vi:im:mi.y, hi:it. hi, 11122 THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Page Sevan 4 t.1 i f SUM ISK'ii 3 &&!fll 4- I --- - TJ feLHl'Y r h Meciford Grocery Co. IU,I l,uftr Klcmntlt Fnlls, Oregon wmvaniuaiMKiKiwiii NOTICE To avoid loss in holtlt'S wo arc puttinij fu our H'tail (lclivt'ry hollies bearing our jiaim. These IjuUIim must ho returned to til. daily daily. Under no condition will l'if he "old, and no store can redeein them, :ii Un' are tlw exclusive property of the Ilolliday Daiiy. Milk in stores where a vharire is made for bottles will be in plain bottle. HOLLIDAY DAIRY Cor. 7th and Klamath Mini i in iiiinn.its I Vol li ri li. (,. lluil uleil propn ali "III lie leniMil li the County tiiurt ol lOuuutii CniiliO, On I'llii fur Hie r.. Si.i.iii nf the Coilnlt i .il niur t lv. (I ami, m inrillui: tn Hie pi mi niul t-peilfl'.!-tliilin nn llle at llm nflt'c or llm County Surveyor or Klmiiiilh iiiiiuly. S.ilil propomilH will lie ncelM'il up to llm lioiir or 2 o'clock p. tu , In the llllerililil.t of Sepli'llllier ll'illl. Ili22. nl Ih" olflre of tln kounly fieri; of Ml ill Count) 'Ih" limit lie .ircomp.mli il li) ii lertllleil i herk RlliolllllInK ! 1,'iliu mi mill i In . U m Inriniiil" puy ulile to C. It Oel.up, County Clerk h a cniiniiit) ilmt thu dlilili r will. If nun "infill, prniiiplly exeriiln n niilln furiury ami furnlNh u coon mnl Mirrn lent Imml tin hy law pro Vllleil. 'llm Hiioii mkIiiI hlililer will he re nulriil to ileiiimli ii K.itlnfuitnry lioml III llm miioiiiit of ) per nut of llm1 Noiitrmt prlie, an ili'ternitiieil hy )il lllil, t 11 Ih lioml rnliillllolieil that I r Mtlmy will falllifully lHifnriii Mild urn-, Irnrt. IIIiIh III hi' opciieil September 10th, r.i22. nl the hniir of 2 u'clm U P. in ' Tim Co inly limit of Kl.imntli Oouiily H'mtmm Urn rlnht In reject llll ur nil lililn. In lien lit nil)' Hilie ilule or lioth Hiheiliil" hliln an llm liilcrext nl KI.iiiiiiIIi County may re ipilre lllilili'iH may kiiIiiiiII llielr own coiiililiintlou pluli rnr hiirinw pit ami inml mi linn, llm mnim to urniiupaiiy llm null hid nn minm i C 11 DIILAI'. Coiiuly ClerK. H I2-Ki Hit- i MJ.iimai ii.M)i.i:ns w.NTi:ii To lumber b) imiliml. laiinm l.limhei' Co, I'lioiie 20 LINKVILLE IN Ikstesjost as i as o3 flO xSlSl Budweiser Evorywhoro i. ANIlEUILk IJU'iCM, INC, IT LOUIS ADVI It'USIlMCNT kliitmih mnl) OreKon. Kliunnlli I 'ill la Orer.on Septemhir ', 1022 ileiileil liropoi.tlii will t" riCClMil lit Dm oiriie or the (oiinty Clerk of Khiin.illi Coiii.t. Kliiinelli Kalln Ore cm il li 1 1 1 1 i in . Sepliimher I."'' 111. t.'2 for Hie ioiimi ruction of n Si cllou or the .Mlilliiml-Cnl. lllKltway ue.if Ail), Ort'K"". Thin work ronnlHtH ol IhinoiiBlruc lion ol ii limit .' uiilex or niul hi'd In ulkiiii; the exc,i ii ion or approxi mately Tii.niio Cuhlr V.inli or miller, mainly urth Fur p.iriuul.irH mlilre. C. T ley. Co inly Surc)ur c It liia.AI'. County Clerk. S I J 1 . lm- "If I Could Only Get Know Up That Gas I I Would Feci Better" How often hare you Ml Hint way? IIoh nfleli IniNn ) nil w lulled lor niniii'tbliii; to itho )ou Kenulim mid laMltiK relief from kiis? Ilnn'l buy an v ordlnar )il)Npepxln lalili'a for lemporary rosulta tin to n Hint iluhH ilmi; tttore and .mk for a buttle of Kimtillm ll.inluiun'H (ins Tab letH Take lime tablets mi hour he fore iiiealH mid umilii three after cut In i: llieu w.ilih Now romeH a Mir pilxe No miirii i:.n. no mine hiiioIIi end feellm;. mi ilKfiiult biealliliiK. no in u Iteiiiember. llanlnmiili'H Oiih Tab lulu me not only ror the relief, hut n I do for the piewuillnil of K.i.i Musi people with i:an Buffer I mil nervous dyiiieinla -not common luilli;eKtlmi. ll.ialiiimiu'H IIiik TablelH III the faiilVUM jolltiw packiiKe, Pllie one dol lar, uie mid by Siar Drui; Co. J llnalimiiiii. CliemlHt, San Kranelt.i'0. Aih )i YE OLDE TIMES xonci; Notice, Ik linri'liy rjlven (lint m-iiled pniposlils Will lm teiclveil liy Dim Hoard or HiipwvlMorii of llm Kliiinatli Driilmii!" illntrlit uf Kliinuitli (ohm-' ly, Ori'iimi fur tint i Diminution nf mi, lirliiiitlnii 1IIUI1 .'I feel deep niul 'IX, ri'l In width, niul ixti"nllti(t from neni Hie (enter nf Hi" Hon 21, To vn ship III H1111II1. Ilium" X, CiihI of the WllhiiiH'tt" Meridian, approximately t, miles ulnm; tin' eiwlerly shin of the, llKht of way of Hi" (oiinty roml nr j loniiim to Dm iiI.iiin ami npMPirifii- tlh'is approved hy tlm llonnl or Hti -, linnlfior mill which nro now on f 1 1 ' . lit llm orriiit or llm Kricliieer or the Illntrlit. Mr. Diim I 'iimwitk whom 1 1 1 Smith Fourth 'alls, Orci;on, ofrirn nililp'xn Ih Hln'nt, Kliiimilli I' Hlilil proposals will lie rcrnfc lii In llm hour or 2 o'rloik I'. M , In (he iirterimnti or Hi" I "Hi ilay of Sep tember. A, I). X'i'i'l. lit llm off In- or Hi" llmiril or KupiTlHr wlili li Ih tlm orriii or llm County Clerk or KIiiiii-. ulli Coiiuly, ()ri'i;ou In llm, niurt Iioiiki', Klamath I'iiIIh, Ore:im Cwli proposal iiitiHt li" mrompin IimI wild :i (orllfli'il ( lift It niiioiiiitliiK in r per ("lit of llm minium lilil, ill in Kiinriiuti'i' Hint llm bidder Mill, If Mir nmsfiil, irouiilly exciul" a hiiIIhIik lory lonlr.'iit, niul rurulxli it kooiI niul Hiiiridi'iil lioml int In ri'ln below pro Wiled. 'Ill" HIIKIMtflflll bidder Will ll" H"- ipilri'il to fnnitxli ii fiillxf.H lory bond roinlitloimil Unit It" or lluy will faith f it II v ni ffiriil raid colli i ii I Tl iit'cptnrirn or bid III couill fliitii'l imoii llm pain of lln Intuitu of Mi" illKlrnl wlilrli nru now buliu: of fered for 11 ili Illi- Mllitlll III lll.i3t k n imi'i ."j ill" rlnht lo reji-rt nay or nil lijii. C. It. UKLA1'. Ki'Tiitnry Kl.iimitli Oi.'iIiiiikh DUlrli'.t ol Klunuitli t'ouuty, Oricon. S I ". urn ' lll iniTMIAT AM) 'lit lllllllCUM ve'iici: tvl.iinalli Cnuiil). (Ih'I'mi Real'il iropni.iln Will h" rerelteil ,ll Illi IllllCe of the lOllllly clerk of Klnimtth County. Oie , until 2 oVImk I p lit Sept 10, 1022 for tlm (omttruc j linn 'f a iniiiit) roml liecmulm; at n point m ar Hie center of Sec. it, T :: t H h i W M anil extcmliiiK In ri. I n.irih weih'rlv illreitlon to u hi'illl invr llii filler of the Ni:1', of S ', of S. i 21. T S" S II 7 i:. W. M Tin" work rmnlMH of the cluarlnt: t unir n luei of apprnxluiati ly 13 IIIII-k "f lied ImnhillK III" i'X r:,..ti'u of nnliroxlin.itely rr.,0(lil ru in .iril ol material mainly ciirth. Th work l ilhliled Into two hi li ilule. nnd hlililem may mitunlt hlili nn eltlier one or both hdii'dllUn nn tlmy may ileiilre, - I'larni and nii"clfc,iil(in r,VrniltK , fniiHtriHllou ore on file at the nfrice of ih" i mini) Kimeynr of Kl.lln.itll j County - ; Inch proponal iniiHt he accnnipan-, led hy a lerllflnl check or J-do.nn lor culi mlieiliilo hid an n Ruanuitri Hint the Milder will. If oiircustfiil.l pinmplly exiiiil" u n.itlsf.icioiy con trail mid fiiriiluli homl us h law rc U ii I red. f llld.1 to lm openel Sept HI, 1922 at Km luiur of 2 o'i lock p in. Tim coiiuly inurt reierven tlm rlclit in reject, nny or all ac cept any Mlif'duln or coiuhlno the KCicdti!c nit tlm iuterent'of Klumnth i county imiy reijuiro, Klamntli Tall. Ore. Sept fi. 1022. Hy order of the Counly Court. r It DeLAF. County Clerk 7-lrt Inr INDIAN I..WI) fl.i: Thuiu .'lll be a public pale of al lolled nn.l Inherited Indian lamln at Klamntli Amniy. OreKou. i ,i ()rtol her 20, 1'I22. ThlH K.ile lurludeM III-! lotmcnlK ratiKliiK In appraised nlueiil front Jinn nn to $s,ou.iiu for HloJ acreH, nnr.lstliu; of Kr.izliiK. iiKrlrul-' t u nil. reclaimed Bwnmp lunds mid, timbered lands Full particular j ran ho had hy wrltlui; to nr callliiK, upon llm niipeiluteudenli Klaiualh. Ai:nncy. On koii Aim 21.2.1 iift Sept il.ri.2U.27, Oct 4. II IS Got remits by uslnc class ails. EVERETT TRUE NOW, fVlrt.TrUle, HAVEN'T rCN AG,-2. To QGT IUCH TATA' ON TIHAT IMTteR. fVjH'iT LlTtce TATA X XlO Get K)S OV NO (HlORTsMCS. 6UC MOST HVC fteRi: T5atn iDcrorcc -proceed rJG. smith COOL-DN'T QlVG M6 J THINK vJlilMKINS rW-l Me rMs my TATA - WiVi Tvrr! raO'lS HCAti-D THAT tOOR.0 eIMO NOVAJ cgt en: njo Hunt vjp je.Nt.lrs or t3u'c- Quc&e.R tis 3eiL III "S ATA" IV. T)ATA VM p MAPXrfWWtt ik i iihW CLASSIFIED ADS MISCELLANEOUS 'Oil HAI.i: Hnfi llrilHN tl NV it HI ! Iiiiiulro HIiiiii nl An 12-1.1 I.O.HT liook flio. -CnrrliT No r, rollTlloti IMi'ii" ri'lnrri to lli-riilil of I2tf ('iihIoiii Hmurliir, arid Curdliu: Hrntirltii: Or, CiinlltiK -" per pound Ship your wool in Cresi'i'iit ll.ilt ' u "'"I'lllir 0. tr millafmlory worli j K'rmui'iu Halt A limlillui; -'. Htny- uiri, wri'Kiin, i " i WANTIII) Olrl or woiniin lo lu-lp ultli lioiiHcworlt for fnuilly of ff" (nil WiW, 12-1 1 LOST In P'ihi ofriic, ropy or nn iii:rri'iii"lil. Mlilrc'MBcil in II. M llri:mi'K, riioim liiTlt. l'J-1 1 HADIII.i: A.S'I) I'ACK IIOILSKK -$1.r,n per ilny IIiiiiIIiik purtliiH Inl.i'ii mi)wlicro In Hi" inoiitituInN, by ii mini who known Dm inoiiiitaliiR. I.iiiulr" (Iriint I'iiniIi. WutupliT Imiil Imk. J 2-1 8- r.wi iitirr AiiuIIkt iarlo.iil fruit will lm In1 I'rlil.iy moriilni:. Wufh for ml for irlri'. A ('. fSlPini-r, 2:'0 Muln St. 12-18 I -. , A ro HLK- llaby mrrlaco r.ooil I'hono 12tr '.oilllllnii ollU vi-ry rlipiu. llH .('OilIK Sfttilli! Wien iIh irintti K" flying Boutli Ihuy Iiuvd my Myiiipatliy. 'limy umnoj run a Ultl" ml Ami rent Hioir tiPitn. you n't; Ami l;uv" tlftf liimni hrlllt; III ea It Svlillo tlmy nri' noun. Ilk" me 1 '- Hie1 1.1 I'Olt RAI.i:-C(in,l ummI Doilii" lour liiB i-ari, 1 Oiklmul Six. 1921 I Ono Ton Kon I Truck, '19 I Kuril ToiirlnK, 2 I Hen Speed WllKon, '20 1 Doilen IIiik 1 Doilim KouiIhIit Th" nliovii mm urn priced to Sell.' For prlieM mill tetniR m- II. S. W.ikafJeU. Central (l.irace H-12 KOU SA1.L-New winter coat. A li.irKnln If nM ni once Calliit Sliuplii'ril A Soiin 21" Muln St. I'lionc i MIJ. 11-11 WANTia) Kxpcricred rimip cnolT wlKhen poiltlon Mr. i:. J John unn. ATcmlo hotel 11-13 WANTL'D Outho.ird minor, cash for linrcaln. Hox W Herald ofrfce. 11-13 C.Io that nueAzliif ulncrlpllon to Mrs. Kronch, I'tinmi 327J. 11-1.1 WANTiai Cashlnr and clerk Mum Apply ho able to take dlit.itlon between 9 and 10 it m Tel. k Tel. Co. WANTKU I or C-rnuni funilshcd house. Ilox 1.1I Ileralil office. 11-13 WANTKI) Men und women for box factory work. Apply office of IllK 1 Lakes llox Co 2ltf FOItCia) SALK 0 biilldlnr. lot, buy one, 1 free Snnp. Sco Dick, Kaclc Fool hall. 9-11 I'Oll lti:.'T 2-room npt . hath, lint nnd cold water, steam heat, partly i furnished Swaimou llldj;. 0-12 FOU UCNT Iledroom S2I I'lum Rt. with bath., 9-12 KOU IIF.NTTwo Kent reasouuhle. furnished npts. r,.s Main St. 0-12 KOU SALi:--12. white LcRliorn hens. O. A. C. ntrnln, J'ercy Dix on, Men 111 road. S-H : KOU HAI.i: Twin cart, cnml rondl I lion Call 199W. 9-12 By CONDO iNY ATA T u-. CJOME fiA, AUV F 'Pi-ka"1. CDat"J 3oMei3opV U5S vovj ASU3S rr 11 WW WMM, Ml tfii I I'OK HAI.i; (Imiill filrniflu"! Iioiirc niul Int. vonilnlii'il, curaKi' Will i;IV" ri'iiHotmlilf ipriim 2M"i Appli'- Ciil" Ave .Mill Ail.l (nil afdir '', i i in 0-1 ', , rou hunt or plioim ' lloiino 8IJM. Hoiilli Sill Kl D-12 WANTKI) -rook on ranrli, nix nii'ti t llox 101, Kliunnlli rnlU. 0-12 Will tho jiitboh who plrliKil up tlic wooil fork ol thu Klrunalh (IcniTnl Ilimplltil plffiH" I'hor.i) r,2'W niul t will Rltnlly pay for trouble ' C. II lirovii. a-12 I'Olt SALIJ--I'onl Coiirx Owner lenilriK town. Inrjiilre Ifouilil of flro. 8lf I'Olt HAM-0r v.wilil Irnilo for lllllit IriRk or Aiiloinrihll". Blx IhmiI of linrr."fl, linrnMuml fnrmlirK lm-, I'linienln. (Jul I 10.'! I llli;Ii htreet. ' I'hono r.S2Il. T-13 VII1 pluniH il"lhereil Klamntli roiinly, fl.C." ier 20 II. rnt" ('. O. Ii. I.lo) iI'h (finli nliire, Lnl:ovliiw, Oro. 2-1 1 noi si: FOR IlKNT I'arlly fiirnlulieil. Ill Mlrh. Ao 1I-13 Work (Jlrnei for IM5. Itli St., Jiihi off Main. Jack I'roit. 11-1.1 WANTKI) Teaijmtorii. Men fmnl- llnr with rlihrlnx fremio linlilnni inn iHlMirem. (iooil rar.lpi. IntiK Joli Wiiki dollars. Hit, hi limir. Ap- plr llll Conttri 'tlo;i en., l orl, Kintn- fillip t: li-n. rou iiknt npartfr.rm 212W. 2-roniii furnlKlii'il ll'i T.'litli U I'liom ntr FOU SALi: I will ne nt private, nolo at Illy. Ore . oi S"pt. 2.. iilxly hU;h Rr.ido Jemny ht'lfern from 8omo or tlm IKWI in rim in toon hi. i or i particular:! nddromi I'. J. Camdiper, Illy. Ore fi-20' FOU SALi: HiirrmiKlm Fleclrlci hookkeeplnt; nnd ailillnc maililim Cost I'MJII. Our nrlco S3o Clur- Iry' I'lace. enr fith &. Klamath. 31-tr QFIi:T TIOOMS liath fi phone. !n Walnut. 2 lilockn from I'. O. 3(ltf A SAFE TEST For llioso who -ire in used of n remeil) for kidney trouble and , backache. It in a kooiI plan to try , Dintn'x Klilimy I'llln. They nro itronc-' ly reco?nmcmled hy Klamath Faiu! Isolde Ask your ni'lKhhor' 1 II S Wlliion. chief of police. S17' Main St., KU-niith Kalln. nays: "My' wiflirleimi with Doan Kidney I'lIM' han proM'ti hatlufnctory and 1 Kindly I recommend I 'funs to an) one 1 had rheumatic pains In my .feet which were painful but fhn boxes of poan'n Ividuoy I'llNnirt'd me of the trouble' The l'ae. nnd since tjteii 1 havoji't had rhouiuii-11-13 tic pains or any pymploimi of kidney disorder (Statement gluii March 11. 191U). On March IS. 1020. Mr Wllnon ald. "! have had no lisn of kidney complaint since Ooip'o Kidney Fills curod iijc'ho I am nhfojn ready to say a kuoiI word for Doan'a," Price fioc. nr nil dnnlnr., Ilnn'l simply uslt for u klilnoy remedy km j Doan i Kidney nil. llm name that Mr. Wilton had Fonter-Mllburn Co Men.. Ilurfnlo. N Y ItKMONAL NOIICi: I A A. Ilellman i Co llne nioioil to a temporary ligation III tho lobby nf llio Cintrul Hotel wheru thoy will continue to transact a Keueral real ebiato business until they luno no cured a permanent location. 7-13 Charlotte Huntley. I'lmio nml Kxpies'-lim. Voiiliursitin mnl Xebi-ikn I nheislilis. Sl Si'non ullli l.liemu mnl Cli:iill.iuiti;i. diioll 'Jo:: lutein Aptv z KLAMATH POST No. 8, American Legion meets Si -' Pf?vV. Jir,2f In the basement ot the ow courthouse on Mulu 'riKSrS Street on tho first and third Tuesdaja ot month. Kx-servico man arc lurlted lo at lend tho mooting. Dr Krod Westerfold. Commander. II. i:. Oetz, 1'ost Adjutant and tie ttef and Umploymeut commlttoo. DR. H.( J. WINTERS Grniliiale and State Rrglstcrrd OPTICIAN Nineteen years horo In basinets We grind and fit Glasses Duplicate, broken Glasses Prompt Service Itett Equipped Optical Store lu Southern Oregon 714 Main Street Closing Out the Entire Stock of Grocery A) 1 educed pi Ices also all f Klines nml llio store liiilldlm: till) Main St. Cull nml hep our low pi hen. Sale Mails Stiiiuil.iy, Sept. 2. Schubert Grocery t NU BONE CORSETS Made tit Your Mchmuu (iu.irmitccd Mrs. Rose Randall SSI Jeff ei son SI. I'hono U77-W "r , rOUA WORK Leaye Your'Filttvs More 3 OclocK-Your A.f. Pictures am I Aa. ilA j ! 9k. . 1 Bl kSjsSSB Www TWe . K .aiviATH vai i o npp.nnw rMW V vHcrec PAnncuLAn peoplc U7l nsrTn buy thcir drugs tadsLIWvi . DR. J. G. GOBLE OPTOMimilHT OITICIAJI 7IIIJ Main ill. I'bin.r IA.1-W Vi, fit ami Krlnd glano, Dupll eln L roll on Iiiiik j, ropalr frtrurn. S. CROUCH, D.V.M. Vftrrlnary SurKron U.IH .V. (illi St. I'lioiif IHH-.I DR. C. A. RAMBO Dentist I. O. O. V. tltilldlmj eiioxu oi t FRCD VESTERFELD Dentist I'hiino -irtl-W X-UA' LAIlOItATOIUlCS lomlii IthU. Klmn.ith l'U . CHIROPRACTORS mis, M.M.Lirrr At jiaixitit Offlro mrr L'mlerMOOil'n Till &. ."M.ilu l'liimp 530-J NEW CUT LAUNDRYl Fin Mini Work Flat Wnric Kniicli Dry "1'ul Tour IlmU In Our Hud IMIOXi: IrVI Corner Miln ami Codkw Kodak laI.M .ktf....,4 m. iiiiis inciiEU uw.uiv: f Ready the same day at 5 P. M. Mall onlcrs filled promptly STAR DRUG CO. i Silt. & Main Sti. . . . Klamath PaltV,' Or. W. E. & J. E. Patterson coxTitAcrixa IMIXTUtH I'uliits. Oils ami Vnrnlih U3U S. Slvtli St., Klumatli KalU 1'lione 582-J from U lo S:80 o.w moiVt .n)wheie nt Anjlline" RECKARD AUTO SERVICE IIS X. llth SI. I'linne Guide and Taxidermist with Pack Train for extended hunting trips, also launches and boats for duck hunters and fishermen. Ao J. Vollman ODESSA Phone Ft. Don't fail to roid the . . 6 y . 11 racly af S-i AV "T'B H.. A -. A.'Si vm iHflLY DR. F. R- GOOpARD osrr.i'OATino i'li'VHiciAir AM) HUIWIKOX OffKr unit Hiv-liK-nr HIiom Ml I. O. O. V. IKXJ'Lfi KlnmAth Falls PlArikJaf & Heating Co. .1. H. LAOISO.V, 1'rop. Illi A Pine KL I'l.mono RIS-R' J. C CLEGHORN C'inii RVOI.VKKK AM) HUllVKYOB I'lmi.,, vzi uw tt'hlimUfc Diamonds, Gold Bought Kcliabic Estimates i Q. GRAMER-r.,' i'ortland, Orn. 713 Kolllns IlUc y J. O. O. F. m I'roniH'rliy llchcknli, llt4: monk) I'lmt ami llilnl TburMlaya j Itaaiinn r.ncnnipiiicnt '48, MftSS null Tuesday j KUmatli IjmiIso 1.17; meet mI Friday Whcn You Have Clothes Dirty It you will call the Klamath Hand Laundry 119 South 9th St. I'hono 673-1 Ther will waali, darn, Iron as4 return to youi i- Finishing 1as.-m O A nn il i Richtcr's Boardinf House 1010-1021 Main fltrect. I'ormerly known us th.6 Stater house. DlnlnK room U reofea eil under new iiianaRnMnt. (imnI clean rooms and board, SD.r.o n neck. SliiRla aaeala S0o. ..Cilckcn dinner erery Sunday. Table Hoard Home Cooking t Chas. Richter, Manager FURNACES'' .Ao llm Wctern'nad Col onial fiiiuaie'N, in both piped nnd plpelers. Ilotli lime olilong fire boxes ami mo of tho bent con kliiutlon. Let us hlmw Iheai to jnu. L. N. HAINES, "' 102:1 .Main SI. , Klamath Tl'"lf fL'mr Isf TAXIDERMIST ' ifpOf1 FURRIERS AND TANNERS Fun cleaned nr remodeled for fall mm. Oll-tnuiiod buckskin, uluo buckskin, shirts, gloves, and mittens. Taxidermy "work In nil blanches. All wool dilators, mMp and A.itr.,.-. twi miuu ..In Ini. baIa.' ..l.ftu,,. buu, , lib- U.V., v. v...... Au SHEPHERD & SOr, K t . 210 Main St., Box 104, f ' Klamath Falls, Xkjp, i .Herald CUmUM M4f .( i K 'l t i sniktuv. v-l-vtf v mm