1 h rtf w t iri'snw, ocrinir.it :i. niau. ' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Six zzz V t V i f HORSEBACK MEN (By Badger Clark) The horseback men were the bravest men Since the days of the great ice pack5 When the first man crawled from his musty den, And followed a horse's track. The cave man crouched in the dark and died, But his son found out that the world is wide, When he straddled a horse's back. H(Hseback men, horseback men, How-legged brave old crew; Here's to your kin Where the free stare spin, Cow-puncher, Cossack and Uedouin G audio, Mongol and Sioux. The bold Goth spurred into ancient Komc, Great Ghengis loped with his force; The Westerner conquered his wide, new home, Astride of a bronc, of course. New land, new freedom or just the deuce Wherever the spirit of Man broke loose, He went and straddled a horse. Horseback men, horseback men, The weak hide under their roofs, Cut only the strong to your tribe belong, So history is mostly a horseback song, And set to the thud of your hoofs. But the sword gives way to the monkey-wrench, And the saddle fades from the scene; While the warrior squats in a miry trench Or chai-ges by gasoline. And Old Time, quitting his old horse jog, Hurls us onward into the fog, On the wings of a fast machine. Horseback men, horseback men, Your long day dims at last But your fame will rise As a myth sublime From the horsetracks Thick on the trail of Time, And the echoes of hoofs from the Past. ELECTRIC RAILWAYS , TO SPEND MILLIONS , FOR NEW EQUIPMENT PW-CMQJCHWlBHBB3K3yG?IWBWiiBBM r Wc ntlll have a few rathe Phono- Candy I n suitable gift (or many crnphu that wc arc cloulm; out at ono occasions. Wc have many neat at- half the original price. Currln's For tractive patkaKes strictly fresh and i,,w 3 reasonably priced. Currln a For ' n. , -. - , ltuks. " ti....'. r.ritfli in tn( it f hlnosn I.ucky HIiiK t Davenports before you Ilcprescntatlvo Stock of Victor, fork that cayuse. 3-1 th0 World flrNtcitl Records only at thu Karl Shepherd Store. 3 After buying raost all kind of re- cords many of our customers tell y0 j,avo juxj received somo beau uh that nnU.NSWICK UKCOKIjS run Ufu, Tnrce noixcr toilet sets. Ideal smoother, sound boiler and last lone- K)ft!, for mobl auy occaslou. Currln cr. Unrrln's For Drugs. 3 ( Sa.g So 3 "Tho Storm" is hero! 3-1 New Oct. Itccords Shepherds. 3 DANCE with the CROWD at the White Pelican WEDNESDAY EVENING, 9 O'CLOCK BEST MUSIC BEST FLOOR BEST PROGRAM HARRY BOREL'S ORCHESTRA Teachers Specially Invited One Dollar Per Couple I'lllCAOO, Oct. 3 nioclrlc rail way!, with net receipts Inerenslm: nnil Inventors mmln buyliiR their te rurltles. will upend $200,000,000 for equipment mid supplies this year, Ueberl 1. Todd, president of tho American Klertrle Hallway associa tion, today declared lu opening thu nrKitnltatlou's tintiunl roiiventlou hero. This la twice tho ixernRo mi u:il nxpendlluro for thu last twenty yeniit. lie said. Report from Vevenly-two com- it.itl.. -itn.4i,til l,it- ftiirt.Hilr.l nf Hut total electric railway revenue of tho , country Imltuitex that it urine tint! current year, 21.0 per cent of tho, operatliiK expenses of tho electric j railway Industry will be devoted to. the purchase of materials and sup. I pllei, Todd added. I Todd centinued: j "Iteports from elRh'y-oue com-1 panles, topresentliiK about three-! eighths of the Industry's mileage. for the first ieen months of 1922 show that riding began Inrroaslng I lu May, after gradual decreases over lost year, and If the present ratio Is i continued there will be approximate ly T.'.OOO.OOO more rldet through out the Industry thN ear than last, i "Despite the Increased number of passenger riders lit recent months on these SI companies. nrJs revenues i for the seven-month period are off , t?,.2t,3C." or 2.6 per cent, owing to the smaller number of passengers riding during the earlier months. Several -faro decreases brought tho average rate of fare of these com panies down from T.ltfe in 1921 to 7.12c in 1922. Fares federally are remaining practlrally stationary. j "Increased efficiency of operation I Is roflected clearly In operating ex penses, whlrh havo been cut down $10,111,036 or 7.2 percent, nnd car miles 3.379.729 or 0.S PC! rent. As ' ! a result of these decrease 1 expenses. ' the operating ratio has dropped 3,-1 6 points, from 75.6 to 72.0 per cent, nnd net revenues have increased $5,-' 526,365 or ll.S per cent. Tho use' of one-man cars, automatic sub-sta- i ! tlons and other labor saving devices , 'and tho abandonment of unprofit-, I able and unsut'd trackage are respon-1 slblc for thctc figures. Material nnd j labor costs also havo been reduced , somewhat during tho year, materials . no being about 50 per cnt higher I I than they were prior to thu war and labor slightly oxer 100 per cent. "Hits and Jitney comjetltlott still Is making Inroads on receipts, but It gradually Is being put under proper restraint. All that tho Industry l asking is that buses bo mado to pay their 'fair share of transportation burdens In tho way of taxes and oth erwise controlled as are electric rail ways. "The Industry's public relations ar better titan they over havo been boforo in history nnd this Is directly trareablo to frank dealings with thu j car rider. "Tremendous financial problems, ' liowevor, htlll nru boforo us. Much now money must bo railed through tho nalo uf securities In thu next few years to put our properties back on a pre-war basis of efficiency." Tin: i.imau v One of (ho finest pieces of million plctuio art Hint has oxer been exhib ited on the American nereett Is "The Storm", The theme Is bigger limn most stories of this sort ntiit Is pack ed full of teal human Interest every I mile. It In somewhat unusual lu that both oC tho malo leads am familiar heroes nnd to many of (ho people who luxe not had the oppor tunity of seeing thstago pl.ty this point will afford keen Interest iim to thu final outcome of the toimiitco that goes through the story. Thure ale nuiiieiotiM thillls scattered about and splendid a ting, done lit magnifi cent outdoor settings, nil tend to make thin one of the finest uttr.ie Huns obtainable. At the Liberty today. Store Closes From II! M. lo n v m. lt,l'll I'llllll n r. M. to h i m. During Fnir Dnya l'RUTII IN ADVERTISINGwawriRaM:-trnrrj'toixwa 9 A V7l,! Ai mr e mxwrcsft AM'kWZA AjmP liny n Scnson Ticket for tin; Fair and Save Money. ON SALE HERE OPENING DAY TOMORROW All Klamath Falls welcomes yo busmen is making special preparatio or organi'.'.ation is doing whatever is p remain in your memory for many inonl doing the same thing. Information, It department, courteous service through This occasion lo many people w tensive shopping trip. How gladly w goods which are in and many more co your store. u during fair week. ISvory place of ns to take caiv of von, every civic club osiiible to make this week one that will hs to come. Likewise Aloe's Store is est Room, Public Telephone, Jufauti out the entire store, ill give them an opportunity for an ex e invite-your .inspection to all the new ming every (lay. Make Moe's slop Tin: STitAMi It's pretty hard to get n better show than Ted White Is giving at The Strand each evening this week. It's none of that rough stuff that sometimes comes iiloug to the smal ler towns, but those who glvt. tho show are nctors of ability. While the nets glxen each evening ar mainly music and fun, there Is also a touch of seriousness now ntul then that shows the quality of thoso bark of the features. Tonight and each night of th week there will be a new program featuring now nets and ttexv music. If you saw the snow .Sunday you will see another entirely different to night. Tho pictures trhedttleil to be shown each night are glxett lu tnt.lt t'en lo the vaudeville. Tonight. "The l.aw of the Norlhxvest", with fights and thrllln will be shown, nlmtg with ii good comedy. Come enrly tonight to avoid tho crowds. FIRST CALL TO FALL AND WINTER UNDERWEAR Should you be interested in underwear, and no doubt you are, with the coining of cold er vnther you will find our shelves lined with the pew fall stock. The demand for "Forest Mills" underwear becomes greater with the coming :uid going of every season. The obvious ran o.i can onlv be more 'uittefaction which nutf ii3 better fit. longer wear, better materials, better styles and more reasonable prices. "Forest Mills" underwear is sold by us ex "lusivfly and to those who have never 'worn it a we:' tor recommendation cannot accompany any (rarment. Mado for Women, Misses nnd Children. What the Express and Parcels Por.l Deliveries Bring To U Now Arrive la Middies Hloomers New Silks Coats Fancy Work Heads Patterns Dresses, etc. "The Storm" Is here' 3-1 Oirrlu'H sell genuine K.ialmiut films. i 3 The drug store Is a ple.isant ntul ln!r resting plaro to shop. Tr the drug storo first. .'urrln Saxs So. J '.. "Tho Storm" Is here! :t-i Age does lint Improve most drills. Our tlrugj nru fresh. Ourrlii's Tor Drugs. 3 "The Storm" Is hero! 3-1 , KANGAROO OUTING TOGS A''e you fully equipped for the Fair and Uodco. A n'ce suit of Kangaroo Khaki Outing Togs' will i.nswer ;n many cases and the expense is not very great either. Heavy Khaki and w I'll made throughout in Breeches, Walking or Killing Skirts, Hats, Jack ets, Leggins etc. Special TO Pcr A. cent Off FAIR WEEK SPECIALS lieit v.iliin out In:: fl.imnl. 27 t n . wide In a sid heuxy iiuallty. Light and Oat I. shades nnd many pattern to t house ftom. 15c yard lliMXlest grade Wool Nip lil.itikrt", ISxSO In four tolor combinations. 'I his hlmikrt wrlgiits I 'j pound nnd Is nil li mit it iiuivitluti one of (In- lii'M Id.inkrts on the market. Hifcln! s$4.50 Pair Tor tluisx ixlto wjnl ,i liilt. r bl.iuk.'t c h-ive In jl v. hi ,.p'lnt 7iiMl In Kin vti.li i! , ill, in I,, .iiillttil patlrrti TbU blaitki't will i.i'll) p.ii ur t ill m mmfiirt lit u !mrl tun $10 Per Pair ZZMLttZXaSXJSn Take Your Hat O & m to Ancient Adobe Building Will Be Preserved wswj-J SKi Si TONIGHT AT THE STRAND VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT VAUDEVILLE Entire change of vaudeville and picture. Three Acts of Vaudeville Tonight GENE AND KATHERINE KING In Songs and Foolishness V McDonald and Mack in "Getting Murphy's Goat A laughing riot Tho original Alabama singing Jazz Band and 1 ch, how they can play and the big Northwest Feature Picture "The Law of The Great Northwest" With Fights and Action Galore Alco Charlie Chaplin Comedy SANTA ItOSA. (,'al., Oct. 3. An old ndubi) building neur hern, around which romunco ami early history is entwined. Is to bo pre served, according to plans of tho Women's Auxiliary of tho Santu Itosa chamber of commerce, j Tiiu adobe, located on Santa itosa creek, Is said to bo ono of tho first houf.es built In California north of Sonoma. It xvas put up In tho win der of 183S-39, according to locul records. J& W JV ;v s l T: i 6 WA mm uu: UGARMAN IF CORRECT clothes will put the Rodeo over then he's the man to get the credit. Big Hais Fancy Shirts Scarfs Neckerchiefs Boots Chaps-In fact here you can get the whole outfit. Currln's sell nil Models IIIIUKS WICK I'UONOOItAI'llH oil etisy terms. C ''x If You Require Glasses Why ilu )ou l:eci pulling off gill log tliein'.' Do it now. Of. ten u blight defect of xMnn or u' minor ojo Mrulu xxlll, if nrflerei1, iimuiiiu qullo mt ious pi'ojKii tlons Inter on, .Voxv Ii the time to havo your c)(!M cxiiinlned and lo Rut glati&c if you need tliein, H. J. WINTERS Graduuto Optician 7U Mnin. I'liooo 110-W Wo erlad our own lunsos HOW WINDOWS at this store display the biggest and best of Rodeo togs ever brought lo this town. The boys 3ay Pendle- ton is beat. Don't go to the opening without a big hat, a bright colored shirt and a scarf. Drop into the store and let the clerks show you wha t is the latest for this or any other occasion. K. Sugarman a "1 aint mad at nobody" ) A WnnrlerFul Show Starts 0:10 44 Ml v 4 M4WWl r -M nfc....iUiH1