'J , i VMfM . rUTPIUlAV, fll'.l'T. 2:1, I MM. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON L-.1-J-1-; 'Osteo -Tarsal (I'MOCUll IAICH1C0) The Supreme W.illn Shoe tonvctfy Guides tl.a 'Joot V W. C.A. ll HiJSAfth , p -& r.j en. II.. w. Ml J. hvit.. nail t.lt - ''1 THE DOOTERY CHAS. P. MAGUIRE 713 MAiN (WW f TV" fT 8 BivS I'lln Kvarm. Mr. ntnl Mm. t P,. Jay andlO'HENRY'S TOWN iinico llellmnn, Mr. ntnl Mm. Curl OcIiuJiorl Jr. wet," liohtM mi Wednesday or tliln iwyjlc nl a dick dinner, ilio iiri'iiiiliiii being their Nix'oiiil wedding nnnlvor nry Cowim worn In til for Mr mill Mm. (,'iu I Hchubort Hr Mr. and Mih. WIIIIiiiu ('liiiyno mill two miiiih, Wll llnm nml l.eliiwl, Mr. it ml Mm, W. II. Mcl'herron, Mlns IVnrl llfilnn, Mint (lliiil)M Motakur, John Hchuhort, nml Pro.ldlo I In ton. Tliu woinui of Hid H(. I'nul'n PplK copal (Inllit met l luiritdny of Inst week nt t It homo of Mm. (). I. I llurko nml nlmii; with thn other liusl milt tnlii'ii iii tlm ndvliuiblllty of holding mi apron pari)' waa discus- Jr.inl. Piintl from tlm Halo of tlm up runs Houiii go toward innr new chutoh fund. Mr. and Mm. IJ. M. Chllcntn wern Ilmnl Tuesday evening ut n dinner, honoring t tn Itov. ami Mm, X, J. t'huney, wlio nro IrnvInK noon for Ashland. Young wonim of thn rlly nrn en- Joying a intw nrlUliy l Ms full with tlm opuulug of tliM-HwItiiinliii; dink to tlinm exclusively Mumlny evenings. I. nit Monilny wan the first night for tliitin xwIiiih mill wiik enjoyed liy a Inrgn number of kcIiooI teachers anil other young women of llio city. Tlm Wotnnns' Missionary Bocluty of tlm Pieiliytiirlun (lilirrli held ltd miniinl go(ogolher luncheon TIium ilny In tlm lmrcli purlorM. Lunch eon wnn hitvmI lit I o'rlork to 30, i;u(h(n who W!ri'n'ntcl aroiiiul Intilcn ili'coruli'il In a )inifiilun of rcil nml v.illnti? iitdtimn flnii..ir.i l.if .ipH(irtrml ' ''-" UVI, with Kri'ciiK, AftiT Hid Boclnl llmoj .,. CM, tlm Inillcii niljniirnpit to tlm fln-i ii on. Cllffent: Mm, Mr. ntnl Mm. CHiirtPM II llonsu, Mr. I mid Mm. O. Drown; Mr. arid Mm. Prank Kvntin, Mm. J. J. I'nrliur, Mr, anil Jlrn. Kroit Cofor nml ilnUKlitc llt'lnti anil Itulli, find Mr nml Mm Cimcljomn. Tlio Ton Cup cluti of tlm Motlioiltat rlitircli mrl on Tliiirf.i'ny afternoon nml imHBiul a very ilcnnnt nftrr noon. Tlm affair wan In rlmrno of n cmiimltti'o romporcil of MckiIaiiiob I. Ilrailfonl, i:. M. Clillrntn. K. i:. Hcn ilrlcld ami (IcorRo 1). Downing, Tlfurmluy uIkIiI ' llilt wcok Mm. ('. II. llroun nml Mm. (IcorKn I.. Korxu cro Joint lnnlcMa nt an uvciiliiR lirllc! party. Dainty re- I'ulitiicntii worn pr''il nt tlio clono CHARACTERS ARE FAST DISAPPEARING of tlm Knmuii In ronniH mnilu lovely liy Christian Science Society (IK UI.AMATII J'.M.UI l.ltunry lllilu., tlnl nml Main SiiiiiIiij Krlioul from lll. ( lOil.t Kiry Huniliiy .Morning Kiiijtc for Mlipilii), HrplrnilxT It I "REALTY" l'ni iriiillitj. tiMiiu nml frrn loud. ItitS lllimry npcii from 2:JI to t:.'tl) p. iii, mi Tui'tilii), Tliuri- l.i)n nml Knluril.i)n EPISCOPAL SERVICES Sunday, Sept. 24 Arrliilraioii Dr. It lUddlfff Itctiirnltii: from tint I'nrtl.inil Convi'iitloii oiirouti to hU l.oiiii' In I'omixylv.ini.'t ulll Npcilt llolv I'oniiiiuiiloii in 30 A. M. .Mnniln,. Mormoii II 00 A M. i:nnliiK Horvlci' h 00 P. M. AT I. n. ). P. HAl.t, Place room whrro nftor IIrImiIiik tofn f()Wlir nl ,.rcrni,f Tho KWKta n iKHKlitrnl nolo ny .mm. lion c;, Tliotnaii, regular Itiltdnoim w.ih tnlcn up. Tlm llnppy Hour rluli will nirnt on Tui.'iidiiy of next wcok nt tlm homo mt Mm. Jcnnln Hum, 439 I'lno Htrnrt. A unliiin nml Intnrr-atliiR affnff of tlm weak wnn tlio homo hiirvcit parly rIviii liy Mr. nml Mm. Hid Kvnns nt tliclr ranch a fiw mllcn out of town to n Inrno niimhor of tliolr frlomli. Prom the corn hunks nml pumpklni uni'il ni drcnnitlonn to tlm fried chlckmi nml olhiT ilnliitlia Hint np pi'anil on tln iiu'iui, eryllilni: v.iir. KroMtt uit thu Kvunn' ranrh, Tlm i:umI loft town licforn iIIiiiht Prl day uleh( drlvlnir out In ram. Whon Ihoy arrived they wrro niton n Into n I homo uWornti'il with corn hiulcii, tuimpklni nuil cauilha, hy thvlr ho j ti-Hrt nml linnl. After thn li'iiiiitlfui , illiinnr, cardn worn rnjoyod until n ' Into hour hy llio foltowliiK cucata: Mr. and Mm. I., llrndford anil (laugh tiT, Mary Kllen: Mr. and Mm. Perry fPEcrs ALWAYS AND THEN SOME Thn mti.lll lioy'n di'fliilUon U not ro had. "KvirlantlnR" la nil t hut ut know of tliiiicpliia. It iippllm only to Cod, lluin.in orhlnvo mrnta ilccy: only (toil In u:irliaiiRlni;. hM prlnrtplits ivirlaitlng. If you wnn' a lirlpcr v. ho iiout fjlln Ho up with thu ovorli'ntlng (lod. Plr't of n aormon i7rlrH of llirm on "Kvcrl.iRtlnga" U n. m. "Tho nvcrlpatlmc doil," Id a in, Hund.iy Hrliool h p, m, I'ulou HhtvIcch nt M. I: churdi, PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Sixth and Pine Sts. AltTllflt I,. NICi: Mlnlmcr ciZi2a;!XiMrjrB3z First Baptist Church Rev. H. E. Marshall of Kimuxllli', Cut. Mill occupy pulpit nt mvwwz&Tm: ii zmaro mm !! mmm wmmm r,v trmHVmtl,mm, mmmmammmmmmmmammmimam 11 A. M. Service upon till occasion wore! Mlaaca Clara Cnlklna, Ploronio Pfltugcn I.nroltit Jrnnlnga, Ittihy Pcnwlrk, Alien lllnckford, Kllzaticth Koya, Charlotto Huntley. Mosilamea N. T. Nolaon, Horace Manning ami T. A. Ktuvrnnon. Tlm P. K. O. Slaterhooil mcl with Mm, Bid Kvnns Tuoaday cloning for a aoclnl time. Tho huabanda and friend of thn member wore preacnt and n moat enjoyable avenlm; waa paaied playing f00. During tlm roiiMo of thu party MJaa Wnlvo Drew gavo an account of lior yrar'H Aojourm In tho Hawaiian Inland, Illustrated by numeroiia l(turcfl alio had collect nl during that time. Tlm Arl NVel0 Work club apent a profitable nml lulcreallng after noun nt thn homo of Mm. Prod Fleet Tuesday of thin week. Thla la one of tho oldeat cluba In thn city, having been nctlro for 12 or 13 yo.iM. Mm. W'Ji: McMillan waa hoatora at n f.irowell dinner Tucaday night honoring Mm. Prod Wygant, who ex pects to leavo October 1, for her now linmn In Salem. Present were: Misses Pearl Collins, Anna Bcofleld, Payo Writ, Kllzabeth Sulllan, Mm. II. Druhnkcr, Ployd McMillan and I.co Plnucran. Knrourago tho rearing of batter babies. Attend tho baby clinic In I tho American legion rooms In tho t.N'tw Main St., court houso next j Tuesday. Currln Sava So. 23 MTHOPOMB, 0 Bept, 23,Mlh. ojiollana of O. Honry fame, charac (era upon whom ho loved to dwell In facetious manner, nr no more, hut It hris thn nnmo "hualncai district", thn annio four -clliirchra and Its ntonn qunrry remotely rcacmbllng an Indun try. You will look In vain for I.lth opolls In tho railroad tlmo tnblea, but tho paling fences on Columbus, Houtli and Main streets do not bar neighborly conversation, Tho vlllagc'a acenlc nlmosphcnJ linn changed hut little In tho years that Iiavo paaacd alnco O'Henry'a "I.cttera to Mthopolla" wero Inspir ed back In 190.1. Tho recipient of thcao lettcra waa Mica Mabel Wngnalla, whoso mother, Mra. Heater Wugnalla, and grand mother, Mra, Mary AVIllla nro bur led In tho beautiful llttlo cemetery "on tho hill on tho roadout of town." Mian Wagnall's father, at one time a Lutheran minister, la tn senior member of the publishing firm that tears his name. Mlas Wugnalla now la Mm. Itlchard Jones of Now York. Alia Jtingkurth, thn "tombstone lady," la In Columbus. Thu Willis homestead, whero Mabel Wagnalls visited, has burned down and tho Lutheran chuth. which adjoined It, Is building a parsonage on Its alto. Tbo drug atom la still operated by I. H. Dennett and "Indulges In lit erature, on tho sldo." Tho butcnor and barber abopa still graeo tho "business district" and tho post offlco remains tho social center of thn town. Ono objection Ik voiced over tho statement In tho preface ot tbo let era by Mthapolls poople that wfrlt cn by Mablo Wagnalls saying "a new houso Is never added. Itather than do this, peoplo leavo tho town, or dlo It Is cheaper." Ulbopolls people aro proud of their town for Its stimulus to tho Im agination of a genius even for so brief a period and they aro proud' ot their former townspeople that sq became noted. They live here be cause, they Jovo tho town, they do I clarc; tho gravoyard on tho hill Is i held In rovcront osteon), and thoy I Hood Illvcr iSO.000 being spent' tell you thnt when they dlo, no mat- In.h.tl.lHM (, fin -. ... tit l.l.a.i ' I wy. ' tor where, they'd like to come back to l.lthopolls. ALGOMA Kelailover llrm., unld onn cnrlond of ryo crnfn to Martin llros., lanl week, Volschntscr Itroi. have finished cutting Ilngolatoln's grain and have started cutting for I toy Cox. , , (leorge, Karl and Paul Krausn came over from Klrhy, Oregon to help 8. Master-.! nut tip hay. ' A great many duck hunters took ndv.intago of tho opening of! the, j season last Saturday and n number ; of ducks hogged near here. 'John and Pred Jf.igelkteln have been hauling grain for tho last fow days, Mr. and Mm. John Hagotsteln were In Klamath Palis Saturday on business). Honry Ketsdcirr was 111 last week and was unable to cut grain for a few days. SUNDAY At the LIBERTY OuwesQiiOSale "HIS UBS" Ployi'nq seven distinct parts for the first t-m? in Tlob'on- Pictures AN EXCEPTIONAL PICTUPE This one is unusual. Mr. Sale is a "Scream". Con tinuous show starting at 1:00 P.M. Sunday afthe LIBERTY LATEST and BEST An increasing, life long Monthly Income if Totally and Perman ently Disabled by acci dent or disease. tjjoo n month during first C yearn, Sl.tO during next f years, 200 thereafter for life. No further premium de posits. And then fio.ooo nt your death to your benoflc lary, or KO.woo If death, nt any age, la accidental, pay able In a aln'glo sum, or as In come for a term of years or for life. Total disability last ing 3 mouths regarded ,- dur ing further continuance, as permanent. THE Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York Is the oldeat legal rencrvo Ufa Insuranco Company In Amer ica and Is one of tbn greatest and strongest In the world. In tho more than 79 yea of IW history it has paid to pollcyholdera and b'ncflctar les approximately Oao Bil lion, Hevcn IlwuJml am-ThUty-alx MUlloa Dollar. It Pays to Investigate ask GEO. C. ULRICA THE LIKE 1N8TJKAXCE MAN 111 South Fifth St Phone 373-W -Klamath Falls aMMsm DM KSnHi CHILOQUIN The City With Future of Progress An opportunity to invest a small amount of money in real estate which will soon be part of an active business city the Greatest Mill Town of Klamath CHILOQUIN is destined to become, tho great mill town of Klamath County. Of all Chiloquin "West Chiloquin" promises to bo the center of this rapid development.' i WHY? It is situated along the west -bank of tho Williamson river gently sloping southward to the waterfront; It i3 provided with pure water and there is no pollution by drainage from any undesirable sec tions; the main road, rock-surf need and well drained, passes through tho townsite. THE ONLY SCHOOL in the Chiloquin com munity is at West Chiloquin ; iti is less than ono thou sand feet to Iho S. P. depot. Today houses to rent aro in great demand, and industries aro needed and will soon bo underway. WEST CHILOQUIN The long waited for opportunity has arrived. The place for Homes and for Business. Desirable lots aro now being offered for $150.00 AND UP And there are very few UP lots. You can purchase on terms if you desire. This sale will last only 30 days from this date: All this property will be higher next spring when active building starts. Then the more desirable lots will be sold this fall. Get in now while this property is DIRT CHEAP. Office on townsite is now being erected. See me or write R. C. SPINK, Owner Postoffice, Chiloquin, Ore. The saw milling industry is the largest asset to this towa and there is ample assurance that it is only in its infancy. There are now four going prosperous mills. But mills are not all the industries that adjoin this towa. There are large farming, cattle raising and dairying iaUreeU here. A Many train loads of logs are cut in this vicinity and hauled ...... . .. ... . v - to mills in other places, some ot tnese mills will asove te wc . Chiloquin.. - x -, This is the paradise of the fisherman and the greate x place for a summer home in this county. 1 i ivr iW ). -v -V ,, V I H Chiloquin mills will run all winter as Williaaweei river 'itfT this point never freezes over. The only place in EastsW Ovg a.f" or Northern California wiiere naturally open bmu po csitf maintained. ,f '"f " "' i ' w. 6 i v V: v , ," vi I. 1A . 4 w n " H,H'; 4nU V " .'.111 1 ll .n ir t : if in A. m yii l fitXr "" ''