The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, October 02, 1922, Image 1

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Alamadi County Fair and Southern Oregon Rodeo, October 4, 5, 6; Let's Go!
8to lEuroom Herald
Member of the Associated Press
MIWociiil. Vi'nr.N'ii. (II lit
UMM.Vrtt VAXA.H, MI'.UOS, SKIMMI, OriOltl It a, I IKE!
Sessions Slnrt Toilny; No
Decisions to Be Rend
ered Firol Week
Idiiiiii hi mayor.
"If i-lorl-d iimyiir I will bi.irl
WAlilll.MITON. (lit, 2 Tin, nil- BiiUintlllltK within tilt months, or
promo cnurl iif i in- I'liltidi Htat.-s null." ld I-"1o.
will roiivoiix I o, ay fr tin, regular' 'JucKt tm-il n in wliot lio Intend
'nil tnrtii with n triiwilei ilurhul. . ,'1 '" ntnti " ''I''1'1'-'1', 'Ola Mild lie
Whuii ihn court iiiJJiiiimioI hint June wo"l'1 sUrl " moral cleanup,
ll had IU'iiiIIiik 437 rinim. m ,ur. i "r. Ho"'" l advertising IiU can
Ini; Ihu rocms tint uuiii'ler wit t(l. ! illJnry liy moans of a card bearing
rrtiisoil to Of'O. Noiio 0f (ho imw'l,m Idetur-.
rare, uiitosn advanced, will l.o ' .iul HiM U tint all, Iho puUUi-Uns
ronrliul for nrgtiiiionl for two say m or pcrhapa auroral.
W'- "dnrli-horsi-s" tire declared tn bo In
1 pon rwiMemulIni: (In, rnurl
will ImJiirt Into offlco (IrorKo Hiith-
enami. torinor ksii.itor frm,, fi..i.
iiomlnoled diirlnK llo n-com In fill ,
Iho varntity upon the honch enusni '
hy tho rmlmmtlon of Asrocls.,. Ju
tiro flrk. Tho formality Ineludot 1
tho administration by tin, chlaf Jus- ' "u,,"rlnl 0!l hand.
tlo of thn judicial oath. Then ' "W''1U "' n"r th fair." laid
oflnr rocetrliij; dkhIihu rir ndmU- "ll0 l,0Htlcla, m-ui, I as belt. erv
i-lou la iho bar iiml any Htm may ,lli,nnch "'" ""' ,,,lrw " Tmi"' ,'"u'"
Ittodn for thn dlauoit'.im i.r -n..-. I00 ' !" l"ll"iii: up from nil aldi-a."
ih court Mill pn.-fod to the white
hotiso to ay Its ciuloni-iry vslt
of rmpect to Hie prrill-iil
.Nit DocMmi Id si Week
.Vii it"slniui will bo rfiidrTil ,,r
onlora IshuihI by l(i0 court durlliK
Iho week upon any r.u,, nebl
UJliUr adrlMtiiDiit nr on moHoui Icr
toliarliijw Milnnlti
com. Itarly
, t.ji
at the li
Thu dockrt
lanro, but
UllOllPll III
eomo of thusA dlspiiied of nt tin,
last term. Inrlmlln,. tho rin'i'luin
Pai'lflr, whit I. the imiil ord.'rid in
dlvrt Itself of ownerMilp nn.l t;pn
Irol of tlu Central Pacific, nml H.e
Coronailn cunt ciuc. In which iocjii-1
Btdorattaii It,i4 brcn linked on tho
iiuenlliiii of the llnbllliy of certain
unions of the 1'ntti'd Mine Work.
cm nf Atlll'rlr.i and liidlvldtinls lor
tr.'blo il.miii .,,-( for the dcstnii'lloii
of property mi Hut r.n.uiiil that ll
Vila tiuldbul tn a eou-iplrary In rei
train Intcrslaio cnmnietre.
Ittt-.rli.ill Itilie.iilna
Tho court ii I ho bus boon usked
tn giant roll ia it nut In tho can
hroiiKhl by Iho lliiltlmiae club of
the defunct fcdiral h....eb'ill league
nptlliHl IihmIi.iII club operating uu
iler thu national agreement, in
which the cuiirl li'ld that iitofeu
hIoiii.I hiisobiill us plaed In thn ma
jor luagues does nut H.tiNtltiite In
lerslaii, iinnmcrre; In several eaue.i
iiguliiiii Iho emergency fleet ii.riii.r
nt ton. fixing Its Hiiablllty and slnt'i'i
us ii federal iigenry, mid In the
l.aramlo river rase. In which pri
ority of appropriation wan iippll--!
an iniiirniiiug water rigiitri in lit -lerslnto
i.treams In nrld regloiiM.
I'itkiiih mil luirtlnfiiro Identified
Willi tho ('illicit Hhon inachliicrv
riiHO have, In hehiilf of "tho con
xiiiulii); pul.llr," also iiKked a modi
flentlmi of thn nplnloii holding cer
lulu li'iiHi'ii Illegal under tin. Cl'iy.
Inn net,
.dip Ijiiexllnii I'p
Thoro nisi, aro i.ciiiling eaie.i
(Cnntlutidd on P.ign C)
The Cvcln-Htnriniignrph nl I'nilcr-
wiit.d h Phiirmnry
iihi.WH thiit thn bar
ometric preiiHiirn
bus boon fulling
stoaillly nIiu'o noon
Hatiirduy. Thin
morning between -1
o'clock mid K tho
full was (in I to rap
Id, forecasting thn
heavy wind of tlidi
ntturiioon. Short
ly iiftoi'ioi)n today
tno proHsiiro uegmi
In full again, Indicating thut (ho ills
tili'l.aiico Is not yet ovor.
Forernnt for next 21 heum:
I'nnottlcd weather with brisk
, ..... , i bill unit tin, "null nrlMili, nclinnU . - i ,, . , " ' "'"". """ niauo mo ruuuu - -- - - cnargo IlUCtuaiM ironl year IP year,
III Ihn nwv t nil. how- "' .. """ .'"" iil'"ni sennnw fr Idle, ILvonl wniil.l not Ik-any lmrea.. ..... i,i u i u .m man In add ton to hlm-mlf. I .... .... .. . . - .
..,..... ... . IiUI - will 1, nllnrl.i-il In n m-rlnK nf ...i- ... .- ...-.v. .-m....... iU .... , -- -- uupcnuius; uu m suiunui ui wwav
alali'.V.l'i.m'i .:'; ,"'''" I"" ,.:...."!:'..!..' . - Thoni Ih a e.u.rl uaderstandlmf laiw onI, ,., Mlch., ,,l.l . ra,rv th. Tho
6d. Ill m cues argued "". "' . ""?' '""""'"'"' "" ' """ Kl.iiuutli did imi i;n wllhoiit hniinir. mnonc buin,s turn iwTd II. .V. Moo ... ,i... i.i i ,,nilR I C AIMTD . rrai.n-.A . .,.-.. . ,... , ... i
i ....... i rittlRUl'll III" IlKV. II (I Tllllmlnn of . .. .... ... .. i. .. I " "" """ "" " " ..w.u w 4.i.uib WV11AV Tmi n a rgiifi ma ii'4 in
I tvrnt. ".. . ' . mimiin. in nt the state fair m Halt in. nlbelt thn I 0f tin, fair cnmmliteo that thero ttlll ...., ,i. i,. ,i ,1,1 ,....l,.. - ....m.
i'iiiiaiiil. Kevmitli Ii.iv AflienllKt . ... " k r-.iM.i-.--. .-. .i..n ..u . -! ..uaiiiubfc-'n i .v i-.. av.u, tMMM.,
tins hO"li c Hurl of ' '" n',,"l" "' 'ieiiui, loimra wro nirited away by a buy b mi nlteninl tn mako pwosslvn nrn- . . ..... ... II. r. lii-r.ii win i... . -r. .... .... . . .u- ,....,. i.
flelll Hecn-larV Mild Will lllllki, lll'l . .. ...... ' "' ' "" " "" ""J "wit. nmo m ' i- i. inH-iirr. IIVO per CCUl wncu Sil,lliaiiuu a
(asct. of national l.i.por. ' ..,,n... !''"... . ns '-'1 "' Ml '"" 'l was la from tho fair. Individual depar- , iakc. Onh- two cars were seen IiiMltuf.. ,..! n,n nnH .hnremalnder In 1C annu-
thu court bus ha,., lw. "" Zrr" , 1 TZ"; Zl :,,"r,,:" of the, turoa from this lino will bo frowned Mt tho lako. ho said. : .. al Installments. Thus one havlnn 40
Brniil rehwirlni: In .. ,. ,. ... . ... , dairy lier.l leroni ciiiim. who won tno , on. hn said, and lead tn n reckoning o L. hevmour, stato club leader -cres would bo reaulred to par $180
7 trWA
winds, probably ruin tonight,
Tho Tycoa rocordliig tliormomotor
registered maximum mid liilnlmum
temi.arutiireH today iib fnllaws:
High , , HO
k 10YV ,, 10
III. ,, A. Smile unit ,. J, ,j I,. All
tiiiiinic C.iihIIiI ii j fur M-ijni-j
"l.iih.nri.e." An- i:ii-i-t
K Iiiniulli'n inllllcnl
put hlll.Men
iiurrlly iilniii;.
1 Ceding rill Id tin
'nln Dr. A. A. Houlo
flnmcj. nirv
ntiil A. .'.
.jl", linth of whom fifijiiri! tn ('-a
""' "Hliii:. on- of whtcli mny
,,"ll' " nppearanci, this work. ,
Jimt wlin lb o iup raiitu lunv h
' l,Mnr. kept dark. n hellts a dark -
horso. but sundry iiiri-tlnra aro Mil
l "avo Imn held In tho ihrk of
,1'" ",ou,, l0 discuss tho merit of
Hubble, bubble, bubble
''""'il Si-.,Uer Will AiMn-.
.Mrclli-t; In Kliin.i.tli Culls
Thurnti ii Is booked for Lakevlow
a.iil tliliitty from Wednesday until
the fo low lug Monday. I'pou his re
turn from l.-.I.e ii.unty ho will speak
In Klamath I "a IN.
ii. i. ..... ......... ... ..... .... ...n.i.i
. ,.- in .Hi- ..ll, ill., ,1. ill. .l..-ItIinF.
upgntlto nrgumelit against thn bill
In the pamphlet distributed by the
secretary nf Mate in voters; aocrotary
of the Itellglous l.llii-rly iisserlatlnn
for Oregon. Wtuhiiigten. Idaho. Mote
tuna nml AlimKii, i.u urKanliatlon
formed Kiime four yeats ngn to fight
no-railed 'llin,, Sunday laws' und In-
striiuieiitul iii defeating much of that
snrt of legislation In tho northwest;
and n I mi, n member nf thii executive '
board f Hie Noii-Kodarliiii and Pro-!
tehlanl Schools Cnmmlltee fur Free
ilom of Inn.
Ct.aiulH,i- of I 'in. unci to t'l.ii.l.illlee In
Meet Xext Week '
. . I
Tin. eliamber of comineie- rail-
way ciiiiimlltee. which won ainuilnt- .
ed to icenmmcnd u course of nt- !
tlnn for -Klamath county In the nn-1
merrer coiilroersy. met ihix inorn-
ig mid adjourned to next Monday,
at which I lino they expert tn adopt j
a lepnrl for milnnl.-slnu to thu I
board nf illrei turn Tuesday.
Thn abseiicn from tho elly of (
V.. I. Ciiint. olio of Iho iiiemhorH
of tli coiiimlltee, wan given as
nun of I lit reasi.UH for deferilug
the report.
Acioidliig In Serrnlary Slovensoii,
II Is piohahlci that Ihn coiiiiiillleo u
iiiail referendum among Iho mem
bers of llio clminli'T to doterinlui.
Iho iitand tn lie
I'M It MI.'AIM.M'AltTl.ltS
.. 4.
IleraiiHe thu Hart building
iiiiulei'H were not ready for
iimi today, fair nnd rodro hoad-
4 iiini'l(iis was euluhllHhed In tho 4,
nli.'imber of romiiierco roouiH.
John Keller Is In chargi) nnd 4
will aiihwor nil iiucstlous In 4
cnniici'tlon Willi tho fnlr. Per-
4 koiih having extra rooms In
their homcB which they will
rout during thn fair nro re-
nuo.stcd to rninmuiilcato with
him at once,
. i -oil! mero nan neeii mo hnisl iiiuuco ........... u ., .nt.. .w.i.i - i-it:st;iiL il auncani loii it win m,i- .. ...d vi
i it ,,.ii ii 'i in cti in ii- n ii ii n ii .11 in ii n' i . . ... . . , .........
.l .lurlnK Hi. I...IW " "" '''', ca.lnnul ,-,,. ,,M ull.ox Wl....-r .,r IHsIhH . ,lMr ,,.,,,,.,,. nfllI ,,,.,. ,," T " "'".'." ' '. "' be necessary t ,. . ' L, k '"' r JS"- . 0,"". W"V' """
"ii'HKiii "ill ill' in. Kil.ti.ii.i. mt... .!.. .. . . ...... r .. I .. . . . . . . .... .... . ...
hi mm
Turks Driven Back By Rein
forcements; Vnr Menace
Appears Lectcncd
' CONHTANTINOPl.i:. Oct. 2. A
hand of Mid Turkish trn-Ktlliirn
' i rmsoil tho borl-r of Thraro at Sink-
llo. 4(1 uilli'it west of CoiiHlanlliioplo.
' nml attnrkml Crock outposts. Tin.
I Turks wcr foiled to withdraw when
ro-lufnrcumcnts arrived.
iiitiTisii ki:ci:.ssion ititi.vcs
i.i'Xs iAN(ii:it or on iiiiimk
I'ONSTANTINOI'l.i:. OM. 2. All
tmini-dlati- iniitiial agreement to sus-
" ni1 "" '""'I' i"iveninits Is expect-
'! ii.-n. um.iy mi m. iim mm uuiiuiiii,
"' l,in M'u"'"-' ("njuicncu. to meet
""' "' "' af ,",,w,""i (,;,nl
iiili uii'i "ii MiiivniL iwno
meuncinx today, ( llrltnln'it rn
' cpaaloii from the neutral zouu con'
trnvi-rny paused no llttlo curpriso
hero. I.m II .ii n.lmtlln.t ll,U tn,i '
wan Urn mly tlilnc which could havo Hotel- mnl ltK.tiiiii.nit. Will Hold ly 3.noo members of tho sailors un
,ii u ,t., i?...,.i ii,.. I,--.. t.. itPf-iiini- t!,iti- iiutiin' 1'nir , ion of iho Oreat Lakes havo been or-
"' -...- .-..-.. .. -...
hand. Tti" Allli-,1 pnlliy nt tho Mini-
nnl.i cniiferi-nie will l. ileelileil mini.
in a iiii'i-i.'iK inri- muay in .miiuu
t'it nf-i Is nilinlr ila Iili'liiitiiit1kiil.(t.
rB nm! miiiiary alta hen
" "' "" ' " "t "O""1 I
blue rlbl.mi, the hlghnst lienor, fur
dairy herd le. nrds.
This 'ntltloH Charles In n hhort
courso at Corvallls next June, with
out mat In him. The expend' will
be ... Ii from utile fundi. je-ir tho records exhll.Itrd nt
th stale fair by the Klamath county
rlul. won the first flxo rlt.
.MI'AI.SSi:ilVi:ii AT I'Allt
Visitors at the fair Wednesday,
Thursday mid Friday will bo ablo to
obtain meals there A concoislon
has been granted mid barbecue
iters will bo served at 50 rents
Wm .t7: cocker -6
Wi C VA 50rfi8 oe woolo Think
W ( ' &5&P , HB'P MAO MOUCrt
aEL .-,-.- ..iir.tfttTKilttgliaiBiaSSiift j
All's Set For
Show Starts With Parade
Wednesday Noon
AM' eel for Hi" Klamath County
Pair and Houtlicm Oregon Uodcn,
October I, f, mid fi
The show will open with n parndo
starling nl 12:30 Wednesday from
' Hie corner of Spring mill Main. Tho
'"" "'nrui w' " a
" M;ll to Seventh, on Seventh to
. I'"". " " " 'rIllr'1' " TnlnI l"
Main, on Main to Sixth, on Sixth in
""-' fair-grounds
Tlio parado will form on Hprlnj; In1-
Iwcun tho Hie liailn I.iimlicr com-
limy nml tho Southern Pacific
Iiromiitly at 12' l. All car owners!
aro urged to tak, part In tho parado
and to decorate their cars. Tho var-l
Ioiih iirsiiiiUiitluns will march In tho
j rcllnwliii: order,
I fi. piece band.
City officials.
I'odeo riders ami others mount -
I Indians In rnxlumo.
n r.
Itnmiiri Dial tuilel ntnl entlnir
iMtaPH hero were raising prices on ..f ll... fnlf Rnr.. .w.t alt ilHll
I Hated on lnvoileatlun today.
I ui t i iii.a, en"-""
I uf the White Pelican.
n and Arcade hotels flatly donlcd
with the fair oininlit.-o If ri.orted
Two PIc.t! (iiillt) It. Vlnl.illnn nf
Tlaffle Onlliiames
. Swan Johnson was fined K In po
llen court Saturday for parking hit
'car within the So-foot limit. J. W.
j Kuowles was fined 110 for speeding.
llnlh pled guilty. Tho arrests were
made by Officer Mcl.uughllu
l.mll lloilln was fined $."! on a
dlu-,i'hargo of being drunk and "disobey-
1 Ing an oNlccr."
.. a
Fair and Rodeo;
6. Merchants' floats and ndvcrtls-
log features.
C. Decorated cars and trucks.
I rank Adams mid V.'lll Dalloit
havu li;ii naked to lead the parade.
Tll Innrlinlii will lie W. T. !-. r. 1
Low, Jon Hhlrk, l.uko Walker and
Unas l-'lnli-y.
All business houses aro Invited to
enter floats decorated for the occa -
Indians nro esrw.-clally urccd to bo
, present In ostumn.
Arrlvlnr; at tho crounds. tho fair
will bo officially opened by Mayor
V. S. Wiley.
An attempt will bo mado to mako
this tho lamest, most colorful and
. , ,.v0ry way tho moul succcusful
j iwrail,. i-w-r held In Klamath Falls.
, and to that end oxcry citizen Is urged
by tho fair committee to do his or
h r bit.
l,.lin SAII.OItS TO ktiiiki:
I ,"ll''" ucl- -. APProxiumie-
I dered to htrlke,
rn.iTco t nnrp rirtccn
-iwuuluuul vwji-u
-,.. l.'iSI, IH rMMI.MHI .11
, .. ...
' '
f... ...,..,!,...,.,.-.. ,!,..,. r n.
-..... a.-.... .-'.-. .-'si. w. .....
; A.imii. r si win ifc
Cl.arsedj Scnu.ii Tickets $1
This following schedule of ndmls-
slou prlciM to the Klamath county
fair and rodeo Is announced by tho
fair board and ro.lco associatien:
lionorat r.dmlsslon. Ml grand
stand scats 50c extra; children tin-
d.T 12 years admitted freo; from
12 to 1C years. COc.
Season tickets Including grand-
stand seats will bo H. All season
i tickets nro transferable.
.Siipcrlnfrndcntii of llltlslnii Keck
To Miikc (hxni Show In;;; Prom-
III Ml I.lMl At llo.lllljll.llleis I
The superintendents of the flower
division of iho county fair nre appeal-
n to all owners of flower cardans
iiirniiKooui inn county to maKe an
unusual effort to exhibit their best
flowers at tho fair Ihls week. This
Is tho first county fair to bo held In
,,, new pPrmani-tit fair ground and
a crrat many visitors from otitsldo
i,0 county will ho In attendance.
j n should ho n matter of pride to
show tho world what Klamath coun
. ty can do In growing; flowers,
I'artlcular attention Is tailed to tho
,l ' Premiums offered. Premium
lists may bo obtained nt fair head
quarters In thn chamber of com
merce rooms. Kntrles must be mado
beforn 11 o'clock A. M. Wednes
day. October 4. nt the bulldlnc on tho
new fair ground.
Kxhlbltors must furnish contain
ers for their flower exhibits. Kxhlb-
Its may bo slnglo
specimens or,
- -
Two Officer At MctMonl Frtlral
t'euri: fc-n- .Vcctl-d For Fulr
Tho police forco will bo badly
' crippled during the fair unless Offl-
ccrs x,cI)nald and Ilrandenburg rv-
. "
turn from .Mcdford, where
to ntlcnd Federal court In
connection with local fedora! cases.
Ordinarily. Chief Wilson said, ex-'
lra mi" ould bo needed, whllo!
n. I. . ... .. ...
ui Uo,s anu gins ctuw. win bo at,
tho Tc.lrhrr' In. 11,..,.
. .! . ....
..: -...-.- -""i,wj.
nnd will attend tho
county fair
Thursday and Friday
... MemarM IU-ccl.c,l ut Western
Union Offlro Since Xoon
Telegraph wires aro down b-
w- hero and Sacramento and
messages havo been recolved it tin:
West'!rn Union offlco slneo noon
Manager Van iN'eis said It was prob
able lhat a trea had fallen acroM '
the llnca. Ho believed tho trouble i
would bo remedied within a fur
Want Ad Brings Results
Answer Still Pour In
And still they eomo tha imswers
to Advertiser. Ilox 93, caro of Thi
The latest Is a rcgUterod letter
from Tuscon, Arizona. Saturday '
thero was n telegram. All Ixst woel: i
replltf literally poured In. .
Doos this show- that Herald want
advertisements nro read? It shows
It so clearly that even tho blaso ad-'
verthdng man U nstonlahod nt the
wldo circulation nnd pulling power
of these llttlo business getters
Ilox 90, n local buslncs. firm. I
ndverllsed n rouplo of weeks ago
tor u bookkeeper. They flllid tho Ify n rortaln farm unit and to oxo
place In a few duys. but tho appll- cutu u watqr-rlght application lor
cants nro still coming.
Thoro's n moral In this klory for
all ndvertlsors. Tho want ad col
umn's efficiency Is a certain gaugo
nf tho value nt tho dlspluy columns.
If a flvtvllno want ad gets results,
tho-larger displays aro hound to
attract widespread attention.
Ono doesn't hunt snlpo with nn
elephant gun or angle for brook
trout with tunn tacklo. Tho regular
ly established merchant, with con
stantly changing prlco lists und bar
gains, must display bis wares In
creator volunio, but for tho mar
keting of odds and ends, putting
tho employer In touch with em
ployee, and vlcu versa, and getting
rovonua from unused articles,
which may be Just what tho other
fellow Is loeking: for, tho want ad
vertisement h unbeatable),
Special Board to ConYCIie
ere Oct. 11; VeteraiM
Preference Explained
WASIIINOTOtf, Oct. 2. Opening
or 10,000 or 15,000 acres of land In
tho Tulo lako region, In addition to
tho 10,000 acres to bo thrown open
to homestead entry October l, will
ho considered by a special board to
convene at Klamath Falls. October
11. Tho board ,wlll Invcsttsato tho
.feasibility of tho program and will
report Us findings.
Tho board will consist of represen
tatives from tho bureau of soils of
, the department of agriculture, tho
geological Rurvcx and tho reclama
tion service.
tui.i: iaKi: tiuctk wiu,
, AvritAd'i-: about 37 Acnra
Th0 TuI uke ,r:lct8 to bo thrown
open to entry October 27 will arer-
KO about C7 acres each, It was es-
tlmated by Herbert D. Newell, mana
ger of the Klamath project. Tho
tracts vary In size according to tho
canals and other typographical fea
tures. Tho reclamation servlco In
subdividing the land hold to tho
custom of not permitting any one
tract to bo divided by a canal or
........ v. ,...-. r.n .. ...
The maintenance charges are est!-
".-- - -.... r
muipii ui .....a..1 .... aA.M-. urn .b.-j
annually. In addition to whnloter tho
. ' . . .
malntenanco cnargo migni oc.
Ninety Pai In?fiTCncc
According to press reports from
Washington, cx-'sorvlco men will havo
00 days preference In other words,
no persons other than cx-servlce men
can mak0 filings until Januarr 27.
1323. In the Shoihono land or-on-
Ing. September 10, 1921, CO days
profcronco was given ox-sorvlco men
n"d the provisions for them were as
wator-rigbt applica
tions and applications to make
homestead entry hereafter shall
be received only from officers,
soldiers, sailors or marines who
havo served In tho army or navy
of tho United State In tho war
with (icrmany and havo boeir hon
orably beparatcd or discharged
therefrom or placed In the regular
nrmy or naval rosorvo; provided,
however, that they must bo quali
fied to mako entry under tho
homestead laws.
"Kvcry person, quallflsd under
tho terms of tho first procodlng
paragraph, who desires to mako
entry, must filu with his water
right application his affidavit,
which shall utato his tlmo of ser
vice, tho unit of which bo was a
member, tho date of which ho was
honorably discharged or separated
or transferred to tho regular army
or naval rcscrvo, and that he did
not refuso to woar tho uniform of
such scrvlco nor to perform tho
duties thereof. Thore shall bo at
tached to said nffadavlt a copy of
kucIi honorublo discharge ....
which copy shall bo certified by a
notary public to be a tru copy
of tho original."
As Is usual In such land openings,
tho applicant will bo required to spec-
that particular unit ut tho tlmo of
Union 4bnr Men Asked to Veto
Against California Dill
1.0NO IIEAChTcoI, Oct. 8. Un
ion labor men and women woro ad,
lsod by tho loglslatlva committee ot
tho California Stato Federation of
Labor horo today to vote against tho
Prohibition Knforccmcnt act, one of
tho thirty measures to appear on the
ballot at tho Novombor election.
Tho recomondatlon oo, the Pro
hibition L'nforcomont set was Incln4-
od In a list of rocommesUatloa on
Bovoial other acts la the amtial re
port of Secretary-Treasurer PaeJ
Scharrenberv read at the federalist's
convention In seselo kert,
f vjy
. vr