The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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(Continued from rgo 1)
years. Then they became discour
aged at having to fight not only tha
Turks but also tho French and Itnt.
Isns, and tlicy realised as Occiden
tals did not thut Soviet Itussla was
also barking Aneora. The losing
game ended In domoralltlng (hum.
.Franco-Italian' I irrupt
Wth singularly short vision tho
llalliiBs and French began to .rejoice
at tho sucicss of Mustafa Kcnial
t'asba. for tin; Italians tho smash-
Jng of tho (Ircck meant tho elimina
tion of a posslblo rival In tho Knstcrn
Mediterranean. A strong and united
(Ircoco could not bo tolerated aa n
neighbor, especially since tho llreeks
allowed great aptitude In tho carry
Ing trade, underbidding tho Italian
mercantile marine.
Fw the Frtnch tbo ruin of Creek
hopea' meant tbo checking of a dia
bolical scheme of Mr. Lloyd Ccorge
to Make , England aupreme In the
ftear;Kat by using tne 0 reeks u
dummy holders of Constantinople
and tho resources of Westers Asia
Another strong Influence at work
lu France against Greeco and tho
Treaty of Sevres waa that of General
Lyantey, military governor, of Mo
rocco, who went personally to Parla
to urge that tbo way to pacify Mo
rocco and to retain French sovereign
ty In tho other North African colonies
waa for tho French government to
back Mustafa Kemal Pasha. For
was not Mustafa Kemal, In tbe eyes
of tha Mohammedan world, defend
ing tbe Kbaltr of the Faithful (the
Turkish sultan) against Greek ag
gression? This argument was used by the
Turkish supporters In England, who
declared that enforcement of tbe
Treaty of Sevres was madness for
England the greatest Mohammedan
power In, the world.
Weight 'was added to this argu
ment, by the publication of a letter
from the British viceroy, stating that
backing the Greeks against the Turka
was making tke problem of pacifying
India virtually Impossible. Tho 70
'million Mohammedans of India stood1
solidly, behind tbo Turkish National
ists. Force Ulaa's Creed
Jhero Is tnly ono form of prcstlgo
that counts with tbo Mohammedans,
the preetlge'of force. If they get tbo
lda into their heads that they can
play ono master against another.
Victorious Turkish Cavalry in Rapid" Advance
SsnHmtallmmnHwMK A fl
ImnnnsnWSsfWsnUti , - s.3s? 1 , &i
U Wfir -Utr i Nl '4MM& mnfi In I
!' V V.flmnaLsMi'nmmnn BmJBnJsUmnmWBmnms ImnnmnmnnV.
HBHVHBR'lBsHrh4MrVjBV g mr,r
aHmVlrmmmnmmmVIJr BW nnT safaV m ga If JmTnlmw' m W
I IwW HI tHI aWksa If nrs !Hv n Im I JfsTms n a?
yv JsnBf. ", Is T "Wl A m IVEll Jft "
V-. ' vv, -k
m.1. . ,v. , nui.r in imirlM in an arfurala M of Muslanha Kemsl Pasha'a eavalnr. tbA
wtng of his army that has been moat used In his rapid advance to within a fw mlla of Constantinople. Nolle
that some of tha horsemen are equipped as regular troopers while others have the nondescript accoutrtmsnts
H Irregulars, brigands and marauders who attached themselves to the Turkish chltf as n crossed Asia Minor.'
thero Is no telling what they will do
while they nro running amuck.
This Is seen nt tho present mo
ment. Owing to French and Italian
Intrigues at Angora, Mustafa Kemal
has the bit In his teeth. Tho entento
powers can pull on the reins all they
want to. It Is too late. They aro
dealing with a runaway horso.
He will, of course, sooner or Uity
como to the end of his strength and
go to smash. Hut may ho not bring
to grief with him those who aro try
ing now to pull him In?
tf the erents of the first fortnight
of September In Asia Minor had only
to do with tho discomfiture of the
Greeks wo might look upon them
without batting an eyelid. Armies
hare been thrashed before. Tho Turks
have long been massacrelng Chris
tians and yet tho world has wagged
Out I write from personal experi
ence, having Just come from Asia
Minor and Constantinople, when 1
say tbat tho Angora Nationalists re
present something far different from
a group of patriots valiantly retriev
ing tbo misfortunes of their country.
Behind Mustafa Kemal Paiha
stands the Islamic world. 300.000,-
000 strong, stretching across south
ern snd central Asia and northern
and central Africa. Tlchlnd the Is
lamic world standa Soviet Tlussla.
Uehlnd Soviet Russia, It they chooso
to do so. stand Germany and Japan.
Oh, the folly of France! Oh! the
folly of Italy! Oh! tho folly or Eng
land! And yns, I must say It oh!
tbo folly of America!
Wc cro all In tho same boat, and
the waves aro beginning to rock us
In regard to Germany and Japan,
1 put In a qualifying clause. The
"victory of tho Kemallsts Is of trem
endous value to Japan, marking as It
does the dofeat of a European and
Oct 4, 5 and 6
Get Your Riding '
equipment here.
Quick Service.
12 Main St Phone 402-W
Tonight you get $10 worth of action and
thrills for 10 cents
Tha Big Alaskan Maternic Dorothy Dalton in
Flame of The Yukon"
She was queen of the dance hall. See the most
wonderful fight ever screened. Action, fights and
thrills in the Frozen North that will make you hold
.onto your seats.
Show Starts 6:15, 7:45 and 9:15
'J i ni i oi m
DiacK oncep
Hart At Star
Christian people nt tho hands of an
Asiatic and uon-ChrlstInu people. Its
repercussion In furthering tho propa
ganda of "Asia for tho Asiatics."
whli h Japan Is sponsoring, la Incal
culable. :rmanr Again n Factor
It is of tremendous value, also, to
Germany, marking as It does the
utter confusion of tho European ene
mies of Germany.
(crmany took her greatest step
forward towards re-entry lato world
affairs whan M. "Franklin Uoulllon
signed on behalf of Franco a treaty
with tho Angora Turks, promising
to aid them In getting the Greeks
out of Asia Minor and Thrace. She
acually did qualify for re-entry Into
world affairs when Italy signed a
similar treaty with the Turks.
There is no truer motto In tho
world than "A house divided ngalnst
Itself cannot stand." How can tho
entento alliance aHand?
The kaiser Is cackling at Uoorn.
Hlndcnburg and Ludendorf threw
their hats In tho nlr when they heard
of the recapture of Smyrna, and the
murJcr of Kngllsbmcn by the Turka
at Smyrna; and right beside It the
news that Franco had withdrawn lier
troops from tbe Asiatic sldo of tho
Bosphorus. For is not the DJihad
(Holy War) at last coming to fall
like a ton of bricks upon the enemies
of Germany?
All this docs not prove that Japan
and Germany aro actually helping
the Turks, materially or diplomati
cally. Quite otherwise, however, is
the situation In relation to Moscow.
Soviet Tlussla is squarely and openly
backing Mustafa Kemal and rejoic
ing In tho gultclcssncss of French
and Italian statesmen, especially of
tho former.
Help ltulnn Soviet
All that tho Nationalist Turks havo
been able to accomplish during tho
past two weeks is of supreme and
Immediate Importance to UolshuvUt
Soviet Itussla has placed herself
on tho side of Nationalist Turkey In
demanding that tho entente powers
ovacuato Constantinople. Tho return
of the Turks to Constantinople Is not
an eventuality that bus any other
significance to tho new countries of
tho "llttlo entento" than Its truo
Mustafa Kemal In tho saddlo at
Constantinople would give the signal
for tho denunciation by Bulgaria of
the Treaty of Noullly and tbo launch
ing of an offciislva by tbo Iiolshcvlsta
ugalust Ilumanla and I'oland. Trou-
bio Is brewing onco mnro In tho Bal
kans. And when trouble comes 'In
tho Balkans, wo know now from our
bitter oxperlonco that Europe and
America get Into trouble, too.
Putting the entente powers out of
'Constantinople Is only ono part of
the program of 8ovIet Itussla. -It Is
no more than the soup, one might
say, in tbe meal Lenin proposes to
force down the throats of those who
bavo been damning him, and whoso
folly In tbe Near East has now given
dim tho opportunity to get even with
Ever sin c0 the Soviet reglmo camo
Into power In Tlussla, tho menace of
Islam has been a precious weapon to
bo used against tho "capitalist coun
tries." Inheriting tho machinery and tho
opportunities of Czsrlst Itussla to
make trouble for Groat Britain, Lon
Is and Ills associates began nearly
five years ago to uso Mohammedan
fanaticism to destroy the British Em
pire, and to pry looso from Franco
her North African possessions.
Northwestern India, tho khanates
Of Central Asia, Afghanistan, Fersla,
Turkoy, Mesopotamia, Syria, Pales
tine, Arabia, Egypt, tbo Sudan, Tri
poli, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, tho
tribes of tho Sahara, and rapidly in
creasing converted areas In Central
and Western Africa these aro the
countros, under "British, French and
Italian rulo or protection or mandate,
which tbe victory of Mustafa Kemal
ond the restoration of Constantinople
to the Turks will electrify and gal
vanize Into action.
The Fatal "If
If tho entente powers were still
uuit,ud, f tlo 1niU'U state? were in
the entente comlilnnllnn, If Jupmi
em not Interested nn the other side
(even pansUcly), It Soviet Itussla
were out of tho game. If tho entente
powers wero not weary of colonial
wars and heavy expenditures un tax
payers for adveuturrs far afield, the
Mohammedan world rould do noth
ing and would do nothing as a result
of the Turkish lctory.
Ah! but those fatal "its" they
all hold. So may we not expect to
boo train of calamities following
tlirt collapse of the Greek Hues lu
Asln Minor, compared to which the
burning of rich and beautiful Hmr
na Is as nothing?
Why should the prospect, of a new
war dslani ngalnst her whilom mai
lers Interest us In the United
States? We say to ourselven that we
arc out of It. But are wc? Think
of what the success of Islam, backed
by Bolshevism, will tomorrow
In our relations with Japan, When
Asia has expollcd the European pow
ers. Japan will speak to Ma with a
voice different from that used at
Washington last winter.
Haw So Factor
And It you are secretly sympathis
ing with the Turks. Just think of this
To the Mohammedan all Christians
look alike. Thero Is no distinction
between Englishmen, Frenchman,
Italian, American, Greek or German.
We arc all held equally responsible
for tho wrongs, fancied or real, of
Islam. And If thero Is an opportun
ity no matter what they may tin
tho combination Mustafa Kemal and
his associates can form tho ven
geance will fall Impartially upon
European and American.
From Toklo to Constantinople and
Cairn our civilization Is detested, and
our Ideals questioned or sneered at.
Let us bowaro of tho Holy War.
(Copyright. ID83, by XKA Service.)
(Continued from Page 1)
panjr expects to opcrato moving
pictures freo to residents. Thy pic
tures Mill bo nhown lu tbo assem
bly hall of tbo hrbool. Tbero In a
splendid office building, also a com
pleto mess hall with all modern
oqulpment for cooking. The men
speak very highly of -the meals. A
postofflco has been awarded, callel
"At present tho company loads
SO rar.s of logs dully. A portion
of thejo aro sent to tho sawmill
at Weed whilo tho remainder It
shipped to tho Klamath Lumber &
Box company at Klamath Falls.
Next year, when a full forco of GOO
men Is In tho woods, 100 cars will
be loaded and (.hipped dally. About
10 acres of land Is logged ovor dally
and 1.000,000 feet of timber is log
god evory year. It Is estimated
that 20 years will bo required to
log the wholo tract, which contains
some 2,000,000,000 feet of timber,
as yet .untouched.
Opcrote Hlx Locomotives
"Six locomotives aro operated
over tho company's railway, which,
If places! in a single tract, without
the spurs, would measure about CO
miles in length. Tho company owns
and operates a track-laying muchlnu
capable of laying more than 1,200
foct of track dally.
"Chas W. Murphy lu camp su
perintendent, s position ho has held
for 13 years. - Ho and Mrs. Mur
phy have won tho confldenco and
good will of tho entire working
"Ono of tho finest features ot
tpla llttlo town Is a modern hospi
tal, perfectly equipped In every way,
which renders aid to tho men ot
tliu camp. A physician Is In con
stant attendance.
ChrUtUn Uiurcli Organ Urd
"A Christian church hai been
organized as tho result of tho work
of throb young men students ot tho
Eugene Bible university at Eugeuo,
Oregon. They are Mr. Hay, Mr.
Barney itnd Mr, Cunningham. Tho
church has regular services every
Sunday wprnlng and evening.'1
P. S. to Ride At Rodeo
Plans to Tamo Horses
Dear Ed:
Well, Kd in the Main nt. site seer
raltl, It Is n III wind which dees not
blow no one no goud, mid ulum tlili1
rodeo blown into this hear Wlltiite
next week I flgueres on It blowing
mn a pocket full of Jack, whnt 1
You see those birds are offering
to give nwny $3,001) Iron uieti (threu
thousand) to the men, women or
children which lines not get bucked
ii(f the lion if ch, bulM, cow and et
cetera. Wtjll. IM, I tuner sen n
ttimrso which could Htnnd lictwlxt mo
mid that niimtii't' of kuiiIiiim of
Utterly wIhmi Miiiit'lmily Is Dimply hi
u tin cat to get sliet of I hem. And
whIIU 1 renlUo there will ln ritnaltl
eruhle competition for s.iine, I du nut
flgurro the oilier hints will use there
tinmen as will jrs truloy mid there
fore will not stand no show nt nil.
My lilcur, IM, Is like this. Any
school kid knows that by uxolug kind
ness you ran net n nn) mile to do any
thing for you. And they likewise
know how you rnu tamo a wild benst
by looking It In tho eye, same as my
mlftsus does when she flgueres on my
doing something which I do not wunt
to do. Well then, when n hoarse
comes out for the hoarse de comlmt
all 1 do Is slip It n roupl.i peaces of
DitRiir nnil n hnmUiil of corn, mul hop
mi. According to iinythlitiv I er
riMid, Hint bourse would not think
of bucking after Hint. Ami If Us
n bull liu In ildo, why 1 will hciooko
out over Its lioiirns mid look It In the
eyes nnil Hint bull sees lui In hypnnt
I sod nnil imyii to himself well thin
bird bus got n bud o)u so wluilM tint
Well, IM, nil the time tlioviither
biickeroon Is doing tliure stuff on tho
mint of there punts mid on thorn
bends I will bo 'iisulm; my luuntm ns
nlmve Muted, Now 1 list: you, IM, do
I win or do I not win.
By tho way, IM, there n tiling or
two I will iieml Mich n h (Imp unit u
mnlillo so ynu might lend me ii coup
la humlri'il. Not Hint I would iieml
tho imildle, but tho rule mil fur
ono. ' llenldcn I ilii not wunt to up
pcitr to lielm: ilolnu my stuff loo niiu
lly mid If I ililo Without u mnlillo tho
Jmlnrii will tltlnlc Ihoyii remutliliii:
wrong mid hold out on mo.
I'li'iisn do not iiend no imno ehethn
hut r.ood U. I), A. ni'ih Mich ah wo of
leu loud ulioiil, When I win Hie U,
1100 loili'olim III loiurii niiiiio.
Yis. Voiy Tiuley.
I'hll Hpuie
An Old Home
"NeeilloH nnil plus, iiimmIIph nnil plim,
When n mini tmiiilfH his trouble bo-
Itlnss" . ,
rules ho uso of tlio brnlii
'uo.itli hi iloino
Ami ni'i'i tho until mis In buying lilt
homo. 'J7.'.'S
112 Years Old
ttranv ra the bell Of Si
.llvsly' party at ths Daughter of
Irls Home in .cw i
cms of htr girlhood frUnds celo
brstcd her 112th birthday. None of
tn guests was youngsr than 1C9.
SH rfl
ffflr r ar " 0 fv
ry v wwkv
v ::
"l aaHpt4-aa
WEsaw t is&r . La1
In i8S0 ff
1 thry fiVroV. f
mil lik&
TI I K flavor iif I-'olgrr's Golden
Cute 'Coflcc well wottli
keeping.'! !'i why it puked
for ou in a vacuum tin.
Wlut's more, It is a (Uvor you
vill liki "tllircrrnt intastefrotn
other coflcc and btcr."Thc ex
peri'rncco(72jrathunudctliit a&a.Tcllyourgrocrryouwjiit it.
Six Big Days
One Cent Sale
Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. 2
At The
Klamath County Fair
and Rodeo
Oct 4, 5 and 6
At The New, Fair Grounds
f i,
V v.