"Tinzrz -km Tiii'itsiiAV, si:i'ti:miii!ii 7, mu'- THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS , OREGON ' fe! --r- x :r.i.,"j: -;. . tf f t I5T1 Y !' if J t' ;tty ; -vw .. .f. &VK TONIGHT AT THE x STRAND 10c ONE PRICE TO ALL 10c Tonight See Emerson Hough's Famous Novel "THE SAGE USHER" With Roy Stewart and an AU-Star Cast It's full of action and thrills, also VAUDEVILLE MOVIES Shows Start 6:15, 7:45 and 9:15 Admission Tonight Only 10c FRIDAY COUNTRY STORE NIGHT COMING SUNDAY The year's most beautiful picture THE GREAT ALONE" it & ' ', School, clays mySNt igervic shoes to withstand the wear and. teat of healthy serviceable o vigorous boys anbTgifls. r "" t We ha.ye, solved, this piflblcmin Holland s?8 HtlW-' m ' mx.' ' ''iJ Tl Educator shoes for girls mMde of solid le$her jheejs and soles, -enuine calf skin up pere.y4pairwillconvnce1yo..j h"' ' A f. OJiV rsWifrPY STYLES FOR SNOOKUMS Houston & Jester 515 Main St BETTER v SCHOOL SHOES SHASTA VIEW Dairy Wilson nolit hln lunu'li it lambs to UuRonc Uiiinnioml of Mvr rltl and itellveuM thorn last week. A luruo room lins Just hcen nililoil to tho grist mill nt Mnllti for tlio imrposn ot ittorlng flour ml nn other will lie milled Inter for grain. Mr, mill Mr. Wlhlo ot Klumnth Kails htive again taken ponvslon ot the Mnlln liotcl. Messrs, Mou nttit Kitrlatto have moved Into tho Klamath ciifo recently vucatpil hy Mr. nml Mrs. Ray I'lckott. 0. It. WrlRlit.nnd family were In i.Malln Sunday. Wright, an nrchl 'tert, was on Ills way to llon.tnia to Inspect tho r.chool ImlldlnR which l.i unilrrgnlng repaint. Tho attendunro ail Sunday at 'tho community Sunday school re cently oreanlted at Mnlln wan G8. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Turner of Klamath Kails and Mr. and Mrs. A. II. Ilrown and two graml-ilaught-erx, Alma and Alice, of Lance)! valley, wero recent visitor at the home of llarrr Wilson. The Helping Hand ladles, their 'husbands and children, about 20 In all. wero most delightfully enter tained at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Myers Sunday, last. At about 1 o clock a most EUinpluout dinner was served on the porch and lawn) At one end of tie .porch stood a truckload ot the mptt luctous water melon ever tasted, and If anyone r itefl without hitting nil 'iho melons llhoy wuntiM It uertnlnly was not jth, fault o't tne Mycin'. Tho day wbh perfect mid n usual nt these Kntlierhi;H t Ihn Myers homo every minute ww hrlrn full of ple.isuro. We all hope next ear will ho ns muni jo.tr for wuterimilmn us this one proved to he, Tho Mer ranch Is located couth of Mnlln Jim over tho lino In, California nod surely I tho Reed soil on which the melons , were raised! must extend over the line Into Oregon. Tho land on which tljey wero raised l noiHrrlgnlvit.' . itai.i.wh t6 i:n(ja:i: I IN M..'K SKA NIIII'MNU roSSTAkjTINOIM.K, 8'opt. 7. j Tlio l.loyd Trlestlmi Shipping Willi-, pa'tiy, nn Italian toneem, ha run eluded nit nRreomlut with tlio Huh Alan Soviet o eminent which Hives It n virtual monopoly of Jtio rnrrjInK1 trade of tho l'.inslun lltnck sen ports.. Tno company ts to oi tno nniy ior elgn HhtpplnR concern allowed to en gago In the Russian t'o-istwlso trade. This hitherto Jias been reslrleled to Russian flag vessels. SCRATCH IMI'KU WIIOI.KNAI.K School work demands tot of scratch paper. Tlia Herald has a iiuantlty of cores of rolls from which the paper Id minted, contulnlmi U nuantltr.tif clean white p.indr. It lJ not cut or pn deled hut on,olis three and four feci long, lust as taken.) Krom tho press. Holla will average tlx to ten pounds otvpuper. Fifty cents small al:e, "T renli large ones. Call at lleratd office. T-S llsiiiMiWHHiiBBBHBHHHIWBBHIiliiWHHiiiliaaaa'''i tj . . il.a. AMUtU4MHtt,-ii-tlll,(4ll,,.' Hlim ibj.U ivwsmviim-mimmu --vn lloOfiwu ' fnoct ccOh 1 ZVERSffiRP N sto vs v.T.ofr, L Get rijtltt down to fine points and you find that its cxclusivo TIP makes Evcraharp supreme. Tlio lead cannot slip nor slide; it is 1U, firmly, held. The vbolepeacil is a Wonderful example of mechanical Ipreaiskm.''"'' ' r 'Perfect balarice vl Eversharp .naket.: tirelen,, writing 250,000 wwdiwiUbirt reloading. Style, to sklhe Docket the purse, and fofi, ebai or ribboq, .make selection easy. Geld: silver and 'enamel. A detkM anij price for every one. .. i ii, ii(. Ant i ' .' -j' i- if.t'ff I ri.iJl 't '' '" i 11 1 11 1 . " ' ' ' rt 1 I ( 'i u t ' - ! ' !!&? v uuu v KLAMATH FALLS OREQOH whcrc sAirricuLAR koplg BUY TMtIR ORUG3 r"ssWHPv v ' .ijsl4wiWiWiL LiiVLVa rrmBFy alsilHsKit BisssssssssMl NETTLETON SHOES For the Man Who Wants 1 ' THE BEST 1 - ' " rtHv.i$itTsyiii3iffiXiita j a 'xmmammmKsp: ..' V We invite your inspection of the New Fall Styles in Nettleton Shoes. Better than ever ! - arifJMtheyalways were, the. best;, Prices on these fine shoes greatly reduced. Fall Styles here in Cutter Pacs, Bergman, Napatan, Barry, and other good shoes. Ball Brand and Hood Rubber Boots. "b ' 4 JK .. c ot j 1 " t 1 s 1 i y i- , hfy Xju .-II. If' ' ,J,, J; i' K. K. K. STORE LEADING CLOTHIERS LINOLEUMS e Haye 25 different patterns of Linoleum, Con f oleum, Texoleum and Floortex at prices ranginr from 65c lo $2.98 Per sq. yd. MY SPECIAL THIS WEEK is a good light, broom, well stitched. One only to each customer for this small sum of 39c HEATERS v SUU have a bunch of heaters, but some are good haaters such as Charter Oak, Osborn, Mascot, Star Moxi Mr Tight, etc. New fall merchandise is still .arriving. Oh ya! Iiava h to goodness chests and also floe IjyMaBe. .,'., V $t 1 ft fry t j J I ' - lIMr ! u TnteJTMl T" 1 "il-:-:B!ini, II IB IT : W I VHi flRkflnKJiSSlS K li'VA Vicrn5Ws .X I- HI J BlBSIl JHS,aSJVl Brv-JW-jiPJSWl BSM I 1 J iMlMBBBBBBBWUA . x y Ii HHHi WO-" -ktMjTll -TiSgsKl i!ff I Em ' J2 m I jLgMliHbaBattEisl IISKisHJs i(ifMi I IrH t iii UPllffW ?muatfTlPilgsWB"( IJF (LJLr r w v h i r. i ivni in'a i '11 , vii lji. mam, j ffc" 'FtrP555! H r :mis Sap. HrTMiffl "i i JW' iwiwi" lill ilro w syj A JMgHgljgflgalfgS BfBJfffB bTVafffflSV BJfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff peVtKT llssV !jsssssssHrW fM If i-i i a e..M. !.. Aai. !; ! an i ffcBipaUtV This is not a picture of my store, but it is a picture of how I would like to have a store, although we have a number of the articles shown besides many others too numerous to mention or picture PERKINS FURNITURE HOUSE 127 So. 6th St. "FURNISHER OF HAPPY HOMES" . , Klamath Falls, Ore. l;Wiiitg.'i"Wii,BiiiiniimirM itmitwmnMimU!tmmtiMiairjeuiGMqu miiwm V (1 , V "mniftmin,iTH'VWKmiittH(.'l'i ft i- 4