WittcatlUiAnBiim iiwl'nnfc jrA'f', w. . ! 'ftl, fllEdfilMlllll WEATHER FORECAST 'Kivimir i i iuiiav, mi.N, i.. cuiasiMi fori 111:111, v winds SUIci Mill fin . No, llllll Colorful Parade jL,aP Mi MadJr Of Show; Plans Already Under i Way For Nesl July Fourth ! 1'AIIt OltlH'ND'l. O.I I,. 2 111 i M ilm Mu i. ow , mi ernwtt llrit iiwrflnwii Hit gralld-tand, ml mat. -I lo lil I "ill Mimilin. In till IuiiiiI mill mill limy ir ruining. ' Tim li.ii.il ilitil iho "Ulnr ripniigM l!nii:nr." M.ijit Wil uni! nti mlilroM t.oiiiplliiii'iiiliig llit irniiiu'i in of tin- fair mi. I mien, I'r.ml: J i Allium win tin rci'lurcil us "t''o oldest vii'iuuro In Klumiil'i County mid' itcurul In Hm echo, mid l!iit'il! Hired iliiv iroi;t jtin Mm 1ml lo unwind "TrliKv Palsy" from ll.ui Jniw, CiIIfornlH. u illintniiilvi) Huviliiu I. lillnwtil her clever r'liillio IrlcltK. Ii. Ilolliniok's "Hurlo" illKtnurril lima, .!iiellliii:'s "Hints" mil Mm fun noiUti')'it "Porliano" In mi exciting Inilf-mllo dash. Hie first miteii , tiled ovml nti tint pingr.ttit. 'I-hoy'io ,'iiht turning tli. bulls looca ami tfio crowd's excitement m rauimtliiR wltli umry buck, i 1 1' n wllil liuneli. I'll- Suillhvn OrOKon roilfi nptnml todaj domino lowcrlii2 l" ami Ellprorr footing, l'rumpily m 12:30 inn it, iiiprnuH.i, iiiiiiiiini ii v " iuinei;t ihiimi, ititi.LHi uull ..ibiii biii'im anil out Hlxt Ii to tlio Iblr croiimlit Whllp only ir'lxirtlon of Hip ildein appeiirvil In ilin iirailc, emmrh ' to on liutiil lo ml,o u Reed ihoMlnK Tlinjr wire folloeil liy u Imiik lno of cats nihl iruiks. many :Irti jit In t ly itiTiir.iltd. Handy hlilrlu .mil hamll rtr'ili fe, Miinbnrns ami tlmin. lout a rolorfnl aMiuaramo to thu al iiirniln. tlio ririt of It l.liil mtii lirc In mtinr y.trit. lint not I'jn lant. V Itmlto Ii iiiiii,ulirH i'atii am alrraily nnikrr.H)- for n tmli-o tn'Xi July Fourth --n rtdi oiiiallml in tin' went only liy Hip I'entli-toit riinnl Up, And miiMMird by hoik'. If tlio pinna an- varrlul out. Itldrra la't and linrl. HrIiI ami itarU. fat and Km. iiruiimroua and poor; riders fium rvnr) vtprn atuto. and nomr wbo rlalm noveral Mat .1. vicro Katllcril a: rodeo hrrdimatiTs latl DlcJit to Heu up tar tlio throe l).18' rTintw. Amuni: tlio rl ! nrtl th tliy It'll, win won mniiul In tiiu lldlr.q rrnt(fi ninne) nt rcmltotim. uml 1 1 ml KtlrllriK. vim win (Irtt In topliiK- 1hfc i'itiu directly from Hip Wlwwr miinil ftp irlmro tlny won Hie fume liitioin. Amotiv Hi" tiumlr il rlilit In Umvii, tomo of whom had idgtii'd tip I I'll i.mrnliiK. ?: 'rent 13 un- raid lo ln diually fkilllul. l.mk mu ilwlilo Hit wlnncru In T'o tmt litni. Tito roti'o li.-i.l in uiir. wr.a otion until miilnlicht, mil pfaiiuin, , a . 4, l"iv ipcjircl an ih' tlij.'rn cmwd.'d HmuniMjta Htlw tn ilen tip. or "jjailuri'il in rrotipi 10 illxctiM pert rodrmt orTntdn rui: r,o'lj." Tlio filling ln rldara pint lur Mom Ihtiil Tor Hib Im :1:1m; con toot tiuUy. tlio ulii fur wlilrli nro ir.oo. J 10 11 nml S0: Sit. hiio. f'1 (!eo. I'arinrr i!J Uod I'.irlii-r . fit IH. Mrnilviny . . . J 7 Kvi'tBll ItlttKM &3-Hlinl!- tllarlliiR . filMUHlnna. Ilrd Tato .t Itny 11-11 r.f.i'rjtk amitii 40- Perry Ivory 2 jBMf Coal a 311 - Jitrk Coata D OmIo HrotMi S Jrrtu Poto 7 -Slim Crnplfly . . .. Id Harry llrnwn .. IS Uiirk'y llai.-.i John llntiH . Id W. W. Itajiiiond .. Tim nvetiiN and prliea iipnearcd on l!m prouriitu In Hm followliiK or er der: Half iiiIIk dnall. J7r., mid Ji'fi; cowboy ran. SIS; bull dorrflni:. 115; timi'iti rfti,1 10U nml $fu. biwl Hum In Ihrep davs; relay rare, two mile, four rlntnKrti of Imrsin. t!ite. iyn. $2011 nml Jluii; ropltiK conteitt, $75 nml Ja.'ij liiirkliiK ronivkt, $5flu. J'JOO nml t.Mi; Ihree-lnht mllii dash, freo for nil. 50 mid 2B; rliatlot nice. MOO mid J50; Indian lulay. J75 and Z.. In mldltlou to Hm iiimvA nronram. mid durln: Hie thrnt dayn. thero will bo liMrclmck rldliiK. of ealven. built nml horsrn thruui;limit Hm pro cram, and other events. I" I'lillnuliiK is tlio list of rhli'M In nil iiMiita hIkih',1 11(1 mis nmrnlni: 1!Ii:k Kchoiichln, MamieM Hull. Klevo Calaliali. Clieslnr AdatiiH. Ilt etly Tlmimis, illlm Cropley, Tetiso Pell', OhkIo llrown, ". W. liayinoiid. Iloha Itlcliardimn, llurk Kliisn. I'rau els Lilly, Harry lliown. Hverett lllcitii, Wes llitmllto!), Jack llldwvll, llurimiu Trott, Hank tlmlih, llitall llrown. Illll Clark, Hplku ripeckiniin. ' Hkuctor Illll llohliliis. Itolaml .liiek-i'"r win, W. 11. I'oIsdiii, W. Howe. Illll lirowii, .lack Coaltii. ci) do JoliiiKim, otvlllo Clark. Merrill Wullln, Henry Hlmlloy, T Ctuelalt, C11110 Hull, liny I Hell. Chink Wnllln, Kay Pmiksli.y. , Pat MiCnrlle. Perry Ivmy. J1I111 Hob. lilivi, Jcr.Hii Pnntti, Klmn JohiiMiin, ' Jirn illalil, 1 lirlslmau (limrnu, Dviil UeiirKo, Orllln Diivls, Paul W. Kiev nlimui, I'mnk Uruw, l.tdsun Cowen, I '!) il Pankslny, Itlrhard iUiimmikoii. Iltiihl); KlnrlluiJ, C. Piiuknlev, It. W. Waller, I'rank mnllli, I.iiiiIk .Morse, ll.isllln Castro, Harold Flneki.ii, Jer ry ('hecktoiil, Molilalia lied Tnli Hon. I'nrwiill, iilniMy linker. Kldun Kmllh, Kd Mi-Ollwiry, (leo, F.irinor. Hcd Puiknr, Kd P.irl.er, K, I,. Fol.on, Hurry Mrfioo, Alvln WIIII11, O1I1 Hweiiny,, Frunlo Alnnio, J. I, iihlik, Floyd Nlle.i, Jim Hviiiih, II. Kolililin, V. II, PotiMiin, Owen lllddle, ami Hut; Oilmiu. j i;i iiiohw.w Aimr.sTS HAI.I.'.M. )o., Oil. r.. l)urlii5 Hm mouth of AtiKust 2HI nrrestH worn mado by tho tucnilioru of iho Htuto truffle Hiimid ucriirdliiK tn thu month ly roporl or T. A. Itafftirty, hond of U10 dupiiitment. FIiioh luiiioxed nt: KriTiited T3liH7.2(, County Fair Marks Opening ilio iiarado, Iml liy Vin. D.iltim ,unl i Illirar. .itnoivuall lioMiy I'lrdlna V.'lilrhvlml . . Jn NUo-Uam . . Bky llnrlict .. Taiiiarack . titmlior Jim SnMer Whlilwre . Siiiippy Julin ,. MrAiloo ..Jack Dwnpm'y SI1111111 Anropl.ino lllnil, Hi'iium . Cotton llelly . 1 icrklca INCOME TAXES PAID OiiKi'liliuiM Pay (tl.i,I.VJ-tl, Per sonal nml ('oipoiiillmi WAHIIINHTON. I). ( , Oct. .'. K!..itliilliM of edornl liivonie luxoa paid Into Hie bureiitt of Internal ru rumi for I'J'iO xhow that Orecmi (.ixpaycm paid $ IS, I .l!.r. II taxes on ml I'oritiiunl mid corporation Im-oimxi ",:l1 ''' I'dollliiK JL:i:t.l7l,. osi" nf which ji'.'ii.r.iiy.asi wuh per. 11m1.1l ami 3V'-I.S1C wan rorpnra Hon Itironio. Two pvifiiun urn teporliid im liav- ' I"'1 UM!' " '"' '" l"iloii '".wiio nun ji.'io.uuu, I lie total lie eohiu.i of Hiese two t.'ixpiiynrsi being f 1.1511,(1111, and Iho mini lav paid 1711.138; ViO.lMM) in IM.OIIll rl.iMi, l!ll; $11,1X10 to J 1,1,01)11 cliifs, III!; 113,000 In 2i.00 elasH, 27C; 120,. 000 in 23,0000 class, 130; $10,000 in .'ro,ooo (intm, 7!i; jr. o,o mi in $00,000 clans, 'it,; $IO(;ooo ln'$r."io0 000 (Iiikh, n; $230,000 in $:ioo,nno I'lio.H, ;i, nml $300,ono to $100,000 ul. i:m, I. WILEY FOR MAYOR itlllons for Hm . Nomlimllou or IiuiiiiiIhiiI lire In liietilalloii Mayor Wlloy'u lint l.t Bhylng lo. j wiird tho am I or of thu political tiiiK. PelltloiiH for IiIh nomlmitlon us a candidate In tmccced hluiHolf were In iicllvo circulation today. Dr. A A. Houlo and A, J, l.ylo tiro Hm other candldiileM so far an noiinced, utnklUK tho contest throo corneiTd. with "dnvk horao" ponsl bullion Htlll open 'to fomtldorutlou. qmb and Southern Oregon itueumn lf.,l.M,('i'H - l'rom Frying Vlmn ilil-i iilnno 'Ilvcil Into tlio It occii.inU t -cai-cd without a orratrh, Uut the wcro (Immediately x.rrifM for Wulatlng an ordinance ulativo to dl-trlbullns lundbllUI ( t I MVE INDICrED BY GRAND JURY; DANCE REGULATIONS URGED Tho SjM-rlal Itipuitk Mud.'; Itcltrr Comity Jail I'.irllltl.'s IJiinoi mi mini; I. W. V. Arc lli-lil UlrotiK rocnmmrnilalloni fur ado- iitiatb rottnty Jail tnrtora nml atrict sillKirvision ' . uaaro naiiu wrrc con- tainnd In t u, report rot.n.,d by llitKr.tuJjtiryxHtcrdny. Tlio jcrand Jury roiitpltiicd It uorS, pnttltuitly rrturnliiB Hire indlrtmonls In thu Klrt tilatu bnnl; oi. five yo'terday and two nut truti lilllr. Thr idlrt menu yesterdny wcre: UMUlAlti II111 U flad Wljlimn Pht oSTur, cuarwll with rrlramal symll- fHllom. tho imllititients rltlnn that Inrtlun with the nKroemeatMiolm-en. they waro willfully nml feloniously j the billed and Turkish delegatus, membern of a certain sor'cty. to wit: ' accordlitK lo metaanos from Mu tho Industrial Workers of Hm World, j iinnla. The Creek dacl.irc I tli:n which nnclety iciieJien. ndvocbtc atnl pelvic unsuthorlc I lo reply nud nfflrntctliely mtensta Hip id ir'neti' of criminal yaill'-nlliii; tlsnt thoy j v.cre tlnti and fiero airirma- j lively n'ritr.ttiHnP l" dwtilneti nfj sntmtaKo a. I tho necessity, propriety ,, and exnedl'Mtcy of iihMiral Ulcnco and NiillrUlnr; tnembrsiii.s. I'Ucher Is charged with Millclilnc nad obtain- ' ItiC tltn memberships or Wlnton Jim. eau, Pied Puraxon. Fred K. iltono. llijr.li Mnsnum, llnrvey Itudgcre. ItoyTraxers. J. MrCnrtliy. Jihn W.iK - tier, P. J. Orteau iilidlusl.io Hnlln. Juait Valencia Ih eharp,rd with theft of ti largo 'lunutliy of ilotlilus from Chris lllunas, Heptumber S. Tom Kli'hardson la churned with 1 (Contluuoji on Pa.:" C) THAT V vl MW . r"T0RTrt6LUVArsNU0! ' ' C cLm l Thou,(3hT ThaT ' rcsrV--" irPH its' hv, f Fr- " 1 , -,, . 1 1 . 1 1 1 in . 1 -- Member of the Associated Press FALLS, Oltl.HON, THUIHDAV, (tCMMII'.U fi, lltti! TO CI rL WVWVWVWWvwVii I'an into Kirc fjpolcano liver, near Spox.no, Wcsh., GREEKS BALK WHEN ALLIES AND TURKS I SIGN THRACE PACT, Comftiimtloii Iti'tKno In Atlnti' tli'l- Tiimn of Di iipaliiiui M Aixal l'i I . S. rONSTANTIS'OPM:, Ort. 5. Tim .Mudatila onf;rc;i-n reconvened ln,v w,, Tllr-CB -.,.r a, ,1,., ...1.. .. . ... fr ronridowtlon. Tho attl I"1'" " o 3re: ddnntea 011,1 thi. nucstlon waa tfjclared to bn kI?Iuk tho ennfarew conaldcrablu t cencorn. flMYIKW. Oct, VTl.e nk IMiRtit'H liavft C'iffWted . dlwrallt that thry mnrt bavo ins'.ru-tlot.a. from Athens. ,,.-.. atIIIVS. Oct 5 Consternation , , , . , I was caused hero by renum from ' ' ' ' 1 '' :l ' n,,IOT ""' a.'"u ," hp occupation of eastern Thrac.i ' "II"-"' 1 '"l" T"rkls! : gendarmes up to tho lino of tho ! river Marltxa. and tiiu uvacuatlqn ;of tho provlnro within 10 d.iyn by I t'i Hteeka. falling which tlui nl- , lied fleelH would hlorku lo (Jrrjre. Official wete umler.tood lo bo con Miderltig an appeal to the United ( Status for nsslntnnce In obtaining n ijitft rnltttlon to the Thrncl.in ino- , don. HORRIBLE OLD PIECE Rodeo, October 6, 7; iruuuli. YING START VPVWsvi'V'WiwVMWV'VMVVMMMrV T H5 1 8. C. SWEEP SDMUJGES 100 Refugees Loss Lives In Attempting to Board Rescue Ship K. Loosloy of Fort Klamath Is In j tiwn on business anil to attend the Ilnd o. Ur. anil Mrs. K. V. Johnscn liavo r turned from n month' visit In Portland. r a,, I.iMt l!ar;B of Lorclla was a Limt lar,x of ,, liusliif a visitor hr" "cilprday. ' Mrs. John H;-.jrt of Kort Klamath 1 Ik hero vlsltlnn hiTr ton IjuuIs, and . .. T I.. uin.iy. ohn Dixon ami family are In town , 0.11 tholr rnneli on tho Merrill road. ( Mr and Mrs. A. i:. llackcnsoil ; wiTo In from Odcusa yesterday on a inhoppltiK trip. I J. C. HioEK'na of Lompoc Valley, j California, la Miitlnn Klamath conn t friends aftrr an nbsenre of two i ?". nc is surpnscu ai tno won idertut projjross Klamath Kails has ' i mado .lurliiR that time. John llacelstoln was In town frcm ' AlRonia yojtorday. M.i. Joo Moore hns received word ; or tho Mrth of a baby daughter to 1 Mr cr.d Mm. Charles Mill, at Wasco. JGrecoa Mrs. Hill was Miss June nick una ,,aforo UcT marrlng0 ,, ,ioar wusboofckecjier fer'thH'rt'cstern: Transfer company. Illll Is an engin eer with thu ctatu highway depart ment, an, w.n statlciiod hero last yiar. .NOItTlI IIAV. Ontario, Oct. 5. 1'orest fire refugees arriving hcru today from llalleyhury reported that between CO nml 100 persons wcro .drowned when they wcro crowded irom a uoci; while trying to board a rcucuu ship. OTTAWA, Ont. Oct. 5. Forest fires during tho past 21 hours In two widely ncparatcd regions, north em Ontario and tho valley of tho Itmaurlco ilvcr in Quebec, havo cost a largo number of lives, des troyed six towns nnd, according; to reports today, now threaten other towns unless rain comes quickly. AGAIN WORK PROGRESSING i RAPIDLY IN CRATER LAKE LODGE ANNEX M Mount Reing Ailddl; All Rooms Vil Ktrnttially lie Heated lly lljilro.Klcclrlc Plant MKOKOltn, Oct. r,. Tho work on tlio now addition to the Crater l.nko lodgo la prosresslng nicely and Frank P. Salter, tlio contractor, says they hofo to complcto the stono work, ready for tho carpenters this week or next 11 nd will then close tho work for the year. Halter has part of tho lunhor on tko ground to start the carpenter woic.irly next spring nnd will not havto wait until July to take tho material up. Pew people realize what a Job It Is to g'l material up to the lako. Tho granlto used came from the Watch man and tho lumber and plumbing suopllrs aro hauled from Med ford, 8., miles, cr from Chlloquln, 32 miles, whllo Hie sand Is hauled from Union Teck. 23 miles. Tlio new addition will be four stor ies and basement, will have SC rooms of which 36 will have bath, toilet and lavatories. 23 lavatories and toilet and the balance lavatories only. All will havo hot and ccld water and there wilt bo public tub and shower bath. There will bo 52 of the rooms 'n the ccw addition fronting on the lake. It Is also In tho five-year building plan of tho Crater lake company to eventually put In a liydro-clectrle plant to heat all rooms. The plan also provides for rebuild In; the old building after Ibo hew addition Is completed, which will bo ?nt193-i.ivul - - Tho government has constructed this year, through Sparrow's super vision, Salter doing the work, a nlco comfort static u west of tho lodgo that will be ready for the public next year, also thrco combination cook and bunk houses, ono each at .Anna Springs, tho camp at Wine Olass and expects to make tho 1322 eleven tho of tho laborers. ?. APPRAISERS OUSTED If. J. Overturf anil O. II. I lardy of llrml CliarKeO wllli Kxccsslvo 1-onnn S.U.KM. Oct. 3. Summary remov nl of If. J. Overturf of Rend and O. D. Hardy ot Medmond us bonus loan appraisers for Deschutes crunty was effected at a meeting of tlfo stato bonus commission hero with Gover nor Olcott presiding and all members of tho commission present. Tlio removal of Overturf and llnr dy, It was stated. Is based on alleged padding of appraisements of real es tatu on which bonus loan applications aro based. Tho eutlro matter bo mado tho subject of a grand Jury Investigation, It was said. Overturf, who was a mejnber of tho last legis lature and Is a candidate for re-election, Is charged with having a per sonal Interest tn several parcels of land on which tho values wcro pad ded. Investigation cf Deschutes county loan appraisals Just completed by n special reprebentnttlvo of" Iho bonus commission Is nald to havo disclosed a number of cases In which tho val ues of property offered ns security fur bonus loans have huon t'ltcd. WI.'LCOMKS INVKSTKiATIO.V OF APPIIA1H.VL HOAIID AKFA1IUS IlEXD, Oct. 5.-I wolco.no 11 closo ' iiivestlcaHoi. of all tho affairs of this , appraisal board us far as I am con- All I havo tried to do ,aJl0cH!ienthlp by.stntutory provision re corned glvo tho boys who wcro entitled to a loan 11 fair deal. 1 havo ii3ed my best Judgmont in this nutter and havo nothing moro to say until 1 havo In formation as to the operations of tho commission." was tho statement of II. J. Ovurturf this morning on re lulpt of notlrfi'ul(n that ho had been tiummarlly removed as appraiser for Deschutes county. Kx-sorvk'o'fuon hero aro Indignant at Overturf's removal, declaring that It was u political niovu. A drastic resolution on tho part of thu local le gion post Is expected. Hardy nerved overseas with tho Nlnoty-flrst division and won a com. mission. Ho has, boeu active In American legion affairs and has boon commander of tho Redmond post. Let's Go! OFFICIAL PAPER OP KLAMATH COUNTY AND OF KLAMATH FALLS prick nvs ckntc KEEN RHf OF LIVE STOCK Many Entries In All Class; Mountcrest Sultan Is Shorthorn' Champion lly C. A, llcmrrrson, Cottarty Ageaf. Keen competition marked the opening of tho livestock Judging o( the Klamath county fair yesterday. A largo number of entries mado com petition In -radically every class. In Shorthorns the competition wns exceptionally close. Montcrcst Sultan owned by McCurnack won belli senior and grand champion. W. I,. Tlnglcy received Junior championship for Junior champion bull. Of tho short horn cows. Mounds Ilaroocss 2nd, owned br Halo West was mode cham pion and grand champion. Junior champion also went to tho samo herd on a Junior heifer calf. In Itolstolns, King Trltomla Va Kol, owned by J. K. Knmnn ot Mer rill, was ma Jo Jlinlor arid grand champion, after close competition with tho senior champion Matador Walker Seglj Uclshor, owned by W. F. Jlnnette of Merrill, a son cf Mata dor Walker Scgls, tho great herd bull of tho Carnation stock farm. In the llnlstcln cows, Kxell Bros., won senior and grand champion on WllJaa Hosoleln 2nd, placing over Imperial Montfivc-ti)vV lt, Juf.lor champion, owned by (llffcn nnd Brad ley. 'Competition In Holstelns was keen In most classes and tho follow ing animals wcro the blun ribbon winners In this divisien: Prince Segls Joe owned by S. J. Tucker, Klamath Falls; I.ucy'a Prldo owned by Kzrll Ilros., Klamath Falls, and an unnam ed bull calf owned by Glflln and Dradloy. In tho HolsteTn cows tho following ribbons were wen: Fzcll brothers on Wlldas Rcseloln 3rd; Glffln and Ilradlcy on Holland Jo hana Segls Do Kol. Competition In Jarseys was some what limited. D. A. McComb won tho senior championship on Den Noble, but was defeated for grand championship by Junes Mlnda Lad of Kwauna, tho Junior champion owned by C, C. Lov.is, ot Olene. Lowli also won tho femalo Junior and grand championship on Wild Cherry's Beat rice, placing over the senior cham pion, Mary Daffodils Hell, owned by K. K. McClay ot Klamath Falls. Tho Judges wcre: K. 11. Jnekmnn, O. A. C, farm products; II. Unwell, Joscphlno comity and Ira P, Whltnoy, I.ano County, cattle. Judging will bo completed today, it was believed. HUUasWMMMHHMHHHtaMVMVa III.i: JAPANKHi: IIHIKI-' WASHIN'CTON. Oct. 5. The alato of California through Attorney Clou oral Wubb ami Deputy Attorney Gen eral Kngltsu filed In tho supronio court today a brief In tho Jupincso nnturullzatlou enso In which nrgu- ( ment was concluded yesterday, Tho jn,,t "lP"8 '" contenuon iubi mo Jlncso aro not of tho Cpucoslan ' race, and are thorutoro excluded from stricting uaturaiizaiioo to alien wno aro "frco whlto persons," or those ot African decent. S JUDGING ?rr!y!!T?y!TTT,,lii!''lli ' .l.ir. .. .:. . Kir70!H:nMinniii:i-!!Hiji!i!ii:i !I4 rVl ! .aaM.aa, I taW-1"- TOUACCO Tltl'ST TAPOfcT WASHINOTON. OcJ, S. -Tho fed crul trado commission In u forroul complaint Issued today charged tho American Tobacco company and nlnii wholesale tobacco doulc'ra of Chat, tanooga, Tenn., with unfair method) of competition In maluU'Uaucu of re salo prices. Flight AbMOoeU ' SAN DIEGO, Oct, It, Heavy foe In tho mountains today, caused IJleu. tenants Maeready aid Kelley, U ,,v aoanaon tneir noa-stMifiUkt tnm'., d ni... . M v..i.!' tf .', 'V)''1, p..n .ivBu tW ,.u- yrt, , I J- - l j 4-.t:ii 9y!-r-5wai .' J g , $ t t'K