r-ill the first nlr brakes sent to
the wes' by Oeorgo W'cstmsshotis .
iho Inventor. In 1871. Prior to that
nil braking wan done by hand. Kn
glebrlght ha ben riatloned In
"in . M-iif.t.l tn ilurVtiit fllnmfplvna fn
iv. .-" .. r. - . r
tno ijsl, At ono time nenriy -inn
whole iMipuIatlou of Camas prairie.
MbnutJ 2S0 persona, wero asaem
bled in nnd around lulu d-f-msc It
was tn tho farm of :i clrrla. about
ISO ret in diameter, with a wall
altout G feel high.
IVirl Sli.-pl' -'.I Ui-iird iiril.n h
n.'ituially ttii ir Mi-
rilUWilt). on. ;. lutrodui-lion
of pilio hied Amerlniu to stuck for
the rehahllltutloii of Mi xlnm iigihul
I tiro Iiiih begun tu n v 'uatl- wi I
uccoidlUK to tiny it Hall, director,
of the National Institute or Pioiti-f
she farming. II. p. Atiimlt. n repr. '
soiitiittNo of tho Mevlenn utivlluiry (
tho livestock reglnln imm 1,'ition of
mo rniicd wnies nt Jii...,. citv i
writes that Mexico Ik tonUoit In r i
vast plains with puulin .!-
probably wilt give n ,ntli '
greater than her mini s mid ml w. It.
und add tn the world'x r.'.., ..,i,..i i
"Mexico Is a market f r I
American farm maehiin n Inn Im din
mnttar or trnetoi-s tin i . I- mi uiu
man)," said Abbott l lu-u .!. n J
number of trnctors In m.aIch I'.m
eho Villa hits two- Inn n u r,mri ,
to operate them, This l boiiiiiae Hie
price of gnsotlno M so liigh With'
tho groatost nil fields In tin. Wmld. '
Mexico la without refineries and gi" J
ollno Is Imported.
OilVortimellt offlclalM p'rdKi'd i
that custom haunt ilirflcullli at tin'
border woulil In, olliniiiito.l nid .
freight mtes reduced mi nil pur..
breds eomliig tu under ilu. i:n.iriuil.i.
of tho roglatry nsaorlatinu This in- J
elndea the accoptaiiie n finit bv
Mexican authorllleti of bmilth n-rtin
cote from Amortran Mi.rlnnriun- ,
P W. Harding. of Mm
Tcclstrjr associations ntul primMrni
of the Amcrlrau shorthorn breeder .'
aMoriatlun. who ta In nrtin. .Ii.iir.. '
of tho osport field for the assm-m
tlous. Is nptlmlsllc ier Mexico an n
market fof purlireit-. tra-tors and'
farm niaetiinerr. and an a uinrl.i.i
for purcbrcdi.' !
. , I
Wise buyers putchnso Victor ie
cords almost exclusively. ti-7 ,
$6,000 AWARD FOR
PKOHIA. III. O.t -. An wrd
of IC.O00 will be made ror a musical
snttlug for the lyrlr,. dramii
"Pan In Amorlia," ui'rordlin; to of
ficial iiiininmi'i'iiii'iit heru of the Na
tional Federation of Music clubs
Tho drama will be produced at the
thirteenth biennial convention of the
federation, to be hi Id Its Hhavlllo. N.
C. June. l!2;t, Hobert Francis At
Inn. principal of Central livening
high Hiliool, llostnn, was awurded u
Pflzu of J 100 hy the feilerntlon for
tho libretto. The musical scores will
ho submitted ,y mm. imwIii II. (!r-
rlguoa of Phlliidelphl.i.
Big Barbecue
Rodeo Grounds Oct. 4, 5 and 6.
At nil liotira daily
Two Munto, Two Vcjjctiiljlcit, Out; Dkruci t,
nml Millc or Coffee.
Good Coohitin
Well Served
to tl
Sec the Dniry Cows
from which comes
the crenm thnt mnkes
Klamath Butter
Second to None
Klamath Falls Creamery
Klamath Falls, Ore.
litnr Henirds liaf'rally lend as
tic. h;li thr.i- ii.ui-s m
(nam crcnt ani-in. I .ut. ,n,i ijni
' r -lii n Miiic !) i 0 7
HUM) WOMKX'.S t l.t'II wi:i:klv Mi:i:Tir.-
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind . Oct ' -Forty-seven
fcightless women chj
prise tho Monday section of the it .
dlanapolls Woman's dcpnrtini-nt club.
Organized two years ago for the fx
lircsseil pur)ose tf brliiKlnK the
slghtUsi women together for their
own pufortalnmcnt, tho icopu of ilils
section of tho club liai broaden- d
until It la reiognlzod as one of tin.
foremost prcgresahe branches. Tho
blind women's branch is asslstci hy
n number of committees, which ghe
nsslstanco in caring for correspon
dence and in giving readings.
ii , fl i
Look nut over the mountains us
far as the oyo can sou thu Iltllo
waves are there but jou cun not bko
them. I hao one of the bent receiv
ing sets on (he murket und each
evening this week will give demon-(
titrations, bringing out those. lit t lo I
waves Into nml hpcuch and
!( ud enough to bo lieu ret till over the
All nro welcome to como In ntiy
evening and hear theae concerts finm
iminy dlstunt cities, also, iihwh Iteuui
etc. I will Im plcused to show tliiiuu
ceta nnd (tuoto you prices un the dif
ferent sUts. Yon can then get these '
loncerta in your own homo,
P. M. Ll'CAS, Next dcor to post-j
office. n-7 '
Mix Cakes Now
for baking hours later!
You can do this with Crescent
because of ha tw6 leavening
cgents Ciesccr.t Is a powder
especially made to wait fur
oven best, and then to provide
a perfect ralte whils baking is
completed. Certain, and so
convenient! At till grocers.
No Bitter Tunic With
Baking Powder
Crosccnt Manufacturing Co.
Seattle, Washington
. . IX 1 m k 1.I
gry wAm
Gives pleasure p i
and benefit. r$m ' B
Wrigley's satisfies y I
ihe sweet tooth and Biff
aids . appetite and jWffl
digestion. M$& 1
ra-k. .m. . .- mm. m m .a-
I A 111 pfmiumt
Si A
si ae
ii I T-l CWS 1 M
jr)CVi rj
- Atwayt uff r J I at
. .v w n
the package v 'X'xl (l
I m M G&S J
It C Seated Tltfhf
The Liberty Theatre
Verilc Frank Mayo stars in
"Caught Bluffing"
A strom;; story of the Klondike
Frnnlclyn Fnruuin in "SO THIS IS
BUFFALO BILL" Chapter Three.
I .OH ANtin.lJH, Cal.. Oct .r.. -Hollywood
cl.ilius into uf tho best
nti,rl;eil l ilolheii men" In tho
world. He Is I Ik, ward
robe of nun of tho big
studios, who liita under his earn 10,
Dee aittcliM of wcnrln: app.itel for
I .WTM.dllTS CltOWD fdWS
Kl. CKNTIIO. Cat, V .1-rnii-lalopes
are the rows out of
Imperial valley. Thirty five cailosd-.
of fancy breed Moelc wero shlppiul
out of the alby within sixty Ti.dh
D.iliylui; will not stand thu high tain!
ii"! by eUra In molUiii idituro work j costs, und alfalfa being plmveit up
Hint tin
Advertising pays. Try It nnd sou.
land lni bv u. d f'ir morn
profitable im Ion r.inwlug
nvmMjmmzzzmxjq?'mi iiifi .ojztkix
loose Hall Condemned
jm mm
iciiew ii uiicr
r.very'mcal Is highly
To carry II always
vilh you Is but rea
sonable foresight.
McElroy's Famous
Jaza: Orchestra
of Portland
will play at
The White Pelican Hotel
Thursday Friday Saturday
Featuring Monte Austin
The famous Tower of Jewels siiiRer at the
' last World'o Fair.
8'oclock 8 o'clock