The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 04, 1922, Image 1

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    Klamath County Fair and Southern Oregon Rodeo, October 4, 5, 6, 7;
3Uf? iEuettittg Herald
Member of the Associated Press
KlUrriilli Vi'nr, Nil, III 11
mum nvm ckxts
JrAlK JLAoiol 1
.s.-'.-.r-r'---...r.',. ..... r-r0rr'''
Agricultural Display is Held
One ot Finest and Must
Varied Ever Shown
Pntulni'a ai big iin sugar bowl, 1 11 rti tpn and hurls no big as five
pound liinl pnllit, rutabagas hi lili; iin water palls, uinl pit tn U I tm n IiIk as
sw ilur In go no further.
Onn nf till' flnivU vi'Ki'taliln exhibit cii'r ilUpliiyi'il In Oregon Is
KUllirrnl In lliii building tit Mm county fair ground.
'I'lin writer inn km Mm nt at ni'n t on good authority. Hi- hasn't won
nil tin' vrgi't.ible exhibits In Oregon. Hut Farmer Kmltli, (). W. It N.
iigrlrulluwil t'vport. rume iik nciir having h'oii vfr IIiImk In Mm Unit nf
agricultural products ax nny mm.
And Farmer Smith' eye widened when lie w' Mm local illsplny
MiU tiiniiiliiK He llngi red (iter Mm illffrront linotlu n u rontiolr.M'ttr
IIiiK'Tm before n gnnm nf flim paintings, unable among no many wonder
(ul MiirkN In rlitfi Mic best
"IUKr.'i itilaliugaii nter rnlm'il In Oregon," In ilrrlarod finally. "I
Mmtiglit Mmy might l iml'iittnit. Ihry'rn mi big, I wiin'nl tn illit Into mm
with my Jad'-knlfe wlmn Mm mini wasn't looking In ' If t hr "r. Mil)
rrnl Hinff." IIU cyr I Ink toil nn hi' w.ilil Mils.
"Allil pntntoen Writ. I'to nrrn smile guild pntnlim llllK oar. Tlioy
li.ul sniim flnr nlitlnr lit Mm Mate fair. Hut Miry weren't any bolter
Mum Mmim I hiim Mil morning
"If Klamtith ftirm-iN "III Jit nt go' down to raining potntne In such
itliiiilltle Mint tiny rim ship In ratliiail tutu, lliero's n liltf future In p'i
tutor A tul If Miry ulll Mine mint,, crop. tmvor planting potatoe mi
tlm wi im ground twn u(Telvo )ear. thev will rediie- Mm danger (if
illpi'jM' ami unu rialdlli n large, prntltalili' uinl p"riiiiiintii ItidiiMry.
I'armrr Kmlllt win ruthulatlr nvrr the fnlr Krimml sltn mid Mir
t it n it tit v ami iiunllly nf lltcstnck nml general illnplay.
"Kvrry vnlir In Klaiuaili ciiunly hnulil m for tin' mill tnx to
umlm tin' crniiiiiM a riiuntv limtltutlnn. "Iu atilil "It inukrii all Mirlr rr
iluctii ortli m murli mnir "
He unit Hitmiliiliil to uprak tu Mm rrnml nt Mic fair Krotuiiln MiU
iiftrriinnn ut 3 n'rlork. u nil prupiwril tu tell them nf thu lii'tirflln an a ti
ll it. it fair lirliiRH a county.
COl'NTV I'Alll CIIMl'NDS. Oct i.. 2 V M. WVatlmr ei'H nro
turtiril ikyrril till" afti'inonn, uinl lirarti nri full nf hnpr lint .
TliU mornltiK Mm rlomU Inuko nml nit ixrittnl wj. TI1L1 aftrr
mioti Mid tky uun cvrrrnd anil tlm outlook wan not ad proiiiUltiR.
Hut tlio roilrii Un' hurt a Ml liy ticliiK piitiponcil a ilay. nml If
tin) waitlirr In f.ilr tmuurtiiM' Mir ilny'11 drluy may lie n lilcmlun in illit
r.uUi' ., Tl urc isnti nit 1 r It rrmnlulns to iu tlil,iiinriiliiK tn crt Mm rihlhll
limitlix rniuii"lrit. Mir rxhinR't plncdl anil the laul 01I1U anil rmln out of
Mm nv frr Mm fair oprnliw.
Ami nil of tlm roilrn uinl rare track rqulpmrnt will lie In lirttrr
nlmpn for uiiotlirr iln)' work nil Mm rliutc, prnn nml cr.inilHtunil
Tlm rain mtttlril Mm imw linlf-mlln track nml 11 ilny of ilrylnc
wrtiMirr nml a r.noil rollltiK will iln It n tttirM of cnoil.
Slink AiuinU Tml.iy
l.ltvutoek JiiiIrIiir ulnrli'il' 1I1U tuornluit. Ira 1. Yhltimr, t.ann
rniiiily iiKriit, lit Jmlr.lni; tin' ilttirv ratlin nml uliri'ii. County ARrnt Mow
"II of JiiHi'plilim roillily In JiiiIkIiii: Mm Inrf ninl nu'lnr rlmum.
llm flmt iiwnnl miiili' wan to K. Ilnmnioml. nf Merrill. whoM
Kliorlliotn bull "ilolilin Still." wan firm In Mo rlnti of I111II11, tlirn years
nml ntnr.
Tlm linyH nml Rlil.i r1uli liavr n wnmlrrfttl union rhllilt. 12 rr;:
Istrrril entili'i. Pour liumlrcit poumln nf pork on Mm hoof nro on illnplny
In iiuii" nf Mm pom, ri'Ktilar inainmoMii.
Tlii. Iiuyu nml KlrU linvn a r.nod poultry cxlillill, nml nix r.ilf rn
trim. Iui ivir Miry enmpMeil only In Mmlr own iIIvIhIoii. TIiIk iar
tlti'lr Mock will rmupiiln with ovrryMihiR In Itx class on Mm RroumM. Tito
younKKli'm i'poct In tnkn onin rrconl.
Tlniri. 11 rrnwil urotiml tlm tlvmtork pn nml JiiiIrIiir Rrniimt
nil innrnliiR. Tin- llvmtork hIiow IIiIr year mirpaifurrt nny prrvlnua fair
rihllilt In lr nml quality.
Amlriillinitl KxIiIIiIIh
In tlm nRrlniltural irrllnn Mm county clnh wnrkrrn luivo a flno hoc
Moil of liroilln 6lk, Tlin flowrr iIIvIhUiii liinkr a (Inn nliowlllR, itrnplto
Mm latrncnH nf f tt trniuiu nml tin' Htorm. Onn booth ilUplayod n hanki't
of rnl-rlpn Miiiwliorrlm. A Hplrnilltl toninto exhibit from Mm Cnrr
ranrh howi that Klaiuutli'H uranoim do not prohibit tho nnrninl ilrvolop
nii'iit of Mm thU trull.
Tlm root vrRrtalili' cxhlbltn cannot bo urpandl In nny nolljaml ell
iiiiiIp. Tito whnln aRrlrullurnl urclloii mnkrn n flno kIiowIiir, nurprlsliiK
ly flim In vlnw of tlm crneral ItitprrMUlon that many crop cannot bo iuc
cm fully r.rown Imre.
JiiilKlni; of the nRrlcultural oxlilliltn Ntnrtcil thin afternoon.
100 Itoilin lllitr-.N i:piMlnl
At least 100 rldcm, tlm most ever
giilhi red together for a roden In thlx
part nf Mm cottiitry, will huvn liemi
Hlgued up by tonight, nrrnrdlug tu
Mm committee nt rmlro lirad(uarirrH
today. When tho list bus brt'll colli
ploted It will bn pliicril In Mm hands
nf tlm printer and Mm rnmplule. pro
gram will be nviillablo tomorrow
Tlm large number of rldrm Is duo
largely to Iho fact that Mils Is the
last rodeo of Mm seiiHou, offering tho
rldrrti an opportunity to win another
Htakn this rnr.
"Slimier Hill" lluhliliiH, uno of Mm
nt dm t ploturenquo of fuiiiniiH rldurn
uinl fancy lopern, will bn In chtirgu
of Mm cowboy section of Mm parade.
Any rider fulling to uppear In tho
pat ado will bo fluoil U and u quail,
ho doclaied ut roden ImudiiuarturH
l.ibt nlgltl. Thin threat brought the
prnmlHus of all piviont lhutv they
would bo on hand.
Wink Will Ifo t'umpletrd Today, 1m
lliimnr nt Courllioiisu
Tho uroiul Jury will comploto IU
work lato today, it wna rttmornd ut
Iho rourtliDiiBn today. It wna ex
poet od Mint (Indlngrt would bo ro
liorli'd on Mm poitillnn casoa Hhnrt
ly after noon, but iiono had hocn
ni.'ldo uit to U o'clock.
Nnllii'H In ltn Mallei! Siitiittlay In
To Cnuiily IVrt'lnctN
Notices of tho Roneral election,
I November 7, will bo mailed Saturday
by County Clerk tn all pre
clnrta In tho county where Mmy will
I bo posted. Tho notices specify tlm
following Klute, district, county and
' til II It Id I'll I offices tn ho filled:
Omi ropresentiitlvo In eongrcs, so
li'ond rongresHlonnl district; 1 gover
nor, I Htato treusuror, 3 Justices ot
llm supreme court, 1 superintendent
of public Instruction, I commissioner
of tho bureau of labor HtntlstlcH nnd
inspector nf factories and workshops,
1 eomiiilsHloncr of thu putdlc corvleo
rnniilaloii nf Oiegoii, Htuto ut lurgo;
t Judgo of Mm circuit court, ISth
Judicial district, II roproacutatlveu in
Mm logliilattvo uKKombly, 2 tat rcpre
Hcntlvo district; l county comniis
tiloitoi', 1 county iiMonaov; Justlcen
cf Mm pcaco nnd conutubloa lip tho
vnrloiifi proclucta whoro acanclea
.Municipal Offltes
Ono mtiyor, 1 pnllco Judgo, 1 city
trenuuroi', 1 eotiiu'llmnn fm each of
Iho fi wardn of tho city.
CALCUTTA, Oct. ..Floods In
Not thorn llongal havo taken nu
emirmoun toll of life, according In
pafmengoi-H on Mto train from
Darjellitj; In eluh days.
I, as mayor, with the licarly approval of many
public-spirit citizens, respectfully ask that all 'business
houses in the city of Klamath Kails be closed bdtweon
the houi'H of 12 noon and 5 o'clock p. m., Thursday
i .md Friday, October 5 and 0 respectively, ho that every
one may attend tho Klamath County Fair and Rodeo.
The splendid ambition
this undertakini; must be
let us not permit weather
determination to make this far a big success.
(Signed) W. S. WILEY, Mayor.
(A mnjorlly of the ntnr n will bn open from C to S p. m.)
Cm- In Mote In Tim oUtliKt l-liimj
"Cnlllna.ln" nlll Not ll I'rr-
nilllril, OfflreM Hay
Trafflr to and from tho fair '
KrouniN itutlng Mm fair wilt move In ,
two dtsttnrt tines, nuu Hue. going out ,
on Mm right, tlm other coming In on
Mm left.
Thorn will bn nn "cuttlng-ln" nl
Iiutid. Attempts In pass by drlv-
crj In lniit( in III mri't swift punish
ment. This Is the edict nf Khrrlff Lloyd
Ln and ho will have deputies flu-!
tinned along the road to enforce It. t ya'"" ' ll1" 'a"r Krm mis mam en
Tlm line will flow Into Mm fair trance, and tlm commlltto will ask
-,...,. i- ,i.rni, ..,,.. m.. n,i,i .mi
a'nother. A traffic officer will be ! Mils point from an embarkation point j"K'! ,0 Washington rcauesljng tho
stationed a, tho gate to keep the pro- i n lower Sixth street. '"lc.l States government to Int.r-
cession moving in orderly fashion J The rommlttco declares tlm Jitney .cedo with tha allies and Tequost
Nn parking will be permitted In rate U ton high nml v.oiid l.oep many ' 'iom to occupy Thrace, iitndteg fl
Mm ronnty road between thu entrance J persons from visiting tilt fair, ami : nal disposition of that territory.
nt this end of thu grounds nnd Mm would Irate u tnlnt of UiraXltocrlns'' ;" -X' - Av.
canal bridge boyond JoiIro Hunnell'o ; that would hurt alt. succeeding cclc- ,TRICK PONY AT RODEO
home. Thin ruling will also bo strict,
ly enforced, said Mm sheriff.
"Wo want everybody In hate a
good time." said Sheriff Low. "but
nil tlm safety rules will bo observed.
Wn don't want nny arrldenls to ninri
tho festival. We're tmj looking for
opportunity lo make arrets. So
bora's fair warning." -
rrrshmen or Mm Sacred Heart
aendemv Initiated Monday afternoon
l.i. il, l.lrl. vrluwil rl.m were Anna
(larrett. Clarice lailntl. Ilonlla Schaf- j T,, lMilinrdnii. lanvny nf Mill; i,.t. walking on kuces. untying knots
fnr, l.ydlu vrn Herlltehilorf, Alee '"nn Valencia, Liicrny of pri-Miiial and turning completely around whllo
llensnn and Marin D.itenpnrt. Opal nertys Win. Fl-rlier nml Win. j .mine dottn. Sim won the senior
Pearson wns chairman of tlm com-' HurWo, cilmlnal sjmllralNiu. Tttn champion, grand champion and first
mltice in itmrge of the nff.tlr. Tlm , sM-clal ri'iKirti were returned1, uno premium ribbons at tho Siskiyou
freshmen were nil "good sports" and iieitiilnliiu to the county Jul! and county fair at Vreka. nnd tho chain
submitted willingly tn the fun had , mm tn ilimcc hull. Complete report plon and flist premium ribbons at
at their expense. I will Im pnblMicd Tliurxlay. the Jackson county fair at Medford.
k fc f - m-P" 1
'WMv'Wi'rrtj iJ,"'wl'
of those citizens back of
encouraged to the limit, and
conditions to deter us in our
tr ftryyiJruLrhlr orv-lfrf"lllJ i"ii"
lllliey rtiile or fta C'tilH For Ono
Way llrilarnl Tiki IIIrIi; lr Iters
A-ki'il In ItciliKi; 1'ilrei
'frannporlntli'ii today became
problem with the fnlr co:r.miltee.
Tlm inmmlttee declared that the
Jitney men' prices of in cents fur
nnr-tvay trlpi to the air grounds
Ate too high.
They will lis'.? tho J'.trey men to
tut priroN in Iho
If Mmy met with n refuiol, they
think tlmv have nn are In llm hole.
The Slrahorn line paswi within 100
' Snnerlntendrnt lloti.1 tn run tr.ilas to I
orations ut tun lair grounds. i
They rxpe-i the Jitney men to Bee
the inatler from their tlewpolnt.
when It Is put up tn them Mils nfter-
j .. Shetland pony, brought horo from
(l.'r.iiiil Jury lleliinw Flte Trim nml , San Jose. California, by C. S. Chill
Two Not True Hills j son nnd Tom McCarty. Patsy weighs
i -
I'ite lllle bills mill tttll llOt Imn
: ,'1"'' ,u'u' ' '""I '' "'r K""'
ury ,nt" ,UU ""rnooii, iw fnl.
I ": .'in. null' nii-n1,iiiunirri
I Intt":
' a 1 .
y s.
we in n
End of Hostilities Expect
cd to Follow Confer
ence At Mudania
LONDON, Oct. i. An agreement
ha Ircn concluilcil between the al
lied i;encraU nml Jsmct Taiha. Tur
Mill nationalist rcprcxcntatlre, who
have been In conference at Mudania
over the question of nn armistice,
kay nn cxchatiRo tnlecr.tph dispatch
from Constantinople. A proctocol
Is expected to bo signed today.
Turkish nationalists havo accepted
tn principle) tho allied noto regard
ing the near cast settlement, It was
announced hero today. Nationalist
, troops havo been ordered to avoid
nil contact with tho Iirltlsn.
LONDON, Oct. 4. Former Pre
mier Vcnlzelos of Grccco called on
Ambassador Harvey today and ask
ed tho ambassador to send'n mes-
.a(sJ. ivrfortr.s :M Tricks; AVon
j HiblMinn At County Fnlr
An interesting feature at the rodeo
will bo Tricky Patsy, performing
'annul 4ou pounus ami u sniau
, - - , , rmtl lior rlitln- In llm
tonneau of tho owenr's car.
Among Patsy'a US tricks aro going
lo u0, and CCterlng UP Willi UlonK-
- -.-' . .' l
1'arade loaves Spring and
Main, near HIr llasln Lumber
company, nt 12:30. All who
Intend to participate are urjod
by W. T. 1.00, marshal, to bn In
Him ready tn go at that time.
lie also urge that every cur
I owner enter the parade nnd, If
possible, with decorated cars.
Kvrry merchant has agreed tn
enter, Leo said.
llelow Is n tentntlvo program of
events for the opening day of the
rodeo. The program Is scheduled
i to mart at 1 o'clock. Tho official
i program will bo printed tonight and
distributed tomorrow. Riving the
names of contestants and horses nnd .
the positions In tlm allotment that
wilt tako plaro this afternoon. Hero
nre the first afternoon's events:
One-half mile dash, free for all.
Thoroughbred race.
Hoys' bull riding.
Hurcback l.orsc riding.
Ilnrcback bull riding.
Three-eighths mllo dash,
Itetay race, thoroughbreds.
Chariot race.
Cowboy race.
Indian relay race.
Indian saddle horse race.
Hoping contest,
Ducking contest.
Ortlcr of Parndo
1. Hand
S. City officials.
3. Tlodeo riders and other mount
ed. 4. Indians In costume
5. Merchant's floats and adver
tising features.
C. Decorated cars and trqeks.
Is Bee Able to Reason?
Look At Woodhouse Bee
Did you know a bee was a reason
ing Insect?
Neither did tho reporter beforo he
browsed through t:ic exhibits at the
county fair this morning.
N. K. Woodhouse. Merrill apiarist,
has a Klne display of honey and apt
ury products. In tho display Is an
Inverted glasa bowl, filled chuck-a-block
with comb.
Wbodhouso set tho bowl on a
wooden board, leaving an entrance
for the bees on the sides. ,
Now bees, ordinarily. In building
honeycomb, start nt tho top and work
downward. Dut they couldn't scalo
tho slippery sides of the bowl.
So they reasoned tlm matter out.
They started at tho bottom, tn the
middle rr Mm bowl nnd built a pyra
mid of comb straight up through the.
center. They they wero able to work
downward from the top on tho rest
of tho Job. They mado a completo
Job of it. filling the bowl' entirely.
Human engineers could not havo
figured a big bridging problem more
That's only ono of the many
strange bits ot knowledge that one
can pick up at the fair. The visitor
who keeps his eyes nnd ears open
can add n great deal to his stock of
knowledge In threo days.
Moro rooms aro needed for
out-of-town visitors hero for tho
fair, and all who have any to
sparo are urged by John Keller
communicate with him at rodeo
hendquurters. Fifth and Main. FHOIIAI11MT1K8
Tho record upon tho Cyclo-8lorma-
1! graph at Under
wood a Pharmacy
shows that the bar
ometric pressure
rose slowly, but
steadily from noon
yesterday until ten
o'clock this morn
ing. This Is a fav
orable Indication
j for clearing weath
er out tno tact mat
the tendency 1
again downward
and that tho wind still prevail from
tho Southorn quarter adds qulto an
uncertain olemont to tho outlook.
Forecast for noxt 24 heurs:
Generally fall' probably cool with
variable winds.
Tito Tycos recording tltormometer
registered maximum and minimum
temperatures today, as follews:
High 58
miv , 37 .
"" ' 1
Member of Association and
Friends Crowd Hall;
Officers Named
That 500,900 Infant children died
during the year 1S30 In tho Unlte
States, one-half ot which fatalities
might havo been prevented had tho
parents been well advised; ard thn
during the same period more, than
20,000 mother died at cnildblrMv
whoso deaths were largely prevent
able, were the statements of Dr. Ks
tella Ford Warner, medical director
of tho state bureau ot child hygiene,
at tho annual meeting of the Klam
ath public health association In tho
chamber of commerce rooms last
Kvcry available corner was occu
pied In the banquet room by mem
bers of the association and tholr
friends who havo been following the
work of County Health Nurse Lydln
Frlcko and tho executive committee
during the first year ot the work In
Klamath county.
Miss Frlcke prepared a detailed re
port of her activities since her ad
vent here and the results were surprising-
even to those who had been
more or less In touch with her ef
forts. ,
Mrs. Sadie Orr Dunbar,- stale exe
cutive secretary of the Oregon Tuber
culosis association, garo an Inspiring
address, asking for closer co-operation
between the various agencies
having to do with the health of the
community. She told of -Mm big
work dona by tho organlxatlon which
she represents. State Advisory Nurse,
Mrs. O. M. Dlakely gave an Interest
ing outline of tho duties of county
health nurses and strongly recom'
mended the employing ot a regular
social servlco worker tn this county.
Another speaker wasJ. Teuschor,
superintendent ot tho boys', and girls'
old society. Portland. The evening',
program was greatly enhanced by
solos by Mis Augusta Parker and
Mrs. Nelson and readings by Ml
Charlotte Huntly. Arthur Wilton,
the retiring chairman, presided at
tho meotlng.
The following officers wero elect
ed for tho year 1922 and 1923:
Judgo L. L. Oaghagen, president;
R. II. Dunbar, vice president; Mrs.
Claude Davis-, secretary; A. It. Wil
son, treasurer.
Standing committee, Mrs. W. H.
Robertson, Mr. O. A. Bellman. Mis
Clara Calkins, and Fred Fleet.
Tho following Is a report ot fin
ances of the Klamath County Health
board for tho year Oct. 1, 1921 to
Oct. 1. 1922:
Receipts and their resources
Klamath County. 111.5.00; Red
Cross, $993.48; City school board,
$150.00; Stamp sales, $78.C5; Mem
bership dues, $24.00. Total $2369.
13. Disbursements
Salary of county nurses, $1755,00;
Car and other expenses of travel for
nurse, $573. 10; Telegraph, $1.10;
Films, $17.00; Printing, $5.50; Pos
tago, 12.00: Miscellaneous, $1,75.
Tqtal $2356.01; Balance on band,
Delia C00U est North ,Oeu4 HutUt
Vtom River OrerfWw
VANCOUVER, 3. C, Oct. 4 .
Delia Coola, a town ot, 176 lababl
tnants on the north coast of British
Columbia, was completely submerg
ed in a flood from the Bella Joola
river last Friday and now la covered
by four to six feet ot mud and water,
according to advice received today.
Many aro homeless but o u ot Ufa
la roportod. Other towaa aloas; thu
river woro believed to hv tutfaratl
from tho flood which wm eauM! W .
eauMd kf
)llY)$.Jjt. ,
- V1