H ijfffim&m'V .- riunAY, hMiTr.Mnr.n h, iniw. THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'jj.&p '.& jr MVX i-j -P A uw: 7ie Drug Store ot Service Quality & Low Prices tei ;v ', MM mmmmu&r '' 'ft V v te;sseea fitti il i eteapt Massy, at Ms Ceaaasr ot t mmtktk itmt. nMHI t I atUe aimitrfci at VMM MM W9 tm WwVMMH u MM OP TH MOCIaTSD TM JUiVlir7m ta taatttirs If eaftekeft f U m (tr pkHaa: tUtTsTnl faw. alBsateaaa erseMtes a. it.tr ,Mt etkarwtee crasitaa la " ''IU l .' ' ' PWOMr, fHtl-TKMBKK a, Iftaa. v Exclusive Models v f Now On Display " 1 I Gate, Flak, Amme and Gold Medal I THE Hr BONUS Two Mora Hunting Yarns Unaalievable But True H?XR U tke war Senator McCsm tor, if' North Dakota, mm up 'tke aatlesal bonus problem, Jn kli ifpesiat a4reaa suae before Ik, OUtes gtte aetata recently: 4 "(fMt ta stake tkta proposlUoa ao teajr tkat kja wko ruse may read. "pjsre'sre two bora aervlag tke east !autseratle employer for, aay, I safejar..' Tke employer, wkese ward 'ta'kw, aara to ma of thaw: Ts ssseteka a rifle, face my eae attseas flfkt my battles. rw.il eealkm yesr wag at 'IS per day.' II aar t 'tke elker: 'Yov ahall star at, heme, out of danger, re lieve 'frets iarteblpe:' fas? I will at aa t bts aat tka caak to aay yM para tkaa IS par day, I wilt a "owMaJM 'tv aarraw, tke, axtra M par day. aad aa Ula flgkt for wktofeI aaparta roar faraier a- 99 par day will latt aboat 49 dor. I waa ywr aou far tkla' astri'H par day for 486 daya. wkt will aaaat to l,oa. I will pay you tkat . aatra la eaah, kit yoa(aiat rt yoar aota far tkat la'ai, aad yoa muit alao ain tka aaaa of yoar flfkUar .krotker tO ilattt M40a W'M oaw' at W-T- U fllktrag kay eaaiaa kaa fram tka battta. Ka-iHaaa a'at eaJrikta'poah t!oa aWaa. aat ha alaa flada tkat hia eUtaai kratkar kaa drmwa'.'If.lOl dariaf ikaaafH dapa ajaaa tkia ka, tka. aolttar. kaa draws., Star ia tk all. Ha Hada tkat kla ao-,ttai kaom altaod to. a IMH kota aad ka wi.iHrtparMa! not roaotTad a oaat f It ?H..T n-aa iro daaiatag tkia aaMtara' paWtla MnrirBMt raWfywc'taw'aal4W' hta'ktor..'iwat'ltk t la- tka' facotaad ikaa tMMr wkaa a oalla far aaaaa klad afs.aattiaaoatjkt aWlda9 ak! ,7!T!StJ"lLHr.EiUacor.yaaJIU.U one ot Wfoaf coatairltadaitta1(r"ktat. aT3ir QDAHTV ipecUltlea. Currln aaya so. .,8 .- yttairiiaw"i -ttt T taa'SNuapuiiian iin far law JaUaJLlar wn AaaT AJBiAa aTTaifx mawatft Back haa' kaoa aauiaally kuay and ktldjtoi feyl like hunt'lnc jo'er tkakUUaid" far "away for a buck: la:.wttk Mra. BMk and 'J. Baods. haa(tfat tka Rivarstfa, acbooi. ke akaatdarad kU rlfla aad waadered uTmatlS'tra-RrTTiirar-Kk-oor. X, Wiiattuuiojgayfatykyck., "Took a ekaac oa being pinched booties wltbla the city llm tkaa eeetlaae' ta ckarco thoa aaa state aad aasgraataies who leok4at tkta aaeaOas. ta tka aaae 111 kt tkat tbiTaoidiaraiaak at It look at It la aaaatlr tka aaae III kt la wklek I kara j repeated It look. oa It la amwilf ftk eaaie lickt Uat tke peo pML kara.laoked at U wkarever tkey kave kad as oppertaalty to aapraaa tkeaaaateea-taekarte.tbeai wKkt taaapMsa -to kay thaeatdler vetee." ;tlH eiaatn'a ? lawa aaaet appraral nWtaaoryi loyal Amarlaaa ettaMB. Ha'kaa'aaiaated the eoUtera' kosaa aaoataM wp la a etaar, eaaclae aad fraafa! suaaer. Soldlara wko IMgkt 'ear battle oa tka other elde are' osttUed to goTerament reoom peatf,' It la juat aad proper they keuld ke raeogatted la the matter of aarviaa to. tkelr coaatry durlag tka lata war. i a Is easts tadiutrlee It kaa become eeeojar to 'employ labor acoata to aaeara adMsata kelp. Tlmei- kave, cheated Is tka few month ilace It was seeaeeary to apes coup ktlcn ena to relleaa tke dletreea of tke ssomptoyad. Boetoa Tranecrlpt ttett CoDgraee, always eager to "ra form"'aelaeM; kadly seada ,taUI aeaallka reformlsg.1 Forbea Mega also. ', wWwww kilt 'of tka Victory Uoan boada wi'il.ibe called Is aad paid on Pec esjker(r)5 next. About a million paraoaa will .bare .Ckrletmae money IsJusd at, tks-good .moment. Jem seaoHe Jearsla: i m picputcfif'rAWW wmaumkvK iekaol work demsada Iota of aerate paper. Tka Herald kaa a esaaiety a aoraa strolls from wklek tks sapar H prUted, contalatng a assaWof otaoa wkHe paper. It le ss osd or padded kst oa rolls three asm PMr fsae.lass. Juat aa takes tram) eke peaea. Italia will erasa. ak to tea aasxda of aier. Fifty, eakW email amar TB eanu large aaae. rm st HeraM affieo.' .? J'-'iu'r"" s1 Speaking of shooting two doer with ob kot and telhlng bar and age kesa to death, here'e two more hunting yarne ae told by Jack Whit ney, upertateadeat ot construe Hen tor the Klamath Irrigation pro ject, aad W. a Beck of tke tele phone cempany: DrlTtag down tke Broadsword hill oa kle way- to tke Langell valley dlreralon dam the otker alght, Vhlt, ney came upon a big, mule-tall buck steading In the road. Appar ently Minded by the glare of the car'a lights, the buek made a tran tic dash to get past the car and be lieve , tbla or not landed on the rsnnlag board. A man accustomed to making quick decisions, Wkltney promptly grabbed the deer'e horns and 'step- pad on the gas. Here was chanct sot only to win fame for capturing a deer alive, bat to furntsk venison for tke boys at camp u well. And tkaa eame tke tkought that he had no hunting' license. Visions ot ar rest aad fine, possibly Imprison ment! So ha released the buck. And that's that. Here's tb other ene: W. E. Bee! Is lineman, trouble shooter or something for the tel ephone company,. Likewise, ha Is a confirmed kunter, and each year LUMBER CARS NEEDED Hhortagr Felt lly Imlmtry Throusli- out United .Stair shipments seem to be having com JkVBAatari;lslearckI,o, quota Lparatlvely le-u Trouble In being of" bucks. -Tkia year, ' kowever, nude. guees." ygfctaaM Currw's Special Tablet, contains I7D pagea good pencil paper, the prtea la 15c. Currln'a Fcr Drugs. S m sir. Pack master TSSMartsvABW UTS das d WhkS Imm TaaS sWWMBsBaaaft wBBm,s(vwiavs ars susi.ssada. wasnaM Pases aa4 Osps Maod asd Ball Iflsd ftabker RooU, teatker VesU waatera. Glove, Wool K.K.K, Ktare, ao-is Quality kaa so. substatuto. rla'a For. Drugs, Cur-8 Uardea Court Talcum powder, JSc bay one aad wo give you one, Satur dsroalr, Currln's For Drugs. 8 CHICAOO, Sent. S. The lumber Industry throughnut the country fo still looking tor cars ta make ship menla and hoping that embargoes may soon be lifted. For the week ending August 19 the varlqs asso ciations reporting to the National Lumber Manufacturers' association showed a slight drop In production. shlpmenU ot only 88 per cent of the rut, but orders 95 per cent. It Is evident that mills are turn ing down orders and thus holding down sew business on account of their Inability to ship much stock already rutaad dry, according to A. Fletcher Marsh, chairman ot the statistical committee ot tho Ameri can Wholesale Lumber association. Ampng the Individual associations the volume ot southern pine new bookings continue to be the high est, although their shipments are 20 per cent under new business, and some ot the mills east of the .MIshI- J slppl still shipping nothing. Ijj On the Pacific coast, the Cont Lumbermen's association shows a production at the same level as for the previous week, with shipments picking up somewhat, but orders being refused by the mills: ) Among the' smaller associations pexiJiPs &. , " v HsfaBSa rW'bWaMeWsf iXVtii1 v vrsssssVsOa 3BB)-T MaSSHsmt5: w Home Made Special (Inoil old fashioned and whole moiiio Ohoeolnto Covnrod lloncv romln'il MoliiMo.f Taffy, Vanilla NmiKnl coated with nuts unit rhoralnte., Molunsps Flavored Puffed Itlco Taffy, Nut Fruit, nml FudKn I'attlos. Curumel niul its sorted chews. Creamy cticwtmt ItimiM with rncoanut. Crl.ni nut tiiffl)'. Old fashluiied butter hodIcIi. Tlils Is jtixt a few ot tint ilellclotiH 111 I k )ou will find In Huns' Home Made Hperlal ('un tiles. 7 tiuntv Imiv tMo 1 1 ounce Imiv 0Ao HU POv Hot Water Bottles Cold Weather Comforts That Withstand Hard Usage Minimum Mot fitlvr lloltlo Pure niltlier, rluiruliito liriiwn roliir."Fiill caimcUy. (liniriiiileeil mm .M'ar ... . .Maximum t'miililiiulltin llui Water llolllc nml Fountain Hyiltute. Kiinio Ihik iik aliovn lug. : hard rulilier tips nml slmtoff. (liinrunteeil itiio ear iliiiut . .f'J.IHI I'llllim-t Imtuiln tuli . . . :iiki Kaulleek Hot Water Itulllx It ran't leak liecaimM II Im maile In line plei'i', Full (liiuriiuteeit In iih two yearn ni'rvlro , nxpinrt .Ise Itutmry Hot Walee lloltlo A kihiiI liotlle ul it very low price. Slie two iiuirl rapiirlty, ,. . .. M.7.1 Sl.lNI West I madn. . Currln's sell Kver Ready Flash-t iisni. iuu svm bur rla'a For Drugs. 8 College training plus 17 years ex- jj perlence make us competent. drug-. ,A gTsls." "CnrrfirSay rBbV rSeeJ-' ' J POrKIXG COXCRKTK AT MOHT ON WKKD ROAD mw? rv-n- . , .WBEB.?tep s-The worx or paVlaf ethhwsy.ln tkelvKlnlty ofWked' Is'aetneV' underway. The' forms are. laid... for eevaml, mllee sojfh 'eK'Weey-'and day and n-)i crews are laying the concrete foun dation. The detour takes the old road to Durneys mill then south on the Kdgewood road to the Inter section with the old country road belweon SIsson and Weed. The heavy travel has gotten the detour, which formerly was In fair shapo, In bad condition. Saturday Special 93 Hair Tonic and 93 Shampoo Paste I the rtinipletfi treatment for healthy lialrj 93 Shampoo Paste will thoraushly cleanse tho hnlr and scalp and should be used oneu a week, 3 Hair Tonic should he uxed earh morning and nlitht. This combined treatment for u few weeks will make your hair more utmmtant, Klosner, more beautiful mid easier to dress. HatunUy Special, U.V Jar of IKS Shampoo lne Free with n M bottle tf OS Imlr lonle. Lord Baltimore .,. , rtounil ixiper' ami rnvelopin A watermarked linen finish paper ot excellent quality. Lord 1U1 tlmor Stationery has been reeoxnlsed for years as u standard value.. The paper sells .'egularly for 75c and 60 envelopes' roll for 50c. Salut-d)- Special pelce fir both Vv 4 Hard Rubber Combs Maximum quality. Full lu, 9 Inches. Maximum Comb aro very highly polished every roupr. c.lKJ utid corner being smoothed out therefore they cannot cut or Injure the hair. Maximum combs sell for 60c , pUturtUv Special nrlee ifOe Absorbent Cotton , , In the patented packiige The cotton' In not exposed but U kept clean and nsepllc. You can quickly and easily extruct from thu package the exait amount of cotton needed. No wnte. It Is ea.y as tearing off a piece of, paper. 4 oz." packas; usual price SOe. Katunlav Special prle: iiilo , 4 Pureteit Witch. Hazel . A clear sparkling, permunent product that will not sour or become cloudy.i Used for sprains, bruises and soro muscles. A most re freshing skin lotion after shaving. Puretest Witch llarel Is strong-' cr than ordinary wlt,ch haiel. Fsual price 75c. " fKulueilay Seelnl prler, full pint (K rOUMAIN FKXS Waterman "Ideal" , Wahl Tempolnt S3.S0 to ST.OII Kversharp Pencils 9imo to sta.uo Fountain Pens (lepalrcd Rexall Orderlies (Iiiaruiiteiil llellef I'tir HouH Tnmliloi We hao ho much fit ltd In llexnll Orderlies as Ihe safest, innsl dependable, eoslost to take remedy for bowel trouble tbiil wi offer litem wlllt our positive gunritntrn thai If thiy tlo not satisfy we will liiiinl you buck the 25c )ou pay for them. . Mail Order Service You run shop by liiall, taking ml vantage of our weekly specials, Just the nam,, un If you went here In per son. Alt mall orders slipped same, day a i red'lvcd. You tnko no cliuitces. We pleuse you or refund your inniiuy. Fly Killers III Vumplro. Swat tbut I'ly 3 for 25e llulthrli . .. 45c mid S5e lllitrk Flan Bile iind 26e Klyiiiuu. pints "Be Flynsun 'outfits fl.o" Polhon Fly Paper Bo Sticky Fly Paer 2 double sheets 5c Talc Free onteel Tule Jontiel Is Miail.t from the bent materials obiulnuble. Tlio Oilor U ilellntle, sweet iilnl last Ion. a llutltiK StpiemlM-r mil), Tale Jimliel ulll Im uIm-ii I'llHII uilh rer' b! of .fiuileel I'ari' Putiiler al the rrular pi lee of AIM', Jonteel Is it cold cream powder vtMcli makes It dlstrlliute evenly ovr.r (he skin mllii'ie perfec'tly and does not brush off Ilka ordi nary powders', ('onus In threo shades Flesh, While, und llriini'll' lleautlflcs the complexion snd protccti the skin. ' J STAR DRUG CO 3X, motaiL Sir e i Fifth and Main StracU Iws'rirtrsrA MAII OltllKKK FIllI.KI VllO.MPLY n.Mit Nirrs Veitlda ll.ilr Nets. Cap und Frlnr.e Shape SlitKte or Dullliln Mesh I.V-, 'J for U.V tlalntboroiiKh llalr Nets I0e Good quality crepe toilet paper. 7c per roll. Saturday only. Limit five to customer, Currln's For Drugs. 8 Langs Kvery Day chocolatos. Fresh full 1C ox. pounds, SOc. Cur rln's For Drugs. 8 m Wo claim we can satisfy your drug needs. Currln Bays-So 8 TONIGHT AT THE STRAND - V lOc HVEIIE EVERYBODY GOES HOME. Op THE HODKINSOJT FKATVKEH Oo 1 first. Citrrki TONIGHT COUNTRY STORE NIGHT . 15 Prizes Given Away And a great big out-of-the-ordinary special Batty Balfour and Fred Graves in, "ME ID MT GAL" ALSO TWO GOOD COMED.ES itW .' Fifteen, prises gvlen. aSuy. Home of Ooajatry HUire Nigta. prises are box of pesctes, a cltlckenx, box of rrurkei-s, lbs jfjfejb beef, lb. of caffetv pcksjieof tea, ! rann of Dodgt runnetl fwii w.n yv., .-w p,.v wwj M. y v-,wm. the of Show Starts :30 Admisstoi) 10c and 20c SUNDAY Monro Salisbury in "THE GREAT ALONE" ALSO AL, JENNINGS a. The harvest service 'maintained by this bank is a harvest service for busy farmers. It includes the efficient handling of deposits-received by mail, prompt attention to customers requests received by 'phone, as well as co-operation in paying harvest bills by check. The facilities of this bank are at the disposal 'of all farmers in this section of Klamath County. American National Bank r TODAY AT THE LIBERTY The MencN arc nhii) up In I'anatla In " OUT OF THE SILENT NORTH " and tho IcnilliiK mnn Is Frank Mayo, It's n big story with anil about u big man and It's of thn typo Jack London loved to wrllu about. Then to give you a lilt of the scientific wo, hitve the latent Pal be Ilovlew niul It Im nxrnpllomilly Interestlin; today . The first number on the proxrum Is "The Dlssullsfled Cobbler" ono of Achop'h FubleH lis of 1U22, Ye,awo'ie lutlier proud of this pro Klam. HATl'IID.W Inlinlliible l're Hloue sliurliiK In "Tl HE DUKE OF CH MNEY BUTTE ff A rolllcklnK Western Midi Funny Fred lit his best SUNDAY Kulhlenn Norrln wrote u woiiilorful alory "HIH THUS" und when they miido u pleturo of It Heeiiu Owen was select ed to leud thu cast. The pleturo Is ucclalitied one of thu finest nf thu year. s I . HaPwlMSlWvpjgr'rr" 'i 'i 'ii " t ' .'' ..'' i '. i i rn"i i- 11 31 OWAU SiggSVSliiiiMlilBisSBBBMBamSBBBBBl BNsvfij-ssBkel111111111 Doa't failto read tha Harald Classified Ada. Its delicious flavor cantifet awav Hmcmimpacftd Golden Gate JLjLilm. I V MS.4L. V ftrJ -r I ' t.. kV- m UVJ V. V UA