'W A. ..,, lr . v '.. fJt-5SfB , "o Foreigner Crcntc Domniul Tor Dinmoiuls WAIIHAW, Kept IH -niiiinoihlii flf" In mull iIcihiiihI miiiiiiii: fiiniliin em vlntlfius Itiiimlit in iMMinli'iif liur. cuius lli.M Hid iii'iiiliy hot ilfi Iru: ell leit mi) being drained nf Hitmen fur Mm KuknIiiii niiiiknt, iiii'iinlliiK Id Imilorn lit.io .Moirlmutn Imimi boon ik'IIvh for niiiiilliN In IfiidiiiicHl, . uMiiii. Itftin, Itoviil, Warsaw, mid oven lliirlln, nml iilliir cities, litiylriK up I tit) ilii'iiper oil Mutton My liigmil tuts wayii'llii'Hii illiiinoiiiln If sfiiun Of llll'lll (Mil lMIIllll',1 ll,lllllltll III o moil lo Mnsniw, iimi Mieni inn on Mm market, Itiinnliin itliinioiiilH liriMi been ex lettslviily iiilvertlmiil In Kuinpo ninl Mm I'nlloil (ilnli'M, Owliu: lo mlufnr Itiiin ninny wealthy families, when re vet sen niniti, sold lliulr Jmwtls at prlies fni less Mum Mioy went worth. "rfk17TSTBTfiiU JIIUIMCIIS, n.L,ntnt 111 rH"Et!ZJ,"tCnl!XiOl1' r after every meal adds a zesJ and helps digest One five cent pnekage ol Wrlflley's contains a beneficial after dinner treat for the whole family. It ives delight and keeps tccfiin white. It's a satisfying sweet. Wrlfllcy's Is cleansing, cooling and soothing to mouth and throat. Lasts long-costs little does much. Wriglcy's Is made clean and co:ne to you clean, wholesome and lull ol flavor in its 'wax wrapped package 1 . jS. 'Mfi vr i m "ita. mtfffm'mmj m wi n u. in is.'lssasw Sl?T 43BSSfe ciSAV?S3s .. 1 err VNltl-'ir70'.ii ymz- IVRIRLCV'S V. K. It Ittc hciv riunnr.facliKlctt fjtint. AM U'riplcy'n bcuctllj unoTau cxtTn frent for your "on Let IimiIIi."' lint llino Ihih brought nboul n ch'triga In conditions, Tltern worn ninny din iiioint ImicnliiK In ItiiKfilf In llio curly days of Mki involution ninl Mm luiril Minos' wlili li follownl, Tliln (iilli) miltirnlly, iillriKlcil Mm iill'iiillon of forolcimriv mid for yearn nv ry vIbI- (or lo KiiftNlu wont wllli Mm liopo of flnilliiK u nlro "ild( in' or two for lilmiulf or It Iff vlfo, or for wpoculn (Ion, MiTtlmnlH loo rninti In ilrovoM, An a toiini'fiipnr iiioul of Mm liotli'r illninonilu, rulilt'H mid other iirvdoiiR fitonitii Krailiiiilly puxhimI Into fornlKn IiiiihIk, ninl on out of tli'i country. t .MurclimitH (oiiti'iiil tlint thorn lire prolmlily jnori' yellow mid jipnrld'il 'illiiinoiiiln In Mokcow today tlinn In any otlmr rlty In Hnropn, And many of MmHit, throiiKh rpcculatom, cutno f from llio oiitnldo inpTlally for tho "IriTdc " i:v(iiluiilly through har- rctf I ti -Imi ti 1 11 k fori'lKniim,, Mi nun Mom1 will ho taken out of Mm (oiinlry nualii at f 1 T( 0 or $200 a ranit wlun on the i open market thuy would not lirlnp I half thai prlre. WORDEN Mr. Kvit Norton of l.o Angeli'ii I In nIhIIIiik her pnrcntM, Mr. and Mm. 1 1). II, MiOnlliuii. K. A WIlMnnjrnnin In from Chlln iiiln frldny evrnlw: to look after Home piTRoiinl in at tern for a few ila J Mr ninl Mm W. M. I'.larln of Dor. J rln were lrltiK out tln'lr now Over land mid i jIIIiik on rrieiittit nero titiii tiny afternoon I., i: lliitflild of Klmtinlli Vnn doted Nome liitnlni'tn itmtlerant U'or den I'rlday eenlnB, Col. Mel of Hnn.Joie, California, vim In loeklm: out Klamath utili ty, wai :t W'ordi'ii raller Mm latter pari of the ivk. II. I'. Clmpinaii w.i a Dorrln lttl lor Haltinlay la) Inc. In siiipllen for hln riim.lt. P II, Deuitlni: hait rounded up hla rum,'" nlock. All are now on p.mturu at tho hoiim ruttrli. lien (luy (Jiim In from Arkley'n ramp for a few d.iyn attention to farm'nintlera and to renew ncquulii 1 tnnro with hlx family. ! It II tiimiH Ufll Xnltoil In thn ilacramento alley, leialni: hero on EUROPE DISGUSTS TOURISTS . IEHIHR. .. GET CRI1S J! - LlM Truvcl Difficulties Declared Numerous; Train Pas- engcrs Subject to Indignities ' ' OIjDCNZAAJj, llollnnd, Hepl. 18, "It luti't tho naino old I'uropo. I am koIiik to May at home next milium r," a tired, inlddlenged Amor lean woman exclaimed after nlm had finished Mm three-hour endurance leM neceimary lo work IhrottKli tho ctiRtoimt and pmniport control at llenthclm, Oermatiy, and had fi nally filtered through Mm Dutch control of Oldinzaal and found u plaio In tho train hound for Tho llamiu J am uuii to travollliiK. I know cjioubIi Ocrniatt and Krnnch to take caru of lanRtitiRu tllfflctil Men, hut th In post-war pniyport and ciintotjin liunlnonn In too much for mo," tho woman continue. 1 huvo hecn In Italy, Juifonlmla, Auntrla, Czechoitlovakla, Ilavarla, Franco and (ioriniuiy hIiico May, and my nervcB aro all frayed out by border an noyance., Trarel In Kuropo Inn't pleamiro any moro. Ifa an endlCM chane for vlna and pollco papers and a (fcttlo royal with border of. f Ida 1.1, initially at .1 o'clock In Mm tminiliiK, and thin year It hati Ren erally hem In the rain," Thn llenthelm and Oldenzaal frontier Ik neither any worna nor any belli r than mot of Mm other rroMilnKA Into Cennany. Trailern to and from Denmark, KwltzorlanJ, I'olaitd, I'ranru and Czerhoilnvjkla have Hindi thn Fame MnikrIo that takti place dally on thli border. Ilelglum In thn only country In wetr Kuropo which ban waived oil paaiport regulation and It ap parently Mrlvlni: to mako Mm life of tourlati raslur. So a description of Mils Ameri can woman experience in maklni; her way from Ocrmany Into Hoi l'rlilnv nioriilnir'n tr.iln. Mr M. II. Heed was a pajien- land U typical of what travelers en p.lnli l.vntllM n'm Irnffl filP ' uminlA nt .iam.I.. ... .. !... ..- i;ur on Saturday ovetilttR'n train for Klamatli rail where for u month nlti) will bo tt Kiient In tho JuiIro I.eav III homo. J Watt mill Det.ap mocd 1200 J Inmbs from tho J. 1. ranch to tho old Kiumltt ranch tho last of tho week. , -L C77 Small models for country schools. Terms. Earl Shepherd Co. Making 20 Years oj Racing erve tar Owners Joaay IN the early days of automobile contents, Barney Oltlficld out lo win every race studied tires. His consistent mtccess led other drivers to ntk for Urea constructed to his specifications. Twenty years of road and track victories with n steady and increas ing demand for tires as hexbullt them convinced Barney Oldfield that Uiclc speed tests pointed the, way to n better tiic for everyday use. The enthusiastic reception of Old licld Cords by the public proved "he was rif'lit. Scores of the most prominent dealers in the country and many thousands of car owners, experienced in the use of tires bear witness by their decided preference .that Oldfield is doinR a blcger and better job of tire making. This volume, handled in an effec tive way in every phase of manufac ture and distribution, has resulted in price quotations far below what you'd expect on tires known to be better built and more enduring. Practically every important race event for three years has been won on Oldfields. The Wichita Test Run in which an entire set of Oldfield Cords covered 34,525Nniles on roufch roads proves the mettle of the Most Trustworthy Tires Built in every day driving. The Master Driver and Tire Builder has given the public a new standard of tire wear and tire cost a true economy that every car owner shottld know about. Your Oldfield dealer .has these facts talk to him. 1 in I $r0Lfl?S! kSNfca np- T00B1, Tho Mot Trustworthy Tires Built 1 1 1 1 it; - sywrD f V if SOLD IN KLAMATH FALLS BY D. A. KENYON E. R. DANNER MOTOR CO. R. N FOUCH, Care Charley,s Place counter at nearly every boundary. and boundaries have been created with amazlnR speed since tho world was last In peace. To begin with, this American woman put In half n day In llcrlln chocking herself out with tho po lice, and obtaining a Dutch lsa, and sho had to do this personally. It was not posxlblo ,to lme n com missioner from tho hotel attend lo thexo formalities Also slto had to delay her departure, or two days bocnuno It was Impossible to get sleeping accommodations, and If sho had taken a day train tho strugglo wlth customs and passport control would hato been at night, au or deal which experience In southern Kuropo had taught her to avoid It possible At llenthclm all tho passengers were ordered out of the train with their luggago and slowly filtered through a passport control. Then they submitted their handlug'jio HHKKIKP'H SALK Kqultjr No. 19M. IX TIIK CinCl'IT COUIIT OF THH HT.VTK OK OKIXiOX FOR KLAM ATH COl'XTV Edson 8. Turner and Luclna Turn er, t'lslntlffs, vs. Charles L. Ijnz and Agnes Ienz; Klamath. Livestock, and Mortgage Loan cotnpauy, a corporation, and First State and Badngs Hank of Klninath Falls, Oregon, Defendants. Notice Is hereby given that, by drtuo of an exectillou and order of btilo Issued out of tho above entitled eotirt and cause on September Ulh, 1922, upon a decreo made and enter ed by Mid Court on September 7, 1922 In favor of tho abovo named plaintiffs directing tho salo of the premises hereinafter described to sat Isfy the sum of $12,(00, together with Interest thereon at thn rate of T per cunt per annum from October 1, 1919; thn further sum ot 1750.00 as attorney's fees, and costs and dis bursements taxed at $41.20, together with accruing costs of sate, I hao duly levied on tho said premises and will, on October 20, 1922 at 10 o'clock In tho forenoon of said day, nt the front door of tho Klamath County Court llouso Ip Klamath I Falls, Oregon, sell at public auction ' to tho highest bidder for cash In hand all tho right, tltlo and Interest oHho nbovd named defendants and each ot them and nil persons claiming under them or any ot thorn In and to tho following MesorlbvJ real property, , to-wlt: Sltuato In Klamath County, Ore gon: Lot 1 and Northeast Quarter of Northwest qtturtor ot section 30; tho Southeast quarter ot sec. I tlon .19, and tho North bait ot Southwest quarter of Section 20, Township 33 South, llango 7Ui Fast of Wlllamutto Meridian. or so much thereof as may be acces sary to HUtlsry Bind execution. Tho procoeds ot said sulo will bo applied to tho satisfaction ot tho aforesaid aunts Included lu said do crep, execution mid order ot salo and tho overplus, It any thoro bo, will bo paid Into said Court to be applied as by law and said decreo dlrectod, Dated nt Klamath Falls, Oregon this September 18th, 1932. ' L. L. LOW. Sheriff Ily nilHT L HAWKINS, S 1S.25 O 2,9,10 Deputy, to examiners and wcro pa.M(i ono by one through a rlosed ho5th whero Inspectors nuked them how much money they bail. In soeio cases they madn personal search of tho passengers. Passengers vt n opened their checked lurr.ax') rltlch wan all unloaded In tho nti'lm. Tlmy wcro then passed M'rottgh an other control lo mako s'lto that their hand luggago allsborj In'pec tors' stamps and woro prrmltt4J lo enter a crowded walling room w!ier! there wcro not seats inough for one-tenth of the trnvoiere, Alter a delay of 'nearly two hours, and lengthy discussions with wi'mn who were thorged with bavin,, pitrc'ia cd now wearing apparel In Hermany. all the passengers for irm Dutch train wero admitted Into the Bllfllng walling room. Tho doom wcro then thrown open and the papsengor allowed to reenter tho train. Fifteen minutes away, at this place, tho performance was much the same. Again all thn luggago and passengers wcro unloaded and queues moved slowly through the customs station. Dutch passport officials cxamltio passengers papers on Iho trains and save much time In that way. Hut It took on hour to get through the luggage. Three hours' In all elapsed be tweou thn .top at llenthelm and tho resumption of the trip, and inoit of tho patiengers stood all that time. Thn Varchijfwen's luggago heem (4 to bo cnUfly for tobacco or cig arettes At' least that was what tho Inspectors, risked about particularly. Tho luggage of men apparently jlclded little contraband and was searched far less diligently than that ot Iho. women.'" .All gown, cost, evening wraps and other wearing apparel which looked new was taken out of trunks nnd bags and submitted to special Inspectors who questioned tho own ers minutely about their purchases. n many cases duty was charged when tho owners could not estab lish that their clothing was pur chased outside ot Ocrmany. American tourists aro very much nnnocd by the $10 visa feo which Kuropean countries Impose. on Americans In retaliation tor the charge made by the United Stales. French Police Discover Astonishing Mean for " Tracing Suspects PAHIS, Sopt. 18. Analysis of the air breathed by a criminal Is tho newest aid to French police In Iden tifying malefactors. They scientif ically examlno tho nlr In thn room In which ho opera ted then exam lno thn man, and reach a definite answer to iho question whether ho breathed In Mint room at n particu lar tlmo . If by chance tho man cot. pectorated w'-hlle at work, ho can ho traced an surely as If bo had loft his calling card. , The machine which does this Is part of a crlmo detector wystcm which was shown to police commis sioner Knrlght, of Now York city, on his recent visit to Paris .It U based on science applied to Hie d?r tcctlon nnd Identification ot crim inals. It tho Paris pollco wish to show that a man was at a given place at a Klven hour, thoy do hot spend days trying to find witnesses. They provu It by tho air he breath, ed; by tho clothes ltd wotc, and by several other scientific records which they Kay cannot be denied. There Is no room for doubt, they say, such Is their confidence In thn accuracy of their deduction. When a crlmn ban been commit ted tbe scientists, lu their well equipped laboratory, aro notified. They crowd Into a big automobile, filled with scientific instruments, and proceed to tho scene. There Is the expert photographer; ,thn ar tist to mako sketches; tho chemist. mo jrinn io opcraio mo spec -. fl V;: v H w I , f , iii w and troscopo. Tho last mentioned takes a section of tho air for future eswt- , . fttl analysis; each of thn others d wi fff--y!yif ttlbln bit or material nnni)wmiiitpNrJ?' loukei't Thn floor mnl I Fid wtillif,,, Mm fnfnlturit; threads ht clotlijiiK! timoiiy rags; nroKon itgnts; linger,,, , mm,) print., anything that tit trk . aJ.po?- JS liiilX t slhln suggestion Is pacited Up In ,, .n . , , alr-llght receptacles and taken bnokr u-Trt'Vi !" to thfl laboratory. Ifero ovnrythlnsU MM 4t M H Is analyzed, nnd flnnllv.-th,. lAtinra.l'J'Ii". .U V1 t atory bt able to giro Instructions Id. .,.. ' 5I Iho ilctectlves"whoni Jo nrrest and 'it ' M what to look for, so that final and ' ujfM tleflnlto comparisons may bp made. ' " r "When wo appear In court we do " fU"It,,i riot, confront tho prisoners nnd tho1 'V.r'' Judges with suppoiltlons or proli- ,)'lt' abilities,' said M, Hell, chlof ot tho t,,iyWw,7,f laboratory. Wo prsjent proofs and fads. Wo explain oxactly how Um "t crlmo was committed. In Ml" .iVt-rTnnK cases of crime, 1,677 Imprints woro' r made, requiring 101,610 oxanilnit- 1'( JdJ tlons and 4,775 photographic prlntH. Xi' -"-JJ and this work led to tho positive llcn.,r o tlflcatlon of 12f criminals. Crooks r., who wash up blood slalns wasto ""'"" their lime. In this .laboratory blood diluted 200,000 Times ran ho trac- ' ed, wneiner tho original slain was floor or n bit of cloth." Ri( on a "I'ach man or woman has his or her dlstlnctlva heat and this Is why bloodhound are nbln to trace by smell," continued tho speaker. ''The spestroscopo can bo mado lo detect ir Uau) tho tight radiating from a given per son, and If that person has passed ! through n room, unseen, nt a given bnt 301 moment, this fact thn machine; will , - reveal. Tho fact that Iho person In question was In & stain of excite ment or not also wilt bit recorded. Ilandon- td over Sixes rlrer and Klk rlyer. iinU .JI Jv odr Uridgcs to b construct.... .j,p n fin.l jgHf Small .Inodels for , UfSPHHI country schools. '-,7 3l JHVmV Terms. -1 ' (t 2flllM Earl Shepherd Co. vlrtrt DONT FAIL TO HEAR STAFF CAPT. J. T. WINTERBOTTOM Young Peoples Secy, of Oregon Division At the Salvation Army Hall Monday and TuesdaySept. 18, 19 at 8'P. M. Childrens Meeting 4 P. M. Tuesday T " "CIASSIFIED" ijpIUmhBIBBbHW s'HSHBMHHHslHBVMHHHS's'sVSuuJeSMfP COLUMMS Let Us Give You the Benefit of Our . Dominating Circulation . Do you want a job? Do you want anemployee? t To you want to buy, sell or find something? ' If so, telephone our "Classified Ad" editor about it just watch the results. H The Evening Herald is read by over 10,000 everyday and you are talking to every one of these people when you place an ad hi our paper. THE EVENING HERALD 1 Hd jjlhin 4 p J...,.. n nlrfJl'r .ft ftn ton illt Ili )U u 1 1 mtoi Sli (!; i in,' cuntsii) "Aim i llH Will I I tears ti 1 t lU i'M ivlisult I "J '"'H .i i mil In a i .,,. t i"i i i'ji,n' , 'COVERS THE KLAMATH FIELD", . AH." n oi !i v t.nl k A )((' "Atii l.bltsuj ' ;.i s norf ' , .' itr $ A 4 A '( i"i . iU , . li 1 tfl a,v lliIW lisvT'rf ' . J NS(I H sMsViswst v I i a r 4,;.. c'wh-m S 5 ' " f -Htj'ji -- . .-' t '. K .s. f ft j sfyrs ' J- 'M , V 11 M V J