.,- mJm& piLU! i' i -jl t "i M Pj ffi . V ' V''?lfcfet'MV''4i"tf'-vVi 3- fi- 1 , kL'amath f SWiff j: THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON jionpiy, rii:i"ii:Miu'u :n, iiua. i - es. J" V Mi erald g..frJPLIi.;Vt .v. . t . ,.cit MINT m . j:::.;-..-" ,- FrtHk4 'tally ucept Susdajr, at , . iM.jim-aHi fBDiiiaiBi company 01 XfeaMth rtli, at 110 Eighth atnet. Vlatarad at tka poslofflca at KUm- ata' rain, ure ror traaimiMion tareagk Ida mails ai atcond-cIaM natttr. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED i JPJtESS . Tka AMoelataA Prosa li icluitre if eatltled ta -the use for publlca tloa ot all hws dispatches credited to it. or not otherwise credited In tkla yawaid alio the local newi published fcwain. . MONDAY, HKPTKMItKH UM, IIKM. A BIG STEP AT Ult a tloflnlto date Is vet (or tho Tulo Lake homestead open Ing. Only Secretary Fall's approv al,, purely a formality, remnlns to ho secured The location ot 174 families In tkla rich region, tributary to Klam atk Fnl as a trading center, Marks a big- step In development. " Vader tka Slnnott act, govcrn iBg tho homcsteadlng ot the lands', ezHMnrlce men lll haye six snoain preferential ngats ot en try. Tho men who fought for Un tie Sam nill-make-a highly desir able type of settler.' Speaking of tho Slnnott net Is rs mindful of the debt Klamath coun ty owes Congressman Si. J. Slnnott for his tireless effort to hasten tho homestead opening lie has wet and orercome many obstacles, aad but for his fatthfulnoss tho action of tho government would kave been much longer delayed. For tho post two years the Klam ath Irrigation project has drawn an annua! appropriation ot $700,000, For tho coming year n similar appropriation has been rendered, t- tfclngq aro coming Klamath coun ty's way. ' Svhy? Urea use In Con grewmsn Slnnott, chairman of the public lands committee of the, low er house ot congress, and Senator Charles McNary. chairman ot the aeaate Irrigation committee, we have two, powerful advocates, Intlu eatlal enough. b;cauM of their ac quaintance with men and methods III the government departments to put over moat of their reasonable demand. . I A GREAT SHOW I t, V-; . 1 (Medford Mall Tribune) OUEOON.'S great political vaudo vltle Is proceeding true to form. The,; great, disappearing act of that inl'mltablo wizard of Illusion, Char ley Hall, kas brought to a closo ono of tho most nutating performances ot political dexterity over seen upon the American stage. But, tho Invisible management . premises oven greater marvels be fore, tholr present engagement closes, Seine people' think Hall can never bo keaten. Tho amazing caso with which he llUtod'-on thostaff and off, tho astonishing manner in which he charged thcro was"a rabbit ot graft 8B4 corruption In Qovornor Olcott's , pocket, until ever) ono In tho audi ence could, sco it; and then with a few confuftng passes of tho contri bution box, revealed tho rabbit In his i owi pocket; tho extraordinary facil ity with which ho uppcarcd as an In dependent candidate to accommodato tho ropublican party and then dlsan- jaearcd to'Veapponr ris no candldato at all to accommodate the domocrats, --lt of these things led to tho belief that as a marvellous political prcs djgltntor, Charley Halt never rould be beaten. But advance notices indlcato that ;tkaWbltor I'lerco act wll bo oven imore amazing. Pierce promises to .islww hoWlfa democratic war horso jCiisbe a ropublican beast ot burden, how taxes can bo lowered by raising tKeiR a million dollars a year; how Americanism can bo elevated by vio- Jtettng the spirit of tho fodcral and itate constitutions, how a man who eaaderanod invisible empires In Aug. ust can upHold'them In November. So the Invisible niatiaoment, can ,-b sure of a packpd house untll'tlie 'Bhr la over. Fr, wo all like to be. .asiiarUined. Political campaigns om'f even leas froquently than three- ' rrlad clreviea," And (here Is noth-A wtw uitctihik aa iua,ime nonorea I praetlce ofishowlng that tho hand Is ''qVkker than the eye. the bunk more effective, than the bruin. - m '.!' ' ' 'FJfOWOK TO ftX.l'AYKItH The board of equalization, of KIuu I1 atk; County will be In session October ";. 1bVW bear'ull protests' filed (Mr'iUg-ljkrara.t.All property owners I.JaJ hA.ba mkaJa ... Amt ,& M.I.. rj Ml m Ul UWMf l HIM MMmU'tW tkelr asaeasmenta are BtifM to ka preseat on that day. ' tf.Tr'' ' S5-8T wkbtxr There Is morn than eight Icr cent Interest In private stock. "PeoL Off That Tan" headline. Tho'wlld belles aro peeling. I.otci make the world go round at night In nutos. He who laughs last laughs least. Hell hath no fury like a vvomnn's corn. Our tanguago tickles us. While tho bluebird Is an emblem of happi ness tho bluo bird Is an cniblom of sadness. "Whnt Do tho Stars Say" head line. Well, they usually say "I waiu a divorce." In smoky Pittsburg, n man works In his bathing soot. A girl who was too skinny says tho shimmy Is gone for good. Tell Sonny tho key to succos tils tho schoolhouso door. We havo senf Europe $2:.000,. 000,000. Ono man with this much could live at a hotel. Ono night 300,000 storks roosted In Ocynhausen, Oermany. They may havo been leaving France. Cinderella wasn't so bad. She slept by a flr every winter. The consumer gets a raw deal be cause the rards aro stacked. Many cultured pcoplo wish they could grow wild. Cheer up! Bicycle prices havo been cut 40 per cent. Personal Mention B. Ripley is a business visitor here this week from Portland. A. J. Voye Is here from Mt. Shas ta tor a tew days' business visit. n. M. nowland arrived last nleht from Sacramento and Is registered at tho White Pelican hotel. It. K. Whitney accompanied by Mrs. Whitney Is a visitor here today from ncd Bluff. California. utt ri - , , -H." a. Phillips Is hero from San Francisco on ' combined business1 and pleasaro trip. Mr, and Mrs. 'J. I.. Shirk arc spending a few days in town from the WJlllamson river district. Toot Martin, after a summer spent at his camp on Recreation creek, is In town fpr a while. C. H. McCollum, who resides on a ranch near Wprden, Is In town to-, day looking after business affairs . connocted with the Klamath Kami Lban -association.- After a thrco weeks' vlult with their brother, Jesi Parker at Bly. , smmooullaky declares, "bcc.iuso they and with other relatives and friendaj 8Upport ra8 without any engagement In Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Sam on ,y J)art w,ciris convenient for Parker returned this morning tojme Tll0 communists aro practlenl their home In Saeramonto. , people, and they will shortly become Leland Haines arrived horo last night from Yakima, Washington, to Join Mrs. Haines and llttlo daughter.! whVhavo been spending the summer. hero with Mr. aud Mrs. J. V, Hous ton. Mr. and Mrs. (1. A. Hallnoll re- turned )esterday from San Francis- co where they havo beon UIHiif for the past two weeks. Hnllwoll Is locnl manager for the Btandard Oil company. Mr. and Mrs. Charles I. Roberts and son, Innls and Mr. and Mm. Os car Shlvo and daughter, Helen, spent the day driving through tho grain country south of Merrill. They went ns far as Malln. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Underwood were among Klamath Falls folk who took advantage of the fine weathor yestorday. They motored with their guest, M183 Idora McKlrath and R. II. Cookr to Harriman lodge for tho Jay,, K. R. Rcames and W, W. Jones ar rived 'last night from San Francisco on business. Thoy aro both Interest ed In the Fort Klamath Meadows company. Jones Is an officer ot tho Merchants National bank of San Frap Cisco. 1 Three car loads of local people left hero yesterday morning for Chll oqulu where the day was spent In fishing and picnicking. They were Mrs. Nate Otterbeln, Mrs. Sam Smith und son Gordon, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Sloan and boh Junior, Mr, und Mrs. It. Houglund', Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Smith, Mrs.. Kd ward Saunders and son Kd ward 'Jr., Miss Grace Hoagland and Stanley HaJIcek, This inarty was Joined by Nata Ottorboln nnd Tom 8hughnp8y. who preceded them Saturday afternoon. Naval Officer Would Divorce Her? I.teutcnant Bradford Harnett.. United States Navy, Is said to have isiartcd suit for divorce In the New York courts against Julln a rule recti i(ibovc), stago beauty. She denies she has been served with any notice. PRESENT PREMIER OF BULGARIA IS AMUSING TO EUROPE SOFIA. Bulgaria. Sept. 25. Ales- lander StamboullBkyslnrn his ndvunt to power as Bulgaria's peasant-premier, has been furnishing Kuropo with no little amusement by the un ceremonious and defiant way ho has been trenting King Boris, and by his Indifferent attitude toward the over present question of reparations. Not long ago ho told the king If ho did not do tho bidding of the masses, ho m,Rnt fla1 himself without a thron. iDim in iiiu uiiuni til a ri'iiuuui:. lit: added a warning that loung Btirls must not keep his eyu on both sides of tho fence; -that he could give his support only to ono party, and that party tho group Jn power. The stalwart agrarian leader also has given voice .to equally novel ex pressions on various questions of the day. "My enemies," lu sa)s "ask ed tho king to throw me over. But what would not bo In conformity with constitutional usage. And then they do not know tho king. I have him wll tralmvl. I treat him like J ion. I have been teaching him politics for thrco cnrfi, and ho I quite devoted to me. Wo aro going to amnlgamato tho agrarians, radi cals and ao'lal democrats for tho elections of 192-1, unless I am ns snssl.ncted In tho meantime. "I llko the Bulgarian communls'ts." n party fit to govorn. They nro for getting their principles more nnd wor0' nml ,1,c' know ,,ow l0 afcom mo',a, eUos dreiinwtnnccs. ( Tltnv tiiiniv- lint tfi InWt km n In plcaso' people." Tho promlcr sas lui docs not caro I a snap about repartitions. Itupura- tong nro lllmijug. My abroad nro much atrongo connrctlona stronger and more numerous than were thoiu of King Fordlnand. rordlnund know only crownod heads ot no Importance, whllo t am on Intimate terms with tho ruling politicians of tho wliolo world. Thcro Is no danger. Nobody will touch Bulgaria. I havo got promises. And then wo have come to an understanding with Krltito Itakov ski, commissary ln tho Ukraine Tho sovlots will not abandon us." M. Stambullsky has voiced a warn ing as to tho future. "Kven should nothing elso happen," ho declares, "tliero will bo a goneral mix-up be fore long. Russia Is persistently pre paring a dohaclo which Is InovltuMo. Wo Bhull )lungo Into thU tiphcnvul too, and somothlng is Hiiro to come out of It. Walt and hoc." Advertising pnys. Try It and eo. TREES SHRUBS ROSE BUSHES BULBS Order them now for fall delivery. KlamathFlowerShop Cut Flowers Plants Jhon0 CS? 83 Main St. ANTELOPE IS SAID TO BE THREATENED WITH EXTINCTION YEI.I.OWSTONI: PARK. Wo . Sept. 23. The American antelope Is threatened with extinction, nc cording to officials here of thu de partment of tho Interior. I'nlcw ex tensive protective measures aro tak en, officials declared, an unlmnl widely admired for Its coloring, dell cnto proportions and zephyr-like movement, soon will bo seen only In museums. There nre probably not more than 3.000 antelope remaining In tho Unit ed States, according to statement, and the total number In the park Is about 330. In 1908 tho number was estimated as 2,000. The cause of tho'nntolopeias been tken up by tho American Bison So ciety nt Now York. A number of , societies Interested In gamo proserin-1 tlon will meet Jointly In the east soon to consider n program to protect nnte lope. Proponed .measures lniludo provision for an; ndctuato winter rnngo for Yellowsiono hurdi, nnd for ! herds remaining In Oregon. Nevada, Idaho, Wyoming, Utah and Califor nia. , tvst winter nearly n third of the Yellowstone p-rl: herds wore lost ns n result of heavy snows mid tho du preilatlotiH of roote, wolves nnd ihountnlu lions. A part of this loss was rnado up by birth of tho young, this wring. The most serious menace to tholr preservation hern Is tho nlisitnco of eultablu winter range, according to those officials. Bosldos running the risk of starvation, owing to scant forage if the snows aro deep, they are easy prey for predatory nulmtils. Tho possible winter range for an telopes hero nt present Is nbout 3,000 ncres, which must bo shared with deer, oik und other grazing iiulinnls. The summer range cover about 100, 000 acres. Park nuthorltloH will withdraw part of tho summer rauKO from tour ist use next soahon, as tho presence of tourists is said to keep tho uorvous animals on tho qui vivo and to Inter fero with breeding. Future Czar? Grand Du!o Cyril, now In ParU.1 Hiys he's tho loiiical heir to tq, 'Jtuaolan throno if It becomes on ac cepted fact that oil members of tho' 'Ituaalan royal family nro dead. If 'royalty returns In Kucola, ho'U preaa his claim. ra & mi rev, M!aBw y CONGRESS W W PR0BLEI Wide Range Covered in 10 Months' Session Just Brought to Close WASHINGTON. Sept 2r.,- Almost ' ten immtlm of legislative action end- ' lug Friday with luljotirnment sine illo of the second session of the tl'lh con gress covered a wldo rnnro. nffert- , lug tho ntitlon's Interuntlotial rein tlotm ns well as Its economic. Indus trial und homo lite. i Passage ot the permnitont tariff re.vl.Mou nnd soldlots bonun bills! probably vvero thu chief features or tho M'sslon. which liegait Dee ft hint i nnd which was the first regular scs. xlou of congress nliiro limugurntloii or tho Harding administration, tho first ' session being specially railed In the spring of 15121. Tho Washington conference on limitation of tirm ment nnd fur eastern questions, and I the railroad nnd coal strikes, how-' ever, gave rongreM new mid unox-1 peeled problems to denl with. The , naval llmltntlou mid n half doieu other riinferi'tiro treaties were rati fied by the senate last March after weeks of debate delaying other leg-1 Islatlou and nbout ns tunny weeks were required for conference and ' teglnlnllou growing nut of tho two strikes -tho federal coal commission and coal regulation and distribution utioti were- bills. Scores of other now laws mtidc mid a dozen regular and several special nppropilntlon bills, carrying upward of $2,230,000.01)0, passed, the flrrt under tho new budget s tem and the re-orgaulred rongros- , slotinl appropriation coiiimlttecH. The session was markci! by thren i personal addresses by President i Harding at joint sejislotis. one, open- Ing tlie session, another ono on iner chant murine teglslntloii mid a third on the Industrial situation Other sperlal f enures of the ses sion Included thu seating of Senator Newberry, Itep. Mich., by tho senate January 12 Him recent attempt by Hop. Keller. 1 1 o i . Minn . to Impeach Attorney Cenernl Dmigherty, confir mation by tho senate of American ambassadors and mlnUters to t,or many, Austria nnd Hungary, confir mation of former Senator Suthertsnd of t'tah 4 nssochvtu Justlro of the supremo court to succeed former lustU'n Clarke, resigned; dentils of Senators Pom use nnd Crow of Penn sylvania: resignation or William S. I ICenyou from tho rcnato to go on the I federal bench and tho long tariff do- bnto In tho senate. The tariff dis cussion began April II nod broko nil congressional records for u continu ous legislative day. through dally re. iossob without u single adjournment, from April 20 to Aug. 2. Tho abor tive effort for senate cloture, still pentlliir;. and the row over appoint ment of Nat. (loldstclii to bo ijt. l.ouU Internal revenue collector, wero other features. Polltlrii, ns might bo expected be fore tho biennial congressional elec tions, whs constantly in the nipltol nlr during thu entire session, with in-1 numerable partisan speeches nnd moves from lendorj of both domin ant parties. Defeat of veterans such us Chairman .MrCumhor or thu Sen. p(o rinunco (oiiimltteo in tho prl innrlort during the eosslou nod an nounce,! retirement of otbern stfh es Chairman I'ordnoy or thu house vn)Hi and means committee roroshiidnvved , coining thangoi In congressional membership. I leaded by tho tariff bill, the boh slou'ii moro Importunt legislation pro vided fer: Orontlou of tho allied debt funding commission. Appropriation of $20,000,000 for Kusalau relief. Appointment of a "dirt farmer" on ( thu fedeinl reserve liouril. C'o-oiiornllvo marketing by funn els. Itcgiihitloii of grain futures, so as to ineot the supremo court decision, making thu original Cnpper-TJucher law inoperative. Creation of 2C moio federal Judgea. I.'ttentlon of tho :i jiercent Imml gintlou i no tn law for two yea is, Scrapping of ntivnl vessels In ac cord with tho arms conference troa. tlei. IteorganUallon of the palout office with mi I nc i vino in Us force, Reorganization of tho basin of pay of in my, uayy und ninrlnu officer. Decrease. In personnel mid expense of tho uriny and navy, ' t Monthly pnjiiicut of poiihIouh, Devoloiuiicut ot rhcrj mid liar borH, Appiopi4itloii of $7,C00,000 to continue work on tho Musclo Hhoalu, Ala., power project. Appiopiintlon $l,!i00,Qn0 to loan farmors fpr seed grain. Appropi lotion ?B0O,000 for pi one- ciitloh of war frnll3. To The Public We have received the following threatening letter which we feel should be made known to yeu: Somowlun'o in U. H. A. Tin' Stnr DniB Co. Koxall SIqi'o, Klnniath Kails, Ore. Gcnlluman: I have loarned through my yccrol adonis that you promise holdinjf another One Cent Sale, and 1 wish to warn your company this thing must stop. I cannot maintain my present standing ami influence over the pub lie if you persist fn these price-lowering wiles. You have the community now anxiously wait ing for all the bargains you offer, ami 1 do not propo?e to be bamboozled by any such ac tions. You must call off this sale and mark your goods higher instead of cutting the prices in two, or your old Re.xall plant will be torpedoed within five days, as the ammuni tion i.s now ready. I await your answer be fore proceeding. Yours for higher prices, High Coat Living. in m fj WE SHALL DEFY THE GENTLEMAN NOT WITHSTANDING HIS THREATS STAR DRUG CO. 5th and Main Sts. A W CM v-uHry Droadvay at Stark Portland.iOre. . YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPITALITY AND INDIVID UAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of a staff who, after ycaiy of training, under stand the needs of the traveling: public. ' Music, Dancing nnd the Best to Eat at ye..:; A.'Tr (fir i fiffl Arthur H. Meyer.s Mamagc MpggsgJesaaw JTaraaKg: -ggyj -JSSgfffl TONIGHT AT lOMOUT Till: "HIS featuring Chath-H (C'Jilc) Halo. This In without oiiostlou one of tlm most unumiul charactur plai over presented mid vv sen Mr, Hutu In (.even distinct roles- and he hi i-'iually good in nil ot thoiu "Ills Nibs" Is more tluui comeUy it U tnllio plus -and u mom wolcomi) change from tlm regular TUESDAY Tho remarkable character actor Hestu Hn)akuwu uppears In thu gnat drama "THE FIRST BORN" Uiliulttcdly hll be it- iilul Hint iiieaim .lomi thing KB Continuation the vvtir-tluio Iioiiuh' tlonaiy foiccH hud been hanged with pay of fedornl emploes. ' "t trltiN; thu allognd do lobby; In th legislative urogram, aid tar'' vnUmw, war f.-aud-.i ills. , .... nisltloii or govyiiiiiunt navnl oil ro agrlculturlHts w, piomlnent. will, I )ry(J.. ,, ml mmm;n tho unofficial, hl-iuills.ui senaloj Anieilcnn orcuimtlon of Haiti mid (igrlcullural "bloc" cimtliitilng Hh'SuiiIh Domingo; civil solvit o, nn nitlvltles whllo n led oigimled itml nitlvltlea of tVneinl Boinimolf. Kits tolieslvo itgilfiiliuml gioup Idnynd , Him, lender, (i llko part In Iho house. Thoie nlso ; r ,.,..- vviiH orgnnUod an miofflilal lopiibll- MVWIH lOrITION I.V , can taiiff blueIn Iho tieiiate dining ,' Ol'NTV I I.KIHfK OI'KM'H tho tariff fight. N'umproiiK Investigations, na uiiiial, vvero held by both nonnlu mid Iioiiku,' but with fovv final lepoils. Among tho limuliIuH weie' Dlapo Hltlon of Hie Muscle Hhoan project; (hiiigca of IJnnaior Wntsoit, ilein, 0n,t lluil bouiivi? of Uig Amuilc.'iii oxppiU-' 'tS5teKsS3Sek r THE LIBERTY I'lYU, hllOWINt.' OK MBS" I Mltn Vivian Ilanln hits accept oil u position In tho county Uurlc'u offleu. Up until thlu week tho poullloii lutt boon ocfiiiplud by .MIhu Kuth DoUip, who U pioilnilng to Inavn'tlio lnttor imit of llio week for Ihigouo, whom hIio will enler Iho I'nlvoisliy of Ore- BOIl, -.i !'4 t ',7 H'f U .L...j- .. f" t .4T t rxt ... .. . iSMJkaaV' V ' I J .i . 'I ,?fel ,' "tfv J"-'