' , ii i nun, in lonnit n, nwu. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PKC TlirM SWi rii"irif-iririrnrwT fHirirni rf'noni ir)rriM"irrininnr rinini nri-nrinrririiiririfn nrrmnnrii"i" VSVWWWVS' Square Deal Drug Store 1 7JJB Main St. toman ii mi m mxBX.Mxr, Phono 02.1 MuancHaxcau JACKIE CiGUILLIi DOLLAR HEFUHJED i For Women OnJy Hill Mm mi' Iti'ftdliir I k) 1 1 lin it nf 'I ln" Cream of Altuonili Matin I'b" I'owrier . K . . lldUPlt Alnrni Clocks . ..Hi t'lt'n llofjit'-t I'oifunio OS Ketnpro lin I'nmlvr Tini I'lnrli'iu Talrum U'ii.li Clot Ik Writing Poorr lliiuil llrusties Palm Oil Uo.ii Wr.iltiu Tablets roillitnln reus tlp r.iir .Mir t.nu 12 00 f.iir l.-.r .'Hie Me llltr B'lf rn a. For Men-Oly till nun it Smiii iIiihn lint 'Hi"m At titles Olll-ttn ltamrj l'oclwl Ktilvta Military Mniln Nil to-1 1.1 3 Monri)- Holla Hhavlui: llntxIitM (Mil Hlylfl Itnznro Ingetsot Watcliiu !t,'i'ii Juweln I'orkct Combs Itamr til tops Skat glinting Hon i llnlr llrushPs WrlM Mauds Ituznr Strop Dressing 9." oil X'j.r.n Vl.oo SI. (Ml V! 00 -.Or VI -VI V'l.llll JSP :t oo I. -p IOP N'J..MI r.oi-sins yWWWWVWWVWVWWAAnpWV Wednesday Specials Toilet Taper, .eg. - f( lhl woek 2 for 25c Dr. Koch's Ta'cum, regular 2."c this week 15c Steam; Shaving Cr.'am :J5c, this week 25c Dnrdanella Perfume, $-1.00 oss., this week oz.$2.00 At The Sign of the Arrow 1XMW-i i " --' j-irru-ii-r,-r-i' - SIB, STILL REMAINS p!i'iil llii' vnuiiR"'"r l mori' i in' ii il with -nrpcnlerV tioln tlin l llm in recti. Ut'll liny lir makes it n'u liidilir mill pnlnts It with cnam- M Tlmy re nil dona In appl" grcon, II- o'm) lm fiiiirlcil In littlld n toy ll'ilinn i ' liurlln L'li.iiilln frequently tlslls i Hip kid " 'lliuro In n deep affection lc Inicu llii'in, Hn)n Cliiplln of Jackie, ' Ilia popti ijrily as nn actor may somo ilny wntio I i' lin will arrompllnh Bonictliln K bn f -re hi. dies tlint will Ip.imj IIb mnrk . in Ji niory. It may lio nomplliliu; ' from Acting. It will proln'ily '" ' iii' tlilnj? tlint will not ruin rr 'r.iiioii or npprprintlmi nliilt Iip Inn few Rcfilium wern npjirc 1 wlilln tlicy lived ntlll J'l. " ill a -i niim ' Modern (Inn; ntunri rarry finny Iiiich of incrclinmllKc, rnnntly Rimil, pr. .erMy dlnpluynl find lnt'lllR ntly "Id Try ilio ilrni: Btore fir"i fur ri.i S.i)ii Ho. ?, Big Barbecue-, Rodeo Grounds Oct. 4, 5 and 6. At all hours daily Two Meats, Two Vegetables, One Dessert, and Milk or Coffee. Good Cooking - Well 5ervcd Only 50 cents -emmaemm. 'Hie Sinnn" Ii hern' mmam w -I sswtmiigpn JiiiUle Ciiiikiiii ami III" Miillicr it) .i.mi:s v. nrw NEW YOltIC, Oil :i Jn h In f ...- Ktui Is a little finftol. Ills uuitlicr told luit the line lie recognized ni favor ii. fliuulil nit nt the other end of tlio tuMe. I "Well, blnro 1'aUy'a had all the inn o llo outer rutu avsny to 50 jialillclty an my weetheart sit I.cp nt Hlmmlii'. lin want to no harofoot. J the oml of tho t.ihlo." Jarhlo replleil Inn li iloein" t liecaiiBo ho wan told lint hao Alma sit on my left." he mimiti't lie has hail only 0110 Mqrris Itoaenwnlil, ChlraKo lianl.- Glasses and Beauty .Sentiment l not .S-nurt You ma? say. "1 hata to car i-tosMj," thinking j-t-haps your cpjMnnoj will ha marred; NonroiiH" (llarPi to'lny are i.n r I ill iico of mron.. In'oll a iletermlnctlon to prenervn your nntiital mental and ph ilcal rcngt'i. Olatwg fltte.l properly aru hecomlnK. Wo fit your eye after care ful examination, grind tho letup li"ro and nupply tho latent ntp and most becom InK fratnen and muuntliiKiL Dr. Goble I'hunr: Ofc. lita-W, Kc. .1.1I-J 709 .M.iln f IK lit III nil hlii cli;ht yearn. rr. Wsltod the CoORan Imme nltn h Why. If nil tho llltlo gonnhubi In I lltil,, daitgher. Cnrollne Kho wa nc KH3EC1 Yip! Yip! -Yip! ilti'llH'zrlA'tS W i4 We'ie Oft Everybody is Hnppy. Nobody is Downhenrt ed. The wciithci is go ing to be fine, Davenport Has a fine line of sparkling Diamonds and lucky Wedding rings for the occasion. No trouble to show goods. "Honest Work at Honest Prices" Davenport's Motto Watch Inspector Tho number is S. P. R. R. and O. C. & E. R. R. 605 Main St. Amerlrn were nt dutiful 11 nil well Imitated as this "million-dollar prod' lisy" there wouldn't bo one cray hair In r mntlirr'n Iip.'kI! 'I here Inti't tmo gray hair In Mrs. CnuKnu'fi head. Shu Inol.ed like xoiiie etini: liiotlo ftnr herself nx ho nut ihern lelllnK me nbout her boy. Hut Hint inn t Shn'H n business ' woman Sho liun cumo to New Vnrk to .iIkii a now contract fur Jackie. d to plan 11 trip to Kuroi Jackie, his father nnd herself. And to arratiKo fur the exhibition mid ex ploitation of his putiirei. One tliiiitr rerlnln. JncLto inherited his fcalurea from his iitothi r. Hut nut his C'lilm. "Ood Bate him that.' r.ii Mm. Coojtan. And Hun nlie related tlio follow InK lii'ld'tllil nbout the best known rhild Iii ihe world. They i;tto in-, mUliiR to be a creat help to I1I3 fatli- Mr.tit In'. 1 IiIh MiultH. im-s, liN wit, er when he grow up. his k -ii tiieniallly. t Jaeklo get J J ".0 f.r spondlni; .Mri I'lioKjii Is plannlni a party money each week. ,-l K'-nerally Ret for J.ukb i'IkIiIIi blithilay tuuilver- It hack before the end of the tu-ek," sarv ulihli ntiur-i Oct. in. l'atrlcli says his mother ' llo ilrops the mo. Murk Alma Mod. Marjorle I,ess r ey aluut the hou-o and ard whllu and I'riB.lll.i lllnl are all a bit milt- he U i1 j Iiiij. Sometimes ho coon ten on Jackie l'at-o" Marki Ii 11a- dovtn town to bu a Kkontcr or sotU'i tlottallj known ni Ins nt.cetheart. new plnthltii:. but other than that h Mrn C0111.1111 ipl.iined that Jickl1 has no need of tho money, and lit would r.lt nt the In a.l of the lab!.- find uoter buta candy or soda water." loinpanled by her got ernes The circumstances wcrp most formal "Caroline, nllow m to preen' Muster Jackie," xnld her fathr ni tlioy met. Caroline curtseyed. Jackie tou ti ed her on tho shoulder and Marti d to run. tallltu: back, "TaR' You re It' ' In IS weeks Jacklo complctol threo ears of sdtool work under tl.o tutelage of Mrs. Kora Newell, lie. n ho rould only prln name. Now ho writes his signature :md ha.i possed fourth car kiIiojI pxamlullons. lie reads (I reel; nothnlngy and applies the inytliologli.nl characters to his playmates. I'ent ntages In terest him most In inatheatics. He likoa to flRiiro dtit per. ullages of cost and profits, on his pictures, pro- Big Cut In onler In etiiilile iiioi,. people In iiiipIiiuo Vie (ruin mill Soiiiua lliiiiiouiiipliN for ClirMum ilitht now wit liuto cut Ilio Ijlin 11 iiiiiulli Iciiiis u hn low ns ljiO.no lllllllllll), Earl Shepherd Co. Olio lln-diiCM. -Mtuslu fi(7 Main St, New ijMIHI Model DUOO .Monthly. P TEI vililjuL Cheese Is CHEESE When It's KLAMA rm - ..11 1 -1 1...1 ...1 -.. inure is uiuur uotm ciiet'su out way oxperi- 51 nient in trying them all out. There is none better than Klamath Cheese and it is made in Klamath County of Klamath milk by Klamath people. Try some tho next time you place an order. Malin Cheese & Produce Co. Malin, Oregon Wholesale Distributors Mason, Erhman & Co. Klamath Falls, Ore. DANCE kagi? ItoutrLi IcElroy's Orchestra of Portland MOOSE HALL Wednesday, October 4 Featuring Monte Austin The famous Tower of Jewels singer at the last World's Fair. 8'cclock 8 o'clock t .rt'-rir'iH "'::' iX.r.:-m MiWfc )..'v.v.mrjmtt.Mwa r 1 n InmYrmmSiaWSmmn nwr-R r BUCK ! Underwood's big ONE CENT SALE will end Thursday night. For Wednesday and Thursday we offer, in addition to tho regular one cent bar gains some extra specials, as listed below. Ivory Dressing Combs Big seven inch white ivory dressing combs. Regular $1.00 2 for $1.01 Floating Castile Soap A domestic product but one of the best. .Only four cakes to a customer. Regular 25c 2 for 26c Parisian Ivory As an extra special we are offering ONE-THIRD off on every piece of Parisian ivory in our stock. Combs, brushes, mirrors, puff boxes, powder boxes, nail files, etc. Shopping Bags Made of fabrikoid. Look like leath er and wear better. Regular $1.25 2 for $1.26 Hot Water Bottles New stock, guaranteed rubber, two quart size. Regular $1.65 2 for $1.66 High Class Stationery For Wednesday and Thursday we place on sale all Highland Linen and Linen Lawn stationery at ONE-THIRD off. Your chance to secure this very fine stationery at bargain prices. 40c Lemon Cream 2 for 41c 20c Epsom Salts 2 for 21c 20c Linen Envelopes 2 for 21c 25c Writing Tablets 2 for 26c 35c Baby Talcum 2 for 36c G5c Pound Paper 2 for 66c 75c Rubber Gloves 2 for 76c 10c Lemon Soap 2 for lie 75c Pile Ointment 2 for 76c 30c Nyals Face Cream 2 for 31c 30c Aspirin Tablets 2 for 31c 50c Aromatic Castor Oil ....2 for 51c 40c Nyals Shaving Lotion ..2 for 41c 35c Milk Magnesia 2 for 36c 25c Cathartic Pills 2 for 26c 20c Glycerine Soap 2 for 21c 50cAlmond Cream 2 for 51c 40c Chap Lotion 2 for 41c $1.65 Hot Water Bottle ..2 for $1.66 60c Eczema Ointment 2 for 61c 20c Fountain Pen Ink 2 for 21c 75c Violet Ammonia 2 for 76c 15c Powder Puffs 2 for 16c 60c Freckle Cream 2 for 61c 25c Peroxide Tcoth Paste 2 for 26c 30c Rice Powder 2 for 31c 25c Zinc Ointment 2 for 26c 40c Liquid Shampoo 2 for 41c 35c Tooth Brushes 2 for 36c 50c Aromatic Cascara 2 for 51c 60c White Pine Cough Syrup 2 for 61c 75c Kidney Pills 2 for 76c 20c Tar Soap 2 for 21c 15c Mechanics Soap 2 for 16c 30c Carbolic Salve 2 for 31c $1.75 Fountain Syringe ....2 for $1.76 Many other items are on sale that are not on the list. Come in and look around. Big bargains on all stationery, boxed paper, tablets etc. KLAMATH FALLS OREGON 1 PURITY I WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE BUY THEIR DRUGS If ACUCTACV1 H Ii: I am BT .,...., I Hi ,ln ttva i , .. '.i,! TTSwtS "tii i ItflOjj