n ;r. ,vi r 7 '. rUTWIUMV, HIII'T. taw.? Ill, IM12, SJlSS??1! UnllfSIMIIll I I JC "M, Mi Igjlj ifrir..?- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON $ IIV HEBE H FIR REM VENUSES 'VJfb 'QlaffWiMf C'.AiiRflRRRl "vmRRRRS ' i-1ii?ll f 0 VnfiwA y Ir RBRa 1m RRRRr 17 R J ORTUf RHbARL ' frv RRRRT 2xr RRRRRRLw p" sir KEPT 4v'&r"JH l TO ,. i nip' I a aRRBW r 'ARRRRRRV u rrrHrt.aVArrrrr H5 RH)h F 'u ARR RRRF INM i uut.w.w jmwx ' ,s 1 lllaiiW I'IHBf iRRRWW. JrRRR.1 'Hz i tiii: imit i.irii.ii Mtiwiiini.s HIIII.S! i.dit'io itwirr, nn'i:n. i.v, it iiit.w mm, r; m:t laii, 7, ,M IIYItNCt i:, M. Illil.OWl fit 31 1- .vuiit .mii-',iiim:'h r.weitrn: i:.i:iH'i.si:iiiHMi run k.viiikiian ui:i,i,,h iiii,iiki:.v AWMW ,1X111:11 Ni:W VOUK. Hept. 13.- A tlvn )wiil,i i;lrl. rntnt'il In tlm city. 111:1 iiwlm u nilln. ehlu llm liar, ilnntit mid unlit fur hourn without tiring. Hit llf.ri'o uliiters, llm iiIiIimI' nfi w limn In rlt'.lil. rati 1I11 tin liilirli :m I initio, ' All of then' ri Mrouner limit liny, . nml prettlor IImii must ulrlc. Iln tho 101 11 1 1 of n lirlliRlni: ll illroilijd hy llii'lr f.illiur, llornnrr Mcl'nddi'ii, mi. llmr. When u )uiiui:ilrr. In' Imit lioci lllc mill nlrkl) . Jin determined lluit his children vrisuttl Itit healthier:. Hit lin Mtinlli'tl iImi (iritlili'in, hecniim an itiillinrliy tut pltytlrul i tilluri'. nml I new raising I1I.1 Klrln li ho "regular tellnwit." "Alinntt ntiy puji nl cm 11 On nn milt li." hit mi)k. "If mily hit irulln'M lli.it miiiill (lillilii'ii 11 in niittilni: muni limn llltlii aiiliniilti. 'Ilify iiiijil friwili ulr. miiiiililtiii nml t'ji'ttiu. "Willi llm iitiiur Irnlnlni:. I ho ntmiiKtli iif'nitiit lilhlrn nn Im In i'IOMpi'iI from 25 to lt0 i-r tm wltV 0111 miirli trouble In a cuiuiurallvcly NllOlt 1I1110." Ilotv? Hy Iclllni; llii'in il.iy I lie gainon they iitijny most "Tliu nvvniKu parent layn llm lialiy 1111 IiIn hack. II11 hlelm ilr..,,,..i ..1, fight, hilt Kii(n tt bonuflt from II I for them Is hardly m,y resistance. Hill ir Miincoiiu would rnlso llm baby liy llio ImndM. flot UN nrniH or push ( 111 H'KH iiiiPkntiril uml forward, of. " MIIIHI Opposition, isrrat ROUll tvonhl tcHtilt." I n win way .iiarmuiirti n now ilutclopln,; hi,, ,ly noii. hkimI nctuu 1 inonlhn. "I want him to j;ro- up nn nlront; (in IiIn ulntcrn " nayn tliu rattier Mini;. Iiir. . .. j. ,n noun nn uioy wuro nhlo, they h-aritiHl how to nnlm. My wfu mucin thorn. Tliuy took to thin now sport JiiHt nnothur Kaino rnpldly. J Tlioy cro toon aulu to do a wile. onimmiiiK in olio or tliu heiit ttprclln for ilovcloiiiK nymmutry. polso nml I that round Miiootluifnn that mnken for knicc. .Vctt to It coine.1 walkloR and danrliiK. "All thro iitcrclncii arc cood for I Ilia hoy, too. Hut ho uriU In nddltlon noino moro rncRvil itport huxInR, Jltt JIUu or wrostlliiR. 1 "Hut llio chlld'n oxcrclno at nil I tlllll'H Itllmt li.. tmrt ,tf I.I.. .1i t'l... "Kltllim ami .uiil. im thoy run. Ml lu run. It In hrnrNclni. Ilui .ct. ir.'tllp .mil roll nrou j.o r r. mi-, ,. h.coi....k i.nr.t u.,ri,- .. 1 1.... ' -"-, udi.11 ja, 11 mi pamitji piacil tlin camivi tHlll lii ! Tim I fml Hi:i"n;.um;it i, citoi' itci'oiir tho ncaiiitii to AURUiit 3C, 1022, C2,. jiimmnr vory well, nnd won much l.i7 carloadn worn roporli'd HhlppciL linprovi'd hy tho Autfunl rainfall tr.M II... .M. .. ..!.! Ik.l u.. .l.ln Jn... .... . .. 1 Tor tho K.imo period latt yoar ship incntR amujintod to 53,017 carloadn I.nit year Orcson connmnod con nldcrnhlc qiiantltcri of lain poln(o"n, 1; row 11 oiitnliln of tho state, p.trtlcul nrlv In tlin cltr of I'ortlnml. .nriil Olio of tlm liirRi.M crop.i In our ,;r,wt.M Ml01l(1 HC ,hBl t). .rintll lihilory In llio 1922 harvrnt formnnl 'market In well nuppllpd ivllli Reed for llio Unlti'd Htatcn nn 11 wlinlc. M'otiilii Klockn at nil tlinns thin year. ( 1l.ll tho Pacific Norhwrm (or,.Kn, iT'io Into OrrKon crop wan malorlall , , , . iii... 1 liiiprovoil In mont ifclioni, hy tno ' .,mI,IIom and Idaho), MW. A)1(.,m rag Muc) f 0 cnr,r; i-itrcil 0110 of tho drli'Ht mi mm urn Injur,,,, In of tomtit nlzo, and tllscMA, imiliy yrnrn, nnd Kt'iiKrnl proditttlon Hppoarn to ho moro provnlcnt thin In thesn llirco ntnlcii will hardly hn ' lhan u"nl. Tbo pcrcontnRO of iii to the nvcrnRo of rocont yearn. Tho weitorn Orfgon crop l noncral ly cnnililnroil ono of thn lieat prod tic fd In many yearn, Tho United filntoa corn crop nliow cd u doturlorAllori durliiR AiiriisU cutliniiti.il nt 1I2,000,00U ImshclH. dun larRcly to rtconnlvn hoat nnd 'TT- ism -n lack b( rooldturo In Mlnsourl, Knnsi't;- nnu nnornnKa, nnii 10 a icsuor MiAnt i- , !" In tlin Central and Kaitorn ntntci Tlin Hcpt. 1 oatlmato v.'ni 2,876,000,' 000 hu.iholi .'UtH,.4" i.i.:A ..I , , jJW (J, , ." Knucrn' (woo moro in nl your Mir,i4.nj.iit n.'iZZ.i,ir vlro with tlin hent vatitoj In lowti.rt.,..trir Z,.jJ.JtA "In ilii'rv," Im I'Vpliniui, iir,' round tho ht'iil oviTclnin lor rhlldriii Hit Hi" impiiUo or pl.iyrnl nplrll. i;lvu in an I'lample of oicrcli.liiR that ran nut Im liiipruvcd upun. II.iMoh hao thoVaino Inntitict." So ho hcRlmi tu train hln ihlldriii with their chlldri'ii, It would hu hctlor for Imtli children and grown. tipn. Tliu filler rnull with tho hrlnRliiR whi'ii limy urn hut n few wcokn 0I1I ; ",' ol ,noHl it"KBtcra Ih civorrooUtii. hy pl.iiliii: thmn r.ico downwnrd liii0,,r r,,llJ"'" nr nnvor red between llirlr trlhit "In thin ponlllon," he wi)H, "lliu hahy trlou tii rorco liliiinulf up, pimlc lus iihout mid Ri'ttlitR ri'xltitnnco at owry iiiovoniitit. WJit-n Im rnlnon hln head, ho iitri'up,tht'ni lilt npluo. Whi'ii ho ptmhMi down on hln Itntnln, ho ilovt'lnpn hln clioM. niualn. "Thoy nt nliiiplit, wholcuomo rood, rii to hnl hetween ncvrn nnd nine. ilcop until (.Rht, drons llRhlly nnd aro RrowlitK up "lloallhy nud good uaturcd." And t!u miiIIcm or tho younnnters proved It EXPLORER HOLDS MODERN AIRSHIPS i'lio hiudluK iiood he minlo. "I nut rally louvluei'd that wo linxo left f.ir liolilud llm nlil-fiiHlilun- CAN REACH POLE!'"' """'I"l, '""I Hint In rulum polar j i'si'iratlciii will ho doiio hy nlrrrnft "" durliiK llm htimiiifr iihmiUih." Major LONDON', llqpl. P..-M.nl..rn iilrc:rr '""; "& '(W I'fnwiw ulilpii or tho (iermait t.tpo tout.l inako! r',:,"" ,,ow ",,M iU, ,M,IW m"' Xl,t llm tilp fruiii London U. tlm North MflU' " r....ll" nr.'. nnd llm Pol... u li.nmni.( t.ouit mllon. nl,.! '"""'" ""Prowmont In nlrrraft." In a wtek. an Major ICIihunl C'tirr, J M'J"r t"'1"' '""'I" WPrtuiit tilmor. itvrliil import of tho Kluu-klolon Ant-: vntlona 0:1 flylm; toiidltlonn In tlm nritlr oxpi'dlllou. K110I for tho t-u- Anlarttlf. 'Iiurlni: tho noeti wockBj tiro dlilauco could ho tnrrl.'il. uml cr "1" '","- ":l's' "lJl" lowi'Kt tuiiiiicraturn rt'corded was flto dfRreen Knlireiiltolt mid tlm nvcrnRo npproxlmatoly so di'Rri'vn. Tlm wind nveraito wnn elRlit to 10 miles an hour, nnd tlm nlr nud ky wuro wtndi-rrtilly clcur. So cleat was tho nlr I hat mlr.-tRo was very frequent. UV h.ul moro than 300 perfect fly In K hour. , I.atlloH' pumps nt JI.S.'i. llt-RUlur prlro an IiIrIi as'lU'.Uu. J. l:. Knders &. Co. 15-10 m Knders sells bhoca for less. 15-1 C BIja sisar-m !-. t Alfalfa Growers Wire tss this night lettet collect Ilcfoip you plirc your cmlrr for Milpluit it will pay ;rou tt Icatn nliout Tcxns (Julf Sulpliur, ";i licttcr Milpluir at ; better price." We rrc ready to make tiuiik Miipnuiu of nnv tiir.tititv if tliu faintius Toxin llulf Sulphur cither -criult;, flour or inoculated litrct fnnn our warehouse in Portland, Ore pin. As the world's larccst producer! of Milphur wc can nrrvc you nest. Get. the facts, at once, Put this night letter on the wire today, tliiiipcs collect. He sure to fill in the blank spaces. TEXAS 41 U. I HAVE II I G II T L B'T TEH - 0 II A RGBS COLLECT GULP SULPHUR CO., 12I3U ST., HEW YORK CITY.' SULPHUR, ACRES OP ALPALPA AND WILL REQUIRE Kmc many I USUALLY ORDER THROUGH MY DEALER fovmvM OU MI COUNTY AGENT l irr no'ff TEXAS GULP SULPHUR. !.- nam and cddrnt , MY FREIGHT STATION IS jiV ntmt ,imf aiittn SEND ME QUOTATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING l Your Name, Your Poat Offico', IJmiiff tkt IMIdUl Wc will promptly reply and in a manner which will convince you that it is much to your advantage to deal with the largest froductrj of Milphur. Don't pay the charges on the night letter, We wijl attend to that. Sulphur Book anil other valuable far ftijr literature imiiU'd froo on request TEXAS GULF SULPHUR CO. 41 East 42nd Strcpt, New York Montana h.tn tho best crop rnUcd In nnvnrnl ypnrn, nnd over thn country Rcnnrally, except In lliti Pn'lflc north west, crop coiidltloun have huen rath er r.hovo tho nvoraRc, UVitther AuriihI wrnthrr win n hit ungual In that n fairly Reed rain ffll In tlm wenlorn part of tlm stato durlni; tho first half or the month, which wnn Rcnornl throughout tho Wlllniuotto vulley, hut rather spoiled tilnowhcro. KoschurR nnd tlm coun try to tho southward, Including tho Houlhw'cat coant, reports nliiiut 0.3 Inch precipitation Mr tho month, whllo tho nvcraRD ror several Wll Inmeltu valley stations .wn.i approxi mately 2.0 Inches, IncludhiR tho I'ro clpllnllon which occurred rlRht at tho clone or tho month. A Union county report says, "Wo have had sonin rain hut everything In ntlll pretty dry." Thin apparently Is tho maUturo situation over all or eastern OrrRon, except a row localities whoro Ihero havo been rather heavy show rrn. From Klamath county a frost In repbrlod, about August 20th, which hurt Rrnltt crops nnd rccctablcs. Wlmat Thero appears to ho no prct.out reason for materially chanR Iiir tho AiiRiist 1st estlmato of tho winter wheat crop, which wnn placed at 16.300,000 bushels for tho stato or Ori-Ron, 45.092,000 bushola ror tho Pacific northwest ( Including nil tho slato of Idaho) and C42.000.000 hiinheln ror tho lnltcd States. Nor linn there been occasion to materially chanRe the estlmato of a month hro on the Oregon sprlnR wheat crop, placed at 3,000,000 bosholi. The Pntlflc nnrthwciil crop llkewlso hIiowb llttto chansa from tho AiiRiist osllmato of approximately .11,000,000 busliuftt. Hut tho I'nltcil States crop nn n wholo showed Improvement dur ing AuriihI, and Is now estimated at 27C.CC5.0UO buslieU. Tho total 1922 heat crop or tho stato ot Oregon Is thnreroro cstlmatod,At 1 5,300.000 btisheli, tho Pacific northwest nt ap proximately 76.000,000 bushels, and tho United Slates crop at 818,000, 000 buihcls. Last year's Oregon crop was estimated at 24,317,000 bushels. tho Pacific nurthwesi at 103,000,000 bushels and tho total Untied States crop at 79B.000.000 bushels. Oats Tho Oregon oats crop stir forcd sovcrely from tho dry summer. Thero wus a larger than usual seed ing of winter oats last fall, which acrcaRo did fairly well, othcrwlso tho total production would havo been still lower than tho GO per cent of normal estlmato ror 1922, or about C, 400,000 bushels. Tho present Ore gon oat crop In not considered suf ficient to take caro of local needs and already several cars of eastern new oats havo been shipped Into tho stato. Tho United States oats crop 1 for 1923 Is estimated at 1,25.". 000,- 000 bushels, compared with 1,001, 000,000 bushels last year, and tho flvo year average of 1,371,382,000 bushols. Parley It now appears probable that tho August 1 oatlmato of tho 1922 Oregon barley crop, 2,0000,000 bushols, should bo slightly reduced. Last year's barley crop was estimat ed at 2,340,000 bushols, and tho flvo year a vera go Is 3.176,000 bushels. Tho United States barley crop har vest Indicated soma Incrcaso over tho estlmato of a month ago, and tho present osUniato of the 1922 crop is 193,850,000 bushols. Last year's crop was 151,181,000 bushels, and tho flvo yoar average 191,021, 000 bushols. Potatoes Car lot uhlpmcnts of Oregon potatoes, 1922 crop as re ported from July 1 to August 2ti. 1922, numbered 257 compared with S3 carloads for tho sumo period last your. Hut this does not moan that tho total Oregon potato crop will hu more than three times tho crop or lust year. This big Increase in early shipments come from a compara tively limited, area In Malheur and Umatilla counties, growing potatoes for tho early market, (Malheur county has ajiout 3,000 acres in po tatoes this tyuar against 800 ucres last year). Ah a matter of ract tho total Oregon potato crop will prob ably not exceed that ot last far, Tho Washington prospect Is (or a some what smaller crop than last year, but Idaho will probably havo nearly 40 por cent Increase over 1021. Tho United States crop Is estimat ed this yoar nt approximately 440, 000,000 bushols, compared with a five-year nyorngo or 323,000,000 'nishola, This year's crop appears to bu moving lo market considerably No. 1 grade will ho below tlm nvcr- ngo this year In tho state, and re ports Indlcnto that n similar situa tion exists In many other sccfionn of tlm country. It In qulto posslblo that tho markctublu crop or lliln year may not bo In proportion to tho prospec tive largo total production. Corn Corn Is not a crop or much size In tho Pacific northwest, and tho I acreage grown In largely used ror nl-1 lage. The Oregon crop, estimated at ' uhout CC.000 ncres, stood the dry I Important Announcement f Tlm Moiitfltm Aiiclloti nml (.'omml'ilon ,oin,mny, wlinxo linlli" ffii Im nt Itlittc. Mnntmin. frliitilUtmt xliin. IMIIIII Imto 1 .. .., I., vi t. . ... . 1... , .,... .r-- , il iivii n,i iiiiii 111 n.jiiiimii rn, in, in w t iiinmvicu in rwiiiiciiion Willi the Montium office Hurt Mnrxh, tmlot manncr nml nrrlrliil , auctioneer, of tills roiupmiy will havo rlinrgi of (lie Klaittatlrl'iilh mid lurrotinilliiK touiilry Imilnexi, Wc list, iidvrrlUn nnd rmidiirt publlr miction nnlon hern uml eteryttliCTe. Wo Hit nnd cell rcnl-rilutf, live stock of nil brrctli, ' milk prtMlurrrt, pttllBircil fontiilnt Inn lireetlem, oner'iil farm mlct , mid milomohilo clriirltin; hour snlcs, on trlctly n cnnintlNHlnn l:i-tj Tenni and nnlo (IiiIon fnrnlstictl on npplinitlon. Yotn'n for mi'lnro, ttUiOW BURT MARSH. Manager ISox .'VIA Phone .11 Klamath Kail, Oregon PrrrX WS ' lSaH li Y p lAf "jUli I! FAIK.WEEK 11 OCTOBER 4, 5. 6 Make the Klamath County Fair YOUR Fair Work on the new grounds is progressing rapidly and will be m tip top shape in a few weeks. What is only the beginning of a Fair and Fair grounds now will in a few years be one of the largest institutions the county can boast on 'having. Klamath county is the coming section of Eastern Oregon and one of the most talked, of communities in the state. What the future of this community will be can only be seen by the progress made in re cent years and will depend on the co-operation of the people in the future. , - Posters are up and circulars out showing you what you may expect in a way of sportmanship and amusement but what is still more important are the exhibits. It is expected the number and variety of exhibits this year will exceed that of any year previous. Throw you hat in the ring and get back of the Fair. The more enthusiasm the more action. Be there, everybody's go ing. t - The Famous BIy Round-Up -Performers All Three Days LETTER BUCK This ad is inserted and paid for by tho business men of Klamath Falls. sjt -V V v trrSbrl m Srr?S V rrV' ' (HJRJRSiRf ,bUH 1 AH tU to nill . lit.ai -.IJJ tidi ? .,,i,,i . : IT tM i niirrrtv 'tilv4 r( I Iii IIMI Tyitfl r. io.ooova' n. ,tt bur. i)ilV 1 ll'iomoii'n t T tH lt , .'"" i ;v .rifl ltU i: of oit)t U uO lty . tsoi Ltuta ill ldj bt'lSU) Umji 4l i.jjf iH v .! Oft viiPiithn i tectum IjIT IJ vJOftl IjiuV lul xiiauo I4A IV I 4IV.A ) Ull Mill A 5biiu l) iiUti :iu.U .yf t A, nl 'nl ' .;, """"'v l.aol oill nl .(). uttOii I -fiJ.'JJlt I A rti uitti v llTA.I 111108 liodl'; so") lit iioiUtlH it. 10 niim -XtMi;i n( i, ,',1Uoa),: Im itlf(mtf' ,..( ,U 1- rfei! 1 rT- ".".. l hi; oiV'flH -."ft Uii4U ' riotyUin A ?,1i1IWS1 , '.khuUmiM -Avl irll l'HHivHm -: r? ti tf h , -,Nf 1 1 III nrt l . I . ".": 5J )i 'ill " y.Ui4u w at Vt r f.1. t ''iK, t'Tf nXA JiV-i-4 f '' a. f- x vt'xr - ll atkUIHUt i ,' ta ..' a;w&ij Kfift' '-d m- i' "..'i . 'i'i mwii -1 &, 'h fff'.VTjHT; -7 immimmmmm moro trtHly;4liR aaj yearVM- Y?r -Xi. Stom nw ntswwtfc usivw aw aisssfCfcoWW mUwft p jjnmtket 1 .!"' ." 'J- ' " ll'.'.'.' J"