The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 26, 1922, Image 1

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p? ltum9 HrralJi
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tonight and wi;d.m:hdav, ha in
Moi:it,Ti; hoi"iiii:iii.v am:h
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Member of the Associated Press
hhft'fiith Viiif. Nil, II 1 1 1.1
klamath pam.h, ohi:gox, tithdav, NKi'Tmmnt.mi, imrj
- I. ,:-. is
iSMMMBM N ' l jE
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on ne
British Mobile Forces Pre
pnrc for Buttle; Soviet
Russia W.irns Powers
III. Tlu Turkliili Nallou.illnt
reply I" tim Allied im.irii unto
accepts tin. conditions laid down
In thn I'jirln conference, nrionl.
liij( to I' Itcy. n Kniunl
Pasha h I iId ilu camp, who hntt
nrrlti'it from (lnortia. Tim Na.
llotinlUtii Imlm. upon tint right
to romluct military operations
luring tim conference, how
ever. Mini ili'inmiil admission
of Itumln, Persia uml llulftrirlii
to tin. conferrnr...
CONUTANTINOI'M:, IU;it. 2C J"u,' I"-'1" " hclrcmiM hail Iwn
Turkish Nntlntiallit rnvnlry lm n. , "all'",rt fir iuIoiioIiIh, bail Weih,
vmlml tho luntttiit xotin, nccuiiyliiK wt,al " ""'I iTi'iioral inrfuctlon,
Kiiiii Kulfdt nml Cron ICt-iil. on thi) nn"' "I"' tho opnilnR of tho roomi
l)nrilaiii)lli'. nKiiln ut 1 o'tlork tho number una
ivmlly iloiiblivl In tho flnt hour.
LONDON. 20.-ilrlKa.lU.r ., Wo"lw,1 "n1'l"r1 ",n ''lr"-"'" "f
(liinrralfllrCliarliallarliiRlDii. Urll..;a;ra- " "' Uattl,on '""' "rranKo.l
lh KMiimmiilor nt Chaitak. on tim ",'n r""",H ,0 U,nt """" "mMnco
l)iiril.inolli, hnn rniuiiliMl Muiitnplm " r"l"frt w" "ontivl In ilull.
Kcmnl I' to wltlnlraw lil.t ciivhI.; rn,,,,'w,UI,,K '"""'I'limt. Klos.iri.
ry. liWHllui: n mply. tho DrllUh .Mo.",fo cotilrllmli'il by Mrn. Charloit I.,
hlln rnlumti hn henn ntntlonoil ho. j5,ooro ""' "Hi era from thWr homo
twci-n Climiah onil l.'ruii Kcul. rinily , """" Barilrnn. Ilcnllno am) Kiln.
for ociilunlllli. '",, Pl"l" liO imUtiiil with ilnnu-
)-,.- i: " j lions of baby jilcturoa. Moo'h nml
ON8TANTINOI'I.K. Hopl. S6.-'U,,t ?1l'," K!110 ,,M l",0,,", f,",,J
Kin. which broko out la.l nlslit In'"" 'h ffmP" "'- '" ho
raunlMK f,.ar nf no hth.mnl In burn . 8lUBro ,)CAl ,lrB "" llplajrivl
Dm ..i.iim! ti... it.. .. - .....rnii...i
a... t'.t.i.. .i ...u lUlllll'IIV't
nflcr 11 twii'liourn' Unlit.
.MOSCOW. Hrpl. '.'li. Sot hi IIiih
hi. i In a noli, to tin. allied power
i....'...mi. on IIII..I.VIK...I cuiiiiTt'iiru wr,01 m, fiitlnmlnittii and Joy
Hi find n nolutlou to tho near eaul Mvr'lh unruly llttlo folk, who oh
nltuallon. v,atln thu power nriiIiihI ivclvll U, ,u,y , ,u ,1(V,
....... ...h ,..... . ........ ..,i uhu, hi-
utihiicii in I in1 irei'iitti or mo liar
ilanollex, Tho nolo ndlerJten that
Ituimli ullt ri'ftue in recoKitiJii any
ili'ilnlou unletn rh h u parly In tln
IU;ii''ili:llt. i
roil r.iinp.iiHii simu wild ivpini.
lire nf Tint In Aim .1
Aeilvo nrl. In tin. pluo biello In
foatod tlmbnr dlMrlrtii iilurled in.
l.iy Willi tho dnp.irluro of H. It.
Ill.itk nml u i row of mon for Area 3.
loralKil north or Alturan In the Modoe
National fonnt. This In tin. firm
camp lo bo oHlablliihud for thu fall
work, hut ulliitr cruva will bo Kent
out within tho noxt fuw wcoIih to
thu other uronn throiiKhout thin ill
xIhIuu. lucordlnir to r. I'. Keen, uu.
tomnloKlul lu chnrRu hure.
MAitKirr KiM'oitr
1'OltTI.ANI), Sept. 26. I.IrIii pro.
auction mid brink HhlppliiK demand
toduy iiilviinrcd buttor 2c to 8 iont,
wIioIahbIo, for irl.itn: Tillamook up 2u to 2Sc wholoaalo; V.kkh
up throo contH, 43c lu 4,'ik wlinlo
hiiIu. I, h unlock Hlnady,
wi;atjii:ii t'ltoiiAitii.nii.H
Tho Cyclo-SlormiiRiaph at Under.
wood'H l'liurniiiey
Iiiih rocordod a
Htoady fall In baro
motrlo prcHHiiro
ilurliiK tho piiHt 24
houra anil hIiico 8
o'clock thlH mom.
Iiik hnn boon qulto
rapid. CoudltloiiH
lira fuvornblo for
brink wIihIh tonlKht
uccnmpmiloil b y
Forecast for noxt
24 bourn :
Cloudv uunottlod wuuthur. I
Tho Tvcos recording thormomotor
loelsterod maximum mid minimum
tompraturen today as follows
KI.MI.rn Willi I'tiii.y Hulr ntiil Willi.
iit'l Any llnli- At All
III;it Ntiniliriw
i liable Willi i in Icy hulr. Ii.iMi-k
with out miy nlKii nr Inir, lulilcit
thai I'nlill'iil nluiin licdlilu n unit
mothers ninl wen tutu; nml nil In
till tho (tuirtmi, linitJhlrft lot of
buhlus dm public nf Klniiiatli 1'iilln
ll" "" nd tim privilege or i viim:
'""'"'"I ' "u am, .'r, out
l"1" mornliiK fur Iho annual Klnni-
th Falls baby clink-.
Tim steady ttrenm of women nml
Imlilot going Into the- courthouso
thli Morning iin.l afternoon r.nva
tim urne, ijnict hnlln of Jimtlro
mi unit-mil nppernnci. Th par
tlclpanm In tho clinic with rrcrli-.l
tit the iikiIii n'rnnco by Mrs. It, J.
Millets ami Mm. Jemilo Muni, who
directed them lo tho luiomcnl
",,",. "V, ,
""' r,,n c w W"-
up until noon to.lny 33 of Klan
Mippllrn iirriMinary lo tho
romfort of llahy. Local phyHcllam
took turn rxumlnliiff tho chllilrfn
nml Kltlni: Inrturcn.
VoilliKMcn Ol.jivt I.UMlly
.NiirscM who look rliariio ninl
thvW moaHuromcntn aud
taken, Jlrs. (J. I. Wrlirht. Mrn. O. 1'.
Miikon, Mm. W. It. llojd. Dr. Kn
tella Kurd Warner, mvdlrjl director
of Htatn iDKlene, of I'orllaiiil;
and Mm. (!. Ill.ikely, hlutn adtlKory
Women who look an inlUo part
In tln cllule were: Mivnlam'e.i Jeu
nil. Hum, IC. (I. I'uinmliiK", II. It.
llnrrlMin, It. I :. ile.iry. It. J. .Sheotn,
II. li. WrlKhl. II. W. ltrlilKfonl nml
W II. ItobliiHim.
Aicordtiii; lo Mlii Trlcl.e, coun
ty health no rue, tho children so far
examined have been lu exceptional
Hood physical health.
I'miiii' ilttiiclim. Itiuniil Kiiinbij
Mum lit. Tom Down, Council Decrees
Tho building at SU2-.13.S Main
blroet, partially doslrojed by flro
Hiimluy iifleruoon, Is n moiiaro to
Ilu. public nnd must bo torn down,
It wits decreed lu a resolution adopt,
ed by thu city council lust night. It
wan ordered that notification bo sent
to tho owners, C. J. Hwluglo, Yum.
hill, Oregon, nnd Mrs, Nullio IlolWn,
Santa Clara, California.
I.lttlu business camo baforo tho
council mid thu uchhIoii ended at mi
early hour.
Tho only nor in It urantod was to
Geo, l,..Motz for VoiiHtructlon of u
framu building ou lot 7U0, block 105,
Mills addition, to cost SfiO.
Will Ho Tiled on ClmrRo of Dlv
oiileily Conduct At Oleim
Frank Wolfo wn nriealod by
Sheriff Low this morning In connec
tion with tho affair at tho Olene
ilunco hull Htttdrduy night which re
sulted In tho arrest of eight others
tn charges of disorderly conduct.
Wolfo wus wlated for a hearing to.
day. Wolfo wiih presqut when tho
officer at tho danco hull
in nnilo his rflcnpo, Hip sheriff s.rlil,
Miss Lottie Fischer Tooszs
Chapcau in Ring; O'Ncil
Out for Circuit Judge
J Klanuith'it poll tlcrtt pot In common.
clnr: lo bulilil". -
MIm l.olllo risvlivr, clurk of thu
dty council, pnxliloil up tho flamu
ut Urn council into 1 1 n k last nlr.Mt
ttlmn kIii. uiipounccil, "My rhapoau li
In tho rlnc for poller. JikIi;c." Him
is conn
huNlrnl nor two )tar' cxporloncu I . , , ....
In tho MIc.. judo-, offlconn,! M, " B,J f "houp ' wt
guallfl.,1 to luii.ll. tho work. Holl,l, cffect ""l "P! nB' '0 nn,fo
for, no olhrr cntnllJntv for Dili of
flc hax appeared.
Tor touiitllmaii. Trcil Duke, of tin.
Gmtrnl Alito xrrkc I the only onu
to haw announced his rnmlldacy.
Jlo will bo n canJIUato from tho
fourth nril, at prrnont rrprtaontoJ
by Hurt llnwkliu. Ilnuklin lion not
cunouncoil wlnnlicr ho will run D.iko
nnyn lili petition will bo filed Within
n ilay or two.
Anothvr camllilnto ha.i nppcnrcil In
tho rare for circuit JuiIko. Ito I U.
M. O'Ncil. of Hi,, law firm of OW'ull
li. Irwin, nml will run mi an Inilc
pciiiloiil. o;.polns It. C. (iropubcck,
ilcmocratlc, nml JuiIku A. I. Iavltt,
ropubllcan, prwent liicumbunt.
Htalu ami county cinitli.'ntrs hac
until Oct. IS, Inclunlvo. :." daa be
rorn olccllon. to fll0 tholr rcrtlflcatos
of candidacy. Caudldatoa for city
office hato flo tlnya lotiRor to file,
or to within 20 da) of tho election.
Election In on November 7.
School (lilblicn lri-.'iit I'lri' fliVf
Willi I'li.nrrs
I'lru Chief Amliri)i day was
brlKhtcned by tin. appearance thin
murnl:iK nt his hcilnMo In a local
hoHpltnl, ef a nelcrted croup of Krml.i
hchool l.oyn mi I i;Irlj, their orniij
loaded with floweri, rllent wishes for
n upeedy rccoery mid a token of
their admiration.
According to a report from tho
ho:.pllal lalu Ihlri iifleruoon, AmbroKc
Is htlll liuiiroxlncnud will no doubt
bo up within the nevt few ilajii.
i t n ...,.....,' 47ft li I ' -. , .!. ,imm,
I, -
fllih AlpearlitK In Oilier flnrli lo
Si nt lloiiii'i lm.Hptlil
Mitiit lit I'm. ill
'Dim nl.iiiil.inl iintrorm uiloptoil by
tho hti;h nchoiil ;lrU coeu Into i'f
r it (m)iiy fur tliu flnt llmo.
I'rlmlpiil Itolicrl Cloo'.z atmoiinccd nil I'lrln Mltlipnt uri
iy Uiuy IiikI n sull.ililn oxcimc.
.won Id bo rr-nt homo to romqln thoro
until thry ohtalnril n uniform.
Tito uiilfonii combIiiIk of li)'-lic;l-cil
black iho-H, black HtocklnKii.
dark bluo or black iklrt, amt whltp.
Thin In tho first time tho hlfili
icliool ban Imil 6 tanJnnI uniform
wan not standardized bccnuio of
thu lalcncHg of tho school year.
i:riy Mt'itilicr nf .I'miilly to
Join In Moiciucnt
CIIICACO, Bopt. 2C Plant a tree
for Mory membor of tUo family dur
Inj; troo plantlnr; week, October 27 to
Noember 3. 1 bclus "rtied by tho
Plant Another Trco association.
Chambers of eommerco nnd other
civic clubs throughout thn country
aro planning to p'jsorvo tho week In
tho plantln of memory treoa. birth
day trees and many other nbcr
vances or n public chatattcr, accord
Iur to officers.
In addition, each family la urged
to ou'crin tho viek by iplnntlng
trees about tho namlnr: each
for Bomo mcmbiir of Iho family, and
If poMlble, tnahlnK tho obfcrMiaco a
lionio-coinlnB mid reunion.
Tho week will bo started with
Arbor Day celebrations.
Man Who lcjpil from Ctly .lnf l
Held for l-nrcency of Aulo
John Hanson, 20, who scaped
from Jail here last Friday wheru ho
wnn held ou a larceny charge. Is In
Jail In Jacksonville where ho Is held
for larceny of an uutomoblle, accord
ing to advices rcculed by Sheriff
Low. It la believed lljii ear wax stol
en In Medford, us no I heft has been
reported Imre.
I . ..l. -.
I Stock Being Brought From
All Parts of West For
Exhibition Next Week
Itldcrs liciit out lo all parts of tho
western county to try out horses and
cattlu to bo uyod durlnc the round
up hero noxt week will arrlvo with
thu outlaws this afternoon at the
fair grounds where hay and pasture
havo been secured.
J. C. Kdsall and A. D. Ilamaker
wilt bring In tho bucking bulls and
some or tho steers to be used for
Dallas Chan and Ulll Drown wilt
arrlra this afternoon with a bunch
of horses selected from tho ones own
ed by J Frank Adams, Jim Grimes
nnd, others In the northern part of
tho county. Amcni; thes will be the
wltd hurtcs for tho wild horso race.
i:erctt Hell nnd Wm. Loury will
bo hero today with tho noted Bly
round-up horses, which arc among
thn best on tho coast. Among then
nro 'I-bo-Damn". "Cotton belly,"
"McAdoo,", "Dunsono". "Illaclc Do
mon," "Alrplano", "Snow-Ball," the
noted "Snappy John" nnd many oth
ers. ft. liamaker and K. niggs wilt be
hero In n day or so with stock front
thn southern Dart of the country.
, Men sent to Lake and Crook coun
ties will bo here soon with 30 head of
thu desert outlaws.
According to Information received
by J. .V. divan, president of the Bly
Itouud-up association, noted perform
ers from Pendleton. lied Bluff, Ft.
Worth. Texas, Chcenuu and other
places, will bo hero to muko this
show onu of tho best of tho year.
Itaco horso men from Medford. Al
turan, Merrill and I-akcvlow aro a'
ready hero with their horses, and
aro very anxious that tho raco track
bo completed at onco In order that
they may get their horses In trim for
tho races.
Tho chariot team owned by Henry
aud Mooro will bo lu this aftornoon.
A team to compete with this Hiring Is
expected in tbo next few days.
Hoy Who Klllnl Hunting Companion
Convicted on (linrgn of
Ifunllntc After Humlnwn
A flno of $500 and four months In
Jail, was tho penalty impcscii In tho
Justice court this afternoon on J.
Harry Hesse, 20, charged with hunt
ing after sundown. Hesse shot and
killed his companion, Kmcrson Fish,
near tho Kcsterson Lumber company
camp In tho vicinity of Dorrls' Sun
day night in the darkness mistaking
him for a deer. Fish was 48 paces
distant when Hcsso flrod the fatal
shot, according to Marlon Barnes,
deputy game warden.
At the coroner's Inqnest this
morning the verdict was that Flsb
met death "by means of a gunshot
wound" and that Hesse was "gnllty
of negligence." Whether other
charges -will be preferred against
Hesse was not made public.
The coroner's Jury was composed
of Marloa Hanks, Gus Melhase, It. E.
Smith, John Siemens, Kd Blooming'
camp and B. S. Grigsby.
Uesso pled guilty to the charge of
sight shooting and said he would not
retain an attorney.
Bonanza Children Coeapictn Work;
Will Exhibit at Fair
lly MlldrtMl Scott
Two ears ago, with the help of
Frank Sexton, county club agspt. a
sewing club', was crgsnlxedShsre in
Bonanta with 12 girls enrolled. Bin.
Bell, was chosa,local club leader aad
Miss Hilda Hamak'er. president. All
the members completed their work
and a number- of exhibits were aent
to the county fair.
Miss Hilda Ilamaker waa chosen
local leader of our sewing club this
year and Miss KIilo Rncck, president.
Through tho efforts of Miss Ilama
ker, this work was all completed be
fore tho summer vacation. The sew
ing will bo exhibited at tbo county
fair, October 4, 5, G.
In theso two years, through efforts
of the club members and leaders, aid
ed by Sexton, six delegates have
been sent to Corvallls to attend the
two-weeks short course
Last spring. In addition to the sew
tng club a cooking club and pig club
wero organized. In tho cooking club
there aro five members. Mrs. Burke,
tholr leader, tells us thai all have
finished their lessons aud expect to
oxhlbit bread at tho fair this fall.
Tho Fig Club lug been doing ex.
cellqnt work under leadership of H.
M. Daniel. Their prosldcut Is Miss
Mildred Scott. They will exhibit
tholr pigs at tho county fair this fall.
A Judging contest was hold at tho
homes of Messrs. F, J. Bowno and
II. M. Daniel Monday, September 18.
Fern Crapsor, James Noblo, and Mil
dred Scott, tho three highest scor
ing members, will servo as Iho Bon.
anxa Judging team, which will com
poto with all tho other Judging teams
at the fair Oct. C.
Instructors of Klamath County High
To Bo Introduced
High school day will bo observed
at tho chamber ot eommerco forum
Wednesday noon when membeja of
tho high school faculty will attend.
In a body.
Prof. Robert Coots, principal, will
bo chulrmnn ot tho meeting and will
Introduce new instructors to tho for
um and ro-Introonee tho old ones.
According to Prof, Goots, about halt
ot tho toachors aro now to tills
A determined offort is bolng niadu
by tho faculty to put out winning
athletic loams and to duvolop a stu
dent spirit that will put tho high
school foremost of the institutions
of tho state, it was said, and. tho
plans that havo been porfocted will
bo presented at tho forum. At
tho samo time a requost for the
hearty co-oporatlon ot all the busi
ness "'Interests of the community to
assist In tho school work will be
Over $9,000 Raised to Fi
nance Project; More ,
Funds Needed
A check-up on the plans of the
county fair and Southern Orogon ro
deo at the moetlng held la the cham
ber of commerce last Bight showed
that Including a note guaranteed by
local business men, a total of $9,045
had been raised to flnaace the fair
this year. A committee composed of
J. J. Furber, J. J. Miller and P. 8.
Pope took the field this morning to
ralso additional money tOjCarry on
the work.
II. N. Moe, chairman, R. E. Brad
bury, and K. V. Hoirry wero selected
to handle the concessions for the
fair, and anyone desirous ot exhibit
ing should get In touch with one ot
this committee.
A. F. Glover U in charge of the
music, and will endeavor to get the
band together for tho three days.
This, he said, woald necessitate
bringing in some musicians from the
Ftaa W( Parade
A plan to have a big parade on
the first morning was agreed ape,
and Will Lm was selected as parage
marshal. Accerdiag to the plaas an
nounced, every" automobile In town
will UrssiaaetsjLta.assembU at .a
certain aolaT befere'paradlnt Main
street, aad then to the fair grounds,
where proper ceremonies, Including
dedicalon of the new buildings, will
be made. W. A. Delsetl was named
master of ceremonies. This will in
elude an addresa by Governor Ben
W. Olcott, in ovcat he Is ublo to
visit Klamath Falls during tho fair.
Tho stores will be closed from 12.
noon to C p. m., as agreed upon by
the merchants bureau. The r will be
opened 'from S p. ra. lo 8 p. m. to
take caro of trade. This arrange
ment was made la order to Insnre
tho rodeo bolng an. unqualified suc
cess. Rooms Being Listed
A committee set about this morn
ing to list all tho available rooms la I
town to take care of tho crowds that
will visit Klamath Falls during tho
fair week. A chairman for this com
mittee will bo announced within u
day or two.
Those present at last nlghl'a moot
ing Included II, N. Moo. J. H. Swan
son, J. T. Perkins, Frank Sexton, Mr.
Cosoboom, Percy Evans, A. F. (Hover,
Fred Houston, J. J. Furber, F. C.
Nlcktc, P. 8. Popo, R. E. Bradbury,
A. M. Collier. M. L. Miller, Charles
I. Roberts., Bon Lewis, 0. Wi- Hous
ton, Roy Durbln, J. T. Bradloy, R. E.
Dowccso, and E. TI. Henry.
Il4?rrset.tatlvca of Federal Land)
Bank to Examine) Securhy
Word has been recelvod by the
Klamath Falls National Farm Loan
association that the federal apprals"
or will be here within a few days to
look over tho securities offered by
farmors applying for federal fans -loans.
Tho local loaa committee Is mak
ing a tour of appraisal this week, so
that the papers may be properly' a'et- .
ed upon by the directors of tbVa-..
sociation at a sneclsi sssstlac. walk
has boon called for Ssturdsy, t-),1
mber30. J f ''Uyj-m
As this probably wll,Ihe.a7i S-m
iviuuqt liv.
trip m inu luaurai afyrsHwr jw wn ' Rf" ' 'H
territory before the advent of saV,n Po
rurmors desiring loans prior, to Ma's? v ivC 'j
1. next aro ad vised' to file' their aav . '.'V.'j
plications without delay, so that they V"?'""!
can bo handled by the lsa eosamtitaa y If'" ''
and. directors this 7a7 i VJif'' "' " -"1
All pavers la ceaaaciM'.wlUi.aay'
plications mustbe Hsi4t aatt
ehtcked'am brtlM ftawa'i'hsad
bank, at Bsokaae "Um tNr will H '
plaeed laHaa
aparalaaf " far
t a
. t
vr '