This White Mule Has a Kick Hi 'y '! iiiiii ii i ii. i i t9XW lis i't'i: vuiivv ro mvr wiHiK in .M(mo.vvi;yii (ClMlllllllOll mill PilRQ 1 ), 3 OrnWoM Webb ! htuinifl llii upiitntton n rlmmplmi, rf rw Vmk noriciy win it she defeated .Minn Mantum 1'nli.r, 'rl,,iiwnf ti fiiveiiKu- of Now York, In tli.i nimuil iniilo tnc at tho dli 1 c" Count) Pair. Hir white mute luul thv nccuwiry kick tn wM. Every Piece bcaiv? Hie label plainly printed and what it s-ayn i.s "KLAMATH" and what il means i.s that the cheese .so lalHed U the Best Cheese Possible to Produce ami it's made right hero in Klamath county of honu products by home people. ' When yon order cheese he sure to make it und'-r-ttooiMliat you want Klamath Cheese Made by 4 Malin. Cheese k Produce Co. t JoiiMt, lull wllli a certain Jealousy! y imicriy runout tlio illspofilllnii of ii"iniliirii mill f'f)iirfHftiiif'ii ami pri vate elllri'iiN In other Mlutcn Join- ' lug In IIki liimljantliiK "f Lodge. To ' n i Lodu.n In mi Institution, u tmrrt- I uiiu'iit, a local ilolty nciialnr for tlilrly yeais, iih puiiumiciit an llui ! ni'iiilli Hock. , National liiiorrM Ik creator In tlio Maviifhiisutu rii'hi than In any nth it political Mlriiriilo of tint year, par lliiilnrly licdiiisu Lodge In regarded, In liln capacity an clinlriimn of tlio minute louuiilttco on foreign relation 1 ami IiIn leadership or tlio tjr.Ul 'iigalimt former Pp-iildiiil Wilson ami 1 1 lie league of nations -as the nrcli i I'lmniy of tint ilcinorrnllc party. I Hope for Defeat i I uomorraia in .Miianat ihiki'Uh atiu llm I fill ''tl Btat"i gcnurally nro pray miik for tlio dcfiul of Lodgo In Ills 'Mth reuatorlal fight lint llioy are I gloomily aiirliciiilliii: no .earth quakes. O'llalnly nono at llio prlinar lex. ami pioh.ilily none in November. Muioit ntii ksi.n ii;ma.m Approximately V2r.ii,iMin,on(i will bo spent III llio I'lllted Mates t III r; J ear, for 2'i0 iiO inolor t ruck'i of all sires 'llio tost for uiiiltiluianio and upkeep In enluniitecl to ho $7C0,U00,- oon .lwk.-os ror.vrv r.uii Malin, Oregon Wholesale Distributors r Mason, Erhman & Co. 4 I I (I Klamath Kails, Ore. r f ij Tlio .lacUrfiiii County fair opuiin at Miilforil loifiorrovy ftml slll C(ijtlnui; lliroiiKli (ln work, mhIIiik Kallirilny nlt'.ht, i:cry offort hit h Immmi inailo lo iiinko tliU llir Ul;ei'rit fair, othi-r (lian Hid Hlato l'alti,of rlllirr Orc i:on or Cnlifornln ' Olio liiimlrcil 'ilclitii.'a nrrcH o( lainl lia Iiim'ii piin IihuimI ami pcr , iiunoiit liiilIdliiUR nio IiuIiik oructoil, many of iIikiii liclm; roinpluti'il for ilili )iar'n fair 0ir IBu.oon In lie I ii k wpoiit tliU practically all t for pciiiiait'jnl linproHMnciitM. A inllo ami ono-i'liilitli auto raco ' tr.irk pi'toinpli'ti'il mill thcro will lie 'unto rad'it rarh aftornoun. Motor iflc polo ami iiintorrydo races are ll.lll) fiMiurch I Tlio Iioxiiik niatcli Tlmrnday nlclit I ..! .1. ....... .1 tm..... .1 .11.. HI lliin minim lllilll IMU iiiwi.t uin- .. . -. ta ... ...... .-,. - ..,..1 ii... -,..,. ,,,! Mr ami Mm. II. W. Ilcnilcmon re -.... --. T"' "" -- - - ft fir cunt ni Ji.iKuvIow hocaUho of I (hi) iiirt'lhiK of lloti Itrowii, micu Personal Mention it Minn Claudia Hulnk laft for Han Kranrlncri III In iiiornltiK oxpnclliiR to viillt with frlumlH tlioro for tlio next two wookn. Jolin II, Ifom and Howry Horn worn county ooftl vlllori hero thla week from their ranch near Ho iinnzn. , A. J. llourdnKo arrived here la it nlclit from Dtilntli, Mlnncootn, and In utoDplnr. al tlio White I'ollcarf hotel, Mm. l."flllo ItOKorif an nhlo to lie out yesterday' for Clin first tlmo In many day, havlnc been confined to her homo on 1'aclflc Tcrrncp by a aevere attack of appendicitis. Clnudn DaKRCtt was a pawienKer on tlio morning train bound 'or Weed wlurn ho will attend to mat torn of IiukIuchh. Ho cxpectit to re turn within tlio next two or llirro dan. Keniielb I'erry In at the Klam ath agency thU week on liuxlnvnn connected with the beetle control luoject. William Bch returned from there yentcrday where he had hern employed on the same work Mr. and Mm. Will Worden nr-' rlted lant nlRlit from Portland to attend . the- funeral of Mm. Wor den'n mother, Mm. W. C. Mcnnncr, who nuccumbed to heart fallurn Sunday. tAVSAAAK VMNWAWVMMM'.W' Mr and Mm. Claude Cosebooiu nod two Hinnll dauKhtcm. Hetty and llarliarn, wilt lf(we hero tomorrow moraine In tbclr car, rcturiiliiK to .Modesto, after u brief visit -here uith frlcndn und relatives. Mm. Theresa M., Castner. wor thy urand matron of tlic Kastern IoiIro, w III arrive ticro on the afternoon ntKo from Wood Illvcr, OroKou. and wilt meet with mem birn of Alolia chapter No. 61 this ecnlnR al 7 30. Mr and MnI. Iloacland and llomincj n nparrJiiR p.irtncr, and Oor-ilDnMrKa)- I'arKJc Coast champion., 'Ilifiti1t He four prellmluarlen that I UVCiUlDR. I Saturday nlnlit the wroxtlliiK, mairii iiPtnecu tmcur uuiier oi rori- (lauiland llalpli Iraiiil, well knpnu In iloiilheru Orecon will bo the main at- S tract Inn." Ilutler ban bcru iln C3 I ntalihet nnd hrl Uut'oiik. The wrest- ' Icrn In tbln rnutcxt are coiiiIiir con- .ittinin fori. tlio llnhtwolabt. ebarn- IiIiiiikIiIp of the t.'nltnd SUtui. 12 J-I"'J. "" ti-r-v V'JiJirft7i.5.a.i.r-, Vh ... .t-.i, .;!.,. " 4,.- i' tt' n-r Tjir ' ' ' i ' 4I,J '" vy : ' ii - 5 H rt ZL- J- III 1 -, - r ? r-: m.-9 t turned lant nlcht from Ban Fran rlnco.licro tbey upcnt the past 10 days on a combined bulurn and plcanuro trip. TIiu return wok made Iby automobile. (icoryse Mather, a member or the office Htaff of tbo California Orqi Kon Power company, left tu hln ear UiIh morlnp for Ashland and OrantK l'oh Ufraejftllljjy.ljlt for a week with hlifiliitf"and olhor relative, nd(r!cgd.. ", " Clarcnco1 Montgomery wlflMnye": tomorrow inorainic lor torviin vrhero ho wilt make axranRenienta for his mother and brothers, who will , spend the winter Ihcrc. Clar-. enco onlew tho coIIcko to continue liltr educational work. VWWnMMMVMWMVWMMMHllMMrfLOf -..SMlXt.tfc KliAMATH kmmati:. KltKAM Ilcgulnr .IGc and 85 cents .Special 2.')c and COc Square Deal Drug Store 733 Main St. Phone 523 TOII.KT it. 1000 flhcot , ij, count rolls , ". 20c ,..2 fofMCc 1 frco with 6 W . For School Use Nolo ltookn 10c TablWw IOr I'onclln ..7 Ofc Kvcmlinrp We Hulers lc Pencil Iloxcs -.. 'Oc In 10c Kraaera 03c PraiiR Water Color 30c Pockct Knives fl.00 up Colored Crayona 13c (Hue 20c Panlf IOo Pencil Sharpener 10c Pen Points, 3 for 3n SelsHora 30c Fountain Pens 92.7.1 Drinking Cups SS3c Compans and Dividers 30r Water Color Cups 10c Special For Wednesday Only CHLOR-E-DENTA Tooth Paste Regular 50c SPECIAL for WEDNESDAY 35c For the Complexion Pond'a Van, Cream ...t-......Jt."5c Camclllno L Irme, Itolicrtlno , l.,.,...'..30e Crcmo Do Camella .T.r..,30c Orchard White .. 30c Lemon Cream B3c A. IX H. Almond. Cream Hantlscptlc Lotion ., 30c Hinds If Sc. A Cream 30e. Oriental Cream - fl.30 K. K. K. Cream !13o Grahams I.omon Soap ....10c Sanltol Cold Cream ...i, 30c Dr. Charles Flesh KoohI ,...(I0c Hazcllno Snow i 30c A. D. S. Mnssaeo Crcnai ....70c Armcnd Kaco Powder t .. 30c Mavis Kaco Powder AOc Violet Cream 30c Kspcy's Cream OOc CRATER LAKE .PICTURES . Colored truo' to Nature and framed. rc 1. k Special prlco , .'. 75c i PHOTO POST-CARDS " Of Klamath county sccncV, inrfuy different' vlewM to choose from, all high Brade ork. Uniformly priced at 3 rrnlit. SHAVING NEEDS ' .' Wo hare blades for all make's of razors,' All arc Ronulnc standard Quality and at popular' prices. vi ,y '. SHAVING SOAPS Colgate Cream ...'..'..(.. ColsatH Sticks ,. .... 'tMIMJkW , i i 1 ii STROP DRESSING Oenulnu Auto-Strap Specially priced ...... ... i. r .aoc "WMWMWWWWMWWWWWWWMNWWWWMWWWWWV W(W(WWWWWWWWWWWM MPHNT ON T NORNHL Let Us Give You the Benefit of Our Dominating Circulation Uo you want a job? Do you want an employee? o you want to- buy, sell or find something? so, telephone our "Classifiqd Ad" editor about it just watch ' Hie results. ' ' ' " 'l'he Evening Herald is read by over 10,000 every day and you e talking to every one of these people when you place an atUn our paper. ' v THE EVENING HERALD "COVERS THE KLAMATH. FIELD" Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Houston and Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Houston left in their ram Ihls mornliiR ou an cx; tended trip over the alloc. Their flrnl htop will bo at Crater lake and from ther0 they cxpoct to ro on to Ashland, Medford. nnd Port land. Miss Vera Thompson of tho Lib erty theatre left till morning for a short visit at Pelican Uay lodgo where alio will Join Miss Ucraldlno Willi. Mien McVeigh and Meanor Torroy. who have boon at tho lodeo ulnco Sunday. Tho young ladjea will re'turn the, latter part, of tho week. Mutt Obonchnln, son of Mr. and Mm, Frank Obenchaln of My, will arrlvo hero this week as ho ex pects to enter tlio local high nchool when school begins noxt Monday. Karncat McCollum after several day apcut hero with friends and relatives loft this morning for Cres cent, Oregon, where ho is employ ed In atuto highway survey work. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. Slough had as tbolr fc'ucata Monday, Mr. and Mm. 0.vll. Dowel! who ar0 touring tho coast from Ulsbcu, Arizona, where Dowell Is general manager of tho Queen Copper Mining com pany. Mr. aud Mrs. Slough and Mr. and Mrs. Dow oil wor nsbo. elated In school work In Eureka, Kansas, 25 years ago and had uot met slnco 'that tlmo. Mr. and Mri'. Dowell go from hero to Urltlsh Col umbia by way ot Crater lako, Port land and Seattle. t All 'Branches 'of Industry Show, Gains Durinjc, u , ' Past Month .'' Oraiita Puss to get $15,000 school building. qilllain county has lowest tax In stato based upon assessod or "full value," - Heppner Christians to build $13,- 407 church. ' i Salem 'Plans being made for gym naslirtn for Wlllumotto university, Illllsboro U. o'f o. to oroct two 10,000 buildings, i 0 8AN FRANCISCO. Sept. 12. Normal employment conditions throughout the Pacini ''Coast 'ore noted by J. A. Kelly, San .Fran clco district dlroctor of the' em ployment service.. United States dp: partment of laboru In hls'roportffor tho month or August nude 'public here) today. Although there Is a alight general 'surptun of clerical help, according to 'Mr. Kelly, de mand ,for experienced agricultural, lumber, nnd building workers ex ceeds tho supply. An abstract of Mr. Kelly's re port on conditions In California, Oregon and Washington follews: "California AH branches of in dustry, excepting Iron and steel and railroad repairs at normal or above. Demand for agricultural workers and fruit pickers has absorbed all surplus labor. Canneries aro opcr- . ntlng to capacity and. affording eon I.,., u.-i ,;. r. .... . amuruuiu vuiiMuymcnt tu lumuiu workers. rThro,j a tleoUrtd for expcnenciu iuiuviiuuit uuu yunur construction worker. "OrugonEiipI6ylnenC- conditions havo reached normal.. Fishing, ber ry picking, canning', l&mbcrlng, log ging. con.s,tructloli aiid manufuctur Ing aro at high tldo, demanding all surplus labor. A, number' ot new Industrial plants havo bocn com plc'tcd und more lu cuurso of erec tion. ,1'runo "and -hop harvest- will demand moro holp than tho 'local supply. "Washington Shortage ot labor exists, ro a limited extent, In coast logging camps, harvest fields, agri cultural pursuits, building trades and In 'Alaska. Tboro Is a surplus of clerical help. Forest fires and transportation havo caused tempor ary suspension in several logging camps. Construction ot bulldlnge, hlgbwuys, municipal improvements and dock facilities continues. All industries aro practically norm .1. Tho fruit sections will require hun dreds ot outside workers boglunlig tho mlddlo ot Septembor." $3,000,000 Gold Output, Grass Valley NOTICE TO IUDDKIIS Notice Is hereby givo that scaled proposals will bo . received by the County Court of Klamath County, Oregon for tho construction of tho County road near Ady, Oregon, ac- coruing jio. tnojpuns aniij apctyfioa tlons on ,fjlpat,,tJo. offjee. .of ,tbo. County 'urtoyor of Klamath County., a proposals win do reccivca up is hoar 0f,'J,6'cltfCk1W'm.o,,ta"lhc f6onof,8eptm'UerWJIth 155.- Sald to' tho nfterrfocm atthVofnco'oMh-CoiWtViCrfc6r. 'said Coutoir.-""'-'- r 5o rii.'iJttt: Tbo proposal acsl uotaeoMnVaMcsl bj,". Tccrtificd. checkjaBicninUAg .Ia .00.00. juld.chefk io,j.biWa4o .pa- auip, 10 v-,fi. 4Jiap, vpnau liiexxas, a' guaraiity, thit' rte, bloacr ill.'l. successful! romnttv'cxoicute' a iatia- M,- I'K!'. "' ' ' 'I 2Tl'I The-sn68ul"3liiaeHvfi!! bore-'' quiri'u loacpuu-H naxiBiBciory oonu in'the- amount tf0 fMrntl tbw contract price da dstcnutaesl byi'hbr bldt lhfcs.pojdfccia4ltknetitB ha or, they,wllbfaltUfuily,pfirrornj saldiPon iriKi. . j fii mid ,, t i it". lUUs to bo opened September. HUu 932, at tho hour of 2 cfclock' p' ni. .The County, Court of Klaraifb 1 if Kl Countr Tescves'thorreht tor Tcldct any or all bids, to kceopt-any'scHe, dulc or both schedule 'bids as tire interest of Klamath County may re quire i Didders may submit tbclr own combination plan for borrow pit and road section, tho samo to accompany tho unit bid on samo. C. R. DEL.AP, County Clerk. 8 12-15 Inc. SATISFIED CUSTOMERS .v Til ?!rr r.i n .iln!ifi n .ft& tWn6Sst.vjrS:?JI;lj.. ntlona como fromour sails- fin! customers. ' U'i ;l'M,siito:rV,,'"i.:- taxes 'in- onr -opiioi"iwonc Hdd -wUim ewD IWol.4aiy4 .)Xorrct) oftjd!!rrofr; "i'TUat-''Wali''V(tlUt thM- who get tbclr tot nXlafiui MArj-iorttffMlflisa La i, ii' 'tuliZn cl.v !jaJn u. VA mtux- GradnaterOtnicitsVnuvMxc -. . ... Tl A MMiH' IIMI! f!tU.l i! n aio'sjinfrtliT U,W?.t.i,!?q,0.Uro OIIA83 VA1.LKV. Cal Sept. 12. Tho output ot gold mines in this section will total In value f S',000,000 this yoar. Recent dovolopmont work, has opeuod up ore bodies which en gineers doclaro will Insure an output worth several million dollars each year (or tho noxt half 'century. IlKMOVAIi XOTICK A. A. Dcllman Co. havo moved to a temporary location In tho lobby of tbo Central Hotel where they will conllnuo to transact a general real estate buslnoss until they havo so- cured a permanent location. 7-13 S" ir itur il li our . own lenses, Tl hi--.CI TREES xilM ROSE BUSHES BULBS Order them mow, for fall delivery. KlaaalkFIowcrSlwp Cut Flowers Plants Phoni 68 134 Maln"Bt. t'i i r ELBERTA PEACHES Large Select Poaches i $1.10 Medium Select Peaches ....7...'....,.. 1.00 Small Select Peaches ?,..,?. 90 Bartlett Pears, per box I.. 2.25 Lai-ge Cantaloupes ...y 8 for .25 Medium Cantaloupes .'. ; 4 for .25 Small Cantaloupes 5 for .25 General Variety Plums Egg Plant, each 15 Get your Fresh Vegetables Daily from our Water Fountain PUBLIC MARKET 126 N. Sixth St Phone 160-W I rV j' ;iv