M'j,e tV. &J tctrtntty. &jwsWa vsriiK; ." n iHKW&pPrv -iAtUm.. vkmSBm,. v fi" vv 'V. - . T- &y (Tlftrlvi A iaasfliyj.,'-'l r U fcUBtlittQ mMmmhm i -f v WEATHER FORECAST TOWllllT r.WII," KI'NTiAV I'AIH .M WAItMlIII .- . VliM"''tf''t(l ' 6M . I 1V- KLAMATH COUNTY oTklamath tAuTl f V JL Vs . - .O i "A i 4fh 'Jf Member of the Associated Press '7T j A t'. ririi-iiiii m. nii. mm KLAMATH I'AI.LS, om:oo.v, HATCUDAV, HKI'TKMIlKIl . HUB is. IMPLICATED IN SHOOTING ! STRIKE SITUATION PMC RMS AS ARTILLERY TOM HALES ,tfW ., ll IS QUIET PENDING CONFERENCEJMONDAY ne TO IE A rN, M J E: ll Afiillon I'llml lo Vrfrnff (lutriiK HiMitV llilutn-tli'il II i'P- S plliH in Jew nil nnil Sroii I I r- ".4y ,.: .V! ,& fieralo E WIN nam n fa lf lrti'' - ' f aaaW lmMiAr ' i saV v ' I HHK I M WELCOMED HELD p v Mn. Ollic Blowers on TrUI In Connection" With Death Of Sheep Herder Prrllmliitfry hearing for Mn ()! I Hit lllnwnrx In connection with Dm death nojr her rnailliiiiuo nenr CroKCrnt last Filday nliilit of Tom Montnta, Mexican sheep herder, was started In Ihn Justice com t today. Thn body n( Montoya with two bullet holes In tli (i rtiritt uiul oila near tho left ntr wu found near tlm nlil Knott tunch after Mr. and Mm. Lowry, auto tourists of Amity. Oregon, reported tho shooting which nceurrrd near their camp. II. K. Meads, It, Thorckmurton nnil F, A. MclMuleW wern notlflrd and callnd Hherlff Low. Mm. Mowers was nr inslnl mid brought to thin city whern u rlinrgn of murder wax lodf I'd iigulllxt Iht ly thn sheriff. Ti alimony today largely oncrrii ml lln footprint discovered on thn limit loading lo the point whom the lindy Man found Meads wax railed iii wltnnxx nnil iMllflml to finding thn hotly with ihn two hoep' dogs stumllng on either shin I At thn coroner's lliU't oxter-' dny tli' vnrdlcl wax th.it Mouto)n I hud hi nn killed hy M En ll In thn' hands of an unknown person, j Mrs. -Mowers U reptescnted b W.P. M)er .an attorney of llrml. It U exported tho hearing will end today. ...... XN. BAD FIRE AT MIDLAND VMI Aur of Jnl llurnnl Out On Clilii I.HHK IUncIi Klro htllcVril o hro ulnrtril from tho Imrrfxlcr on tho Chin l.nnic rnnrh In' Ihn Mlilland district Varfy )nxti'riby had hurnnd nor r.00 arrn of HtaudlUK grain atitoO'n todny nnd nx Mill Hvrcadlim. Thif li'irvnutrV uiik uUn' itpxtroyrtd In nddlllon" to ntliiT nqtilpmnrtt, Tho fln htfd hurund nvnr only 10 acre ynktcrday hut all olforlx to chock It wrrn tin' nv.illliiK nnd today ll rontlntind un iihnlnd. Tho flrn Ix rouflnnd to Ihn Chin I. mnt ranch. PHYSICAL NEED SEEN ( dure hill I'nrM More Attention lo Training In Hrhoola BA1.KM, Ore., Bcpt. 9. Greater attention to the physical education In tho public ncuoola- of Oregon la ured hy J. A. Churchill, aupcrln- tnndent of public Instruction Intho ntvlaod courso In physical education which Ix now ready for distribution. "Thn physical welfare of tho child Is of tho first Importanco In his do vtilopiunnt, not only for the body uml thn IntvlllKcnco but as unaffoncy of tho hlchi'st Imporlatiro In moral training," declares C'h'urchlll. , REBELLION IN RUSSIA KIkIiIIiiu Oiriirx ltrtwivn Ileliel nnil Kict Km lions LONDON, Sept. ! A rebellion bus hroko out In Huuth ItUHnla, aicordlng to a llelslngfors dispatch. Oiluima Kovlnts huvo dcrl.irod Hou(li Itussla uml Crimea Independent mid fighting has occurred In many districts be tween tho Itohels uml tho Hovlets. Crows of wuinhlprt ut Hrbustopol ure reporled In a stuto of mutiny, ssBBfsssJJjaMsavaaMSM WKATIIK.lt I'KOHAIULITII.S JTho buroinotrlc prossitro continued iu rise, iiiu b;t;iu- Htorniugraph ut Underwood's I'hui mncy recording five points out lho mark of yesterday, Tomorrow glto promise of being another fine day. forecast for next 34 heurs: Continued fair and warm, The Tycos record ing thurmomotcr roclitorod muxi mum and minimum temperatures to day m follow i : - Pi High Low .'. ..80 ,.40 asta .hIl 'v&iLLLLLv bBbbbbbbbbbIP i iijZu I HavBBmaaaaas aVlHaWi VMtaW -VkVw 2'lSka.!J oaSHkiak lKaSBoV 1JrT rxaiaiaH ialalalaKA4. ' li MPH lalalalHiBKIiliiial " B Tarararararararararararararararararararararararara1'iBpriLiiB J TBiiiBALlK'i, j rf xorararararararal xkiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiSaiair .S.aiHaiSaiV if 1 aSSHrV'Hikikx: kaBH ' ljLJCxWPfc!piik AI.ICi: 'IIIOItNTON Alice Thornton, 10, who has told police of Edge water, N. J., that die was in the home of George Cline,,lr',inrln",n,,n,alnroa,,'a,,,,or' . ,,. . .1 . i i ,t . t , i, ? i , dlstancn from Knno. A tr.i? saved movie Director, the night that John Hergen, film dare-',,,,. coul) frnm a 20o nnt pIuhko devil, Was ."hot to death. I ln, ""' Klnli rWft, and down th-j CALIFORNIANS TO CELEBRATE WITH BANQUET TONIGHT Itlg TImmi I'niinl'iil for All 1'iintirr Iteolili'iiU ill ll in- hlnln; Alfnlr - Hlails ill 7 o'llork .AllVrei, llrltiK on tho hoar mid lrt'n go! "C i ' That win tho word sent out thli tuornltiK by Callfornlans who will oU'errn thn hlrihday Iff thnli. sl.itn with a Imi'iunt nt ihn rhtimhnr of commerrn tnnfght. Tim ildfnri IH start at 7 o'clock nn, I from nil Indications Ihosn who V. ...... .-..- .. 1-. ...... !.- ure l.lin will nnvr lo r.u nnu inn chef or etsn accept surh ('.illforuh tidbits nx Ihn morn fortunate ono .... .. . .1 . may deign to tots them from Ihn. liililn. Rpnaklng short nnd snappy stunts, muxlc nnd other feature will ellven thn evening. California fruit will bo plentiful. (lolden nuggets have been Im ported. These, liowcnor. are for dororatlro purposes only and- may not bo carried nway by the guests. EX-KAISER TO MARRY Intruded llildn Ix Prince llrr Bitne. ill Vine Old Widow LONDON, Sept. 9.- The former kaiser's Intended lirliln In lho Prin cess llermliio of Iteuss, 34 )o.ir old widow, iirciirdlng to a repoit iitoted by tho D.illy Mall's Merlin rorrespon dent, Thn ongUKniui'iit, ho iidds, w not lie announced until after tho anniver sary of tho Into kiilserln's death, on October 22, Princess llormliie of Iteuss Is tho widow of I'rlnco Jean of Kihoualrh Ciirolath, who died In April, . 1020. Hho was horn December 17, URi, and Is tho mother of flo children, tho eldest of whom Is 1 1, Hho OwnH a liirgii vsluto ut Ba.irbor, Bllesla. BIBLE HELD LIBELOUS MetlMidUt Minister IH'iIuivn (IimmI Hook, Not liuplriHl Document AUROIIA, Nob., Sept. 9. J. I). M. Ilrucknrr, In a statement accompany ing his voluntary r.oslgnutlnu as min ister of tho Methodist church horo, a post bo liuu held for otovon years, do ilured "thoio are stnndpiittoiH and piogrobslvvH In religion an well na in politics. m "I'in'nti occloslaatlcnl progrosaUo; I havo no fnlth Iu tha'uld Unto reli gion," llrucknor doclnrod. Tho ulatomont nlso doclared Its author does not ncknovvledgo the lllhlo of an Inspired document throughout und regards muih of It as u llbol on "lho Clod" ho worahlpn. 'I. WANTED TO BE SHOT I TimniiN I'oIIik ISrfiiM' li Compl) With it-'iiii-l of Airotnl Jinn TACOMA, Hept. . A man Kiting thn nnmo of W. II Hnmlnr asked tho pollen to nbont hi In after he was' captured today follow In c u tcrrlfc struggle with two offlccm. ' "I wish )nuM shool mo now. 1 kno what this l for,' police quoto' line man as saying. j Knmlrr was arrested asleop In nn Jbat field a tho tdgn of tho city, and Jpolho k'now of no chargo against htm. Ho h lining detained In Jail while an InycttlRnilon ,l conjlucted lo dlsruiur the mVan'riig of his ro mark. COSGRAVE HEADS DAIL MlllUtl'l' Of I.IMM1 (.Ill'l1lllll'lll Sue- ' . ... tcoiU Mlili.ul Collin, DUIILIN, Sept 9 William T. Cosgran. minister of local govern ment was elected president of the Unit Klremann b the new parliament nt Its Inaugural si-nlon today, suc ceeding Mlcbui'l Collins. Lawrence (llnncll was forcibly removed from tho gathorlng. THE I I 'f 4Sa5li P ZKK ,yBk T ' aaaaaas I vP tr rflafalaaaan . JP bTbTBVV j k I -'BBTBTB .MariSBSBSSISBaaaBa lj m m SSSi' r - -;BaHajw ('IIK'A(lf). Root. .-- "Nollillic In a)'. wnx tho hrlnf roply of iinlr.n' inaiinm nmi niiirnmi iif.id to lien for futthnr i iilliilltiiiini'iil on i nti Urn Munition today, i'i.illni: iht . M-lopmt ntx Mntulny, i I Thn titotloti to viiCMtn Ihn covcrn I ini'lit'M 'Injunction ux It uptilli'N tn ! Ilnrt Jnnoll unit JolniiHcolt wax fllml In tho t'iilto, Ktntfx dlclrlct court ' today Thn Rowrnmnnt nt Wanlilnpton todny inoird for n ilUrilrxil of thn petition for tin Injunction hroticht hy tho lntcrnatlon.il hrptlmrhood of I'hiclrliul workcra, tncklnx to prnrnnt rnforrctiiriit ff thn rvxtralnliiK ordnr of .Iinlr.'i Wlllmmon. , Tim pntltlon ronlnnilx lh.it thn auprnain .oi.rt of j inn uixirici hi i,iiiiiuiiv i nun in. Hum orlt) to reWt'W or modify thn ordnr. x HAVE NARROW ESCAPE Trrn Hnv tri1fort AiiIoUIm .from -'Ml.foot rlttURi- Inln ItUrr' Mi:i)KOItl), Hnpt. 9, V. II. Hur I mini nnd wlfn, plonner rnldnnlx of ' thlx county, narrowly nxrapwl dentil J Ihlx woi'k. In mi auto nccldnnt on thn sum ui a riiiiuuiain. i nr vr imn badly diimnced, hut Ihn ncid louplo onrni'i'il without serious Injury. Itanium and wlfn cro drtvlne homo from u trip to Klamath county nnd whllu tra cling oxer thn rnuun tain, nticouiitornd a car. Just buforn 'n ,,rt ml lho narrow road, Thny met another cur, nnd In turnlnr. out struck n bump, '-which rained their car lo skid In te roft dirt, and pluncn onr thn embiinVment. Thn car with thn occupinti. turned in cjr '''or" "IrlUlnir tho itw, which iiarnum sa tavoi ineui irom ueain. Other caru wero near and rescued tho Medford people from their precari ous poxltlon. A force of men from.n nearby saw. mill iulle.l their car avu nnd they r'upied Inline, nnd highly grateful at their mlraculoux escape. x l CONSTITUTION IIAV TH ' UK OltKKItVKD IIV l. A. Itl Constitution Day, Sunday, Septem ber 17, will bo observed hero with appropriate ceremonies under tho auspices of tho I). A. It., nnd may also be obxerved In tho schools tho pre ceding Friday, according to Capt. O. C. Applegatc. A' meeting of the P. A. 11. will bo held early In tho week when definite plana will bo laid. . BUSY MAN'S NEWSPAPER I itwiuu-'Turks Drive Greel: Airmen From City; Civilians And Soldiers Flee ATIICNK, Hnpt. 5. .Snirna Ix l.p-j Iiir hnnihanlr-d hy Turhx nnd nine (Irei'l: ulrmnn loft thn city under hnavy nrtlllnry flrn, A filth plann wax ilamaRnd. Thn city x drills rvacuatcd ntnldxt a xrenn of urnat dlxordrr nnd panic. Crock enlillerx arn cpntendlnK with rlvlllnnx for pl.icnx on outKoltiK iblpa. riio (in ft: (Icct li'ft yoiterduy. am w vnuUv occupy riinyrim today. Allied and American detachments sro protecting tho for eign population. NEVADA RACE CLOSE Clmmllrr l.r;iriln(; Arentz for Ken a I or 11) ITU Voles lin.NO. Nov.. fiept. 9. Tho repub lican nomination for Tolled States senator Is thn only result now In doubt fn thn Nevada primaries hold Tuesday. Tabulation today showed that Charles 8. Chandler of Kly was leading Congressman Samuel 8. Arentz by 178 votes, with only a few- unimportant precincts In Isolated Mrtlons to he heard from. On the ilvmorallc ticket James 0. Scrughnm of Itouo was ngmlnateii for governor and Charles H. Hlchards of Itcno for congrtss.' On thn republican ticket John N. Miller of llawthorno was nominated l for gowrnor'and A. (irant Miller of Hcnu for congress; K. W. Urlfflth of l.ns Vegas for lieutenant governor. The official counUmay atfnot, the retail In the repiilllran nosalaatlon for l'n I ted States senator as tho vote from hundreds of distant precincts was sent In by telephone nnd cour Jen, making errors probable. DIVINE HEALING UP Question Itroughl llrforo Convrn- ' 'tloa of ;KpUcQpaJ"ani POHTLAND, Sept. 9. Tho matter of divine healing was brought boforo tho convention of KpUcopatlans here today by tho Iter. J.'WMUur Orcsham of San Francisco, who presented a resolution on behalf of the synod of tho Pacific which was referred to tho committee without debate. Tho outlined program for tho next three-) cars calls for the expenditure of 121,000.000. Tom Hules Is reported to have ac cepted the responsibility for the am bush that killed Michael Collins. He Is now reported ready to lay down his urms and Join the Free State forces. PRESIDENT TO BE INITIATED INTO 33D DEGREE OF MASONRY IIOHi Annual Mertlnjj of Huprewe Cnunril Nrpf. 18 to bn Marked Allnadjuirn of Not a Mr CLKVKLAND. O.. Sept. 9. President Harding will be admitted to membership In the 33d degree. Scottish nite of Free Masonry, at the 110th annual meeting of the supreme council for the northers Jurisdiction of the United States, to be held In Cleveland September 11, It has been announced. ' The president will be one of many notables who will gather here -for the meeting. 'state governors, -sena tors. conaressmen. atateamea raasl'TTsIsV Ai trtJ-VUi i.' mAtfi! It men 'of affairs of several 'foreiga it affairs of several 'fen countries having signified their ta lentjan of Unrtiag. Istr JaliWiffLVrHajaiaV tsv' ijSf j'Hliaa aajt Gibson, former premier of Caaada and Thomas R. Marshall, former vice-president of the Valted States, ha written that they expect to bo here for the- council meeting. President Harding Is expected to arrlvo hero September 19. Pc,talls of his visit have not been, com- pleted. Ho Is tho candidate of he Columbus valley of the supremo I council. Tho first meeting of tho officers will Ixi held 'Saturday. September 16. Sunday tho council will nttcnl church In a body. Monday will be devoted to committee meetings. Tho supreme council will go Into aeaaton Tuesday and will continue until Thursday. Plana for tb0 building of a new Scottish Rites temple at New York to take the place of the one In Bos ton and for.tbe awarding of scholar ships to young men and women of exceptional ability, Irrespective of their Masonic affiliations, for which a fund of 13,000,000 has been cre ated, will be discussed. Among other prominent men who will be candidates for the highest Masonic degree are Governor Alex J. Groeabeck of Michigan, former Governor C. S. Dlneen of Illinois and Denson vV. Hough, justice of the( Ohio supremo court. More than ISO candidates for the degree will be honored at tho meeting. SEEK HIGHWAY ROUTE Bridge May I.luk Rlrer at I'pper End of Conger Avenue V A preliminary meeting was held this afternoon by the county court and a committee appointed by tho. I chamber of commerce, composed of W. O, Smith and Ma) or W, S. Wiley, to uetermino mo course io uu pur sued in connecting Congor avonuo with tho proposed west ldu highway. One proposal Is to declaro au Im provement district In tho Conger uveuuo vicinity to rulso- funds for building "un approach to a bridge spanning Link river. The bridge would bo built at tho upper end of tho Island at a uarrow pojnt, tn tho river, Tho Culjfornla Oregon Pow or company has ugroed to furnish right of way and to complote tho road bordorlug' Link river without cost tq the, counly or city, Should tho committee and tha county court reach an agrcomont It wll bo up to the property owners af fected to decide on the question of as Improvement district', .JV Industry Will F.neAKiid With Settlement rf ControfmUt' " WIASIIINOTON, Sept. 9. Prdlc lions of prosperity to etno hate been taking much spaco In the tfuMte press for the last year. Orlnluns of, fsMjH men supposedly quaJUfed to aaak with authority hav beet aeaght aad, eagerly published. Bat here la net a prediction baaed e Iwjie.or.'.'gea- .- . eral conditions" bat oo aatUtteaf facta. , Some New York bonks to0ktj' trouble to gather up the' facta 'air ;' preaeat them as real rrMa. ' cording to these fltarea. baakeleaf-15' logs la 113 cltlea aw IS1.? r'eat higher than a year aga; raaaettial employment la 'Yerk"1 ataMU per centand throagtwat Ike coaatry IS per cent: alg lra araaiuetlM lilt per cent; sine arodaeUaa. 14 fiat ceat; copper prodactlaa IS ir eeat; automobile 6 per ceat; awgar mek- laga 78 per ceat; electric aawer aro du2tloa 21 per eeats balMlag eaa tracts 1 per ceat, etc. These flgares ara te trae Index of , what has happened and a firm faua; datlon on vtklch to balls) a fremer doaa prosperity (or the Im mesylate future. , , 4 J From these facta the banks draw the obvloua coaetaeloMlkat jrial liroMfrliy U Kkeraaa jbat :yaUaaf the MUlemeat tf, fs( (toJiihal i1 ill s " i 'fri ir ss coadilleBa to be vaijOe'Aa Hsv.sV- " rtceVTar ."ef tFalvatlafiNBa M naiilt: ''WhWlril aitiVai'.'' keig'W fW'iaawasU'Wla'aiaatisia at'ttKTtofeea 'k? WiVgiaalHl la 'lUk tic eesnoale poattlua ptaaaaailaaa ' lagf contraita w(tk laV prtfraWag, -one year ago. wka America .baalriff, . nea,wae,aj.the owel,)J aMay,. , ,( ara-. -. an i,iv,t,iuj r '-Iii' H. ,T. ?rfl,M"r.lK)JhaiReaaTiJt( tracts la to ga,a,tkt,wa:(lillpfit$t;i) t Hon atjbiJaearerjrJ.sretieiJi. iw substantial and,th,at, when srlkea.apa'i 'n i settled, thVrevlwl will loglcalljr oa-. , , tlnuo many months before reaching mo crrsi or a new prosperoaa era.- CHURCH PLANS WORK Two OkJaTrt By rst The First ChrlstUa tbla city la uadertaklag aa tatanalrtf 4ra4aSaai,. n ckarck C program for tha next faw weaka,). Two, big objectlvea ar atara Ika, membera of tha chnrcbv tke first Ja, l( tha" tithing campalga, wblek, coa alsta of morning aamoa'a' 'during the month "of Septbaeel.llse'j ' "Tlt'ka aad fti rsUa'ti tbeWft tlan life ' To'eulmlaata ihla faaf of church worki' wlllba thawyj invaaa daSaptaaaliaixr Cxi Member canvaaa i F. Swander, the atata auperlnteudeat of the Christian charehw, will oc cupy the pulpit that star. will v apeak In the interests of tha local and state work, ,. i Tho second event will be the reviv al to be held the tint part ot Octo ber. The Rev. Johnson, pestor'of the Prlnevllle Christian church wlll.be lho evangelist, with tha Mar. A. B. Rrlstow, minister of tha leeal church, . aa the singing evangelist, The Rev. Johnson cornea very highly 'recom mended both aa a man aad aa evan gelist. t Beginning noxt.. Suaday avanlng, September 10, tke miaJaier af the)V Chrlstlau' church will begin a series ot sermons on 'ThelWWe". The sermon -Sunday evening will b "Tke' Dlblo. tho greatest . book tatke world," The Sunday araatoc oi lowing there will ba aaatkanWwea, dealing with the same bjcj(. Thta. however, will be a chart tu ' mrs. hardTng irrTW; " 'fa V.-f' 7'- 0 , , WlOto Houso PaalMM 'llsrtir'aa Have Had aoaai WtfM ''' , 'AVASHINaTON. D. Q ept.,. t,T Tho coadHloB of MnWafaXag.'wIto la critically III at Mm'wMU kauaaf c waa resorted today. to oa-"'aa can. bo aspoeta4 .t.tktte Hinu ulil k MllM 4 ' " tt y"Ti.r;rvi" ry good alght," aaa.MxH catioaa wera Mas ttlxsSs4MaTBB. v. ' ?a fl - i - i X "it .42 H ' vftj. 5', it , fil 'aa4MH,'- ' , ' u TJWTIji? .,'!'. ! MtCfJWfW'. " ' .tM r -saw.nai' .. i - i 'raai.j fVv-,4, - t '-ttam V f Q i- tf?4