The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 26, 1922, Page Page Two, Image 2

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TiMwn.w, (-.iipmiiiKii vn maa.
r rrw
,, . X. MtU.. : ,CJ(r Editor
i IV.C JttCKLH AdrarUatag Manager
.. . i
JtttitiH dally eieept Sunday, at
Th MaraM Publishing Company of
XlaiMtk ralli, at 110 Eighth atrect.
SttwaC at tha postofflce at Klam
ath Falfa, Ore, for transmission
thmgfc the malla aa second-class
attar. ,
Tba Associated Preaa ts exclusive
ly entitled to tho uio (or publlcn
tlon of all nowa dispatches crodlted
to It, or not othcrwlso crodltod In
thla paper, and also tba local news
published herein.
TUBHDAY, HKPTKMIltilt 2(1, till!:!.
Personal Mention
SOMR poo pi o hno nhvnya argued
that advertising ndds to tho cost
of goods, and tbnt tho tlrm tlmt
cut out tills form of exponso could
mjI cheaper, soys tho ltosoburg
Newa-Rovtcw, It Is Interesting to
think what would happen It nil at
mm business firms stopped adver
tising. Tho result would bo tbnt tho
enterprising and successful store, tho
one that 'gota a good trndo becauso
It aervaa tho pubic efficiently, would
a unable to. hold Its position.
A store or that kind could not
how eaterprlso In attracting; tho
public, becauso bo public would not
know what It was doing. People
would buy In a' bap-hnxqrd way,
largely of tho stores that happened to
bi nearest to them. If tho enter
prising store attempted to handle
aono big lot at low prices, tho pub
lie would not know tbnt the poods
were there, and tho salo would not bo
a success.
This would, discourage a man from
special attempts to sorvo the public,
and he would run alone In a routine
way. The tendency would be for' a
lot or small stores to spring up, and
get tho trade aw.iy from tho enter
prising people that now advertise.
Tho public would not know that
one store was better than another,
and a man could chargo high prices
and people would not havo the store
advertising by which they could tell
What iprlcea should be. Merchants
would (fad that It did not pay to
hold apodal sales as the public would
not notice them much if they were
held. ,
The xonstant stream of trade that
, has been flowing through enterpris
ing stores would dwindle down.
When aiatoro sees its volumo of
trado fall off. tbo chargo per article
for retail distribution has to bo In
creased. The coat of distributing stuff could
be cxpoctod to doublo under such a"
system, and there would bo n lack of
tho special opportunities by Weh;itrumcnte, ln' haT,nB but here.
iiiu uu in) uuycr now saves money.
A. K, Qnlo was hero jesterdny
from I-nngell valley.
James Cousins was another valley
farmer who transacted business hero
yesterday afternoon.
Dr. Kstelln Ford Warner Is here
for n brief llt from her homo lit
C. H. lion man, n merchant of Chll
oquln, Ik hero on business tod.iy,
linvjng nrrhedMast night.
Martin Adams left this momliiR
for Stanford university w hero bo will
tnKo dp his work as a freshman.
Frank R. Stewart was ln from his
farm In tho Spring lake district this
morning, purchasing supplies from
(loorgoAgor brought fnrm supplies
Into Klamath Falls merchants ei
terday from his placo In tho Plevna
Paul Dalton, son of W. C. Ualton,
left this morning for 1'nlo Alto where
ho, will continue with his work at
Stanford university.
Francis J. Oownc, a prominent
farmer near bonanza, was In town
yesterday looking after legal mat
tors at tho courthouse.
Oscar Campbell wns In town on
school business jestorday from I.or
olln, whero ho operates a wheat
H. R. Spooncr of tho Union Oil
company accompanied by Mrs. Spoon
er, is here for a few das from Red
ding, California. They aro stopping
at the White Pelican hotel.
Tho friends of Miss Mary Jcnklus
will bo. sorry, to learn or ber lllno33.
Miss Jenkins has been confined to
her home hero slnco last Thursday
with an attack ot appendicitis.
II. E. Calkins was a passenger on
this morning's train bound for San
Francisco where ho will be occupied
with business affairs for the next
few days.
Marriage licenses were Issued Inst
evening by County Clerk DoLap. to
Ruel C. Smith and Katie Lonora Gray
and to Ruben J. Holcomb and Wllma
May Ray. Doth couples are resid
ents of Klamath Falls.
r &
-jw . j-
" i
S-hfafrfiffyzA )
v rent Tin: sruooii cutii
The must becoming ot now f.tlt tt low ttr'fhe young
.MHs In 1'olt, Velvets and i'lur fashionable iniiUrlnls.
Latest The Kangaroo .Glide
N , fflr &x$ffl '
rsti -ia., " ,
ZltZX&138. ...
JbOW EtOA Tar.L lHJr
. isuiyss' a w. r . u jy
urnsoN's iioi'i:. n o . sopt uo '
Ilooont illieniry of rloh lion oro I
(lopoiltti uiur (Irundo l'ralrle, ninth!
of till city, may r.Ivo western Cnu-i
ii da ti now Induxlry mid much cheap-.
er Iron mid steel pioditrli. iireonllnn
to A. A. Rao of tlrnudo I'nlrlo, luii
has forwuuled ruporti of tho Btvll.o
The dlseiuery s made by llltl Car
ter, Kred llliiiirhuiil and Hill limei,
nil well Known projectors and thor
(Highly rnmlllur with tho dlotrlrt
Tho Halm recorded Ho about thir
ty miles northwest of here, uerordlng
to ltno, And cover about sIMy mlk'H ,
of territory. Nine" fool pits have
failed to hIiow any decline In tho
Miluo of tho ore, which, 1 nuabsln,
runs an high ok sixty percent pure
Iron with not evidences of Impuil
ttes, Han said.
Tho proximity of high itrndo eolc-
Lliic real, annbilni; about so pen en (
fixed carbon mid tho Immense, poail
bllltloti for hjdrti-olectrle develop
ment In the l'eiuo Ither1 canyon,
make n combination that. In tbo op
inion f mining men, may make pos
sible tho cstnhlHient of a uteel mill
Complete reports of tho dlcoery
i aro being forwarded to Ottawa. 1M
moiitou nud Vlrtorln. ,
To The Public
Do you Endorse Our Reply?
(ii:or,tn: ik-
1 ai.i.owam'i:.
at &TTMrT fTWaUr 11
SCoiitt " '
a 1 1 ii la n H " i laaa
Ilin.aitADi:. Sept 2G -Prime
Ceorge, older son of tho Inte King
I'etur of the Serbs. Croat a and Hlov
ene, who In 1909 renounced bin
right to the Serbian throne, !i;n do
cllncd mi nllow in re from
the government of 300,000 dinars,
about ?4,000 at the protein rate of
exchange, us not In consonance with
his princely dlgnlt).
At a crown council provided over
by King Alexander, the Prlnco'o
brother. It was riNiohed that Prlnre
(oorgo should be deprived of nil
ru)al privileges, and held respoiislblo
for erbnl nud written att.i hi
against either the rojnt house of
.Ituoilavl.i or th nutborlllij
Mr. High Cost Living", N
Au.vwhoiv in U. S. A.
Your Ihroatoninjr lcltor of thU 2Hid. inst.
rcpoivotl and duly nolod. 1'ormit ua to say
that wo havo boon in tho habit of piotcolini?
Klamath County twice each year with thono
Brent inonov saving Ono Cent Snlo.s and so
long as wo' havo tho unlimited puYehnsinu;
power of the United linn? Co. back of us we
do not propose to bo intimidated. Tho torpedo
haa not yot been devised that Will scare us
from our purpose Tho jjoods havo arrived
and are on display in our store and the orig
inal date planned will see the biggest money
saving sale'ever consummated in this county.
Our customer will plan accordingly. As
for you, you big bluffer, you can take a back
seat and try your blowing-up tall; on someone
Yours to the finish,
Tho Star Drug Co.
This leancaroo Ln tho linden zoo likes a wa)ls now nnd then. And
his keeper Is alwaya a willing partner. '
Hugh O'Connor and I). C Dlmmltt
made a trip Into town yesterday nr-. (.ir,jns Klreann Without llrrnn IVulsoiw to Ho Jlmb- fir l.nun.flllil
ternoon from their ranches near tbo j yrcxVH cMly offeiiM- I V.fX nt I'oii Klmiutli
government diversion dam for the
purpose of attending to business ar-1
' ' Oae hundred sevcnty.fIo dollars
Fftlrfl. I '
Chinese Pray For Rain
And .It Rained Heavily )
tCHipAGO, Sept. 26. Ton thou
sand Christian Chines troops nnd
thousands ot other Chinese, both
Christian and non-Christian, gather
ed la Ilonan provinco In a monster
open-air prayer meeting for rain,
according to representatives of tho
Methodist Episcopal' church, work
ing In China.
Continued droughts during tho
sprlngand early summer In Ilonan
province aroused fears among tbo
Chinese) people or n return or fani
ino nnd 'tvbolo villages went on, pil
grimages to the temple of tho ruin
Cod In Vu Tao Ho valley to pray
for rain,
MaJor General Peng Yu Hslang,
member of tho Asbury Motliodliit
Episcopal church of Poking and
commander of the 11th division of
Uio Chlncso army, sent out an in
'.vl tat Ion' 'to all Christians to moot
with bin-troops in prayer for rain.
A grand review of tho 11th di
vision was held. Tho national an
them waa aung, and on address was
glyen ad Gcnerul Fond prayed
that th'e sins of the Ilonan people
lie vliltqd upon his bead and tho
punishment of drought b0 lifted.
it happened that two hours after
tba meeting closed a heyay rain foil,
missionaries report,
;. : :
Hindu Save Pennies to
.1 w m . 'J. n
),t Duy uoats tor aacritice
f?CHICAUO, Sept. 2 C Hindus save
tjjir peunlea for years so that they
may bdygoatg for Bncrlflccs, reports
;k!tlva teacher In a school near
U'-j, lekR0W? malntalnod by the bourd
i, , f (Bunday schools, Methodist Kpls
' v:eal charcb. Ravings of months
2stH pi)t,fpr flowers to be scattered
yiJtftMrwstir of the Ganges. Others
I ' 'l tym ? 'nUetliuo thaVaheyaSjay
JWy.MW Ml. I'll IIIOI HU Hl?ll
my tstff vlaev i 1C , '
SAI,KM, Sept. 2tS. Provision for
. t.-.,m.. n i nnd rtfA w.m
was the amount paid In fines in the "' '""v'"w".""" ""r."
S. O. Johnson, one of the original I ,., , - oVlB,v ,,, " . " nl fo"
officers of the Klamath Development, , l, , , . . ,. . , I w"nr of the state game comnns
company. Is in town this week from ' b' - Ml"8l'- c- '"". " Vi"em alon. according to ,, report ma.lo to
San Francisco. Ho Is at the White . S.msulnettl and A. Fornur, found tho commission by M. I.. Ilyckman,
Pelican hotel, n bulldlug bo was In- guilty ot hunting without an alien atfte superintendent of gamo fish
gun llccnto. All paid $25 except For- """" ,
. ..... . ' Ilyckman returned rocontly from
Bly Is having a rodeo every Sun- "er. wno was ciso uneu lor noi an npect,on ,our of hatchery work
day theso Ut for tho purpose of having a stato bunting llcunso nnd m KuAaili and Douglas counties
trying out vlld horses for tho blglror having In bis rossesaloa birds Ho reported that the Tort Klumntb
rodeo, said Miss Minnie Walker, who I pro(,i ,y iaw- porncr was fined hatchery would bo ready for servlro
;7S, i tins rail anil Hint some eggs wouui
Jn addition to a stnto license, i '' P'l n th. new troiigliH Immedl-,
aliens carrylnc firearms nro reoulred ntely.
to have u gun license, tho feo of
which Is ?5.
5th and Main Sts.
Seattle Has LnrgCSt T'm lentrnl rlnir-h of llrookl)ti,
It It iiluius' t.OUO m iiibers. ninki
Prcsbytcrinn Church Vrgnd while the number of church-
o with I. out) or mor,i memhers Iiim
I Inciensed from i:tl In II' 20 tu I OT.
ClIICA'lO. 8el. Si5. Tbo First ' Those nro l than two per letit
PrMluiTlan church of RWt.ulf U"' ""l ''"""
. chitrehei In the denomination bat
W.u.1... haMns u membership of ... , iBy Umu , f r(ii( (if , inl
OC0. U tho largMst church of It do I m,berlilp of 1 7r.7 Ooo. tbo ro-
nnmluation In the country, accord
1'iK to tho annual report ot the
c'.urc'i for tbo jear ending KuB'er
now beiiir. prepired.
port sluts.
The S) nnd of New York Is largest
with 1'rnnftylviinln and Ohio rank
ing In tho order named
-- ' atwtsjasra.'.icsierx
roturned last evening from tho ParK
cr ranch where alio passed a week's
vacation with her undo. Jets Parker.
World's Largest Vacuum
Tube Has Been Completed
HOVS Ol'TXl'Mlliat (il III.')
Tho eggH aro being taken from n
fall run of rainbow trout In Wood
river, where n dam has boen constructed.
CHICAGO. Sopt. 2G. Tbo world's
largest tacuum tube, standing three i
feet In height and three and ono-hnlf .
Inches lu diameter nt tbo bottom, I
has been cdmplutcd In tbo labora-
.TMiiKit of m:w sii,vi:ii
UKItKJ:i.i:V, Cal.. Sept. 2C Hoys
outnumber girls In tho now fresh-
man claia nt tho L'alvo'rslty ot Oall-l KAN IIKHNAHDINO. Col., Sept
fornln. thoro being l.aKI or tho for- ( SC--V number or ue silver mines
m. ..! t ...i ...! i A n ti. l.i. n p ImsImct flxvMlfituail In tint Itnriil ilfa
torie. or the Western Hlectric com- - - - "''' J 0 ; and theior pro-
i'aii, uiiitiuia U1141UUMIV. '
Tho tubo is capablo or supplying I
100,000 watts, 200 times tho power
required for tho usual radio broad
Mn.tlnr n. lAfl.mdn vmnfF.
.UBI1.1I, Diuiiuiin u4 vv.,.,,,u ., ..... Jl .... .....,1 -!
enter oujiiiexs. " '" mi" nu.
Sixty rour of tho glrli are tiiklne auction for 1022 Is predicted as nx-
tho courso in household oeonomlos ! ceodjng that of $a.OO0.00O In 1021.
and household wlenco nnd 15 nro in! An additional nuto stngo lino con
tbo college of commorco preparing tot neetlng the dletrlot v lilt Sun Uornnr-
The difficulty in experiments was
to mako the whole tube air tight and
to got the fires for tho filament and j
grid into the tubo wbllo keeping
them insulated against about 20,
000,000 volts.
After much study tho problem was
narrowed down to finding a way to
make an air-tight Joint botuccn tho
heavy copper iubo, which forms tbo
MODK8T0, Cal.. Sopt. 2C A !
height limit of S.r, feet for bulldlngi
SANTA rUMlA, Cal , Sopt. 2C-
Professor Samuel J Mustnl, head nt
hero Is rocommondod In a roportnub- the music department. University of
mlttcd by tbo city planning commla-1 Santa Clara lm roalgnod his post to
slon to the city council. Tho report botomn iiipnrvliur of music In tho
"plate" nnd the glass of tho upper nlB0 rccomiricnds resldonce, business Or.mgo county, Calir., schools. Mu-
and industrial zones. toi is u composer or. prominonto, nav-
fng writton inUHlc for tho plaH qfj
Herald classified ads pay you. David Ilolas'o.
part of the tube and to bring wires
through this gluBS. '
Credit for tbo unswer Is duo W. O.
Housekeeper, a company engineer,
who djscotercd a way to seal copper
to glass which would mako nn air
tight Joint that would not crack nt
any ordinary working temperature. ,
Our rfl fl !
Quality fl I'
fl Is CJ &h
fi it: i i
426 Main St.
Klamnlh Fnllo, Oregon
We are Always Glad to Have You Com
pare the Prices and Quality of Our
Tchaxidise with that Offered
You Elsewhere
We do not ask you to purchase any article because it is Oregon produced.
If all tho quality an article has is the fact it was produced in Oregon we venture
to say you will not bo eutibfied with it. We yell many brands of Oregon packed
coffee but Hill's red can coffee, packed i 11 California is tho best Heller we have,
this proves that Klamath county people want quality regardless of where pack
ed or produced.
Suppose we asked you to purchase our flour because it was produced in
Oregon and at the eame time offered you California produced honey against
Klamath county produced honey, would our Oregon produced plea lose its
weight? Why should we bar other states products? We here in Klamath county
have more to sell them than we are able to purchase from them. If they are
willing to purchase our lumber, wool, beef etc. surely we can spend a few
dollars with them if their merchandise is good and the price right.
i ,
'I mftT'7i7Trnn
lumbal .
And Ho Probubly Dues
"Daughter, doesn't that joUng
man know bow to say good-night?"
"Oh, daddy.' I'll say he doci!
Turn backward, turn backward, oh
tlmo In thy flight,
And make the old fogies mere youths
for tonight.
Rntnvlnt? finr rinnees. tihnrt ublrtat
and our strife,
Yea, Dot what a kick they would
get out of lire.
1 Thoroat Japanese character actor
, In a remarkable Chinese drama
Wednesday John Gilbert stars in "The Yel
low Stiin," ArBtdry of the Michigan1 lumber woods.
it lw. CrNui 9 .7."
I) IIh. I'iImo i!.l."5
10 Hi. Kitk ("rate!-" l,uke
Plour 1m
ill li. Siuk Anchor Plnui-, . ..V
I'll my Pondeiul .Suuur, lb, .HI
ill llx. I'jincy I'lnk llemix 1.(111
! IIim. I'liuey (,'iilir. lllro 1.0(1
IH III. Suk Point 1I-.-.U-
riimr y.m
l( lbs. Sit I'niiey Coin
Menl l
i-'uiuy Summer Squash, II), ,02
i ii. hiii'm correo .. ,i:i
V.)k lbs. IIIII'h Coffee, . . 1.(15
KelloKKM Coin Klnkes Ill
IU ii. It'iyjil Club Coffee .10
tti o. Ko.Mil llakhifx I 'on dor .15
5 lbs. Uojal lliildiiu I'owil r D.00
. ,.,
tit Ciiiih Srgn .MIIU
1! lbs. Snow ' Hi If t
1 lbs. Snow Diifl H.l
H His. Hnov l)i IK 1.(1(1
HiioKlsl Juiu, luge ilnr 1)5
R lb", I-'uiuy Honey , HO
Knuiy I'lnk Hnlmoii, l.nrKo
Can .. ,S!0
2 Kil'e Unix Iloiy Soup "V
i:j liiue llm (.eiiov Soap 1,00
I Kidnll I'Uk'h IViilllni. , .l.'i
II llaix I'liliu Olive Soup 17
Hi lbs. Cilsio , :ut
II lbs, CiImii .... . i.r.o
Suinv I'letiiluiii iiiiiii, ii :ik
I'iiik Hell l'rpiciH, II 10
1.1 lbs, Ccill Hugar I. (Ill
p'lliiev filnin ileuiis, b 10
IIH Hi. Kink Polar item-
I'uiiey ToiiintoiN, Cniin .. ., .1)0
I'jiikj l.niKii llliblmtil Hiiuifkli
III. ' .,T" : 02
I lb. Ki IiIIIIiij.'h Coffee . ..
n lbs. IIIII'h Coffee ....
I'ost Ton-illcK . . .
It lbs, ll(i)iil Club Coif iiji .
UU lbs. lto.Mil linking I'ow-
( lb. Cnvteiil linking I'ow
ibr . , ,
il lbs. Cii'-fcrnl llnliliin ()W.
lilt WtkSOn (
Jinn I Winsoh (l
Vi (Jul Wensiin () .,
'i ni. VjiiiIIIh IMiiiu
10 lbs, I'niiey Honey
(loblui Went Oieen'Teu Hi,
il Small IIuim loiy Hini ..
lilt I In in I.iiiiii While liiuiii-
iliy Houi ,
U Ijuikko 1'I.hh. IVnillne .
I lb, M. J, l(t. Coffee
1. 10
I .(ill
' '1 iV-S
f l-'S ." 4