The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, September 01, 1922, Page Page Six, Image 6

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Page Sl
Peasant Styles
The Office Cat
ltonry Konl wns nrrcstcil In l.croy
N. Y (or roIiib 35 miles. Ills clmuf
fcnr wan fined 30 wlitch Henry p.ilil.
Tlio point of this Is Hint this speed
was not mailo In two of Henry's own
Kilty. nscil nix had tirru nniiRlity,
nnd lier father had lind to mlmliilMcr
vigorous correction before going tit
Thnt nn Impression had been mnde
was apparent when on his return
from business In tho ovenliiR. Kitty
called up-slatrs with frigid polite
wess: "Mother, your husband's
Getting l'oor
Charles Uobcrts saya some are
born poor, other hare poverty
thrust upon them, and still others
buy oil stock.
How an oil stock salesman docs
weep to sec a friend throwing mon
ey away on ball names.
E. ,S. Henry says tho world Is
learning that. If It Is to have perman
ent peace, It must rely on Its hands
rather than Its arms.
Wlfey "JudRlns by this article on
clcctrlclty.rtcry soon we'll set every
thing wo want by merely touching a
Hubby "You'll never set any
thing that way. because you never
touch a button. Just look at this
shirt I am wearing."
"Is Jack very religious?"
"Hcllgleus: Whr .he actually be
Haven tho epistles wcro tho wives of
tho apostles."
John D. tlockcfcllcr'H grand daugh
ter has started a millinery store.
That family surely knows how to get
tho money.
Synthetic (iudllnnui
Daughter: "Tho preacher Just
phoned nnd said he was coming to
call this afternoon."
Mether: "Oracloim! Wo must
makn a jrood Imprerislon. fllvo tho
baby the hymn-book to play with."
A. M. WorUen says snmo men
never consult cither tho Lord or
their women folks until they get in
to trouble.
m, A W
JsrrwauTWHt'lHK ,
r- " r
Beauties Cause Battle
Decisions Are Questioned
NEW YORK, Sept. 1. Metropoli
tan studios echo tmlit) with tho
rumbling of . be.uty .r, prorlpllnt
i'd when Ni-s Mc.Molu, painter of
prvlly glrN. ventured to select tho
ti'le most boauttful uomeii In the
I lilted State.
Mis Mr.Mi'ln nominated Atlco
Jn.uo, Mrn l dig Hot, jftr. John
llarrjmoro. Christine Norman. Mary
IMcKford. Dolores of tho Tollies.
,IUlo Hatpin. Winifred l.enllmn. Mm
Angler II Duke. Irene f.islle. Etht'l
llarrymoro and lvdy Ulbblesdnle,
formerly Mrs John Jacob Aslor
Howard Chandler Christy thinks
the inuch-umteuded list 'pretty good'
but bolluxes Mrs Christy should
lmu n pliuo there, also. Mrs. William
It. llenrnt and Mrs. Oliver llnrrlniaii
C. Coles IMillllpa, from his studio
In Now Kochelle. nunftiinced: "Ne.vsa
and I ugrvo on only four points, Alice
Joyce, Mrs. I.ydlg llojt, lieiio Castle
and Dolores.
"I think Itarhara Ueane, now Mr.
It. W, (ltto. tho nitres. I the most
beautiful woman In America.
"And if an body It going to pliK
a list of a doieu, the name: of (lanua
Walska McCormlrk ought to bo
,.i..i.M ill..... 4ln. 11111 nint.1. Mm
..iit.iiif. .in-ill ... ............. ...- ,
uicrngo pretty girl look fflo a ioun-
try rottsln."
Tho rest ef riillllpt' list Includei
Klslo Kerglisou. Alice Mcllaltl, the
modol; Corliss I'atmer, ncrenn ar
tless; Knthmluo MuOmiuld. iilmi of
tho nunics; Mis, Tom lioillu, and
Marlon D.txlcs,
Among tho uthiM' bealitltut uoimm
Htiggesled by tho nt'tltittt' coliiny tiro
Violet Iteming, llathara l.n Mar, Jul
ia ilaiidorsou, llully Coinpiion, I, Milan
(!Mi, lledda Hooper. Paulino Ki'i'der
Ifk, A I Uo (ictitlc, .loliyua How laud,
Anna Case, (llorl.i Hwausou, all of
tho moNlei or stago; Mrs. Chailes
D.itm (illuim and Dorothy KuuiU'.
aitlstn' model.
Mr. Ilmk lliiuti'i'
Hiixtuk Wiiterpiimr Hunting Coulx,
I'aiili mid Cnp-i HihhI mill Hull
Itimiit tltibhee llmil", l,eiittii'r esti
nil sl)li'H-. Swealeti, liloiei, Wool
Sox now leiiily At tx. K. Ix. Stun.
!.... ...... 1. 1... ... .
I '4111111' itiiiiii'i. Hiriiri
OvRitnization of Home
Guards By Veterans Is
Start of New Movement
TOI'KKA, Sept I Oigaulriillou
if Topokn Cost No I, department of
Kansas, of the Aiumlmti state j:uanls
pimiKt tli lii'itlnulng of a movement
In form Into local, statu and luilloiml
iihIIh thono wlin ierxed lu Mm slain
jtuards, or cltUnnn' homo gunrittt dur
lug (ho world Mir. In Kansaii, thbt
Milliliter!- tirgaiiicatlnn grow l a
iiiixlmuui eiitolliui'itt iff ni'Hily 'JO,
null nii'ii, but It wan illsiirguiilti'il
mion tifler tho i'loo of the war when
tin' Kiiiis.ii ii.tllmml guard xxas if
Tin). ii iriiiuiitlug orgiililt.itloii of
tho utiiiiirlntloii titalu In Ihelr inluiilml
iimiilllutlim. thai lliey regret lli.i liu l(
of piupi'i' lei'oittillloii "fur llifn lU'it
leilcil hraneli of tho mllHiiry imrvle.'
iluiliig Hiu xx in Id nr " 'I'lmy pnlnt
out Unit luiinl nf tho nlillea had liulil"
guard iiiiIIh dm lug Hm war, and Hut
tho Kaiimm depai'tiui'iit will liri'.'-
iiii'tiihiiiii of llin I ix giiiirds In
ullii'i- ntalo'i to iirgaulro.
Calihy hlilpn J'J.'.C!' Ili'i. blarklmr
rlcii lu nun wenh, .
I'l'iipi no .,iMit iii'in illkltu;
illnlrlit lo bn fotmi'il.
WlllillnlllU lo get new hrldr.i'
I'mnlli-tim lelti J'J'-MJ.'i Mi p.ixinr
Ashlanil 1 1) all (I. Mil I i lie mi
pleled 4i Niixniiiher flrnl
eant fashion, so popular f.t
,anva-ups. are now blne shov-i.
tMMren's frocks. They tltstlnr-ittlt
rrat many Jrci.- rorijius'
PARIS There seems to be no oinf
to the popularity of monkey fur, both
white and black. It Is a trimming
which adds distinction to even the
plainest costume. Monkey fur. In
fact, was the making of one gown In
white crepe moracaln Perfectly
straight In line with a waistline at
normal and the plainest of straight,
full sleeves, tho gown would have
been nothing at all except for six
lines of black monkey fur which
went at wide Intervals In pcrpendl
rular stripes from n point halt way
up tho shoulder to a point an Inch
below tho hem.
NEW YORK The old time mis-
cr's purse Is back with us again, the
convenient draw string purso which
Is so easy to carry oa tho wrlsj
whether shopping or strolling down
tho avenue, llut tho new miner's
nurses are decorated with an elabor
ateness calculated to mako any real
miser swoon with shock at tho lack
of economy.
NEW YORK niack, brown and
navy bluo aro the smart colors for
early autumn, an edict which pros
ages a season eminently "practical".
For tho woman who does not go in
for suits, there aro smart onc-plcce
dresses of navy canton crepo over
which a coat of marvclta cloth In
navy or black Is bofli suitable and
What has become of the old tlino
luirfcO doctor? Ho never knew how
In keep a horse fouMlayg, do nothing
nt all lo tho rrltter, and thci) charge
up n.'i hours labor.
"It Is purmbslblo to cat onions lu
a restaurant." advises Allen Sloan.
"Tho bill wilt always tako your
breath away." f
"-"" .
Thu first woman was called Kvc, It
Is said, bocauso she camo ut the end
of Adam's perfect day.
NEW YORK Tweeds xvhlch went
distinctly "out" before summer ar
rived, aro bark again for autumn
suits and frocks. Tho new Imported
tweeds show largo plaids ami strik
ing frocks. Tho colors most In nvl
denco aro bluo and wood brown.
Thcso form especially cffeitlx-o com
binations for short clothes.
Vornonla to get up-to-date restaur
ant. Helix prcparlug plani fur J30.800
high tcliool.
Portland (las company to erect
$10,000 building at tiasco on I.lnn
ton road.
Eugene Illblo university to erect
$100,000 hospital.
Prlnevlllo to build $100,000 hotel.
15 Prizes Given Away
The Big Western William Fairbanks in
' What you will see A wonderful fire scene,
a knockout, dragout fight with one of Jess Wil
lard's old sparring partners, wonderful shooting,
riding and other thrills, also
Some of the prizes given away tenight: Box
of 'peaches, 5 lbs. of fresh beef, 2 chickens, sack of
flour, box of crackers, and other prizes, given away
at 9 o'clock.
Two Shows 6:45 and 9:00. Admission 10c and 20c
Three Days of F're-Season Selling
Discount on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Silk Underwear, Sweaters,
le these discounts will be for Saturd ay, Tucoday and Wednesday only we are mak
ittons for one of the greatest Prc-sca son idling periods we have ever held.
ing preparations
One of the most important thinss we wis h to imnrem on iht. minrl nf tU nnki; :. K.
everything on sale during this sale is new merch andise boucht expressly for Fall and Winter
selling. No left overs as they were all sold dur ing the July and August clearances.
Not only are you going to buy for Irtt bu t you get the advantage of the New York mar
ket trrrough the R. C. U. which' we are mem ber of. Every garment that comes into this store
from our New York office is passed not by one but a half dozen men who arc experts in the
Ready to Wear line and who do nothing but sc on the markets continuously for the purpose of
distributing better merchandise at a lowest poss ible price.
There is but one way for you to tell (t o your own satisfaction) whether you arc get
ting more for your money and that is to compare garment for garment in material, workman
snip, style, price, service or in any way you ma y wish.
It's easy enough to count the
number of days and weeks now be
fore a coat will be one of your warm
est friends, and to think how much
more welcome it is when an oppor
tunity like this presents itself. 20
is a big reduction and it means even
fciuch more to those who need a coat
for this fall and winter.
Nothing short of a newspaper
page could give you a description of
the many garments, but we might
mention a few materials and shad
es which will dominate.
Velverette Normanglo Ve-
lour Bolivia Mariano
Sorrento Pretet Navy Rein-
deer .Kit Fox
Many of the coats this year will
have belts and many without, some
will be fur trimmed and some plain.
Wrappy and Mannish seem to be
the wanted styles.
$1 7.00 nd Up
vvau '
Silk Underwear
An opportunity that many
have been waiting for. To
buy their silk underwear
at a reduction of 20';
means a lot to them.
You may go through
the stock nnd 'have your
choice of cither Crepe dc
Chine, Kaysbr glove fit
ting .silk, Radium and a
Yew Pongee.
Night Gowns '
Boudoir Caps
All are included in the sale
All wool tuxedo sweaters just at a time
when everyone can appreciate them moet.
Belted all around and long roll lapel of con
pasting color. We want you to see them to ap
preciate their value. Reduced from $6.50 to
K ( inillciitliiii fiori llio ciist ihiIiiIn Intwuil a
cr Milt m'umiii I lilt full tliiin for wmui limu licrrtoforc. Tliu
'ilniiJiiid l ii I ready Imrciislni; mid u run lliunk iiiiHihi's
'fur IhIiik ulilo Hi Mipiily It. r
I'OI'L'IiAlt JI.Ti:illAUS
keiicix I'ontirr I'wu.u
Of i'uuio tlio Nuvy Iio tliu must iiiului' xliudti
utfiilu. 1'riccN aru wry ri'anoiuiblu "ml cfi Wonuut or Mly
bllOUlll IHIkkCMI a cult.
$20.00 and Up
r..iit. I
Perhaps the only
garment missing from
your entire wardrobe
is a silk or wool dress.
Our collection and var
iety of dresses this fall
is unusually attractive
and should easily com
mand your attention.
Canton Crepe
Satin Back Crepe
Crepe de Chine
Kittens Ear Crepo
Practically every con
ceivable style is repre
sented here. One num
ber in the college girl
dress with serge skirt
and velvet waist in
three v combinations of
colors. Priced from
$8.00 Up
Again we will put them out as
one of our Saturday specials. Ladies
street Kid and Cape gloves. Very
good sixes in tan, grey, brown, white
and black. Values to $1.75 for
Just arrived one case of double
blankets.. Weigh 3 pounds, stitch
ed edges, and colored border. This
is a. very good purchase and will
sell for '
This store will be closed all day
Waists and Blouses
With the coming of fall and win
ter comes the need of another waist.
Ono lot of waists and blouBt-s havo
also been included in thu 20', dis
count sale. Practically any color,
style or fabric that you want.
Corset Special
One broken run of Rcftfern and
Warmer corsets to closo out. Front
and back lace in values lo $7.50.
For a short time only
Li ' ! & -
per Pair