.Vtftf r f7W it'll V- A V 'A , 15" irftk ?. .. i,r. iiutti-i . j .waw-t iVii,jV'' "' T . 4 LFm: jii. '? irs.-,, ( f U.rtv u J . lit ii A i ir ' f lidkfel I'M Aft as ' MMMMMiMMaaMMMaiaa lltfETtfctofMcraM , r V BBBL- ! iVHrMMT fSSSSSSSSSSSSBf g) M'Mi 'aJBgyjtgi-atA aSAagiadafc yjH VM.'MH'nUiikki CMnMr or PE KlSaiuyjii. t lit Eighth HTMt. Ik9HI rJHt UM fMMSMit KUa Bflasfll MfMTtM aiaUa m aMM4eUM I ggggH mMmr ,J,J fi lggggH THE EVENING HKHaLD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, WEI'TICMfWn Ii, IftM. sWNMkV alaM wararW 'VM?'',11 Jf fSSi "W?0 to aiaiaanra- wlmteaaa'arWltM auarwtaa eail la fNN tk 'latal aewa j flM ft ' itV -L THKlTOVEy- , , (IMfar Mall Trrbaae) CALIFORNIA ha three Ubm ai MUr people per square mile aa Oncost. fW.sblngton hai two and ,WMl U matter? Oregon Ii old er ikm.uhlaftn aad almoat u oMaa'panfarnla. Oregoa has equal raMarevaad la many war a better cUaMrta.-fi aaleadld mean between tha' tea-much-raln to the north aad taa-saaah-oa ta tbe 'South. - War ,One Year of Republican Rule Shows Tremendous Savings Reduction of Over Billion in Public Debt and Nearly Two Billiona in Public Espensea Congress CuU , Budget Requests. r. . aKrauRTTia: niu. u. woon iinpi ANA), MBMHKR nr HOVSK COMMITTKa on ArrnorauTioNit President Hardlag took oBce on March 1, till.' The Brat complete teal year of governmet business aader hU admtntttratloa began on July , 1I1, and doted on June 10, 1913. The Budget Bureau wa created rn June, 1931, practically duc'tlona lb appropriation and till mate made a moit gratltylng reduc tion In the expenditure. The peak of ordinary expenditure wa reached m the fiical year 11. 118. 514, 000. 000. The drop to the ncat year 1930 I most ettraordlnary, the total toi twa-.fMtfk taaat ,atet? .Taaea are-ar amber or aaawert. Sfit'afa laiaartaat oae la tbla: The aagla af Oregon hare aerer worked tfiaather aa hare the people of Waih lahaaa aad California, for the tbal aaaw aereteaaieBi or taeir UU. Tbirw bare aeaa aaeradheffarta, bai taafM aay aUte-wlde. aaited eHort. A4i'laa4d(Uaa there baa beam ae eaaeartag" afart ta pat aawa the Mg-aaleed a4ftleat experimenter. tin ttjaa af yaHtlcal gealu. that al waya.waata to try aeawtblng aew. At tfca eaatlag fall election for ei aaiate, there are' the aaal crop of vtieVara eMaUtattaaal aaiead aieato. Oae waaM Introdace Slagle tat, aad eeara erery baataeaa aiaa' la ta eeaatry away froaa the etata. Am- atbal; waaM ream very ariraie aad aeaael from ihe etata, la iaaea aad deetroyla tbtme. ieiton worth af Pfaariy.-T- tao other fltau la the uaioa teb aaotber nlaarar Preelaaat, etarted through the Budget Bureau aad with the coopera tion af the heade ot department and ether admlalttratlte oHcer. the or dinary asaeadlture for 1933 actual ly aaioaat to 13.795,000,000, a re duction 'of $755,000,000 from the cure aubmUted by the department at the beginning of the aacal year. The Iret badge! abmlttd in De- eeuber, ladlcafed adeacit tor ihlt AM.A MliAmS aam HAft AAA . aakf 4reaa-frava like the other f aneeaatral the ewarta" oflba adattal- aiaialtaaeoudy with (he commence-1 that year being tM03,000,000. For meat ot the flecal year. The nil-1 the flacal year 1931 a further recea mated eipendlture tentatively tub- tlon brought the total down to 5, mltted by the.rarloat department 115,937,119. For the tltcal year for the aacal year 1933 aggregated 1933 the total, ae heretofore dated, I,550,00;000. The operation ot came down to $3,795,000,000. Thli that iaeal year hare Jut cloted. By um Include $433,000,000 ot public the application of preeeur by the, debt retirement chargeable to onll .gmaUyaeAri: 'yre4Vrtloai are the yard ntld af aaataaitufe. Tne enforced re ;u ), ,ii etBiair I imM tMjttr fpanaw ra wwim aaa a laarxa M,aU' i (MBto of lacaaaa taxe fjriil.nrPnnn 11111 atpaa gjMtU. ylaar bill ta the opta- If vIH f IIK ' JaBBBBalBBHSBBBaaBVAtlBaBia iBaBBBapaaBBBaBBBBaBBBBaMarMAauit "'5'PaaiWPfipBmlaT vf1fBViaTnlVniwff"a ajaM,taMaaig a, ifcg itgtg Aai, DQilllllP'TlllM CL T v3,frHf?4iitiivsiimk ,rniuiiiiJ4 iiia. iii r t . . . . v nary receipt and ihould he ellml nated from the $3,795,000,000 In or- der to obtalu a figure comparable to expenditure figure for the fltcal year 1919, 1930 and 1931. The 1933 expenditure, therefore, eiclu lve of public debt retirement, are $I.373.C07,I99. The reduction ot 1933 under 1930 I $3,030,000,000 and the reduction ot 1933 under 1931 I $1,743,319,789. Evidence' ct'the value ot' the cen tralisation of Poagreeiloaat reipotul bttlty In connection with the 'public appropriation I furnUhed in the fact that Congrett appropriated tor 1433 $313,173,393 lei than the budget Bureau requeited. In other words; although frequently charged with being the tpendtbrlft branch ol the government. In point ot fact the Congreet appropriated seven per cent, lea than the budget eetlmate aiked for. The people of the United States have juit reason to be proud of the financial record of this admlnUtra tlon. While other countries are struggling with huge deficits In their budget and are burdened with enor moni laxci and taerlnr nuhllt ReaBbcaWre4aWtaaf the Demaiid.bt. the. United States has shown a VJV?.F.8Sln ' . "' J rfo- -- ....v. ., ... -n-"- ?..... ,.. ., ...... . Hfl Bl iih vaiiir iiiiir ccuniiuuru most gratifying reduction1 In its pub lie debt. ' Tf- Pcrjooil Mention Mm. I,. F. Wllllts loft thin morn ing for Talent, Oregon, to vlilt for n whlln with friend ntul rolntlvi'e. C. A, and It. II, Itayileit are bttt no.in visitor hero from lloud, Tlmy nr aLthev Whlln IVIIrnn hole!. A, jRIMnitf,'pr KviKoni), OroKon, It tnii0ng ut tho Wlillo lltrnn hotel tMWk.;,', j ." Mr. Nettlo d'.lllit lore on tlm train this morhlnir at PetMiiina Oiilltnr- nla, ,where she w'; visit with her Jn!".baT.bm ta JioWncown ataaaawarea sai enaehbryeree la at tasted by Ihe fact that laatead af a delclt there waa a surplus forj we year or i.ooo,ooo. . Tha'taUl public debt of the United State, aa Jane 3$, 1931. one year aga, wa.$3J.977.O0Ol0. This u had baaairedttted on Juas SO. lasai ta' $i$-.9$l'.00.9. k reductoa ot fi.oit.oeo.ooo. The policy of the administration has aeaa a return to normal coadl ttaaa la public axpeadltaree. flow welt t hie ha beea accomplished I amply resetted by a glance at the ex penditure flgurea of preceding year. The Republican party gained con trol of Ihe Congress In the elections af 1911 aad came into power la Con gress ea March 4. 1919. " Darlaar the period the administra tis was Democratic aad tba Coagreea NEW TODAY tttfMftra SftaWaUaSI U la aethbtfaJrWEetvery sute tla la racaat iraara. baa artists. a Btiillarai'taAae-bVrsVat.' bmbIc erelpiteBt:fi Oalr-'tble r'tkeiailASartsnatar It umhiuu mWacetV.'iici tier; VrV.s a. time warn Oregon aeeded aew set- Uera mora, whea the state waa la a betterpoeltloa to uke care of them. aw im rwiy maae a geaaue com aieretal aad Industrial advaaceateat. tOf eaarae meat of tha hair baked aseaaarea wlH be aVedtea. They abaU be. Bat there la always the aaaaar that merely by tha law of efcaiaee. aaa ar'aiara will aa throuah Asta aapital laeklag far Investaseat U pasHleilarly appreheaslve aa'd easily. aaMwa tea easily, alarmed. Nathlat woald do Oregoa more aaoi tbaa u" aroused aabltc oaln- Uk against aelltleal experlmeaUtl'on, agea'eral;e1ternlaatlofl on tha part , ruvwm ( snow aaaer wiin tbjalr ratea aay untried political In- aavaflaa; wlh always promtaeto arias the mlllenlum and never does arias aaythlag but laereaaed taxes aael general confusion. Oaly br re peatad failure will1 ihe growing ten 4aey ta make Oregon the goat be febaeka4 aad finally shelved . Aa eaeellfBt rule for the arerage Tatar as he aeans the ballot this year wsjt, therefore, be "When la doubt, rata' ae.". That la to aay, unless you aaieretaad ihe measure thoroughly, CMi baaw by actual peraonal know- kedaja'aad experience that It la a aleaauro that you want,-" take no caaaeee. hit it oa (he. bead. ; . ' HwgautificaUcm MITJBIlVnXE, Cal.. Sept. 11. A. Paervtil bank has posted efkprfaaa ,to et'lmulate greater latsreet'la the beautlfuying ptjraun trjf iBaasaa., Tha awards willlgo to Ue (arat baraaa members whose aaNalrr raatdeaeaa are kept most aeatlf with asaaclal referencn to the raaaala. .Te f ards. will be made a 'year haaea. 000 ' Car. aiMi Jnidu ProhiC4d is July, Lar-,, "HriaMaWlai - Y( v-i LODgjETtOTICjg saaitor BMatlag a Aloha chapter,, ft.i I. .' gu Taaaaar Baat. IS j.isVt.lh a$,i 0.Mf W'"MlwPr'!)f i waeeasae, w araar aauia wei 'H J" - - -f - NEW YORK. Sept. 11. The auto mobile Industry has sot another pro duction (record, l'asseager cars and tracks produced In July numbered approximately 346,000, which Is the largest July business and also the tlllTa largest month In the history of the ladastry, the record month hav IBS been June, 1933, with 359.000, aad thsaeand May. with 356,000.' fsThe July; record brings total pro duettealor the' year up to 1,403,000 and Indicates that 1933 will be tbe ladustry's greatest year unlets the railroad aad coattrlkee''sltuatlons, with their' effect on supplies of raw materials and general business, ex ert a serious curtailing influence' on manufacturing activities 'for the rest of the year. August production Is bound to fa' below Joe July record because of the natural midsummer decline In de mand, aad It may be still further affected by the coal scarcity which is rapidly approaching a crisis In Iho Detroit district. Sc far fuel shortage has not curtailed manufacturing, but supplies on band are being rapidly depleted and prospects are noi bright for replenishment unless there Is a sadden turn In tbe Detroit situation. Ford, for Instance, is down io a two weeks' supply, but Is going ahead on full production ponding possible re lief. If coal Is not made available, Ford and many other .large plants will be forced to curtail production within the limitations of restricted power facilities available from De troit public utilities. hwsHsiBBSBBBStassMswsswaBsaawa LAKK IN HVKGARY HVOWhX DRYING UP BUDAPEST, Sept. 11. Tbe big gest lake In Hungary, Lake Balaton; covering about 360 aquare miles, would appear slowly to be drying up. In some places the water has receded a mile trom ihe'old shore line within a few years and the shrinking continues. No one can give an explanation particular? ,aa there baa been plenty of rata reeeailr. Oeoloalst say that TefraBlc' changes 'In tha bed' of' the take ar responsible. ' FenvSAbB New-wlater -caalw A bargain if sold at oncen Calf at Sbepherd A Son. 310 Main St. ' 11-14 FOR SALE Modern four room plas tered 'house est pavement, dutch kltchaa, full plumbing, fully furnish ed, big lot. garago, near school. Price 13380.00. About $1100.00 'caeh required. This Is a ptck-up. Cbllcote ft 8mltbt737 Mala St. 1 1 WANTED Experleced camp cook wsbes position, Mrs. K. J, John son, Arcade hotel. 11-13 SACRIFICE Lor Lakevlew Addl- tlon. Lot 9. Iilock 61. $350 cash. wo, Jacobs, owner. Hotel Touralne, Oakland. Cal, llf WANTED Outboard motor, cash for bargain, uox W. Herald office. IMS' Give that magatlne subscription to Mrs. French, Phone 337J. 11-13 WAUrt?rh rat.iA ... ii u..l. T.W rt. K.M VUIV tNU IJVr, HUH be able to take dictation. Apply Itetweon 9 and 10 a. m: The I'sc. Tel. AfTel. Coy 11-13 When Traniiw Call If any tramp in sefcreh of "work" Should pester you today. Just band him out tho want ad page And; send him on his way. 11-12 WANTKD '4 or 5-room furnished house. Ilox'4S4 Herald office. f 11-13 HOUSE FOR RENT 441 Mich. Ave. Partly furnished. . 11-13 Work Gloves for less, 6th SC, Just off Malu. Jack Frost. . , 11-13 WANTED Teamsters. Men fami liar with clearing' fresno holders and laborers. Good camp, long job. wages-rour dollars, eight hours. Ap ply Hill Construction Co., Fort Klaiu atb. ' ' U-16 FOR RENT 2,-room furnished apartment. 419 Tenth St. Phone 343W, Hit WANTKD Furnished bouse, would iiite it immediately, call Mrs.'C, W. Huffman. McMillan AM... 10th' A Pine. 11 11 Books Par Capita RmcI By Ptsadenans j PASADENA, Cal,, Sept. 11. Pasadenans persued 11 public lib; rary books per capita during the past year, according to a report Issued by Miss Jeanette M. Drake, librarian. Miss Drake claims that this establishes a national record, Inasmuch as such statistics as are available from other cities show a circulation ot from one to eight books per Inhabitant. , daughter.1' Mrs. R. K. Smith returned .Httmtay Wht front San Francisco where she nas open visiiing lor inn pan tow week. Nate Otterlicln ninl Hob Slnnn spent the,Veek-enil fUliInc down on the Klamath river They rniigliti several fine fish. Mrs. Ed Pmist, who for Hie p.i't few wookn has been ronflneil Io her home by n serious lllnenn. In niratn at)t to bo up niul around. Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Puckott wero In town over the week-end from their home at Chlloquln, where Puckett I Interested in the lumber .buslncss.l Mr. and, Mrs. ,1. J. Neff left yei tcrday for their home In'Mnlfonl af ter a brjef yMt )ier ai the Ruasiiif Mr. and -Mrs. W. W.iMcNenly. - ' ' 1 1 1 11. E. Kerns ana four rMldrea'nro hero from Snntn Cru visiting Kernn, fsther-ln-lsw, II. J, Mattoon unit oth er rClatlvetlunl frlendK. Roy tTayinr, Portland attorney, who has been hero on business for several days left yesterday morning on lit return In I tin lto-ie rlty, i MIm Chorion (Huntley arrived here Saturday from Omaha, niul ltl spend the winter In Klamath Kails us she expects to open classes In Instru mental expression and saxophone. Horace Manning returned to town this morning on the Klrkford train, utter havinir spent tho wevk-eml wltV Mrs, ,, Manning who Is n Jci Ins; an on tint; at Sprluicsroiik, Miss WJinda nfown, teacher In tho local high school, arrived horo last night from Portland, Miss Drown will live ii the home of Mr. W. A. Jones this $oar. ' ' W. P. Mycrsjwhq ha liven horn from Bead aa, attorney for Mrs, Olllo nipwers, charge! with the murder of, Tom Montoya, loft this 'morning on his return to Bend. It. li.'Tiart. kccompanled by Mrs. Hart' arrived here from Sacramento last night and will spend several week looking after his Interests In' this city. Dr. and Mrs. Wayne Drldgfortl and small daughter, Wayouetto are here from their home at Olympla, Washington, visiting their sister, Mrs. C, II. Underwood. Miss Elizabeth Keys, camo In on last night's train from Virginia, where she has been spending the summer with, relatives and friends. Miss Keys I a teacher In tlm local high school. George Mangue ond Maurlco Les lie were two lucky hunters this week end aa they returned from Johnson's I'ralrlo with a' buck each. They re port that the day was Ideal for hunt ing. ' ' The many friends of Miss Mary. Walker are welcoming her to Klam ath Falls once more after an absence of several months spent In Ashland. Miss Walker, who la a competent saleswoman, has accepted n position with O. M. Hector. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon narnos, Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrt Cook, and John O'Shea wero guests at tho l.erl McDonald, ranch In !.angoll valley yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Savldgo, Mm. Addle Walker, Mrs. Nate Otterbeln and' Mrs. Robert Sloan cro also visi tors nt tlm McDonald ranch Sunday. Mrs. J. K. Krlggs Is an Interesting visitor lipru from Hope, Arkansas. While In Klamath Fall ahe will be ihe guest of her sister, Mrs. K. G, Camming, lira. Brlggs baa been mSSSSmSSm I I Ml ' Ifi ,i 'n MAM ED TO IE GREW Men Left On beck of Sub t marine When Ship Ii Submerged STOCKHOLM,. Sept, ly-Twn nn'ri tfero drowned from n milinmi Inn under HliiKUlur rlrcutnstnttres during tlm recent Swedish coastal fleet mnnoeuvrei. They were really sacrificed to eiHiiro tho Nutely of Ihe hoUi crew. Tho Niilituurlnii lllern, It uiienrs, tired n turpedi) at a movable target and then cntito to the Hiirfaro In or der to koo tho effect produced. Four of tho crow came on deck, hut trou ble uditcnly occurred In the lull tuit tanks, niul the lonimuiuler Im mediately closed the hatch mid sub merged, leaving the four to their own rVsourcoH. Threo of the tunn were Washed off the deck, hut tho fourth clung to the submarine's periscope. Tlm submarine rose again ulrkly and this man wu rescued. Two of tlm men In tho water, including the sou ot Admiral Ancarnrona, were caught In the wash ot the battleship Sver Igo unil drowned. The other mnn was picked up by a naval cutter. It Is reported that the entire crew of the Htitmi.irlti" would probably have been lost' If -the commander had fulled to stiltmorgit Immediately after Ihu trouble v. an discovered, jmb4L jB3L V . f Broadway at Stark Portland, Ore. YOU ARE ASSURED A PERSONAL HOSPITALITY AND INDIVID UAL ATTENTION through the combined efforts of u Htnff who, after yenra of training, under stand the needs of the traveling public. Muiic, Pancing and the Beit to Eat lit vYE- J ." ' ' Arthur H. Meyers Managcr -u.- tourlng the coast this summer, HpeiulltiK (lie greater part of her limit In California. Mrs, George !.. Wuli experts to leave tomorrow for her homo In To- j peka, Kansas, niter n visit of morn than a week hern with Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Wnrden utul with Mrs. John Sargent. Mrs, U'alp will stop at Ijikepcrt. California, on her way south, when she will visit with u sister1. ' t "Now I'm gvlng ro liiriri'orati tint firm of I'orter ltrollers emi-J tractors," said Louis K rjirltir this morilng on the occasion, of the, nr-, rival a lusty boy In hn Porter hotirehold. Porter sJld the, yqunglr, trr's volc.i Indicated that hn would make u fine foreman on a strnet. Job. , f Miss Mildred Dlckerman arrived Saturday rifght Trom San Francisco to spend a'fcw'wceki with her broth er. Harry Dlckerman, and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dlckerman 'und their guests. Miss Dlckerman nnd Mr. A. L. Cunha, and Robert Ryan mitdH tlm' CNter Lake trip Sunday. They drove aronnd the" rim bMorc return-' Ing hnmni anil re)ort ic 'wonderful trip. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ward, Ihnlr son-in-law, Will Klklns, Miss Ktinlco Klkln. both of Southern California, and Mrs. II. K. Baylc of Ashland, wero visitors at tha Ed nnd Lea Sut ton ranch over the week-end. 'Wan; Is interested In oil wells at Fllmore. whllo Klklns 1ms a largo orango and lemon orchard. F, K, Polletto, man ager of tho Fourth street wholesale house, also visited ut the .Sutton ranch over tho week-end 'A group Of distinguished lumber men with visitors In Klamath Fulls over night, leaving this morning; F. It. Hlxnn,' president of Ihu Shevlln lllxon Lumber ro., or llend, a multi millionaire, whpsn homo In In l.n Crosse, Wisconsin; K. I.. Carpenter, vice-president of -tho same company; T, A. McCann, general manager, hath from Minneapolis, Wisconsin; J. ft. Henneiy, local manager ot the, company nnd J. II. Melster nnd Goo, Conklln, ull of llend. "Spooking of corn or nieumberii," aid Hurry I'oolo today, "Just look at this. ' Ho oxhlhlti'd an armful of Golden Ilantam corn, each grain per-1 feet, and a number or big cucumbers, all grown in his bak yard In Hot Springs. Poolo hai had excellent success with ills garden, raising enough vutiotable for his own house hold with a largn quantity left ovor for the neighbors. Farmer Enter your dairy stock at the COUNTY FAIR October 4, 5, 6 It will encourage others to get better stock. Let's all get behind the fair and make it the best we have ever had. Housewives ask for Klamath Creamery Butter 'and help the dairyman. Klamath Falls Creamery COPCO SUBSTITUTE FOR i WOOD "T" I 35 ii A"e " Vl " i 7rvt&, TODAY, AT THE LIBERTY i, THE FI.VAJ, HHOH'ING OF KATHTF.KN NORRIH' wSiSTERS,, Wo received mor0 g9nulne favorable comment on this pro duction yesterday than on anything we bave shown In a long tlrao, Truly a worthwhile entertainment of tbe better class. Taeeaay Something to think about. It's a Gasnler produc tion and you know that's a guarantee or actual worth and It's-est led "GOOD WOMfCN." A sidelight on life that It won't hurt you to Ma aad know about. It's just ror tba day TUESDAY. i n it iji And a 100 per cent Im provement on the old wood 8tove is a Hotpoint Hughes Electric Range. It costs no more to operate and means a great reduc tion in the labor of tho kitchen. L By the purchase of these ranges in carload lots a very reasonable price can be made and it is possible to arrange terms that will be satisfactory. The rate on electricity, for cooking is low. If you wish to Bave money and labor come to our office and let us tell you' about the hotn'oint- Hughes ranges. i The California Oregon ! Power Company nsWHaVafsiYour Partners in Progress I I: . rJft . i , 4 j f ' -1 "r lt rjp t-,WV-t rj -??"