The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 23, 1922, Page Page Four, Image 4

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    4jftt 'fV . Jnf'-1
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SATlfllTl.W, HICI'T. 211, may.
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ajjij(jiAAAAAAAftnftjviruTrinrM - - - - ---
Garnet In All Sections
Of United States
Army vs Kansas at West 1'olnt;
Washington vx. Montnmi nt Seattle;
' Ynlo vs North Carolltia.nt New Ha-
ven; Princeton vs Virginia nt Prince
ten: Unhorslty of (leorgla vs Chi
cago nt Chicago.
Octobor 14: Cincinnati vs Oeorge-
town nt Washington; Pennsylvania
" " ivs Maryland nt Philadelphia: Army
Season Packed Full of Fml"J!f?
t i Mini, sniiuiia ciiiumvi ii tiiiiui-
1 nla nt 1-oao Angeles; VanderhlU vs
1 Michigan nt Nashville: Wisconsin
vs South Dakota Stnto nt Madison;
Ynle vs Iowa nt New Haven.
i October 21. Detroit vs Huston
NK WYOniv, Sept. 23. This will i college nt Detreit: Kordhnm vs
be nholocanst year on tho gridiron. Georgetown nt Now York; Center vs
After tlio grent strides that foot
ball, the most popular of college
sports and rival of baseball In the
Harvard nt Cambridge; Missouri vtf
Nebraska nt Lincoln; Prlncotnn vs
Maryland nt Princeton; VanderhlU
public's highest regard, hna mado ln Texas nt Dallas; Navy vs Georgia
(Ho last few years it sounds ommiuie Tech at Annapolis.
trt Mini Itin inmtn" ann.mi will lin I tt,m oc .
to say that tho coming season will bo
the greatest In tho game's history.
Yot that's tho fart.
Tho season won't start nny earlier,
uor Is there likelihood of It extend
ing past New Year's 'tho day of tho
usual carnival gamo at Los Angeles
but It will bo stuffed and chokej
from the first kick-off today with
thu Ingredients that bring hundreds
of thousands away from warm fire
sides to frccto In cold blasts.
Interest Growing
, Opponents ,of tho inter-sectlonal
Idea who hnvn contended thnt tho
gamo was Eroding beyond bounds
nnd becoming tho god before which
education was being sacrificed get
small comfort from a perusal of tho
schedules. At least 40 games will bo
held that it will take at least a night
on tho steeper for one nt tho oppos
ing teams to reach.
On tho flvo Saturdays beginning
with October 7 there will be at least
six or soven Intersections! contests,
scattered nil over tho country. Kan
sas Is coming to West Point, Geor
gia Tech and Princeton are going to
Chicago, the "Praying Colonels"
from Center college, Danville. Ky.,
nro scheduled nt Harvard, Nebraska
has a date with Syracuse, Notro Dame
will tussle with nrmy'nt Wast Point,
Alabama, will scrimmage with Penn
sylvania at Philadelphia Just to
pick n tow at random.
Kntt .No Longer First
Tho senson of 1922 marks furth
er loosening of tho monopoly that
the eas't onco had on tho big contests.
Thcro not,ouly arc moro games sche
duled than ever before but there are
moro Intor-sectlonal contests, and In-tra-sectlonal
matches of genulno im
portance than tho pigskin dreamed
of when It was more of a pig than ."
skin nnd could dream.
Ynlo and Harvard both sad last
fall' that they would not tread In the
9 path of' Princeton and Invado the
western conference. Just the samo
tho schedule's shows that two weeks
befora tho tiger Is clawing around at
the University of Chicago tho Dull
Dog will be snarling at Iowa, cham
pion of the Dig Ten in tho bowl at
New Haven. Harvard apparently Is
satisfied with entertaining the team
from the Blue Grass state.
Jfcw York IOMca Gome
Now York city loses Its gridiron
plcturo play. The army and navy
gamo previously held at tho polo
grounds will bo staged in tho recon
structed FrankJfn Flold of tho Univ
ersity of Pennsylvania at Philadel
phia. Instead of being played on
tho traditional Saturday following
Thanksgiving It will bo 'Played on tho
preceding Saturday, tho samo day as
llio Yale-Harvard game.
', Thcro will bo several revivals of
football relations between institu
tions that permitted their historic
gridiron enmity to lapse. Notably
among these are Harvard and Dart
mouth. Ono radical change In tho rules
will make tho gamo a bit different.
Instead of being confined to trylnri
for goal aftor a touchdown by a kick
front placement tho, scoring eleven
will bo given tho option of placing
the ball anywhere beyond the five
yard lino with tho privilege of put7
tine It Into play In scrimmage a
line plungo or end run, by passing,
or by kicking a field goal. Tho ball
must bo pat oror with ono try to
get a point scoro of ono. Tho now
'pisy will be known as tho "try for
Attacker Have Advantage
A foul .by the defending team
when tho "try for point" is being
mado automatically gives tho attack
ers the advantage, and If tho attack
ing team fouls Us attempt Is vltlatod.
A player taken out In tho first half
can not return until the second half
and n player taken out In the second
.. half' It out for the remainder of tho
The more Important, but not all,
Ko tM lter-sectlon games schedul-
4ISprthe4MMMi which opens today
. ar follews:
V laipUNkir 30: CIbcIrbsU rs Pitts-
.Vfr'tjain. .-t.ClaoUMtU
October 2S. Georgia Tech vs Not
re Dame nt Atlanta; Iowa state vs
Washington at Ames; Oberlln vs Am
herst nt Oberlln; Springfield vs De
troit at Springfield; Texas vs Ala
bama at Austin: Chicago vs Prince
ton at Chicago.
November 4. West Virginia vr,
Cincinnati at Cincinnati1. Harvard vs
Florida at Boston; Pennsylvania vs
Alabama at Philadelphia; Nebraska
vs Syracuse at Syracuse.
November 7. Rutgers vs Louis
iana Stato at Now York.
November 11. Syracuse vs Mr
GUI university at Syracuse: Army
vs Notro Dame nt West Point; Yale
vs Maryland at New Haven.
November 25. Washington an-;
Jefferson vs Detroit at Detroit; Iowa
Stato vs Nebraska, at Lincoln.
November 30. Vermont vs De
troit nt Detreit: Nebraska vs Notro
Darao at Lincoln.
thi: sTit..i
If you relish thrills nnd action you
will find them In "Tho Oray Dawn."
If you desire a sweet love story, this
llenj.tmln II. Ilnmnton plcturo will
present It In you. If you aro n lover
of heart-touching tlrnmn with plen
ty of human touches, just drop Ihto
the Strand theatre Sunday and a
throbbing canvas of life will enroll
before jour eyes.
Perhaps you nro a ronnotseur of
fine acting. Perhaps you nro one of
tho million "nunlo" fan who find
relaxation nnd cujo.uurnt In seeing
your favorite screen star. In "The
Gray Dawn," llenj. 11. Hampton linn
again pro diced an nil-star cast pic
ture, which l fast becoming moro
popular than tho Individual star pro
duction, Itobert McKIm, Hon. 11.
Hampton stnr and eteran "villain"
of tho screen: Clnlro Adam, n com
ing emotional nctress; Carl Gant
voort. the llenj. II. Hampton "find"
whoo magnetic personality was seen
for tho first time In "Tho Man of
the Forest," play the prominent role,
of a cast of fifteen of the screen's
most prominent players, who liavij
given a cameo-llko finish to each
role, however small.
Tho championship of Klamath
county will bo determined at Modoc
park tomorrow when tho Cubs nnd
Giants cross bats In what promises
to be tho liveliest battln of tho seas
on. Rich team has n long list of
victories and each has n game to Its
credit over tho other.
The lineup:
Giants Cubs
J. Brown p Stalcy
Stevenson c Ware
D. Brown lb Dressier
It. Brown 2b Grove
Volchester 3b Cody
Burko ss Dowo
H. Dickson If Foley
J. Stewart cf Malcrs
Jackson rf Garlch
Full sized package of Colonial
shaving cream with the purchase of
any Garden Court preparation (ex
cept Talcum). Currln's For Drugs.
- 23
"Baths, bedrooms nnd bathing
girls," said someone In summing up
motion picture romrdy. Hut this
most assuredly Is not truo of tho
screen's- newest typo of comedy, as
exemplified by "His Nibs." the Kx
ccptlonal Pictures novelty entertain
ment which comes to tho Liberty
theatre on Sunday for n run of two
"Ills Nibs," Is n novelty of tho
most unlqno type, for It Introduces as
Us stnr vaudeville's famous headlln
cr, Charles (Chic) Snle. tho protean
comedian who, by sheer ersntlllty
and dramatic skill, has been creating
a whole gallery of rural characters
within the short spaco of n variety
turn. Bashful bonl prim school
teachors, giggling girls, austere bu
colic Sunday school teachers and all
tho humanity that goes to mako up
life In a small town, camo within his
In making his film debut, Salo ac
tually plays soven characters In his
quaint comedy of tho country, "Ills
Nibs." Tho action revolves around
the vlllago movlo theatre. "Tho Slip
pery Elm Plcure Palace," and Sale
plays tho various characters one
would encounter on a night when a
big film featuro was holding forth.
Not only does ho play six of the pic
turesque villagers but ho also plays
tho hero of the burlesquo melodrama
shown upon tho Slippery Kim's
Theso characters nro Introduced
with fine fun nnd humor and thero
Is a cleverly devised story running I
through the episodes.
Tweiity-tuo rounds of boxing Is
promised fight tans nt Scandinavian
hall October ti, the first singed hero
In many mouths. The bouts nro be
ing promoted by Trod Garlch.
L'nrl Itltchto of this city and Joe
Swindler of the army, 190-pouudorH,
.niv slated fur the inntn event. They
nre signed to go 10 rounds,
J nek ilnrmnn of Pittsburg and Kid
Stevenson of Men lit, U "pounder,
will go four rounds. 1 tanner Is un
known here but Stevenson was seen
In a bout with the Chlliiilu Bear
cat, in which ho was awarded thn de
rision when tho Chlloquln boy quit
with nu Injured hand. .Slewu'iut Is
something of u benrrnt himself, and
makes up In willingness to uli and
take whatever ho may lark In science,
Kddlo Tracy of Portland nnd
Spark Plug of this city, nil-pounders,
nre slated for four rounds, Tracy
Is another stranger nnd w hoover thu
Spark Plug may be has not been re
vealed. Kid Blehn nnd Tonghy Anderson
flyweights, aro old favorites with
Klamath fans. Their part of tho en
tertainment never falls to afford n
few minutes of fun.
Women nro Invited to attend nnd
will be extended every courtesy, said ,
Garlch. Objoctlonnblo features of
nny sort will not bo tolerated,
22 Rounds of Boxing
Klamath Falls. Ore. Friday Night.
Of Klnmntit Falls
Of United States Army
.tilnui" vs. Kinney, rt ill. 1 1
a.. I, l.H. i... ii i i.. .!.-. i i. I I
oiiit imt uri'ii uit'ti in im; lircuu
court by Clarence Adnms again U A,
Kinney. II. S. Grlgsby and Martin
Brothers nsklng Judgment for la
bor In cutting wheat nnd barley,
which Is now being hauled from
the Kinney plscu to tho Martin
mill by Gregsby. , '
Law ton n. l,mv
Dennis F. I-awton has brought I
action for damages against L. L.
Low and tho Oregon nnd Western
Bend and Mortgage company for '
tho sum of $3100. I
Jack Harmon. Pittsburg, vs. Kid Stevenson, Merrill
Four Rounds, Weight l'lO Pounds
Eddie Tracy, Portland, vs. Spark Plug, Klamath Falls
Four Rounds nt 130 Pounds
Kid Biehn vs. Toughy Anderson
Both of Klamath Fnlls Four Rounds Fly Weights
Ladies are welcome as well as Men
Tickets on Sale Monday, Sept. 25th
General Admission $1.50, War Tax 15c, Total $1.65
Ringside $2.00, War Tax 20c, Total $2.20
Reserved Ringside $3.00, War Tax 30c, Total $3.30
Horn . Clilldcrx, et ul,
John S. Horn, In tho rase nt
Horn verjus H. V. Chllders, Ivy
Chlldcrs. J. P. Elder nnd L. L.
Low, sheriff, asks Judgment In tho
sums of SCO with Interest at 10
per cent from October 29, 1920,
1125 attorneys feci; $391.47 with
Interest nt C per cent, nnd the fur
ther sum of $74,26 with Interest
nt S per cent. A temporary res
training order Is naked against tho
Competent persons will Instruct
you In the ipropur care of your baby.
Attond tho baby clinic next Tues
day. Currln's For Drugs. 23
A man's gun, built for hard sorviee, 212 or US caliber. Shoots 1) shots, nine
steel with safety attachment.
d1A CA Less Than Half Pre-Wnr Prices Mft CA
splU.JU ... ,. :IH ,.,.,. wn, , llim. tjHU.JU
25 Cal. Blue Steel Army Automatic Convenient to Carry Price $7.50
All our guns shoot Standard American Ammunition
v s All guns guaranteed new.
PNH NO M0NFV Wrlt0 yollr "amn nml ll'lr,'" Plnlnly send It to us nnd wo will for
U El 111 llv IllvliLi I ward you ono of theso automatics. I'ny Postman n arrival. Ilxntnluo
automatic carefully and If not satisfactory Just ntiirn It ami get your .MONWY BACK.
330 S. THIRD ST.
Please mention this paper In replying.
Send fur our Catalogue
ELijr? "'"M - ill
October 4-5-6 heralds you to the new fair grounds which
is well under way now. New race track, new grandstand, ex
hibition buildings and other improvements are now in pro
gress and will be in full readiness on the opening day. While
this outlay represents a considerable amount of immediate
money the benefit the community derives cannot be measured
in like terms whatever. More than that the business men of
Klamath Falls have already furnished this money which only
substantiates the enthusiasm and determination which will put
Klamath County on the map in bolder type and eliminate tho
theoiy of being isolated between two ranges of mountains and
seldom heard of.
We need only to ask some of the pioneers who have been
here for 30 and 40 years of the wonderful transformation
which has taken place over this country. When one reflects
too, the disadvantages which have handicapped this county for
so many years and then those which have already been over
come it is nothing less than phenomenal, the growth of this
groat valley. Fo,r a number of years past this county has
needed to take a step in the direction of a permanent fair
grounds as it js now 'doing thereby building an institution the
largest the county can boast on having. Our county is forg
ing ahead rapidlykeep it going each one doing their bit.
Mako Klamath County Fair your fair.
This space paid for by the business men of Klamath Falls' for th e benefit of the community.
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