H.VlTWlAY, HIIIMIJMIU.'lt l, 1023. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ,,...-..- ... j i juj xlj u-ijuum .ga ajsjsjsjgsaisMaMSMSBisaaMfeJff v't,1 1 ' evl H-VHHBHBflBBgSgaBSSSinirft Ji . rfm Personal Mention W i!J!!.'.A.Vl,J!MJ ,Ll..l.- LW 1 UH .JJ. Ii -! m lliiiiiii ...aii) i"': -; J inn imllnn mi ' L "-i-i W ''cavkmm ff, .M. I JL 1 MB Mr Mini Mm. K II, pilm whim InmiM nt illiiinii' ami tin (In mi Tmimliiy nvi'iiliii: (if iIiIh wnil( (jiiMrrt ttri lulil fur llicji liminit kiiphIh, Mm. Mini Mini I'ldidi, nf Itlimln liilaml, Mr iiml Mm J. ( liimkiitil Dili mil Mi. mnl Mm. i a, Alliurlmm. 1'ililny of lliln i;( Mr mnl MrH. .1. U. IIiiii'UhiiIiiiiiikIi I'liliiiliilm (I nt lliiiwr fin Mr mnl Mm. Knrl WNIt Ini'li, wliii HH'niitl) ii'iuiniiil fin,,, nix H'itlii' luiir of VnlliittntniKi inrl(, miit for Mr, mnl Mm. I'. A, Allmrl inn. iiiiin, ((ivcri worn Inlil fur Mr. mnl Mr. (IciirKd II, MniiRiiii, Mi. mnl Mm. II, U, llmiKur mnl (Iciori-ii Wulli mnl tliu limitN, In roiiiiiii licmitlfiilly ili'coralnl wltli iiiiiiinliilii inliHilil rvilur IioiikIih, uil-tiilln mnl Imllnn i-urn, tlm Wo nimi'it l.llinjry dull wnn IhmIwim yev lenliiy tn ii mi i! lit its of (ho dull nt unit nf tlm niiint ili'llKlitful iifliTiuioiiH of tlm smimm Kuril iliuiKlitcr nan linmnli',1, with ii riiritflKn of nwcoI liriN nt tlm ton Imiir, liy tlm commit. t" In rlmrKii of din afternoon. Mm I'rml Dunlin IHIOII.I i'Mrn. SEA-WEED TO STOP GAS ENGINE KNOCKS T (' (.'llltllllll.il nkit Mr. I'rml Itnlmr ll... I ..iu...... ii ...... . . ... I ...., ,..ini.-niMir iirniRi. nun win rc((ioi mnl din jirofirmn wnn In lilt llllfil.ll....l 1.1 I. . I..... M I """ ' i in" iiniiin or .vrn ii'iiHii'n of .Mm, 0 A Kriumn 'llirru ni'M liiKiiliiy nfti-r, nini'in wnr.i mnl. In Mm u l t. i . .... Hll'HIlrl. Mm Hurt Tliinnii nn.l Mm ( I) M Hnillli. nil prrhlnliiR to ii jior- Mr. mill Mm n(i), ,iiiy, Wni for' " tl" il'iiilnjuiiant of Klrln from ii H'lir mnl ii liulf niiiil.t Klmiiiitli , Pio-ittliPol to tlm Iili;li xcliool iirc. I'iiIIh llinlr Imniii, nxm turn limt MiiMnil iMiicrtnlmiKiiit km ftiriilnlii'il wnol( fiom I'oillmnl nn tliu ciiidU nf I'V Mln-vr. ('niialitiieu KIhIiit. l.iitlh. Mr.miilMrM.il It N.miill. , lliirliiml, mnl Murunrvt Cuiiuiiliinii i'I'Iki iiitoinliince jchti-rdiiy wnn niiu of ' V. I'IhImt iiiiiI ij.niulilnr ilio Inwsl tlm i lull linit unlim-il m Dm ClHIHllllllO WITH rn'UIlt llOKtOKHI'H (it II ' pupuliir lit U'riltlOIIH. fMruiM'll iltitir I rniR tlm Mlmnm a I 'curl mid lrilcdu Ulclin mnl Minn cpiPNTIGTC tier I'riinrcH ltd Iirnv. u'l... i..n ... .... .J't-ll I IO I 3 UOt , -..f "IIK KIH l III" I tend Hfliool. MIhh Fruliln nnd Minn ' Pnuicm will ..nlcr 0 A. ( mid ( .Minn I'riirlilllolin nxMctH to coiillnuo licr woili nt Hi Helen' Hull. Mm. II lUlilKforil wm. liimlcHPi ''"Hlll'ltfJII, !., ..i. a.-rit.j. on UViliicml.i) nt a m, ,ilmi: ,,n m I M, milomulilli! tiiKliicn, mid wlinn idic nnlii'it in ii iitimiiiir of InilfcK J""' Idiln mlll vcrp thu wnloly dlf vilin r iiliniHfitHtn t.r ilni nun' 'Ohm- 'fmrnt viitiJtrtM iIIhoukhimI nt tlm o enmc m. rcmii) linriiiu,.i' In U'ciiIiir damf Him 'Aincilimi ilicm. I'm-lff iout . i,.iy, I'l.-K.mt i.l II,.. hut ,,.y (ohruitloii now l,.dnr I.m wTJr.i McH.li.iuim It. K. dvui), I. ,hc, li.t... Jl I III F..H,r. Dell U ....... II D ' ,;'. ,,, ,,,, 10 ,ll((). ::;!;;;::; :;!:::rT w ; ,y '" - is - -' "-- 's:r.rcr:;' rrr: elilrf luortiirii of tlm .In), whllu '1 1.0 A. N. W I'lul. Indd lliclr flnl rlmuiU "wl. k Intently ns inbothiK ( llm k.miii nt inn ..,f "l"',, l","r'' '"' '" ",ii.h In Mm. Iliully ivii. iMm V.lti-.lny nf- ""' '',f'''' "' "'" ltii.liicll.n of n trnnwi.i wlii'ii i lie IhhiIin In li r'.id l'"'',"",l roiiiihiiiml. luv. nl.-.l by Ifirlui'tlic ioiiiIiir )ir wrro H.'lf.t- """"" Mldnl.i), Jr. mnl T. A. d rnwoiit .rc. M(niIiiiiii.h It. K. 't' J ff Ditylou,, on tlm "knock. U'ulttjiiliiirr. M 8. Wmi, Harry (loci '"R" dUcordH. Icr. ( M lianrii). j. mile HurM, It.! 'cii!cnli wniM. anion u tlm It. Dttnlur. (Jt.nrR.) A Wlrtr, lrr il Hnr ' Co lli'oib Icnuivn nn 'cat.il t.i. ricelCJiarlej Martin. I" H 1'IiIIIIi.a, . uven If iircmnt only In tli,. .,i;,t Cv&l.Wl. nc v - ........... ..j" iiiihi.ii, nun ii iiimm inn)- in inc lims ;VWlMftwV'?wi,,"W.K!-itiJlJ."i" ft""nl'l'Hl'i.3tvJl rjssri!tjfer?iww ii ' ,f DUi linockliiR wlilcli Ik most Injur .,,,,, ,. . Muni to I'liBlnc.'.' Tin. i Mru.,1 Mm llarrv Dlelu nuau en.ll0l ..Ii, 1 Ml ' Olln . ......,. nt .. dellR,,,,,,, ,,,,,r Pr.. 'i,rmuy,1,u .ont.o,'! Tlm (ftilfw. rciitorcd by n lnr!'n f"-ftU'r a(il' MtoVW lo bo pnurcM until n Into Imiir. (Jeori:.. Mn mur wJluulaclumora tu )iiKu utota T - - " ""SlAlwwuWfluwiw., After uiikap!',". I"" i? ATOi'SBSS'iaJiV rcr two fJbi.a of Mali J.w.rT. ,? plnlnc'd1 to' Ml,ljii.crifiryp1Brt oi inn tiiei or II1010 who llo mi far Inliilid n to hv di'iirlted of him food In unantlllcs. TREES SHRUBS" ROSE BUSHES BULBS Order tliPin now for fall dolhcry. Klamath Flower Shop Cut Flowers Plants I'lioiio 053 fi.il Malu flt. Cliriiitinn Science Society or M..VMATH vmam l.llitmylllilU.,;inliiinlMiilii SuinliiyS. tn.nl fioin II: into III! 15 l.'l.'iy huinlii) MoiiiIiik hulijul r.ii Kimilai, Sci.lcnili.'i' 10 "SUBSTANCE" IVee i.'.iilliiu r.Miui ami fu Itmii. lot; libi i.i) ikii from man in liilO i. in, on TiicNiln), ilnn.i. (Ii.)m mnl Hiilur.bi'K J. W. Turrcnllnc, whoiro ucilvltk- rculled In Ilio utlulilllliineiit of the kel. Induitlry on tliu Pacific roaiit. Illtrodtir.M the iio.euiv.l keli In It new rolu to tlio clirmUtH. "Tlio nu I form. ' ho fa Id. "mlintls of c!u.i pri'iMratlou mid remrntloii, mid jli. canlly mall.ibl.1 for thu nffllrte.l H?.u.1n of nil couiitrlm." I llouswlu' iinicrlalnty an to thu yniiili or acu of Hid 4iutentn uT tho Imltlo found with tin. nowsimpcr on 'tliu i.oieli each momlnk. Li tlm rcu win for tin. jifoinlnvnt putt of milk tn todoy'H movtliiK. "Mvthleuu hliie," 11 d)c, Ih rlowrur mid more nil ro than thu noun In ilutuctliiR tho iii;u of milk," calil Mlnulu P, Dren- ,iilir, who iluiiiuiiHtrntcil tlio ncllon .of tho d)u In dlxrolorliiR old milk I mnl rrmnlnliiK jiorfuclly clear In , now, Suvcn other dcH may bo uhu.I .wllli equal micreiiH. thu iiclentlMl I rjay. T, 0. Ilrndloy In 11 liiinliiain vlnl (or livro lodiiy from Copau. It. (). lllrowbrldKo of KuKt'iio In nt (tin Whllu Pelican, Hi II. HedNuy, II, II, llodnoy Jr., mnl It, II. Hovey ur.i vucntlon vlxltom horn from Han Krnncluro, They nro Htop)iii; nt tlio Whllu Pelican, Mr. mid Mnt, Krnnk Vnuclin, who have hern vlnltlnR with their iIiiiirIi ter, Mm, 11. J, fllieotn, loft tho flmt of tlio weoU on their return to Knn nan City. Mm K. M, Wllnon linn returned to tier homo In Mrdford nftcr nn ex. tended vlult hero with her diiiich. ter, Mm. Hurry (looller, at hor homo on Pine utreit. A. It. Wllnon nnd ion, lieu, left early IIiIh mornliiR for Antelope vnl loy, where they, will upend tho wiokMind with Pearl Jcnu and Mr. WIU011. Mm, Wllllnm lmin.d and niuiill bom will lenvo huru tomorrow mornliiR fur their homo In Mmlento, California after a brief visit with relatives and frlinds Pert WHhrow left thU in o nil 11 r for Ilorky Point where hu will meet Mm,' WHhrow mnl their dauRhter, Walte, who hntu In. n MpcndliiK tho wiflk at tho point, TheyS.II uxpvct to return huru toinorrow. (2. U. KcniH wat a paimcnRcr on tho uutRolnK train this mornliiR bmiml for IiIhIioiiio In Oakland, Cat Iforul.i, after K) day pcnl hero lok,liR niter htiKliiexs Intereutt). Ills brother, lieu Kern, Ih expected In town either today or tomorrow. Mlmi (Irnro Klllott. daughter of Mr. nnd Mrn. .( K Klllott, will Ic.tui lomorrow morulnr; for Modeii. to, Ciillforul.1, whin. hIio will cu t.r college. MIm Klllott Rrnduntud laHt year from tliu Klniniilh county IiIrIi nchnnl, Mr nnd Mm. (icorRi. Humphrey will l.nto tomorrow In their car for Portland where they will Uli 1 1 ti lli.'r noil. Karl. Tlicy will bo'ne- jronipanled liy their daunhtcr, Minn Prance), wlio cxpoctK to enter O. A. C. when It oMnn llitit month. Mr. an Mm. l.oiiln Ho.iRlund mid Mr; mid Mm. II. W. HeiidorHou nro evictrii to return today from ,ui Prnnclnco wluru thuy hnc been for tlid past wcrl; on liualuei. and ptwiHurc, They iiiado tho trip by automobile lrs. Charlea Collier, who flutter r.l it riiii wound that nearly cost her thp ilRbt of her left eye, Ii so much iMprovcd that It wj.1 pomlblo ye.i (onlHy.lo niovo her from tho KUm. tli Ocuural honpltal whero she has been for thff"jai!t"inonth, to- tho homo of Andrew M. Collier, Third and Pine street. ' Dr. W. II. Cluddca. who for tho pant few months has been with Mm. Caddcs and his sons In llrltlsh Col umbia, will arrho hero this week eud on a business trip and fo llt with another pen, Charles, who .Ik cmploje.l by tho California OreRon Powir company. ItlVIMtHIIHJ, Cnl Bopt. 3. Indl riillmis nrn Hint lljo Botithnrn Cnll fornla fair to ho hold hero October I0-1.", -Milt ho onn or tho grentcsl dnlry nnd swlnu shows over offered In tho wost. In addition to pur 11 bred livestock entries from sou thorn California, n 20-car train of henvy ntock will hu brought from thu north em part of tlm stnteT'nnd n spnelnl trnln will brliiR prim cnttlu never bnforn exhibited hero from an ox tensive stock circuit, Tim United Htnles ileparttmnt of nRflcnlture, tho ntato dopnrtment of nRrlculluro, ns we)( ns rlRlit coun tliM In Kouthrrn California hate bono allotted epare for exhibits, fitudeuts from C" IiIrIi schools nro tnkliiR part this year In a junior fair, to be held In conjunction with tho larRer one, In which every phsso of fnrm work will bo demonstrated and prlzm awarded. (IltAHH VAM.UV, Col., Hept. 9. Pear bllRht, scourRo of pear Rrowera over) whero, may bu controlled by In oculiitlons nnd vaccinations, much as human bclnRS are madu Immunu to rortnlu maladies, nccordlnc to nil Uus received by pear xrowers of this section from tho Pacific research In Htltute, which set forth that whllo this control Is still In tho experlmcn till stnees Its success Is MMiinlly as sured. William Hamilton Cox, tho experi menter, has Inoculated moro than i.000 trees with n Inrso perrenlnso of micress. Ho rnfuicA to disclose tho nature of tho virus used. At thlii Hum surRiiry Is tho only remedy In 11 Me for pear MIrIiI, and an affile! ed orchard Is ottcn literally (ut In pieces before tho spread ran bo ihcckcd. i.ix'.s cit.wii.sov Diaii DOA.NO.VKU, Vn Sept. 9. -Colon. el Hubert II. I.eo, iiruiiilson of (!on ernl l,eo, died lieu, todiiy. I'llKSKNT PltlXCK WITH A VACM1 TOIvio, Kept. 'J, In celebration of th. I'rliuo KeRetil'n furthioinlliK imirrliiRo u plensuro jucht to bo con structed nl a cost of fifty thousand yen, colluded, from tlio.lcailliiR gov eminent offkinN, will bo presented to thu l'rlnro KeRuiit. Th.i vessel will bo built nt thu YoVosukn Naval uracil. il. Mr. Kink Hunter Diubi.k WHterprtMif HiiutJiiK ('.un, I'iiiiIn mnl i'lips IIimmI 4111.I Hull Ill-ami Ituhbcr IUhiIn, In-ather 'rin nil l)lc Swi'tem, ilocs, Wool Ku 'iio.v ready nt K. K. K, Kti.rc, Leadlnif Clollilers. Utl..t Some Trilbies! HANG TOGETHER OR SEPARATELY Aiuorliit'H fneilom w.w won by men who lourniid thtit HtroiiKtti lay In union, but miiny or their iloscoiiiluiitj lmu forRot len tho leHHon. Arc jolt (oIiirJo ro It nlono, constantly fulling, but Mill ruhhliii; join llfo of tho streiiRlh yilcl omci from union with Hod. bin ehurcli, his pooplo? Start unow tomorrow. Unlto In wnr.ihlp wti us. M n "StieiiRth In P11I011" 8 p, m. "PoslthM Chrlstlnnlty" 10 11. mHiindiiy School PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Sixth nnd Pine Su. ' AllTlirit I.. Itlti: Minister Mi "THE BIBLE THE GREATEST BOOK 0 - IN THE WORLD" ' Sunday KtculiiK Sormon ii P. M. CHRISTIAN CHURCH, Ninth and Pine Su. "IS TITHING WORTH WHILE!" Horinos) Hiibject 11 o'clock "Till: ritlKMH.Y- CIIUIICII" Invttos 0U. ,. II. HltlHTOW mlulutor uml 'director of HoIIrIouh Kducntlou I iikiisVaHWfv Mm Ltur Bell tries on tho Airctst tlr of shoes over mado for actual wear. Thoy wcr mad In) CJ.ttUiU.fo-.tarr. ' OltCOO.N'S POTATO CHOP IS Mi:.,CKI) IIV MOSAIC ItlRht seed certification may deter mine whether OreRoti Is to conllnuo a potnto-RrowliiR ntato or lone Its IiIr potato Industry from tho Inroads of -llneatcs. Potato specialists from tho United States department of .iRrlcut turn hate recently questioned wheth er any potato. s at nil will bo grown tn OrcRun SO yean from now., Potato morale Is ono of the dis eases moat fearid. Onco In tho stock no means am known of cradlcatlnj- It or ,uver rcHIiir tubers (It for seed from It. This makes It high lima for K rowers nnd potato scientists to bo rIii n field scanh for illscase-freo poatoos of tho right sort for sources of seed. I " Tho search must begin In tho field, as tho prvsonco of mosaic and wilt can bo detected In the RrowlnR vines only. Kvcn thero It Is not nt ways easily recognized, and whero !6sllilo tlio grower unlos well In formixl oif this descase hluuolf. nceas tho help of a specialist. The RroVer Is advised by M. D. Mc Kay, Ktato disease specialist at tho O. A. C. Experiment station, to go Into tho field now whllo tho vines nro still Rreen nnd'RroMltiR, and stnVo t hoio most -ilgorous nnd free from ctldcnce of disease. After thu vines dlo down It wllljiot bo imsslblo to ao teet mosaic and wilt. Final selection of tho seed will then bo uiado from thu staked hills. Ku'ii certification Is no Insurance against prcseiiro of mosaic, as slight I Infection may bo brought Into plants J vj H(...n' xviiiiii, uill -.- r-.-fallltt but little Indication lu (ha 'parent stock but com Inc out strong In tho now crop. Many such cases nro re ported from northern KTOwn.Tnspcct oil unit certified seed, ns tho virus of mosaic Jnu not been Isolated nnd Identified. RADIO TELEPHONE ' IS DECLARED TO BE ONLY IN INFANCY LONDON. Sept. 9. It has btcomo apparent that tho wireless telcplionu Is still lu Its infancy, nud that n con siderable ndvunro In Imontluii must bo achieved beforu It becomes really tuitlsf.utory 11 s n means of broadcast Iiir or for other purposes. This Is I ho conclusion of thu radio research board's sub-commlttuc, whoso report hah just been Issued. "Wo consider that tho doelopmont of radio-telephony, (or long; ranges is In an extremely elementary stage and wo sco no nno or.uoYui0Pmon,t,wiiH.'n would bo likely tcjlead to itafostab llshment on a commorrlal basis with i a meusurabln porlod," thoy say. ' "For rango of tho ordor ot 200 miles," It Is uddod, "wo consider tho position moro hopeful, and it seems that tho lines of experiment v-hlch uro bohiR followed wllllou'dto tho dovelopmont In a reasonable tlnio ot u system of radio-tolcphony which will approach, approximately at any rate tho requirements of a commer cial system, No meuus at present uro. known by which any appreciable secrecy can bo obtained for u couvor nation tuklm- place nt rortnin rnngos," . mmh-m m n v' 'If '; Let Us Take Care of Your Valuables Wc have just received a shipment of new safety-deposit boxes and can nolv take care of your needs in this-line. A steel box for your valuable papers and a savings account at our Bank are real steps on the road to prosperity. The First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS. ORE. The Home of Over 400 Depositors Member Federal Reserve ' 'li t v ., t j 11. 1 t iif'V . . . 1 ' .i' 1 i t . JACKSON COUNTY i i 1 1 v f n -j - ii jf jft-rfM rfjMw vir-s w.o r ;n MEDFORD, mi3thfl Hi' 1 1, 1 - l 'tj. rLi' r.m.r 1 "ggfciii l ' 'Jlu3 Sl .41 j-l.f '..lillSj f i! -f 4a u itc.t JtJfJ in: u.o lo Jai.-nj-n )l I ' ' "I 1 -If Hi.- Sfc-flM- f;Mv r.t .n .. I 0M11" K pll f; ni! ia J (ml ii t -fli-nStd l l t srf tl(ia ,1 1 i.i.1 l. tt M,-. I it J.4 I.A...a b. .. J . ..T',1 " ' ' v-.-ii- .. TMirr.i- i , i , ... . . ... Aiixri-BADtTi.. - . .iBArvrrkbVnr r'afartto'" v ' . 7 --,.. ,.. . , - ""''" fifir dad RELAY' RACE,0K"OT W1-,T, ' sue iqi i'aK; 1:1111 o; DAILY SPEED PR MOTORCYCLE POLO TWO RUNNING RACES ' s Big Prof ram Every Niffct Cen sistfng oan'q poneerts. Wrwtlfnf and boxing contests, dancing, carnival attraction Auto Sajow, tc. , t- . ,rill1. Big Display of all Kinds of Products of ranch, farm, schools, ' mines kitchen, pantry, community and school exhibits etc. Daring Airplane Stunts $16,000 in Premiums j- T'ArCaiCsT-saSMPSggSlSfr- ' ' ix-AMl Alfalfa 'f -1 Vif Growers- -w - .' V ,. a . Wire us tnts mgnt lettei collecpmm "j -' -i. . .i.i t. tt. tik.fc,' - Before you place your order Tor sulphur it will pay you to learn about Texas Gulf Sulphur, "a better sulphur at a better II price. Wc ere ready to male quick shipment 'of any quantity of the famous Texas Gulf Sulphur cither cjude, flour or inoculated J . direct from our warehouse in Portland, Ore- X ' con. As the world s lanesc producers, on ii tv fin . t'Aii I-ij sulphur we. can serve you best. Get the facts, at once. ' Put this night letter on the wire today, charges collect. Be sure to fill in the blank spaces. , NIGHT LETTER 1EXAS GULP SULPHUR CO., 41 K. 43ND ST., NEW TORS CITI. 0 H A R G COLLECT lov mutk I HAVE ACRE3 0? ALFALFA AND WILL REQUIRE kovs many , SULPHUR. I USUALLY ORDER THROUGH UX DEALER ' , tit nmt 4J addttit VIY FREIGHT SIATION IS t i: ntmi and aiittit " . . SEND ME QUOTATIONS AND INFORMATION REGARDING 1 ? : OR WX COUNT! AGENT - i T TEXAS GULF SULPHUR. 4 ' irr numf r . v MndratMto h tUt trajmtk lour nomo .., .,, .(; Your Post Offlco .'.,'.,, t". We will promptly reply and in a manner which will convince you that ' it is much to your advantage to 'deal with the largt producers of " sulphur. Don't pay the charges on the night letter,. We will attend' i. to that. t , Sulphur Book and othir valuable fan ( fag literature moUad free on refuast TEXAS GULF SULPHURCO. 41 Etst 42nd Street Neiy York l-W - 'I Ai mmwmmmwmm -. TiM'TlMi n fFM . . . ... "". -rJ&lMjKM ,pKitT N ' j ,i ' v ,4, - T. ., . J I I V '; t i M f ! t-i-irrnl i.??j lA I ' m ta r ,vn Kft ft' W ' l l.lu fft;: UH ' 1M i v.u i ' . i"t i ' i 2HK 1 ' , sXs .1?. t .HB