"W &ty Page Six THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON vi:ini:siav, onniuiii i, mw. ,TWTfGr T7Z rfc. I v j POUTICS 11 IIP IN PORTUND Republican Headquarters Opened; Convention Re action Good roirrr.ANr), on. . (gmvinn rollllCH nro wnrrnliiK tin In tlm motro. pnJIn r.lnco iho Ilrnubllrnn conven linn nlnrtoilVihlncn off ttlth ti hanc MAL1N, TULE LAKE Mr, nml Mm. Cr.indnll ami on llussclt linro movo.l to Klamath Falls where thry expect to mnko tholr homo In tlic future. Mr. n:ul Mrs. Krc'Jnd have unit oil And Then Bear Escaped After All That Uproar New Beauty Parlor on Wheels Mr. n:il Mr, ircanil have lentodl i,CIir ROl BWny.. ,s lno Iho Cra.idnll home for the x tutor. ctnc,U(l,on of a wclr(, Frcuticl Is ttorkliiR for the rcclamn- lion boiyIcc nml expects to try his luck on tho now liiml to bo opened. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. I-'ntiKht worn Klamnlh Falls visitors Saturday. Mm. SelRlc nml MIm Ada Hunt nro ntuonR the teachers who attended the Institute front here. Mrs. Crnlc and daughter Ktnina , MVam'1 "And after all th.il rumpus tho Invariable. and thrilling ' tain of an mlvonturo with n Fort Klninnth bruin, with which Dr. K. (J. Wlsecarter I regaling his friends. I Doctor Wlsocnrter did his host to , prevent tho bear's escape it ml wound up floundetlnit nliaut In n ! went to California last week, where Mrs. Crnlc Is learhlnit Henry Kruplta left Sunday mnrn Tho doRt harked and guni roar- j rd In tho dusk, and the jie.iv wat ' ltnrely (not Poc'i pun, ours) n nos ' behind IC. Koosidy. ou whose ranch TllfSdftf. Dnmihllni., I,... i. '.....-.. .. . .. ,. ......vf .. ,,,, ni'auiiii.ii htn . iiiir iiir imi Hticiu r iit riiiimrv mil liavn been opened lilt In tlm Imnori.ii ..ttwN m iirinir iiio rniiw.i- -....i ...nii..1 the hunt w.m stared, nt the climax hotel nnd visitors from nil over thilcr luik with lilm The) have been ' of the ndteuluro. t rlotn nrn nlready coming In to dts-'nn n ranch there for the past o.ir. I Tho Interference of tho iIors won riinn Dm campaign and find out Mm. Dllrl.'s sister from Ohio, who tho race for l.oiw-ly nnd probably - - ' mi in ni'iji pill over '"' '."ii 'laiuiiK urn- iiir uio p.i-u , s iron nun inilil neiiiR a meal inr tho Ilepubllcnn nominees, The reartlon to the convention has been fiood, according to tho ac counts coming Into headquarters. Keinibllcans nvorywhern arc. enthus iastic over tho meeting, they say. nnd nobody seems disappointed but tho Democrats, who had hoped and expected that something might de velop which would cause tho dele gates to got Into a row. They also hoped that tho convention would adopt a platform which tain somolninjr nboui whtrs week left for Ashland on the Miigoltho bear .who finally turned lull nnd Monday, where she will Uslt her. swam across the rler and dlsnp- mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. Heater. Mrs. Kcsrer U enjoying n visit from her mother, brothers nnd sis ters from Susanvllle. They expect to leave next Thursday In their car for California. Mrs. 0. K. Hunt Is running a truck on tho milk route for n few days. Hcv. Hulett preached nt Malln Sun der. There Ir much lntnrAt almu.i would con- i ,Il0 sluiay school. Tho attend vhlch thev .... c...i -? .. .... Hilvkt "I., . t .. . -. nuii'UMiiuuuj) i... mure lias hollor. but the platform so far '.., has b?en unassalled. Tho Inabllltr r, of the opposition lo find anything to complain about Is well Illustra ted by nn editorial In a Portland Independent" paper which referred lo tho convention as a "blue blood ed affair for tho llk stocking crowd." The facts arp that fully a third of th0 delegates were farm ers nnit they were the most con Mr. Hulett spoke In the Merrill and will preach a next Sunday. 1XUU, II. fOWKI.U IM'-AI) peared In the woods. Doctor Wlsecarver nnd Harry Peterson went up Saturday nfter- I noon to visit Loosely and hunt ducks. They had lost no bears and wcro (reeking none. They took nn j evening stroll down to the river. bank, n hundred yards or so, nnd tho dogs flushed the hear ran him up troa. 1 Doc's story begins here. Infan j try. consisting of two rifles, en- gaged the enemy, nnd llht artll 1 1ry detachment, equipped with one evening nt ' "'""n- wl,1 ,,ur,t la'l"' relnfurc t Jit. I.akl ' r'' ",0 atlac,- " Wfl5 ,hp nr" i tlliery fire tea tumbled iiruin from ( the tree-'in. He suffored from loss jof considerable hload and dignity. I rnd he was mad nil ove. I Hut to get the real thrill from aMBHBlBBWKHMBFjrofwMPAuWCrtilKCT. '' H W jriVi. MlBDBIBFalvABBa MtWk.h SJBBBBBf 'iBBbI Tl Don't cry or cuss when dirt and dust cakes tip your hair on n motor trip nnd makes you took it perfect frlsht. Here's n complcto cica trical rruus.tKO and cut line outfit that runs by lho power of your car. A Boston girl's using IL TONIGHT AT THE STRAND Word has been received hv .Mrs Herman Ilorsman of this city of tlie'1"0 '0Ty- 'ou havp ,0 hr,!r w,,",, death of her cousin. Karl H. Powell ; carvcr tctl ,l- In Ircacott, Arizona, where lie has l!-'".1.!. lhf proRram ,n lbccn for ," " ear wlth a cousin. MANV CALIFORNIA connection with the Impromptu re- Jay t). Powell, well kn mark and were enthusiastic for young man lost his hi Iho Platform rsnorlntlp (, I..I.I.. i. tno Platform, especially tho tax planks. "This Is something Ilk; It." saU Itoy Smith, farmer from tho Hood inter country, who announced to tho meeting that ho had "borrow ed vthe cssh from his wife's milk mon?y to enablo him to bo present." "Thl tax program offers something definite and something constructive I havo heard the Democratic candi date speak a couple of times. lie paints a terrible picture of tho farmer' condition, a lot of which Is true and a lot of which la exaggera tion. But while he weeps a good deal In an effort lo get the sym pathy of his audience, he offe. nothing definite in the way or re lief. When ha spoke at Hoo! River n fow weeks ago. he failed to get oway with his bunk. for. Senator Vinton was there from JfcJllnnvlllo ! nnd ho mado Brother Pierce 'ook like 30 conts. He certainly showed him up right. Ho Juat chawed him up like a cow chews fodder and he. was so sincere about it In contrast ' lo Pierce's ovldcnt demngigy, that ho had the crowd. If wo could r.ngo debnto In overt- rountv between rierco and some nepuhl'etn who knowg hlra nnd tho facts, thero would he nothing to It." Coming from a farmer n this did It made a good Impression. It';m irks by dolegatcs and otliers nfdv Hip ad'ournracnt Indicated that tho Platform was pretty generally satis factory. Thoro waa some disposi tion to fear that tho convention might go on tho rocks on tho bill to abolish private schools, but ar dont advocates of the school bill agreed with those who oppose It that the delegates had no right to commit tho party to tho bill ono way or another, that It Is not In any suusc a party Issue, but a mat ter that will bo decided by n direct vote of tho pcoplo regardless of whatever' may bo tho position of tho various Ilepubllran candidates. A lot of piomlncnt Hcpubllcana who are for tho school bill, as well as those who aro against it, aro earnest supporters of Mr. Olcott and they rofuso to drag tho school bill Into the campaign. own here. Tho health while In COUNTIES THIS YEAR WILL RAISE TAXES the amir nnd It w.i hnnurl ti.. u. mate In Arizona might help him. He j SACItAMKNTO, Cal , Oct. 3 was of a Jolly, sunny disposition and Thirty-nine of tho fifty-eight coun po:sesscd a wonderful talent for mil-' ties of California raised their tnx sic. Ills ono aim was to maintain tho ' ratea for tho current fiscal )car, ar highest Ideals of manhood, liesldes cording to a statement Issued today relatltes in I.os Angeles and Oak- by State Controller Kay I.. Hlley. lands he leatcs a mother and fathor. ' The largest raise Is shown In Ama Jlr. and Jlrs. Joe Powell of (Irants ' dor county and amounts to one dol- , Pass, Ore., two sliders. Edith Hoguo ' lar per hundred. Tho largest drop In of Graalu Puss, and Jlrs. .Mario I rate was In Jlono county, which DIacklle of Oakland, Cal., nnd twol shows a decrease of ono dollar per brothers Leslie and Paul Powell. hundred. Ten coutilles lowered their,; I rate and nine remained tfio samo as "The Storm" is here! 3-4 In 1921. VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Whoopee Lct'cr Buck Another Wonderful Show Night THREE CLASSY VAUDEVILLE ACTS Real lingers and real musicians, genuine comedians AND THE BIG WESTERN RODEO PICTURE "West ot The Rio Grande" 100 per cent Western, full of fighting, riding roping and, shooting ALSO A GOOD COMEDY PICTURE Remember this is the best show of the year Show Starts, 6:15 and 8:15 Moose Hall Condemned FOR DANCING So McElroy's Famous Jazz Orchestra of Portland will play at The White Pelican Hotel Thursday Friday Saturday Featuring Monte Austin The famous Tower of Jewels sinrjer at the last World's Fair. 8'oclock 8 o'clock IP!' Itm,onr! Hmltli vs. Aliiutt Itosunfuld-Hmlth Co., vs Joseph Jf. Aluutt, suit to foreclose chatllo mort gage then tn niture juomlssory noto In amount of $3,IU0 circuit court. . JtobrrN ; Kiml.1 tn, TIioimiii Robot t'l .". I .inks 3. John Tlior con, su I for payment of $191.80, 36.77 mid 5-t f. ). iilleged owing for morchami lo. Circuit court. Victor :;orih am reported to usn n higher gr:! of shellac, henco have the finest turf.ice Karl flhep orchestras as any other, C-7 T t T T T T T T t T T T T T J T T f f t t t t t t t I t Hraw Gold-Seal Congoleum Week The Floor-Covering Sale of the Year 0 This sale is a money-saving opportunity you can't afford to miss. You will have no difficulty in finding Gold-Seal Art-Rugs that are exactly suitable in pattern, coloring and size, for any rooms in your home that need new floor-covering. Or, if you prefer an all-over floor-covering, you will find many attractive designs Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the-Yard. Gold-Seal Congoleum Art-Rugs 6x9" $7.85 Regularly Priced $9.30 7'4x9 - $9.80 Regularly Priced $11.60 9x9 ' $11.70 Regularly Priced $13.95 "Tho Storm" U here I Y J r r t r ? r ? T I 9x1 0 " . .e $13.75 Regularly Priced $16.5 9x12ft .ize $15.95 Regularly Priced $18.60 Other sizes ranging down to the V2 x 3 ft Rugs 49C Waterproof Sanitary Durable Vuu need only to rriul tii; partial list of 'in KlriimM H(niiliiK- to iiml'rliiii(l ttliy lliln iiiihI-i-rn, Mitillury floor-rot rrlnit In iirefrncil tn ttotrti nis In millions of .tn-rirnn Iiiiiiiik, DKSKi.VS: Xn fitlirr lott-pilred floor-ciitrrlnic n prnilurcM no nrtlstlriilly tlm iM'uutlful rlili tne of f.ilnlc hirn ih itoi-M ')IikiIimiiii. The paltrniN win tin iidmlrnllon of ImiwttltrN evrr)ttliriv, KASV TO CI.KAXi .lut a Unlit iiiopplnR lenvrn tlm Mucoid, Minlliiry Miifmo cmi(sIv rlrmi tlm lirlht rnloiN clrniuliiK llko nrtv. No tlresoiiio MU-cpli'K or lirntlni;' Ih iicccsMiry. .NKKIW NO I'AHTKXIXO: CoiiRoleum Hen perfectly flat on the flixir without fnntctiing of miy kind. It nctir (urln or f"hlrkH-up" nt (lie cdKe. ' - Satisfaction Guaranteed Air tlm Cold-Still Congoleum Included In tlila 111 Mile Ik fri'sli new koimN, miiiI N fully Kuiirniitii'il liy th fi'otil Keul plcdi: "Hallfinlloii (liiiiriintent or Your Money llmk." TliN (iold-Kenl iippiiii-N on tlm fnro of nil 'nulim t'linuolciiin. Ixiok for It ttlii-u )ou buy. ft pmlailH )ou nlmoluti'ly. Only a Few More Days Iti'inrinlM'r, (folil-Sonl CoiiKotcuiu Vrk end on Hutiinlny nleht. Then IIicnc liarKiiln prlrrtt ttlll Im 1 ttllliilrnttii. Mnko jour hi-I- (Ioiim nt on re. Don't al low this Kirnt Iiioucy-Mit Iiik opportunity lo hllp liy ltillioiit tnkliiK full iiittiilltiiun of I'. 1'imeHAHK THIS WIJKIC: Out iitock of (lold Ho.ll C'otiKolfliini Id limited hut n Hhlpinent Ih In Irnii nl lluy und pay for your iiir thlH.wcok nml dol hery will ho mado tthin tho flhlpinenfnrrlvou. I'Mrea auotcd horo will ho j;oiid only If puichnxo nnd pay ment Is tnnde thin week. x Gold-Seal Congoleum By-the-Yard . Two Yards and Three Yards Wide 74c per sluare yd. Perkins Furniture House 127South Sixth Klamath Fall, Ore r ? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y T Y Y y Y Y Y Y 3.4 44HMTho Furnisher of Happy Homes" nnm. t i t t V ? T V Y T r V t Y t f Y ? Y Y t v n