W t- UV1J.B .3KJ . . " I .5? ' V. ft K f V j .3. 1 ,h , Tm jssr- - v THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HATimn.w, sicpt. si, iitru. EreriingHeraW M, . BUi City KdMor V. . mOKtdS AflratMag Manater Publltbcd dtllr xcept Sunday, at TM'ltmM Publlihlng Company of Xlaaatfc palbi, at 118 Klf nth troot. Kalered at the poatottlce at Klam ath Fall, Ore., (or transmission tnroaih the malls as socond-class mattsr. UPJITSmSims mum xr MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED PnESB . , Tke Atsoetated Press It excluglve- ly entitled to tho ate for publica tion o( all news dispatches credited to It, er not otherwise credited In this paper, and also the local news paWlshcd herein. HATUItn.W, SKIT. 8.1, IM112. I USELESS CHICANERY WE WISH wo could Bay of Chnrlos Hall's withdrawal ot his Independent candidacy for the governorship Hint nothing In his en tire campaign so became him as the leaving of It. nut, truthfully, wo lannot. Hall died politically as ho Ihod. an un scrupulous freebooter who would not play the came. Even the misguided republican voters who backed Hall In tho pri mary must resent his demagogic at tempt to bind then. In his withdraw al statement, hand and foot with the withes of the compulsory education al bill and turn them over to tho democratic candtdato for governor, who'ls striving to make political cap ital out of that measure. T,ho "master minds" who engineer ed Hall's withdrawal In. hope that it would help Pierce place a low esti mate upon the Intelligence ot th Oregon voter. They will encounter a deserved rebuke for the gratuitous insuljs ot Hall's statement at the November polls. A ROTTEN MESS I P FURTHER argument were need- that the direct primary, the Initia tive and the referendum, are fail ures and detrimental to the cause ot good government In the state. It Is furnished In the revelations ot cor ruption before the Marlon county court In the methods lined for ob taining signatures to tho petitions for the income tax and fish bills. The bearing Is a rotten record of forgery, perjury and falsehood. Not aries, presumably at so much per name, made affidavit that they per sonally knew nil ot the signers ot the retfllons. On tho. stand they admitted that they know but a trifling percentage of tho signers. Some knew none at nil. The notarial commissions ot theso falso servants will bo rovoked by Governor Olcott and rightly so. Then they caii oponly Join the army of self-seekers, opportunists and dis gruntled ranters who havo been righteously rebuked by tho common wealth's chief cxecutlvo and exercise their dishonest and unscrupulous talca'UHn bringing about the gover nor's political downfall If they can. There Is a contest pn In this atate between righteous government by (he people In their own behalf, and n gov ernment by Invisible forces seeking to fatten their purzes and advance tholr political standing at tho ex pense of tho stnto. Thoy liaia seised upon tho very Inns that the pcoplo fondly hoped would purify politics, and havo by falsehood and unscrupulous manipul ation, wiillo tho majority of vote it, wero sleeping, worked through a manipulated minority, by fraud, de celt and corruption, to gain ends that will hamper and restrict tho devel opment, of the state it thoso ends could be effected. Fortunately tho majority Ib awaX oulng, and as tho nefarious methods possible under the present political system are brought to light, thcro Is n growing revulsion against tho falso prophets of progress and purity, who stand publicly arralguod as betrayers of the people. , The stato is due tor a house clean ing from top to bottom of its politi cal structure. The evils that havo been exposed offer too gravo a menaco to bo light ly dealt with. The voter who has his country's welfare nt heart will swat every mea surasMV the ballot.' Two that were proposed are now proved to have becnilaced thcro by fraud and are eliminated by tho courts. Tho voters of,, the state will attend to the re waliider. Aspirants to office who have prov ed, their unfitness for places of trust by oponly bidding for tho voto of tho , prejudiced .minority responsible for tluj erlwlnally corrupt conditions now MJjjaatd .must bo firmly taught that their day is over, WkV'ifoods,' bottle's, nipples, tal . ttW'and many other baby nocessl- ttekTOfl 'eemrortir uurrins Drue. Talk nhnut optimists, tho buggy makers will hold n convention. A boy tolls in ho Is afraid hit school has enough coat. Tho gardener who planted fried potatoes has given tip hope. Our Idea of n girl who marries tOr money Is she Isn't worth it. Some think our coast lino Is three mites too far Inland. Auto kill 12,000 yearly not count ing those working themselves to death supporting one. "America", a.xs a statesman. "mado tho world what It Is today." Always blaming America. Soldier killed a man who disturbed him at four n. m. hut all of us can't do that. A careful selection of congressmen Insures taxation without misrepre sentation. "Wo havo too many single men," says n minister. An old maid tells us thcro arc even moro than that. Another Armistice day Is coming and wo will be reminded of the war without buying anything. Doctors say ton people In Trenton, K. J. who thought they ato mush rooms didn't. Hi SLEUTH EliS PUN ..FOR LISTING WORLD'S CROOKS !miw JkT - - - Personal Mention s For 83 S. R. Rlack Is homo after a week spent In the Dly district look ing after business matters. J. W. Crawford, a young attor ney ot Portland, is hero this week looking after legal matters for his firm. Paul Poster mado a trip Into town from the Collier mill In Swan lake valley this morning af ter supplies. 'Mrs. E. A. Schrelner left this morning tor Vancouver, Washington, where she will visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. George Kclley. Freeman Tanner, of the state highway commission. Is spending a few days at the H. N. Moe sum mer home at Recreation creek. Q. 0. Johnson, who spent sev eral days with hi family at their summer home at Rocky, Point, re turned homo this morning. Leo Finneran was a passenger on the morning train bound for Palo Alto where ho expects to enter the I.elsnd Stanford, Jrt, university. Kenneth Klahn, an employe of the Modoc Lumber company. Is expect ed In from Klrkford tonight for a brief visit with friends In this city. Mrs. J. G. Coble wag a passen ger on tho morning train bound for Salem, where sho will visit with her brother and also take In tho .state fair. F. F. Thompson, who bus been here visiting his slater, Mrs. W. W. Mc.N'eally left this morning for Sac ramento whero liu will make his home. Paul IJ. McKco and P. O. Craw ford, officials of tho California Ore gon Power company, are business Visitors here thU week-tend from headquarters in Medford. E. D. Hoyt, who is connected with the Warren Construction company, arrived horo last night from Port land to look after tho many Interests of tho compuny In Klumnth county. Miss Mary Williams left this morn ing for Monmouth where sho will complete her teachers training nt tho Oregon Normal, Miss Williams has 26 weeks moro of school before sho will complcto her course. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Sheets and daughter, ' Vivian, havo returned from, San Francisco after several days visit. They accompanied Mrs. Sheet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vaughn, that far on their way to ; Kansas City. ' Ag,J' MISS UIXLNF.R.NIKLSON (RIGHT) WITH MRS. MARY HAM. llrO.V. NEW YORK'S FIRST POLICEWOMAN. lly DCDI.EY MORA LI, . NEW YORK, Sept. II. Three Danes, one a joung woman, have coins to New York to tell tho na tional police conference how the world can be nhrunk into a Kinnllor spaco for professional crooks. They aro here at Pollen Commissioner Enright's special Invitation to dem onstrate newly Invented "long distance Identification system," and to urge It International adoption. "Tho greatest aid to police Iden tification since tho Dcrtlllon sys tem," says Mrs. Mary Hamilton, noted New York pollccwomnn nnd s'ud?nt of finger-printing. After eight years. Hnkcu Jorgen .sen. nnlstant commissioner of tho method ot translating tho loops nnd whorls of finger-prints, u well as tho facial and physical characteris tics. Into numerals. How Method Work You don't havo to l an Identi fication expert to reo what that means. Suppose jou were convict ed of n crime. Your finger-prints and Uertillon measurements would bo taken In the regulation way. Then, by the Jorgentcn system, tho r .lulta could be reduced to n Horleii of about 20 numerals. You Mould .be tho only person In tho world who Ktiuld exactly match those figures; and, Inversely, tho figure would bo tho only ones which would exactly match you. Your name nnd numbers) could bu listed In n crook's directory, copies of which could be kept In every po lice station on earth. No alias, no chnngo In nppcranre, no parsing of the years, would enable you to con ceal your Identity from any police department which found It necessary to (.heck your flngur-priuta nnd measurements against your numeri cal rating, or vlco versa. A tele gram from tho Interested depart ment would quickly bring your com ploto criminal record from a cen tral bureau. Tents Sm crisf ul Miss Iugeborn Charlotte Hulltiur Nlclren Is thu young woman who mado tho Journey across tho At luntlc with Commissioner Jnrgcu 3 n and Military Judge Erlck Hchaf fer. Her work la to claulfy finger prints and Uertillon measurements Into tho "Ions distance uystom." Roth nt tho Hotel Pennsylvania, where thu party Is stopping, and at polite headquarters Miss Hellucr Nlelson hns successfully met every rigorous tost that Internationally celebrated Identification expert could devise. It takes her but n few momenta literally "to get a criminal's number." "This Is nn auxiliary to tho Iden tification systems used by the po lice In various countries." mid Mic. "It would not replace present methods, hut supplement them and enlarge their use. Every profes sional criminal In tho world could be listed In a book no larger than a dictionary. And Instead of mak ing It necessary to mnll actual finger-prints or wlro long descriptions, n few numerals would tell thu whole story." L'etter babies now means better men and women for tho future. At-, 'tend tho baby clinic Tuesday. Cur-1 1 rln's For Drugs. -3 j . 'COLORED MAN IS MELD frank Wellington Arretted I'ldlmw lug Ciniotiot h nr HU li'i i Prank Washington, colored, was arrested at his home, Third and Plumb nt 9 o'clock last nlnht by Patrolmen Mrl.ou'ghlln and McDon ald following the report that .several gunshoU had t)i- heard In tho IWn neighborhood, .j Washington was drunk when arreste'd, tho offlc-r said. He will L.'i hnlil In Jail pend ing an Investigation. Washington has figured In oth er shooting strujies hero ami It well-known to tho police. Tho tono qualities of Hltt'NfiWK'K RECORDS lmv,. made them u-ry pop ular with local people. t'urrln'H For Drugs. , 23 a OREGON BREVITIES ! Myrtle Creek -Now water system completed. Medford to get armory. Hums to get largo sawmill. Eugene to build f 120.000 addition to electric plant. ' Retld proposes $55,0(10 street till pnnrmwits. Husebiin; to rrt $000 (lubhoiiso IVndloiou - CoiistriKtlon to start on now hospital. Attend the baby clinic Tuesday. The advice Is free und may bo of grout benefit to your baby. Currln's ' For Drugs. 23 m Portland Active building opera tions start on Shrine hospital for crippled children, Wheeler I76.Q0O bridge to be built across Nehalera bay. Amity New electric light and power Bystem Installed, pqod quality linen paper, 24 double sheets, 24 envelopes. 37c Saturday only. Currln'a For Drugs. TONIGHT AT THE LIBERTY A combination of drama und romance, ipilnl.led with lauglia and surprlsCH 1 wlutt we offer In "Whatever She Wants" and tho star Is pre ty Eileen Percy. As n special nilded attraction toduy wo will ulnd up tho piogram with thu first chapter of "In the Days of Buffalo Bill" an our little h(u would not hold the crowd v ho wished to seo It lust night. SUNDAY Charles (Chic) Sale in "HIS NIBS" Doubltesii thu most unusual picture over produced. Mr. Sulo is the foremost delineator ot rural type in America nnd In this pic ture he pl'ajB seven distinct characters. Wo can heurtily commend thlj picture to yon as genuine, clean und unusual antartolnmcnt, i '! ' Wo know Hint you uri! buny, there- '' Jf ')' . , fore, wo tiro tfoiiitf to lonvo out,- " o ,, Vi) Miiofil of thirt loUiji but wo want ' ' j ," V t f vt'- Vv s ( y ' . ' . i ' . xl v 1 v ,t ,' f :' t ." ' s! , w - T i(, T , i. . f VOU to o.xaniino our slutoinont pub lii'hod below which is a condensed report of tho condition of this Hani; made to the Comptroller of the Cur rency as of September 15, 11)22. Aft. ! Resources Liabilities Loans nnd Discounts M,t:ai,.i7it.u; Capital Slok nnd Surplus .H i.MO,oim,iMi u. a, liomts lai.nim.is llonds, warrants mid other I'mlhlilrd Profits :i,.17i).(ll recurltb'i ?l,UUit,7i Stock In Federal Resnivu ClrcutUton .. .. - . 0tl,0ii.Ni Rank ii,::imi( ,,.... Real Estate. Furniture and -Unr Htwiee Corpnnilloii U;l,iu:m FlX'tlreS IN,U"O.I ,,ll.r in 'inn i,i. Five per cent Redemption HcdlKoimtB hwimmmi Fund n.niHMiii niii H ,.., Cash on hand nml duo from DtPOrtU ..- - I.H. ..I ...- Hanks IHI.IM.H'J ' ...u.. ?a,t 1 7Hd..-,a N2?:.w,7nii.ri- s Tie First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS, ORE. The Home of Over 4,200 Depositors Member Federal Reserve t j.-rtt' i.istf t. TcALIFOIWA OKEGON rOWEI. COMPANY Over 7i and Safety YOUlUAKXNEKS IN 2jogiu-:ss The California Oregon Power Company 1 Preferred Stock V 7 i- . SAVINGS PLAN Sb ffc.K DtiAKIt. fitK MUIN 1 11 i ' 'Interest Paid On Parlial Payments Present Price $92 Per Share, Yielding 7.6 l ' , Price $92 Per Share, Yielding 7.6',,' On the Investment ASK ANY MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION , , Cut Out nml Mnll the Coupon OFFICKS: Mcdfoiil, Vrrku, '' (iraiilM 1'asN1, DiiiiMiinlf, t'ullfmiilii Kliinmlh FiiIIh, Oickoii, I'rlcu Hiilijei't lo CIiiiiiko Without Notice Jm' ' " t I Inquiry Coupon i i ( 1922 The California Oregon, Power Co. IMonso Bend mo fiirtuo'r 'information nuout your I'mfuiiod Capltul Btoclc. Name fmn Btroot .'. City J ' i 4 M- II I' ." -i; 1. 't? t ji ji - -..( H"Uf&Z& MVL's, . . . , H t, r. 7V. ? r ; y rr,rsw-M jhv.4.v nt t i. ,.. 1 ,'. 7 --. i , ',. l! -?', o, . ; ,-i-,ttt& ivuy- ?: