The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 15, 1922, Image 1

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Member of the Associated Press
;it.'Ai!tt1' s
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"Wa.- 4. ,1
rirn'i'Mii Witr, o. ittwi
I Mrs. Harding
" ..!
CIiiiiiiIm'i' of Coinnieiro IVimmlttct- In
Meet l Wrs-k Willi Hlkinii
('nuuly Hiipervlnr
Plant WImnI Would I'pllft tbx
Hy Development of Better
Men i Po-lblUy Hn
- . - 7. '-'it'-i' ( f-
:-: zrr.-X'iii 'aw -Hi
n fin iii! it isHila '
HnLllNIII I MINr' ""
1111 1 raKiiii
ft! ' ' .
From 1,000 to 2,000 Report
ed to Have Been Mans
. cred By Turks
LONDON, Sept. IS. Prom 1, 00M
to 2,000 Christians -were iiiar.urcd,
hefnrn the fire whlrli swept llin Ar
menian mill other tiuurter or Hmyr
mi, ll,wn rhtirtfil In seml-nfflclnl
unit nth it (Ireck inmiiui'S today.
Among Turkish outrages was the.
nirryltii: off of niaiir rlrl. pupils of
tlio American girls' collet".
Tim Greeks hollv I In- tiro ',
Nvt liy thn Turku lo conceal Irureit of
their inUdecds, Minn Mill, iii a iron of
llii American college declares hr
wnw, officers of the Turkish tinny
currying siivernl cans nf petroleum.
Later Ilia f luiitoH burnt forth.
llrrat o,uantltlen nf provision nut!
foreign eMahllsliments, Including tlm
Ami'ilcun, wetu destroyed. Hun
dreds of bodies of IrtlniM worn ly
Iiik In Hi" ulri'i'lN of Hinyrnn when
III" lioipltul ship, Main, loft
with tefur;.' . arrdrdliin lo Hiiitir'N
rorrchiiinilint, who nirlvcd ul Maltu
on n llrliUh ship.
Tint llrltUh (ahltict has hern hHiu
inurioil to meet today for dht'iisulnn
of nitromn measure to rnnlrnl th"
HMVltNA, Soft. 13. A flro nf sor
Jnua prnprirtlnn brokn out toil ay.
Tlu (IreeU nnil Armenia quarter
havo Itenn destroyed ami thn flro In
rapidly nprcaillriR.
LONDON, Sept. 1.V Thn British
fleet liai (iron Instructed lo allow nn
TurkUh troop to ctom from Aula
In Europe, It was officially announc
nil tonight, following a cabinet meel
Inic. at which It developed that a
complete agreement had been reach
ihI with Franco for protection nf
neutral soncs on holh aide of the
Dardanelles and Constantinople.
Il I believed licro Hint tho missing
H nnturalltnd Americana of Hmyriia
nro mnmbem of thu American Intor
iiutlcnnl coIIcru.
CONHTANTINOI'l.i:, Hnpl. 16.
Hinyrnu Imn hern romplutel)' wreck
ed hy the (otiflnRriillou ruglng the
pant two tu), nrcnnlliiK to authentic
Informallon rea(hlu hem. Tlioim
iiiiiIk pro holleved In haw perlnhi'il.
I'rlMiner Kroiu IIii'ihIihi llouml
Ovrr lo I'lsleriil (I'minl Jury
Deputy I'. H. Murnhiil. A. David.
Hon of I'nrlliind arrived hern yonter
day from thn Indian rexorvallon nlh
Kay Uryant, Cain Hronrhln, and Joo
Clurcla, all thrvK VhaiKed with liar
Iiik Introduced liquor onto thu renur
viitlon, AucitHl :". They nppeurvd
thin moriiltiK heforn United Htaten
Commlnnlouer Thomim und wero
hound over to the fedural Krand Jury,
Hconchln and Drynnt are helnit
Imld In Jull In lluu of $?S0 hoiiiln und
(lurcla who xuvn bond of $500 U at
lllmrty, (Irucla wai picked up on two
other chargei) notno llmu ago und Ih
at lllmrty on thono charsna undor
bnndM of t7S0 In each Inataiicu.
Vnloy Pearnou, clmrged with
HtoalliiK n homo heloiiKliiK to Wilbur
1'ltgnmuii, wiih iiIho hrnuitht down
from Chlloquln by UavldHon. Ho
wan bound aver to tho Krand Jury
nnd In nt liberty on-bomlx of $1000,
OIINKVA, Bopt. K.. Tho. pollll
en I commlttcn of tho Ioukuo of na
tlonti voted unanlmoualy today to ad
mit Hungary to membership.
Thn Oyclo-Btormasraph at UndoN
wood a l'hnrmucv
hows but llttlo
variation In baro-
aotrlo condltlona
dur Ini tho lait 24
hours and a contin
uation of preoont
woathor condition
U Indicated.
Forccant for noxt
24 heura:
Kali and worm.
Tho Tyco record
Intr thermometer
1 3arZ KbbW 1
r 'AMr
1 1 "aaf 1
in i '
roglHtored maximum nnd minimum
tomperntmoa today an follews:
High 8
L Low 50
Ki mi I noltlcini'tit of tho iiuentlou ol
whether Klililyou coiinly will co-ope.
rut" with K In inn I Ii iniiiily for con
Htni'lloii of mi iill-yi'iir lilnhwny from
Wi'eil to Ktiiliiuth Fiilln will hn
hoiicIiI nt a nii-tltiK In Vrekn ni'Xl
week nf th" f.lnklyoil comity hiiikt
vlmirn uml tho (liainlicr of loiiiincrt"
nmil I'uiiniiilti'c
U'lill,, thn mutter liux liccii umler
illnciiHlon for it Ioiir time, little ilef
IllltO ll'Hllll llllt" lllM'll kIkimii, III"
I'onililltte" helleveii, Anil llllleim ief.
Inlln insurance Ii nlveu at thu forth.
roiilllfK llieetllix tfnit tlm road villi
hn Imptnveil, ktepR will he tiikrn lo
rompletn th" road down the Kliiui
nth river. Thin, In th" opinion of
the cnininlttce, 'would nffnrd all all-
year roill" H4 woll !m one liavlnt;
Rteat Kcciilc iittnirtloun, II would
ii I no afford ii illii'it toiil" In lint maul,
rniinectlni: with thn road now hulld
Iiir wentward from Yreka.
lleKlilctntit nf Muriloel ami Dorrh
liuro lonn iirned tho KlNklynu Hiiper
vlmim In Improve their outlet to, the
north nud couth, hut without re.
mi IH I'ollllrn urn xnht to enter
lari'.ely Into thn ultnatlon, the mi per
vlnora lielnr undiT prennur" froni
their rniiKtltuenH In other iartn,of
the county who do not favor thn
U'ipiI highway.
Tn in IIIHmnUoii Make Ktrapo fnim
Vnnl nf rily IiKoii
Tom nichard.Hon, allan Tom
Moore, ascd 19, charRed with lar
ccacy of u ult nf clothes und hound
over lo the Krand Jury, walked away
from the Jail yard nhortly after S:30
thl mornlui; and nt noon wk ntll
at liberty.
According to Hherlff lx)r, Itlch
aritaon and another prisoner were
directed by Jailor Mark Howard lo
empty a tub of rcfimo In the Jail
backyard, Howard wai buny at the
tlmn and for a few minute failed
lo notice thnt IllchariUon had not
returned with tho other prisoner.
When the alarm wat Riven nnd tho
I hunt ntnrled It wan learned tht
Ihn fiiRltlvo had walked through thti
Central KaraRo. the back door of
which face thn Jail yard, and had
turned wentwurd on Klamath aven
ue. Sheriff Low and IiIh deputleH
combed thn dUtrlrt bul failed to
find their man.
Hlchardum In about five feet
luetic tn holRht, welRba 130 pound
und III" black' hulr nud medium
complexion. Ho wore overullii with
u belt, Kioy cotton ahlrt, cup and
KiiRllah itylo Hlioen. He wan bo
Moved In have turned up Second
trod from Klamath uveuue and to
have continued over the hill.
"From now on 1 um roIiik to
hlru u man wIiohu itole btmlneni will
he lo Kuurd county prlNonera con
fined In the city Jail," declared
(Sheriff Low,
Ciiupln WIIIIiik to Ti-)'
After Tlirw IMviircvn
YllEKA, "Sept. 15. v,ftcr having
boon married twlco before nnd divor
ced both times, (Seorgo W. Nanco nnd
Kttnlco HnverKnl Nanco, of rtoauburg,
Oreuon. camo to Vrcka, procured o
llcensn nnd appeared before Judgo C,
J. Luttrell, where they plighted
their faiths nne.w,
"Third tlmo oURlit tn bo tho charm
time." nald tho Krnom. "If It lan't
we'll try It nil over again, I gucsti."
Tho brldo la'a" and tho groom 51,
They aro thn parents nt two children,
a boy 0 und a girl 0,
Berrctary T. A. Stevenson of tho
chambor of commcrco will loavo to
morrow morning for Stanford uni
versity whero ho will attend summor
school tor ono week. Tho school
will bo attended by mombers of the
California Loaguo of Municipalities,
tho California States Socrotarlal as-'
soclatlon nnd Stanford studonls, Its
purposo Is to ndvanco socrotarlal
and municipal work through ex-
chungo of Idoas und Instruction by
experts. Fred K. Fleet will aid with
tho chamber of commerce work dur
N. Y. Central Latest; Others
Inject Uncertainty By
Refusal of Plan i
NKW VOIIIC. Hpt. 15, --Thn in
lire Now Vork Ccntial rullroinl )
lem today nltrucil mi iiKrcincnt illli
roniluclori and trainmen crmirliiK t
working (undltloiiH, wukcx uml rulex
for ono y'eiir, from .Seitomher .to.
I'OKTLAND, Sept. 15. -All South
(in I'aclflc Koneral chulrineu or Hi"
trlklnK rhoi crattHiiicii today wore
ordered In proceed In Sun Kran
(Imco for a conference with rullro.ul
official. In a tclRcram from Chi
ciiro lieoiliiuarlers, Thn settlement
terms Indicated that the Htrlkem
would lie returned with full sen
lorty rlnhti Innldo 30 day, and
that rated of pay would be submit
ted to the labor boa id for u
):. 1, Kins, superintendent or the
Southern Pacific, denied the report
of a meeting with strlkem in the I
smith. Officials nf thu Union I'a-1
rifle mid Spokane, I'ortland & Sent-,
tin lines were equally pimltlvn that -
there had been no conference
tho part of, their road
CHICAGO, Sept. 15. Hefusal by
a number of the hlrRcst railway sy'
lems lo enter Into the Warfield-Wlllard-Jewell
plan ror enillns the
fthopmen's strike developed nn ele
ment of considerable uncertainty,
nver the scope and offectlvenci of
tho peaco program. Negotiations
tssrfla progress with several road!
In an effort by union leader to ef
fect additional settlement. Strike
leaders were said to bo addresalnK
communications tn omn of the un
willing roads asking them lo recon
sldar their rejections.
I.C-B ANOKLKS, Sept. 15. Oener
al Manager Williams of the Southern
Pacific coast lines stated here today
that he had no knowledge of any
strike settlement conference to be
hold at San Francisco with the gon
ers! chairman or tho striking shop
men. CIIICAllO. Sept. 16. (Sovernmont,
completed lis caan In Attorney (Sen-
crul DaiiKherty's suit ror a tempor
ary Injunction aRulust the rail strik
ers lain today. Thu court adjourned
until Monday when Attorneys II. M.
Jewell nnd John Scott, strike lead
ers, will tuku up the du fen no.
v''''!! laCTiftJilsBBshsssssK.' FsssVi1
"rTF AkgKj rVRUNH "bKKgPj
ltsssH sssBTHsHKLVasssssslsHsrsV VjKgKgH
ssV 'T MsUlisssssssssslijssssssVijgTiKs
WA8IIINOft)N. fltpt. lS.--OtnBral appearance Indicate aa' tapW
Improvcmiut in Mrt. Harding's conditions ns can reasonably be expect
ed, a bulletin issued nt the Whltn House said. Tho bulletin follows:"
"Mrs. Harding's condition S a. in.: Temperature 9S.S; pulse 88;
respiration 2S.
"She had quite a comfortable night, sleeping longer with less In
terruptions. Eliminating Increasing. Swelling slowly subsiding. Gen
eral appernnces Indicate as rapid Improvement as can reasonably bo ex
pected ,
Girls Get Big Thrill
Camp Near Great Star
V i
To bit out for n vacation, sup-, ercd the famous Kathcrlno McDon
puedly tar from clvlllmtlon. and ! uld to bo their clone neighbor. She
then suddenly to find thnt right It Is who stars In' many great pic-
adjoining your camp In thn "most.turc. being known to Klamath)
beautiful woman In America," tho
woman who was President Wilson's '
favurlto ninoiiK motion picture uc-,
I rosKus, wouldn't It start
that will last many days?
n, thrill .
I Well, that Is Just what happened
i to tho Mlfses Vera Thompson, Oer
i nldlno Wntt, Ellen McVeigh and
Eleanor Torrey when, at Rocky
I Point lust Wednesday, they dlseov-
Falls where her pictures are often
shown. Tho girls are still wildly
excited aver tho Incident but all
iiKreo that sho Is the dearest thing"
and Just as sociable as sho ran be.
SANTA nOSA. Cat., Sept. 15.
H fulfillment comes to tb hopes and
IdeaU nf Luther tlurbank, foremost
plant breeder of the world, history
nhm, will record his Influence In tho
dxvelnplni; or belter men, as well as
better plants, fnr ho regards lm
prominent nf mankind as a greater
work than Improvement nf plant
"f hope that the same laws, as far
ns practicable, which I have discover
ed and demonstrated In plant Ufa
will be applied to the Improvement
of human life," said tho dean of
plant scientists In his Santa Rosa
"This In a measure, ran, must and
will lie done," he asserted.
Interested Isa Itoys
Although every possible oilnuts of
Durbank's day Is given to bis Slant
experiments, he Is glad to give tlma
to civic nffalrs, specially to the dot
scouts, playground activities anil
school doings, for In these be seea the
beginning nf the application to man
kind of his principles of plant breed
Ingv "My time la all too short to do all
I wish and hope yet lo do," he saya.
Tho Improvement of plants, ae-,
cording to'nurbank, Is In Ha earliest
Infancy, but "the possibilities are
limitless," ho declares.
"In mechanics nnd electricity
great progress already has beea made
but. as every scientist knows, it' is
hardly a beginning.", says Barbaak,
In comparing mechanical aad alaat
knowledge. '.V
After sixty yeara of plant breeding
bo enunciates the principle "Plaits
aro pliable and ameaabU to t a will
of mast, but this &aa awrtr.kMa sur
mised by th general phHc aatll tfet
jjaat twenty-Hve twitSj v j
Helrea flanftosrfr tVsMessi .
Agriculturists a few years ago re
ported to Burbank that tho tall
str.tks on which staaflowera stew
m.vlo it unhandy to harvest the
seeds. Durbank set to work on tho
problem,' and this year Is marketing
seeds of, "a new sunflower, which
grows on a three foot atalk. The
bloom has been so greatly entarged
that It la a heavier producer ot seeds
than other varieties and the seeda are
Next year he will give the world
six new peaches, a new prune which
does not need to be dipped before
drying, a new plum and a new nee
tarlne. Ho haa also been working
several yeara on potatoes In. the hope
ot producing a new variety which
will rival his famous "Burbank",
grown and used In greater quantity
than any other, nnd after countless
experiments has narrowed his exper
imental varieties down to sixty,
from which ho will eventually' bring
out one or more varieties for the
Imhicmivut Offered lUders At
Klnmath County Fatr
The Uly Rodeo will give away
nearly $5000 In prlies at tbe Klam
ath county fair and Southern Oregon
rodeo, October 4-5-6. Prises will
range from $3 to $500 for each day
ot the rodeo.
This In connection with tbe $2500
to be given as premiums to the ex
hibitors at the fair, making a total
of mora than $7000 cash prlte money
for the combined fair and rodeo.
JohnOivaus, a member ot tbe Bly
rodeo association, Is In town today,
together with the surveyor, making
preparations for tbe building of the
coral on tho fair grounds. Activity
on all of tho building Is going ahead
rapidly, and everything points to a
most successful celebration on the
above dates.
Attempt lo Evade Payment of flaw
Land Man la Jail
L. Esplnoxa, a Mexican laborer,
was lodged In Jail yesterday charged
with attempting to evade payment bf
a"$50'flne. He was arrested receetly
charged with fishing without a li
cense, but waa released with the va
doratandlng that be weald, pay tbe
fin. as soon 'aa he eiraedtbe'sSl3t.'
Vhen tj was learned that jte'was
planning toTieavo tbe city bis arrssi
. 4 .''-
Another CMtriMtisNi Tslst-
, - -
caHinterea) ; Tw Day! Hf
' May B RaftirsW .
JACKSON, Sept. 15. Fate isK,)
again dealt time a blow today in the
grim race of rescuers who are drviak
along two levels afl th Ktoaedy
mia to effect tk tybtrattoa af forty
seven entombed miners ln.ihTVf&
naut adjoining. '"'
After hopes had keen aroas that
lb barricade between th two mine
woald be penetrated Tuiyvnlght,
then Thursday or Friday,
the word that net before
Monday will the bulkhead
down. 'l
Clarence E. Jarrla of the Ma
control, tho personal repTieeatitrve
of Oovernor William D, 8tefteM
here, made the latter prediction ni
ter a discussion ef the nregreM mad
daring the pant U aenrs.
By some this arcdleUenwaa een-
sidered conservatlvelhe sanrteillm-
Istic declaring thai Ute Friday. nktfct
or Saturday mlghtiee the-lrst geol
reached. This, optlnttem' was haeed
on the reaart of better, prsaraaa 'ta'
ine aaeu-teoi level .taiaiaiwrneen.
Is this level tbe Wetta nave tertf-
three feet et mak,r . clear fand aSr-
enty-flye feet ot ree. te Wast nt.,
iOM Cnmte Isaisnmiiiid. j, -
Thn reacM erws,ea'Use NSS-feet
level' of tbe Keaadr,- bereUrere. Hy
tbe Kad wet tbeee i the lfflet
level; received a aetaaea waeav taajr.
encoaatered aa eld.eiebt breab;-.
lag; late, taV.tfc rtoer,wbfeibey
nri dteJbMBS&fa'lfa
feet was saasFtaTBMMa;' walejhi
MlaiiaA .m
At ? o'clock tne mm. la this level
had.seveatr-fiva.Mjl4 M drift te work
through before cemiaj te tke aeten
ty-flve foot rock rlie tbrc'Jgi which
It Is hoped to make eatrance Inte tbf
Argonadt. y
Mantlnte heavy geage bsaneea
encountered by tbe teams drilling
through the reck .afilbaJTSsOS-reek
level, further strengthening tbe im
pression that thapeeelble dateaf
suecesa matt be.Mvaace to Sanday
or Monday ' "'-v"
Pripaws) Far
On tbe asausaatlaa. that many ,K
aot all the entrapped mlaera have
perished, preparation "at forward
to care for the bedies expected, to be
recovered. Temporarily, It waa said
tonight by official, ai bodtea will be
left where they are found and rescue
crews will comb' the labyrinth 0f
passages In the Argonaut' depth for
men who might be alive. When a
body Is found, rescue 'workers .will
mark the location on aa oificlalma
uud this work will be eeatlaued untH
everyone ot the forty-seven baa beta
accounted tor. v
Bodies ot victims o( tbe, disaster,,,
will be seated In canvaa bag before;
they are brought to tbe aurface, oV
account ef tbe probable, state o( de
glneer of tbe U. 8. bureau .'ei antjiee,
. ..:... '. "V.-J
ivutusm m ream, Tffwei ' ,
i iii?
1 ' - rs jrt
Farm Loan CenansMt) ,ltis
amine eMcartty OMeveei ' f. v
The loan commW'et '&'&&$'&
atb Falls Natioaal.Fs.rm LaM'''
soclatlon will shortly stir t ant
trip to appraise Us. .acar'leajsf-'
fered by tbe faraiersUa, eoafioetfwi
with appltcatleaV -far fatWrM fsfas
loans, ine secretary pewta eni rati
application et fpere,f wbi'5'gba-
ire in iea eipaea,.
should be filed wltbaaV
plieatiea wlirba 'm4 'tai
oral Und BsiakxartlMsn'smi
saaralser to bea4.,beaa'.at;ai
i Tr.-1 . . . fj
date. i'as It I likely.
clement weather nanrraHaH'.3j.t, Y
maklag It Impeeaibla . ia. 'ajaJwiV
aatWactory apereV't"
awaatiaatu fagflata
aeiwaaw ;mmu
n jf
3 4!Tsm,
eamaemt Vi'Uff
jrrrrr. . r . jt; :i rtjs tr,i
ing Stovenson's absence, ,
I followed.
ike mtim-- ?ZK"m