The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 04, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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    r J
Pif Two
vi:ini:i).v, ofTonnit , ioaa.
K. '
r .
'Ml II
The Evening Herald
K. R. 80UMS..i:ttor nml Publisher
H. II. IHI.Ii City Kdltor
F. V. NICKT.K AihcrlMnjc Mnnsgor
Published dnlly nirnpt Sunday, nt
The Herald Publishing Company nt
Klamath Knlls, At 119 i:ighth street.
Kntnrcd at tlio poitofflco at Klam
ath Palls, Oro., tor tratimlsliin
through tlio malts ns nocond-clusa
, .- .I'KKSS
The Associated Press Is oxeluMvo
ly entitled to tlio tiro fur publica
tion of nil nows dispatches credited
to It. or not otherwise credited In
this paper, nnd also tlio local now
published liorcln.
wkdxi:siav, orronnt t, i!.
v : .
TIIKY'HK picking tlio stale re
publican platform to pieces It
doesn't suit tlio firebrands', who arc
tnrrllily dWsppnliiLd became every
llltln iMiio tlial proiiii .1 fierce
fight, In tin1 part) or nut of It. Isn't
' blawuicd forth In i;l.irltiR rod typo
In tin pages of tin dniumoiil
Such Ih the effect of tb flghtlnK
spirit In tha human animal once
aroused. Instead of soolng Hie utter
absurdity of tlio "problems-' that pol
itician aro raving about, and Hit
vital Importauro of tho matter
touched upon In tlio platform, thoy
see only tlio llhllhord of being clirat-i-il
out of a flno old scrap.
Tlio rabblo, la, Orcn and their
demagogic leaders aro liVc a park of
alley toughs gathered in wauh a dog
flchl. rocking nntlilnc of the condi
tions In which I hoy live. Their
clothes may bo In tatter", their
homes dilapidated hovels, but ns long
C8 the dogs fight well, they're hap
py. Thclr philosophy or llfo Isn't
calculated In develop a fine residen
tial district, or to pooplo the neigh
horhood with proipemn and Indus
trious citizens but what's tlio dif
ference a Irng as they can -crape
up tin' dngi: for a fight on every pos
idbln occasion.
Porlunntnly tlnv rabblo and the
demagagncs do tint control Orexnii
and Tammany hall methods will
not go In On-con.
Tlio elour-ililnking majority of tlity
r.tute when tlray have hail Hum to
think It over culiiily will deohK
which aro the major Isiutw.
On( crltle nays the ropnbllcnn plat
form I lUfltlAnt. that It side-stops
great Issues, lipenus'o It -doc nut
praise or condemn tin president
specifically for vetoing tlio bonus hill
The platform commend tho na
tional administration and tlio chief
executive, In perfectly plain language.
It Is to Ihi naum-il that the bonus
actlcu In Included In tlio general ap
praisal. Not tlwt nil republican
agree with tlio President's course
Probably many do not. Hut they
glvo him credit fo honestly ilolns
what he thouxiit was rlKht.
Then, says another, it doesn't riH
nunlzo tlio rroat rllRlous I mud
has been raited In Oreitoa. It doesn't
nay anythlne nhcut tKe rmnpuliory
eJucutlonal bill.
Shades of all the polUlPHl bosses t
living ano deadl Tlio republican par
ty In Oregon Is sot trying to muKo a
slatu for party vot'jw. nor to i ram
do'.vn their throata any unwarranted
ndvlro ns to how the Hlmll exorcUu
their nacred rlRht of suffraeo-
Tho ropubllcau loudern of this
state aro seeking to doolop a party
conscience -as well a jarly con
cclousness not to stifle II. They
cannot expect to create oarty con-
bcIpiico by llirottlliiR thn free will of
Individual otera.
Hut the erlllea of the form nro
hurled by the Riealer weight of unp
porterHi thoso who lenllro what the
leal im aro. Hero In a wimple,
from the Hind t'lo, of the opinion
of ihno who pee the menace In Ibis
coiitiuiied courKO of dNruptloii In
Amerlia, and who nio hendlni; oveiy
effort to the restoration of harmony
The pirly pledge there con
curied in roiiMiltulo n document
which Is sulletitly Amerienu In
principle, the piactlce of which
would impure s.ifety to American-1
t', and mi ilHiiriiiice of compel i
ent cileiiclili In ,tnu ten when
the practice of such N In nlU'h I
Rreit demand.
There Is not a phase of Import-1
nut state and iintlniial lhue w hlrh '
lln'Hi pleilKo. li.Ue l.i'led to cover.
And. in this preei! period of cris
is in Oregon win o iKSiies of varied
nature mid Impo-iaiico have serv
ed to divide punilc 'entlmeut nnd j
political aspiration, it U commend-,
nlile that OreRon flmH nvallnhle o
vast repre8etitatinn of the entire
state capable of stepping up nnd !
out of tlio mire to ,i hiRlier plane,
wiiiru Havers more oi me principle
or the i:rent state constitution and
tlio constitution of the I'nlted
Stati-g. I
Hepubllcan. nomnrrats, nnd all j
tudepmiilent. there nro no !
parly lines in Orepon tbl ear
The Imiio I rlearl) American Our
llrxt dut) is to our nation when
support of national principles is In ,
deliiatnl. Our second service .should
bo our state, t' the Inter
oat of thi'ne two institutions are
proporlv guarded then can never
lie any such thini; as protection for
the comiutitilt) nnd the home
It would be iiiiposslhlii for any
Individual or group of Individuals
to roaolvt upiiti a mor, ethical
American and OreRotitan plan of
procedure tliau lias lieen resolved
upon by the Republican party of
Oreitou as the result of the recent
convention. The adoption of these
pledges and their practice would
mean the accomplishment of those
American Ideal which are so
cherished by all of us. would mean
the asslstlnR of America to prop
erly perform the Rreat world ser
vice which I hers as a Just herit
. hT vmVi""' - .sf "
with tin:
nt the
White Pelican
Teachers Specially Invited
One Dollar Per Couple
lb riiAiti.iw p. iti:imi:
lio.inl uf Coveiuois of the Aeio ( liiuobci- of t'oiuiiieiio
pushed. There I nothing of the
fantastic In these prediction!".
I l.;n,noi Plluhis Wllliooi a P.iiutli
! Commercial avlntlou Is already a
I ufci.M. Itegiihir lines have been
j rntabllsheil In tunny part of the
country, mid nro operating success-
' fully.
Whom thoroughly responsible
! fiuiccrtiH nr dolne the flvlttR. accl-
fow )ear. Prom ,,, ntR rrt ni,ngt uiihrtinl of. Ho
llioso roofs Riant ports colluded by our orgunljllon
alrphmm and air- show over u period of 12
ship will bo fly- i months. v'Cnu aircraft
lug on rallni.iil-jin.idn 3u.7:i fllr.his. traveling 2.
like hChodiiles, rar- U07.2r miles, without a single
rylitR passenRer.s ! fatality,
nnd freight from1 i)r.. t. ai n montlis, the
NKW VOHK. Oct. 4 Hoofed
over shipping district. will bu com
mon sight In
Auicrliun cities
within the next
xciiRor by motor In Wall street.
It should bo practical lo roof
over Grand t'enttal terminal or
other i.illroiul vard with steel gird
er and glass, thus providing air
i raft landing fiirllltlc In Iho In art
of the city I predict It Is oulv a
matter of a short time unlit niicIi
spare are provided In every largo
Thing P"s fuming Hoivn
I'lylng co.sts aro hound In come
dutvn ns the public learns It ha
nothing lo fear In using properly
operated airway (juiintliy ton
sumption of airplane ticket will
eventually lnlng rate for high speed
air travel within it reasonable ills-
of the rates for slower rail
' If higher Hlnnilards nio hd
within us, they will be u natural
I dovi Inpmcnt It Ibey are grafted
upon us. they will nlva)s he an
iilinoriuiil growth
j '! ndvocnlo the plan of rritlr-
Insurance men set up their nun! lug one enr apprenticeship In an
standard of iiullflrnilon nnd husl- 'etabllshed agency before n license
ncss conduct and carry Hiein I rrnnted. Aiprenllres could carry
through, tlio need of legislation will , on the detail work of the ngenry
bo forgotten, K II. Dunning of llu-' durliig llm period of preparation
liith, .Minn., regional vice-president and would finally go faith lo sell
of the National Association of In-' Insurance b)' knowledge mid not by
siirnuco Agents, told d legates to misapprehension "
the cnuviiillou of that orgaulatloii
hen. linliiy I virinr lleriird naluriilly lead as
I believe It Is mi more "'','' I'tob.ibly liiiv,, Ihi.o times as
,l.. , tit. (. .. I II II lill'tll ll(ni, Iitf'' Mllll 'lull'"
Ileal In legUlalo a iiiiiillflcallon , ,..., ... -
'" clt'- 'P. S. air mail service ha traveled I tann
Commuters will ntMrjv a.ono.OOO miles with only , travel,
think nothing of nlln fntaiu... M,,t of tlio accident II I conceivable Unit the day
yon read about am caused by, may come when nlrplme will he
gvpiles'" or stniiters" nnd com-'punclud nut In nuantlty production
merclnl flyers don't stunt. They i like flivvers; and when evi ry fam-know-
that no human pilot lsns,lly cm own one I am more In
slick as the law of gravity. cllned to the belief, however, that
Pxcepl for the seaplane, which the Immediate development of com-
or come down wherever ' nvlatlon will no in me
hand of roinmon carriers operating
huge rapacity plane over regular
coming to husl
ties dally from n
dls'Jtico of 100
mile. San Prnn-
ItKDDKN' cl.(n will ho only
a day' ride from New York.
The c t will project Itself Into
the country, and Iho country will
can Ro up
there's water, the present chief
OAKLAN'D. Cal., Oct. 4. Imprls- Invade iho city with many mlvan-j rtPr , ,, development of com
onment of forty-seven miners nearly tag to both. Hllllons of dollars mrri4,i avlntlou Is tho.lack of land
a mile underground at Jackson, Cal., twill bo added to the. rural real -'i,,,. tc,.
last month, recalled to many the na- tale values of the United States; ('otir.lder the situation In New
A tlon-wld.j attention directed In 1'Juti i whole new areas will corns In for , v-nrk An nlrnl.ino can bring n
Cole McEIroys Orchestra
Portland, Ore.
w kiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiVaB ;t
l lUBBHBlliliiiik. 3r . Ji3
Monte Austin
Famous Tower of Jewels
Singer at Last World's
White Pelican Hotel
Thursday, Friday,
Admission 25c to all
then 10c per dance.
And I should strongly advise ev
eiv city In America to have Its
cltv planner get buy on the sub-
'I ho Htorm" I hern!
a. I
code lulu the American agency sys
tem than It lias been In enforce
Volstead prohibition upon the'
American public. Tlio real objee-. An experienced mtoii of musical
live In legislative loiitrol I seldom kniwledgo is always m nur service
ul the Pari Shepherd Inclusive Mus
KJliiod. ir Hlr C7
of what hJi already been nccom- another hour to convey
the MS-lalrwas map.
to a blmllar uccldent In the Kern i development; nnd- city congestion ,aMrnKr from Washington to the .. 1 1 of a local landing flelil -tor ino
Hlver can)on, near Hakersfleld, Cal.,will bo laigely roductd. landing field In Harden Pity. I-ntig elite that haw iideiii.ii lermliial
,'n whlcli I.tintn-iv II. IHrk u-n luir. . .1.. . i....l,.i . . . 1........ 11, .1 11 i,,tf,w ficlllllCM will bo the first oil the
-- " 1 say ini'in uiiiikb hipiii ihi-k.ii, isi.inu. 111 io iiiinin. - "- " . -
luu attvo lor 1 j uays.
Hicks was oao of six American
miners who went to work In a mlnu
in the Kern Kl-er Canyon Uec. 7,
11)07. Soon after they entered the
mine, there was a cave-In 70 feet be
low tho surface and threu were killed
outright. The other, Including
illcks, survived In the debris, but
Iv. 0 died beforo help reached them. I
illcks was pinned to tho ground but
fortunately underneath a tramway
car. On the surfato hope? that tho
men wcro alive 'wus given up.
Threo das later, workmen who
were excavating tlift tunnel preparing I
to recover the txxlkw heard iiicor j
tapping on one of the tramway rails.
"vtnu wvmuivu 4. ".i ait i7viiuf 11 naia
WA.VIKII To rent for the winter,
furnished hmiMj by responslblu
people Phone I.T7H. t-C
, Progressive Concerns Spend
One Per Cent of Gross
For Publicity
IiKTHHIT. Oct 1 - Tho Uetrolt
.!.... l.u l.i.KKiiin III.. nitrrtliM II I lfil
"""" ' "V " .1 .1 Purnlshed one room cabin. Colon- j
loml-iuaricrs of tho .ountrv with the , j1,';;,, ,,, ( Mallli 4.,;.
'assembling nt Selfrldgo Pleld. Ml .
CI. men, near hero, of mm of llmj PIANO POIt HAI.K or will trade for '
igreate.i urraya of American air-' bit. O. I.'. Hae. TrlunRlo Paf.
planes i-vr seen, in preparation for
ll' I'ulilt.r rare.H-cirld's speed cl.ii,., rAltltllllt IMIV WANTPM
sl. to In held October I I. I Trustworthy boy, over 12, to arrt
niuYcu: poit hai.i:
-USO Lincoln
......, ,..i t ......t.- i.o.. 1....... ' lleinhl lluillu In Mill iidilltloli. Itt
UUI l'JJJf Hfi inun inm-,if' M . 1. .
.,.,,.,, , " . Ptrfectlax tho motors and at least n ,;,-. SA. ,.-llrl,s., house nt 317
I llll ALU. Ill, UCl i -AlJVerilB- I , , ,. f .,nr,!1V Itiln.l islellS of V M'..ll. ..- r.irnllnr.. ulll l.i, mill)
so faint, and others could not hear'Ir.g day after day. week after week. arrral wm rompitf In Iho races ulon'o. "
it at till. However, when tho men month after month as tnc iiost
rapped on tho rail, their slgnaU ap- method by which public utilities may
peared to be ansAured. Then, wliciJ ovcrconif public prejinllro, was
a tapped answer camu 10 the minors' 'strongly urRed by W. II. Sivvyer.
algiial blast" the workmen knew president of the Kant St. I.011U &.
omeono was ullvu In the mlnu. Suburban Hallway Co., speaklni;
It vvasdocldeu to force a lialMiuh I horo t..iy (l)rr u,(, Amerlcui
Plpo aloni; tho flange of, one or the' :t,clrlc uallvvay association con-
,.-.. ...... .. Mil. 111. .... I. ...... 1. ...I .,...
kiMiiiiia; laiu. n 111:0 11 luaL'ui'il low v.rilln)i
marking a threo day air sp'-ed pro
gram, l.ntrlo lurludo types from
tho nrmy. imvy , nnd commercial '
fields. 1 i'ok
Twenty threo entries have been
confirmed In
iouro above HI. Clair,
HAI.Ii Purnlshed three-room
heuse: hath. Iiiillt-lus: loruerlot,
the I'ullter Trophy ample sp.uu lor addition; half hloi I,
m 1.. miiuh i,i..r .. irlniKiilic 'f'"11 nim reiiiau iioiei, .1 giiuii in
to l.e flown over 11 triangular ' ... . . , 13.'. III!
wl"' ' meuth: lltiiid rash or I7"I, with
r'.olfrldRi! Pield a llm starting and J.liii) down and h.ilnuio J3.ri oil month
flnfhlifnu onliit. .Measures to safe. 1 or liiortgaue. l-ot, rum Hired
! fiiinnl llii.j it link rilfinttii Ittilii Imoii !
conurns In any other uuiiiiqm tpeini ," " ,
I tut ilian one tier (ent of their KTuw 1 "
... I ..... I., ....,...!
i,lviirllliiL' niiiiiv siieiiil flvn " '"""
--'--" ' I .. . L . . ... - - M . ....
1110 Mt pains ami i i'p iroin uiei
really going, progtemlvn
,.n. .......I. Bii..r.i i.ii-i ..., ,..,, i, ..if jnl. I.adv
airplanes will patrol, prf0rred. I3i. Phono ill I l-ii
entombed man ho thought It was a
pick or drill and believed IiIj rescuers
mar. Piudlni: It a pipe, hu called
through it and told the men on top
that in. .ik iiii ..Hi... f.,,.1 i,..i ui,. on advurtlsliiK, many
slstedb thowlngtobaico. Ills right IM'r re'"' "e ueciareu. 1110 aver-1 ,llrM,t . i.ines thai are ! POIMIHNT Purnlshed cabin. .Mir,
hand was free and with It ho brought W "feel railway company can. ... 1.,,1,11 , ,1,,, ,. -ith HI. .MIIH Add. !-.'
forth from his pocket a now plug ot koou auvaniage, us a ...mnuw !" , .
totiacco ho had purchased beforo en- pounon louuurivo 10 um ...hum-.
terlnc the mine.
Tho first plpo was withdrawn a
The Liberty Theatre
Will he glVell till filial showing of
which Is without a doubt one of tho moat spec
tacular productions over filmed The story Is 11
.simple one the ngeohl story of a man and n girl
--ami It will Int-rest you II111 Hie surrounding
the settings tho color the 111 Hon till com
blini lo ni.ik'o one of tlio most Interesting even
ings ou will spend in 11 long long lime
10c and 25c
25c and 50c
Thursday Frank Ma)A in
"Caught Bluffing"
A great story of the Klondike
pat ticli
.ii.iliciil iir...i.-.ieB '. urn army, .,., ,,.,. .,.,.,. .,...... rl.,..
fiml iifiW ft fit n rrvifiiMM i lur n liiliill. I . in . n. k... I -..
not only of .ho company but of ll.," ' ,, ' ; , , , V", " , " I .au.uuy ,..,uy. ...,
.. . conimunlty sorved, spend ono peri. .... . ' MlTH'i: POIt I'I'
um ' (ii " " "hii mi; miii hi t tin
r.rpni of lm grosa earning on paid ,.., f, ((, (1III in tho gran.
1- 'advertising. Ist.uiil during (ho raies.
another of the aamo size, hut perfor
uteil on tho bide and Inserted and Hi
old nourishment was transmitted to "I bellevn In consistent ndveiUs-, coiijiiik Hon with llm aerial
WcU A surgeon etood on the out- lug .not defensive ndvcrtlsliiR dailiui the second uiitiual aerial con
side end of tho pipe and prescribed brought about by nerosslty, but nil- .grena will bo hold hero nt which n
iho amount of mill, and other stlmu-'i vertlslng calculated to prevent thn .permaneiii oiganUntlnn probably will
luutH to be sent. Illcks talked thru need of a Meno wall defense. I want ' lm formed for furthering Iho Inter-
tlio pipe, told how hu battled mental i our customers to know the condl
tortures and Insanity, how he heard tlon of their street railway com
rutH gnawing In thu pit. A iihono- pany; I want them to know It all
graph was Installed and Illcks lis- iim umi h(, ihat when uny nuoutlon
teued by ho hour lo the iiiulse. This i urhes Ihey aro fully Informed, jdatlnn of n coin o mil of aerial
.vai on thu twellth day anil ho laugh- "Advertising Is not tho solution ' traffic rules.
i (Publisher)
iii:iHTMi:sT op thi: i.vmtioii,
If. H. I.ANI) OPPICK at Lukoview,
Oregon, Hept ts, I alii:.
NOTKJi: :i hereby kIViiii that Har
em n O. .Moueyhiin. of Hox liu, Port
Klamath, Oregon, who, on May I, I
I'J-'l, iiiudo Homestead Kntry, No,
erts of iivlilliiii i.aHrliillv from tlwt MM ''''. for Lull! .'I, Ullll HI. Hoc
esl8 if aviation, especially from ho I ('m ., .YltvlMMft : -Hutli. Hiingo
ntuiiiijMiiot. ill ailiiaiii i)imiuuiioii
and operation. Tho latter dlsuisslon
Is iixpei'tnl to bring nbout recomuieu-
ii-Kust, Wlllamittto Meridian, has fll
ed notho of Intention to tiiuko thieu
)eirr I'roof, to imtahllsh ehiliu to tho
laud nliiiVii ilescrlbed, beforo ('. It,
Hol.up. Clerk of tho County Court,
' nt Klamath Palls, Oregon, on tho
ed like a ehlhl. 0f aj rmr troubles. Wo may Htlll I About l.'.ll planes will rompoto In I lilh day of Novomber, IU3S.
Meuntlmo tho outsldo world watch- ho unfairly and unduly attacked l.iit'" vuiloiti. mclt.g programs. An-. '"""..IXy oV3! Klam'atl.
ed thu pioiiesHof thu reatii.i. Nmvs- . ndvertlslng Is a duty vvhUh wo own j proxlmtilely ivvonty rlvlllan plauoj 0r;,K,m ' '
' . .... .... .. I nil i. ml v li.ivti In. mi mi I nt oil In Hit, "(lit I tt Li i n..ut.... .. !...., i.-t.. it.
pupeis from many setlloiM sent cor-
respondents arid photographors.
Heaciierii readied , Hicks, ono mid
night, tied u h.iudiigo over Ills eyes
to protect them from Mho outside
light, placed him on u stretcher and
tarried him out. When the iiuwh of
I'm dhicovery teachuj Hakursfleld
tbi'io was a big celebration.
Illcks displayed no Morions Ills.
Cases of ihowlng tobacco nnd even
murrlugo proposals ciimo to him. Hu
went on tho lectuto pint form hut in-
i Intent u him uoun died out. Later
ho wan hired by a Chicago museum
i to toll how ll felt to bo hurled ullvu.
to our nubile, our customers, and ","",,,'r ""v" """"""""" '" ""' ""I ' . i.oosioy, of
ui ui'irou raro nun win leauiro um . urtK"ii.
It Is good business, j
"I mil using paid newspaper spaco
to glvo tho public thrv facts. I uso
n considerable amount of It nnd ll
doubt If I am using onough." I
nnlv.'il of delegates to thn coiigrtss. I
rop.vrv TitKAsuupit's netipi:
Ii. J, Hlaikmoro.
O. I,. MeWIIIIums, of
Palls, Oregon.
P. P. I.KJIIT, Heghitor,
ort Klanuith,
ot Chlloiiulu,
Notho Is, hoiohy given that tlmrij'B 2"--7 O 4.11.18
I Mr. Rawyer'a address was part of nro funds In thu County Treasury for ".,-,,;," , ,,.,"
a nubile relations advertising sym-!""1 rndeinntlnii of Klamath County ' Iho morm Is hnrol
a puiilie relations a.tvor isnih n (0Ar, WAHHANTH piolestud on or'
poslum. Others who talked Includ
ed: M. 0. IHush, Philadelphia; II.
II. Flowers, Holtlmoro; Hrltton I.
Iludd, Chicago; Huron 0. Collier,
Now York City; J, P. Hurnis, Louis
vlllo, und V. H. Arkwrlght, Atlanta.
befoio Juno 17th, lH-'2. Oioalkiit Uliindli und OtclumtruH
Interest on thn sumo will ceuso prefer to make lucords oxcluiilvely
from I hi dnto.
Dated nt Klamath Palls, Oregon,
this 4th day of Oct., A. I). 1U22.
(1. K. VAN III I'HIl.
4-0 Ino County Tieuuurer.
-4-1 '-
for Victor limit o Victor records
uio superior. Kail Hhepherd Co, 0-7
Latent Typo Unlco demonstration
nt tho l?arl Hhophurd Music store
oiiahlo you to hear tho luteal tecords
426 Main Phone 34 Klamath Falls, Ore.
Bear Vs
Is King
It makes more loaves
to the sack
"Tho Hlorm" ia. horol
3-4s without delay. , 0-7
w ,,
.)(. (1-!,,tj
"Tho Storm" Is hero!