c ; ' V X v i& rtiv. iiii'iinimv, hi:it. m, n.aa. pv- PMIHf ft HMMHAHJkHi. mmn iteAMk . w m m icEi smiled Trouhlu Wnn Over Her Pt Cat Which Wne BcHavad to i Have B?n Fed Jcwclo TrtE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 7. ,'!.'! ...",' ,' " ' I , ' '", ' ,''"- "'- U-HH.1-.1-"-.","" . JJ. ! ,ii) , unit I ta. McLVt "J ran mrwv IIATI'M. Illiiilt H.'ii,, Kepi. 21, .. TinvtlniH In mill nut nf I IiIh purl, tlm cmiloi' or ti.niHlt In nml finiii TlfllK,! Iliildl milt ihiIiiIh In IVimIii, ii to Iciirn. lin: linw In ilri'iiiiiiiii Hiiinii n( tlm I i;M I lei Ions nr 1 1 1 f iSnvlnl imtliiiilllim. 'I'lirrn In III" nine nf tint pet (lit nf Xuiihi. Xi'illn Miiklll,111111, mi cxpim nil nf ItiintiliiM (taurine wlm In mil nil - kiiiMvn In lliiHlnn nml oilier American ' clllix!, Iiuil to return in l'i irni:rinl mi pijrsiMlill liUnllli'fiH 'I h nun IiiiIimI Hlin rmiiK until, mill was lately In Datum niulmiN to i;o to TnibUmid ilinvn lli count In Tnrklkli territory to fulfil ii iliinillii! cni;ni',iMii'iit. Tim n)lt milliiirllli'it Himimrti'il film was irylm: In Mil llicm l.trmvell, nml nt Him Hniiin tliiin nriy uwuy n few nf till) Jewel (nr which KiihuIii Iiiih Ik. (I)lllil fuinoilu, I'm tlii.y lii'K.ili their i:iiim. 'limy det.-ilued Xenln: Minrcli ml liir.stiml Iik k iomi)' lmr moimy HUH dim wimlil kii- "All rlKlit." they raid finally, "If yon Inslct; lint )un can't lake tliut Annum nil. Wn luivo it llltln Idea ... .j inn liiivn fi'il lint' Jewel, mni Hint 1 iiiirn uliniiril Hi" steamer --". Ten, Ni'iilu nIh'iI tlii'iit i-oplmiH-ly. but tlm nliimiT wiih In vnlii. Tli on nil nffli'lnt mild lin believed Im wnftld nit Hi" cat iiimiii tiny way, then nml I It Ml O. Whereupon llmtn camo to tlm front. Mi'iilllxomi, XdiiIii'h tiiminifer, tlmalrltiil, (llplmyullc, nml (ilhonvlim, mni her liimlimiil. "J-ut a mnii handle this Hllttiillon." Im declared. "Cut tlm (fit open," Im null, "lint on IIicko terms: If JuwnN urn found In Imr In ulil en you, .Mr. (JimlmriM Infipcctnr can shout lin1. If tln'itt nni mi JuhoI. I will tlinul ymi. 'I hero In tlm pistol, tin no urn my Hporllni? lormn. do ahead nml (ill." Hut mi iiffMnl roulil w'itlmlaml tliln (jvlil.ilirii nf cuiiil faltli. Iln let tlmiu i;n tu Truldznml, nil threo, tlm dancer, tlm dlplomnt unit tV rut. Iln iniw tcillit tlm ntnry mi htmttelf, ami still Innlsla tlm rat cnrrlod tlm Jnvrulu MALIN Mm, Win, Vtiif nml ihlldrmi lift Friday HKirnliiK for Novheri;, Oro,, wlmru limy met Freer. Tlmy will innlin llmlr liomn (Minn. Mr. Knupnr nf Mitlln, recently n( Illi: valley, Iiiih riinliiil I'ri'i'r'n Ilium' ftti'iid mni Iiiih uiuvml Ii Ik family llmro. ' 1 Mr, Oral;; Iiiih IjuiikIiI n now truck anil Iiiih Jtilni'il llm ranltn nf tliono linilllui; prndurtii In uinrkct. ' Mr. mid Mill. C.ranilall anil noli, 1 1 1 1 h k 1 1 . with Klniiintli Knllii vlHltorx Minidny. ' liilin rmiKlit nprnt Monday nui Tiii'Kdiiy with IiIh miiii Charlie, nt tlm liouii'Hli'iid. I-'uui'ht ruliirncd to linn anit Tuenduy, Mr. llnliicH wun n vlnltor nt lion nnza nml lclnlty limt vc'k. Mr. Hlfjtul tiinvcd IiIh family froui tlu.'lr ramp on llm Inkn'to MiiIIii, mi n-i In Im nuarnr tho kcIioo). (AilvortlhPiiiPtit) REAL NAME OF FAMED MAN IS LOST.) " .lilli.iJ'iilt'Hliiiiill :fii!iSP ySJUlMDMK ,'! 'III!- t ryi..'i I "1 i 1 'r t l'i ' 1 VIM is ' 7 HI'OKANi:. Wiuh, Hoft. 21 - A Munfliinor frciili Iuih Ikmmi criirtii liy A. (lumlnrf, n Inonl resident. 'Tlm plant rnrrlim inurn limit 7T liliignoiiin, linn uiunclinM Him n tren niut H morn tlimi 10 feet IiIkIi. Tlm Ktn'lk I libniit flru Ini'liim lit dlameler (it llm linnn. "Tlm plant, n Miluuteer, lind (Im nppivirnnrii nf any ntUer Hiiutlnwer. -when It Hl.ttled thin )enr." (lumlui' tuild "I unler It heavily ami It crow ixrnptliitiiilljr InrRn. It then hi'nnti to lira n oh nut llkn :i tren mid nun flonem pruw uiiiiinny nf llm lirnurlin There In mm latKe cltinter nf mmrioH'r mi tlm lop mid utlmrn nr. i iiirlnklml tlilckl) on tho hranche duivu to n point threo feet nluivo thu Krniind "I hnvn never reeii n vtiliflotvor 1 1 lie It r.cnrrn of poDpln hnvn n II anil tlicy oil nay It lit a. freak." denruc Dutloff, n rusldont of Plvn .Mllo l'rnlrk', n Htiburli, hn.i n plnnt Krnwlni: on hli d'trc wlilth Im he llevei U nn more ntiiuunl thull tlm (inn nf dumlnrf'ri. liellufCd minf low er In iiIkIiI nnd nim-hulf fuel hllth uml rarrk'ii 17K IiIobhoimh. It In (tvo nnd ((.m-hitlf liichen thick nt the Iiudii nml U lirnuched nut llkn 11 inn. Home of llm liloaromn inrnmiru l'l Inclim acrouH. "It Ih a dry laud plnnt nnd nnver h.111 hvo Irrlimtcd " B.ilil Dellitf "If It liiul heeli watered. It proli.llily would luive hevu mtiili larger" "Buffalo Bill" He Gost Down In History; Feats Shown In Film CmEiM TONIGHT AT THE STRAND 10c ONE PRICE TO ALL 10c Tonight is the Night of Action and Thrills It is sine cheap enough when you got action and thrills for only TEN cents Jack Richardson In "DESERT LAW A blaze away, burn the ground wester, smoking with hell thundering gun fighting. ALSO VAUDEVILLE MOVIES Show Starts 6:15, 7:45 and 9:15 10 CENTS - ADMISSION 10 CENTS COMING SUNDAY "THE GRAY DAWN" By Stewart Edward White William Frederick. Cody! That liiium may not mean nnythlPK to ' tunny peoplo, hut when the nnmo llnffulo Dili In hoard, Urn world hIIh up' and taken notice. Tlm 11111111. fluures prominently In tlm l'nl;rwil chupler play, "In tlm l.iy.uf lluff.ilo Hill," whlih romi to llmM.lhcrty tltealro on Friday, . Hepteinlirr 22. I At the lirnlntilnc of tlm CUII Witr, Hill Cody, nil lin wan then railed, wiih a (lovcrniiient HCotit nnd Kiildn nnd ono of tlm in out 'popular men of tho frontier. After llm bnlldliu: of tho Union Pacific railroad panned from llm HtuRn nf lii'lui; n dream to that of it certainty mid actunl work ho Knn, tlm vital prohlem of food for the hulldoM prwontod Itiiclf. The poopln of tlm country wero raUlnic Jut enough food for tliclr, own cotmu nipt Ion. Hundrcdit of liunkr workmen meant that a crcat In crcano In tho food nipply must bo provided. Tho quentloii wo, who wiim colnK to protldfl that food. Hill Cody 'huramo n meatman du luxe. He proceeded to hunt buf faloeK and In duo tlmn formed a louipetunt band of hunters which nrcomiuinlod him on his profoa Hlntial litinta. In elRhlueu itiunthii ho xltot 4,2.s0 btiffuIoe.H which woro roncunipd by tho men who wero liulldlnB tint first trmi8nontluuiit.il railroad. Duko I.oe, who for booii year won a trick rider and roper with lluffnlo HIII'h Wild West Show and who wiih ono of thu fiimotiH man'it bent f i lends, in pluylnB tho rolo of Cody In thu iducatlonal aortal nad It U doubtful If an actor better lUtttlfletl for tho part could havo been found. Kdward Lacmmle dlrcctod. Itob eri Dillon wrot tho iitory snd con tinuity from history. It Ih tho typo of plcturo that will r.pp?nl to every member of tho fam ily. Mother will enjoy tno iovo theme, father will Blory In llvlnc over onaln tho jtirrlnB days ho used to read about In tho "yellow-backs" and tho children will find thrill after thrill to cutertaln thorn, with all recclvlitB n liberal ed ucation In tho history of their coun try durliiK tho hectlo days that marked tho era of lluffalo Hill. Tho Liberty Thoatro la to bo con gratulated on preontlnB this plc turo "Tho Days of lluffalo Hill" Is at tho I.lborty Friday,. v CHARLEY'S PLACE TIRES TUBES and Repair Work We handle Howe, Firestone, Goodrich and Fisk Tires If it's a Vulcanizing job jve can DO IT RIGHT Klamath Ave. and S. Sixth Streets John Kolly twin-arch nhoes for tired foot. J. K. Kndcrs &. Co. 20-21 Broken Glasses There Is no tlnio for dolay when your glasses meet an ac cident. You demand quljk and effi cient sorvlco then. Wo aro oqulnpod to rondor such ttcryleo Immcdlatuly. Wo urlnd tho cuifaco nnd edKO tho Icnsos nnd Kiurau teo correct duplication ot lenses. Twenty-flvo lonco. years otpor- Dr. Goble Pltohoi Ofc. 183-W, lies, 3UI-J 70S Usui iW. HECTOR'S REMOVAL SALE This Bargain Carnival has saved majiy dollars for those who are keen enough-to grasp a bargain when they see it. Onr prices are all reduced many lines are being sold for less than cost We can only state a few prices here, but you can rest assured we have what you want at a decided saving. Kayacrs Pure Silk Hote $1.98 Full 'fashioned and a high grade hose. Regular $3.00. Butterfly Silk Hose 78c Colors grey, brown, black. Regular 9Sc. Brocaded Brassieres 29c Our 50c number, all sizes, 32 to 44. French Sateen 8iic. . Used extensively for under voar. Colors orchid, 'flesh, ".vhite. 3G-inchcs wide. Yard Wide Percale 17c Light and dark colors. Children's Hose Boy's heavy ribbed black Bear brand. All sizes 24c. Girl's fine ribbed hose, all sizes .-iji ; 24c, ' Wool Sport Hose An exceptional fine show ing of silk and wool hose alo plain wool sport hose. Price $1.19.'. $2.68 WOMEN'S AND CHILDREN'S NEW FALL COATS The new materials in the late styles all the desirable fall shades, Children's Coats - $3.98 to $8.98 Women's Coats .., $12.88 to $38.88 A Wonderful Millinery Offering About 20 new Fall Hats that are regular $12.50 will be offered Friday and Saturday $7.95 Heavy White Outing Flannel 16c The last lot offered at this price .was sold in a few hours. Regular 20c. Limit 10- yards to customer. Cotton Challies 18c One yard wide in choice patterns. ' Large, Size Cotton Bats $1.15 Pure white cotton, 3 lb. ' rolls. Outing Flannel Gowns 98c Pink and blue stripes, med ium heavy weight. Regular $1.50. Heavy Bed Spreads - $3.48. Large sizes, Marseilles pat terns. Regular $4.50. New Oress Ginghams 18c The new fall pattemsvin check and plains.. Regular, 30c Limit 10'yards to customer. Blue Flannel Middy Blouses $2.98 A wonderful good value. As the quantity is limited we ad vise early purchasing. All sizes 16 to 44. Unusual Bedding Offer Cotton. Sheet Blankets $2.19 Double bed size. White, and gray. Plaid Woolnap Blankets' $4.38 Full double bed size in pretty plaids an excellent blanket Full Size Comforts $2.48 White cotton covered with silkolene. A bargain. 28,000 MILES OF OCEAN. CABLE LAID DESPITE WIRELESS LONDON, Sept. 19. Sutminrlno caullng Is not In dnugor of holm; fluperBt'dod by wlrelubs transmission If ono may Judge from tho activities of cubic companies slnco tho nn tstlce. Ono European company has laid over 28,000 miles ot ocean cablo in 'tho past throo yeartf,' and it is helluved that Amorlean companies liuvo doiio as much In other parts of tho sea. ,' Today tho world Is ouclrcled by 335,000, litllus ot electrified ropes, that carry messages from man to man. Fifty years uro tucro woro only 8,000 nautical miles of cablo. On tho modem rotftos duplicate., triplicate, and oven suxtupllcato cables arc provided", and tho oiv tlro system In linked lip by alter mitlvo and circuitous lines, 'so that It Interruption occurs on ono ar tery another njiay bo quickly press ed Into use. Land lines that links theso ocean cables Into ono vast notwork contsltutes tho nervous nystom of tluj civilized world. There U hardly any spot on tho hab Itablo globo which cannot speodlly bo reached by a message oven this meat nrtoi'lal system. With tho amazing development and Perfection ot wireless as a means ot disseminating tho woild's thought, It was believed ai ono tlmn that tho submarino cablo soon would becomo obaoltitu; but tho fact is that tho business ot- tho ocean tclogrnph companies 1ms In creased by leaps and bouuiln until today tucro aro scarcely sufficient cables to. carry tho enormous vol ume of messages dally sent across tho flvo oceans' nnd undoi'r tho soven sous, It Is spuaront llmro Is oniplo room for both forma ot telegraphy. The doYOlonmeut of tho submar- Ino cablo roads almost Ilko a ro mance. As in so many of tho world's other modern miracles and Inventions It was an American Cyrus W. Field vno was tho P'u oer 'of tho Industry, In 1SS8 ho laid tho first cablo between New foundland and Ireland. This lino wan 2,"G00 miles Ipng and tho wlro wolgbed ono tou to tho mllo. Tho project was characterized at tho tlmu as "tho boldest teat of elec trical enelneorinB over attempted." Tho cablo tolls then were 1100 tor 20 words of flvo letters each, and 5 for overy fivo letters extra. To day tho rato for 20 words Is less than $5. K. A. A. MKKT TOXIGIIT Directors or tho Klamath Amateur Athletic association will mdetju-thc chamber ot commerce rooms at 7:.30 tonight to consider plans for future activities. Horald classified ids H7 7Mt . J i ' - fits bttav Stove PolitKfc YOU Should Uso It's different from others because nnn. rrr d taken la ....- ;-:; . . . tbo matins ana me m&icruu-, used are olhichcr grade. Black Silk Stove Polish not iu c(t or iu tit. n Jihf ililmlMM toar tioios Ions otJIninr star polUh. Vt4 on imp: tov oad toM D narawro pnn iiw'rr """'. . -ill..Utri.l. bwll en ouriut , iWi5B?a3SS3SaS CldcU Silk Sloy PoKA yh4 C KVTHBSt WHW Um EUc fru,ri ?? HM1H. n'v .",-1 . ' w . "', ii,j 6V o . il 1 4i l j wi . t A I,'. ' "Z- M m -rM lM t J 1 J 9 ST. I h,V'f-C : a