B"HBII"E1IW T f r l AriMMMaMMMMwMK awrr . J t' AS1 H t J 'A I tf r'-T",f , t vr'yc?1 w"" y j THE EVENING HERALD,; KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON HAWHh.IV, HlU'TIJMIIIill i, lima. naTv '$n . wiyv "jw,"; , '. I1 . u I - r ft , Urn-"' - h v U pwiHHmld BV'f i?i Tl -i "' B jypjtl oUt aaot isaaar, t rfi JfPaTBsEfasasat CaiOTSOTH aawsawy F N , KfriaattTaUi, at 111 Wata Htwl. SOi MMMim U atll aootoMoa at Kaa OMa ,MI . DUHIBMI aUa u MtoM'CtoH Tao MmM If MMM to Or TKS 1M0CIATKD MRmi to aW Um ma far Mbtlea- l)oa Of M MW: tUsaotenoa crooitoa te st,-,ofTaot MWwiM orota la KPKt M ta 11 MM HMlUiorolL . YjWEPTlbttMtR'O, iMfc. OFFICE SEEKERS Ell COM iLI l-m l r r ' i -v- !-' . T - -'-- - . laEaaaaafiBWMBgEW-fi-CT!?!! i?rr';--fi I I :. I VETERANS' LAND f ' (PWlfcaWI TrlfMTMB) . ptfR Us close of tk Civil war Mir thousand veterans made forma and aomes out of the broad cm west ot the MUalulppl which a gtatotal nation fare to them. The treat 'buffalo raage was transform 4. IMS mfal fields. Town and cltitt sraag P and prospered. Aaorfoaa 'civilisation advanced a tktksaaa' altoa westward. 'lift wtj aavis millions ot Tet ania of the world war. Many ot Meat desire to lead their Itres oh rflU.ale farms. Our tree arable laaooaro loae. hat we have millions of'aaraa ot arid land which can he aula, mitful hy artlflcUtly water lac &a. d aore alllloa acres of loapaa aad overflowed land thai eaa va auda richly prodactlve hy dnhawft. World war veteraat waWd'hava arlorHy rivht to this rsoWhaOd m(I. - TheM facts ware aaeatadMre, WAfc ,hree eeMhyvy awr Mwry la afoiak 4v9ertMt mn amntdaAnt, to -Hw earners hoaaa Mil. Be did at aoak flcmwUvaly when ha a! flit a He oaartiltr u Btroa to eokffffcea to do craat things; f oaffro hetidla. IVr'li Mht whW M saya that It 'the veteraio . .LJ l . l -. .. i. 4.1'aU kUasrl?' Arl it's afE LUmL vr oaBftvajwr .iia ! ui iaffH 'iraititr xs! wir.aa ph ebllaML M too aauon e amw were eat It watJB he aauon ed laveaUseat of the fad raaeat la aew farms which create $Je7sTt Betp belu mm feVfrail Kdwiro Mttakaha tb, OtJlied atee" wtUae Whstfhh ebJeetlve of the trnUh- !7..Mw -mi... ... w awtito aamher was fnrther Increased by 44 z:uES3ywMwyz" crtKi tc,jA sklHM1 ladeemW BOf.iai illlteaJeem aad , . 4r a laaa owaera aa mmn siabMa wJiWa-er ,aiaofrf ' praetteal matter the United rerhmeat cannot create, . mMewtarmers over atghiany more thaa.K eoatd create aa army of a mUMasi 'soldiers over might. Prae-Uoam.-thaiw ia much' agoay had aoartaehe connected with the earv lag raf iialUtoa farms' out of a bar rem laaiseayeleaVa caretally pur sed evarnmeat Irrigation policy will create 'for this country a aew emot're of arhhU wad. which some da y some oaa wilt he 'profitably tafyad.ailMb)feftUhv T ' . J-'- aatloa. !i' 1 V Ti5 w r 4 1 Yes. (Shirt are longer. But we etM hare mice. What makes a half bald man mad der than buying a whole hair cut ' Love nests are hatching out breach of premise suit. Miners won't dig down as deep as thelnaa who'buyi their coal. Soma towns have all the luck. Philadelphia landlord Is missing. Men who long for the long days woald bate long underwear. fcrery man deserves a living wage except a saupfaoae player. When school opens a boy's neck . tklaka, every day Is Saturday nlgbt. " Way doa't noma women have to pofr Ineome tax on three-fourths of ,wht thatr haahaad'a make! Travel broadens some. Others re tara'ai'sklnay'as ever. a-BMho aa awful couatrrsibat a IwWfirm'l's using Austrian money ta wra aoap la. Love makee the world go round; hat knocking a man on the bead has tha same effect. , Hant the bright side. Ifwekaew what tha weather was going to be, haw aawM atraafera UlkT i iJfhtaMf aever1 strikes twice' la heWaio pkw, bat antra do. 7 Aaalrc to Represent Cen- tml Sutea In United Stetea Senate CIIICARO, III., Sept. 0. Sixty seven cltlienn, aspiring to repnent their sules In th linlted Stntrs sen ate, oeeamo caudlJaUs for that if flee In ten sttkei ot the central ivrst In primary race this sprint; and summer. Election of pnernor In eight states called out n field ot 52 men for the eight efflres. Nebranka led In ths "open Hold and no favor" contei for ecnatnV, six nien fighting for the republican nomination, three for ih dAinocratlc and three or the progressive Mis souri followed with six republicans fighting for the prlrlloifJ of oppr itng Senator Reed, who won over a field ot three In the democratic nomina tion race. Iowa had eight candidates for the senate office, six republicans and iwo democrats. Texas, Minnesota, and Indiana followed rloie with seven candidates. Ohio and Michi gan senatorial contests called out five candidates each. North Dakota had four and Wisconsin three. Ohio proved the favorite field for gubernatorial candidates, thirteen Jumping Into the race tor the one executive office of that state. Kan sas was the conflict field tor 10 can didates for governor, two ot them women, Nebraska had eight, Wiscon sin aad Oklahoma five each, North Dakota and Michigan four each and aaatatdafaal L High Light Achievements of the Republican Administration Debt nmi Expenica Slashed, Liberty Bonds at Par, Unemployed nt Wotls. ' Peace Promoted, BudKct lab lUhed, Prosperity Revived. JOHN T. All VMM. CIMIUMXN IIM'l lll.lt'AN .WTIOVU. I OMMITTt.ti' This sudden increase In the num- aef of candidates for state offices Is In marked contrast with the number placed before the voters under the old party convention system. The Increase In tha number ot candidates for congressional offices was even larger thutaat for senate and gov- Indiana Fi :tor Sixteen months ago the Republican I'arty took over thi manaKemont of the lanrertt business coneeru In the world. It found the ortanlatlnn of this concern utterly demoralized as a result of elsht jears of riotous v.iMe, Kos mismanagement and clas Kk Islatlon. There a a bonded indebt edness of j:3,99T,O00.OOO Uoternmcnt bonds were si-IIIhk at S5 cent on the dollar. Thtre Sere outstanding luant to foreign eiyintrles'ot Jll.OOO.POO.OOO, for which there was no written el dence of Indebtedness, much less any business or legal agreempnt as to how ahd when the loans and Interest were to be paid. The discount rato at Fed eral Reserve Dinks was 7 5 per cent, for gilt edge loans. Five million wage earners were in Idleness. Farmers faced bankruptcy llnnl times pre vailed. Ruslness lived from hand to .mouth. Evrj thing needed readjust meat and reconstruction. Such, In a broad wa. were the conditions pre vailing when this administration took control of the countr and the present WILL LOG LAST II T 80 Mile, of Main Line Rail way neceatary to Tap Virgin Territory has been reduced until it is now 4.5 per cent. Tim last ear. ot Wilson's admin istration the nctuxl cost of running tha government was IS.MS.OOO.OOO. The netual cosiot running the government for the fWaf'vtnr JdU ended Juna 30 was JSl.TJj.WO.OOrt This Is an un nual saving of 1.7:t,oO0,l)U0 which the Republican udmlitistrntlon has niniln in tWn routine expenditures of the gov ernment. This was possible because the itepuMtcan Congress earlv In Its special session re enacted a budget law which the previous Republican Ion gress had passed only to have n Dem ocratic President veto It. It was easl ly the most lmiortant plecu of busi ness legislation which lias been en acted within this nenerMlon After Its ennctment It was sensibly applied b) the cxeiullvo nfllcers of tho Re publican administration. The work of Congress, the wise ad ministrative policies and the Introduc tion of business methods by thu de partments in the conduct of public Republican Congress was called Inloinffalr l.nvn all combined to revive. In special session. dividual and corrorate enterprise, ro Today we have a President whoveithai today. In contrast to a )ear ago, wise, business-like, contructhe noil-1 unemployment has ceased to be a cles have won the confidence and af fecllon of the American people- lie baa surrounded himself with a cab inet composed of men endowed with common sense, specially qualified fur tha work of their departments and devoted to the promotion of public welfare. As soon as the administra tion assumed control 1l called into special session the Republican Con factor outside of tiio.ni Industries lit whfch there art: slrikes. Agriculture Is on Its feet. Iluslness Is Improving each da. Industrial output Is Increas ing. Capital Is going LacVrto work In the, channels of'private and profitable enterprUe, It reall make some dif ference at (the end ot a year whether the government has been controlled by an administration and a Congress that W.SHIN(lTONHiiit. !, The last Kroat met of tmtntichml phut timber lit the United Stales ntul tho lunt frontier ot noltlenuiiit, nro nhoitt to pass Itehlml tho nuuouneoment ot tho forest service, regiiullng the proposed sale of timber In the Malheur nation al foroM, Oregon, hmh n hiatemeut by tho National l.timber .Mnnutacturers association, lumbermen sen thu liu't opportutilly for their trade to dent Initially with a virgin forest ot great extent, and the last opportunity for 4 he settler to take possession of a region, now rcmnto.trom rnllivuvii ami markets, ami virtually iiumhciI agriculturally. "The opening for nnlo of tho tim ber of the Rear valley unit of thu Malheur nntlonnl forest," sns tho statement, "affects S90,flnQ,000 fee I, of the great Illun ntoitntnlnn forests, no iv, and means the beginning of tint lumbering cf tho entire firest with Its moro than 7.000,000,000 feet tif timber. To begin tho lumbering operations It will be notessary to IjiilM about to miles; of mnln lino rnllwny, besides tap lines, which wilt open for settlement tin agricultural country with nreu of ,10,000 xiuarn miles. "While this ancient forest Is doom ed, the terms nro such that the suc cession of Its sylvan posterity Is se- '!"'! rmuu me jicpuDiican v.on- an auminisiraiion nnu a .o3Kn-ss nmi i --- - -- - ' gress to assist it In straightening out are generally ilcat In contrast to an euro. Though the timber now offered admlnlslrauou una congress tnni werei tor saie ny mo loresi service m mi- the situation. Since then the execu live and the legislative branches or the government, both under Repub lican control, have worked together. As a result or their Joint effort there has been wltmn the Ust 16 months a marvelous transformation. The bond ed Indebtedness bat been reduced b Today every Issue of gencrall) wrung' The Republican party will go before the countrv tiil. fall without any apol ogy for this record. It Is a record which needs no defense. The people are not going to stop the magnificent work so well begun The are not going to retreat to the conditions I flclent only to keep a moderate nlsml mill running continuously for 20 year, tho service will nt the end of that time open up another unit and eventually 7,000,000,000 feet of tim ber will bo nvnllable. It Is reckoned that by the time the. Ust unit Is cut I Uhitrfv And VIrfnrv rtimt Id ninM ...vlt. M..l.nM.l ! I.. Mirh 1nl I over, flm flrf nni wilt h, rmilv fue ttt V "aKllT 'V 0L?i,,? tSPfewntlng an In- They are not going to return the IK111. j cutting again, drnfe Candida tessalft In J arrtiee cT3i uo.Oflh.Oifcj in the value n?'rp.ilc nartv toiimner and thereby re-l Tim. nvriMiitumi ,inviMnnu,ni in - -, a: - 1 - 1 .- t -. . . "i -. .. . : r -....-...-.. ...,. ... omlnatlfai for 13 congrcawonat Ji Eoycjaiat-m; ectmes in y moiu?. n the evil conditions wiiieh iiaveini,u upon ln im.rn? activities oJlnhuBdred andjk orty , " rTatTlOO vaeaneleank the H""1 stauhowae of represcrnutlves. One sample ballot that from Allan county. tfof ataWalsansoo r y ,r , - . aaRfor stAeU .fjtaAtJrad f S VI J, ' BamasTi o offices. iThe simple,' ballot rebtclnm-potol-.M t In Ohio there were 104 republican terest rate at Federal Reserve Rinks oMbe' government jJ ' t it Zv. JC t 1 w" n'olfurn of adjacent regions. In k. m.,I .-ai. .' .m . ... . , .1... . "" sm.iuiiij-.Hin ims.Deen ere- Ufn so largely corrurjeu in cut- ii-ii wlW.1 u,ii mlliv l,nn.lr...l. ,.r 1 swerfe of Ratting foivltn if,' months of .Republican control of' . .. ., ...,..,,, loans on a commercial basis. The In the' executive and ltxislatlve branches "" T. '. ? -s, .,, Hlnt s uiaii win iiiiiiiiiriairiiiii inn iniiirv sia using the national forests as an ad junct ot tho general progrrsa nnil Accord ing to tho forecast of tho foreat ser vfre thero will bo at least one log-, glng and lumbering unit that, will never havu to move on to find new forests, nt least one saw mill town which will never die for tack of ma teVlal for Its Industries. r.M.VSavoU! 'vHf.it Twaar-two VieVuue;i of this nambcr will be 2.-JO H D'AlVAUn Virt-nln safts4IHatoai Vntft ft. KVIcWaifesamiarnomlnatloni laf v SMSSSSSSJm tlon for county offices In Douglss county, which Includes .the city ot Omaha. ' Sixty-eight candidates sought county offices In Sedgwick county, Kansas, eighteen of whom will be elected to office. Thirteen candi dates were In the field for the office of sheriff. W1U, TRY tp SHOW V SI I u -- Vj s . sV-ATUaMto. urriinns :."' LV . ARE OUT OF DATE !' CHICAGO, III., Sept. . Scientists will attempt to demonstrate that mother's .methods In baking bread are out Of date when the bakery ex position and conventions of national baker associations are held Septem ber 11 to 1C. How modern scientific control has taken all chance and possibility of mishap out of what was once moth er's "intuition" In getting a good bake of family bread will be shown at the 'exposition to be held on the municipal pier. Huge steel-armed tntxers, each navlng the strength and working force of 200,000 women, traveling ovens and other modern machinery will demonstrate the exactitude In the modern bake shop. Progress of the baking Industry within the last fifteen years will be shown In machinery valued at more than 11,000,000 which will bo in operation, turning out bread, pies and cakes according to present day quantity production methods. More than 6,000 bakers are ex pected to attend the exposition and 'the convention of the various nation al baking organisations meeting at the 'same time. Among the prominent speakers will be H. C. Splllman, who will talk on "The Man Behind the Loaf; H, A. Wheeler, vice president of the Un ion" Trust Co., Chicago; I, K. Rus sell, editor of "Baking Technology" and Dr, W. w1. Skinner, assistant chief of the U. 8, Bureau of Chem istry. ' i " I--,--.-- 1 1 )T-ri " --' -T .1- - eTt WeJ-awaaanwr 'Ws.- rvrtT. a . , t 1 amm 1 iZrl maaLaaa2fcs-t " jffA isrrL -.' BaxLlaaMaM1',-.- ..-- t aaaSMaa-& iasPv"'a5aaaaa aaaa5awTfcjamrat 'lrBaka RaaaaK-''1 aTsaaaWl-wsflaaBma.'' - 1 maaPP5 aaaaal-Vaaaaaal i VslgJaaafBaVV ' BaaajaaaE agoBgsi fu- .iaaaBaaa"-' YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK NATURE'S WONDERFUL AND AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS PLAYGROUND 1tt hotels nro nmrvelmtn cstnhllithmentH. Us eninpH nro pretty III tin lent ntul cottage vllliigeii, iiioiltiU of cleanliness, luiiillnllmi, comfort anil simple. Intoniiiil living 3tm mllmi of fine biiiilnviirilii. An Ideal place feu vneatloii plenimieH Hend for beautifully Illus trated booklet tolling ll about IU wiuidiirM In Word mid pleinre. THROUGH SLEEPING CAR Operated DAILY between PORTLAND and WEST YELLOWSTONE by the UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM Round trip fare, via I'orland, going ami returning aii.u.i H) NOW, The Park clones rfepleniber ll. Let our representative explain the var X lolls tourn which eniililo visitors In hmi tho Yellowstone so comfortably and at minimum tost; also liiotn fares, prepare your Itinerary nml iiinku jour teservu-lions. J. II O'NI.Il.t.. Traveling I'assenger Agent, with heailiUartern at 701 Wells Furgn llullillng, I'ortlaiir, will le glad to arrange nil detnlls for anyone wishing to visit Yellowstone, Drop hint a card or address W.M. SlrMurriiy, (leneral Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregon JEJ5nT am aaB9aaswl aTJ IrLi W E vSSaaSNvAB J ewSyflsHUr ajW-m Farmer Enter your dairy ftock at the COUNTY FAIR October 4, 5, 6 It will encourage othert to get better Let's all get behind the fair and make best we have ever had. Housewives ask for Klamath Creamery Butter and help the dairyman. Klamath Falls Creamery stock, it the Ifero'ttUnn of the crew cf COO of H. M. S. Rufelglf nro making their way ashore after tho veisel hud gouo aground off Labrudor, , PAY AT THE LIBERTY It )ou ever taw that old Musical Comedy "THE WIZARD OF OZ" You will remember Fred Ktone for ho played the "Btravy Man." To day he comes to ux In , THEDUKE OF CHIMNEY BUnE" A snappy western fctory with breezy comedy In tho mtko-up Exceptionally good. "SB 'EM. BROWNIF' with "DrownjB" The Wonder Dog, is a real addition to the program which i rounded out with tho latest International News. . ' u i 1 Continuous uhow Sunday starting at 1 p. m. The attraction is "SISTERS" featuring Seena Owen. Tlio story is by Kathloen Nqrris'and was one of "Good Housekeeping's" features last year. Y t ' ? The Calitornia Oregon Power Company jM-'t'irKK: Meclforil, Yrs'Lit, (iruntx I'uks, lliiiikimilr, CiillfoMilii Klaumlli Fulls, Oregon. - '! .TO THE PUBLIC: We wish to call your attention to the fact that we pay 6 ( interest on partial payments, made on account of the purchase of our Preferred Capital Stock under our Special Savings Plan. When the stock is fully paid it takes the dividend rate of 1 on par, which at the price of $1)2.00 means an annual yield of 7.0 on the .investment. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY For further detail ASK ANY MEMBER OF OUR ORGANIZATION, VKr CALIFOrNIA OREGON I POWER COMPANY !" -ry Pi M aSBsaf"s a s Cut Out Mini Mall tho Coupon Inquiry Coupon 1022 The California Oregon Power Co. Pleasn xend mn further Information about your l'reforred Cupltul Stock. . No mo ,...,. :. Street .'. . h, City TOURPAKTNERS IN PROGRESS DON'T FAIL TO READ THE HERALD CLASSIFIED ADS 1 r ? '.s V8M .?: