If .!' THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Mother, Pin a Rose on Mo! Redfieid's Casta Growry (l '5i JS.. vir-J vfvniJi :ia V.W. v.S Of c-' .r.1 W sf-Mje- s' 21. Jl .ulli .'iixtli St. n i, Yc T' Jivcr "c iv ! 1 1 I't L'n i e-SF ,JV NTW Olt) , W. 'J .. on i 1,1 In ii Hi', i li.lll 1 i rli'll "Mil, ! niii, mini; 1 Im ll' ' 1'iriiiittt niiit potti ii u,i nil until ' ' l.l Ix'xln Every Om I I the il argaiEs for I UMll, , ,.,., f tin i mini iv lire i ti .mhj in i "" i I nf ,iin i , i i r i' ','Mi tn I1 Ii l' in line ii ii I., in , Pftfe Six H Ml" V Mil' asswsM SifOfc... H , )( I I O iV i.i.i i in t Jl,' I M V l'i I I'lM M J. I'l . ! ii put m ion for U i t ' 'ttl1''1 ! in ' Mil. i . ,, I ,,.l.i. , ..... , The Office Cat I .1. ... I .. ' ' """" '" .' i'i' ' i: "lei iii a in, ,, ,, , r i 1.1 r I, ill iii ii"! IH'ti' n i . J.i n ,.,vi M i ,' Hi) hi ( , r i r Vii t K i v' 1 I . lt In llM' - in ji'mi y l.llllo Willie 'Tnis mo tlio hut tor." Mother (reproachfully) "If what Wllllo? Mttlo Wllllo ' If oti can roaeji It." Speaking I'oi III Own "How tlct j nil like our now car?" i asked tho I.IizIp drhor "5reat." ropllul tlio Mr Six drh or. "It runs so snioolhlv jou can't fool It. Not a lilt of noise; on can't licnr It. Perfect Ignition. ott can't i smell a tliltiR. And spoeJ why It whizzes! Can't see It " "Must lio somp car," ventured tlio I.lzzlo drh or. "Can't feel It. can't ' smell It, can't hear It, and can't tco t It. How do ou Know It I there? wtiii ii i- nidit "What happen1) when a man' teinperatiire rocs down as low as it I can ro?" ' J "Ho rcM cold feet," answered a ' nmnll pupil, , If nutiiiiin comos, can winter be no, far ItcnuHPd that fear will not creep In t0 ,nr The nonchalant hoUfeholdcr to Ills oul And mako him wonder whero He'll r.ct his coal? W'o Hi I .Niino UVn .sxiiiiiM-il , Tlio l.i.lle.i of the M K Church ctijojed a swap sorlalThursday even- Inc. Kteryhody hro'ught somotblnR they didn't need. Somo of the ladles hrouRht their huslnnJa. I'ulasM Enterprise. The lalo bird also gots a worm of tlio hook breed, cplnee O. I) IltirKo. I'liinn 11 "I hoar prohibition hit Jim ro , Imrd ho killed himself." . Sulcldo?" '.Vo. Herplcldo " The Vnlue of Qiint.iilni, .Afmki lleimur luil. lli'vli'M nov. j troKo on H. Cozad. tho pastor, ' "I.lfos Urciter ences" In the morning, and on "Tho Man Who .VoRlocted His Supremo Ojiportunlty" nt nlRht. J I'lira Mcms Veiy, Vmi Know She Don't you think that Mjrtlo, iooks ugiy m mat uitra-low-ctit i Ircss? I Ho "Not a far as 1 can seo I H. n. Shldlor rUos to ask whethor! tliii striking rnllro'td shopmen and coai mincis win uociaro in imr day n ' holiday A Xetv "Wan" On I'm Patrick Callahan, tho u ill-known plahterer, was dlscoored standliiR beforo a local utoro which dltplnjoi a larfio Blgn, "Xut Sunduo." , rat cuzed at tho slsu a Ioiik tlmo mill flinil Lnl1 ... llixtnd.D.nl .nli had ramu to tho dour. "Ash Wednesday. Shnno Tut ' ..... , ...., . i "il; "uuu rnuiy u.iy, una is a now I wan on mo. ,-,rrinbalJn ljCUt'r ,lr"B Mt0ro?'l Lyurr.n oajs 230. lib ' i , Co-operation brliiRK buccess. Wit- i noi.8 tho result of tho b.ibj clinic. I Currln's i'or DriiRs. 2S ' . YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should have your attention.! Cool weather and storms I iPwim im A xtS"' Since autis a-.d trtutorg are dolnc nil th wort- n,..,i..- ,.l..i runt timr. in ,1, .... . .. .., .l Chaplin at the ta . ct ; v " " m' .it., .iiiu inrii n.n and thrn. mnflaad) r.-.ir. 'i in: i.ntn:r "The P.irp Hrtii.li T i'l the nw . western which appears at the I.llirr- I .,.,, rplM ,t,0 ,., i .Jnm j wwen carries the utmost In adven- 13 IUV..IIV lUUttJ Will.? l PIHUIP "". mien ny n. n. "an i-itn. tti0 well known author of such screen uccmc an 'The Vlr- Kin of Stomhonl.". ' The C.reat Hi- i ilc.imcr." and "Klitbtln' Mad." he j declare It to b his jrrratcst wet- orn, even surp.iislnjt the last-men- tloacd jflctum In points of Intorott. , It takes the siectalcr on a fascluat- Injc Journey to the heart of tlio West ' and offers him a etory of rapid ac- tlon and suspne. i Tlio cast Is of all-star proportions -IncltidlnK such popular faiorlto. u Roy Sfwart. Wallace Ueory. Johnny Walker and Marjorlo Iaw. iio u .u.e ui u .car.es. .neimi miu reforms tlio touchett town west If tho Mississippi through the skill of a trigger finger, but who te frlcht- cned by a pair of potuUnt lips. Tim Mlt.VVl) Tonight at Tbo Strand niack Sheep" will tw shown and It Is said ' that It is one of tho most realistic Kxperl-'nleturc. now beine e.hlbitod. Tho fight between the sheep herder tfrnl j tho cattleman la such a trae like ncss to tone of the old time scraps that n cattleman In Chicago, seeing' .Veal Hart as the cheepherder win- iiIiir tho fight took a couple cf shots' at the picture i Maybe that story Is a little strong, but anyway you'll enjoy tho picture, j It will ghe you thrills from start to i finish. There arc riding and roping scenes that cannot bo boat. hunday tho wonderful animal pic- , turf. "Tho Four Seasons" will bo t snown. That is said to bo tbo srcaiost auimoi p.nuro over prouuc . . a -.-. I l,i u. u . one 10 on p3r ci me world and a all times of the year. It inierosts oiu ami young onu enter' tains aa woll as Instructs. It Is surprising how many things "J cn " ' a lrus store for ono X'iJL1"0 "rU" s,oro "m' C"r' rl11 ,48 h0' -S .M.MtKHT ItKI'OKT I'OItTUAM). Sept. 28 Livestock . . -. .... and butter steady, c.'i; firm. Wheat 1-oa t0 ! I - " " I TJmro mo fio tlilnss wo would. apprcilato having you do. Attend ... - .... -.... ... j Thank ou Cur- spect our Htiiro rln b I or Drugs. 2 DOINGS OF THE DUFFS i n WILL VOU HAVE r , r Lthis dance vrru s-JV T ! C ME.. PLEASE9 . H it I' ""v ' v - wM I Jr- Here'j Oce-r.ce arcsnl os Charllo He's soortil by hn owner. DEFECTS ARE NOTED IN INDIAN SCHOOLS' PLAN OF INSTRUCTION HH iU .' Th' K i i 1'.m: in llu pi iv n i In II in iHlnc.it ional program I thnt ft does net mrry the ln.ll.in far njii.-' alna nttollla.1 - 4. t. . ...f.l.... 1 '", '',, "" of Dr. Dlmer E Hlgley, Chfroico . ...cr.Bacui c mgiin wor ot ' Mnodit tspiacopa! cnure'i '0uT lho1 toT 'Man chlldr. (l nt ' ,ak ,BPm far "oSli." h' B'''1 ""Pt'n foi t!u-n tbo hl.:'i I l,'o. afford them tut, opportii !" of colleco tratnlnn and i'n proh-n of o!nit bark to i'.m ' blanket" nil! bo 'ved. It Ii e- tfniaie I that not three, per cent of tUon receivine hintt school tdu a-! tlon ever go back to their natln cuotoms. -Mans obJoet to the DTansiit- ng , th . ndtaB !;, cf ,,. menta, rcai0n)l. ,. ,,, ,B ., j prImUw conjmca ,, m pIc,ur. nue.' they aay 'Lcavo him alone , ih tack d f h, , i ..7, " " . IT ., -... ! Ufl CrMIIU WI4 Ul UI1IIHV1V4 , savagery.' i j "Ctrtoln Indiana hav rtsanud I the Uitrnsllon of the whit man's religion. The cause of this resorit- raont has not been so mu-!i In the1 .".."' """ '- ""'". LUL'Uin 'a'""1"- l ' U " Psan r c " nui prrn ,rara "0,ru endr it by cinc!tli and Injua- l,eM "1h tb rl ma haro "' rerod " tn na,, ot tb"' W0 hrothcrs. j "Tho Indian' earlier eontaet ( uitn wiuto men ana ti.e Christian rellglr-a was unfortunat . Hia opla- Ions wore basd largely upon nhati he saw of the borders of our eiv-j lllxatlon. To these borders came t tho white traders, usually a class! bavins no scruples agalnrt tablnirl Bdvanlnee of tho md mun. "Tho fals impression has bean and u uow rapf:,,y Bndersolni Tn e(luctl,rj amonBAU-.u pcatolly arP MeogoUln, , UH)P. pc dolly are rocosnizlng its super- lor merit. They knr-w the old faiths or- fahe and now aro asking for preachers and teachers o dlrecf them the way of t'ie 'Jesua Uoad Bt T"", Store on tho erner: dealings u Storo on tbo erner: dealings on' I II.-. ....nay.. ....- l r....... I , iiu oi,Miiiu, uinua . ur ivrutis. M';Ui and Main Sis. S 'I ho .Vnl.oil Triilli "Huiun't a ehlrt bntneen us" sny.i Countess y.ichy. Headline, Si w York Journal. ., -. ,,v w.,.mi jMiHiiiiii kIito In Klamath Kails. Ourrln Says so. 28 A ( NO. k i m na loiuil torn, nt i 1 he cm ii .1 i ill il iniii wi, .1 ni.i n il' i , at h mill il ' ' rofi mi ii i xim ii m , Ii . n .mil i ' u i. ll II' ii' ' "i" "I ''I i nl Rilf In him lueiitM hn'i n' i'p main ilillmii i i v Mi h Hi i. in ii ..f ih ' ! i Inn mil the Am -iiju H,iiin iivlllniv w 1 M 'nncti' nr s "i in d inti) thrm i I.ihki'h one fur mei, one fir vunnen n. inhi r ir the leslo I and the nuxi l.ni imhershlp fiiiiiv i.i.nle bv ' m will rot Ii iouiii d fur point i iii'Iik made In I-kIoii memtiert, lmt r 'ul iller .'ml hron-,- ini'dal wlil awarded for ftrirt, tveonj and 'Mird places. Plrst plow In each e'ent will count ii Ihe. locom! a throe, .nut third ti twi ii lnl A -l!vcr lo ,ti i up Ml ! nu.irdt,l In flu i' partment BfiT i iin- il hlan. t i 'jrnR iti fiiimber . s I'olnn iinl n l"-"iUi p:iq.ii tn thi "t with the "h! loi-u llaml--o'lie Rold, ix.r and lirmise me.l iln w I! hi .twirdfil tn li.dlMdn.ils niak iik il.. l'i m ri itiIh i'5.'t!.itliin tin v ! in i - 1Y v "i ', i th r il i'iIi t i unh in h ivn t n n. l 1 ' 'he i' mi i i i ' r i- 'ei I "tii !''). i r. i i f rn t-n i .i ! i ml I ..,,.! . i 'n mill i $WmfimE3E35BrttWBEir lil it The rral valm. if a momr lubil urt in t dlrmlnd In only on v.ojr- ihn.urli its we in th sign a tor which it Is intended. Ittnce this company maintains an cnglne-usting lab oratory, equipped w nh a Spragut dynsmcmtin, In which Xftoltntsnd other lubricsnisats constantly bsing tmtM nndsr actual i pciauni; conditions. This dynamometer laboratory is In charge of cnmpstsm triintd men, who rpond all lhlr time In conducting comparative tests of Zrolen and oiher I biuants It i.utomobllc, strplar.c, narine. truck and tractor enplns. . Corrcil Lubrication Recommendations On tbo results cf thsse tuts, supplsmanlad by equally isrsful tetu in the field and on th load, out tJ'wrd rf Lubilcntiun Ilnglnee.-i bja its Chart uf Kicommcn. datlons. Close ottimlon Is Riven to tho design and cont.troctlon cf tho engine. It is necessary to tnow, tint, the speed cl the biarint; sutfacer, soeonc', clcaianco between boat Ing cuifacts; third, temprraturea at nhlrb bearings cperstc; fourth, preasutrs exerted In each bearing; fifth, tho means provided for tho distribution of the (41 to each beating. . Tho tecomtnomlfltlonj embodied In tho Zerolene Chart are calculated with tho firoount pi i ision, and il Zrtn. leno Is used In necrrdame v. ih il i n, rnrri.t lubrica tlon and maximum luol uak-o.o me oax red. m &$ less fiMonaud thru Gmtd fabrication $tmmstemmm!&el On With the Dvnw v;oui.O vou iiifio aTcpPmt om tiv right po.at iht'uao QP MV ICFT rC' ' CIIANCt-V I'l I-PC SLAD V To OEI.K.I. 'lUU'jy m I J I "II r ii l'i ti l I ill I 1,1 I ml mid i,nlf i mid ft. I I ' ilui wi'li i t I M I' t H V I I'l' i ,1 11 1'. i I 7 ii 1 inf It 'I ' 't, Hi Imr l . ili'i'" ' iM ir mi I - r !' i.i I 1 7 nun i l i. O'li'iii r M Hit,, inee-u Or' 1 t '7". i.muiU t, irnimut (Mi!'- 7 '''in I ;o K .i ., u mum..,' o in t"r 1 1) and ; . BOSTON REDS WON WORLD SERIFS FOU" CONSECUTIVE. TIMES If'"' when Die former Nation! " ,K;'' u"!m "'"" i "'' " r i i"-eil ntMi! ' t mi ilif- I im. 1,1, h" ., !(, I ninl.'ishlii iif t'H'lr re no. ih lm n ullillK ,n in li, i oh fur I'M' Vmit'i-im n,., , ,, , i, ,, I T ,! H Iii Mil .nll . . rb so " ' I th 'Hlll'il , li.'l n I i ii, , Ii -lull I hi ; ii. Mi.. Vni'iiLi i I' i ' ' in i il Li , I . , i vi hi i . iln fid '" Ti i ii nli ,, i ' 'M'l ' i i li.iok. t,. l i. ' T , , i I',. . Flf; u, it it i W V. u -" 6 lANI'ARIlO.LCOMI'.VNt iCUllJUIIItl)) rw wear cv I II ISSJSSVJDSVkMsHSMSMMSSlSlSlfSStMSMSb tSMSSSSSM( SH1S sf 12 f .fMUWit TT'f fUMMV HOW A FAT ) 7 ' nnnv . ,.- '1 - (who tolPVuu ) r ' I. THAT ? J , " l l i (' tUlt i' (:-" . , K In i ft) ' Kt ' in ! ', -Ct -u I "'if 1 1 ,s 1 '' iC ! ( 'i ; ! '"I i i ,1 L' ' .i '-j & . 5 y y J1 V M n nnv 1 iH!' , ' '' i. . r II . 1 - I'l.v r, "! Srriitln.il Ti ri"'fotv , , mi l."il I' n iM- iit , i' Ikyt V " i' :-ii" i" !(hi h '. H . i ,' (.., o l!iM Stanil' ii Ui i ''i.i'.t, smsmmmMmiiimiSw?m:mmi ml ,i i t im r Vli n I'll I ir Im'l iihi I In iav Kill 'Toiii' ' with thx i ii m still i ml im in nni'ii ' i f.iuliisllr us l i'i i iri In crlill tin. Ii mi It. I ., m iU f nil n lio ii , ii' u u.li'Hf liuld Mm I'a.'ni f i wirlil i -irii'i hi m i'i Ih'Iiir !i ' 1 I. Hi. i ' i ,i'n IiIrI,. ' In In fmir I i ! mil i 1 1 i liir.'i I, r' all! 1 1 f II ' I i ''i i' ' i n H l w i lit I I lllll spc&umasxutmaassm CO l"h?ir-cf Room and Kitchen Conveniences 1 'I'i.- ;.,. ,y was-, ii t' tiiiun itc' i. Wr h.s. . H'O ju-t f. V,' 1 : r ' J.'liM g ' "'ii .ttl I n .Hi i! i HI" i'!i ' r , A IB C'.'IT l!i. JVi- hajr Viti hr'vc tlr'-c h "'. '", " ;, it ll .'rort, li. c ttit.il ,-uii will Mih! l'fy yn-.i1' l.i'chrn ' . ii.M '.liin ; a xjoijjoiiii-uuu.nc' coktHfc idncio. We Si ' in;r"har-f cl a carload in o.dit- .0 pet th"r f? L83fe3SaS9sW ;i i ii'im i.i. , ! fu l. ii i u clean fuel. It la a mhV i'i' !. C-J! .it ,e f i"i e for in format ion. The California Oregon Power Company , fAiszzzrxmfammYoxiv Partners ' ' It.--. l.sr. no - i M'l IS,) ti, III 1 1 l II Ml Mil I'll ir i Ii stui Mi- H ' i il ii I I , if Ih M thru, w . i i ll IH I 1 II I I i il Ii'ili l ml ' ml P C O iowbux'. to of tho iptfj ,.r homed piici '. 1 1 ive 'aiigfR conn In ; !l .'t.'xes from : Mir."' i i ,i Murn u the ' i, Snj -r-Aicu niatic v t ' i hi I'iptH '(. moi!. I. iu . i i Vi it ( in-)l,' !!- (M-itiii-mui,u. i.i ii'iei' i' in Prosvrzr'iisms&tmmsHaRat I BY ALLMAN i. rr.tl ii.' ii , , . i I L3 S at ti.t: 1 1 -hi V i force prices up. Our fuel is the best, our prices are right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tama oack. Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. 1 $i$W&) si MiM 'M L Y Ajn hM vi ' " ' V,4 r-WIf. . i-HONIJ Sti