The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 07, 1922, Image 1

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lEtietttmj Heraift
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'iomoiit i.m, i'iiid.w asm
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Member of the Associated Press
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run nidi Vfiti. o. miii
mm mnnMHikt i.'
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Seattle's Kntry
A. C. Spencer Tells of
Road's Position In Un-
merger Controversy
"Tlit Union Pacific wants to tin In
Klanmtli county, but wo run not uti
tlepji. tint enuilltloim (tint limy
nrlso before llm uniiierr,cr mutter In
nettled unit wn will not make rash
promise, lint wo'rtt wMIIur to
Htuti kcrulrh with anybody In n
progrmti of rail development. We
nsk no handicap from any om,"
Bo declared A. C. Spencer, chief
counsel for the ), W It. N In
mi addrens outlining tlin Union
Pacific's position In tin! tinmcrgcr
rontrovcrsr nt the chamber of
ronititcrro forum Inst night. Spec
tor spoke for morn than nn hour to
it good-sited crowd who Interrupted
till irmarks nt Interval" with round
iipplauso. l,i.llilllllr. HifH I
"The nun hIiii cannot be stag
xered tiy llm Ininmn.lly of the po
alliHMIm of dntilopmetit In Kluin.
math county," liu .aid, "ahmild not
he connected with any Irutinpnrtii
Hun rontpuiiy."
Thin statement followed i ilea
rrlptloti nf Imprr-'slona Rained )
ftiril.iv In h Irlit Ihrmiifli I ti Tuln
lake Krnln region, and lliroiiich lln'1
llimania aertlon mid the Klamath
Spencer nalit ho had heeii Im
Pies.ed nnd he talked im If he wrro
sincere In the atutrnirut. He ssld
he would try to make th(. eiecu
live official of thr toad aee the
pomilbtllllea "of till rouniry niorb
lt rrfoirrd to Klamath's stand
Inn wn, the second largest shipping
point In tho state, said Ihrrp was
liiiinellae huidnra hern lo Justify
Mil detelplnent. iiitlah of ill tiu.ip
pleeliilcd, mid declared his npln
Inn' throe roll linen' could iwrlio
In this country. i
I'niiKTKi'r (JUckIIoii PrcoeiittNl
Tho tiniiicrgor qucillou mm pre-Ki-nii.l
In national, statu and com
in ii n II y uxpects. Spencer traced the
develoinnent of tho Central Pacific
from lla Inception under tho urt of
ISO:, parsed by concreis to creutu a
transcontinental road for military
purposes and for holding together
tho nation then enRaited In a civil
Ho pointed out the great strtcglc
value of the road, Justifying the
wise foresight of Prosldout Llntoln
und hla advisor when during tho re
cent world war It poured tho pro
visions, men and muffltlons of tho
west nsross Ha direct and easy routo
to the eastern seaboard und waa al
moat the only road that made money
dolnir It. The Central I'nclflc linn,
ho aald, showed a profit of reveral
million under kovernuient control,
whero moat roada had aualulned
toiuiea not yet cleaned up.
On Control Aim
The Intention of tho orlglnul net,
he orcued, waa clearly to croato und
inuluUlu forever n lino of com
inunlcntlon, under ouo control, that
could never ha throttlod, aturvod or
ahut off.
tJiurr Southern 1'uclflo control
tounuR hud bucn routed by thut
rond'a lonK haul oyer the Humol
route, and the letter of tho law
uiuliiHt tho reduction or mipprt'H
alon of actuut codipotltlon between
rouiU had heen broken. Ho iiulu
tallied that the aupremo court, wi'h
tho full record und all ovldenco liu
foro them, haJtJten thli Into eon
KldcraUon In reachliiK tho nnmuv
gcr doclalon.
'Spencer declared that the South'
ern Pucltlo waa aecklnu rellof from
iiolemn obligation, Impoajd by tho
iicIh of conBresa, when thoy hourIU
to dlert lru(flo from tho Bucru-mento-ORden
lino to tho fluimot
I onto.
U. 1. AM Helrt rwrt
Vrom tho at.ito fltnndpolnt ho nr
rikmI Unit Iho Union rnclflo had
douo moro for Oregon limn nny cim
polltor, und thorofoio mlcht ho ox-
Six at, Once!
I'iIiiiiIh if Itefrnlril Ciinillitnle
K'K' lilt Will Split
Di'iiliiornllc Villi $
Club Members and Bankers
To Hold Conference
Friday Noon
Military Band Plays "Inter
nationale" as Red Em
blem Is Hoisted
. TOItTI.ANI), Hcpl 7 In tho Too
.liny fonntry It la itnilvnitood that
CliurliM If nit will aoon ni:il;c nn mi
i noiiiireiiiMit wlilch.uill pl.ire lilni nn
nn liidepcmtcnt for i:ov
HTitnr Till iindiirxI'.inillnR N ri'ti
llliiilled to IIiiU'm ii).ii dlntrlrt, Co
limy, hut la fnlrly vll uprond
Memliera nt llm Itotnry club I'rl- Ihrniinhniil Oreson,
day noon will hold n (oiiferenu- wlthi Thu fur Halt bna not aeen fit to
'llm huutilur: Inlerent of tho illy to 'confirm or deny llm rumors or his.
dlacuan llm (iiiemlon of tifiklnit tho jpnaalble riindlilucy, In u pilill?
Ilunka to IncrruM) thilr IninliiB fa- Hlatmiwiit lamteit niier inn eiecnon crU( (np eovP military hand played
clllllen by tokliiR ndvniitnic of flmlr I content fulled to slve him the pjrty faoit fi.ive the Kins." after which
Htrnlni of "Inlernatlonnle," were
llATlt.M. flept.
niithorltloti h.ixo
ltrltth nnaela.
When Iho llrltlith
7, -ItiiKatnn port
aeiznil two moi f
flac wna
Word has been received that If
th6 rhlp nre not retimed tho rirl
tliti will dcipntch ft fleet of destroy
era and take thcui forcibly
Justice CuliH nt ( IiIIihuIii Flnm
fin) Hlnrr Offlm Ktnlitlilie,
Fine for law tlolutlona' since laat
(Continued io Pais 4)
rlaliU a i:iiIktk (if , tin. feilernl liinmUnallmi. he declared that hi
riarrn hank. 'would not auppntt Iten W. Olcott.
It la hnlletpd that between $300,- republican nominee, nnd wound up
00 nnd inoO.000 nt additional cap- J with n paraRraph which waa con
llnl can be liroiiRht Into Klnmalh 'aimed and Interpreted nt tho time,
county for iwe In tho mill, fneor-'na palnR the wny for hli to run
lea, alorea nnd on the farina thla'pn nn Independent If he o desire 1
full. Kvery national bunk la olilln-l To conduct a cnmnalcn na nn In-
iljiWliiists-' J ,., by taw to keoii with Ha federal .dependent reUlrea money. There
1 fJT Inrerve bank u tertnln amount of I waa rjlned by the public defenae
'JBj 1 money or reteru- In proportion to lea mm. Itoy AJoater. wcretary. nn tin-
Hsr Itn dnpoolta nnd this permits tho. known mini to fln.mrn Hall's re-
' -W member tunka, wlun there Is nn un-1 count aRalniU Olcott There never
EffetV ' ' iKiial demand for money, to take, lip lurn n public statement madn
PM indvantiiRe of tlm failllllui of the (he site of the sum thus oh- Oit0her wnen ho ook offC0i
federal rereiv.- bank by letlhiR It talimd or how much of It was cx- . ,
c-rry u lerlalu portion of Its note. ,!,. , !j,.Rtlce of tho Peace Snook of Chllo-
or loans. The money secured 1.)-, or n-port Is 4I10I only part of JuJn m ThU amonnt
jre.tlacountl.iR thw notes ilinniRh hn funds uere consumed wlmn the o, ,ncIu(I Um Ml of con,,ucn?
tint rerertn ImliK can no loaneti on ( forces thrpw up tlin spotiRojn
'othir iicri plnlili' nnti;i nnd thus tho ,i,n recount and' tbnt thern Is still
bunk's lounliiR tioer Is lucreiiscd 'n Uind a loinfortulile, )snlc nicount I u)()
I The committee In charge of tlm w,c, H nvnilahlo Tor Hall If hn he-1 . J
pruKNiu nir r riu-iy ronsisis ui cumrn un tnuepeoiicn;. tucic nnnn-
PRDMNEN 1P4LIIAPI ""Ko 11. -. KiijKeii.inn. m. n. , ,. , urfnhs. however, are mi cues , . .... . ,. ,x
lw ,,,,,, "' N- Mo0' ,T,"' I,,,C"1 rc I" ."Muter nnd only tho ; ' mooni(hIlle
t. ..I. . u. Ill I... k..lir,.Sftl,ll..l twl A ... alflll it. m
" " ". "'" " '' - -.wnn are cio-o ... .... ... ."- '- ,,....... . ,hat-of Otto Hor.. near
nformed whether-all of .i.
before tT. S. ConimlMloner Pert
C. Thomas and kU hcurlnR was set
P.vrlyn Atkinson will represent
Htntlle In the Atlantic CU
lEvant, having won the 8UIe
benuty centctt. '
the, office and officers' feci, which
were pAld from the fines, snook
Pour automobile and one
k. whoie owners were convict
ed on llipior charges, haro been con-
nnytoii Khk.Helil fur Alltunl t'im-1 Oordon. president nod I islle ItoR- cm)t nru ,
litliutluu In IH-llniurnr- f l,r'- "hler tit the Klrsl National; ,lu manvy ,
Minor, mi.l IJuwir H.I.- '' W. C. iMllim. president and K. TUo
, ill. llubh, cashier, of tho American ' R ri,M,rtei
.... . - I Vikllnnitl lt. ,.-11...
(.la) ton Kirk, n memiier til mo,"-"" council of tho Klamath I"'! T "iaprvrrko T uftUC
dlans, today was arretted on n O. M. HECTOR TO MOVfc.
i.hnrr U Jlmtlrn nf thn linre '
,. ... ,.,,' ,...,.. 1. er Quart n-s Will ltr lit Present
-111011IV 01 iinuijuin ut ii.iruuuciiir; .
lH-niinii in rtu.r 1, .-..-
Il'inor on )u Klamallnln' reor
vnti;n. Kirk appeurcd before 1', K.
Coiutiilfnloner llert C. Thomas and
u.1k relrasud under, iv bond of f 1.000
slRimd by Jon Hall and llyron
l.otqbes. Healing was Hit for Sep
tember IS,
Tlm Ibiuor rharno comes In con
nection wlih n clurRO of contribu
ting to the dellmiuency of 'minors
which win prefrered against Kirk
before Jtihtlco Snook nt Chllonuln
on September 4. It wits alleged that
Kirk gave Honor, supposedly drug
ged, to two ynunR Indian Rlrls.
Aged H und 1R. U was arrested
nnd brought to jail hero that night
nnd was released Tuerdny afternoon
when ho gavo bond of $1,500 sign
ed by Joe Hall,
According to Justice Snook, Kirk
hati tho two young girls out rid
ing In hU car Labor day. When
thn car pasted through Chlon.uln,
one of the Rlrls leaped from the
car and fell lo the road. When by
standers rushed la hor old she told
nf thn condition of tho other girl,
nod Justice Snnnk at anco proceed
ed to otcrtiiko Kirk's car. The girl
with Kirk, he said, Mas In a de
plorable condition, obviously tinder
tho Influence nt a drug, as well as
of Ibiuor, Her actions even In tho
presence of the officers were des
cribed us cloarly Indicating the na
ture of tho drug administered,. A
bolllo of liquor was found In the
car und will be nnnyUod to deter
mine Its exact nature.
Kltk has Ioiik been Identified with
tilbiil uffalrH nnd tiun mado two
ttlpt to WiiNhlnKton, U. U on tri
bal buslucis, Ho was scheduled' to
muko u third trip In connection
with tho botindury dispute. Ho Is
married und has two children, In ad
dition to 11 baby born to his wife
In it local hospital a few days ago,
Tlm family rosldea In Klumuth Vails.
Coionci's Jiiir to Pi olio Denth
Mexican Hhccplienlor
KtltltiKs Follow' nWngrce incuts Itc
.tween ."elhbtV Ctlltilirs)
collected was expended
view of thn situation
as riporteii in uoog nay, w mnv
ho bclleics he will receive as un In
dependent, ull of tte Kcpublltun
votes ho received In the primaries
plus a majority of the otes which)
were cast for Patterson. Ilean. L
Whlto and
In Addition his friends arguo, YOItK, S. C., Sept. 7. Leta end
that he will rccelvo tho votea oti.ctxon Taylor died today of gun-
not support ijihot wounds received yesterday
.,...,.,... , , ..--- . 1 rmrcn or uiruu. pviien William rarris, a ncignuor,
8tnr theatre. In preparat on for that ,al emM a Bum0r of rolllM I Mp(.ed 0 ,)aVe ghQt m k,e
exent. Im said, n rnlo of all goods will (rf (,in raieaiIcg ,, u ,,,,,,,, Jlhir c01(,n nuiU John ,n(,
start Sattitday and ctintln.m until ,,, ,hnt he cn carrv ,B1.M. c. , woun,,ea ,n0 ,Me nnt,
O. M, He'tor announced todiy that
his store will open Ottober 1. In llm ,,,mtf ral!, whn will
iltiarttirs at piweut occupieu i) "" , orco or Olcott
I , - 'VTti
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I ' 2 ".
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Electrical ChW ' AsMrt
No Mtmsr HtJ Wfjl.
Rail Presidents -v;w
OMAHA, Sept. ?. DecUr 0 iv
Ing the rail strike "IrTovoca- -b
bly lost," a statement 'leswedisK '
here today hy Carl Orsr. res.? -s f
Ident of the Ualoa Pacific sys- l'-t
tern, arced all itrikja '
bers of the shop ertiu t r- ' '
mm to work under the frra h-vn ,
mlse that full peaslon rltkts'V'
" win be restored U all retara- 4
to work before 8eWr-lBV '
Full sea tort f wohU aet k
to ..tkev
! 'I -i
This picture, snapped at tbe re
cent water meet at Oeorntowa.
Germany', shows six divers la tho
tlr at one time.
Only llmr I Ml-tagj 73' Xallve
Hunt Huve I.Utnl Xaaara aanl
PtTMrntln Ma for I9S
. f
iiionIiir tlnto. It Is hoped to dispose
of n largo quantity nf gtiods to faclll- j
tions In the No ember election us an a
The shooting followed
into molng, and to this end prices
will bo lowered to n surprising de
gree. The store will be clotcd nil day
Friday to prepare for tlm sale.
Hector said tho new quarter
would bo completely teniodclml and
eery prnWslon mado for n moderu,
up-to-dato store. Tho Star theatre
will discontinue about Octobor 13
when remodeling will rninmenco,
Independent; then If Pierce can 'quarrels between Taylor and Farrls
children. jj
carry the etBtern Oregon counties
Olcott wilt bo left nut nnd Hall's
western Oregon ote will enable
him to win the goernorshlp.)
Not nil of Hall's advisors want
him to hecomn nn Independent hut
there are many who do nnd the lat
ter nro convinced that he will bo
Mrs. (luy flarrctt jesterdjy pur
chased the Interests of Prlco & Hil
ton In the Rainbow; confcctlonery
.tnd hereaftor will p.crsonnlly man-
1 ago tho business.
Cnntlntiiitlon nf the coroner's In'
qucHt held Monday In connection with
tho death of Tom Montoyn, Moxlcan
shpophorder near Olllo lllowera'
madhouse on lloavor Marsh Friday
lilRbt, will ho hold nt tho county cor
onorH''offlco nt 3 p. in, Friday, Mrs.
Illnwors, whn wnH rhnrgod with kkjl
Inn Mojitoyu, Is hold In Jail bora'
r-- . '.; t-Js-i. 1 MM-M.iiaaaBaasMasaa fc
', aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaW isHiwH
I LaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaV- s fr -jA-L afllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
laaaaaaaaaaaaaWsW r i 4 BsV sbbbwI..bbbbbbbbbbbbbI
aaaaaaBkaKlLB raaiv?rfii--i TtTilLvl iHj!Sf Sl JsBSjKsagsBSsfcMSppK
SaBBjPsaBjBJaBaBBJasHsaaSi'jt.TiW aalaasaW3wll)Kwnw.a- cL'-""" '
aaw5gPtHniTTftsyseiansai 'aBsaaasscagtu iiiflliiai T''ii.iiii fesimpMiWi
J . ,'?-
f ,' 1 A 1 l8lvNsv '" , " I
-2 . I A egi
r 1 V U )? M1 V
n " ---v
' im r ! 11 1 1 ' - , '. -". -. '. - '' '. . .'"
Itarrlns the bear, everything nee-
Ussary to.ptakaa elehralloa has beeaj
secured ny tno arrangement commit
tee in chargo of the California Day
dinner at the chamber of coniinerc'e
rooms Saturday cutting, Inablllly
to get the bear, the hnccftalnty of
tho weather and the 'fJct that tho
celchraUon comes on a bnsy'Saturtiay1
night ca'ufced tho committee to lifiip"
the Proposed nurade. t11"
Otherwise the program Is ns ori
ginally planned, it dinner starting at
7 o'clock, enlivened by stunts, music
and speeches.
Suenty-fio natlvo Callforulans
hno listed their names and the din
ner committee Is preparing to enter
tain from 100 to 125 people. The
affair Is open to the public and tho
commltteu Is counting on fifty Ore
gon RUosis. .
The dinner chargo will 'be one dol
lar for adults and fifty cents ' for
Children oer twehe. Younger chil
dren will bo admitted free.
California mulligan, raisin bread,
raisin pic, olives, oranges, California
fruit salad, gfan juice und Shasta
water tire some of tho Items ot tho
extensho menu.
Invitations wtll bo mailed to .ray by
by Chairman J. J. Miller to all Call
forulans on his list, urging atten
dance. Many hno undoubtedly not
been listed but the committee assures
them that their welcome will bo as
sltucro whether they bae a formal
Invitation or not.
restored, aeeordlai
WASHINGTON, Beat. "V.--.TItri
are no conferences now In progress
between leaders of the railroad strik
ers and railroad yrosMMUs and none
has been held since tbe(gathf lata la
New York last month. It Jas assert
ed today by J. P.Noonsn, chieMf the
brotherhood of electrical workers,
one of tho seven rail tiBlc.s,tn a na
tional strike. ', ,
A meeting of the striken paUey,
committee called far 'Batwe)kita)
Chicago Its ta cnaatder Hm amff '
sink policy and want aaaH'lM 4mm t
In Tlew ot tao saJaaetloaaanHwHaa
of the attorney geswal.'Hieann aatd.
B. M. Jewell, ha added, ta en roata
to CMcaso attar vuHlac Mvaral nasi- t
ern rarlread centers.-bat tka wnaaat
tnfermed whether JeweH kad Aet, "T .
any of the rat) nrenldnWM,
W.H. Jonn pes-jdeyefct-e,
s-todartoa at aiaililsTta7awf ratara-
. 4 1 'ti k T M
,ed to Wsshlngtea after an auaipUla-v "
ed absence. Untaa offtclale aM sf-''
ter adhKnaeloa wtth'.oaaatsw tih jr
strike1 ns. to ( ewrwdtd wHaabfal-i '
ieratlon'ef rllts arevWas'xarMie.- artia.
least. until the meatlatfaf the lead-mt
era at.Chleago hadiUken pJaeocvu " iri v
'ny General Daugberty foday sent far , u
Senator Dorsb. republican, Idaho.,
chairman or ih'e se'-a(e.laeor coiaralt-
tee, and after a confercnee regarding g
the Chicago Injuntlon It was Indicant
ed the government wonld not 'insist
in next Monday's hearing dn the per
manent Injunctloa.eataa provisions ,
which rro alleged to curb freedom
of speech. .
ItcslKuntloit Is IteutI Hntl Acceded
At Episcopalian Meet
POmi.AND. Sept. 7. At today'a
meeting of the Kplscopallans. the
resignation of tho night Rev. Rob
ert U Paddock, bUhop of the dio
cese of eustern Oregon, was read
and ucccpted.
Vbo Cycln-Stormagraph at Under-
wooa s i-narniary
registers a slightly
higher pressure
than yesterday be
ing the secoud day
showing a rise.
Settled condltiona
are therefore, likely
for tho next 18
Forecast for next
21 hours;
Contluued fair,
with variable
The Tycos recording thermometer
registered maximum and minimum
temperatures today, as follews: '
High t ..!. 4
Low .37
ti. - 1 1
MM, "
. I I I
Glaat InstnuMcat In, Pine fnsj Ta,e-,
atre WUICaH SAtrlMI , , -,
Installailos ot'the gtant'pipe or' '
gnn at the Pine Tree theatre starj-)
ed today. The work I under 'the''
direction of W. C.Fetltt, represents-, '
tlve of tho O, If. Leatherbury "com-
pany of San Francisco, from whom '
the Instrument was purchased aaVr
K. Undlvall. expert mechanic.
The shipping weight of tne'lnstru
ment waa four and one-halt tons
and It cannot be Installed in Ifss..-. v
than 30 days. According to P.etjtt,
the organ Is one ot tke finest made
and Is the same, type sa Is used in
the best theatres kt Urge eUles.JThe
total cost will bo'ttSt.'h said. t
: . h '
Lieut. Maynard Fy(atrVaa,, aid j
Metkaalra V&timlWtflh V '
nUTLAND," V,.t 8et. 7, Lleat.',
Uelvln . Maynard, known a "tks ' !
flying parson" waa killed wlilla
flying hero iodJr.v Lleateaaa) , ,'
Charles F. Wood, ' Tieaaderoga, N; f
Y.. and Cksrlea 'Mlsaatt- of-. New' h
York, mechanics, wsrf kHIsd.'Tka' ' A
plana fell 3000 feat, f a v,
Pnrmll in pnm'mtTUM uir& Hlf-fo . . fi
vv.h... . '.T p .-..- - , .. - , r-
lag station at tho Mssij earner v .y,J '
of Sixth and PlMiMa-WSMIM tM' j
Jtfnlotf Oil compssf WM H.ffJbV'4;
1.11, cm.; hibu.i jW, IHPSS ,"
postponed from MaaVsaaad, IMMa
except, routine buasaasa, fss ,traaV
T. R,
ft 11 ""-
V -
sacted,",W r,T,Tvw?:
-1 V.v ,j -
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', VV,'