ri'iihn.w, hi:i'ti:mii:u n, iiu THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VI se f'ui. ft Vo Prevent Sea DfShn3iai' ' i ViwritVs Laboring Glasses iIc(l Uy f)iil)lian I'urly Army of Unemployed Hrducccl, Hiirdcn of taxrn Lililciicd. Irnni'crntinn Re- ulri' ptl, C.'osl of LivinK Lowered and War Menace Memovcd. i h iir.fiit.si ntmiii, innirii uMii.riH IIMlMSM, MIIUIII.ll Mill HI lOIMIlril.K ov iMiitinri; iiniMinii i. . fie; i1- Ml i m r, sisc-- e O I IJRiffl i El Jr Hr "'T Kn7T91s7fwcVKAiwlB T i , i i j H. $ m 1 he Line jlj M Is Busy" IP "Tlf When llit tcleplioiH' operator trlls you "tho line is lousy, this far I lias Ix-en made blown lo her ly an rlcclric signal. Willi ihe ihoi'satuls of calh in daily Icl.-phonc traffic, if the operator, to secure this in formation, were compelled lo liston on llio line of the patty called, pron.pt ierv ice would be out of the qucstipn. Hiis delay is eliminated ly an electric device which in the fraction of a second automatically indicatcn that the line called for i3 in lite. When "busy" icports mc repealed on nicceJ.'ivo calls for the fame number, it ia generally due to an immoderate it c of the called line. The lenylh of a l-leplioiw conversation is'obvioiiily beyond the roulrol of the telephone operator. 1 lave confidence in her when she makes ihe report "the line is busy. if A 1 The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Company if i?A V MLmvj,vj.m rm iiiiiiiiiiii il. . JjBil 1 1 1 Mil 8 JI 533$ Electrical A Heat -Perfectly Concentrated M Electric Cookery f Correct Cookery s?a v quturr ' PERFECT cookery demand perfect concen tration of bent. The electric unit which concentrates tho heat directly under tho cookinc utensil, thereby tendintr it all into tho food, aro exclusivo feature of the 'Huijhes ELECTRIC RANGE There i no open flnnm to waste tho heat or to raito the temperaturo of the vessel except At the one point of immediato application. You can boil, broil, tcw, fry, roast and bnko tho llotpoint Hughes way with tho best result and greatest economy. Tho Hotpoint Hushes oven, with its thick, insulated walls, retains all tho heat, oppllc it evenly to the ronstinu of meat or poultry, and completes Iho cooking by means of stoicd heat. Inquire about our special cooking rato. The lliilpolnt.lliitfliis lynge.-. c.ui ho pnnliit-eil nl ou n-ii-oniililo iil(c lni'.uise wv, Inn lliem ly lint rmloml. Sio lis nliiiiit vthoiu lo Kit a inngo mi leiiMiiuiMo li'ini. THE . CALIFORNIA-OREGON POWER COMPANY A' i lining t'i tnilnmt"! k lliu AiiiitIiiiii IVmIitiiIIuii Unit limn UiiTf 'ro Iiii mill OJCio lion tvfiK'irnriii't pliiyimiMt ulii'li tlln Id i ililli mi nil mlnlatriilliiii in inn Into imncr Munli xii mil liy lil rdlcf lliat thn Inxe Iij roilurcil ' 1,-iimr nl Tim iiiiiHtniiiiitiK fcaiiiru of tlm no ii ,'iimiiOO Inx law wrlllcn liy Uio H)cln vwUin i. nl of mi of tlm Itr Miliircntl (Viinfrna una .. i.. crt-nBo of m) In tlm lav oxmnptlnti of tlm lii-ail of nvurv fatnllv u.i. , I. 1!I21 llilit flnllKlrlnl ilepn-iiiiliill iclveii nn ntiminl Inintnn .r t.-.nnn ... Iiccnii i-irly In tlm hiiiiiiiht of 1W0, i lend. In addition, liU cxinpllon for Tlio lliniirillnlo piolilcin In fun- itin !( ' flilMrrn ntn' dnp.'ndonU wan iloul.lod piilillrini parly wan tin' niiiru lo nor , from tliiO lo $ 100. Them excmptlonf inal I'ondllloiii (jiiilirn(o pr.tttlc.ally nil ihoro on n lliu uiiilfrlyliiK coii"t of imluilrlnl wukii or Hnlary. It fiuluitcm nvt-r 4 ili-pri'luii wiih Uio proilrjiloii of nurl 000,000 lipadu of f.unllle In ordinary iiillnri' liroiiKlil ii limit ly tin- mdlinl tlrniinstanccii. In addition, tlm new ml, illimiiil of nfjrluiltiiril i n illU liy Inx -law rcpialrd nltoccllicr llif Hi" Dfiiiormtli uilmliilMrntliiti Tlic "niilnnmo" tntt-H nlilrh working men AiiiiTltmi f.irniiT liil)it 10 per ci-tit of had lo pay on ovor thing otcrywlierc nil iiinmifai Hind priliiiiii lliu ilf for vcrthliiK Ihcy IioiikIiI It nlno pi'r.iti'ilrtiiiiMtntititcoinpflhil Indu. rcpcalcil nil transportation tnxi-ii trkH Hi turlall produillon und turn whldi were Iclul on all gooiH Hhlptwd linn Into Ihn slrci'lu. 'I hi- Iti'ptihllt.iri hy frelRht or vxvntt or panol poul 'olu:roH liiiinidlntfily rmitorpil niirl- Kuih Inxt-H wcro nddi-d to Ilic nit Irnnti- iiltnro to. n liL-nllliy (oiiilitlmi Tlm tost of gondii and, In thn long run, rnimt-r (inlcn-il thn mar!l ugnln ni n v,-oro paid hy Iho working mmi". All Iiut of iiMtiiifarlnn-il imln. Tin- told, lliu now tax hill lifted from lfn rankii of lliu iiiit-inplo)id hrgan to Rhouldor of tin- forking lasni of dfcn-iuif. thin country oer 5800,000,000 a year At tint limn tho roal and railroad ' Aceordlng lo n roport Isiuc1!! hy tin si rll.es ttcic tallod lliorc uan n grrat-i IT. H. Iijiirtrui-nt of !,ahor June, jii, or ili'inaiiil for lahorlng iih-ii than Ihc-ro' Hip retail rent of Ihltig a rrjiluallV n n supply. ' rt-dureil from Manh, 1921. to Ui u,.,,, Dili- of Iho mint Imporlaiil conlrlliiit Iho rupoit was IhhiimI The thing cotr Mff (?. ft. fffnutA r-hflll.nnfl.. .... . . . . i-bi-- , i t. . . ."i'' il,ln- ,la invcmeu a avieo to prevent e Inking of ship which havo been ramtncil or torpedoed. With tho modrt boyo ho show how a nilibcr-cdgcd Meel cap 1 drown nnlnit thfhofo ty the suction of tho vntcr. tho row of cono-sUapcd cuactlng u ,2 Inx- fac-loM to thn lniprouim-iit of tho unemployment tiltiiatloii wan llii-inrly onac ItiiPtit hy thu npccl.il m-miloii of tin Itopuhllc-an ('oiiKreim of tin. re strh-thi) liiitnlgratlon law Tlili wn denmndeil hy tho lahnrlng teoilu of the t'nlted Ktat'X. It i-nncliuent pre- tonlcd tho liii-'jinlng of hiiudrvdH of In no other nation In tho wori.i ,... rcdurcxl during this uma time. Tho sum and total of ouu ypar or Harding' udmlnlitratloii, so far ni Ii a.fi-cts tho working poople, han hf-r;. Ihe cllinlnnilon of tl.o prohloin of u.i emplnympnt l-Xi-OIlt In thuie Imlnatrl.. affiled ly mrtkca; rt-diic-lloii of tnx u..t.. ...- .... w n -. ,.,ii.-.i ... ....... . Dinnio, I I.M111- (II OI iaX'f llioin-anili of linritgranu who would paid hy tho working classo-i In n sum nltlti tt'iln Ifirrnnail.l III, I itlj , .1... ..,.. nllnv m..Im h i.ii.i ... only Imp linroago.l (In i.mk of the unemployed n.nl added to tin- ludui trial illnirrni. Tho prnrlniis Itepuiill can Congress hnd passed a rlmllir law hut II wi eioed hy Pr' il-tit Wilson Iho Ilepuiiiic-an uiiiuiniKiration cam agKngsiliig nearly a lillllnn dellars: the restriction or Immigration; n gen eral program of lessened public . pendlturi-s widen liuures still further H-ilurtlnm In iax"s, an Increaic of IS aw . ,.,.! ft ll.n .lit. .. t 11 ... . .fc.....ii - - , .ii. . ..in.- ,.-, ..-ii. in.iiu .uiuutji jAiiiuny uonil i Into power llndliig Iho htirden of taxes millions of whlt-li nro lipid hy wagiJ wry hoaiy. Tho working man had to, earners and men on salaries; a gra'j lipnr hit' Hhnre It wiih isenll.il In! u.il rediutlnn In llxlng coHh. Yi EMPTY fgr FULL CCITY TVGALLONS it.Mti: ciiami: If )ou rould get an rdnal homo In the country, affording city advan taged, with a dally Inromo that would pay iihuml.intly for labor expended, .mil 25 per cent on the purchase price, would on buy; have It' f acres on statu high way lta miles H V. Corning. Calif. Modern ' ro in hiuiso, new hnrn 3u x yi, n ilninly hen house lSxlOO oth er smaller one, brooder house, seas on CMurlt. 0O00 rhliks. with elec trle hroodern, 1.1-540 size eh-ctrlc In culmtorN, h eomplctn cl.ilr and poul try equipment. Tord delhery ear. .1 lot of siimII trels: r.Min white leg horn poultry, fine cow. 1'rult comprlsliig nppli-s, cherrloti, nprltots pearlies, prillien. gnines. lips, olives, oranges, grapu iruii, i.ng lUh walnutM, iilmonilH und berries, j h'lno lawn, flowers mid shrubbery Well of best water, 1 k-ctrlc lights, , motor and pump.. Hatched :io,0(Jii i-hliks. and sold $3.ono worth of. poultry tho past season. I'ritlt, ! cream and ogg tirought lU.OOO Two' 111 on do tho work Two years net re- eiiuo will m.iko tho purchuso price K erthlui; Included except furniture I In dwelling I A beautiful homo mid a. money maker. 1'rico ?!.roo. Terms 0111 half. Aililrem Maywood I'otiltry Parm. I W II. Harris, owner, Corning, Cal I fi-11 ' Arrival of Power Boat Cause of Speculation ANCHOIt.Uii:, Alaska, Sept. 5. Tho arrhnl hero of tho 00-foot power boat Nlln (hnn aroused consldcrahlfl local curiosity us to whether Its owner. Caiitalij J. A. Johnson. In tends to tico It for a gold hunting erulsu to .Siberia. Many uchenturous spirits hae applied to sail with him, hoping to become modern argonauts, hut Captain Johnson steadfastly re fused to dlMilgo his destination. From time to time letter have been tuning from former Alaskans living In Siberia telling of gold pos sibilities and assuring friendj that It is possible for Americans to Iho among thn bolshoWkt, although they must rely on their own tact and ability to steer a safe course but ween warring red and white factious, If they hope to take any gold out of tho country. Tho Nile Is driven by an SO horse power distillate cnglno and so con structed as to bo able to accommo date a small gun on tho after deck. lourgauge will PROVE jtsea romismMigm txvuumy Stop at the Red Crown sign th next time your tank needs filHnj;, and then keep track of your mileage. You'll find that "Red Crown" takc3 you farther on a rjallon, and gives you a more powerful, sweeter-running cn E'ne. "Red Crown" vaporlres rapidly and uniformly in tho carburetor and ia consumed completely in the cylinders. Every callon is ths same, wherever and whenever you buy it. Fill at tho Rsd Crown 3lRn at Ser vice Stations, at uarages, and at other - dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ro L iiSHeslTOlzHHi dtXspx J ct 5 Iht Gasoline QIIAIITY "Is the Product Right?" f v It is a maxim of advertising ing that a poor product cannot be successfully advertised. It may flash upon the scene with brilliance, become the talk of the hour, and to all appearances be destined to set new records, but unless it is and does what is claimed for it, no amount of printer's ink and artist's colors can give it permanence. Once in a while some article of merchandise will appear to" defy this rule, but not for leng: Public response, at first, per haps, quick and active, becomes slower and slower. Sales fall off. The business grows sick, and in a few months or a few years, tho very name of the pro duct is forgotten. Advertising men know this so well that today the first ques tion upon which they must be satisfied before they will recom mend advertising to any manu facturer is Is the product right? And merchandise that is right mernandise that will satisfy in service merchandise that will bring customers back for another purchase is the first re quirement of the jobber and the retailer who expect to endure and flourish. There is no better assurance of this kind of merchandise than an advertising pledge to the public. 'ji v. i The Evening Herald "COVERS THE KLAMATH FIELD" ;k V 4 ft t v ..- Tilir f . 'My .V ' 1 V . 1 't,i A V i"fl P 4-V h r ft 'jl C4 ' J V iV it -' V -j ri