The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 27, 1922, Image 1

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&v feweninn Herald
Member of the Associated Press
HMcnidi Will'. No, HUM
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King Constanline Reported To
Have Abdicated; Warships
Advancing on Capitol
LONDON, Sept. 27. Greece is in the grip of n rcv-j
olution. '
King Constantino in reported to have abdicated.
Several warships and transports, manned by revo
lutionists, arc reported advancing on the capitoi from the
Aegean Islands where the revolt originated. The cabinet
resigned yesterday as the crisis approached. Martial lav
has been declared in Athens.
The British commanders are confident that thcyl
ran keep the Turks from crossing the Dardanelles or cap-,
Hiring Constantinople until arrival of formidable rein-l
forccments now on the vay. Turks arc entrenched on,
neutral zone which they refuse to recognize as such.
CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 27. General Harring
ton, liritith commander here, sent on ultimatum today
- V I D L . n i . i I 4a
10 rwcinBi rarna m Smyrna
hours to withdraw his forces
rUrrJnni.ll...- Annlk ko,l
.In ..l li, I ,
.., w.w..wv ... ..w... w..w
It is unofficially forecast that the Ksmalist reply to
the allied peace note contains unacceptable conditions, in
that the Nationalists insist upon using the straits for
transporting of troops to Thrace before beginning a
peace conference.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 27. Unequivocablc ap
proval by the Washington government of the allied pro
posals to insure the freedom of the Dardanells and Bos
phorus, and also to protect the racial and dcligious minor
ities in Turkish territories, expressed by Secretary Hugh
es today in reply to an inquiry addressed by the Associa
ted Press. Hughes declined to discuss the territorial
question raised by the allies' proposal, but made his at
titude clear on other points.
iSlkl nml lh'Mir, In A'MMr mi
I'rutiiiini; III; Tiuio I'iihiiIm-iI
SIM, llin Ki'iicRi'lonn filthier who
haudi'd Cirpentler a K. O. t hit oili
er nllllit. mill Jail, ll(:in;i'cy. fcn
railed wnrhl'M ehiitnpliin, will up.
icnr nl tho, KiiIkIiIk of l')thln:i
iiliinker lo ho hiild In l 111 Inn hull
nt M o'clock tonlitlil. At leant
t uuru Ihu nmiieH I ho ttrrnpporri
i;avo Ut llio I'jtlilun cntcrtalnnum'
Other celuhrltlcH of local futile,
will tiUo uppcur, nml nuvoral on
tertaluliiK olunU mo planned. Dor
el'ii orchubirn will furnlnli the Blow
iiiuhIc when the Hlkl-Deinpsivy hunt
uiuIh and thocu who nro ahlu io
iilt IuuiiIiIiik ufter tho affair la
over will ho offerud nu excellent
Tho entertainment In opcji to
frlendH of KnlRhtH of 1'yllihiH hy
Two More ('amllilatcM Apiicnr, (Ihk'
liaKen nml llriinileiihui'K
Two more c,niidldnto8 have up
tieared for tho offleo of police
JiiiIku. They aro J list leu of tho
Peace 1.. 1.. OiiKlinr.wn and Patrol
man Clyde, llraiidunhui'i:. Until have
petition hlaukii mid JiiHtleo dunlin
Koii'm will hu III clnulntlon tomor
row, Jiiillt'o (InitliitKeu Bald he would
niuko no campiiKlu a h hu ilneH not
'hellnve In tho practice of hiiton
holliiR frloudH to ubI their v1ch.
Hit hiild that If the votctH wanted
him they would elect him, anil that
ho would lot it 1:0 nt that.
llrundouhurK nan been a inoni
bur of tho pollco forco for the puut
year or tw. Previous to thai ho
wa cnRnRed In (he merrtiniiiUHn'
oy wirciccs, giving mm 'oi
from the entrance to the",' ,' ;"wv "'-" " -
f innn nv.l, i.
t :.
..w... w.boU.
Wide llrinii nml Tall Ooiuii
Ijtlil r.ililoii Hero
Itodeo liatH am thn latest fash
ion III Klaiualli l-'allHhlj; wldo.
hrlmined oiiea' uilh (all crownn,
ilijiitcil In '.ho front. That'll Ihe
faihlon ii a deciued hy tho fair and
rodi'o lioiMtrni. Knuie folk are say
liw; that extra iidmlHalon will ho
rhnrKod tliuso ioiuIiik to thn r':lo
wcai Ini; lu'dlnary hutx. Hut tl in
report Ih ho a Hllk'ht
exnufioralloii of tho facti. '
This latest fashion holds Reed for
women us well an men, tliu boeitr:
t7 llulilex i:iimlmd; Health De
clined lo lie 1,'liUMliilly (i'ikmI
Tho reKlntur of thu annual Klam
ath Falls Imhy rllnle Hhowed that VI
hahles'hud hueu examined durlni; tho
oiiu day. It waa with tho creatcst
HatlKfnetloit that the l.ullca of thu
lhrary rluh learned of tho surreifs
of tho clinic which was Until under
their direction and wan made pohhIIiIo
only hy tho hard and illllKcnt work
of rluh members, ably assisted hy
Miss lo'dia Frickn.
"The health and Rimoral condition
of llio children I found to ho very,
very good," mild Dr. W'urncr. of
Ptu'tland, hnforn bho left for Lake
vluw tills morning. "And best of all,
they rnlo very favorably with oilier
ihlldrun In tho atutu."
This wan thu lamest omi-duy clluln
held In tho Ntato ho far (his year
accordlni; to Dr. Warner, who la statu
medical director of hyitleno,
Nurses who assisted yesterday and'
whoso iianius wuro not In Inat night's
paper were: Mrs. Charles N, Coso
boom, Mrs. II, K. Haucer, Mlssei)
Haiel. Moorehnuse, Anderson' and
KIiik Constantino nml Uncoil So-
I phhi of (Ircero reported
1 .1... ,.... ..,..
.lun to their troop.' defeat hy tho
"t.,,,1,.. i ..i, ,,
auinta 111 Mnin iiiiri
I asjdlr s'Iii.l iaT
bbbbb ""s1ubbt
AIM nt7 PCTITinMl,'ul",,cr f01"!"111)'- ' lWvlilnB every
U1V1 UI rtllllUll ennvcnlcnco for Its employes. A
I modern, up-to-dato school bulldlns
"T I bos been crected"whlch will g?at CI)
.,nvn M,.!,. of Mania.!, Itinhiesi pup,9 T1,o gchoo, hM 1wq eaM
I'Ii-iim lly J. W. M.rmn; Tax room8 ,, ,arB0 ng,emb. lm,
AKrni i.r ). W. It. X. j Additions can l erected to house
" "" . 390 If necessary. Tho cmplovjrs
Opcra(lon of the Central Pacific an, employes aro vsry proud of
as an independent railroad, this building, which permits chlld-
Ihe cnrrylnn out of the uiiuiorror du rcu to attend school nine months
elslon of the HUpremu court. Is tho ' l year,
aim of a petlllon elrculaled here.dur-j l'p-To.alo lloimdliouto
Ing tho last fuw duys hy .1. W. Mor- "Tho company own and opcr
row, tax m;ent of (ho O. W, It. (i X., ale an up-tn-dalo rouudhouso and
r.nd liberally AKnd. machine hhop, which Is not sur-
Morrow yald that 17." rlKsaluresi passed in emilpment hy my on tne
were nblalned In Klamath Falls. Iln'malu line of tho Southern i'arifle. A
attempted to muku a full canvass of larise. modern electric plint Is be
Ihe buslnosH dlntrlrt and lould name! Iiik Installed which ran furnU'i
less than Inlf a do?en firms that ro-j light for a rooJ sired (own. An
fused l sIkii. Korly-elRht HlKiiatures I excellent water system brings pure.
were untamed in Hie Fori Klaiualli
section, about -' In I.akevluw mid
others In .Merrill mid Malln.
Xo Imiuedluto us,, of thn petition
Is routemplnled, hut It may possibly
bo handy mi an Instrument of rebuttal
lo points ralvil at some future hear
Ins, he ..aid.
Followlni; Is the text of llio petl petl
leon: Wo, llin ttiulerslKtiml, Fevrrally
cnK.'iKcd lu business In Oregon,
and patrons of the Southern Paci
fic company lu lt;i freight rervlce,
believe that better transportation
service lu Wwstorn Oregon will hu
obtained If the decision of the Su
premo court of Ihu t'nlted States In COXSTAXT1XOPI.K, Sept. 27.
thu cam of the government against -.. Koil.nlall, -. n.i..11Ilri,,i fllr.
the Central Pacific and tho South-1"10 l"lm"la, "a dnnred fur
ern Pacific be enforced, and joint! liter Into tho neutral zones pushluK
oiierntlon by two railroads In West- ,lrco 8,,UHtlro., 0f cavalry from
ern Oreeoii nfrnrded. If In tint on-1 ... .
foreemont of tho decision and tho
Joint operation In Westom Oregon
so much desired, tho ownership of
the eompctltiK railroad bo such ni
lo favor thn movement of east
bound linslneM a'rosn tho stall of
Oregon, thereby affording; suffi
cient tonnage to warrant thn run
htiuctlon mid operntlon of n Hue
through Central Oregon, tho ml
vantage to Oregon resulting from
tho dissolution would bn of Ines
timable vnluu to thu slate. We,
therefore, desire to see thn deci
sion of Ihe court carried out, and
llin Central I'aillliV'miulo an Inde
pendent road or acquired by a rail
road that will compelo with tho
Sunt hern Pacific lu Wottorn Oro
i;on. m
At the regular meeting September
:!!, thu bnaril of directors of tho Cali
fornia Oregm Power nunpany de
ch:ru( llio regular dividend ur'S'MS
per share on thu profurred ruplVii
Ntock of Ihu eomiKiny, payabln Octu
her 'i', IH227 '" stockholders of ro-j
eord on Qiluber 15,-1'J23.
This dhldend la for the quarter
ondlnx October K, 1032 and umouuts
to over fUa.OOO. Dividends huvu
been jittld ioui.:ni".y upon tho prefer
red capital slock of this company
since ho Unto of l(s lsunncp,
Triuiiiiit Mm I'.wry Modem Cornell-
Irnci Including School,
Shirrs mill Church
A legging camp which In reality
J In a moilcrii town with a school,
church, comfortable homes, nml ev
ery modern feature of nn tip-lo-dato
I town, li tho ,way tlio Itov. A. II,
I lirlstow, iianliir nf tho Christian
cliurcli, dcscrlb-s 1'cniinnt, 30 mild
I ftom Won! 011 n spur from 1 1
Kliii:iatli-Vci'il lino about eight
mile west of'I.raf. Thu Iter. Itrls
tow recently rVahlUhri a Christian
: church In tho now town. In rtos
crltilni; tho fcaturai of tho place.
' hu said:
Toun Ilni ?(lo
"At present there arc 700 pco-
pin 111 'icnnani. or wnjcii iou aro
actually ciiRnKcd In ROltliiK Iori to
tho railway cam. Xcxt summer It
li expected there will ho a town of
from 1.000 to 1.200 ptsopln. Tho
town taken Itx namo from J. I). Ten
nnnt. vlro prciildent of the I.onK
Il'dl I.umhor company.
"Tonnant nsaumed Iho proportion
of a town March 1 of thin year. He-
foro then tho townsito wa vlrsin
toTCBU. At present thcro nro 7C '
T' ""' .,ou':f0''!,, ' fw
. Pi"d oy inmiiiM ami 17 mora aro
1 --
. 1 iimier construction. Tiicro nro also
I 200 railing for unmarried men.
"Tho Weed Lumber company, n
sutialdary concern of thn Lons-llcll
iiiountnlu water Into thu town.
"A large store was recently com
pleted where everything ono may
need may ho obtained. Tho corn-
(t'linlliiueil on Page 6)
"" '" " " " u"
on ihu llaiiK or nritlsh at. Chanak.
This area, however, Is within the
rangcR of dreuduatiKhts. Thu Turks
chnrgo tho UrltHi violated thu neu
tral 7ono by pormlttltiK tlr-'cgs to
I'lil.VCE MAY iirr CROWN
LONDON, Sept. 27. If Crown
Pi lure (loorgo refus'.'s to nuccecd
Couitantlnu on tho (Irenk thruuu,
tbn iioxt In lino Is I'rlnco Christo
pher,, and If h oshould hocomo king
Prlneosa Aiiiibtasla, thu fonnui' Mrs.
William l.ocils, would hecoinu iiucen.
.PORTLAND, Sopl. S7 Thu chnrgo
against Itaymnud Monro, arrested
over u year ago lu Klamath Falls'
when hu happened to pasa through
a icfusu houp In which dctoctlvos
had placed u dummy mall hag to
trap tho sender of threatening let
tors to John Slemena, was dismissed
In tho fodqral court todiiy. Tho court
found no incriminating evidence
against, Moory,
wwwwawwv.sw) ............ --J ,,
Prizes Attracting Famous
Riders From Every
Western State
Are riders coming from every
wedcrn state for the Southern Ore
gon rodeo here neat week? Con
venation with tho hoys working
out at tho fair grounds brings but
ono answer, they nro coming In
droves. Furthermore, It Is point
ed out, Mill Is tho !&t rodeo of
tho year and the riders and fancy
ropers seo an opportunity to get
a winter's stake.
Many Knmoim Itldrm
Who ar.j comlng7 Woll, here's
a few of them, Pat McCarty of
Montana, tho Coatcs brothers of
.Montana, Jento Stahl, Perry Tracy
of Red llluff, lllll Ilaymond of Dor
ris, "Wildcat" McCarty of Califor
nia, Hay Kane of California. Den
Dobbins. Tex Crockett of California,
.not to mention the Klamath county
riders. Thcro will b0 about 100
In nil, nccordlng to "Shorty"
Ilbodes of I.akcvhw, who is on tho
ground even now.
Then there's Montnna Ited. too
noted bull rider; "Skeotcr Hill."
noted race, horo rider, and
lllll. equally uoted trick roper. J
... ... ..
And hon?s The Charles Snell-,
Ing string from Lakevlew and tho
Godfrey & Monroe horses from Al-'
turas. "Posltana." of the Utter!
string, will make them all step
lively, tho Alturas boyx say. These
nro but a few; others are coming
from Medford, Red llluff. Fort
Klamath and elsewhere, not for
getting, of course, tho Illy horses.
This may Ih largely lily's show,
but Illy Is not going to overlook
any opportunities to keep Klamath
money in Klamath.
x,04O In Cash Prize
Speaking of money! The Illy as
sociation will distribute $8,000 In
cash prizes, even n small psrt of
which Is enough to keep a rider In
eats for several weeks. That's the
magnet which is going to make
things lively on those ttireo day.i,
October -I, S and 6. ,
Tho fair ground today Is a busy
place no place for a laiy man, or
even for a man who dociu't like
to watch oth-r folks work. Carpen
ters aro rushing tho first unit of
thu grandstand, which will scat
1G00, thu bleacher and the stock
building. Tho exhibit room bo
neath tho grandstand Is about com
pleted. A caterpillar Is dragging
n disk around tho half-mllo raco
track and stock corrals aro being
erected, Jim Qlvans of Illy U on
tho Job from morning until night
superintending thu work
Ills Time Predicted
And that's about all today, oxcept
this: If tho Klamath county fair
and Southern Oregon rodeo Is not
thu biggest uffulr of Its kind ever
pulled In theso parts, then tho fair
board and tbu Illy rodeo boys and
the local boosters will cat their
Stetson, ribbons and all. Thcy'vo
all said mi!
""l.ct'er buck!"
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph ut Undor-
wooda Pharmacy
shows that tho bar
metric prussufo
has been rising
rapidly since tho
early hours of
morning, hut 2 V.
M, tho tendency
uency was again
slightly downward,
it wind subsides a
freuio or frost may
bu expected to
night. Forecast for next 24 hours;
(lenorally fair, probably cool, with
variable wln'ds.
Tho Tycos recording thermometer
registered maximum and minimum
-rn K
temperatures today, as follews:
High .78
MY' miMMtsit'sAMsMtvt'vvUvV
sHbbbbbbMLbW , " H
feHBllllllllllllllV 'B
2 convicts make
their escape from
McNeill island
Fugitive Kcnpc to Mainland la
Launch; Remove I'rUon Record
lief or 1cavtag
TACOMA. Sent. 27. Two n.
prisoners at McNeill Island, rfc.p. ; thoy were told the trmth aot th
ed lut night In a launch. 'Thty ,",M
r. T.n.. VLT tlnrnnln' ..!..
7' ' " ZZ "' " TT.!!. S "1
" 3 vaiuva atva w avwa af) aat j((
' iirro-tsr "wrm csaTinrp'Si 'iw
.. .,, nnn , .. ...
,',,,, .A bv. .
" ,""l hB:
T ' ""?. '2??::
.-..., . - r..-. ., ...n.u-war tnat fcad threateaed the base
San Francisco. of our CVuiratIoa. For this reason
Beronto bad the status of a civ- M ciemenceau answered the plea of
Ulan employe, Turner was a truaty. , Damad Ferld Pasha and hls;isaocl
Dcronto cleaned the prison records, ates, that Turkey be let 'off easily, by
of all tho photographs hnd record a statement In his blunt. itnvarnlsU
of himself and Turner. , led manner to the effect thnt thn
Tho cscapo came on the heels of,' Turks had always raado a moss of
a report of a ptot to effect a whole- governing and that history recorded
sale delivery of prisoners aad trans
port them by automobile to Van
couver. R. C. and thcro crabark
for South America. J
Waller Tooar, Jr., fkorc laalrtlowa
Influence at Work
PORTLAND, Sopt. 37. An Mid
dress emphasizing thu necessity of
political parties and denouncing what
were termed "certain Insl'dlods and
sinister Influences at work under
mining both major parties," was
mndo nt tho convention of republi
cans from all parts of tho stato Tues
day by Chairman Walter I.. Tooxo, Jr.
Ho was followed by Senator D. L. Ed
dy, Ro9oburg, whoso address on party
loyalty and patriotism was frequently
Interrupted by applause
Secretary C. E, Ingalls read tho
convention call. Senator Polndexter,
of Washington spoko In the after
noon and resolutions commtttoo was
to report on tho principles to bo
TWO bandits killed
Attempt tit Hob Arkansas .lUsk
Ends DIsjuderoUHly For rlvo
26. Two bahdlls wore, killed, an
other fatally wounded mid two oth
ers soverely shot In a running fight
after tho five had robber tho First
Nutlonal Dank today. Twonty-tlvo
thousand dollars cash aniC 190,000
qt bonds, tholr loot, was recovered.
m ?
Agc, Manlier lit PtuiMlo Hurcumb.
To Fatigue, Dies Quickly
41)0 Civil war veterans,
sotu man, In tho annual Grand
Army Republic parade horo today,
dropped from fatlgua and died
within 15 minutes. Fifteen'-thou
sand marchers, bowed la body'fora-
et thp parad9,
nni. - n.rim - i. - UL - .n -L-Linm-u -n -.-ijyin-ji.-iruun
Possibilitr Seen By Corre
spondent; Inside Story of
Near East Is Told
(Herbert AAum Ulbben. muthor,
Corrrsporalrat uil Halveraky fro
lemor. Ma ftmt Mere than 10 year
la Tarfcry,, the Balkaa aUtea, Kffyat
and other Mvta of thn Xcar Vjh.
For three yrrs be tancht la eel-
lege at ComataaUaeflr. Staeh of Ma
time has bent aet as a romsami.
rleat, In laterrrerflaf tho bbJCoolltl
ral flRHrra of thos couatriea. He la
Jnst hack from CoaitAatlaople and
has writtra thn foUrmtat "laaldn
story" of what I happ-alnc; oa the
Author, War Gorrensoadcut aad Ual-
versify Professor
When tho tint Turkish delegation
was summoned to Paris In the spring
of 1919 to leant tho fate of the Otto- a
man Empire from tho victorious al
lied powers, who were at that time
sitting in Judgment"upon tho defeat?"
ed powers, It was universally agreed
by the victors that the vanquished
snouia an oe treated auae. Jience
I liv BHtWVWsVi pVvl
'MM. BBaTaBaBaOftMA 'tea
terms, alllnsplred hy the theals that
h no' "
' for the or,. , method, of .
no Instance where lands once freed
from tho Turkish yoke had nol be
come prosperous and better to live ia.
Oast Turkey
The original Idea of the allies
seemed to be oace they had tied
Germany handuBRd foot aad dis
membered Austria-Hungary to fal
fill tho promise made In tho reply to
President Wilson's famous note to
tho two groups of belligerents at tko
end of 1916. What were the entente
Towers fighlng to accomplish 7 Nettl
ing less than putting tho Turk, for
all tlmo out or Kuropo, and this
cloarly meant out of Constantinople'
for tho slmplo reason that tho TbMc
had forfeited alt right to considera
tion by his crimos against civilisation.
Rut soon It was realised that, tho
sottlement of the Near Eastern ques
tion was not going, to be easy io de
cide upon. The prime ministers of
Great Uritaln, France and Italy held
conference after conference, and the
Treaty of Sevres was not ready to
hand to Turkey until a wholo'year
or moro after tho German and Aus
trian treaties bad been signed.
Turkey's Coup
Then a startling thing happened,
tho full significance of which "has
not yet been appreciated, Rut It will
bo during tho winter of 1932-19131
A group of Turks, led by Mustafa Xe
nial Pasha, repudiated tho Treaty of
Sevres, and set up s soparato Turkish'
government at Angora,
Thu entente powers sat tight at
Constantinople It was tho areaas
who enforced the treaty In Th(at
and who entered upoB an" exteMlva'
campaign la Asia Mlior to ssaura
for themselves thn asesssslon of ther .VS'fl
Smyrna region, given to thcBi bV Hw'i"? .i
Treaty of Sevres. ',
Franco and Italy Wado treaaS' i
with the Nationalists at Angora, and
furnished them with, the. iailMifir1
means to combat th,.araks, 'Oreat
. 26 Ono of I Mr,tsln cried out against this poMey,, l--.,'.,.
lis a Mlnne.lbut backel &1 ftMfr k ' . -
public opinion ;'Jaland iwfcJ' "-l
tutted also .wlth.iifgrlw ;.?u! ' '- J
aavwaaws wwawsv a anaasiak sssssi a -.
mo uresis, aiaiaiaasM taetusws
In Ails Hlsor fa avm.'tliM (Mm
(CfRtia"W;isi"?Nfs) '
i ,
V i
A- t
r . V '
t. ",
1i .
" '"'ri fi
, C;-"v