4v ;& M wi i)i:mi, him' iv ui, (nu-j Paf Fmr THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'ftM h, v t - Ul w m ft I.?, t j re t.y ,yt Mgcr COAST FOOTBALL SSjjg) ' IAHK GOI SPORTS The Office Cat by jcnhts mp.morv I cnn remember, My llttli! son, When coal wns nelllng For "Flvo" n ton. Detroit Troo Pres. I, cnn remember, My llttlo lnnn, When boor vvni netting For "flvo" n plans. Cincinnati Unqulrcr. 1 can romember. My llttlo daughter. When rob was selllnc Two pullon a quarter. Ohio Motorist. I cnn remember. You little rogue, When skirts to tlio nnklo Wero quite tho vogue. This couple, It seems, delighted In entertaining, hut for some rensor, tho lady of tha hotiso was not very efficient ns a cook or ovuntcer. Ono ov cuing when Kllla and the parent of tho youngster were nt, dinner with tho aforementioned couple tho meat couro had just been brought in. After tho first bite, tho youngster was hoard In n loud "asldo" to his mether: "Oh, look mamma, daddy was right. Ho said that we would liavo chicken half done'." HAltl) M'CK "Daggim It.'" said Cupid, coming homo after u hard day's work. "Look nl them arrows, all busted up!" "Why son," exclaimed Venus "What's tho matter?" "Oh, I ran up against a bunch of flappcra an' cake-eaters and they pretty near ruined my outfit." "Does your wlfo drlvo the ear?" "Oaly when I'm at tho wheel." JUHt So Uc "Ia.'1's kiss and mako up." 8ho If you're care.'Cil '1 won't lmo to." i K. M. Rubb says while mother Is railing her baby darling, the more practical father Is calling him his llttlo $400 exemption. In Scan It of Truth Tho father, a lawyer, was busily engaged writing at his desk when Ills young son entered tho room. After a moment's silence tho child said: "How old Is Santa Claus, fath er?" "A few moments later tho boy tried ngalu, "Did tho stork bring mo lioro?" " don't know." Silence prevailed for several min utes when tho third question camo "Do caulbals eat people?" "I don't know" fairly roared iho exasperated parent. "Say, father," said tho smalt son, furiously, "Who mado you n lawyer nn how?" Honor Kven Hub: "You Bpond too much money or fulso hair. Look at your uuff " Wife: "And you spend too much for cigars. Look nt your own puffs' LU.MHLR JIAXDLLR.S WANTKD Ti) load lumber liy contract. 1'lione l.iinilii Lumber Co. 2t( YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should have your attention. Cool weather and storms force prices up. Our fuel is the best, our prices ore right on Slab, Blocks, Body and Tama oack. Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. U. OF O. WORKING HARD TO PRODUCE 'WINNING ELEVEN Season Promises to Be Greatest In Athletic His tory of Fnr West SAN' FRANCISCO, Sept 27 Football of n better brand than over will lie plnvod on tho 1'aclflc Coast this fall, according to gridiron chiefs and oborvors. All ngrec that tho season promises to be tho greatest In the athletic history of the far vet. Two teams, the Pnlveralty of Id aho nnd the Pnlvorslty of Southern California, will play In tho Pacific coast conference for tho first time i mm soason, tney Having uoon aimed to the circuit last winter. The other six conference schools are tho Pnlver slty of Washington, University or Cat; Ifornla. Stanford university, Univer sity of Oregon, Washington State col lego nnd the Oregon Agricultural col lego. Most of tho conference teams this year nro "pointed" for California, i California has gone undefeated tor two sensons but this -year loses Its veteran line from ncklo to tncklo' and one star halfback. Andy Smith, the Rear conch, however. Is confident that he will have n powerful eleven, tflrlck" Mullor. All-American end last year, I one of the stars who will be back. The other teams are being streng thened. Stnnford has Introduced the Olonn Warner coaching "system," with Andy Kerr, a Warner student, doing tho coaching and promising n strong fighting eleven. Washing ton, with now material and better coaching, hopes to regain tho place It held In tho football sun when Oil mour Dobte ptloted the team through a victorious decade. Oregon thinks It will have the greatest team slnco It defeated Pennsylvania and lost to Harvard tyy a lone point several years ago. Washington State has eleven veterans back. The Oregon Aggies and U. S. C havo as yet made no claims while Idaho, the stranger, looks like a dark horse Outside of tho conference some hard battles are anticipated. One, will be played Thanksgiving Day be tween St. Mary's collego and Santa Clara University, two ancient Cali fornia foes who broke apart ten years ago nnd who wero brought together again only this season. Competition will bo keen in tho Southern Califor nia conference and tho northwest conference. Campaign Is Started At U. of C. Against Betting on Football HERKHLKY. Cal Sept. 27. Stu dent leaders at the University of Cali fornia here have started a campaign against hotting on the football games. Support Is being given tho cam paign by Andy Smith, head football coach. "Proof of support of thli ycar'B varsity may bo shown In other ways than by waving wallets," Smith suld. Tho Daily Californlan, n student newspaper, says betting has persisted hero In spite of all efforts to dis courage It. Callfornlans, tho papor added, should get over tho Idea that it Is a sign of luck of California spir it to refuso a wager from a rival Institution. Nena: to TA."-iMYi:n.s Tho board of equalization of Klam ath County will be In session October 2nd, 11)22, to hear nil protests filed by tax-payors. All property owners who havo mudo, or desire to mako protests df their assessments uru notified to bo present on that day. 2.1.27 PNIVKRSITY OF ORF.COS. Ku getie, Sept. 27.- If hard work nnd trjlng will develop a football team the Fnlversity of Oregon will havo n banner eleven this lenson. according to Coach "Shy" Hiintlngtou. nnd nil Oregon fans who havo given the lemon-yellow prospects the "onco over" ngreo with him. With hut three member of last oar's eleven missing Pi tho squad of inoro than 25 men who are now practicing dally for tho varsity team, this vear'i outlook Is tho host since 19 It!. Conch Huntington with Lino Coach "Hart" Spellmnn, and Trainer Rill Ilayward started full practice Monday nnd each ilny sees tho sqund of varsity timber growing. Hunting ton, who Is starting his fourth year as head conch, says thN season Is the first ono ho has experienced when all conditions have sized up tor n good stnrt. A survey of the lino from end to end and a review of tho backfleld shows a wealth or material from which to pick till season. Inroads of graduation took "Spike" Leslie, Mar tin Howard nnd Rill Rolnhart from tho eleven of hut jear. For Les lie's place at tacklo Huntington H grooming "Cog" Campbell, n 20ft pound bono crusher who mado nil enviable reputation on tho O. A. C. rook cloven two years ago. Camp bell registered in tho Fnlversity of Oregon last year and Is eligible for thls year's tram. Oeorgo Rllss nnd Rill Spears, two stalwart lad, member of the Ore gon frosh team will put up a hard battle for tho end position loft vn can by Howard and "Chappy" Chap man, who played quarter In n ma jority of last season's games is hack to hold the position ho shared with Rill Rolnhart, the third member of last year's team who Is not back In the ranks this jear. Floyd and "Tlnj" Shields, tried and true, guards of last year's seas on aro cavorting about on tho turf each night now. "Tiny" suffered n sovcro case of pneumonia during the summer, but Is now practically re covered and Is expected to bo n bul wark or strength In the line., Carl Vondcrahe, a lettermon of last year, looms us a likely tacklo mnto far Campbell. Vondcrahe Is n husky player nnd earned his spurs last season playing wonderful ball. Rudd Drown, two year veteran nt end. Is back In the running again this seas on. The backfleld bristles with good material. Resides Chapman nt quar ter, Huntington has Ward Johnson. George ICIng, "Durch" Oram nnd "Hunk" Latham of last year's team, as well as a flock of good aspirant to choose from. Tlram Is being devel oped ns the probablo punter of tho team and tho lengthy Latham will be on tho receiving end of pasting plays. Tho aerial attack developed by Huntington lato last season with Latham reaching up and pulllng'cm down was ono of tho most effective bits of work Oregon fans havo wit nessed. Chuck Parsons, husky utility man, adaptable to any position on tho tcani Is expected back shortly. "Prink" Calllson, veteran center whoso work In tho Oregon-Hurvonl ganio will long be remombercd, was Friendly Mixup at Princeton i waiEsaa VI 13 OH cliooi uiiMfrei ESSAY CONTEST $35 in Cask Prizes Hero's n llttlo prnctlco scrimmage, for the linemen nt Princeton, N. J. . wiicro Instruction In preliminary tactics tor this scaicn's grid tears , already has been started. Injured daring tho aiiuimi-r when a log hit him and fractured Unco bone In both legs Ho i.t rapidly Improv ing, how over, and will report for practice soon, nccordiiig to Hunting ton Ho linn an nblo under-study In the .person of Hornco Ilylor. u member of last ear's sound Among tho promising members of last jear's fiosli team who will have to bo reckoned with nro Art Sutton and Jons TerJoon, Imrkflald men nnd (Joedecke. linesman. "Rutty" llrovvu, lettormnn on tho Knox eleven two jears ngo is i-llglhto for a baakfleld position this season nnd has loported for practice. Ray MeKenwn nnd Oleic Hold, weighty linesman of last year's var sity squid nro exported to repot I for fall training In a day or so. Oregon will open hor schedule with n contest with the Pacific university team In KuRono, September :0. fol lowed by a contest hero with Multno mah amateur athletic club In Octo tober. Whitman will be met nt Pendleton in October and Idaho at Portland In October No gamn has beon scheduled for November 4, In preparation for tho annual Homo coming game which will bo played hero November 11 with Washington State collego. The annual state clas sic with O. A. C will ho played In Corvallls November IS, nnd Iho scheduled soaon will close Novem ber 30 when Oregon plays tho Fnl versity of Washington at Seattle. A now football field has been ar ranged, adjoining tho varsity prac tice field for the freshman stiund which will be formed nnd start nc tlvo practice Immediately nfter tin opening of school October 2. "Kn" Williams, former Oregon star, will coach tho freshman ngatn this year At the Theatres Tin: i.uicim John (illbeit. one of the niiiM re lent mid successful starts, is b'lng featured lit a talo of tho tlinberlnndi ' of Michigan, entitled "Tho Yellow! Stnln," which will have Its local pie-, Inlnni III Ihi, l.lhnrtl tlin.lt!-., lnilri The part portrajed by tlilbrrt in j ftf this production Is unusual. Inasmuch , f-'J nt ono surmises tlutt lie Is really art-1 jH lug the part of a coward, whereat , lj tho happy ending hrlngt forth the i 'M fait that the rownrdlv stnln w.nj literal) In the Imagination of th'vcl j siirrmimllni: him. . 11. n m I Tin: st.it.wi) The drama and the tr.iKodv of tli rush fnr gold In Alaska Is depleted In "Tito Flume of the Yukon." In with It Dorothy ns.lt on Is starring, whlih, v.illbo shown at tho Strand Thentr . tonight. Mia Dalian Is "Tho Flame." Ona I light she Is told by Rlnek Jark Hov-' oy. the owner of the dance hnll, to pluck n stranger, who seems to have his belt Well filled with Knld. In the prorotis of plucking him slio dltngvers tho stranger Is throwing n bluff and that It Is sand Instead of gold dusk In his belt. When a stampede Is on for n now gild fluid "Tho Flume" Ktakos tho stranger, telllne him not to romo I hark If he falls to strike pay dirt ' Aflor ho Ituvoti h deldo to give up her manner of living nnd through ' tho lonely artlr winter she wait for' tho return of tho man who bus won her love. I n H'iwol cMUlrrn of Maniitili County ni Invited lo par tMpn,. in ti,iti Kjiuv Contest. !?ui. I, i -Why tho Mts-N'iimoil Compulsory Mduv.Ulmn.l I'.lll ' should bo ilef on tod, Hi. following nro the rules of tha contttit I. I.s'm-t iimt bo limited to f.ilO uiitibi, U. Mini ho mi men lit In): niul mi into side a( paper nil!). il. Mull nil i:.i)h lit IJ!iy 1intl, Hot 4U7 Hlmnli FdlK (LrttriH will ho tlrdlvrrfil ttlinponiil lit lite lluaitl of .Ititlgr. t Nit FitjK lieiirliitf n pout mntU Inter III. mi Ori. yilllt Mill bo utt.'pli it, ."v. l'iii. will tie JmlKctl on subject mnttw otul coiisfWMliiii, .p lllug, iiiMiiiiinttnii,' KiiiHimnr nml nealiiew nf iho unrl. Mitimlid'il, Juill'.ti of rinitost will be: F. It. tMll'I.K, lliinlil I.MIIim (il S. V. SiONK, Allot noy lll'.v. II. T. MKVlIlt, Litilirtnn MJnkief 'or th lii'i ony on ttn nuoire nubjort a oMb fti'lie of J .'' on will tip given. Kit itio fiM-nnd bt essay (10.00 cost). For i lie third host ofutny ft 00 east). 'id. ix in. noi'il to dwlny, ip-I starit'il on ynut pittay hum. "In ur, ioMI.'.iI I boltm roiulil. led by .lm (Vli.il. I luf HI,- I Anrl illon of RIiiiiiiiIIi t'oiittlv II. II. t lit M tr. Msniig.-f. J ll KSsiSSSSSSG tMgsssmm&sBmmgBm anniisai ar fc 5m? t zn. m u m m sii&w&y&ffk itfr2ya GRANTS PASS PROUD OF RECORD BEING MADE BY WILLIAMS, TREES SHRUBS ROSE BUSHES BULBS Order them now for fall delivery. KlamathFIowerShop Cut Flowers Plants Phono G83 834 Main St. CHANTS PASS. Ore., Sept. 27. Home town pals of Ken Williams hero went to see him continue to clout home runs fur the St. Louis Drowns nnd take tho lead nmong tint four-buiu hitters of the major leagues. Kvoryoio In ('.rants Pass knows Ken Williams as "Dinky" Williams, for It was here that ho attended school and later pluycd on the rlty ball team, where ho mado it record as a homo run hitter, ills parents, Mr. nnd Mrs, II. A. WJllinms live hero and It Is to (inuits Pass Hint Ken i comes In the winter to upend his Idle months fishing. Old-timers nay Hint during one doso game, when Ken played on tho (irants Pass teum. IiIh father boenmn so excited that ho fa In toil -when )oung Williams put tho ball over tho fciKii for n home run. Tho chamber or commerca has sent Williams the following telegram: "We aro suroly proud of tho show ing ou nro making, (iranta Past is puling for you to tho hist man. Kcop up tho good work nnd hlt'em hard. The (SruntH Pam ball (lub has brought homo tho bncon thin year anil wo expect you to do the same. Hurry Iiciuo as i;on a possible, Tho HtcellieailH uro.hltlnr;." TIIFItSIUV AT I.IHIIHTV Rod hot fiction! This plcturn Is full of it! Roy Stcwurt riding flghllnic loving. Stowarl dorsg .t hundred little things to maintain n pnert-ko swift lmt It will nittke on xasp. And thoro Is Murjorle Dsw Also Wallace Rery. No forKettdig Johnny Walker, four playiirx who spell an all-star cast. It's u whirl wind this picture by 11. II. Van Loan, whone "Flghtln' Mud" Is re membered as ono of the notable suc cesses of tho i.oaion. You will do iluro "Thi, Sago Hrusli Trail" it fit ting companion pit re. At the Liberty Thursday. tjvit! XlTl nrKn J.JSSViS'Vi, tmm tfK&xx$!& Ml QnaltCbtairis rail II m ai vw .;i n ivtw-'w v) ti i.t.f jr?.miimm V W ybux lWul I. -1'Jf, wr " '!' .i Evorywhoro . AwiiKuann-nuaciT, inc. ot. i.outn Medfortl Grocery Co. Uitltlhulan Klottinth Folia, Oregon MILITARY AUTOMATICS A man's gun, built for hard servico, 32 or W calihor. Shoots f) shot. Itluc Fled with safety attachment. 20 Cal. 13!ue Steel Army Automatic Convenient lo Carry . Price '$7.50 All our guns shoot Standard American Ammunition ' All guns guaranteed new. ' SFWI) Wfl MflWFY Wrl1" y""r "!"" "ni1 m,'lrw"' I'!lly. Hoiid'-it lo us and wo will for UUltU 11 V mvnfj i ward ou ono or thoKO nutoniatios. Pay PohIiuuh on nrrlvnl llxnmliiu nulomalle carefully ami If not uatlsfattory J-mt i turn It nnd i;et your MO.NI1Y HACK. F. H BROOKS, Inc. 330 S. THIRD ST. EVANSVILLE, IND. Pldtho mention this paper In replying. iiiun! for our Cnl.iloKiin DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Tom InvestigGtes BY ALLMAN ! UA1M, MIONB 99 1 TOM. I'M NOT GOING TO SEND PAKINV TO SCHOOL TODAV -HE HAD A RUHIN WITH HI5 TEACHER .YESTERDAY AND I'M GOIMG To KEEP HIM HOME - i lt 7 -Q I WHO 13 HIS TEACHER? I'M. GO OVER MD SEE UP.O TUI54 MOPMiur: AMD SEE VJlfAT'5 VJKTOMc! tt-l ) rf - cW m T 'Ti'f J-l r I SUPPOSE SHC'S SOME. OUOMAIO WHO DOESM'T KOW MUCH ARz-mY CHILOUru- I 6EMO HIM To C5CIIOOL To GET AM EDUCATION AMD NOT TO DE IMPOSED UPON- , cX-a v sa 1.M J.z- F. ? & 1 1 f -, '"VT -J. I -df . . -JUr-Siy IT WA3IPT AMVTHING VEWV tiERIOO'o- I REQUESTED HIMTt. DO SOMETHIHG AMD HE REFUSED TO DO IT- SO I DETAINED HIM FOR A PEVJ MINUTES AFTER SCHOOL AMD TALKED TO HIM - THAT WAS AM-- 7 - "WWi VJIIERU 16 DANNY P I WART TO TCACH HIM SOMETIIIWG - VJHERG. y'CA V IO HEV r SELF - I'Ll ,0' STRAIGHTUI THIS MATTEfi - IT VllLLVWRkOin ALLRIGHT FBfr JKW-t ,lrts- . V-" tigfliil 7 7 a jsyi p v i NOW, JUST .M YouB- s't K & iv-j