X&tSV'Ji&i ,i-'if.'4 Av.i4.'j;. s,- :ife THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'HIDAV, HRPTKMUKIl 8, IjfM, ,t ".-' """ -" I " ,"'J. Ta!.'.tw- .,.,( .,,- w,..,v ' T t V "i . IA f Ik. .v i"' .-'t . j The Office Cat HV JUNIOH I.IVO Models Will liti lifted nt llio ronvcntlon of llio Maine undertakers to display Rrnvo clothes, llolng prop erly dressed when heliiR burled Is the liropcr tlilnR now. Ami why not? It In h Ioiir and Ininorlnnt Journey. iiemi: mu:v t Wo-nro Mtandlnr; In Urn basement, With llio randlo burnrns; low. Ami lio poured mo out three fingers Maybe four, for .-111 t know; And-d slowly raised thr beaker" f To my lips and drained It dry. After which, I saw n spider "Look nt me and wk Its eye Then mothoURlit the nlr prow denser. An the inilo plunged nhend, While beneath ub lay tho landscape. With tho Arab clothed In red; nut tho submarine wan sinking And tho licoa had cone lo rest, Thntigli tho mine wai dark and fear-, some "" And alio Raid sho lined inn hot. .metiln' No flimd "Itoavonfwa-in'U jnade: fo' do man dat holler amen." said Charcoal Kph, rumlnatlvcly.'i VVo 'all j;ot l' ronjo ncrost wld sum'n nio'n nolfe V crowd' lli'oo do Pearly (late1.-' " UN Knilii'rV Son 'Tell mo truly, billon tho baby real ly tuko after hla. father?" askod Mrs. Jon os. ' '' ''Yes, lndloed-,why, when wo took tho darling's bo't'tlc away, ho tried to creep down tho 'cellar stairs," Han nnyono noticed tlmt ono local Atoro Is displaying heavy mats with fur collar, and another Isshowltic talklnu dolju. vUo your Christmas ahopplnjr.oarly, '' Thr Ileal ll.ii.scr She had studied all tho modern fads-nml was rather amuscdnt the luj est theory abou kissing. Doctors said It was unliygcnlr and dangerous. Finding herself nlona with a rath cr.'sllent young man, alio mistook. his illenre for shyness n , 'I)o you think kissing Ik danger ous?" alio asked. ,, ?,Torrlbly," bo answered, f?'Vhy? -Whatever can it pioduco?" I ."Marriage," -lit-snapped. I j'Don't you detest people who tnlk botilnd your back?" "Yes. especially In a theatre." ,r t 'llemember, gjrls. Htho hency ber duusn't wasTo mttchitriiut over an aril-' flclal flower. '" -' , jl Why ii your wlfo so jealous of your typist?" ' "W1I, you see, my wife used to bo'j my, typist." , 5 " jWiicn a man knocks lilinself ho doesn't mean It any moro than ho ' means thjj face.sthut ho makes at himself when ho shaves. f 'Dr. C'umpboll says It we would chow less food mora wo would take less pills more. Origin of .liu 'Jazz was discovered by u dog with a tin can on his tall, chasing a 1915 flivver. Tllruuswlrk rouirda play on an) Htaudnrd phonograph. Currln Kays SdZ S YOUR WINTER'S WOOD should have your attention. Cool weather and storms' force prices up. Our fuel is the best, our prices are right pn Slab, Blocks, Body ' hnd Tama- oack. r '-H, If .1- ' , nn t Your business is solicited. 0. Peyton & Co. H9 MAIN, IIIONR B35 ; j'. i&U-ri X. -tj JiiiIbiiii'iiIm and Deriivx Ihitoiiil Judgment t mid decrees signed os tonlay I')' Jmlfio A I. t.eavltt were Judgment In default for the Union Oil company versus A. A. Swltrer for tho Mini of S27&.0K.' JJecree. was entered minuting, tho niHrrlagoof ttuben M Striae and Lola stoue. Tho two minor children woro put In ciiRtody of tho plaintiff,' Default judgment entered In tho rase of Mnlln State bank against C 0. Merrill. Default Judisnierit entered In tho ease of T.estlo KoRorV,' as adminis trator of tho estate of Oeorfio Mitch ill, against J. C. Mllchell. for the mini of fs.'OO. ' ShetirfV Sale CoutlrnuHl Tho flhoriff's sale of latuN In Township -lo's..' llange 13 K.', under fomlosuro prowedlbgi In tho ease, of Casobeer versus Hamakor ot nl was confirmed by Jndgo Leavltt, Sep tember 7: lfct quality olive oil castllo soap. SOc huyj. ono. wo give vou one. Sat unlay1 only. Currln'a For Drugs. S Male Train Is Latest Operates for Men Only . MlgKlllM. A I,.nl Sinn! V Tl. Hitter Hoot valley, north ot here. In1"1 ,n ,,s "'"UdKlty. to lmve a new male train to bo knowu . as tho "llachetnr'a Special." The apodal will carry "adult male passen- ers only." from whence It derives Its name. Tho new trnla. Is believed horeto be the only excluslru "male train" operated' on any railroad In Uio I'nlted States nt the present time. The decision to limit tho train in men only was reached because the tr.iln will handle a large amount of freight, necessitating cunfldcrubla swltrblng, On account of the hazard InctUpnt to the switching, railroad company "officials thought It advU nbJc tn limit the passenger service ta men. " ! Mr. Duck Hunter I " lliivluil; Waterproof Hunting CojiIn,' Pilllls nml l'nn llniwl nml ll.ill I tllrnml Itubber lloTit., Ix-atlier VcsIhI nil M)le!. Surater. (ilou-., Wool Sox now ready at 1. K. K. Sliin-, l.eiidltiR tlolliler. lit)-1.1 ! n I I i Cnrrln's For Drugs'. Ninth and J , .Mali) Sts. The ultimate coaler of - Klamith Falls. S Car cf Fresh Fruit Will be in Saturday, 7 a. m. PRICES AS tf Baitlett'Pears ......, Peaches', box ...... .Tomatoes, box .... Plums, box Prunes, box '... lK Cantaloupes, Grapes, Squash, This will be the last car of V.4 Gil BARTLETT in this season Remember you'arc getting this fruit at less than wholesale price. a: c. gienger 220 Main St. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS Wf :! Wj .-. ; Next to old Postoffice I VloMDER WHAT THOSE yOMEH WERE TALKING IXF THCV STARTUP IN AS THOUGH THUV HAP 30ME.THIHG TERRIBLE TO TELL ME. AMD WEMT AWAV 1 VHTH OUT TELLIHG IT- I HAVEN'T. SAID AHVTHIMG ABOUT ITVE.T- rfft . y , v i- y - OUGHT 1 0. jK rt U&TEN IN; H Till: STIt.VM) "Mo and My alv" shown nt Tliij Sitrund tonight is n story of life, lovo and laiiRhter Xothlng llko It was ever seen hero heforo and It wll bo enjoyed by all who attend tonight. This Is also country store nlclit with fifteen prlioi to bo ghen away. qvi your nnmo In tho box mid bo sure to bo on hand at nine o'clock. These country stbro nights are one of tho beat entertaining feature Klamath Kails has. The nrlncs Riven away are really worth while anil they are given out In a maimer that i plejuuntho nudfeiire. , Sunday the feature picture will be "Tho (treat A I hup," tho scenes being the story of a hnlfbreed lnvtho groat froen north and again on tho toot-, b.ill field when a great game Is be-1 lug ployed between two uulxcrxltlet). , Tim i.ihi:i:tv A rugged, outdoor story portrayed i by rugged outdoor turn Is showing ' at the Utterly theater today when "Out ot the Silent North," a I'nlver-1 sal rnductlon with Prank Mayo In ' tho loading role, will be tho chief at- j traction. There probably is no more ' vlrllo character on the screen than i Frank Mayo, nor any man who knows nd loves the great-out-of-doors moro than William Vorthlngtcn. who di rected tht yruductlon. "Out of tho Silent North" Is a clean wholesome siory or mo snow country, power- T he story concerns a young Frenrh'CAnidl.ln, Pierre llaptlste, i ... . . .. t "vln,: " a rar outpost of civilization 1 "l """thorn Canada, and loving Mar cette, daughter of tho store-keeper, there A Stranger roinen, a polished gentleman of the oulsldo world, whose gentility, turns tho head of pretty Marcette. Ho sets off to find n gold claim nml the girl asks Pierre to go along and see lo his welfare. Tho uluvjde story Is eloiiuently told In "Out of the Silent North." We !)llee In tho future of Klam ath Falls, we also hcllovo In better drug sortlco and constantly deliver , It, Ourrlu Says So. 8 lirunswlrk record run smoether: sound better' last linger: Cost no njoro. Currln Says So. ' S ' O C'urrln'i sill liincb klU rnmiilnln Wth vacuum bottle Ur $2.7:.. S .. Somo jieoplo do not bellove In tho use ot dniR3 for the relief nml cure of sickness but for thtsn who do wo supply ouallly drugsat reasonable prices, rurrln Says So. 8 FOLLOWS: $1.75 to $2.10 '...' .75 to .90 70 to .75 So to .95 .95 etc. PEARS I AOODT YESTERDAV?! TO VRIJUR ' WOHCCf? Rnl.,,nl. 9...1 ,. .wl T...I H UVlVTbUll .lll, 411IU Jl U, BH Qg t f a, T JTN. WWII I LjonirrT Si Mvfrs TonXcco Co. NEW TODAY FOlt 8AI.K Almost new wood range, equipped with hot water colls. A bargain. Call 231. X-ll FOIl SAI.I." Modern K-room house, two lots, fenced, big gardun, base ment, screen porches, lawn, rose bushos, shndo trees, bam, chicken house, Ono block from Fulrvlow school, best view of tho city. All for $3000. Cull 1H7 Worden Ave. S-lt ' WAN'TU) Coisl cook lit Italnbow I' f...A... C II, . I ni't-'ui oiiii. n uiiiiiii iirvierrrii. 8-1 1 WJIO W.l.VTrl A IIO.M1:? Hlx room idnatored hniun $2300, 2 Ioih, ? 10 .-iii) n month, 7 per cent int. 4 room, modern, lot t0 x SO ft,, $1750, $12 00 a month, terms. 2 three room houses, 312MI and $8G0, small payments, homo terms. 2 room hoitho and burn, 2 lots, $1200, Home terms. .lASI'KIl linXXKTT 1020 Mala St., or Ilox JOlfi. S-O FOIl HAM: -CimiiI piano, very chenp. liimio 2U9J S.'J FOIl SAL); Mfairu iiiuul ami hay mid KtiMll-ige cutting outllt In cluding oiiu ten Inch meal machine, ono Huvoui'imi Inch hay chopper, ono Fordson tractor, oim snveiity-flvo Something Queer GUESS I'LL CALL UP VJILBUR. AHO TELL HIM ABOUT IT IT WORRIt-.d ME -HELLO - HfeLLO- I 6ut3S There is somebody oh the line--thcv are F TALKIHG ADOUT ME- J'tL .ISTEN Get to the heart of this - Y-Ji:KiW m y& . mm m s. f NX. hesterfield CIGARETTES Of finest Turkish mid Domestic tobaccos blended foot belt, one twenty-five foot belt, tractor pulley, power emery wheel, $900.00 takes the outfit. A fine pay ing busliies for some one. Terms to right party. Outfit may bo seen nt Harry llooth ranch on .Merrill ro.ul. H-9 illgh school boy. Junior year, wants a position to work for room and board; ran do any kind of work, morning nml evenings. Address Her bert Itlesbol, Klamath Agency, Ore gon. H-tt FOU SAMC- One Ikonomy King Cream Separator, good us new, alx tn ten cows ktzo. tirlco 1 10.00 Cull at Telford boat homo, SACItlFICi: Lot Lukevlow udilltlou, i.fil 'j, Dlock'Ol, $250 cash. Win. Jacobs, owner. Hotel TournliiQ, Oak land, Ci.l. S FUltNIHHKD HOOMH -741 Walnut. Just tliu place for tho night crow. No poise, no files, no kitchen, (iiiml bed ami good bath. Call at Colonial Hoom-4, 11 th near Main. H FOI4 HAI.B Dcrrlrk. cnmplete. In good ciimlltloii, anil .MrCJiirin.'icl. Iilmlor 7 ft. and new McCormiick rnko and mowing mm-hluu. .loo DrohHliiiff, Oleiie, Ore. H-10 FOIl KALK Ono li-room, olio 4 room mid ono :i-room house. All modern, ull now, all close In. Very eiisy. teriuw. Also one brand now 4- in the Air VES. I JUST HUARP ABOOT IT THI MORMIMG-SaHE GOING TO GET A OIVOPCE? I SHOULD TlllrtK SHE VJOULO -HE LOOKS LIKE HIHO OF A FL7 OIRD AHWAV- WHA.TKIHO OP BU3INCSS IS MR. PUFF IN ? j ('I I SHOULD THIHK SHE WOULD - J h yj ' ' HAS HE GOT ANYTHING V lalh What makes cigarette quality anyhow? Chiefly it's a matter of tobacco quality the kinds and'gratles of tobaccos used. The extra enjoyment you get from Chesterfields is due to just that thing finer tobaccos of better grade than in any other cigarette at the price. The good taste of your first Chesterfield will prove it. room house to rent to reliable couple. Cull 74.1 N I tlh HI h FOlt HUNT lly U2C G03W. Iloom In prlvatu fnm- I'lnu Hlniet or phono tt-11 WANTiaitlood furnishings for bedroom. 221 Mich. Ave., I'hono 483W. S. FOlt SAI.C- 12." white Leghorn hens, O. A. 0, strain, l'ercy Dlx- mi, Merrill road. S-l I FOIl SAI.K Ono 20. ft. power limit, In flrsl-i'lnss shape. Iiuiulrn Link lllvor lluttery Htalion. h-'.i Furnished (inn room cabin, Col onial HooniH, 1 1th near .Main. K-l 1 FOIt HAI.i:-- Ford Coupe, Owner leaving town, lumilro Humid of- flio. sir BIRTH RECORD I'ltlTCHAHD- At I'ellrmi City. Ki-p-temher 4, IU22, to Mr. and Mm, II, L. I'rlliiuuil, 11 boy, weight mtven IiouihIh, named, Jiimes Arthur. ,Mi. rrlti'hard was .MUh Chiudlu l.augoll boforo her uitirriagi). Wo urn dosing out l'nthii I'hoiiu graphs at one Jut 1 r price, Now ma chines and terms on larger models, Currln'H For Drugs. H I WHOM ARE Vol) TWO v .I306SIPS TALKING ff ABOUT P " , (OSTENIrWUM ON THIS ' ' Vi ClNE-"600PBVC! r v 1 j- , Mininr; Revival Is Seen In Central Idaho IIOIHI.', Idaho, Kept. S. The mill, lug belt f east central Idaho, com prying tho counties ot Unite, Lem hi, ('oxter and lllalne, uhcro virtu ally all mining has bretOlormnut for tho last two )car,,ls again forging tn tho front aiiordlng to Hlewart Camp bell; stale mine Inspector, "This roval Is milling consider ably to tho general Improvement ln mining throughout tho slate," suya CnmpholL. "and will ho a material factor In Increasing Idiiho'H mineral Importance, hh well as nildlng to the general Improvement in mining which the state Is witnessing.'' Wo sell genuine IIAST.MAN film. I'tirrln'H For Drugs. h .Mr. Dink llunli-r- DlixbuK WiileiiMi.if Hunting (VuiIn, 1'iiiilM anil ('apt llooil and Hull llranil HiiblM-i- IIimiIn, l.i-.itlier VokIh all sIjIi-n SkteateiN, (ilow-x, WimiI So now ready at K. K. K, Store, Leading ClothleiN, UU-lfi Wo do QltALIT V Currln'H Fur Drugs. kodak finishing. ' 8 BY ALLMAN a i A-- 4t