W & J' wr.ni:ni).v, orroitr.tt i, hum. r-.Trrrrrrrr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, .OREGON " T"T'J TJ " J .."."JiJfc -fc i5iSl.mJfc JliT w fiS Page TKrM A4-t-. 1m. ft.i.'.lLT.L,.' Dl ,S. 1 BEING PREPARED 55l. I BEILIS FIB HAPPINESS BFTFRYEftRS OF Will Bo Result of New Sys tem of Cartography nnil Years of Labor '4 ' ' WAIIIIINUTO.V. Oil. l.-llini lliini Im hlowly iireKrnnnliii: on it now iniii of I lit I'limitry, In Im a pint nf n now world limp, li.im-il upon it tilniplii hvhIi-iii propound y Aniorl' can ri'pmiiuitniivim mos, nnd ni-replud mi Ininrimtlminl ronfnt mirwi. Ii will Im Mm ri-milt or y,;rn v-nf i-frnit liy limp in ii l cm wlm Iiiivh ili'Klri-il ii nyittmii or rurtnKr.iphy whi-ndiy tin- Hniim Renin of illnt.ttiroit roiilil In) Hunt In n win lit limp, Willi liiltcrlni: mill hjmiIioIh uniform. Tim A rlnm m.ip U nxpocii'il In Im i-oiiiplitii In tin or tidvi yr-iim Kuril country will mnp llir d,r rlliirli'ii mill waters iiihIit Hn hum Jiirlmlli'tliin, Hint t In Ki'iiliiKlrnl hiii y itf tint t'nliml J!liilr hitfrlnr il. p.ntiuoiit N miil,lnr. tit limp of Hi', iiiinlty, "llio tilnli.' U to Ic itllilc, Into I "SI 2 MYllntH. Knelt m-rllnn U ilm iKIIItll'il liy II itlnlllirllvn liT mul ntiinlii-r rmiililiisiiliin In nilillllim to ii nil in it di-rlvml ftnm Hut locality iiiappi'il. Ciirli fiiFiii, rnvrlni: one m-cllou, will envnr nil ili-i;rrM of liiiiKlttiiln mill four iliKri-cN of lull-Midi-. Tin nliiTlif nrn liiiliiliiirril from iiiik In fin. Iirijliillln,. . 1M,t. w.tnl: mill nrn li-tlrn.l from , In V. Mini Klr.lllmr Hi,. i;,,Imi to llm iNiimiiir at it marline point. Tim north mill hoiiIIi polar ri'Klomi nrr In Mlimn III I'lrriilnr nrlon ' mil III.- .SMIi parallel of l.iiiimii.. mill l.ilnr. 'ii Z-nortli mid Znoulh. Tim m.ilii ptirponn of tlm In', r iiiillonnt mnp. which will Im 1-nwn on Hut rrali of iino to miiiill llyntli, In in furnlnli roinplntii worlil mnp of uniform drawing. Mi olnlatliiK dlffi-rriit nriilm of ill. Iiillri"!. uml lit inilito tn.ip m.il,ir mill ri'iiitrrn of i.vury rountry to in clurnl.iiiil tlin in.ipi of iivr-ry ntlirr. M'li lliounli liny itn not iiitilrrnt.iiiil will Im kIiowii only Hi., oiilllm-ii of l.iiid :iu, w.itcr. Willi ili'ptlit of w . lor mill lii'lr.liin of Imni; Hironnu mnl rht-r systmn. or ilraln.iKo, In lln mnp maker' p.irl.itici, ro.idi, nil mnl trulli'v llnr-i, lounii mid rllli-i, nnil ronlourn. Wlillo (Im droll., wlilrli nppro. Ilii.iti.-ly Ifi iiiIIim M, r,( W allow of vi-ry Inclusive) work, tunny details of small tiiwtw and stri-anm will tic omitted. To show IikIkIiIh mut depths. n nrlu-ini) of hy.nintrlr- rnlorK lnm lir."ll nilopli-il. Tills will r.rnili. fr(,m it vi-ry IlKht i;rrii, for nlmllow wtt. Ii'nt, to llio fnmlll.ir llnlii of ,i(.p IiIiik, for llio liicri'imliiK ilcptlis of ic.ik: mnl from UrIu jollow. for low roiuilrli-n mnl v.illiyn, to n ilt-op liniwn rnl for liclnlilit. Con. Irli.i will Im klinwn In Hlmrp lil.irlt limn, nt Itilorwili of Kin tm-tri-ii. Tim metric itynti'ni nn mloploil for nil ntimnrnlH, mnl IiIkIi PoIiiIm, po.il.n mnl ni'imitiiliiK will Im .iliow'u In (do lolnr of thai f.-.iturp, to olivLiln rou. fimlun. t W '"'" ,'r0J''f """ ,s ',lli;,,l upon n ' iiioillflril polyclinic hyulnni, wlmn-lii mi'ililliins or lonclluili) mo nil In NlralKlit lliu.1. Tho IIikm of lull, tmlo will Im only Hllchtly ciirvlm; on i-iicli nIm-oI, Iioc.iiiro of llio I.iiru t-cult'. Tim nyhlinii Irt of mlvmiliiKu lii llio mlJiiNliiiutit of mlJolnliiK hlll'l'lll. A.i ninny political lioumliirli-s 111 Im iilmwii im Hii ilciihlty of tho ilnln Incliiili-il pi-rmltH. Km- hiHlunn'. tho mnp of (ho United HIiiIoh will Mmw tilnlo, (ounty, ri'Horvntlon, Innd i Ki'mit. mnl otlu-r Imni offlro IIiioh, Tim control, Unit In, posltloun ilo tornilni'd iiNtronomlcnlly mnl liy .' trlmiKiil'itlnn, to Insuro nrenrary, iliulniiKo, lnclinllnK rlvorn. Ktrommt, t riciikH,"tnvanii.i, riinnln nnil otlmr f w-'ilcr lioilli-., mid rultiiio, Unit U, f Iowiim, i-ltlrrt, riillwnyii, roiuln mid lilcliwuyH, till rnntitlluto it "liaxn map," wlilrli H ronipllcil iih tlio flint dttip In tlui w-orl( nnd which will ho miiiln iiviillnlili) liy tho Kiuvoy for ntiito nnd other nmpH, Tho coin plolcd map, In ulzo nhout no liy 20 inehw, U roppor unKruvml In thn moht ilollrutu nnd iilrom; ilctnll, nnil will Im uvallahlo nt thn nurvoy. U Ik iivluccil In hIo to form u nnilu ( nlclit inllori to thn Inch, Thn production a hy photolithography. Tho lu-clloim Hum fur rnmplutod linvo rc(ulrod nix inonth.i to com pile), Tho work, Itowovor, for lark of extra appropriation, la IicIuk dono conc.urronlly with nthor mnp work, U Ih oHtlmatoil Hint tho rot for thn International mnp Aylll ho (mm $16 to ISC' pnr tliousnnd Hanaro nillas of rco. Tlio mirvoy, doslrnuB of liav Iiik Uio moHt neenrnto nnd up to naiL ,t Myj s Tliouith IlJlfl Itutli'i il.iunhtfr, 1 Durntliv. Ii only ID nvinthii oM, nin-'n ulnn-ly wnlliini; In tint fool- j Hrpn of tier il.i'Uy, llio klnc of I wiit tin thin pirturn iliiiws. miil'durn not coimlilcr mi nri'ii mm-pli-trd until t-vory miurtu t.f Infor mation lum Ihmii ilrnwn upon. Tliem! , liielmlii' thn mirvn)'H rcHinlar Infor mnllon R.illK'rnl In tho mnklm: of , thn tintlmi.it topnr.rnphlr map, which wait .itnrli'd 6t yi-nrn mm, ollior rov orniiifiitrtl mnp mrtlomi, Mnto mid county innpi, pilv.iln mapn mid . army mid novy iluutii. Tho ilitnlls of thn liiN-rmillonn! mnl) wi-rn nrri-ptod by nlmt world jpoHiTK at rnnfori-nron In 1909 and 1913 Wlilln It In popularly known 'ii.i tho oun-mllllonth mnp of tho , world, ll correct tlllo I Tim In I tornntloiiiil Map of tlm World on tin- Hcalo of 1: 1.000.000. American Legion News j Ni: Oltl.KANM. Ort -1. -Tlioun-1 nndri of i-x-m-rvlco tti'-n nm i-xpi-rti-d 'to ntlcitd thn .Miii'rlr.in M'slnn Na j itomit roiiM-nllon In Now Orlcuw, ' , Ortoln-r lO.'JUth. iih a ri-nilll of llio illinium einrnt of n railroad rntn of omi (urn for tlio round trip. Annoiinrruii-iit of tlm reduced rat wan mndn liy l A. .Simmon, i-hnlr-uinn of tlm li-clmt'H mitlomit trait' Mportntloii routmltten. Tlm rato hat hi-i'it nrrniti-d m official hy llunford MacS'lilcr, Legion Nutlotial iommun dor. Tlm reduced fare, wht.lt will Im nf.'i-riho on nil rullriudn. will apply to uiemlmr of tho American leKtoti, nnd Its niixlllnry. widow, ot ecened meinherti of the leuloti nnd to deli). Knteit to tlm loiiMntlon of the Inter allied u-ternniV feilnrntlolin which will ho held (Im wei-k lieforo tho li-Klnll Knlherlnc. Legion couw-ntlon ufflelaln enll- mato that a crowd of tou.ooo vlnll- ora will nttend the national mithurlnt; iih it remilt of thn faro reduction. Vinver.il ihousan't lcKlonnalre.-i nru alito expected to taho udvaiitnr.o of tlm fifty per cent reduction Krantcti oil nil vcnmd.t of tho United iitnteH Hhlpplni; hoard. Thn r.tllro.id r.ito lahln liasied on tlm reduced faro tdiowa that thosn In. Oremm eoiitemplatlni: atlemllm; tlm coiiventton. will pay S9S.C3 for f.iro from I'nrtlmid, Orer.on to Now Or leaiiH, Lit,, uml leturn. I I I . ' ft l ' ' 3 ; Jfe. mm wi" dDHi. JyK f i?BSSk fn IZBBHSSm ctrMKAtflBBH 9( HHBVBHIHMVPiNiMHIPBiH iBBBBH09aflftUSkiv nktwt1 JSJnSSi&Mi .11)11 V OMON.NLLL UjjJHkMKiHHV 1 A a v iBBB SI ENE In thcHn daya of modern Improvn mmitH It Ih ctirlalnly mfrenhliin to run acroHH it roller towel uccaslonally. I'ttclflc l.ci;lon. Wives of (oiiiireiiHlounl medal of honor men havo heou Invited to ac company their liUHlmudH to tlio Amer ican loclon national convontlon In N'u'w Orleans In October. Their ox ponuuH aIII bo paid hy tho teuton cott untlon rommltteo, "Tho Htorm" l hero! :i-t MODLItN K.lt.MIN(J MCTIIOUH Titiri.i: AitMi:.M.s citors ALKXANDItOI'OL, Armenia, Oct. i.Twenty-two American Iraetorx, Imported hy tho Near lOanl Itullef rommlHHlon, havo ploughed U.iKKl iicroH and proilueod "0 IiiisIioIh ot harloy per ncro, tiKnltiHl ton btislmla pnr ncro tho result of native meth ods which called for r.00 men and 1 , T 0 0 oxon on tltu immo job. I'rofoHuor llartlll, ot tho Now York Inatltnto of ARrlculturo, dlroct od thlH oxporltnont In order to prnv to tlm Armenian iiKrlculturlnta tho advantage, ot Antorlcnn farm much Inory. 'l'rofosaor llartlll uatlnmles that tho coronl production ot Armon lit can bo Incrottaod 300 por cent by tho U8o of modorn mothods. N'KW YOltIC, Oct .1 Nltmears nt;o .Mendel llelllN wnnnn Intnrtiatlon nl future. Th" attetitloti of tlio world was centered on the Jow hrlckmnker of Kiev, (harmed with murder com mitted for I Im purpose of vfcurltu; C'htlHllaii blood for Jew lull ritual Today, IlellU l riinnliii: a small prlntlni; xliop on the emt sldn here. IIvIiik ohncttroly with his wlfo and four ihlldreii. Puhllclty docs not attract him. "All, they linvn offered mo J.'O,. oijn to ko on a lecture tour to make a monkey of tnynelf,"' nald Itellls. "I would not take. It. Twenty wceki Icclurlnt; for JSO.OOO. No, 1 do not like It. I shall work In my prlntlni: shop by days and hero In tho even Ini; I am wrltlnr: the, story ot my life. It Is enmu'.h." Ileitis in CO, of medium IielRlit and thick set. Iron-Cray hair, heavy rpettarles mid clnnely trimmed bjard i:lo lit ni tlm appearand! of a pro enn or In a (lenmin university. Ho tipoko lit Yiddish. The L'tiRliidi laiiBUiiRo linw been loo difficult for him to master during his IT muutlis In America. I Ih children wero f.atherrd nroutut him In tlio dlnltiK room of tho apart ment house on l'alli) htrcot last iilrht when ho rehenrsed tho story of his duys when Im stood trial for tho mur der of lS-ycir-nld Atidruchl Yasnln sky. Ak.iIiihI llellls, thn only Jow In tho community it lu.UUU Christians tho nRriitn of tlm ctar nrKed tho mediae vul suporstttutlou that Christian blood was used In Jowlsh rituals. "It was tho ureal protest of Amer ica and KiiRlaud that saved me," llellls exclaimed. "I was freed and Inter tho Itolshevlkl --did Mitt know Personal Mention Leo llmaloti wim n member of a himlliii: parly which returned )ester- day after a iiik cess fu I hunt. I Dr. II. II, Mnlletl 1ms returned j from Lnknvlew where ho has hern for tho pasi several mouths. Win. M. Ilray, head of tho Oshkosh ' Laud & Timber company, arrived hero by motor Monday nlrht from' Onhkosh nflur a tross country drlvo, of .1,000 mlle.t, Ilray drovo n nearly 3.000 miles. Ilrny drovo a ' Cndllljc "iiljtlil." He was ncrompan- led by employes of tho company. I i Thn larked buck seen horo this year wn shot by llyron Harden- brook who, with II. I). L. Stewart, returned last nlrtht from n hunting trip of six days In tlio Darnes valln region. Thosn who havo viewed tho buck, a four-pointer, pronounce It ono of tho largest ever shot In Klam-. nth county, "Ono had to look twice to see It all," said Kred KIcot, who has tho deer In tho cold storage plant. Dr. Htuwart wns almost equal-' ly fortunate, bringing In a three pointer. WELCOME i to the FAIR and RODEO See the Dairy Cows from which comet the cream that makes Klamath Butter Second to None Klamath Falls Creamery Klamath Falls, Ore. IIi'h'' tho Itolshevlkl took that Klrl Vera f'heberlak who testified against' uie wlmn stm was an actual nccom-1 pllio la tlm murder took her out J nnd shot her with thn other two mur-. derers. I "After my nrqulttnl I went to I'al-j ostlne. My health was bad because I or my long months In prison. Then the Revolution came. I had 13,000 I rubles saved under tho old govern-1 ment wlilrli I never got, I lived j them In Jaffa until my money gnvo j out nnd then enmo to America. "America! It was llko (!od sny-1 lot:. -Let there Im light.' All had j been darkness ami chaos for me. In America light and order." COLORADO DAM SITES SURVEYED BY l. S. I'AHADKNA. Cul.. Oct. I rour sites for a flood control dam on ' tlio Colorado river wero surveyed by a party of eleven headed by Arthur 'I'. Davis, director ofl tho United " Ktatea Reclamation service, and en gineered by U. C. I.eltuo of this city, federal geological engineer and o'no of tho best versed men on Colorado river conditions. Tho party Includ-, el I'tah and Arizona representatives. Following this survey trip Kngla eer I-a, Hue arranged for taking an Arizona commission party down tho Colorado, starting October '. A.VOTIIKIt IIIC (TCf.MIIKK 'Tho Storm" is here! 3-t v.it immit.mi:nt gi'.siu:i NCW YOItK. Oft. I. A war tlmo Indlriment chnrglng Jermlah A. O'Lcnry. former editor of "Hull," mid n number of other lvlth con spiracy in commit treason mid con- milriu-v to iibHtruct recrultlnir. was riuashed by lVder.il Judgo 1'oster to- j day on motion of Assistant United Here's another o; Kioto wonderful Klamath cucumbers, thla one grown by Jeff Johnson, Merrill road. It weighs three and one-half pounds and Is ll".i Inches long by 13. Inches In circumference. 11 Is on. ex hibition at tho public market. ciMi'i: chop thhkati:ni:i States District Attorney Joyce. Wise buyers pjr-kaxo Victor re conW utmost exrlu ively. 0-T "Tho Storm" Is here! 2-1 SAN HHANCISCO. Oct. i. Ap proxlately one-half of California's $35,000 wlno grapo crop Is near des truction as a result of failure ot ship plug facilities und mora Is llttlo hope of saving It, President Shcpman ot tho grapo growers' exchange announced. Herald classified adt py you. Yip!-- Yip!---Yip! We're OK Everybody is Happy. Nobody is Downheart ed. The weather is go inR to be fine. Davenport Has a fine line of sparkling Diamonds and lucky Wedding rings for the occasion. No trouble to show goods. "Honest Work at Honest Prices" Davenport's Motto Watch Inspector The number is S. P. R. R. and O. C. & E. R. R. 605 Main St. CAI.irottMA IlANKhlt.S TO THY IUM) AT FISHING DEL MONTE, Cal.. Oct. . Hunt ing and fishing trips arc on tho pro gram ot tho clovcnth annual conven tion of tho Investment Hankers' as sociation of America to bo hold hero Oct. 9-10. Tnoro is hunting and fishing In plenty around tho Han Francisco section and for thoso who want to try for stcol head a sldo trip to tho Klamath river has been arranged. Msrainrca.'smcs&r.s.Via 4 rrrTthc urfcie'" nTVr'3, 7TrXhlV I'M J. .- L.'r V ilk . .. :- -r --cp. M -feSL JL -v y Too Long Without Paint Are You Insuring Against Depreciation THERE'S no mliMlo proutnl. cither your luiililingi aro veil protected by paint or they are going to renuiro ootly ro poiring or rebuilding within n few years. Paint saves your property. It is nn investment in long scivico not nn cxpcitje. Tlio expensn results from allowing buildings to rot, Paint now. Snvo repairs. Tho next quostion is what paint to use. U?o tho best. It costs less in tho long run. It spreads easily saves labor cost. It covers more surfaco per gallon than "cheap" paint. And thn brit paint will servo you fiv or more years longer than "cheap" paint. Tli I""! paints nro aclentlfie in formula and pri'iuraliim. We've mads them for 7J yearn In meet lbs xrAilier condition) in tlio Writ. Tie lirsl material' PIONEER WHITE J.KAH, puro limced oil. rum nine and piiro colors sro romlilned in Fuller's I'sinM In nrfenllficallr ei act I'rupotiloiu mMIi longtlino ekilU Free Advice en Painting AtV f-nr asriti for aJilcr, roiar ritiii. cir. lb Kullrr SrrlSr. llos PtMltinrnt .li.iiii ilii mvl dr.mbl rulor tekem... roior bttmoaf tal anr otb.r J.ull.. M.V.ri -I RuM-rr Crm.at FtMr Ttlai. Mht-urpota V.inl.h... MUtnvlill. I. Bin. I. Ilfl.rn fn. FIaai. n. Iih. W.ihil.1 Vail Ill-ilk. Alllo Eil'.'l. Vila l-l Kaol Taint, I'nrik llj Sln rll. al DOM en WIIUL LlAl. WRk YsslSI Kin rft FAINTS vi 23 teADEBj Fullers 9PBCIFICATION House Paints PhoenU Pure Paint , Pura Prepared Point1 "fvw PnoiffJ" oJ "roli" t. FulUi'i ptcIScilUoi (or kanu pslni. lag. tl clihri ibJ trim bait tba teat Ibai auroa cau wabc"lo itirlca palau. V. P. FULLER & CO. SACRAMENTO TcALIFOlWIA. OREGON POWER COMPANY Over 7i and Safety Dtm.PAKTNERS IN PROGRESS The California Oregon Power Company 1 Preferred Stock SAVINGS PLAN A $5 PER SHARE PER MONTH, ' , Interest Paid On Partial Payments ' Present Price $92 Per Share, Yielding 7.6 Price $92 Per Share, Yielding 7.6 On the Investment ASK ANY MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION Cut Out mid Mull tho Coupon OFFICES! Mrdford, Cii-anta l'-a. Klamath Falls, Oregon. Vreka, Dunsnuilr, Callfotnla I'rlco Hubject to CliaiiKO Witltout Notico Inquiry Coupon ......1933 The California Oregon Power Co. Floaso send mo further Information about your I'rolorred Capital Stock. Namo ...-i4 Street City ... V 'tftj i -il i ? ! : '.'I -a. ,f ". ., v Jl :M1,' to data t-innn tno nun). Kinnorn uiu