The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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A ' WV
i mrmt VrrLiT""'t'' . pf
VKt)i:SI)W, IWPI'. 1ST H)i5'.S.
The Erening Herald
i X
I l
action; to ccaao trusting In Tort
Inml nnd provldoneo for develop
mcnt nnd lilt rohio hard licks tor
Not that wo belittle tho favori
9. R. koVtl, ,Eter 4 PmMlafcer
M. ft. taliL Citr Kdlto
V, O. NfOKIiB Advertlstac Mmacrr
' of providence. Kvcry fertile foul
$823S$ of' Klnmatl. an,, n;, every tower-1
KhmMk Falls, t;U9 Klhth street. "k P'n of Mnmnth'n forest, would
contradict the. heresy, i
Not tlint no would quarrel with
Portland, or combat any laudable '
tcMiss America,, Becoming:: Famous
KatM4 at the poitotflce at KUm-
tB rani, ur., for tranimiMton
threat tho nails as second-class
malttr. , "
' a 1'nESB
The Associated Press Is excluslve
Ijr entltl4 to the use for publica
tion of all Dawn dispatches crodltod
to It, or DOl otherwise credited In
this pfctyr, and alio tho local news
published herein.
WKIINKHOAV, KKPT. 27, 11122.
we Want the nat- i
v ,
UNDE& tho hcadlnR "Klamath
Falls, California,' 'the Oregon
Journal prints an editorial pica to
Portland business men to awakn to
the opportunity for rich profits In
this torrltory, that now are being
diverted Into California becnuse of
noro convenient transportation and
communication between Klamath
Falls and San Francisco than be
tween Ktamath Fails and Portland.
The editorial Is an argument for
tho Natron cut-off, bocausc It would
bring Portland two hundred miles
closer to 'Klamath Falls one-hundred
miles closer than San Fran
cisco Is now to Klnmnth Falls
and rlre -Portland a chanco at tho
SO.OOO carloads of product shipped
annually 'from Klamath county.
As a matter of logic, the shorten
ing of dlstanco should reverse exist
ing conditions anil Portland should
Krt the lion's sharo of Klamath
trade, for7 the same, reason that San
Francisco now gets It.
The Journal's argument Is sound,
but we doubt If It will stir tho
lethargic Portland spirit to a point
whero they will spend money :o
promote he. Natron cut-off.
Certainly until conditions arc re
versed nnd there arc commercial and
financial reasons for a closer rela
tionship with Portland, tho majority
01 local citizens arc not going to
worry about tho building of the
Natron cut-off.
No on opposes tho building of
tho Natron cut-off. Our Idea of
railways Jor 'Klu'mnlh Is like the
blbblers Idea of a now forbidden
uereragc-r-lhcy're all good but some
nro better than others.
We cannot close our eyes to some
advantages "Chat would rite, from a
completed Natron cut-off, but the
primary ndvnntngo U not IncreaseJ
accessibility to Portland. Most trad
ers and manufacturers hereabouts
nre well satisfied at the treatment
nnd markets they nro gottlng In Cal
I ferula.
However, tho Natron cut-off
would give stockmen access to an
other market and soma decided
marketing advantages.
1 And lCT would develop, thp great
feedlng-ln-transit to market possibil
ities of tho Klamath coVntry, and
solvo th. problem of-profitable dis
posal of the annually Increasing al
falfa surplus.
It would link us politically with
tho stnte.j of which wo nro a geo
graphic part.
'It would put Klamath Fulls on
tho main line nnd Incidentally
nuke It -u distributing adjunct of
Hut It has not tho potent powers
for development of tho Klnmath
country, tho creation or a distribu
ting center for an empire, a city In
Itself and dependent upon naught
Jmt destiny, that has u line creat
ing an eastern outlet and Inlet.
l Portland may bo looking for soiuu
,0( Its development to Klnmath Falls,
.but as n'mnttcr of cold fact Klam
ath Falls has ceased to look to
Ptfrtlund'for any of Its development.
The day ha last when talk of
Portland activities toward bridging
'& Cascades awakens glad echoes
1h Klamath.
. For ohjJj thing we han heard tho
"cry of "wolf, wolf" too often.
tUPut chiefly, whllo Klamath up
prcclatosff that the Natron cut-off
'Wqpld b a convenience, would
probably five us tho lower main line
rates,' ani promote a number or ,.J
vaftages,"" the Modoc Northern, or
jlino nproxlmntiiiB tho Modoc
.Northern!'' Is the empire bulldliig
VW veatuto to say that eighty per
cent lot ihq Klamath population
Vld subscribe to tlild opinion,
tyjilch shows lhat we have at leas'.
J m.iI I... tliA .nsvlilnra'nf n,ll nun ,1 ,u.
V f' ,h!'riPld,.ty of' h,old
w frk process depends only on (ho
)VvJIUy ii combine. 'our strength In
' .'itiaitdMrVtafmkka It'effectlvn upon ibo
i BM,ifeftmat rnnlrnl (ransnnrtatlnn. '
V,V, $($&' tohrMtiuU
yisjSlilil tsrimt, nu vuir.nn
effort of the metropolis to nihnnco
tho (knelopincnt of She state. As
good cltlretis we would all h? be
hind any development program con-,
eclved In proper spirit, '
Hut back to tho old fable of the
lark nml tho farmer. Our Callfor-I
ntn neighbors nnd our Portland
cousins have their own Interests,
nnd their own plans to advance
them. Klamath's Interests will be
best attended to It we attend to!
them oursches.
13m ims
Pralso often turns a woman's head.
Passing another In n new dress has,
tho same effect.
We claim might Is not right. They
might overcharge ns for coal but It
won't be right.
Latest on deck Is poison port wine.
One might call It the port of missing
RHP iPiWIi ,v 'H
rV InnUBV liA VIlMPiSa(B Jti?iM ! H' M.
annV nnHPH MfThB' F "v5S?KlFyaffjl
lnm. nnn innBS ttflLtfrv'.-y
iZmi, Mimk
mk: &: i am
snVA. n J7SimetiA.i
1 1 11 'I in Mtfw&&.:??iyy;iz&m
Aeotlier Note
Received Today
v ,r,w'
4(- .
Ever slnco Miss Mary Kathctlne Campbell of Cjiumbu O , wn tho tittc In n recent national contest ct
"America's m.t beautiful izlrl," sho has been sounht after l nn 'h nun 10 men nnd thcatrlenl producers,
nil nnxtoUs to dlcplay the beauty to the public. Hire MI33 Ca-nplch is shown slttlns for n portrait by Jowiili
Cummlnps Chase, noted Nc. Vcrk rortrntt jutntcr.
Personal Mention
In for Uoereitlou crock where iliey ,
will spend rooral tK-K' In their
houseboat. O'tlira Is a .ueiiitier of
tho Amorlcnn Umelterlng (c Hofinini;
(ompan Iho ()'(ira' lme tH'eii
rr r'
( B9l J; I
V--i .T' 1
i o 17 1
tnje- Pacific , Wlnlirs
Owing money Is dangerous,
makes you lose our memory.
Tho hit and miss sstem sounds
much better on n typewriter than It
does on a piano.
In Now Jersey, a choir leader was
murdered. Some rcoplo can't tell
the difference between good nnd bad
Moro suspenders aro being worn
this fall. Holts do not hold up hip
pockets properly.
Wonder how they will manago to
persuade America to pay for the
Turk-Orcck war?
"What hat do you wear!" asks an
advertisement. Wo always make It
a point to wear our own.
Klamath Kails, Ore.
September 27, 1JW2.
Tho Star l)rui? Co. '
Klamath Falls, Ore.
My wife and I have been very much in
teroi'tod in following the diplomatic noloi be
tween your store and Mr. Uigh Coat Liiiir.
Wo have always patronized these One
Cent Sales and this-- time we .shall be bijruer
buyeiM than ever before. We appreciate
your efforts in our behalf and will be on hand
Friday morning with our market basket.
Keep up your courage and don't let anyone
scare you out of this .semi-annual money
saving sale.
Ve want at least four of those best ho'
water bays this time, as our oldest boy and
uirl have both been married since your last
One Cent Sale and we want to give each one
for a piesent. Also save us some of the
Klcm.0 Tooth Paste ami Koxall Ordeilies.
Voui.s for the pennies.
Mr. Ordinary Mann.
diaries urey as a county se.u sl, their araUtuia In Klamath
Msitor ptcnlay nftcruoon from his '-( tnr ,t, ,ai lr ..r ..r.
I ranch at Pine Uroo. I ,'
Word has ben rcfolved here of
Marshall Hooper oft for Orwli lh, imlh ,)f t!arrctl Kauon, ,on of( J(1(J A , , n .
spent here on legal business. CJB , ,c bo- Mriy-tUH fall In ; of A ,u.a hnu bt h ' Uu ,.,u ,
Con Talor arrived hero from "'""" wnuro m mm uwn waw VMtte ComfM-. of t'..itlan.i , 0W J rym fv EPto M 1 j&G 4? 9K
UkmlKw jesterday and Is register-1 (" leHiB the ship on which ha afR! ,L j WteW(1 u, n Vo) Ifl $??' O OS I ffZ S tt
cd at tho White Pelican hotel. '" "u'"r f , day nad Tuewlu-. the .1. f. ,.!. ,ltl U STYl Mk 1 X W ,, tijl TV J .
iv niFiiuriiit inuiuiv,. nauuir, '",, ,l,i. .. ,.,.. ,.. . ...... ifl r Wi ll N m v- . m w- ' -- -
. ,lvl t .,r- f'. en-,,, o "" " - B "" ' "
great part of 1.1, boyhood ia Kla.n-, l 0r? Vf P?" '' ' V J" '
Mrs. K. A. Hughes Is Waiting here
from Pun Froqclsco for the next few
Mrs. Mary 11. Heed left for IJorrls
UiIh morning whero she will Wait
with friends until Sunday.
Tomorrow nfternoon the ladles
of the St. Pauls' Episcopal guild will nt the home of Mrs. U. V. Kuy-' "1,r "' " """' r'''c
Kendall, 622 Conger avenue.
It. W. Tower made n trip Into
town csterday from his homo nt
Keno for tho purpose of purchasing
Boston man claims his wife turned
the tables on him also a chair and i
a garden hose. Oeorcc Offleld was another farm-
,, .. , cr who made o trip Into town estcr-
Iludlnl I got out of a locked safe In , ,, ,, transactl.d busnoM ,, 0.
30 seconds. Maybe he could escape j , ra,.rchant!Ii
from a crowded street car at his stop, j
......... . . I J. N. Hunter asd Tom Word are
."urui winas win soon go souiu lor
the winter.
Ienttt until t!i ttimii em t fj
transcribed by tho official t i,nti
Dr. liitolla Ford Warner, medical' The case Involves th sum .,'
llrector of statu hytilotte. and Mrx. $19,38 &6 alleged duo the P .i' i
(Jlendom M. Ulakely, Htato adiiory nimpaiiy front tho duf.mluiti tr
nurse, who were her0 for tho hahx matortaU furnlshnd for Hi,- bull mi
M t ii
reat. A large number of ui:ne
m were cull'd during tlie inn il
and a great mam or ovldemt tiU-'
en. The president and crollt man '
for the Portland firm aparci far
the plaintiff. '
5th and Main Sts.
nth Falls.
clinic left this morning for UVe lew of tan Winter' hloik
i: tsM' j us i-Mrxrrr.!TZMm :wi ,imf an. ::';:. ww?
They expect to return hero next Mon
day for tho purpose oj attending tho
teachers lnstltnto and also la 1m pre
sent at the annual banquet, Tuesday
night, of the Klamitli Public Health
here on business this woek from
llend. They nro registered nt the
Whlto I'elhnn hotel.
Ail mis Vf. !:)
lloyd Adamo hus filed suit i- t'i
which he dwaadi .'JidKie-m nl the
attm of filO with laterott and SC
attornsvs fee, tho amount nlii-K'
due on a note
Mies Iluth Del.ap oxpecls to Iaco
Conqucrcr of Goiges Will Come in ( tomorrow morning for Kugene, whore
l S. For Million Francs ' "llc wl" rnter "" L'nhcrslty of Ore-
i con as n freshman.
PARIS. Sept. 27. One million i Mrf. ,, H. Kdmnnds has nrrled
francs Is what Battling Slkl. the con-1 ilcre from Arlrona after nn absonco
of several months and will make
Klamath Palls an extended Is It .
qucror of Georges Corpcntler, asks
to go to America to fight Harrj Wills
at tho Polo Grounds on October 2C,
Manager Hellers cabled Tom
O'Rourke, the American fight promo
Mrs. Sarah' Porter,' who hus. boon
hero lsltlng her brother, 0. T. Pop
ter. this evening In response to an i if. 'c't ysstordny for her homo In
offer of $20,000.
Hellers said that he considered ,
Pujallup, Wiishlncton.
Kdward Warren, aon of W. W.
Tie tithing catnpalcn of Ut
Christian church has rtv(l to be
liraltuu K, ilausen '
lirnfnK lllttl t V M.I.I ! . .
fl l,i.rtal snjwau. .ihamiIIi, In lh. R ' '
JHanaenrofte Her J52 for rout ami
. BftR In nunilian llru
sf. - ! ntitlt i idivv tiuw trvfll)
i into r,tor (if l h Ml hlg II Uimner woi J ur I ,nr In
tlie old ilmrt wljl euj Till U tale ("timl- I on la i aim i
1 1 ii irenr" i of wild il.eains
lit H II nt) l.i in enil Hie i I of ltur ilrnirl. Mnrjurle liiw
Joliimio WiiIKit mid Wolluu I on in indeeii ixcellcnl We nffer
this us one of he filienl W 'em dr nil is we ter plu)ei nnd It cir
rln our uiuiiiulKled luitpu Wirth) of i. tu duy ntamt bit!
o.i.y buul I foi 'I'liliriiluj
I'lllDW Hpuliil milllnee fur rrlmul rhlldriu t ') ,
for chapter Two of In TI.e Ui)s ol Hufluli hill
O'Rourko'a offer totally Inadequate. J yftm - ut v,,,, It.a;o , th)
Headdedthathohadrccehedanof-,mor,nB 0, KJKma hcr(J ,,
for of a largo sun for Slkl to meet j fontlnuo h!a vork , . ,)ro.mcJIc9
tho winner of the Joe Heckett-Prask
department of the university.
Moran fight In Kngland on "boxing
day," the day atter Christmas. Hoik- J J. It. Rcamoa was n passenger on
ott nnd Moran will fiht October 12. i the morning train bound for his
Tho manager of tho ficuegalesu said j home In San Krnnctsco nfter having
lib did not desire to go to tho United epent several days hero looking after
States unless tho financial Induce- his many business interests.
incuts in n dn It worth while. I '
Slkl himself at first was dlsluclln-
Ail in inntn lw t rift tint TTsiltiiil
.. ... ,.. t,.u .,,- . .U U....V.. . ,.,, , ..,,. .
vt, lWDll,L-nu ,tl,l liUllllllU IIJ'( IWIl
Mr. mill Mrs. W. Wl Jones, who
upnut sucral days hero on u combln
Port Klamath
Rev. A. II. IlrWpw. The Jlev. C
Swander, state sup rlntendent of
the Christian churchts in Oregon,
spoko both morning and events t
last Sunday. While hero be put on
the annual "very wVmber can
vass," and also finished the tith
ing campaign. As a result, a kikh I
many lithe lima l(i njcureil,
and tbe moat aucccsiful can van In
tho history of tha church wag made.
Tho Rev. Chaa. W Johnfton. min
ister from PrlnoWIIe, will hsglit a
lovlval In the Christian ohilrch dur
ing tho second ek In Oqlolwr. Hu
Is a minister of the Prin vllle
Christian church an I comes vory
highly recommonded as a mlnlHter
and uvangullst.
Advertising pajs. Try It nnd see.
Bratton has brought suit In I he rlr
cull court for the purpose of col
lecting this sum along with coats
ami disbursements of the easa.
Tho I'imil .Mothir Just think',
liltilv I'crrlvnl Is beginning to talk '
He's lenrnlm: to recite 'Una, Dun.
black nliecp. liny )iiu any wimi1?"
'i hi: (iiioii oi.ii ii.xt.s
1)11 -H
' There nre nn moro onte pi ilng
young men Why I rember wlton
it was a eoinimm thing for a voting
I'lmwim , Dier
Porter Parsons through nmm.v
haa filed suit against Parker !er
alleging that nrs of a 1 ami have
not been earrlod out hy the hitter
and asking the court U Dyi-ri
fiouua piece of land near Merrill 1
which Is tinder dispute. Thu plain
tiff also auks $2,ooo and tlm eoBt.i
of tbe suit.
c 1
Tin, Proud I-'.ithor "N'u'
hit any all that" I "IH" l" H,nrt ""' "" ' e,t'r,:i t'1 '
The Mother "Nnl nl lot It as r"w y.H ow i 'he busliinM. '
jet Hut hit's gnt as far us " Ilaa ' Ves. hut eah r.glfl'ra have
Inn" In i n invented since"
PORTLAND. F. pt 27
cr, hikI liiittir Kiciil)
I.Ui 'tock
States, but later said ho would do so
If' InpTnu ivnrt nfAtit.xt II
i .i , , ,, .I.,. Interested In tho
In thu opinion of Hollera that It1,, ,
,, , , ., , , ,.,, i . Meadow, company
would ho n good th ug for S kl to i
meet Wills Immediately ns ho con- MIm Iieriiardlmi Hhiiiioii left fori
moors vynn 'o wiij- man biauuiug wocu tula morning wncro hiiu win
Intho'way of n bout botween Slkl mtct Mr.s. (i. A. Ilullnoll, who Is ro
and Jack Ocmpaey for tho world'u turning from Han Francisco. Mrs.
"Folks, Arc Honest After All
433S& .
There will be an ice
crearh social at the
Scandinavian Hall
Thursday night, Sep
tember 28.
Everybody come and
bring ajriend.
llullwoll Is being accompanied by her
I small Htepsou. '
Howard V.'Innnrd Is In tonn today
( from his paronts homo In I.augoll
valley preparing to leave fur Hugcno
I In thu rooming. Wlnunrd Ih u jun
! lor In tho University of Oregon, do-
partmout of commerco.
W. M. Puturhough Is back In
' Klamath Falls nfter nn ubsunco of
1 nearly flvo yoaro. It Is very posslblo
, that Putirhough will bring his fam
ily hero from Grants Puss for tho
. puiroju of making this their future
; humn.
Paving operations nro progressing i
nt a rapid rate In tho district of
Font tli, High unit Washington I
Htreots, throo blocks hnvo been fully
completed, Thu finished biockti nre
1 Fourth betwirn Pine nnd High, nnd
tho two blodis between Thlid nnd i
Fifth strLots on High. ' I
Two udmlroro of tho Klamath
country, Mr. nnd Mii P, J, O'Onra,
arrived heio InBt night from their
j Salt Lake homo nnd left this moin-
For Sale
Help yourself, and
pay in com only. At-
1 vun
.. ,"rr'"
nit A' ST
' 1
ii a k & -,-
t JV ' '4
.Ik... ',..
? Iass Jim
1 qHHB
426 MaiS
Phone 34
Klamath Falls, Ore.
We want all the first class
Produce we can sell.
VrL i . kne-tA
'i .r-Lf '
'fn In-it thn nnrlil'n linnestv nn Inn keener In Itanlcr Ktttlonal Park,
Wnsh., etartol rclllnn ntninpu with tlilu dovlco, And thus far no ono luw
tried to cct tho bitter of It. Accounts always bnlancc t tho close of thu
We Pay The
W .B. V i
KHRBrVTlitlArs r 'J HH
for produce purchased
Tell us what you have lo sell
' i